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ISSN: 1305-578X
Journal of Language and Linguistic Studies, 17(4), 2065-2080; 2021
© 2021 Cognizance Research Associates - Published by JLLS.
Evaluation of google translate in rendering English COVID-19 texts into Arabic
Zakaryia Almahasees a
, Samah Meqdadi b , Yousef Albudairi c
a, bApplied Science Private University, Amman, Jordan
c University of Western Australia, Perth, Australia
APA Citation:
Almahasees, Z., Meqdadi, S., & Albudairi, Y. (2021). Evaluation of google translate in rendering English COVID-19 texts into Arabic.
Journal of Language and Linguistic Studies, 17(4), 2065-2080. Doi: 10.52462/jlls.149
Submission Date:20/05/2021
Acceptance Date:21/07/2021
Machine Translation (MT) has the potential to provide instant translation in times of crisis. MT provides real
solutions that can remove borders between people and COVID-19 information. The widespread of MT system
makes it worthy of scrutinizing the capacity of the most prominent MT system, Google Translate, to deal with
COVID-19 texts into Arabic. The study adopted (Costa et al., 2015a) framework in analysing the output of
Google Translate output service in terms of orography, grammar, lexis, and semantics. The study’s corpus was
extracted from World Health Organization (WHO), United Nations Children’s Emergency Fund (UNICEF), U.S.
Food and Drug Administration (FDA), the Foreign, Commonwealth & Development Office (FCDO), and
European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control (ECDC). The paper reveals that Google Translate
committed a set of errors: semantic, grammatical, lexical, and punctuation. Such errors inhibit the intelligibility
of the translated texts. It also indicates that MT might work as an aid to translate general information about
COVID-19, but it is still incapable of dealing with critical information about COVID-19. The paper concludes
that MT can be an effective tool, but it can never replace human translators.
Keywords: Machine Translation during COVID-19; English-Arabic Translation; Error Analysis; Google
Translate; Machine Translation during crises
1. Introduction
On March 11st, 2020, the general director of WHO, Tedros Adhanom, declared that COVID-19
had become a global pandemic since it spreads rapidly worldwide (WHO, 2020). This statement has
led world governments to impose restrictions on people’s movements (S Haider & Al-Salman, 2020).
Some countries enforced complete lockdown, where people were not allowed to go outside their
homes except doing shopping and emergency cases (Al-Salman & Haider, 2021b). Translators’ jobs
have been affected due to COVID-19 restrictions, but the flow of COVID-19 information is
unprecedented (Al-Salman & Haider, 2021b). Such flow of information is beyond the capacity of
human translators, and therefore people use Machine Translation (MT) services to render English
COVID-19 content into their languages. Almahasees (2020) shows that MT could help prevent the
outbreak by rendering the available content into world languages.
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2066 Almahasees et al. / Journal of Language and Linguistic Studies, 17(4) (2021) 2065–2080
© 2021 Cognizance Research Associates - Published by JLLS.
MT works as a tool to fight COVID-19 (Haider & Al-Salman, 2020). The importance of MT in
providing a translation of COVID-19 content into Arabic makes it worth investigating to scrutinize the
capacity of Google Translate in rendering English COVID-19 texts into Arabic in terms of Error
1.1. Machine Translation (MT)
MT is the automatic translation from one language into another using computers. Theoretically,
MT is a branch of computational linguistics, which deals with the computational modelling of natural
languages. Machine Translation was firstly anticipated in 1930 to translate natural languages by
George Artsuni and Trojanski. George Artsuni, a French engineer, proposed Mechanical Brain, which
aimed to translate languages. He got a patent for his device, Mechanical Brain. However, it did not see
the light of the day due to the inadequacy of its device to modern computers (Henisz-Dostert et al.,
1979). In 1936, Trojanski suggested the first detailed process of translating across natural languages
with the aid of machines. However, his project was not successfully applied to MT (Z. Almahasees,
2020) (Henisz-Dostert et al., 1979). Weaver 1949 is considered the father of MT (Z. Almahasees,
2020) since he mapped out the science of MT in his ‘memorandum of Translation’.
