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Motivation of Farmers toward Tobacco Farming in Sleman District, Sleman Regency


Abstract and Figures

This study aims to determine the motivation of farmers in tobacco farming in Sleman District, Sleman Regency. The research location was chosen because people who cultivate tobacco have the highest productivity (2.4883 tons/ha) in 2019 in Sleman Regency. The tobacco farmers in Sleman District are members of the PAC Farmer Group (Branch Management) of the Indonesian Tobacco Farmers Association, Sleman District. Respondents were determined by census, namely 34 farmers. The analysis used in this research is descriptive analysis with scoring technique. This study uses ERG motivation theory. The results showed that the existence motivation indicator obtained an average score of 3.83 (including the high category), the relatedness motivation indicator obtained an average score of 3.69 (including the high category), as well as the growth motivation indicator obtained a score of 3.74. (Also included in the high category). So it can be concluded that farmers in Sleman District in tobacco farming can be said to have high motivation, both in fulfilling daily needs (existence), interacting with other people (relatedness) and in the need to develop (growth).
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Motivation of Farmers toward Tobacco Farming
in Sleman District, Sleman Regency
Indardi* and Dwi Ramadianti
Department of Agribusiness, Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta, Yogyakarta, Indonesia
Abstract. This study aims to determine the motivation of farmers in
tobacco farming in Sleman District, Sleman Regency. The r esearch
location was chosen because people who cultivate tobacco have the highest
productivity (2.4883 tons/ha) in 2019 in Sleman Regency. The tobacco
farmers in Sleman District are members of the PAC Farmer Group (Branch
Management) of the Indonesian Tobacco Farmers Association, Sleman
District. Respondents were determined by census, namely 34 farmers. The
analysis used in this research is descriptive analysis with scoring
technique. This study uses ERG motivation theory. The results showed that
the existence motivation indicator obtained an average score of 3.83
(including the high category), the relatedness motivation indicator obtained
an average score of 3.69 (including the high categor y), as well as the
growth motivation indicator obtained a score of 3.74. (Also included in the
high category). So it can be concluded that farmers in Sleman District in
tobacco farming can be said to have high motivation, both in fulfilling
daily needs (existence), interacting with other people (relatedness) and in
the need to develop (growth).
1 Introduction
Sustainable agriculture supposed by the government, a change in land use has become an
important issue to be taken into account as such that the change does not tend to damage
the environment [1]. Biodiversity declines in farmland have been attributed to
intensification of farming at the field level and loss of heterogeneity at the landscape level.
However, farmers are not solely optimizing production; their actions are also influenced by
social factors, tradition and interest in nature, which indirectly influence biodiversity but
rarely are incorporated in studies of farmland biodiversity [2]. Population growth in
Indonesia and other countries has a need for tobacco every year tends to increase [3].
Tobacco is the raw material for making cigarettes, especially for the development of the
cigarette industry in Indonesia, the existence of tobacco plants is important to note and
improve so that the increasing demand for tobacco, the presence of tobacco will never
subside with good cultivation. Yogyakarta Special Region is the second-largest tobacco
producer after East Java with an average area of 55,000 hectares and an average production
of 40.040 tons per year, or by 23.5 % and 21.47% of the total area and national production
[4]. Yogyakarta Province has four regencies and one city, namely Sleman, Bantul,
* Corresponding author:
© The Authors, published by EDP Sciences. This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons
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E3S Web of Conferences 316, 02025 (2021)
IConARD 2021
Kulonprogo, Gunung Kidul and Yogyakarta City. Of the five districts/cities are one of the
plantation crop-producing distr icts especially tobacco plant is Sleman District. Sleman
Regency is one of the regencies in Yogyakarta which has 17 sub-districts in which several
s of which, the people work as tobacco farmers with good quality results, and
even have been supplied to a number of large cigarette companies. The sub-districts that
have this shooting production are Seyegan, Mlati, Prambanan, Kalasan, Ngemplak,
Ngaglik, Sleman, Tempel and Cangkringan. Based on BPS data from Sleman Regency, it
shows that of a number of tobacco producing sub-districts, the highest tobacco productivit y
of 2.4883 tons/ha in 2019 was found in Sleman District, with the lowest productivity of
0.1681 tons/ha found in Cangkringan District [5]. Tobacco commodity is a phenomenal
plantation product. On the one hand, it is a cigarette producing commodity that is not good
for health, on the other hand it is seen as a plant ation commodity with high economic value.
The interesting thing with the high productivity of the tobacco commodity in Sleman
District, it turns out that the farmers are members of the PAC Farmer Group (Branch
Management Committee) of the Indonesian Tobacco Farmers Associat ion, Sleman District.
It appears that tobacco farming is carried out more intensively and professionally. The
interesting thing that becomes a question is whether high tobacco productivity is driven by
performance in farming solely motivated to get high profits (economic motives) or whether
there are other motivations so that the farming produces high productivity. The novelty of
this research, on the research subject of tobacco farmers who are members of the farmer
groups of the sub-branches of the Indonesian Farmer s Association with an ERG
motivational theory approach. Related to this, researchers are interested in studying the
motivation of farmers to cultivate tobacco in Sleman District by being approached using the
ERG motivation theory.
1.1 Tobacco Farming
Farming is an effort to manage the natural resources needed for agricultural products such
as the need for land and water, improvements made to the land itself, sunlight, buildings
that stand on the ground. Farming science is defined as the effective and efficient allocation
of existing resources with the aim of obtaining high profits at a certain time [6]. Land is a
determinant in farming, which in general can be seen that the wider the area of land that is
cultivated, the greater the amount of production produced. According to [7], the status of
land ownership is a relation of farming and processing, so that it is known that there are
several types of land status such as property rights land, rental land, and profit sharing land.
Tobacco is one of the plantation crop commodities that promises to have a variety of high
profits. Tobacco as one of the sources of raw materials for making cigarettes which is the
result of domestic productio n. In Africa, Most African governments promote tobacco
farming as a way to alleviate poverty [8]. In Pakistan The Tobacco Industry provides job
opportunities for many people involved in the agriculture, production and trade of Tobacco
products in Pakistan [9]. Tobacco remains a dominant cash crop in many low- and middle-
income countries, despite the evidence suggesting that it is not as profitable as industry
claims and is harmful to health and the environment [10]. a study in bangladesh showed
that Tobacco cultivation incurs very high environmental costs that cause harm to society
[11]. Studies in rural Piere, northern Greece show that the constant emphasis on the basic
safety precautions required when using pesticides and the importance of protective
equipment is essential to change farmers' wrong habits that can put their health at risk [12].
