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Digital Age Organizations: Uncovering Over-the-Air Updates in the Smart Product Realm



Over-the-air (OTA) updates are gaining traction across various industries such as manufacturing, healthcare, and automotive. However, there is currently no consistent conceptualization of OTA updates in place. Also, we know little about what organizational capabilities are needed to turn OTA updates into customer value and thus infuse digital business models. Against this backdrop, this work follows two goals. First, to conceptually delineate what constitutes OTA updates and second, to pinpoint the organizational capabilities required to successfully manage OTA updates. Building on a large-scale survey of 360 product managers in manufacturing companies, we suggest that organizations follow two strategic steps when building OTA capabilities. First, they build the required technical competence and leverage it through their ability to create new innovative services. Second, performant companies deliver and monetize their value proposition in new ways by refining their business models.
Over-the-Air Updates in the Smart Product Realm
Forty-Second International Conference on Information Systems, Austin 2021
Digital Age Organizations: Uncovering Over-
the-Air Updates in the Smart Product Realm
Short Paper
“Software update in progress. Please wait.” It is the message we all dread receiving on an electronic device
while trying to complete an important task. However, these negative consumer experiences with over-the-
air (OTA) updates miss the bigger picture. In the last two years, the auto manufacturer Tesla has delivered
more than 20 updates to the Model 3 in a variety of domains, including safety, autopilot, or in-vehicle
entertainment - each designed to optimize or enhance the customer experience while seamlessly delivered
over the air. While OTA updates, i.e., the remote and wireless transfer of new software to products is already
standard practice in electronic devices such as smartphones or personal computers, they are on the rise in
various other domains such as manufacturing, healthcare, and automotive (Koster et al. 2021). This
progress is being driven in particular by the rapid digitization of individuals through smart products and
the internet of things (Turel et al. 2020). Such smart products, i.e., products that have built-in digital
components such as sensors, actuators, or connectors, allow data to flow freely between discrete devices
and manufacturing companies without customer intervention (Atzori et al. 2010; Raff et al. 2020). So far,
consumers typically experience these OTA updates as mere security updates or bug fixes that offer little
fresh value (product optimization). But like Tesla, companies such as Audi or BMW are increasingly using
OTA updates to delight their customers by offering additional features or functionalities that boost the
customer experience in use (product enhancement). This way, traditional one-off interactions become
dynamic, tailored relationships that constantly change and adapt to consumer needs, continuously
generating new revenue streams.
It is against this background that OTA updates are gaining momentum in theory (e.g., Raff et al. 2020;
Verganti et al. 2020) and practice (e.g., Koster et al. 2021; Yokoi 2020). However, there is currently no
uniform understanding of OTA updates and their two main manifestations (product optimization vs.
enhancement). Nor do we know much about the organizational capabilities needed to build OTA
capabilities and turn them into value for the customer (Appio et al. 2021; Raff et al. 2020). With that in
mind, this work, which is a spin-off of a larger research agenda in the context of smart products business
models, addresses the following two research questions: (1) How can the two key forms of OTA updates -
product optimization and product enhancement - be distinguished at a conceptual level?; (2) What
capabilities are required to implement OTA updates, and how can organizations create value with OTA
updates? The remainder is organized as follows: In the subsequent section, we derive a deeper
understanding of the conceptual characteristics of OTA updates. Next, we address the second research
question by outlining exploratory findings from a large-scale quantitative dataset of >300 managers of
smart-product companies. We close with our key implications and an outlook of our future research.
Conceptual Framework of OTA Updates
Although the term OTA update is increasingly used in research and practice, it persists as a fuzzy umbrella
term for inherently different forms of virtual adaptations to smart products. However, to enable fruitful
research, it is critical to ensure that the epistemic object is properly conceptualized (Yadav 2018). To create
clarity at the conceptual level, we therefore organized a workshop with six researchers with expertise in
topics related to digital transformation and digital business models. This involved intensive discussions of
various real-world examples of OTA updates and categorizing them according to their distinguishing
characteristics. In this process, two central dimensions emerged that can be differentiated - OTA updates
for (1) product optimization and (2) product enhancement. OTA updates for product optimization are
usually pushed out to customers and designed to optimize the existing product so that it continues to
function as anticipated, safely, and securely. That is, for example, through bug fixes or routine security
updates. In contrast, OTA updates for product optimization are typically pulled by the customer and
enhance the existing value propositions by adding or customizing functions or services. In the following, we
outline our workshop results (see Figure 1). Due to limitations, we mainly describe the impact of OTA
updates for manufacturing companies like Tesla and link them with some of the implications for customers.
