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Pachyrhynchus obumanuvu sp. nov., a new species of easter egg weevil (Coleoptera, Curculionidae, Entiminae, Pachyrhynchini) from Mindanao Island, Philippines

  • National Museum of Natural History, Manila, Philippines
  • Davao Oriental State University
Baltic J. Coleopterol. 21(1) 2021
ISSN 1407 - 8619
The genus Pachyrhynchus Germar in the tribe
Pachyrhynchini is among the most extensively
studied weevils in the Philippines. It is currently
comprised of 145 species distributed in the oce-
anic islands of the Philippines, Ryukyu Island,
Green and Orchid Island in Taiwan, and Talaud
and Moluccas Island in Indonesia. Roughly 93%
of which are Philippine endemics (Schultze, 1923;
Yoshitake, 2013; Rukmane, 2018). The genus is
Pachyrhynchus obumanuvu sp. nov., a new species of easter egg
weevil (Coleoptera, Curculionidae, Entiminae, Pachyrhynchini)
from Mindanao Island, Philippines
Analyn Anzano Cabras, Milton Norman Medina, Joshua Donato, Matthew H.
Van Dam
Cabras A. A., Medina M. N., Donato J., Van Dam M.H. 2021. Pachyrhynchus obumanuvu sp.
nov., a new species of easter egg weevil (Coleoptera, Curculionidae, Entiminae, Pachyrhynchini)
from Mindanao Island, Philippines. Baltic J. Coleopterol., 21(1): 43– 48.
Pachyrhynchus obumanuvu sp. nov., a new easter egg weevil discovered from the remaining
forest patches in Davao region in Mindanao Island, Philippines is described, and a brief note
of its ecology is also presented.
Keywords: biodiversity, novel species, taxonomy, urban biodiversity, weevils
Analyn Anzano Cabras, Milton Norman Medina. Coleoptera Research Center, University of
Mindanao, Davao City, Philippines. E- mail:
Joshua Donato. Euro Generics International Philippines Inc.- Foundation, Davao City,
Matthew H. Van Dam. Entomology Department, Institute for Biodiversity Science and
Sustainability, California Academy of Sciences, 55 Music Concourse Dr., San Francisco,
California, 94118, U.S.A
flightless with a narrow geographic range and
high island endemism. Studies on this genus have
advanced tremendously in the last decade with
the discovery of many species including mem-
bers of the schoenherri species group (Yoshitake,
2012; Rukmane, 2016; Bollino et al., 2017). This
group is distinguished from the rest of the
Pachyrhynchus by a set of characters provided
by Bollino et al. (2017). The schoenherri species
group is exclusively distributed in the Greater
Mindanao Pleistocene Aggregate Complex which
Cabras A. A., Medina M. N., Donato J., Van Dam M.H.
includes the islands of mainland Mindanao,
Leyte, Samar, Surigao, Bucas Grande, Bohol,
Dinagat, and Basilan among others (Sinha, 2006;
Bollino et al., 2017). With the recent materials
collected in Davao City, a new species is de-
scribed herein with notes of its ecology.
The specimens deposited in the University of
Mindanao Coleoptera Research Center were col-
lected through sheet beating and handpicking
and killed in vials with ethyl acetate. Morpho-
logical characters were observed under Luxeo
4D and Nikon SMZ745T stereomicroscopes. The
illustrations, as well as the treatment of the geni-
tals, were identical to those described by
Yoshitake (2011). Images of the habitus and geni-
talia were taken using a Nikon D5300 digital cam-
era with a Sigma 18–250 macro lens. All images
were stacked and processed using a licensed
version of Helicon Focus 6.7.0 and Photoshop
CS6 Portable software. Label data are indicated
verbatim. Measurements mentioned in this pa-
per are abbreviated as follows:
/ different lines
// different labels
â arithmetic mean rounded to one decimal place;
LB body length, from the apical margin of
pronotum to the apex of elytra;
LE elytral length, from the level of the basal mar-
gins to the apex of elytra;
LP pronotal length, from the base to apex along
the midline;
LR length of rostrum;
WR maximum width across the rostrum;
WE maximum width across the elytra;
WP maximum width across the pronotum.