Tobacco cultivation includes seeding, tillage, planting and maintenance, pest and disease
control, and harvesting and post-harvesting. For the sustainability of good tobacco
cultivation, it is necessary to follow good governance. Better governance, together with
sustainability land management strategies and livelihood diversification strategies, can
E3S Web of Conferences 316, 02025 (2021)
IConARD 2021
Kulonprogo, Gunung Kidul and Yogyakarta City. Of the five districts/cities are one of the
plantation crop-producing distr icts especially tobacco plant is Sleman District. Sleman
Regency is one of the regencies in Yogyakarta which has 17 sub-districts in which several
sub-districts of which, the people work as tobacco farmers with good quality results, and
even have been supplied to a number of large cigarette companies. The sub-districts that
have this shooting production are Seyegan, Mlati, Prambanan, Kalasan, Ngemplak,
Ngaglik, Sleman, Tempel and Cangkringan. Based on BPS data from Sleman Regency, it
shows that of a number of tobacco producing sub-districts, the highest tobacco productivit y
of 2.4883 tons/ha in 2019 was found in Sleman District, with the lowest productivity of
0.1681 tons/ha found in Cangkringan District [5]. Tobacco commodity is a phenomenal
plantation product. On the one hand, it is a cigarette producing commodity that is not good
for health, on the other hand it is seen as a plant ation commodity with high economic value.
The interesting thing with the high productivity of the tobacco commodity in Sleman
District, it turns out that the farmers are members of the PAC Farmer Group (Branch
Management Committee) of the Indonesian Tobacco Farmers Associat ion, Sleman District.
It appears that tobacco farming is carried out more intensively and professionally. The
interesting thing that becomes a question is whether high tobacco productivity is driven by
performance in farming solely motivated to get high profits (economic motives) or whether
there are other motivations so that the farming produces high productivity. The novelty of
this research, on the research subject of tobacco farmers who are members of the farmer
groups of the sub-branches of the Indonesian Farmers Association with an ERG
motivational theory approach. Related to this, researchers are interested in studying the
motivation of farmers to cultivate tobacco in Sleman District by being approached using the
ERG motivation theory.
1.1 Tobacco Farming
Farming is an effort to manage the natural resources needed for agricultural products such
as the need for land and water, improvements made to the land itself, sunlight, buildings
that stand on the ground. Farming science is defined as the effective and efficient allocation
of existing resources with the aim of obtaining high profits at a certain time [6]. Land is a
determinant in farming, which in general can be seen that the wider the area of land that is
cultivated, the greater the amount of production produced. According to [7], the status of
land ownership is a relation of farming and processing, so that it is known that there are
several types of land status such as property rights land, rental land, and profit sharing land.
Tobacco is one of the plantation crop commodities that promises to have a variety of high
profits. Tobacco as one of the sources of raw materials for making cigarettes which is the
result of domestic productio n. In Africa, Most African governments promote tobacco
farming as a way to alleviate poverty [8]. In Pakistan The Tobacco Industry provides job
opportunities for many people involved in the agriculture, production and trade of Tobacco
products in Pakistan [9]. Tobacco remains a dominant cash crop in many low- and middle-
income countries, despite the evidence suggesting that it is not as profitable as industry
claims and is harmful to health and the environment [10]. a study in bangladesh showed
that Tobacco cultivation incurs very high environmental costs that cause harm to society
[11]. Studies in rural Piere, northern Greece show that the constant emphasis on the basic
safety precautions required when using pesticides and the importance of protective
equipment is essential to change farmers' wrong habits that can put their health at risk [12].
Tobacco cultivation includes seeding, tillage, planting and maintenance, pest and disease
control, and harvesting and post-harvesting. For the sustainability of good tobacco
cultivation, it is necessary to follow good governance. Better governance, together with
sustainability land management strategies and livelihood diversification strategies, can
reduce dependency on tobacco cultivation and contribute to a sustainable future for this
ecoregion [13]. so it is important to carry out agricultural activities through the "ecology" of
agricultural policies the objectives of this policy are to protect environmentally sensitive
areas, to improve groundwater quality and, more recently, to develop organic agriculture
and/or reduce pesticide use [14].
1.2 Motivation Theory
Motivation is etymologically derived from the word motive which conditioned the meaning
of encouragement. Motive is defined as the power contained within a person to encourage
him to take action (driving force). Motivation is a potential force that exists within a human
being, which can be developed independently or developed by a number of external forces
which essentially revolve around monetary rewards and non-monetary rewards, which can
affect the results of their performance positively or negative, which depends on the
situation and conditions faced by the person concerned. Motivation is an impulse or reason
that moves each individual to behave. especially motivating the younger generation to
encourage young people motivation of farmers by strengthening their role by increasing
knowledge of the horticultural business, including training, internships, and discussions
about technological developments by utilizing the younger generation on regular basis
farmer group meeting [15]. Motivation is a result arising from a person's interaction in
certain situations he faces. Considerat ion motivation that is trying to understand how
different cognitive framworks inform and shape attitudes. Its purpose is to provide insight
into why, when two farmers in it seems that an identical situation is encountered with the
same opportunity, a farmer chooses to chase it and oyhers don’t [16]. Motives can be
divided into three types, namely biogenetic motives, sociogenetic mo tives and theolo gical
mot ives [17]. The results show that economic motivat ion (growth), health (growth), safety
issues (existence) and environmental issues (relatedness) are the main motives for
conversion, while social and ethical motives (relatedness) are less important [18]. In
particular, the health motivation in the study of consumption of organic food is mainly
based on avo idance o f chemicals residues, antibiotics, hormones, genetically modified
organisms, and disease [19]. In the study of motivations for organic farming in Nepal, all
individuals invo lved in organic farming have some common motivat ions, such as a desire
for personal health, quality products and rural development [20]. In a study of farmers
market perceptions and motivations in sydney found that buyers are motivated by a variety
of social, ethical, health, and environmrntal factors [21]. In a study of motivation and
attitudes towards organic buying in Scotland showed that consumer buying motivation is
self-interested (feeling better, safer) rather than altruistic [22]. in the study of motivations
for sustaining urban farming participation in selangor malaysia showed that physical and
mental health (existence motivation) and environment (relatedness motivation) became the
motivation with the highest score among urban farming practitioners [23]. In studying
farmer’s motivation to employ sustainable production techniques in agriculture, mainstream
researchers have identified that a single and unique motivation is rarely found; rather
among most farmers a bundle of motivations [24]. Based on the source, the motives are
divided into two, namely intrinsic mot ives and extrinsic motives. Findings of the study
showed that VFTs were motivated by a combination of intrinsic and extrinsic factors [25].
on research on motivation of organic rice farmers in Klaten use Maslow’s needs theory,
intending to describe the motivation of farmers in organic rice farming [26].