Over-the-Air Updates in the Smart Product Realm
Forty-Second International Conference on Information Systems, Austin 2021
Figure 1. Conceptualization of OTA Updates and Their Implications
OTA Updates for Product Optimization
Efficient service and repair. As cars become infused with smart components and software, OTA
updates help car manufacturers like Tesla to solve malfunctions and security bugs in a faster, cheaper, and
more scalable manner when disintermediating the dealers. Interestingly, software updates over the air can
even be used to optimize hardware modules. For instance, in 2018, Tesla improved the braking performance
of its Model 3 when Consumer Reports criticized its stopping distance (Olsen 2018). In B2B contexts, where
downtime is even more critical, OTA updates also come with the advantage of not being time and place-
bound to service technicians’ deployment. For example, the German engineering and technology company
Bosch enables original equipment manufacturers to update off-road vehicles operating in rugged terrain
such as mining and agricultural machinery, or, in an extreme case, cargo ships.
Accelerated innovation cycles. In the automotive sector, new model versions are launched every five
to eight years. In contrast to traditional car manufacturers, Tesla does not apply model years. They currently
have four model variants and update them every four to five weeks in response to technological advances
and changing customer requirements. The unique software-focused architecture allows to deploy updates
frequently and enables them to react rapidly to rules and regulations of a dynamic market. This provides
Tesla with a considerable advantage in fields such as autonomous driving and emission detection and
reduction. From the customers perspective, the products they buy improve in performance over time, so
they can be confident that their product is always up to date and remains valuable even in a fast-paced
Extended and intensified customer relationships. OTA applications can also intensify and extend
the relationships between manufacturing companies and their customers. The frequent deployment of
updates and the disintermediation of dealers and workshops ushers in more frequent and direct interaction.
Tesla, for instance, controls the customer experience from test-drive to after-sales and service. Thus, all
customers face consistent messaging and relationship management when interacting with Tesla at any
given touchpoint. Tesla’s vertical approach also ensures that all usage data and customer feedback are fed
back into product development to leverage highly user-driven features and designs.
Product Optimization Product Enhancement
Efficient service and repair
Accelerated innovation cycles
Extended and intensified
customer relationships
Customized product
functions and services
Additional revenue streams
Convenience in service and repair
Reduced downtime
Efficiency gains
Extended product lifetime
Reduced depreciation
Personalized product experience
Flexibility through up- and
downgrading of product
functions and services
Manufacturer push Customer pull
OTA Capability
Over-the-Air Updates in the Smart Product Realm
Forty-Second International Conference on Information Systems, Austin 2021
OTA Updates for Product Enhancement
Customized product functions and services. Audi, BMW, and Tesla enable car owners to purchase
so-called on-demand functionality, such as advanced navigation or entertainment options, battery capacity
extension, or improved headlight function. While Tesla provides system-critical functions in-house, non-
critical functions can also be delivered by third parties such as Waze (navigation and traffic guidance) or
Spotify (streaming music). Offering such functions on demand comes with the important opportunity to
customize products in the usage stage. This allows manufacturers to respond to changing customer
requirements throughout the product lifecycle and provide ad-hoc enhancement of customer experience.
Additional revenue streams. Business customers of KONE elevators can select from a number of
features and services to customize their elevators in use and upgrade elevators over the air with advanced
floor scheduling, access management, infotainment functions, and third-party integrations such as smart
home applications or delivery robots. Such individualization of the product offering also generates new
revenue streams for manufacturing companies. For example, customers may be charged for features and
services booked, and third parties may be charged for integrating their services in a smart product offering.
Now that we have built a clearer understanding of over-the-air updates at a conceptual level, we will next
take a deeper look at what capabilities are required on the part of the organization to successfully design
and manage such OTA update offerings for optimization and enhancement. We do so by analyzing
quantitative data from a large-scale survey that revolves around issues related to the development and
management of smart products.
Organizational Capabilities for Managing OTA Updates
In the context of an international research project on industries that manufacture or employ smart
products, we recruited 360 product managers from the US, Germany, Austria, and Switzerland for
participation in a large-scale quantitative survey. Industries covered include, for example, automotive (e.g.,
Daimler), industrial machinery (e.g., General Electric), electrical equipment (e.g., Hexagon), or medical
devices (e.g., Olympus). Against the backdrop of our aim to better understand how OTA capabilities are
built and used effectively, we applied exploratory post hoc analysis to the collected data. We employed the
partial least squares approach to structural equation modeling (PLS-SEM) with SmartPLS (Version 3.3.3.)
due to its strength in theory development and its ability to handle complex models with single-item and
multi-item constructs as well as reflective and formative measurement models (Hair et al. 2014; Hair et al.
2019). Figure 2 depicts our research model and respective path coefficients.
Measures and measurement model. The constructs were measured as follows: A firm’s technology
stack was measured using the reflective-reflective second-order IT capability construct by Lu and
Ramamurthy (2011; with IT infrastructure capability, IT spanning capability, and IT proactive stance as
first-order constructs). Agile product development was measured as a reflective-formative second-order
construct using the first-order scales on agile hardware development and agile software development
from Schulz et al. (2021). Service innovation was measured with an established construct from Chen et al.
