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______________________________________ E-ISSN : 2774-4116
Journal of Tropical Biodiversity, Vol.1, No.3, August 2021
Phytochemical Screening on Some Leaves and Fruits Consumed by
Javan Gibbons (Hylobates Moloch) from Cikaniki Area, Mount
Halimun Salak National Park, West Java
Astri Zulfa1*, Muhamad Arif Wibisono2, Muhammad Fathir Mulki3, Jim Ron4, Misbah
Satria Giri5, Rahayu Oktaviani6
1Faculty of Biology, Universitas Nasional, Jakarta;
2Lutung – Forum Study Primata, Universitas Nasional, Jakarta;
3Kelompok Studi Penyu Laut “Chelonia”, Universitas Nasional, Jakarta;
4Bioindustry Innovation Club, Universitas Nasional, Jakarta;
5Balai Taman Nasional Gunung Halimun Salak, Sukabumi;
6Javan Gibbon Research and Conservation Project, Bogor
* Corresponding Email:
Javan gibbon (Hylobates moloch) consumes different species of food, including fruits,
leaves, flowers and insects. The food eaten by Hylobates moloch contains beneficial chemical
compounds. One type of chemical compound found in Hylobates moloch food plants is
secondary metabolite compounds that can affect also to feeding behavior. Secondary
metabolites are chemical compounds in a plant that do not play a direct role in the needs of the
plant's life but play a direct role in its environment. Several groups of secondary metabolites
found in Hylobates moloch food plants include alkaloids, flavonoids, saponins, and tannins. The
secondary metabolite compounds in these plants have potential as medicines. A sampling of
Hylobates moloch food plant was taken from the Cikaniki area, Mount Halimun Salak National
Park, West Java, based on the results of interviews with local communities and the research was
continued with phytochemical tests. The results obtained 23 samples from 22 species of
Hylobates moloch food which are included in 13 plant families, consisting of 18 types of leaves
and 5 types of fruit. The results of qualitative phytochemical tests carried out on 23 samples of
Hylobates moloch food plants obtained alkaloids, flavonoids, saponins, and tannins. The results
of interviews with communities and literature studies show that Hylobates moloch food plants
that are often used as medicine to cure certain diseases include: Dysoxylum parasiticum, Euodia
latifolia, and Cinnamomum parthenoxylon
Keyword: Hylobates moloch food plants, Medicine, Phytochemical screening
Various kinds of chemical compounds in nature are mostly found in plants. One
type of chemical compound found in plants is secondary metabolites. Secondary
metabolites are chemical compounds in a plant that do not play a direct role in the needs
of the plant's life but play a direct role in its environment (Pagare, Bhatia, Tripathi,
Pagare, & Bansal, 2015). Secondary metabolites consist of small molecules, are specific
to each plant species, have various structures, and have different functions or roles.
Several groups of secondary metabolites found in plants include alkaloids, flavonoids,
______________________________________ E-ISSN : 2774-4116
Journal of Tropical Biodiversity, Vol.1, No.3, August 2021
saponins, and tannins (Harborne, 1998). In plants, secondary metabolites generally
function to defend themselves in their habitat (Ergina, Nuryanti, & Pursitasari, 2014).
Another function of secondary metabolites for plants is as an attractant. Attractants are
compounds in the form of aromas produced by plants to attract insects so that they can
help the pollination process (Kardinan, 2005).
Secondary metabolite compounds can be used directly by primates to help the
digestive process and drugs for injure healing. The ability of animals to self-medicate is
called zoopharmacognosy, where these animals utilize secondary metabolites
(nonnutritive) from plants. An example of a primate species that utilizes secondary
metabolites is the Orangutan Kalimantan (Pongo pygmaeus wurmbii). According to the
research by Panda and Gunawan (2018), female orangutans are known to consume food
plants containing secondary metabolites. This is done by female orangutans as an
increase in stamina to fatigue conditions when carrying a baby every time.