2 Method
E3S Web of Conferences 316, 02025 (2021)
IConARD 2021
The method used in this research is descriptive analytical method on a census basis with
respondents to 34 farmers who are members of the APTI (Indonesian tobacco farmers
association) PAC (subsidisry board) group. This study will describe a systematic
description of the motivation of farmers in tobacco farming in Sleman Sub-distr ict, Slema n
Regency. This location was chosen because observations Sleman is a district that has the
productivity of the most high among the 17 districts in the regency of Sleman. H
productivity of tobacco farmers illustrates that farmers have a hard and earnest effort in
farming, which they do because they have a strong motivation. The important question is
that farmers in tobacco farming are only based on one motivation or because of various
motivations. This study uses an ERG (Existence, Relatedness and Growth) Motivation
Theory approach. Existence motivation is motivation based on the encouragement of
farmers to meet the needs of: a) food, b) clothing and housing, c) education costs and d)
saving. Motivation Relatedness is a motivation that is based because of the encouragement
of farmers to meet the needs of: a) having a relationships with others, b) expand
relationship with the group, c) cooperation by farmers another, and d) having a relationship
with the extension. Furthermore, to Motivat ion Growth is based motivation because of the
encouragement of farmers to meet the needs of: a) Enhancing the skills of farming, b) buy
tertiary goods, c) Valued and respected, d) Motivation for health, and e) own or develop a
business. Theoretically, [27] reveals that there are five categories of measurement ranging
from very low to ver y high, as presented in table one. Furthermore, in measuring the level
of motivation of farmers in tobacco farming, both for indicators of existence motivation,
relatedness motivation and growth motivation refer to on the grouping of scores from each
class interval and making the category refers to what Sugiono said.
Table 1. Interpretation of determining the level of criteria for each indicator
Score Range (1-5)
In Percent (%)
0.00 - 20.00
Very Low
20.01 - 40.00
40.01 - 60.00
Fairly High
60.01 - 80.00
80.01 -100.00
Very High
Source: [27]
Respondents were taken by census, namely by taking all the farmers (34 votes farmers)
who are involved in farming activities existing tobacco and incorporated in Farmers Group
PAC (Board Child Branch) APTI (Tobacco Growers Association Indonesia) in the District
Sleman, Sleman Regency. Overall tobacco farmers who are members of the PAC farmer
groups totaling 34 people made as respondents in this study.
3 Results
Motivation is a collection of forces or drives that cause farmers to behave in a certain way
to do something they want. In doing work everyone has different motivations, as well as
farmers. Farmers run tobacco farming to fulfill their various needs. In this study, farmers'
motivation was measured using the theory of ERG which includes 3 indicators of
motivation, namely to fulfill the need for existence, to fulfill the need for relatedness, and to
fulfill the need for growth.
Indicator of Fulfillment of Existence Needs (Existence). If seen in Table 2 (existence
motivation) and table 3 (relatedness motivation) both show the category of high motivat ion.
This is in accordance with the results of Jostein Vik's study which shows that social
motivation is as important as economic motivation [28]. The need for existence (existence)
is a need that encourages farmers to fulfill their daily life needs which consist of meeting
E3S Web of Conferences 316, 02025 (2021)
IConARD 2021
The method used in this research is descriptive analytical method on a census basis with
respondents to 34 farmers who are members of the APTI (Indonesian tobacco farmers
association) PAC (subsidisry board) group. This study will describe a systematic
description of the motivation of farmers in tobacco farming in Sleman Sub-distr ict, Slema n
Regency. This location was chosen because observations Sleman is a district that has the
productivity of the most high among the 17 districts in the regency of Sleman. High
productivity of tobacco farmers illustrates that farmers have a hard and earnest effort in
farming, which they do because they have a strong motivation. The important question is
that farmers in tobacco farming are only based on one motivation or because of various
motivations. This study uses an ERG (Existence, Relatedness and Growth) Motivation
Theory approach. Existence motivation is motivation based on the encouragement of
farmers to meet the needs of: a) food, b) clothing and housing, c) education costs and d)
saving. Motivation Relatedness is a motivation that is based because of the encouragement
of farmers to meet the needs of: a) having a relationships with others, b) expand
relationship with the group, c) cooperation by farmers another, and d) having a relationship
with the extension. Furthermore, to Motivat ion Growth is based motivation because of the
encouragement of farmers to meet the needs of: a) Enhancing the skills of farming, b) buy
tertiary goods, c) Valued and respected, d) Motivation for health, and e) own or develop a
business. Theoretically, [27] reveals that there are five categories of measurement ranging
from very low to ver y high, as presented in table one. Furthermore, in measuring the level
of motivation of farmers in tobacco farming, both for indicators of existence motivation,
relatedness motivation and growth motivation refer to on the grouping of scores from each
class interval and making the category refers to what Sugiono said.
Table 1. Interpretation of determining the level of criteria for each indicator
Score Range (1-5)
In Percent (%)
0.00 - 20.00
20.01 - 40.00
40.01 - 60.00
60.01 - 80.00
80.01 -100.00
Source: [27]
Respondents were taken by census, namely by taking all the farmers (34 votes farmers)
who are involved in farming activities existing tobacco and incorporated in Farmers Group
PAC (Board Child Branch) APTI (Tobacco Growers Association Indonesia) in the District
Sleman, Sleman Regency. Overall tobacco farmers who are members of the PAC farmer
groups totaling 34 people made as respondents in this study.
3 Results
Motivation is a collection of forces or drives that cause farmers to behave in a certain way
to do something they want. In doing work everyone has different motivations, as well as
farmers. Farmers run tobacco farming to fulfill their various needs. In this study, farmers'
motivation was measured using the theory of ERG which includes 3 indicators of
motivation, namely to fulfill the need for existence, to fulfill the need for relatedness, and to
fulfill the need for growth.
Indicator of Fulfillment of Existence Needs (Existence). If seen in Table 2 (existence
motivation) and table 3 (relatedness motivation) both show the category of high motivat ion.
This is in accordance with the results of Jostein Vik's study which shows that social
motivation is as important as economic motivation [28]. The need for existence (existence)
is a need that encourages farmers to fulfill their daily life needs which consist of meeting
the needs of a) family food in their daily life, b) clothing and housing (such as buying
clothes and repairing housing), c) fulfillment education of their children and d) to meet the
needs that will become (by way of opening a bank account and have a family life insurance.