(2011). To operationalize OTA capability, we used a single-item construct (“We are able to remotely update
our products over the air”; 7-point Likert Scale). The business model innovation construct was based on
Osterwalder et al. (2010). The perceived customer value was measured using an established scale by Tu et
al. (2001). Finally, we controlled for firm age, firm size, R&D intensity, customer focus, customer
proximity, industry, and country.
To examine the reliability and validity of the first-order reflective measurement models, we followed
guidelines by Hair et al. (2019). All requirements concerning indicator loadings (loadings above .7), internal
consistency reliability (Cronbach’s alpha and composite reliability above .7), convergent validity (AVE
above .5), and discriminant validity (HTMT below .85, .90 for conceptually similar constructs) were met.
Following Sarstedt et al. (2019), we opted for a disjoint two-stage approach to estimate and validate the
higher-order constructs. We created and estimated a model without the higher-order constructs in stage
one to generate latent variable scores of the lower-order components, namely, IT infrastructure capability,
IT spanning capability, IT proactive stance, and agile hardware development and agile software
development. In stage two, we used these scores as indicators of the higher-order constructs technology
stack and agile product development in the final model. For the reflective higher-order component
technology stack, we found indicator loadings of .90, .94, .93, Cronbach’s alpha (.91), and composite
Over-the-Air Updates in the Smart Product Realm
Forty-Second International Conference on Information Systems, Austin 2021
reliability (.94) at satisfactory levels, an AVE value of .84, and discriminant validity with HTMT values
below .85. In contrast to the technology stack, the second-order construct agile product development is
specified as a formative measurement model. Consequently, it needs to be assessed based on
multicollinearity and the relevance and statistical significance of the indicator weights. We found that
multicollinearity is not an issue as the VIF values of 1.89 are far below the conservative threshold value of
3. Our analysis also shows that both indicators (agile hardware development: .53: agile software
development: .56) have a substantial and significant (p < 0.1) effect on agile product development.
Figure 2. Results of Structural Equation Modeling with Path Coefficients, R2 and Q2
Structural model. To test the significance of loadings and paths in the structural model, we applied the
bootstrapping procedure with 4,999 subsamples (Henseler et al. 2016). Figure 2 and Table 1 summarize the
results of the PLS-SEM analysis. While agile product development directly and significantly affects OTA
capability (.14, p <.05), the direct effect of the technology stack on OTA capability is not significant (.02,
p >.10). To further explore the mechanisms through which service innovation drives a firm’s OTA
capability, we performed a mediation analysis following Cepeda-Carrion et al. (2018). The results displayed
in Table 1 highlight the mediating role of service innovation, both for the relationships between technology
stack and OTA capability (full mediation) and between agile product development and OTA capability
(partial mediation). OTA capability does not directly affect the perceived customer value (.02, p <.10);
however, the indirect effect via business model innovation was significant (.09, p >.01). Hence, business
model innovation is an indirect-only meditator that fully mediates the relationship between OTA capability
and perceived customer value (Zhao et al. 2010).
To assess the model fit following Hair et al. (2019), we started by calculating the VIF values for each
construct to detect whether collinearity biases the regression results (all below the threshold of 5). Next, we
evaluated the in-sample explanatory power with R2 and the effect sizes of the predictor variables with
Cohen’s f2. Due to the research’s exploratory nature, relatively weak R2 values (see Figure 2) and f2 values
(between .05 and .16) can be considered satisfactory (Hair et al. 2019). To incorporate the out-of-sample
explanatory power, we applied a blindfolding procedure with an omission distance of 7 to calculate Geissers
Q2 values (see Figure 2, all > 0). Similar to the PLSdirect results for the key endogenous constructs (not
reported here: high predictive power for OTA capability, low predictive power for perceived customer
value), these findings indicate an acceptable model fit.
Technology Stack
Agile Product
OTA Capability
R2= 0.19; Q2 = .09
Business Model
R2= 0.12; Q2 = .06
Customer Value
R2= 0.20; Q2 = .11
.32*** .38***.24***
Service Innovation
R2= 0.36; Q2 = .09
Significant Path
Insignificant Path
Note:*p ≤ .10; **p ≤ .05; ***p
≤ .01. All tests are two-tailed.
Over-the-Air Updates in the Smart Product Realm
Forty-Second International Conference on Information Systems, Austin 2021
Table 1. Results of Structural Equation Modeling Analysis with β-Coefficients
The results of our exploratory analysis suggest that organizations should ideally bring two strategic
capabilities to the table for successful OTA capabilities. First, they need to build the required technical and
innovation competencies (technology stack and agile development capabilities) and leverage them through
their ability to create new innovative services. Second, companies need to deliver and monetize their value
propositions in new ways by refining their business models. In the following, we will elaborate on these
capabilities in more detail and discuss them in light of existing literature and practice.