At the rise of the cold war between the USA and the Soviet Union (now Russia) in 1954, Leon
Dostert and Peter Sheridan conducted the first experiment on translating 250 words, and they did
succeed. The success of the first experiment attracted a significant scale of funding to develop MT and
its potential to translate across human languages. A committee followed the first success formed by the
US government, ALPAC, in 1962 to evaluate MT. It issued its report in 1966 with a conclusion that
“there is no predictable prospect of useful machine translation” (ALPAC, 1966, p.5). This report was
described as catastrophic since it shut the door to further research on MT. Therefore, MT research
halted in the USA and other countries except for Japan and France. They continued their research to
use MT in weather forecast translation. 1980 was the year of MT revival research due to the new
developments of technology, and it became dominant in the 1990s with the emergence of the Internet.
However, in the first years of the Internet, MT service was paid due to the high costs of running MT
systems and the Internet.
Currently, several MT platforms offer free MT service for all end-users, such as Google Translate
and Microsoft Translator. The current study has chosen Google Translate since it is widely used
system. Google Translate offers a free automatic translation service into 109 languages, including
Arabic. MT service provided by Google is powered by Neural Machine Translation (NMT) approach.
Moreover, it is widely used by more than 500 million users daily, with an estimated 100 billion words
translated daily (Google Translate, 2021). To understand how Google Translate works, we should first
understand the MT approaches that run the systems.
1.2. MT approaches
Historically, MT systems use machine-learning technologies to translate natural languages from
one language into another. The first MT approach is Rule-Based MT (RBMT), which relies on
linguistic information about the source and target texts retrieved from dictionaries and grammars.
Then, Statistical-Based MT (SBMT) generates translation across languages based on statistical models
from bilingual text corpora. Then, Neural Machine Translation (NMT) is designed to imitate the
human brain in translation. It is an approach that uses neural networks to learn linguistic rules, which
results in faster and accurate translation. The study adopts the MT system with NMT, Google
Translate since it aims to mimic human brains in translation. Google Translate adopted NMT in 2017
due to its potential to mimic human translation. (ASIA Digital, 2021) describes NMT as, “universally
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accepted as the most accurate, fluent, and versatile approach to automatic translation.” For this reason
and others, it is of great importance to assess Google Translate understudy's capacity to translate
English COVID-19 texts into Arabic.
1.3. Machine Translation Evaluation (MTE)
Since the primary function of MT is to provide an instant translation to the end-users, the notion of
MT has significantly improved. Even though MT is still far from reaching human translation, it
provides to some degree acceptable translation due to the system adaptability and training. In other
words, each MT output should show its quality in terms of fluency and adequacy. Therefore, the
evaluation of MT systems is considered an essential step in designing and accepting the system by the
end-users (Z. Almahasees, 2020). In most cases, translation quality looks for output clarity, adequacy,
and fluency as prerequisites to determine output acceptability (Z. M. Almahasees, 2017). Translation
quality requires comprehension to determine various kinds of translation equivalence and identify
translation errors (Chan, 2014). MT users should bear in their minds that MT performance is
considerably improving during the first months of the system installation. However, MT evaluation is
central to highlight the system’s capacity since MT could not render linguistic issues in translation
such as emotional impact and style (Hutchins & Somers, 1992).
There are two ways to evaluate MT systems: manual and automatic. Manual evaluation has counted
on human evaluators. It is considered subjective, costly, and inconsistent since humans have different
perspectives on each issue. On the other hand, automatic evaluation involves using automatic metrics
to assess translation quality without human interventions. It is considered objective, cheap, and cost-
effective since it provides instant evaluation.