Results of research on Table two shows that the motivation of top farmers in farming
tobacco in the district of Sleman is to meet the food needs of families both in terms of
quantity which is to meet the needs of food three times a day with an average score of
supreme 4:35, and in terms of quality that is to food needs healthy and nutritious with the
average acquisition score of 4:26. Food is the most basic need and the first that humans
need to be able to continue their life. The need for family food is a basic need for humans to
be able to survive, this need that must be met by tobacco farmers in Sleman to support their
families every day. Food is needed in terms of quantity or quality. It is clear that the
motivation of farmers in tobacco farming in Sleman District is the first to be driven to meet
the family's food needs three times a day and the second is to be motivated to meet the
needs of healthy and nutritious food. Farmers have elling trees trimming logs have a sense
of responsibility is very large in sufficient family consumption needs her.
Table 2. Scores obtained and categories of motivation for the fulfillment of the needs of existence
Motivation Category
Motivation to meet family food
a. Encouraged to meet the family's
food needs three times a day
Very high
b. Encouraged to meet the needs of a
healthy and nutritious food
Very high
Motivation to meet the needs of
family clothing and housing
a. Driven to meet the family's
clothing needs in the form of
b. Driven to meet the needs of the
board (housing)
Motivation to meet children's
education costs
a. Driven to meet children's
education costs
b. Encouraged to meet the costs of
supporting children's education in the
form of bags, school clothes, shoes,
and learning tools
Very high
Motivation to meet future needs
a. Encouraged to have savings in the
bank for future needs
b. Encouraged to have life insurance
for the family
Meeting the needs of clothing and family housing is the second parameter after food,
which is a parameter, used by farmers to determine the level of motivation of farmers in
tobacco farming in Sleman District. The need for clothing and housing is also a pr imar y
need that must be fulfilled and is an important need for the continuity of a normal life for
the community, especially for tobacco farmers in Sleman District. Farmers are encouraged
to meet the family's clothing needs in the form of clothing with an average score of 3.97
E3S Web of Conferences 316, 02025 (2021)
IConARD 2021
(including the high category). This shows that clothing is also a priority for farmers to
fulfill both for daily wear and clothing for certain events. Tobacco farmers in Sleman sub-
district are also encouraged to fulfill their housing needs (including house renovation) with
an average score of 3.88 (included in the high category). This shows that the fulfillment of
housing needs, including house repairs/renovations, is seen as important for farmers to
fulfill. The board is an important need, because it is a place where farmers and their
families can take shelter and shelter from hot and rainy conditions. Besides that, it is also to
maintain the dignity of the family and is very important in providing comfort for the family
in carrying out their lives.
Fulfillment of educational costs of children is a parameter which is the third to
determine the extent of motivation of farmers in tobacco farming in Sleman sub-district,
Sleman Regency. Education is important for every individual, education is a process of
personality formation for a child. Through education a child will learn and acquire
knowledge, forming attitudes better, have a better perspective and can even get a new
talent. In the parameter of motivation to meet the cost of children's education, determine
how much motivat ion level of farmers in tobacco farming in Sleman District, Sleman
Regency. In this parameter there are two motivations, namely being driven to meet the
costs of children's education, and being motivated to meet the costs of supporting children's
education in the form of bags, school clothes, shoes and school learning tools. The first
motivation is being driven to meet the costs of children's education. On motivation is
included in the high category with an average of 4.18. This shows that farmers are very
motivated to meet the costs of their children's education, children's education becomes an
important thing. Through education, we can improve the individual quality of children and
have better competitiveness for children to face the future with even greater challenges. The
next very important motivation that is prioritized by farmers is being pushed to meet the
costs of supporting their children's education, namely to meet the needs of their children's
school supplies in the form of bags, school clothes, shoes, and learning tools . Farmers are
very motivated and hope that in the future their children will become more successful
human beings than their parents. By meeting the various needs of various school supplies,
their children become more enthusiastic in welcoming their future success. This is
consistent with research which reveals that the main educational needs of OVC are school
fees, exercise books and pens, school uniforms, personal needs such as shoes, toilet paper,
brooms, school bags, Vaseline and lunch [29].
What is interesting is related to the motivation of tobacco farmers in meeting fut ure
needs. It can be seen that farmers are relatively less oriented in meeting future needs, they
are more oriented towards meeting short-term needs, namely to meet their daily needs.
Tobacco farmers in Sleman are relatively less motivated to have savings for their future
needs, so the average score is in the moderate category, with a score of 3.06. P Felling trees
trimming logs actually have enough desire to save money in the bank, for the sake o f the
future. However, not all farmers feel that their income is sufficient to save in the bank.
This shows that saving is not an urgent need that must be met by farmers and their
families. Farmers do not place savings ownership as a basic need such as in meeting food
needs, or clothing and housing. Saving is seen as a secondary need and is carried out when
there is residual income of farmers after being used to meet various basic needs such as
food, clothing and shelter. Saving is done when there is an excess of income for the farming
family. Even tobacco farmers in Sleman District are less motivated to have life insurance
for their families. So that the average score is only 2.59 and is included in the "low"
category. Tobacco farmers seem less oriented and not motivated to have life insurance. This
is understandable, because culturally (in Indonesia) insurance ownership is still poorly
understood by the public. High social capital in Indonesian society has not yet develoed its
use for the insurance sector. This is in accordance with the conclusion of the study that
E3S Web of Conferences 316, 02025 (2021)
IConARD 2021
(including the high category). This shows that clothing is also a priority for farmers to
fulfill both for daily wear and clothing for certain events. Tobacco farmers in Sleman sub-
district are also encouraged to fulfill their housing needs (including house renovation) with
an average score of 3.88 (included in the high category). This shows that the fulfillment of
housing needs, including house repairs/renovations, is seen as important for farmers to
fulfill. The board is an important need, because it is a place where farmers and their
families can take shelter and shelter from hot and rainy conditions. Besides that, it is also to
maintain the dignity of the family and is very important in providing comfort for the family
in carrying out their lives.
Fulfillment of educational costs of children is a parameter which is the third to
determine the extent of motivation of farmers in tobacco farming in Sleman sub-district,
Sleman Regency. Education is important for every individual, education is a process of
personality formation for a child. Through education a child will learn and acquire
knowledge, forming attitudes better, have a better perspective and can even get a new
talent. In the parameter of motivation to meet the cost of children's education, determine
how much motivat ion level of farmers in tobacco farming in Sleman District, Sleman
Regency. In this parameter there are two motivations, namely being driven to meet the
costs of children's education, and being motivated to meet the costs of supporting children's
education in the form of bags, school clothes, shoes and school learning tools. The first
motivation is being driven to meet the costs of children's education. On motivation is
included in the high category with an average of 4.18. This shows that farmers are very
motivated to meet the costs of their children's education, children's education becomes an
important thing. Through education, we can improve the individual quality of children and
have better competitiveness for children to face the future with even greater challenges. The
next very important motivation that is prioritized by farmers is being pushed to meet the
costs of supporting their children's education, namely to meet the needs of their children's
school supplies in the form of bags, school clothes, shoes, and learning tools . Farmers are
very motivated and hope that in the future their children will become more successful
human beings than their parents. By meeting the various needs of various school supplies,
their children become more enthusiastic in welcoming their future success. This is
consistent with research which reveals that the main educational needs of OVC are school
fees, exercise books and pens, school uniforms, personal needs such as shoes, toilet paper,
brooms, school bags, Vaseline and lunch [29].