STEP 1: What It Takes to Implement OTA Updates
Technology stack. To develop OTA updates, manufacturing companies need information technology
capabilities that allow them to equip products with the latest technology (e.g., operating software, sensors,
connectivity modules, etc.) and the technological infrastructure to connect with the user’s products to
collect, store and analyze product data, and to run applications on the products (Porter and Heppelmann
2014). In this regard, managers need to develop and follow a clear vision of how technology contributes to
the overall business and product strategy and plan IT investments accordingly. Tesla, for instance,
considered itself a technology company from day one, creating a shared understanding among employees,
suppliers, and customers of the value of digital innovation. Following the vision to build fully autonomous
cars, they equip cars with so-called “silent components” like cameras and sensors that are inactive at the
time of sale (Verganti et al. 2020). However, once Teslas autonomous driving algorithm is sufficiently
reliable, the silent components can be activated over the air to enable full self-driving for the entire fleet.
The touch screens in the center console, which replace traditional mechanical controls and displays in the
car, are another example of Teslas visionary IT planning process. By reducing the number of such physical
controls results in more flexibility in the virtual product enhancement via features and services.
Agile product development. While linear product development can work well when the requirements
are fixed in the production stage, it is ill-suited for smart products that are meant to be updated in the usage
stage (Paluch et al. 2020). Therefore, manufacturers need to design and build long-lasting hardware
platforms for smart products (e.g., with silent components) that can further evolve through updates while
Direct Effects
Technology Stack
Agile Product Development
Service Innovation
OTA Capability
Business Model Innovation
Indirect Effects
Technology Stack
Agile Product Development
Service Innovation
OTA Capability
Business Model Innovation
Total Effects
Technology Stack
Agile Product Development
Service Innovation
OTA Capability
Business Model Innovation
Note: *p ≤ .10; **p ≤ .05; ***p ≤ .01. All tests are two-tailed. Control Variables included but not shown.
Over-the-Air Updates in the Smart Product Realm
Forty-Second International Conference on Information Systems, Austin 2021
in use (Raff et al. 2020). As mentioned earlier, Tesla uses one generation of hardware and continuously
updates it in short intervals rather than annual cycles as traditional competitors do. This approach is the
essence of agile product development (Beck et al. 2001). The continuous delivery and deployment of
software updates and features is based on customer usage data and feedback (Olsson et al. 2012). In this
regard, Tesla monitors the product usage of its entire fleet. When validating new feature architectures, they
can even conduct experiments with designs, features, or functionalities by releasing them to a small number
of users to learn from a unique sample before doing the full rollout. Thus, what digital players like Amazon,
Dell, and Airbnb have long done via rapid updates and on-the-fly user testing is being deployed in smart
product settings to drive further product development. From an organizational perspective this requires an
experimental and data-driven culture backed by open-minded customers.
Service innovation. The digitization of products and their ecosystems fosters the transformation from
‘making and selling products’ towards providing ‘products as a service’. While some manufacturing
companies such as General Electric are following a servitization strategy for many years now, smart
products come with increasing potential to offer services beyond traditional maintenance and repair
solutions (Lenka et al. 2017). To create a competitive advantage, manufacturers continuously develop new
software-based services using their wealth of machinery and usage data. As an example, agricultural
machinery manufacturers such as John Deere or CLAAS create value for their customers by delving deeply
into their business processes. By offering smart farming services, they empower their customers to collect
and analyze contextual data, namely, soil, crop, and machinery data, and optimize a farmer’s machinery
settings accordingly to minimize inputs and increase crop yield. Here, OTA updates are used to provide
farmers with individual solutions such as specific steering models for larger fleets to improve performance
when several machines work on the same farmland at the same time.
In sum, our research shows that successful OTA companies start with agility in product development as
well as basic technological product competence and then layer on associated service innovations. We
assume that such service orientation can be adopted by all types of companies and is a natural step in the
evolution towards a successful OTA strategy. Moreover, service orientation is the key that enables
companies to redefine the value relationship between business and customer, making the leap to OTA-
based product optimization and enhancement. It is important to note that for a sustainable customer
delight through OTA updates, a change of the general business model is necessary. We will discuss this
aspect in the next section.
STEP 2: What It Takes to Create Value Through OTA Updates
Business model innovation. Companies that can update their products over the air must also adapt
their business model. This involves developing value propositions, delivering modes, and monetization
strategies that account for the continuous stream of optimizations and enhancements created from smart
products, thus enabling companies to extract continuous revenue streams from their offerings (Raff et al.
2020). In a recent interview, Hau Thai-Tang, Ford’s chief product platform and operations officer,
commented on their introduction of OTA updates for the Mustang Mach-E series, “I think we now have the
ability to make the vehicle physically better for the customer with these OTA updates, and that’s something
that’s game-changing in terms of the business model.” (Martinez 2020). Our analysis backs Thai-Tang’s
proposition and shows that the implementation of OTA updates only yields positive effects on the perceived
customer value when changes in the business model apply. For product enhancement, the approach is
straightforward. Product manufacturers can offer new product functions and add-on services on-demand.