1.3.1. Automatic Evaluation
Automatic evaluation relies on verifying translation quality in terms of text similarity through
comparing MT output to human referenced translation, i.e., how much MT output is close to human
translation. The prominent automatic metric to assess MT output is Bilingual Evaluation Understudy
(BLEU). BLEU is, the first MT metric, designed by (Papineni et al., 2001) and the most prominent for
evaluating MT output. Even though automatic evaluation is objective and cost-effective, there are
some limitations. Automatic metric tells little about the translation quality (Pan, 2016). Additionally,
they provide “only one side of the story about quality, which is not always useful in a production
environment” (Panic, 2019). They are also considered an imperfect alternative for human translation
quality evaluation (Kral & Václav, 2013) (Callison-Burch et al., 2006). For these reasons and others,
the current paper adopts manual evaluation to ensure best practices and provide an overall assessment
for the chosen systems under study.
1.3.2. Manual evaluation
Although manual evaluation has been described as subjective and inconsistent, it is regarded by the
researcher and (Chan, 2014) as the best method to evaluate MT outputs, and automatic metrics cannot
replace it. The manual evaluation focuses on the quality of MT output and the usefulness of MT in
dealing with the specific task that MT is expected to do. MT can be evaluated manually in terms of
intelligibility, accuracy, and error analysis (EA). Intelligibility evaluates MT to identify grammatical
errors, mistranslations, and untranslated errors. Accuracy checks whether MT output preserves the ST
meaning. Error analysis is the criterion for identifying errors found in MT output. (Costa et al., 2015a)
show that error analysis is essential to all MT systems. Therefore, the current paper adopts error
analysis to evaluate the output of Google Translate.
2068 Almahasees et al. / Journal of Language and Linguistic Studies, 17(4) (2021) 2065–2080
© 2021 Cognizance Research Associates - Published by JLLS. Error Analysis
Error Analysis works for identifying and classifying individual errors in the MT system’s output.
Such an evaluation highlights the strengths and limitations of an MT system. EA aims at identifying
the error and the cause of unsuccessful language (Yang, 2010). It has been an essential part of MT
assessment to highlight the limitations and improvements (Llitjós et al., 2005b). It is vital to find MT
errors to compare MT output with referenced human translation. It scrutinizes MT output to provide
information about ways to shed light on the improvements needed to provide an acceptable translation
(Vilar et al., 2007) (Condon et al., 2010). Such evaluation provides the end-users with feedback
concerning system designation, development, purchase, or use (Hutchins & Somers, 1992). Therefore,
the present study adopts error analysis to classify errors, provide clues about the causes of errors and
give a solution for the two chosen systems under study in rendering English into Arabic.
Several taxonomies have been proposed for MT error analysis (Flanagan, 1994) (Vilar et al., 2007);
(Frederking et al., 2004) and (Farrús et al., 2010). Several ones have been conducted on error analysis,
but the most used referred taxonomy is (Vilar et al., 2007). Vilar et al.’s classification are hierarchical.
They held (Llitjós et al., 2005a) classification out and divided errors into five categories: missing
words, word order, incorrect words, unknown words, and punctuation errors. Missing words show that
some words are missing from the translation output. Incorrect words show that some words are
wrongly chosen. Word order resorts to the word order of the MT output. Unknown words are
translated simply by changing the letters using the romanization strategy. Punctuation errors represent
errors in punctuation marks such as addition and omission of such marks.
Similarly, (Vilar et al., 2007) introduced five categories to classify MT errors: missing words, word
order, incorrect words, unknown words, and punctuation. Likewise, (Condon et al., 2010) developed a
similar classification based on (Vilar et al., 2007) to scrutinize MT errors from English into Arabic.
They investigated MT errors in a corpus of 100 translations. They categorized MT errors into
deletions, insertions, word orders, and substitutions. They found out that MT errors occurred at the
level of pronouns in Arabic and English translations. (Bojar, 2011) utilized Villar et al.’s classification
to classify English-Czech errors of four MT systems: Google, PC translator, TectoMT, and CU-Bojar.
He classified errors into punctuation marks, missing words, word order, and incorrect words. He found
that systems with a statistical MT approach can achieve better results than systems with previous MT
approaches. Previous studies classified MT errors in terms of punctuation, lexis, and structure.
However, none of the previous studies have analyzed MT in terms of semantics and texts’ discourse.