The Javan gibbon (Hylobates moloch) is an endemic primate species found only
on Java island. This primate species is only limited in its distribution in the forests of
West Java, especially in protected areas (Supriatna & Wahyono, 2000). The Cikaniki
area, Mount Halimun Salak National Park / Taman Nasional Gunung Halimun Salak
(TNGHS), West Java has a tropical rain forest ecosystem that is still very good and
represents an elevation zone, starting from the collin zone (500 – 1000 m asl),
submontane (1000 – 1500 m asl) and montane (1500 – 1700 m asl). The tropical forest
area in Cikaniki is still inhabited by various wild animals, including primates. Various
species of primates found in this area include: Hylobates moloch, grizzled surili
(Presbytis comata), javan langur (Trachypithecus auratus), and slow loris (Nycticebus
javanicus) (Basalamah et al., 2010).
Hylobates moloch is frugivorous primates, eating fruit as their main diet. In
addition, Hylobates moloch also eats leaves and flowers as alternative food (Surono,
Mustari, & Rinaldi, 2015). The pattern of feeding behavior in primates has a close
relationship with food quality. This depends on the nutrient content that compounds in
the food (Harrison, 1986). Knowledge of the content of phytochemical compounds from
Hylobates moloch food in the Cikaniki area has never been done while several types of
this Hylobates moloch food are also known used by local people as medicine.
Based on this background, it is necessary to conduct research on the analysis of
the content of secondary metabolites in Hylobates moloch food. The purpose of this
study was to determine the content of secondary metabolites contained in Hylobates
moloch food by using phytochemical screening methods. The results of this study are
expected to be able to know the content of compounds in Hylobates moloch food that
have the potential to be utilized and processed as medicinal ingredients. The results of
this study are also expected to be a source of information for the development of science
in the community so that the utilization by the community can be in accordance with the
content of compounds found in plants.
Sampling and phytochemicals test of Hylobates moloch food was doing at
Cikaniki area, TNGHS, West Java (Figure 1). This research was conducted in
September 2019.
______________________________________ E-ISSN : 2774-4116
Journal of Tropical Biodiversity, Vol.1, No.3, August 2021
Figure 1. Location of Cikaniki area, Taman Nasional Gunung Halimun Salak,
West Java (TNGHS, 2021)
The tools used in this study were plastic, plastic cups, knives, digital scales,
blenders, electric stoves, labels, newspapers, containers (trays), strainer, small plastic
spoons, pipette droppers, filter paper, test tube, test tube racks, funnels, beaker glass,
graduated cylinder and stationery.
The materials used in this study were plant samples (leaves and fruit) at the
research site, distilled water, concentrated HCl, 1N HCl, 2N HCl, Mg powder, 5%
FeCl3, and Bouchardat reagent.
1. Sampling of food plants for Hylobates moloch
A sampling of food plants for Hylobates moloch was conducted based on
interviews with local communities in the Cikaniki area. Samples of forage plants were
taken directly from the tree. The samples were brought to the camp to be made into dry
sample powder and test the phytochemical screening.
2. Preparation of dry sample powder
Parts of fresh plant samples (leaves and fruits) were weighed as much as 10 – 20 g
using a digital scale. The sample is then cut into small pieces using a knife. Samples
were dried directly under the sun. After the sample is dry, the sample is then mashed
using a blender. The sample that has been refined is then filtered through a 60 mess
strainer so that it becomes a simplicia powder.
______________________________________ E-ISSN : 2774-4116
Journal of Tropical Biodiversity, Vol.1, No.3, August 2021
3. Preparation of Bouchardat reagent
Bouchardat's reagent was made by dissolving 4 g of KI with 50 mL of distilled
water, then adding 2 g of Iodine crystals until dissolved. The solution is then diluted
with distilled water to a volume of 100 mL (Rivai, Meliyana, & Handayani, 2016).
4. Phytochemical screening
Phytochemicals are chemical compounds found in plants, including secondary
metabolites. Groups of secondary metabolites commonly found in plants include
alkaloids, flavonoids, saponins, and tannins (Harborne, 1998). In this research, a
qualitative analysis of the content of active substances was carried out to identify the
presence of secondary metabolites in samples of Hylobates moloch food plants.
a. Alkaloid test
The dry sample was weighed as much as 0.5 g and put into a beaker glass. The
sample was given the addition of 2 N HCl solution and distilled water in a ratio of 1:9.