To use them, customers either start a subscription (typical for services), or choose a one-off payment
(typical for software functions). For example, Tesla created a subscription service for premium connectivity,
which covers advanced navigation and entertainment options. After a free trial, car owners need to pay a
small monthly fee to keep features such as live traffic visualization or car karaoke. At the same time, Tesla
is offering a more expensive, one-time (about $2000) software update for its Model Y that boosts 0-to-60
mph acceleration by half a second. To offer customers a wide range of value-added applications, companies
can even take a platform approach similar to KONE and co-produce services with third-party providers,
while always being aware of the complex mechanisms underlying such digital service assemblages made up
of heterogeneous actors and artifacts (Eaton et al. 2015). While it appears simple for product enhancement,
it is more challenging to adjust the business model to capture product optimization through OTA updates.
In this regard, manufacturers may provide customers with outcome-based contracts, meaning that they
guarantee a specific outcome to customers and align the provision of products and services accordingly
Over-the-Air Updates in the Smart Product Realm
Forty-Second International Conference on Information Systems, Austin 2021
(Visnjic et al. 2018). While outcome-based contracts for smart products are feasible due to monitoring
possibilities, OTA updates can now help drive efficiency gains. Here, OTA updates enable smart product
manufacturers to improve their customers’ systems operations by continuously updating products and
services. Consequently, they co-create value and significantly influence the outcome delivery, which reduces
the risk of not fulfilling a contract. Agricultural machinery manufacturers, for example, could offer service
agreements related to yield performance. Instead of selling machinery (e.g., tractors, combines, balers),
they could turn their value proposition upside down and offer a yield-per-acre proposition, i.e., farming as
a service. In doing so, OTA updates promote the transition from such transactional, product-centric
business models to relational, service-centric business models.
Implications and Further Research
Taking stock, in this study, we provide empirical evidence that companies that successfully leverage smart
products and OTA applications do so primarily through their technological competence and agile
development practices that, in concert, allow them to create service innovations. In addition, our results
indicate that only companies that can adapt their business models to deliver value to their customers in new
ways - for example, by engaging with new partners or using new revenue models - can create customer
delight. Overall, our findings contribute to research in several meaningful ways. First, our work fuels the
cumulative knowledge creation in IS and beyond by developing a clear-cut conceptualization regarding the
two types of OTA updates, namely OTA updates for product optimization and product enhancement (Yadav
2018; Webster and Watson 2002). Second, we contribute to research on smart products and smart service
systems (Beverungen et al. 2019; Raff et al. 2020). Third, our research addresses emerging questions about
how organizations should organize and position themselves in the digital age, and thus connects to existing
work in the areas of smart product business models, digital infrastructures and platforms (e.g., Beverungen
et al. 2019; Yoo et al. 2012; Yoo et al. 2010).
Since the present project is a spin-off of a larger research agenda in the context of smart product business
models, it represents only a small excerpt of our work. Other research questions that we will address in the
context of this agenda are revolving around the following issues: What are the motivational drivers for
purchasing OTA enhancements of smart products (e.g., self-indulgence or performance gains)? When is an
offer perceived as fair or unfair (e.g., in some situations, customers might feel that the manufacturing
company is withholding something from them if certain product features are not enabled or unlocked by
default)? What are the optimum pricing models to best extract value from OTA updates (e.g., two-part
pricing, subscription-based pricing, or even freemium-based pricing models)?
In conclusion, we believe that the findings from the present project, as well as the answers to the above
questions in the context of our research agenda, shed light on important aspects that will allow digital age
organizations to develop viable digital business models by realizing the full potential of OTA updates.
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... For users, SHAs increase everyday convenience by offering a variety of customized services (Knote et al. 2021). For practitioners, SHAs are a crucial interface technology as they have the potential to significantly enhance datafication, facilitate the continuous delivery of personalized services, and ultimately, drive the emergence of the smart home as a whole (Beverungen et al. 2019;Turel et al. 2020;Schulz et al. 2021). Put differently, the successful adoption of SHAs can be a tipping point, as this leads to up-and cross-selling of other connected smart products that drive the smart home overall, while their rejection can significantly hinder this development. ...
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Despite having many useful capabilities, more recently smart home assistants (SHAs) have also raised negative feelings and doubts which may cause resistance among potential users. However, current research has neither examined SHAs from the perspective of resistance nor its specific drivers (inhibitors). We address this gap and adopt a mixed-method research design with two studies that build on each other. Study 1 (N=10) elicits the belief structures underlying resistance to SHAs. Study 2 (N=276) builds on these findings and delves deeper into the understanding of one novel identified inhibitor, namely "perceived intrusion", by taking initial strides towards creating a measurement instrument. Our results contribute to the previously under-researched "dark side" of smart consumer IT by examining the phenomenon of resistance. This way, we hope to inspire future research to expand on our findings, as well as apply our measurement instrument in other smart product contexts.