Comparative materials and specimens used in the
study are deposited in the following
institutional collections:
CASENT California Academy of Sciences Ento-
mological Collection;
DUBC Daugavpils University Beetle Collection,
Daugavpils, Latvia;
MBLI private collection of Maurizio Bollino,
Lecce, Italy;
SMTD Senckenberg Natural History Collections,
Dresden, Germany;
UMCRC University of Mindanao Coleoptera
Research Center, Davao City Philippines.
Pachyrhynchus obumanuvu Cabras, Donato,
Medina, & Van Dam sp. nov.
(Fig. 1 A–D)
Material. Holotype (Fig. 1A, C), male: Philippines
– Mindanao / Davao City/ vi.2019 / Lg. M.P./
coll. UMCRC (typed on white card) // HOLOTYPE
male / Pachyrhynchus obumanuvu / CABRAS,
DONATO, MEDINA, & VAN DAM 2021 (typed
on red card). Presently in UMCRC, it will be de-
posited in Philippine National Museum of Natu-
ral History (PNMNH) under the National Mu-
seum of the Philippines (NMP).
Paratypes. 4 males, 3 females: same data with
holotype. Presently in UMCRC; 2 males, 2 fe-
males, same data with holotype/ coll. CASENT; 1
female, Philippines- Mindanao / Cabanglasan /
Bukidnin / X. 2014 / coll. Bollino; 1 female, Philip-
pines- Mindanao / Cabanglasan / Bukidnin / IX
XI. 2016 / coll. Bollino.
Diagnosis: Pachyrhynchus obumanuvu sp. nov.
is closely related to Pachyrhynchus ardentius
Schultze, 1919 from Siargao Island and
Pachyrhynchus corpulentus Schultze, 1922 from
Bukidnon. The new species differs from P.
ardentius and P. corpulentus by having a pair of
elongated spots on both sides of the middle disc,
instead of the subtriangular scaly patch in P.
ardentius and thin longitudinal stripe in P.
corpulentus. The unique elytral markings with
the absence of median spots and presence of
extra sub-basal and subapical spots in P.
obumanuvu sp. nov. sets it apart from P.
ardentius and P. corpulentus.
Description. Dimensions : LB: 11.013.5
(holotype 13.5 mm, â:13.14 ). LR: 1.92.0
Two new species of genus Pachyrhynchus (Coleoptera: Curculionidae: Pachyrhynchini) from Mindanao
(holotype 2.0 mm, â: 1.99). WR: 1.92.0 (holotype
2.0 mm, â:1.99). LP: 3.54.0 (holotype 4.0 mm,
â:3.93). WP: 4.04.5 (holotype 4.5 mm, â:4.43). LE:
8.39.5 (holotype 9.5, â:9.33). WE: 5.46.0
(holotype 6.0, â:5.91). N=7.
Integument dark burnished red with a weak
greenish sheen. Body dorsal surface, rostrum,
head glossy, and ventral surface moderately
Body mostly subglabrous with very fine hairs
and lustrous yellow green to turquoise recum-
bent round scales. Head subglabrous, with
sparse minute hairs on ventral side and scaly
markings of metallic light yellow-green, recum-
bent, and round to elliptic scales forming the fol-
lowing: a) two small spots in the forehead be-
tween eyes, and b) subelliptic patch on
lateroventral parts behind eyes; forehead be-
tween eyes weakly depressed; lateroventral parts
wrinkled. Rostrum as long than as wide (LR/WR:
1.0), weakly depressed on basal half, apical half
weakly bulging with nearly obscure sulcus to-
wards margin, dorsum with very minute pubes-
cence, lateral surface with a patch of dense, shiny
Fig. 1. Pachyrhynchus obumanuvu sp. nov. - A, C, Holotype male; A. dorsal view, C. lateral view. B,
D, Paratype female; B. dorsal view, D. lateral view
Cabras A. A., Medina M. N., Donato J., Van Dam M.H.
light-yellow recumbent scales, and long brown
hairs at the anterolateral margin. Eyes small-sized
and feebly convex. Antenna strongly clavate,
scape shorter than the funicle, with sparse, fine
and very minute hairs towards the apex. Funicle
with longer suberect brown hairs. Funicular seg-
ment I nearly 1.5 time longer than wide; segment
II slightly longer than segment I, nearly twice
longer than wide; segments III-VI nearly as long
as wide; segment VII slightly longer than wide;
club sub-ovoid, nearly twice longer than wide.