What is interesting is related to the motivation of tobacco farmers in meeting fut ure
needs. It can be seen that farmers are relatively less oriented in meeting future needs, they
are more oriented towards meeting short-term needs, namely to meet their daily needs.
Tobacco farmers in Sleman are relatively less motivated to have savings for their future
needs, so the average score is in the moderate category, with a score of 3.06. P Felling trees
trimming logs actually have enough desire to save money in the bank, for the sake o f the
future. However, not all farmers feel that their income is sufficient to save in the bank.
This shows that saving is not an urgent need that must be met by farmers and their
families. Farmers do not place savings ownership as a basic need such as in meeting food
needs, or clothing and housing. Saving is seen as a secondary need and is carried out when
there is residual income of farmers after being used to meet various basic needs such as
food, clothing and shelter. Saving is done when there is an excess of income for the farming
family. Even tobacco farmers in Sleman District are less motivated to have life insurance
for their families. So that the average score is only 2.59 and is included in the "low"
category. Tobacco farmers seem less oriented and not motivated to have life insurance. This
is understandable, because culturally (in Indonesia) insurance ownership is still poorly
understood by the public. High social capital in Indonesian society has not yet develoed its
use for the insurance sector. This is in accordance with the conclusion of the study that
social capital can motivate clients to take insurance in the health sector [30]. There are still
many insurance companies that have not been able to convince the public, so people are not
interested in becoming their clients. results of research in Ghana suggest the underlying
structural cause, however, is the lack of commitment of policy makers and implementers to
pursue the equality goals of NHIS (the national health insurance scheme) [31].
Indicator of fulfillment of Relatedness Needs. Needs to be linkage (relatedness) a
requirement that encourage farmers to interact and connect with other farmers or any other
person other than the farmer. There are four parameters used to measure the level of
motivation of farmers, namely the motivation to establish relationships with people other
than farmers, motivation to increase and expand relationships with farmer groups,
motivation to cooperate with other farmers, and motivation to establish relationships with
agricultural extension workers as described above. Presented in Table 3.
Table 3. Scores obtained and categories of motivation on meeting the needs of interrelationships
Motivation Category
Motivation to build relationships with outside
parties related to tobacco
a. Encouraged to have good relations with
outside parties regarding tobacco marketing
b. Encouraged to have
good relations both with providers of tobacco
farming needs
Motivation to add and expand relationships
with farmer groups
a. Encouraged to interact well with other
4 .00
b. Encouraged to participate in activities held
by farmer groups
Motivation to cooperate with other farmers
a. Encouraged to help other farmers if they
experience difficulties in tobacco farming
b. Encouraged to provide useful information
to other farmers
c. Encouraged to get new experiences from
other farmers
d. Encouraged to get help from other
farmers in tobacco farming
Motivation to build relationships with
agricultural extension workers
a. Encouraged to dig up information about
tobacco farming outside of outreach activities
b. Encouraged to coordinate with agricultural
extension workers regarding obstacles in
tobacco farming independently
The motivation to establish relationships with external parties related to tobacco is the
first parameter used to determine the level of motivation of farmers in tobacco farming in
Sle man Dist rict, Sleman Regency. There are two important aspects to the parameters of the
motivation of this, namely compelled to have good relationships with outside parties related
to the marketing of tobacco and encouraged have good relationships with providers of
E3S Web of Conferences 316, 02025 (2021)
IConARD 2021
tobacco farming needs. The first aspect is motivated to have a good relationship with
outside parties related to tobacco marketing. On aspect of this is included in the high
category with an average score of 3,53. This is a good phenomenon, where there is
independence from farmers to establish relationships with outside parties, especially related
to tobacco marketing. Research in Mexico shows findings that small, large, part-time and
full-time producers are willing to engage with farmers' markets for a variety o f primary
economic and non-economic motivations [32]. Individual farmers have concern and
concern for the price of tobacco that he will receive. So this will be a reference for
themselves and their groups to have a bargaining position in getting the best selling price.
The second aspect is encouraged to have a good relationship with providers of tobacco
farming needs in the future. On aspect of this is included in the high category with an
average score higher, amounting to 3,97. Based on the acquisition of a higher value in this
study, based on data collected among potato farmers in Ehiopia, it was found that inut
market uncertainly is more important than output market uncertainty in smallholder
decisions ti participate [33]. Providers need here among others such as the need for
production inputs such as fertilizers, pesticides or seed. This includes meeting the
information needs and agricultural equipment. In a study in Zambia sowed that ti increase
and main tain agricultural productivity, farmers need information on inputs, post harvest
management and markets, as well as exposure ti new technologies and best practices [34].
Farmers have good relations with a number of parties, such as stalls providing production
facilities, cooperatives and also with the Department of Agriculture. Department of
agriculture here as a provider of tools help with farming tobacco, besides that, there are
additional facilities from BMKG related to weather forecast. This shows that there is a
strong relationship with the motivation of farmers in tobacco farming, with a good
relationship it can benefit farmers to increase the efficiency of their tobacco farming
Independent farmers will pay attention to both aspects. This is very important for
tobacco farmers so that their farming can be sustainable. To guarantee income or profit, so
that their farming can continue, farmers must be able to sell their tobacco products at a
reasonable price. For this reason, farmers must have the right market and be willing to buy
at a reasonable price. This phenomenon is in accordance with the concept of developing
farmers. The concept of thrivin farmers defined as those who run agribusiness ventures
with the aim of maximizing profits (rather than simply stagnating at daily subsistence levels
in terms of food production and supply) is very prominent in the competitive ASEAN
Economy society (MEA) [35]. Related to this, having a good relat ionship with potential
buyers is very necessary. Farming and the cultivation of tobacco will run and proceed with
smoothly if various purposes, such as the availability of production inputs (fertilizers,
seeds, pesticides) or a variety of agricultural equipment requirements can be provided by
either according to their needs. Thus, tobacco farmers can carry out cultivation well, can
have high production, and have the pot ential to earn high inco mes.