... A greater digital technology scope means that firms can offer digital services that are better than old-fashioned analog services. One example of this is the ability to digitally upgrade or repair smart, connected products remotely before the entire hardware is in need of replacing, for example, operating system updates on computers and smartphones, remote maintenance of machines through IoT solutions, and on-demand functions in cars (Schulz et al., 2021). This advancement has the potential to extend product lifecycles, thus reducing waste (by making products less quickly outdated and unrepairable) and emissions (because fewer new products have to be produced) (Raff et al., 2020). ...
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Digitalization is increasingly seen as a strategic means for firms to yield competitive and environmental advantages. Still, current empirical research does not yet provide ample evidence on how a firm's strategic posture towards digitalization connects to environmental performance. This study examines the link between digital orientation and environmental performance as well as the moderating role of technological turbulence. The natural-resource-based view and literature on strategic orientations provide the conceptual foundations. The hypotheses are tested with data from 515 U.S. Standard and Poor's 500 companies with 2,800 firm observations from 2009 to 2019. The results indicate that, first, a firm's digital orientation has a significant and positive effect on environmental performance and, second, this effect is even more pronounced in technologically turbulent business environments. In sum, our findings suggest that managers can improve their firm's environmental performance and competitive position by increasing the digital orientation within their organizations. We thus add to the literature on the natural-resource-based view by identifying digital orientation as a strategy aligned with the natural environment. Finally, we derive practical implications for managers and policymakers aiming to bring together digitalization and green strategies.
... To further increase the enjoyment of communicating or interacting with SHTs, and thus social presence, product designers and marketers of SHTs might even experiment with using affiliative humor that is more salient than the one used in our study. For SHT devices already on the market, vendors might also consider adding humor retroactively, such as through an over-the-air update as part of a new operating system (Schulz et al. 2021). ...
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Smart home technologies (SHT) often perform tasks in the most intimate areas of life and therefore require user trust from the start. To build this trust, vendors often rely on creating human-like interactions with devices, such as by incorporating humor. Although humor in SHTs is becoming more advanced, e.g., through advanced joke selection algorithms, its actual impact is largely unexplored. In this work, we address this gap and study the impact of affiliative humor as a human-like characteristic on perceived social presence and initial trust in SHTs. To this end, we conducted a vignette-based experiment with potential users (N=63). Our results contribute by uncovering the mechanisms underlying humor as a trust-building characteristic in SHTs. Moreover, in this way, we also provide important insights for the design and communication of SHTs, which can be valuable for vendors to foster perceived human likeness and thus initial user trust in smart technologies.
... One of the respondents from the complementor company said that without an app store, they still have to use package shipping for USB sticks with software updates to support some of their assets in the field. Therefore, our study results extend the technology stack perspective on integrating over-the-air updates and smart products the results [43], pushing forward the design knowledge required to increase the reconfiguration of IoT applications in different environments [33]. Additionally, since app stores are considered as boundary resources and are already used by several IIoT platform providers, our study reveals the design aspects of app stores, which IIoT platform providers should consider to increase the complementor dedication on a competitive market for IoT platforms [10]. ...
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App stores represent an already established concept for distributing software-intensive solutions that complementary extend the value of digital platforms. In the context of industrial digital platforms in the IIoT domain, the benefits of app stores are not yet fully understood or shared by the majority of platform users. This article contributes to the instantiation of app stores in digital industrial platforms using empirical data to reveal the functionalities expected from an industrial app store by IIoT platform users on the one hand and IIoT platform providers on the other. The increased understanding of the app stores integrated in IIoT platforms provides a design-oriented gain in knowledge for research and practice. Based on an empirical survey, we analyze which functionalities of app stores are demanded by IIoT platform users. This enables us to formulate five propositions for adapting app stores for IIoT to increase their success in this domain.
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Smart products have received increasing attention from researchers and practitioners alike. One limitation of the existing literature, however, is that the term is often used as a blanket term and that there is no consensus on what a smart product actually is. Because different studies rely on differing conceptualizations, the current body of knowledge is scattered and lacks a uniform language and conceptual boundaries. Specifically, existing research has subsumed inherently different products under one collective term, has relied on a multitude of ad‐hoc criteria to define smart products or has conflated smart products with the services they render and/or the wider ecosystem in which they operate. These developments limit the systematic advancement of the field and impede the integration of the smart product concept into related concepts such as the Internet of Things. To address these issues, this article provides an extensive analysis of the status quo of the field, with the goal of developing a common language and comprehensive conceptualization of smart products. First, existing studies on smart products were systematically reviewed across contributing disciplines and supplemented with a bibliometric analysis that allowed for a deeper understanding of the smart product concept within and across disciplines. This analysis revealed an initial set of 16 capability‐based criteria that are currently applied to conceptualize smart products. Second, based on a systematic coding procedure, these criteria were synthesized and organized within a comprehensive framework delineating four distinct product archetypes for the digital age: (1) Digital, (2) Connected, (3) Responsive and (4) Intelligent. Third, three major conceptual themes that arise from this framework are identified and possibilities for future research are pointed out. In sum, this work contributes to the literature by improving the understanding of smart products as an epistemic object and by laying the ground for more cumulative research endeavors.