Prothorax subglobular, slightly wider than long
(LP/WP: 0.88), mostly glabrous, widest at mid-
dle, weakly convex, and with metallic light yel-
low-green, and turquoise round scales. Prothorax
with the following scaly markings of metallic light
yellow-green and turquoise round scales: a) thin
band at the lateral side of anterior margin, b) two
elongated spots on both sides of the middle of
disc, and c) thick patch in lateroventral stripe
before the coxa confluent with the short scaly
band on anterior margin.
Elytra ovate (LE/WE:1.58), wider and twice longer
than prothorax (WE/WP: 1.33, LE/LP: 2.38), glow-
ing red, sub-glabrous, moderately convex with
very minute and sparse punctures and pubes-
cence. Each elytron has scaly patches of metallic
light yellow-green, and turquoise recumbent
round scales forming the following: a) three sub-
basal patches with the dorsal and lateral patch
both elliptical, and the middle subcircular, b) one
small sub circular patch just below or at times in
between the middle sub-basal patch and the lat-
eral elliptical patch, c) median transverse band
extending from middle towards lateral side but
not reaching margin, d) antemedian stripe in the
lateral margin extending towards apex, e) post-
median subsutural stripe extending towards apex
confluent with the antemedian, lateral margin
stripe, f) thin elliptical stripe between the
subsutural and sutural patches, g) postmedian
elliptical patch along suture, h) subapical ellipti-
cal patch along suture, i) oblique reniform sub-
apical patch, and j) thin elliptical subapical spot
near the lateral margin.
Legs with moderately clavate femora. Femora
covered with lustrous light-yellow and turquoise
round scales towards apical margin. Tibiae cov-
ered with subrecumbent brown bristles, and mod-
erately serrate along inner edge. Fore and mid
tibiae bear a mucro at apex. Tarsomeres covered
Fig. 2. Male genitalia of Pachyrhynchus obumanuvu sp. nov.: A. penis in lateral view, B. idem. in
dorsal view, C. sternite IX in dorsal view
Two new species of genus Pachyrhynchus (Coleoptera: Curculionidae: Pachyrhynchini) from Mindanao
with dense pubescence. Coxae with sparse brown
hairs. Mesepisterna with round scaly patch of
light yellow and greenish round scales. Metaster-
num moderately rugose on disc, covered with
light yellow and greenish round scales. Ventrite I
weakly rugose, feebly depressed on disc with
scaly spot of yellow and greenish round scales
on both distal ends. Ventrite II nearly covered
with light
yellow and greenish round scales. Ventrites III-V
bare. Apical half of Ventrite V with sparse
subrecumbent brown hairs. Male genitalia as
shown in Figure 3A–C.
Female. Dimensions: LB: 12.0-13.5 mm (â:13.0):
LR: mm 1.9: WR: 1.9. LP: 3.5. WP: 4.0. LE: 8.5- 9.4
(â: 8.77). WE: 6.5. N=5
Habitus as shown in Figure 1A-D.
Females differ from males by having wider elytra
(LE/WE: 1.31-1.44) and weakly bulging Ventrite I
on disc. Otherwise mentioned, similar to the male.
Etymology. The specific epithet is named after
the Obu-Manuvu, one of the indigenous tribes
of Davao City.
Distribution. Pachyrhynchus obumanuvu
sp.nov. is known so far from Davao City.
Fig. 3. Ecological notes about Pachyrhynchus obumanuvu sp. nov.: A.
Habitat in Davao City, B. Procris urdanetensis Elmer, C. Elatostema sp.,
possible food plant, D. bitemarks on Elatostema sp., E. P. obumanuvu sp.
nov perching on the leaves, F. P. obumanuvu sp. nov. on stem
Notes on Distribution
and Habitats
The specimens of
P a c h y r h y n c h u s
obumanuvu sp. nov.