In 2015, all-inclusive taxonomy was introduced by (Costa et al., 2015b). They extended the
previous MT error taxonomies to cope with the analysis of Romance languages. They conducted a
thorough analysis to scrutinize MT errors in four MT systems: Google Translate, Systran, and two in-
house MT systems in orthography, lexis, grammar, semantics, and discourse. They found out that there
are several challenges of English into European Portuguese translation. They also concluded that the
recurrent errors are due to wrong choice problems and the inability to find the proper choices.
Therefore, (Costa et al., 2015a) are considered the best taxonomy to assess translation quality, as
shown in figure 1.
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Figure 1. Taxonomy of Errors
In summary, (Costa et al., 2015a) framework would lead to constructive feedback about the
capacity of the two systems understudy in the light of error analysis. This feedback would help the
systems’ developers improve1+3 efficiency in translating health information during catalyst times,
such as COVID-19.
2. Literature Review
Several studiesn (Al-Salman & Haider, 2021a) have been conducted to verify the strengths and
limitations of MT. However, a small scale of studies was conducted on MT during Covid-19.
(Way et al., 2020) indicates the number of infected people with COVID-19, and the fertility rate
was high in European countries. The health professionals and the general public were keen to update
their information on COVID-19. They developed an MT system, which helps to translate COVID-19
information published in German, French, Italian, and Spanish into English. (Z. Almahasees &
Jaccomard, 2020) conducts a paper on Facebook Translation Service (FTS). They distributed a survey
to know the percentage of FTS in Jordan and its usage during COVID-19. They found out that FTS
helped to disseminate information about COVID-19 and worked as an aid to Jordanians.
In another study, (Z. Almahasees et al., 2021) scrutinizes the adequacy and fluency of FTS from
English into Arabic. They found out that FTS provided an adequate and fluent translation output for
general information about COVID-19. However, it could not translate medical information correctly;
human translators should post-edit and review FTS output to ensure its quality. The above studies
contributed to the field, but they do not detail the errors committed to translating English into Arabic
COVID-19 content. (Dalzell, 2020) indicated that the Australian Federal Government used Google
2070 Almahasees et al. / Journal of Language and Linguistic Studies, 17(4) (2021) 2065–2080
© 2021 Cognizance Research Associates - Published by JLLS.
Translate to send critical health information about COVID-19 to multicultural communities.
Mohammad Al-Khafaji, the chief executive of the peak multicultural body, the Federation of Ethnic
Community Councils Australia (FECCA), indicated that Google Translate was unacceptable and risky
to translate critical health information to multicultural communities in Australia. (Moreno, 2021)
shows that the Department of Health at Virginia state uses Google Translate to translate critical
COVID-19 and vaccine information. He indicates that Google Translation provides wrong information
due to the inability to provide accurate translation for vital information. He explains that it is not
acceptable to use Google Translate to translate vital information to immigrant communities if a
professional translator has not posted and reviewed the translation first. (Goodman, 2021) shows that
Google Translate can help translate general information, but it could not translate vital information
about COVID-19.
3. Methodology
The present research has chosen (Costa et al., 2015b) framework to assess the MT output of Google
Translate in this language pair. The corpus of the study has been selected from credible health
organizations: WHO, UNICEF, U.S. FDA, FCDO, and ECDC. The rationale behind this choice is the
credibility of these sources in providing reliable information to the end-users about the global
pandemic, COVID-19. The adopted research method for this study aims to provide the end-users with
a solid feedback about the quality of the translation in terms of error analysis, which is regularly
employed for evaluating the quality of machine translation. Costa et al.'s error analysis framework is
the most prominent one that relates mutually between human error analysis frameworks and all
previous MT error taxonomies, as shown in Figure 1. The errors were identified, tabulated, and
counted in both systems. Such errors were shown through examples accompanied by explanations and
the systems’ rankings in dealing with COVID-19 content. Moreover, back translation was used when
relevant to provide an accurate translation of the given examples.
4. Results
The analysis of the errors includes orthographic, lexical, grammatical, and semantic errors.