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At the heart of any innovation process lies a fundamental practice: the way people create ideas and solve problems. This “decision making” side of innovation is what scholars and practitioners refer to as “design”. Decisions in innovation processes have so far been taken by humans. What happens when they can be substituted by machines? Artificial Intelligence (AI) brings data and algorithms to the core of innovation processes. What are the implications of this diffusion of AI for our understanding of design and innovation? Is AI just another digital technology that, akin to many others, will not significantly question what we know about design? Or will it create transformations in design that current theoretical frameworks cannot capture? This article proposes a framework for understanding design and innovation in the age of AI. We discuss the implications for design and innovation theory. Specifically, we observe that, as creative problem solving is significantly conducted by algorithms, human design increasingly becomes an activity of sense making, i.e. understanding which problems should or could be addressed. This shift in focus calls for new theories and brings design closer to leadership, which is, inherently, an activity of sense making. Our insights are derived from and illustrated with two cases at the frontier of AI ‐‐ Netflix and AirBnB (complemented with analyses in Microsoft and Tesla) ‐‐, which point to two directions for the evolution of design and innovation in firms. First, AI enables an organization to overcome many past limitations of human‐intensive design processes, by improving the scalability of the process, broadening its scope across traditional boundaries, and enhancing its ability to learn and adapt on the fly. Second, and maybe more surprising, while removing these limitations, AI also appears to deeply enact several popular design principles. AI thus reinforces the principles of Design Thinking, namely: being people‐centered, abductive, and iterative. In fact, AI enables the creation of solutions that are more highly user‐centered than human‐based approaches (i.e., to an extreme level of granularity, designed for every single person); that are potentially more creative; and that are continuously updated through learning iterations across the entire product life cycle. In sum, while AI does not undermine the basic principles of design, it profoundly changes the practice of design. Problem solving tasks, traditionally carried out by designers, are now automated into learning loops that operate without limitations of volume and speed. The algorithms embedded in these loops think in a radically different way than a designer who handles complex problems holistically with a systemic perspective. Algorithms instead handle complexity through very simple tasks, which are iterated continuously. This article discusses the implications of these insights for design and innovation management scholars and practitioners.
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Due to the fast pace at which IoT is evolving, there is an increasing need to support over-theair software updates for security updates, bug fixes, and software extensions. To this end, multiple over-the-air techniques have been proposed, each covering a specific aspect of the update process, such as (partial) code updates, data dissemination, and security. However, each technique introduces overhead, especially in terms of energy consumption, thereby impacting the operational lifetime of the battery constrained devices. Until now, a comprehensive overview describing the different update steps and quantifying the impact of each step is missing in the scientific literature, making it hard to assess the overall feasibility of an over-the-air update. To remedy this, our article analyzes which parts of an IoT operating system are most updated after device deployment, proposes a step-by-step approach to integrate software updates in IoT solutions, and quantifies the energy cost of each of the involved steps. The results show that besides the obvious dissemination cost, other phases such as security also introduce a significant overhead. For instance, a typical firmware update requires 135.026 mJ, of which the main portions are data dissemination (63.11 percent) and encryption (5.29 percent). However, when modular updates are used instead, the energy cost (e.g., for a MAC update) is reduced to 26.743 mJ (48.69 percent for data dissemination and 26.47 percent for encryption).
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Higher-order constructs, which facilitate modeling a construct on a more abstract higher-level dimension and its more concrete lower-order subdimensions, have become an increasingly visible trend in applications of partial least squares structural equation modeling (PLS-SEM). Unfortunately, researchers frequently confuse the specification, estimation, and validation of higher-order constructs, for example, when it comes to assessing their reliability and validity. Addressing this concern, this paper explains how to evaluate the results of higher-order constructs in PLS-SEM using the repeated indicators and the two-stage approaches, which feature prominently in applied social sciences research. Focusing on the reflective-reflective and reflective-formative types of higher-order constructs, we use the well-known cor- porate reputation model example to illustrate their specification, estimation, and validation. Thereby, we provide the guidance that scholars, marketing researchers, and practitioners need when using higher- order constructs in their studies.