Motivation to add and expand relationships with farmer groups is the second parameter
used to determine how much motivat ion level of farmers in tobacco farming is in Sleman
District, Sleman Regency. Interaction is a relationship between one individual and another,
as well as between individuals and groups. As social beings each individual definitely do
inter action, as well as farmers tobacco also interact to keep the string frienship and nurture
that relationship is maintained well. There are two aspects to this parameter, the first being
motivated to interact well with other farmers and being encouraged to participate in
activities held by farmer groups. The first aspect is encouraging good interaction with other
farmers. On aspect of this is included in the high category with an average score of 4.00. It
is shortly shows that occurred interactions are both among peers and show that there is a
relationship which is closely among fellow farmers. From this good relationship, it will
E3S Web of Conferences 316, 02025 (2021)
IConARD 2021
tobacco farming needs. The first aspect is motivated to have a good relationship with
outside parties related to tobacco marketing. On aspect of this is included in the high
category with an average score of 3,53. This is a good phenomenon, where there is
independence from farmers to establish relationships with outside parties, especially related
to tobacco marketing. Research in Mexico shows findings that small, large, part-time and
full-time producers are willing to engage with farmers' markets for a variety o f primary
economic and non-economic motivations [32]. Individual farmers have concern and
concern for the price of tobacco that he will receive. So this will be a reference for
themselves and their groups to have a bargaining position in getting the best selling price.
The second aspect is encouraged to have a good relationship with providers of tobacco
farming needs in the future. On aspect of this is included in the high category with an
average score higher, amounting to 3,97. Based on the acquisition of a higher value in this
study, based on data collected among potato farmers in Ehiopia, it was found that inut
market uncertainly is more important than output market uncertainty in smallholder
decisions ti participate [33]. Providers need here among others such as the need for
production inputs such as fertilizers, pesticides or seed. This includes meeting the
information needs and agricultural equipment. In a study in Zambia sowed that ti increase
and main tain agricultural productivity, farmers need information on inputs, post harvest
management and markets, as well as exposure ti new technologies and best practices [34].
Farmers have good relations with a number of parties, such as stalls providing production
facilities, cooperatives and also with the Department of Agriculture. Department of
agriculture here as a provider of tools help with farming tobacco, besides that, there are
additional facilities from BMKG related to weather forecast. This shows that there is a
strong relationship with the motivation of farmers in tobacco farming, with a good
relationship it can benefit farmers to increase the efficiency of their tobacco farming
Independent farmers will pay attention to both aspects. This is very important for
tobacco farmers so that their farming can be sustainable. To guarantee income or profit, so
that their farming can continue, farmers must be able to sell their tobacco products at a
reasonable price. For this reason, farmers must have the right market and be willing to buy
at a reasonable price. This phenomenon is in accordance with the concept of developing
farmers. The concept of thrivin farmers defined as those who run agribusiness ventures
with the aim of maximizing profits (rather than simply stagnating at daily subsistence levels
in terms of food production and supply) is very prominent in the competitive ASEAN
Economy society (MEA) [35]. Related to this, having a good relat ionship with potential
buyers is very necessary. Farming and the cultivation of tobacco will run and proceed with
smoothly if various purposes, such as the availability of production inputs (fertilizers,
seeds, pesticides) or a variety of agricultural equipment requirements can be provided by
either according to their needs. Thus, tobacco farmers can carry out cultivation well, can
have high production, and have the pot ential to earn high inco mes.
Motivation to add and expand relationships with farmer groups is the second parameter
used to determine how much motivat ion level of farmers in tobacco farming is in Sleman
District, Sleman Regency. Interaction is a relationship between one individual and another,
as well as between individuals and groups. As social beings each individual definitely do
inter action, as well as farmers tobacco also interact to keep the string frienship and nurture
that relationship is maintained well. There are two aspects to this parameter, the first being
motivated to interact well with other farmers and being encouraged to participate in
activities held by farmer groups. The first aspect is encouraging good interaction with other
farmers. On aspect of this is included in the high category with an average score of 4.00. It
is shortly shows that occurred interactions are both among peers and show that there is a
relationship which is closely among fellow farmers. From this good relationship, it will
increase the sense of kinship between farmers so that when the farmers have problems or
obstacles, other farmers can help provide solutions so that various problems that exist
among members can be resolved properly and common goals can be achieved. The second
aspect is being motivated to participate in activities held by farmer groups. On aspect of
this is included in the high category with an average score of 3,82. This shows that good
interactions and close relationships between fellow farmers that occur in the first aspect
(encouraged to interact well with other farmers), have a positive impact on farmers'
involvement in various activities held by farmer groups. Tobacco farmers actively
participate in participating in extension activities, regular meetings, discussions held by
farmer groups. Clear that this will certainly add insight, knowledge, and the experience of
members of farmer groups, until farmers can more easily, smooth, and have the insight that
continues to grow in tobacco farming activities.
The third parameter to determine the level of motivation of farmers in tobacco farming
in Sleman District, Sleman Regency is the motivation to cooperate with other farmers.
Working together in here can mean working together with another farmers with the same
goal related activities of farming tobacco such as cooperation in the preparation seeds or
work together to find various solutions to problems faced by farmers. There are four aspects
that exist in this parameter, namely being motivated to help other farmers if they experience
difficulties in tobacco farming activities, being encouraged to provide useful information to
other farmers, being encouraged to get new experiences from other farmers, and being
encouraged to get help from farmers. Others in tobacco farming. The first aspect is being
motivated to help other farmers if they exper ience difficulties in their tobacco farming
activities. This criterion is included in the high category with an average score of 3.53. This
shows that farmers have a high social concern for the problems faced by their friends.
Tobacco farmers always interact with other farmers in order to help fellow farmers if
experiencing difficulties in tobacco farming activities. The assistance provided also varied,
both in terms of knowledge related to tobacco problems, knowledge related to tobacco
cultivation, seed assistance, and supporting tools related to tobacco farming. The second
aspect is the incentive to provide useful information to other farmers. This criterion is
included in the high category with an average score of 3.79. With group activities, not a few
farmers actively participate in participating in activities organized by groups. This means
that farmers get a lot of knowledge. There are other farmers who rarely took activity group,
they st ill can obtain information by discussing and exchanging information with farmers
actively obtain various information from the activities of the group. The third aspect is
being motivated to get new experiences from other farmers. On these criteria are included
in the high category with an average score of 3, 53. The experience of tobacco farmers
another who had already experienced in farming of tobacco have an important role for the
new farmers to farming tobacco. Trend of farmers are not so follow the theory presented
but will be more satisfied when through and look at the experience that has been
experienced by other farmers. The fourth aspect is the incentive to get help from other
farmers in tobacco farming. On aspect of this is included in the high category wit h an
average score of 3,76. The intended assistance of help means of production. Tobacco
farmers in Sleman District are generally independent in procuring production facilities. If
there is one farmer who for some reason gets into trouble with the means of production, it is
certain that he will get help from other farmers.