Then the sample was heated using an electric stove for 5 minutes. After heating, the
sample is cooled for a while. Then the sample was filtered using filter paper to take the
1 mL of sample filtrate was taken and put into a test tube. The filtrate was added
with 10 drops of Bourchardat reagent. If the Bourchardat reagent forms a reddish-brown
to black precipitate, it indicates that the sample contains alkaloid compounds (Tiwari,
Kaur, & Kaur, 2011).
b. Flavonoid test
The sample was weighed as much as 0.5 g and put into a beaker glass. The sample
was given the addition of 50 mL of hot water. Then the sample was heated for 5
minutes using an electric stove. After that, the sample was cooled for a while. Then the
sample was filtered using filter paper to take the filtrate.
The sample filtrate was taken as much as 2.5 mL and put into a test tube. The
filtrate was added with 0.03 g of Mg powder and 0.5 mL of concentrated HCl solution.
If there is a color change to red, yellow, or orange, it indicates that the sample contains
flavonoid compounds (Bandiola, 2018; Tiwari et al., 2011).
c. Saponin test
The sample was weighed as much as 0.5 g and put into a test tube. Then added 10
mL of distilled water and 5 drops of 1 N HCl solution. The solution was shaken
vigorously vertically for 10 seconds. If a 1 cm foam is formed which is stable for 10
minutes and does not disappear when 1 drop of 2 N HCl is added, then the sample
contains saponin compounds (Tiwari et al., 2011).
d. Tanin test
The sample was weighed as much as 0.5 g and put into a beaker glass. The sample
was added with 10 mL of distilled water. Then the sample is heated using an electric
stove until it boils, then the sample is filtered using filter paper to take the filtrate.
1 mL of sample filtrate was taken and 10 drops of 5% FeCl3 solution were added.
If there is a blue-black or dark green color change, the sample contains tannin
compounds (Bandiola, 2018; Sangi, Runtuwene, Simbala, & Makang, 2019).
______________________________________ E-ISSN : 2774-4116
Journal of Tropical Biodiversity, Vol.1, No.3, August 2021
Hylobates moloch food plants
Based on the results of interviews with local communities and searching in the
Cikaniki forest, 23 samples were obtained from 22 species belong to 13 families from
Hylobates moloch food plant. The results obtained 23 types of Hylobates moloch food
samples, consisting of 18 leaves and five fruits. When the research was conducted, the
fruit season in the forest was declining. This resulted in a small sample of fruit obtained.
Samples of Hylobates moloch food plants can be seen in table 1.
Tabel 1. Samples of Hylobates moloch food plants from Cikaniki forest
Local Name
Scindapsus marantaefolius
Caryota mitis
Rotan liana
Calamus manan
Pinanga coronata
Elaeocarpus ganitrus
Blumeodendron tokbrai
Cinnamomum parthenoxylon
Litsea cubeba
Huru gemblung
Litsea robusta
Sandoricum koetjape
Dysoxylum parasiticum
Ficus pohon
Artocarpus nitidus
Kondang kecil
Ficus glandulifera
Ficus fistulosa
Ficus padana
Ficus kisigung
Ficus villosa
Ficus kecil
Not identified
Knema cinerea
Kopi dengkung
Nyssa javanica
Pakis keras
Oleandra pistillaris
Euodia latifolia
Pometia sp
Hylobates moloch are included to frugivorus primates (fruit eaters). The plant
parts commonly eaten by Hylobates moloch are fruit, leaves, and flowers (Kappeler,
1984). The results of the latest research from Oktaviani, Kim, Cahyana, and Choe
(2018) show that eating activity is one of the most important factors for the life of the
Hylobates moloch. Hylobates moloch usually eats fruit, mature leaves, young leaves,
flowers, stem and insects. The composition of Hylobates moloch food consisted of ripe
______________________________________ E-ISSN : 2774-4116
Journal of Tropical Biodiversity, Vol.1, No.3, August 2021
fruit (74.2%), young leaves (14.5%), and the rest various types of flowers, stem and
Phytochemical screening
Qualitative phytochemical tests from the group of alkaloids, flavonoids, saponins,
and tannins were carried out on 23 samples from 22 species of Hylobates moloch food
plants. The results of phytochemical screening can be seen in table 2 also figure 2 and 3.