4.1. Orthographic Errors
An orthography is a group of rules that govern the writing of a language (Merriam-Webster, 2020).
It includes spelling, capitalization, and punctuation marks. Orthographic rules are different among
languages. For example, unlike Arabic, there are capitalization rules in English. Orthographical errors
occur when translating any text into another language due to the differences among languages. The
analysis of Google Translate output shows that the system has achieved significant progress in
rendering English texts into Arabic free of spelling errors. It also shows that Google commits
punctuation errors.
4.1.1. Punctuation Errors
Punctuation marks facilitate reading since they guide readers to deduce the meaning of the text. In
translation, they have an essential role in reflecting the fluency of the translation. The improper usage
of punctuation may inhibit the fluency of the output. The following examples illustrate punctuation
errors committed by Google Translate:
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Example 1:
Source Text: “Their already-dire situation has been compounded by the pandemic, which forced
the government to introduce a lockdown that left many in the country out of work and with no income
(UNCIEF, 2021)”.
Google Translate:
The above example illustrates how the improper usage of punctuation impacts the fluency of the
translated text. The output has an Arabic relative pronoun , which refers to the masculine singular
noun pandemic. The output pinpoints the inability of Google Translate to render texts without
considering the relative pronouns between two different languages. In Arabic, relative pronouns are
not preceded by commas, unlike in English. In the given an example above, the relative pronoun
is preceded by a comma, which does not conform with Arabic syntax. Google Translate here translates
the text by imitating the punctuation marks of the source text since Arabic, unlike English, does not
have systematic punctuation rules. Therefore, the system copies the ST rules of punctuation.
Example 2:
Source Text: If COVID-19 is spreading in your community, stay safe by taking some simple
precautions, such as physical distancing, wearing a mask, keeping rooms well ventilated, avoiding
crowds, cleaning your hands, and coughing into a bent elbow or tissue. Check local advice where you
live and work. Do it all!” (WHO, 2021b).
Google Translate:
The error in the above example is the usage of the exclamation mark. Exclamation marks are used
to express exclaim, protest, command, surprise, or astonishment. They are different in English and
Arabic. Google translate imitates the usage of punctuation in English in handling English texts into
Arabic. In Arabic, it starts with the exclamation particle ma
and on the comparative form of afal
of the appropriate adjective while in English, it can be used with imperative sentences like ‘Do it all!’.
Google Translate applied ST exclamation marks while dealing with the Arabic text. The use of the
exclamation article in ( ) is incorrect because an exclamation article does not follow
imperative sentences in Arabic; it should end with a full stop ( ).
4.2. Lexical Errors
The lexical level relates to the usage of words and vocabulary in a language. A lexical error
concerns the influence of using a wrong word in the wrong context throughout the translation process
and how such a type of error affects the whole meaning. Lexis errors include omitting, adding, and
untranslated errors. Omission errors indicate the deletion of words that should appear in the translated
text. Addition errors represent the addition of new words to the translated text which do not exist in the
source text. However, not all additions and omissions are considered errors unless they affect the
comprehensibility of the text. In translation, the lexical combination has an essential meaning on the
text; the inappropriate translation impacts the intelligibility of the translated text.
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4.2.1. Omission Errors
Example 3:
Source Text: “However, several NPIs can have a negative impact on the general well-being of
people, the functioning of society, and the economy” (ECDC, 2021).
Google Translate:
The source text contains an acronym. The acronym is a shortened form of a written word or phrase.
The acronym NPIs stands for Non-pharmaceutical interventions, which is mistranslated into Arabic as
. MT systems usually tend to keep the abbreviations untranslated if the system is not
familiar with the given abbreviation. However, Google Translate in this context provides an incorrect
translation for NPIs as Non-profit organizations . Such a translation affects the
meaning of the translated text. The system here provides the translation of the acronym, which does
not relate to the source text. The correct translation for the acronym should be . The
mistranslation error in this example indicates that the chosen system could not recognize the
connection between the abbreviation and its context. Therefore, the study recommends creating
specialized lists for different domains and trains Google Translate on dealing with abbreviation
translation based on its domain reference.