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This articles is an introduction into a Special Issue (SI) on “Innovation in the Digital Age: From Stage-Gate to an Agile Development Paradigm?”. This issues explores whether traditional product development models such as Stage-Gate (Cooper, 1986, Cooper, 2008) are still fit for purpose in today's digital age or whether they are set to be widely replaced by agile approaches even in more traditional contexts. The basic idea of conventional models to organize innovation is that they see innovation as a deterministic process that can be planned ex-ante and then be executed and controlled. The idea is to de-risk the innovation process by including a number of go-or-kill decision gates, where projects are vetted against predefined performance indicators. In contrast, agile approaches are stochastic. They follow the understanding of an iterative planning cycle where the outcomes of one short phase of execution inform the design of the following stage, and so on. Uncertainty is discovered and addressed continuously during the execution process. Stage-gate aims at controlling uncertainty upfront, thus avoiding subsequent changes, whereas agile development focuses on adaptation and the accommodation of change throughout the development processes. Free download at
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Purpose This paper provides a comprehensive, yet concise, overview of the considerations and metrics required for PLS-SEM analysis and result reporting. Preliminary considerations are summarized first, including reasons for choosing PLS-SEM, recommended sample size in selected contexts, distributional assumptions, use of secondary data, statistical power, and the need for goodness-of-fit testing. Next, the metrics, as well as the rules of thumb, that should be applied to assess the PLS-SEM results are covered. Besides covering established PLS-SEM evaluation criteria, the overview includes new guidelines for applying (1) PLSpredict, a novel approach for assessing a model’s out-of-sample prediction, (2) metrics for model comparisons, and (3) several complementary methods for checking the results’ robustness. Design/methodology/approach This paper provides an overview of previously and recently proposed metrics, as well as rules of thumb, for evaluating the results of research, based on the application of PLS-SEM. Findings Most of the previously applied metrics for evaluating PLS-SEM results are still relevant, but scholars need to be knowledgeable about recently proposed metrics (e.g., model comparison criteria) and methods (e.g., endogeneity assessment, latent class analyses, PLSpredict) and when and how to apply them. Research limitations/implications Methodological developments associated with PLS-SEM are rapidly emerging. The metrics reported in this paper are useful for current applications, but scholars need to continuously seek the latest developments in the PLS-SEM method. Originality/value In light of more recent research and methodological developments in the PLS-SEM domain, guidelines for the method’s use need to be continuously extended and updated. This paper is the most current and comprehensive summary of the PLS-SEM method and the metrics applied to assess its solutions.
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A digital platform is viewed as the central point of gravity within its business ecosystem to facilitate value co-creation processes among its business ecosystem's constituent actors. Considering the specificities of business ecosystems, we spotlight digital platform survival to investigate digital platforms' sustained viability and growth. We posit that digital platform survival is contingent on its owner's capabilities to ensure efficient and effective value co-creation processes among the digital platform's constituent actors on both service system and service ecosystem levels. Building on the inherent control-generativity dualism of digital platforms and through investigating an established business-to-business digital platform, we identify four key capabilities for digital platform survival. While two capabilities (system orchestration and system reformation) reflect the owner's ability to facilitate value co-creation processes on the service system level, the other two capabilities (ecosystem preservation and ecosystem diversification) reflect the owner's ability to facilitate value co-creation processes on the service ecosystem level.
“Over-the-air” software upgrades are a recent trend in the automotive industry to distribute firmware directly to customers via the Internet. These upgrades can endow the vehicle with completely new functions that enhance safety, convenience, and performance. The US manufacturer Tesla was the first to integrate such upgrades on a regular basis to let customers participate in continuous innovation, giving Tesla a competitive edge over rival brands. Since then, several premium manufacturers have followed suit. This research examines how consumers perceive and respond to software upgradeability in durable high-tech products vis-à-vis integral product alternatives and hardware upgradeability. Results of four studies with more than 3,000 participants suggest that consumers evaluate software upgrades less positive than hardware upgrades because they perceive software as less capable to enhance product quality. However, bundling software upgrades to larger packages and stressing the low effort required to integrate new functions are viable ways to remedy this perception. Importantly, the findings suggest that offering products fully equipped with all premium functions to be unlocked via software upgrades—as done by several premium brands—is a risky strategy. Consumers react negatively to the artificial restriction of functionalities, irrespective of whether these are offered as temporary leases or permanent purchases. The findings provide initial evidence for the game-changing potential of software upgradeability and offer managers concrete guidance for designing and marketing upgradeable hardware-software platforms.
Firms in a variety of manufacturing sectors as well as the software industry have increasingly embraced services alongside their product portfolios in order to improve financial performance. Yet, the key question “How do service market strategy change and the accompanying business model change interact, and how does their interplay affect value creation?” remains open. Relying on twelve case studies of firms that have shifted towards providing highly advanced services (e.g. outcome-based contracts), theoretical propositions concerning the interplay of market strategy and business model on value creation are derived. The firms studied report two interdependent changes: first, they evolve the market strategy from provision of pure products to provision of services and then outcomes, in order to achieve a better fit with customer needs and to grow their service businesses. Second, they rely increasingly on partners and suppliers to provide new activities that are outside their competence base. This 'open business model' allows them to grow their new service businesses effectively and efficiently. At the same time, however, the shift to a service market strategy requires enhanced accountability to customers and increases the threat of penalties in the case of failure, while reliance on partners and suppliers leads to loss of control over the activity system and increases the threat of failure due to third party dependency. Thus, this paper finds that the success of firms that shift to services and outcomes hinges on their ability to balance the trade-off between increased value (i.e. growth, efficiency and effectiveness) and increased uncertainty associated with service market strategy/open business model interplay.