Tabel 2. Result of phytochemical screening from of Hylobates moloch food plants
Screening phytochemical
Caryota mitis
Calamus manan
Pinanga coronata
Litsea cubeba
Litsea robusta
Artocarpus nitidus
Ficus glandulifera
Ficus fistulosa
Ficus padana
Ficus villosa
Not identified
Knema cinerea
Nyssa javanica
Oleandra pistillaris
Euodia latifolia
Pometia sp
______________________________________ E-ISSN : 2774-4116
Journal of Tropical Biodiversity, Vol.1, No.3, August 2021
Figure 3. The result of phytochemical screening on secondary metabolite
Based on the results of phytochemical tests, 19 samples of Hylobates moloch food
plants were found that were positive for alkaloid compounds. There were 17 leaves
samples positive containing alkaloids, while three fruit samples that were positive for
alkaloids. This can be seen by the formation of a reddish-brown precipitate in the
sample after being given Bouchardat reagent.
The results of the phytochemical test, obtained 21 samples of Hylobates moloch
food plants that were positive for flavonoid compounds. There were 16 leaves samples
that positive containing flavonoids, while five fruit samples that were positive for
flavonoids. The test results are indicated by the presence of a red, yellow, or orange
Based on the results of the phytochemical test, 12 samples were obtained positive
for saponin compounds. There were nine leaves samples that positive containing
saponins, while three fruit samples that were positive saponin. It could be visible
through the formation of foam in the plant sample.
Based on the results of phytochemical tests, 17 samples of Hylobates moloch
foodd plants were found positive for tannin compounds. The leaves samples positive for
tannin contained 13 samples, while the fruit samples that were positive for tannins were
four samples. It could be observed from the formation of a color change to blue-black or
dark green.
______________________________________ E-ISSN : 2774-4116
Journal of Tropical Biodiversity, Vol.1, No.3, August 2021
Figure 3. The result of changing the color of the solution in the phytochemical screening
(A. Alkaloid; B. Flavonoid; C. Saponin; D. Tannin)
Hylobates moloch food plants that have the potential as medicine
Based on the results of interviews with the local communities around the Cikaniki
area, TNGHS, West Java, it was found that people often use the Dysoxylum parasiticum
as a medicinal plant which is believed to have efficacy to cure stomach pain and other
stomach problems. The part that is used from the Dysoxylum parasiticum is the leaves.
From the results we have obtained, the leaves of the Dysoxylum parasiticum had
positive results when tested for alkaloids, flavonoids, saponins, and tannins. Other types
of food plants for Hylobates moloch that are commonly used by the community as
medicine are Cinnamomum parthenoxylon and Euodia latifolia. Those two types of
plants that are used by local communities are the leaves and the utilization is done by
boiling with water. Euodia latifolia plant is used by local people as a stomach ache
medicine. Based on the phytochemical test, Euodia latifolia positive contained
alkaloids, flavonoids, saponins, and tannins. Cinnamomum parthenoxylon is also used
by local people as a medicine for shortness of breath. The results of the phytochemical
test on this Cinnamomum parthenoxylon plant were positive for containing alkaloids,
flavonoids, saponins, and tannins.
Alkaloids test with Bouchardat reagent will result in a reaction between iodine
and I- ions from potassium iodide to produce I3- ions which will form coordinate
covalent bonds with nitrogen, thus forming a precipitated potassium alkaloid complex
(Marliana, Suryanti, & Suyono, 2005). Alkaloid compounds in general from several
species of plants are known to have medical functions in the health sector, including
siamine. Siamine is an alkaloid compound found in the johar plant (Cassia siamea).
Siamine has a function as an antioxidant (Minarti, Kardono, & Wahyudi, 2002).
Alkaloid compounds also have effects in the form of triggering the nervous system,
raising blood pressure, reducing pain, antimicrobial, sedative, heart disease and
antidiabetic activity (Agustina, Ruslan., & Wiraningtyas, 2016).
The color change in the flavonoid test was caused by the reduction of flavonoids
by Mg and concentrated HCl. Some samples of Hylobates moloch food plants at the
time of testing there were only a few sediment. This shows that the flavonoid
compounds contained in one species of Hylobates moloch food plant are not many.
Flavonoids are secondary metabolites of polyphenols, found widely in plants. In the
______________________________________ E-ISSN : 2774-4116
Journal of Tropical Biodiversity, Vol.1, No.3, August 2021
world of medicine, flavonoid compounds have a role in various bioactive effects such as
antioxidant, anti-viral and anti-inflammatory (Wang et al., 2016).