Example 4:
Source Text: “Easy access to testing and timeliness of testing is critical for the effectiveness of
measures such as contact tracing and isolation of cases (ECDC, 2021)”
Google Translate:
The above example shows an incomplete translation for the given sentence. The chosen system
here omits the translation of the underlined phrase. Such an omission is critical and inhibits the
intelligibility of the text. The translation of the above example 5 should be as follows:
Back Translation:
Example 5:
Source Text: Maintain at least a 1-metre distance between yourself and others to reduce your risk
of infection when they cough, sneeze or speak.
Google Translate:
The above example shows that the possessive adjective ‘your’ and subject pronoun ‘they’ have
been omitted. The advice in the ST is for the public. Therefore, the omission does not affect the
meaning of the text.
Back Translation:
(WHO, 2021a) .
4.2.2. Untranslated Errors
Example 6:
Source Text: • Avoid the 3Cs: spaces that are closed, crowded or involve close contact(WHO,
: CSlosed rowded : Google Translate
The above example illustrates how the chosen system translated the COVID-19 preventive
measures advice from English into Arabic. The text asks the public to avoid three words that start with
the letter C, ‘closed, crowded or involve close contact.’ The chosen system here dealt with 3Cs as an
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abbreviation. It translated the letter ‘C’ letter into three mentioned words start with the letter C.
Keeping the words untranslated inhibits the comprehension of the output. with
Back Translation:
4.2.3. Addition Errors
Example 7:
Source Text: WHO has published Q&As on ventilation and air conditioning for both the general
public and people who manage public spaces and buildings(WHO, 2021a).
Google Translate:
& Q
The ST has a Q&A expression used in sessions to give the audience time to ask specific issues and
topics. The expression has been kept untranslated. On the other hand, the chosen system adds the
proper name, , which is a proper Arabic name. This addition is wrong since it impacts the
comprehension and intelligibility of the text.
4.3. Grammatical Errors
Grammar is a set of rules that govern the structure of a language. Grammar errors cover subject-
verb agreement, conjugations, and word order. The misuse of derivations in language's morphological
and syntactic aspects causes grammatical errors that affect the target text's structure and meaning. In
the present analysis, we identified and highlighted two types of errors: Misselection errors and
Misordering errors. Misselection errors represent the morphological problems that occur due to word
class level (when a noun is needed but the translation engine translates it as a noun), verbal level (in
terms of tense and person), and agreement error (includes gender, person, and number).
4.3.1. Misselection error (word class)
Example 8:
Source Text: “Today, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration approved the antiviral drug Veklury
(remdesivir) for use in adult and pediatric patients” (FDA, 2020).
Google Translate:
) Veklury (remdesivir
Misselection error occurs due to the misuse of the word class for (use in) when translating into
Arabic. The ST text contains the preposition that comes with the noun ‘use.’ Google Translate
translates the preposition "in" literally as to indicate the place. In contrast, ST text indicates "in" as
medicine. The ST preposition is equivalent to the Arabic preposition .
4.3.2. Misselection error (verb level: tense)
Example 9:
Source Text: “The COVID-19 pandemic has taken a devastating toll on hundreds of millions of
people across the globe” (UNCIEF, 2021).
Google Translate:
Nevertheless, the verb “ “can be considered as a present tense or past tense based on the
context. The present perfect tense “has taken” means that COVID-19 caused a devastating toll, and it
2074 Almahasees et al. / Journal of Language and Linguistic Studies, 17(4) (2021) 2065–2080
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should be translated into Arabic by using the past simple tense . A Misselection error happens in
the Arabic translation due to the mismatch between the feminine word “pandemic= “and the verb
tense . To avoid such a type of error, the pronoun reference “ “to the female subject should be
added to the end of the verb “ “for two reasons; to indicate the past tense of the verb and to match
the feminine word following it
4.3.3. Misordering Error
Source Text: There were no statistically significant differences in recovery rates or mortality rates
between the two groups.