The motivation to establish a relationship with the agricultural extension is a parameter
last (fourth) used to measure the level of motivation of farmers in tobacco farming in the
district of Sleman, Sleman Regency. Establishing a relationship with agricultural extension
workers includes two aspects, namely being encouraged to dig up information about
tobacco farming outside of extension activities and being encouraged to coordinate with
agricultural extension workers related to obstacles in tobacco farming. The first aspect is
E3S Web of Conferences 316, 02025 (2021)
IConARD 2021
being motivated to dig up information about tobacco farming outside of extension activities
organized by farmer groups. The results showed that, the main role of farmer-to-farmer
extension workers in motivating the younger generation was in disseminating technology
and information [32]. On aspect of this is included in the category is quite high with an
average score of 3,15. In general, farmers passive to liaise individually with extension
worker outside education activities organized by the group. In this study, tobacco farmers
have a high enough motivation to relate to extension workers outside of group extension
activities. This shows that farmers are quite independent and enthusiastic to continue to
explore information about tobacco farming outside of extension activities. The second
aspect is being encouraged to coordinate with agricultural extension workers regarding the
obstacles in tobacco farming. In the aspect is included into high category with an average
score of 3, 85. If farmers have problems or questions related to tobacco farming, farmers
can ask, coordinate, directly with extension workers outside of extension activities. Time
outside of extension activities is also more flexible to carry out discussions so that farmers
feel more flexible in discussing with agricultural extension workers.
Indicators of fulfillment of requirement growth (growth). Needs to be growth
(growth) is something that encourages farmers to grow and become better in the future,
such as developing the potential in the hope to be useful to themselves, their families, and
other people. There are five parameters that exist in determining the motivation per plant,
the motivation to buy goods tertiary to the family, the motivation to improve knowledge
about the farming of tobacco, the motivation to be appreciated and respected by others, the
motivation for health, and motivation to have or develop businesses other tobacco farming.
The average score and motivation category for meeting growth needs are presented in Table
4. Based on table 4, it can be seen that the motivation to buy tertiary goods for families is
the first parameter used to determine how much motivation level of tobacco farmers in
Sleman District is. Tertiary goods are complementary goods to meet the daily needs of
farmers. There are three aspects to this parameter, namely being compelled to buy
electronic equipment (TV, refrigerator, washing machine), being compelled to buy jewelry
for the wife, and being compelled to buy a private vehicle.
The first aspect is encouraged buy electronic equipment (TV, refrigerators, washing
machines). On aspect of this is included in the high category with an average score of 4,06 .
This shows that farmers are motivated in tobacco farming because they want to buy
electronic equipment. Life today's society household items such as electronic goods such as
TVs, refrigerators and washing machines have been such a primary requirement. However,
it turns out that there are still farmers who are not motivated to buy electronic goods. This
farmer still thinks that these electronic items are not too important to fulfill. The second
aspect is compelled to buy jewelry for the wife. On aspect is included in the high category
with average achieved a score of 3,85. This shows that farmers are motivated to cultivate
tobacco because they want to buy their wife's jewelry. Jewelr y has a number of important
functions for the family, besides to beautify the wife or daughter, it also functions as a
family savings for future needs. Deposits in the form of various jewelry as can later be sold
back at a relatively fixed or even the value could be higher in the future. Gold jewelry is an
investment for tobacco farmers. But as there are farmers who are not motivated to buy
jewelry, because it feels not a priority in the subsistence of her. The third aspect is the urge
to buy a private vehicle. In the aspect is included into high category with acquisition
average score of 3,76 . This shows that farmers are motivated in tobacco farming because
they want to also purchase a vehicle that can be used for support the farming activities or
for the purposes of the family in their daily mobility. In the current era, motorbikes have
become a primary need for the mobility of tobacco farmers and their families.
Motivation to increase knowledge about tobacco farming is the second parameter used
to determine how much motivation level of farmers is. There are three aspects to this
E3S Web of Conferences 316, 02025 (2021)
IConARD 2021
being motivated to dig up information about tobacco farming outside of extension activities
organized by farmer groups. The results showed that, the main role of farmer-to-farmer
extension workers in motivating the younger generation was in disseminating technology
and information [32]. On aspect of this is included in the category is quite high with an
average score of 3,15. In general, farmers passive to liaise individually with extension
worker outside education activities organized by the group. In this study, tobacco farmers
have a high enough motivation to relate to extension workers outside of group extension
activities. This shows that farmers are quite independent and enthusiastic to continue to
explore information about tobacco farming outside of extension activities. The second
aspect is being encouraged to coordinate with agricultural extension workers regarding the
obstacles in tobacco farming. In the aspect is included into high category with an average
score of 3, 85. If farmers have problems or questions related to tobacco farming, farmers
can ask, coordinate, directly with extension workers outside of extension activities. Time
outside of extension activities is also more flexible to carry out discussions so that farmers
feel more flexible in discussing with agricultural extension workers.
Indicators of fulfillment of requirement growth (growth). Needs to be growth
(growth) is something that encourages farmers to grow and become better in the future,
such as developing the potential in the hope to be useful to themselves, their families, and
other people. There are five parameters that exist in determining the motivation per plant,
the motivation to buy goods tertiary to the family, the motivation to improve knowledge
about the farming of tobacco, the motivation to be appreciated and respected by others, the
motivation for health, and motivation to have or develop businesses other tobacco farming.
The average score and motivation category for meeting growth needs are presented in Table
4. Based on table 4, it can be seen that the motivation to buy tertiary goods for families is
the first parameter used to determine how much motivation level of tobacco farmers in
Sleman District is. Tertiary goods are complementary goods to meet the daily needs of
farmers. There are three aspects to this parameter, namely being compelled to buy
electronic equipment (TV, refrigerator, washing machine), being compelled to buy jewelry
for the wife, and being compelled to buy a private vehicle.
The first aspect is encouraged buy electronic equipment (TV, refrigerators, washing
machines). On aspect of this is included in the high category with an average score of 4,06 .
This shows that farmers are motivated in tobacco farming because they want to buy
electronic equipment. Life today's society household items such as electronic goods such as
TVs, refrigerators and washing machines have been such a primary requirement. However,
it turns out that there are still farmers who are not motivated to buy electronic goods. This
farmer still thinks that these electronic items are not too important to fulfill. The second
aspect is compelled to buy jewelry for the wife. On aspect is included in the high category
with average achieved a score of 3,85. This shows that farmers are motivated to cultivate
tobacco because they want to buy their wife's jewelry. Jewelr y has a number of important
functions for the family, besides to beautify the wife or daughter, it also functions as a
family savings for future needs. Deposits in the form of various jewelry as can later be sold
back at a relatively fixed or even the value could be higher in the future. Gold jewelry is an
investment for tobacco farmers. But as there are farmers who are not motivated to buy
jewelry, because it feels not a priority in the subsistence of her. The third aspect is the urge
to buy a private vehicle. In the aspect is included into high category with acquisition
average score of 3,76 . This shows that farmers are motivated in tobacco farming because
they want to also purchase a vehicle that can be used for support the farming activities or
for the purposes of the family in their daily mobility. In the current era, motorbikes have
become a primary need for the mobility of tobacco farmers and their families.