The formation of foam in the saponin test results indicates the presence of
glycosides which have the ability to make a foam in water which is hydrolyzed into
glucose and other compounds. This foam-like state indicates the presence of saponins in
the sample. Saponins have a glycosyl that functions as a polar group and a
terpenoid/steroid group as a nonpolar group. Compounds that have polar and nonpolar
groups have surface active properties, so when shaken with water, saponins can form a
foam (Marliana et al., 2005). In the medical sector, saponin compounds have properties
to reduce the risk of atherosclerosis, because of their ability to bind cholesterol.
Saponins are also efficacious as antimicrobials and external wound drugs because they
can stop blood from the skin (Agustina et al., 2016).
In the tannin test, FeCl3 reagent was used to identify the presence of tannins in the
sample. The color change to blue-black or dark green occurs due to the formation of
complex compounds between tannins and FeCl3. Tannins are polyphenol compounds
that can be distinguished from other phenols because of their ability to precipitate
proteins (Ikalinus, Widyastuti, & Setiasih, 2015). In plants, tannins function as self-
defense from bacteria, fungi, virus, herbivorous insects and herbivorous vertebrates. In
addition, tannins are also important to prevent excessive degradation of nutrients in the
soil. In the health sector, tannins have potential as antibiotics. The working principle of
tannins as antibiotics is by forming complexes with extracellular enzymes produced by
pathogens or by interfering with the metabolic processes of these pathogens (Agustina
et al., 2016).
Based on the results of previous studies, it appears that a few species of Hylobates
moloch food plant contain bioactive compounds that can be used as medicine.
According to research from Susilo and Denny (2016) stated that the roots and bark of
Artocarpus nitidus are usually chewed together with Piper betle used as medicine.
Blumeodendron tokbrai is an ingredient in HIV antiviral drugs (Denny & Kalima,
2016). Based on the research of Silalahi, Purba, and Mustaqim (2018) which states that
various compounds such as phytosterols, triterpenes, alkaloids, flavonoids and saponins
have been isolated from Caryota mitis seed oil. Although not yet eligible for clinical
trials, these compounds are known to have good antimicrobial effects. According to
research results from Sanusi (2014) the leaves of Cinnamomum parthenoxylon,
methanol extract contains flavonoid compounds, saponins, triterpenoids, steroids and
phenols. The n-hexane fraction contains triterpenoids and steroids, the ethyl acetate
fraction contains flavonoids, saponins, steroids, and phenols. The methanol-water
fraction contains flavonoids, saponins, triterpenoids, and phenols. According to research
Mayanti et al. (2017) seen that the leaves of Dysoxylum parasiticum contain flavonoid
compounds that have antioxidant activity. Research on the ethanolic extract of
Elaeocarpus ganitrus leaves showed the presence of active compounds in the form of
phenols, flavonoids, tannins, saponins, terpenoids and glycosides and had antibacterial
effects (Rahmatulloh, Kiromah, & Rahayu, 2020). Goh, Chung, Sha, and Mak (1990)
stated that Euodia latifolia leaves mainly contain coumarin compounds.The result from
Nugroho and Manurung (2015) show that extract ethanol of Litsea cubeba leaf
containing secondary metabolites compounds such as alkaloids, flavonoids, phenolic
and steroid which have antibacterial activities.
______________________________________ E-ISSN : 2774-4116
Journal of Tropical Biodiversity, Vol.1, No.3, August 2021
The conclusions that can be drawn from this research are as follows:
1. The results obtained 23 samples from 22 species of Hylobates moloch food plants
in Cikaniki area, Mount Halimun Salak National Park.
2. The results of the phytochemical screening test of the 23 samples proved to contain
secondary metabolites. The most common compounds found in the sample were
flavonoids (21 samples) and alkaloids (19 sample).
3. Several types of food plants for Hylobates moloch obtained are proven to be used as
medicine by the community at Cikaniki area to cure diseases, these species are:
Dysoxylum parasiticum, Euodia latifolia, and Cinnamomum parthenoxylon.
Many thanks to Balai Taman Nasional Gunung Halimun Salak that given
permission to conduct this research. The authors thank the Faculty of Biology for
supporting research activities in the field. Also thank you for local assistant that helping
on identifying the plant sample.
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