Google Translate:
The translation of “statically significant differences” has resulted in a misordering error. In Arabic,
the noun precedes the adjective, while in English, the adjective precedes the noun. The chosen system
translates “statistically significant differences as which places the adjective
before the noun. The correct translation of “statistically significant differences” should be “
4.4. Semantic Errors
Semantic errors are issues that relate to the meaning of the words. The semantic errors are of three
types: confusion of senses, wrong choice, collocation, and idiomatic errors. The confusion of senses is
when the translated word constitutes one of its possible meanings, but the chosen translation is not
accurate. The wrong choice is when the translation does not relate to the source text word. Collocation
and idiomatic errors occur when the system is not capable of rendering these two-word combinations
correctly. In most cases, the equivalent for these combinations is very different from the system
4.4.1. Confusion of Senses
Example 11:
Source Text: “authorize the drug’s use for treatment of suspected or laboratory confirmed COVID-
19 in hospitalized pediatric patients” (FDA, 2020).
Google Translate:
The above example illustrates confusion of senses error at the level of contextual translation. The
Arabic translation of laboratory has one of its possible meaning as as a place to conduct
experiments. The translation is incorrect; the context deals with confirmed cases of COVID-19, not the
place of conducting experiments. Moreover, the translation of "hospitalized paediatric patients" also
has confusion of senses errors since the translation does not indicate whether the patients are regular
visitors to the hospital or hospitalized there. Based on the English sentence, the drug can treat
hospitalized paediatric patients whose cases are suspected or laboratory-confirmed of having COVID-
Back Translation:
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© 2021 Cognizance Research Associates - Published by JLLS.
4.4.2. Wrong choice errors
Example 12:
Source Text: “stay safe by taking some simple precautions, such as physical distancing, wearing a
mask”(WHO, 2021b).
Google Translate:
The above example contains the wrong choice error for the colocation ‘wearing a mask.’ Google
Translate here mistranslates the noun mask as . The word indicates the cover for the whole face
for the sake of disguise and entertainment. In contrast, the context indicates wearing the mask to
protect your mouth and nose for medical purposes, a surgical mask, or a medical mask to prevent
airborne infections. The translation for the ‘mask’should be or .
4.4.3. Idioms Errors
Example 13:
Source Text: As business evaporated, so too did their savings.
Google Translate:
The above example illustrates the impact of the pandemic on humans that their businesses
evaporated (lost). The chosen system translates the phrase literally as which does not
convey the exact meaning of the translated text. The context indicates that people lost their jobs and
their saving is in danger too. The correct translation of this idiom is ‘’.
Example 14:
Source Text: A government-led emergency cash transfer program for informal workers in urban
areas has provided a lifeline for parents struggling to put food on the table
Google Translate:
The above example shows how Google Translate rendered the idiom ‘put food on the table.' The
chosen system translates the idiom literally as ‘put food on the table.’ However,
the idiom means "to earn enough money to cover all the necessities for oneself and his/her family."
Therefore, the correct translation of the idiom should be .
5. Discussion
Several MT taxonomies and methods have been proposed for the assessment of MT systems. The
study indicates that the most suitable method for evaluating the output of MT systems is the manual
method since humans can judge the quality of MT systems in terms of adequacy, fluency, and
intelligibility of the output. This conclusion agrees with (Chan, 2014) (Vilar et al., 2007), (Costa et al.,
2015b) and (Z. Almahasees, 2020) that manual evaluation is the golden standard method for assessing
MT outputs.
The development of MT systems has improved significantly. Different approaches have been
proposed for improvement along with evaluative studies. The prominent approach is NMT, initiated
by Google Translate in 2017 for English into Arabic and vice versa. The study aligns with (Z.
Almahasees, 2020) and (Alkhawaja et al., 2020) that NMT proved significant progress in translating
English into Arabic.
The study shows that Google Translate performs well in rendering COVID-19 content into Arabic.