Motivation to increase knowledge about tobacco farming is the second parameter used
to determine how much motivation level of farmers is. There are three aspects to this
parameter, namely being motivated to take part in counseling, being encouraged to seek
information about tobacco farming with experts, and being encouraged to apply the results
of counseling about tobacco farming. The first aspect is being motivated to take part in
counseling. On aspect of this is included in the high category with an average score of 4,
03. This shows that farmers are encouraged to participate in activities held by extension
workers to add insight and knowledge so that farmers can more easily carry out tobacco
farming activities. The second aspect is being motivated to seek informat ion about tobacco
farming with the experts. In the aspect is included into high category with average achieved
a score of 3, 97. This shows that farmers are motivated to know more in seeking
information from experts, whether it is the head of the farmer group, the head of the farmer
group association, or the agricultural extension worker. The third aspect is the
encouragement to apply the results of counseling about tobacco farming. In the aspect is
included into high category with acquisition average score of 4,03. This shows that farmers
are motivated to apply the knowledge and insights gained from the activities of farmer
groups and extension services so that farmers can applicator knowledge of those in farming
activities and get good results.
Table 4. Scores obtained and categories of motivation in meeting growth needs
Motivation Category
Motivation to buy tertiary goods for
the family
a. Encouraged to buy electronic
equipment (TV, refrigerator, washing
1-5 4.06 High
b. Driven to buy jewelry for wife
c. Encouraged to buy a private vehicle
Motivation to increase knowledge
about tobacco farming
a. Encouraged to attend counseling 1-5
b. Encouraged to s eek information
about tobacco farming with the
1-5 3.97 High
c. Encouraged to apply the results of
counseling about tobacco farming
1-5 4.03 High
Motivation to be appreciated and
respected by others
a. Driven to change the family's
standard of living by farming tobacco
1-5 4.47 Very high
b. Encouraged to provide education
about tobacco farming activities to
other farmers
1-5 3.56 High
c. Encouraged to take part in decision
making in the group
1-5 3.29 Enough
Motivation for health
a. Encouraged to eat healthy food
Very high
b. Driven to protect the environment
Very high
Motivation to own or develop a
business other than tobacco farming
a. Encouraged to
open other businesses from tobacco
1-5 2.62 Enough
b. Encouraged to
develop other existing businesses
1-5 2.47 Low
E3S Web of Conferences 316, 02025 (2021)
IConARD 2021
from tobacco farming
13-6 5
The third parameter used to determine how much motivation level of tobacco farmers in
Sleman is motivation to be appreciated and respected by others. There are three aspects to
this parameter, namely being motivated to change the family's standard of living by farming
tobacco, being encouraged to provide education about tobacco farming activities to other
farmers, and being encouraged to take part in decision-making within the group. The first
aspect is the incentive to change the family's standard of living by farming tobacco. On
aspect of this is included in the category of very high with an average score of 4, 47. This
shows that in general the farmers answered strongly agree to change the family's standard
of living, because many farmers have proven the benefits of this tobacco farming income.
Tobacco commodity is very helpful to improve farmer's life. However, a da also some p
Felling trees trimming logs less agree, because they only own a small area. This farmer
reasoned that the income generated was sometimes only sufficient for basic needs and to
meet several other needs. The low income of farmers makes it difficult for farmers to
improve their family's standard of living. The second aspect is being encouraged to provide
education about tobacco farming activities to other farmers. In the aspect is included into
high category with average achieved a score of 3, 56. It shows that farmers are motivated
help other farmers in the activities of the cultivation of tobacco, so that farmers collectively
can produce tobacco in a more better. The third aspect is being encouraged to take part in
dec isio n making in the group. In the aspect is included into the category of pretty, with the
average achieved a score of 3, 29. This means that there are some farmers who motivation
to take part in the decision groups. In addition, there are some farmers who else entrust
decisions taken in the meeting group to the board. Farmers believe that the management
will make good and correct decisions for the development of tobacco farming.
The fourth parameter used to determine the level of motivation of tobacco farmers in
Sleman is motivation for health. This parameter consists of two aspects, namely being
motivated to consume healthy food and being encouraged to protect the environment. The
first aspect is being encouraged to consume healthy foods. On aspect of this is included in
the category of very high with an average score of 4, 35. This shows that everyone wants to
consume healthy food, including tobacco farmers in Sleman, if the food consumed is
healthy and nutritious, the body will always be healthy. Similarly, farmers market research
in Scotland that food quality and safety are the main things consumed, therefore farmers are
looking for organic and non-organic products that are grown locally and are healthier [36].
The second aspect is being driven to protect the environment. In the aspect is included into
high category with the acquisition of an average score of 4, 21. This shows that farmers
really take care of the environment, because a clean and healthy environment will provide a
healthy quality of life for farmers and the people who live in the environment. Farmers
felling trees trimming logs stay in environment are comfortable and feel protected.
The last parameter (fifth) on indicators of co mpliance requirement growth (growth) is
motivated to have or develop a business in addition to tobacco farming. This parameter
consists of two aspects, namely being motivated to open other businesses from tobacco
farming and being encouraged to develop other existing businesses from tobacco farming.
The first aspect is the incentive to open other businesses from tobacco farming. On aspect is
included in the category enough, with an average score of 2, 62. This shows that there are
some farmers who are interested in opening new businesses from tobacco farming and
some other farmers are not. Farmers who are interested in opening new businesses from
tobacco farming feel that some of the income they get from selling tobacco can still be set
aside for business capital. Farmers who are not interested in opening a new business from
tobacco farming say that the income from tobacco sales is only sufficient to meet their daily
needs. In addition, opening a new business also requires new knowledge, insight and skills
E3S Web of Conferences 316, 02025 (2021)
IConARD 2021
from tobacco farming
13-6 5
The third parameter used to determine how much motivation level of tobacco farmers in
Sleman is motivation to be appreciated and respected by others. There are three aspects to
this parameter, namely being motivated to change the family's standard of living by farming
tobacco, being encouraged to provide education about tobacco farming activities to other
farmers, and being encouraged to take part in decision-making within the group. The first
aspect is the incentive to change the family's standard of living by farming tobacco. On
aspect of this is included