
Information transfer based on Entanglement quantum in the brain

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... Accordingly, the field language is an algorithm of neural trees in the brain, which connects self-awareness, precognition, alertness, telepathy, etc. with the Riemann function and hypergeometric distribution of density. [4] [5][6] Referring to a part of all the successful theories put forth, this means that every mathematical rule is a fact in the universe. therefore, In the comprehensive unified theory, all researches in all fields are cited. ...
... Based on experimental observations and experiments conducted in this field, it seems that entanglement by these fields is possible. [5] The information that has two types of compressed and non-compressed during the time, through these fields dependent on prime numbers, unites the laws of wormholes with interweaving. [13] A review research study of information in three dimensions of time, the possibility of investigating telepathy, the predictive dream provides precognition and telekinesis in the brain, based on the equivalence between information and energy. ...
... [14] Based on this, the experimental test of information transmission based on the entanglement in the brain of this phenomenon has been tested with experimental data. [5] In another research that has examined the relationship of selfawareness over time, a language-dependent algorithm has been designed based on different fields over time, which shows the importance of the role of quantum fields over time. [8] This research, based on observations and experiments in the six-dimensional space-time, as well as sources related to the mathematical structure of this space, has tried to express the mathematical relationships of nature to prove Riemann's hypothesis in natural observations. ...
In this article, using the proof of the unified theory of equilibrium theory in six dimensions of space-time, Riemann's hypothesis is proved. The proof of the Riemann hypothesis is directly related to the unification of quantum mechanics and general relativity. In this theory, it describes the distribution of prime numbers based on the geometry of space and time, the nature of quantum mechanical phenomena, the distribution of mass, matter and dark energy, self-awareness, precognition and other unknown phenomena, in a mathematical form. The physical proof of the Riemann hypothesis as well as other unsolved problems in all fields of science requires a general equation, that can express the unsolvable problems of the millennium in a single format. The comprehensive theory of 3+3 six-dimensional spacetime has a flexible metric based on elliptic eccentricity, which has been investigated and tested. This theory unites different theories of physics and mathematics based on the mathematical union between the two perspectives of extrinsic geometry and intrinsic geometry. The Riemann function has a conjugate pair over time. The square of the Riemann function is equivalent to the eccentricity of the positive and negative ellipse of the six-dimensional space-time spherical metric. Using Taylor's example binomial expansion based on the growth rate of the golden ratio, it expresses the distribution of all groups of numbers related to the geometry of space and time. Based on the fact that all the facts are paired, leads to the general principle of equivalence of the facts related to matter and energy. From the findings of this research, it can be mentioned the connection between the butterfly effect of the nature of predestination in the future and past with free will caused based one choice limited in the present time, based on brain activity. key word: Riemann hypothesis, six dimensions of space-time, unified theory, proof
... The practical use of this theory in the transfer of information based on entanglement in the brain expresses experimental observations in confirmation of this theory. [6]. New and advanced experiments of Young's double-slit phenomenon reveal illogical results such as particle self-awareness. ...
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Young's two-slit test has long been a cornerstone in understanding the behaviour of light and matter. However, a new perspective on this classic experiment has emerged, shedding light on the role of time in interpreting quantum phenomena. This research suggests that classical events exhibit quantum behaviour over time, leading to a reinterpretation of Quantum Phenomena based on the classical events. This study has successfully simulated Quantum Phenomena by examining classical events over time, such as entanglement and the particle-wave duality. These findings suggest that Quantum Phenomena are intertwined in the space-time structure, and the role of the arrow of time may hold the key to solving complex physics problems in the quantum realm.
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This paper extends the work of a previous paper [arXiv:1208.2611] on the flow of time, to consider the origin of the arrow of time. It proposes that a `past condition' cascades down from cosmological to micro scales, being realized in many microstructures and setting the arrow of time at the quantum level by top-down causation. This physics arrow of time then propagates up, through underlying emergence of higher level structures, to geology, astronomy, engineering, and biology. The appropriate space-time picture to view all this is an emergent block universe (`EBU'), that recognizes the way the present is different from both the past and the future. This essential difference is the ultimate reason the arrow of time has to be the way it is.
We consider first the space-time as a principal bundle with structure group SO(3,ℂ) over the base B=ℝ 3 . From this viewpoint the 4-vector of velocity is replaced now by a 3×3 orthogonal Hermitian matrix. Starting from the structure group SO(3,ℂ) the Lorentz transformations are written in 6 dimensions. Further it is considered a more sophisticated model of space-time with the same structural group SO(3,ℂ) over the base SO(3,ℝ). In this model there are only rotations, but no translations. So the Lorentz transformations are also converted for this bundle.
In a complete theory there is an element corresponding to each element of reality. A sufficient condition for the reality of a physical quantity is the possibility of predicting it with certainty, without disturbing the system. In quantum mechanics in the case of two physical quantities described by non-commuting operators, the knowledge of one precludes the knowledge of the other. Then either (1) the description of reality given by the wave function in quantum mechanics is not complete or (2) these two quantities cannot have simultaneous reality. Consideration of the problem of making predictions concerning a system on the basis of measurements made on another system that had previously interacted with it leads to the result that if (1) is false then (2) is also false. One is thus led to conclude that the description of reality as given by a wave function is not complete.
There is strong evidence that the area of any surface limits the information content of adjacent spacetime regions, at 1.4 × 1069 bits per square meter. We review the developments that have led to the recognition of this entropy bound, placing special emphasis on the quantum properties of black holes. The construction of light-sheets, which associate relevant spacetime regions to any given surface, is discussed in detail. We explain how the bound is tested and demonstrate its validity in a wide range of examples. A universal relation between geometry and information is thus uncovered. It has yet to be explained. The holographic principle asserts that its origin must lie in the number of fundamental degrees of freedom involved in a unified description of spacetime and matter. It must be manifest in an underlying quantum theory of gravity. We survey some successes and challenges in implementing the holographic principle.
Quantum entanglement. Reviews of modern physics
  • R Horodecki
  • P Horodecki
  • M Horodecki
  • K Horodecki
Horodecki, R., Horodecki, P., Horodecki, M., & Horodecki, K. (2009). Quantum entanglement. Reviews of modern physics, 81(2), 865.
Quantum entanglement
Astronomy, 7(2), 1804. Vedral, V., 2014. Quantum entanglement. Nature Physics, 10(4), pp.256-258.
  • T D Taylor
Taylor, T. D. (2007). Golden fractal trees. Fractals, 1(1), 4.