However, there are still mismatches in translation. Google Translate can help translate general safety
instructions about Covid-19, but it is risky and not trusted in translating critical information about
COVID-19. The study’s analysis shows that Google Translate rendered some abbreviations incorrectly
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© 2021 Cognizance Research Associates - Published by JLLS.
in the corpus. These errors are due to the linguistic difference between English; unlike English, Arabic
does not have a systematic system for punctuation. The system commits errors in rendering
abbreviations due to the unfamiliarity of the systems with the newly invented abbreviation, as in
example 4. Moreover, the system imitates ST punctuation marks, which impacts the fluency and
intelligibility of the output since punctuation marks are different in English and Arabic.
Similarly, there are also significant errors in terms of lexis that inhibit the output's intelligibility, as
shown in Figure 2. The meaning of lexis words emanates from the context. The context contains
surface and underlying meaning. The analysis of context is attainable only by humans. This error
emphasizes that Machine Translation in general and Google Translate, in particular, is still incapable
of dealing with the contexts like a human.
On the other hand, Goggle commits grammatical errors since the word order, and the grammatical
structure of this language pair is different. This finding aligns with what (Z. M. Almahasees, 2017)
and(Z. Almahasees, 2020) found in their studies. The following chart illustrates the distribution of
errors over (Costa et al., 2015a) taxonomy of errors.
Figure 2. Google Translate Performance in dealing with COVID-19 translation texts into Arabic
Google Translate committed a set of errors while translating English COVID-19 texts into Arabic.
The paper reveals that Google Translate committed the highest number of semantic errors with 8.53%
of the whole texts. In comparison, the lowest number of errors goes for punctuation errors with a
percentage of less than 2% of the whole texts, equal to 1.46%. On the other hand, grammatical errors
come after semantic errors with 4.26% and lexical errors with 3.90%.
6. Conclusion
The present study has illustrated the importance of integrating technology and translation in coping
with the demand for translation. The study verified the capacity of the most common MT system,
Google Translate, with daily users of 500 million in translating a wide range of selected COVID-19
texts from international organizations: WHO, UNICEF, ECDC, FDA from English into Arabic. The
paper shows that Google achieved a significant improvement in translating English COVID-19 texts
into Arabic. However, it committed punctuation, lexis, grammatical and semantic errors. In this regard,
the highest number of errors committed by Google is related to semantic errors, which inhibited the
intelligibility of the texts, followed by grammatical and then lexical errors. The study recommends that
Errors Lexical
Errors Grammatical
Errors Semantic
Errors Sum
N.Errors 15 20 29 50 114
Percentage 1.46% 3.90% 4.26% 8.53% 18.15%
Google Translate
. Almahasees et al. / Journal of Language and Linguistic Studies, 17(4) (2021) 2065–2080 2077
© 2021 Cognizance Research Associates - Published by JLLS.
a review by a trained translator should post edit the output of MT systems to ensure the quality of the
output. Even though MT helps provide the gist of texts, it will never replace humans.
7. Ethics Committee Approval
The authors confirm that the study does not need ethics committee approval according to the
research integrity rules in their country.
8. Conflict of Interest
The Authors declare that there is no conflict of interest.
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Dr. Almahasees is an Assistant Professor of Translation in the Dept. of English Language and Translation at
Applied Science Private University, Jordan. He earned his PhD in Translation Studies, from The University of
Western Australia, Australia (2020). His research interests include Translation Theories, Translation Evaluation,
Comparative Translation, Computer Assisted Translation (CAT), Computational Linguistics, and Machine
Lect. Meqdadi is a lecturer of Linguistics. She held a Master's degree in English Language-Literature from
Hashemite University in 2015. She taught as a part-time lecturer at the University of Jordan and the Hashemite
University. She also worked as a free-lance translator and she taught Arabic as a foreign language. She worked
in the Department of English Language and Translation at Applied Science Private University from 2017 to July,
Albudairi is a lecturer at the College of Languages and Translation, Imam Mohammad Ibn Saud Islamic
University, Riyadh. He has an MA in English-Arabic translation and currently he is a PhD student in translation.
He has an experience as a translator and as a freelancer. Among his research interests are translation strategies,
translation evaluation and machine translation.