were collected in the
western side of Davao
City. The area is charac-
terized by hilly topogra-
phy and the vegetation
type is a mixture of agri-
cultural and secondary
forests. The specimens
were collected along a
narrow trail in a steep
mountain slope with lush
vegetation of various
species of ferns, aroids,
orchids, and other
shrubs. The authors
could barely recognize
the species of trees on
the steep slope due to
the lush ferns and
shrubs. The new species
was collected while
perching on the leaves
and stem of Procris
urdanetensis Elmer (fam-
ily Urticaceae), a Philip-
pine endemic species,
Cabras A. A., Medina M. N., Donato J., Van Dam M.H.
and Elatostema sp. (family Urticaceae). There
were lots of bite marks on the leaves of Procris
urdanetensis Elmer and Elatostema sp. which
suggest that it can be its food plant. The asso-
ciation of the endemic Pachyrhynchus species
with endemic plants was also noted by Schultze
(1923). The specimens were collected using a
beating sheet and handpicking around 8:00 to
10:00 in the morning where they were found in-
actively perching. The authors do not wish to
disclose the exact location in print to avoid over
collection of the species by commercial collec-
tors as in Pérez-García 2010, the GPS coordinates
are available on the specimens’ label data.
We wish to express our gratitude to Dr. Guillermo
P. Torres and Dr. Maria Linda Arquiza for the con-
tinuous support on our coleopterological re-
search; the research team of the Coleoptera Re-
search Center- to Mark John Pepito for the help
in the collection of the specimens, Leslae Man-
tilla, Felix Landim, Datu Landim for the additional
help during the field expedition. We are also grate-
ful to Dr. Arvids Barševskis for the continuous
support especially during our visit to Ilgas
(Daugavpils, Latvia), to Dr. Hiraku Yoshitake
during my visit to Institute for Agro-Environmen-
tal Sciences, NARO, Tsukuba, Japan (NIAES),
and to Dr. Klaus-DieterKlass and Olaf Jäger for
their help during our visit to Senckenberg Natu-
ral History Collections, Dresden, Germany
(SMTD). We would also like to thank Danilo
Tandang of the Philippine National Museum for
the plant identification. We wish to also extend
our gratitude to Anita Rukmane-Barbel and
Maurizio Bollino for their cooperation and help-
ful feedback, and the anonymous reviewers for
helping improve the manuscript.
Bollino, M., Sandel, & Rukmane. 2017. New spe-
cies of the genus Pachyrhynchus Germar, 1824
(Coleoptera: Curculionidae) from Mindanao, Phil-
ippines. Baltic Journal of Coleopterology, 17(2):
Pérez-García, E.A. 2010. El redescubrimiento de
Mexipedium xerophyticum (Soto Arenas, Salazar
& Hágsater) V.A. Albert & M.W. Chase.
Lankesteriana, 9 (3): 557–563.
Rukmane A. & Barševskis, A. 2016. Nine new
species of the genus Pachyrhynchus Germar,
1824(Coleoptera: Curculionidae) from the Philip-
pines. Baltic Journal of Coleopterology, 16 (1):
Rukmane A. 2018. An annotated checklist of ge-
nus Pachyrhynchus (Coleoptera: Curculionidae:
Pachyrhynchini). Acta Biol. Univ. Daugavp,
2018, 1(1): 63–68.
Schultze, W., 1923. A monograph of the
Pachyrrhynchid group of the Brachyderinae,
Curculionidae: Part I. Philipp. J. Sci., 23: 609-
673 + 6 pls
Yoshitake, H. 2011. A New Species of the
Subgenus Artapocyrtus of the Genus
Metapocyrtus (Coleoptera: Curculionidae:
Entiminae) from Mindanao, the Philippines.
ESAKIA, (50): 115–119.
Yoshitake, H., 2012. Nine new species of the ge-
nus Pachyrhynchus Germar (Coleopter a:
Curculionidae) from the Philippines. Esakia, 52:
Yoshitake, H., 2013. A New Genus and Two New
Species of the Tribe Pachyrhynchini 811
(Coleoptera: Curculionidae) from Palawan Island,
the Philippines. ESAKIA, (53): 1–8.
Received: 21.02.2021
Accepted: 26.08.2021
Published: 30.09.2021
... This genus is a member of the tribe Pachyrhynchini, which includes flightless weevils that can be easily distinguished by their complete episternal suture and antennal scape that does not extend to the posterior margin of the eye (Schultze, 1923). There are currently 174 Pachyrhynchus species in the Oriental region, with the just recently described species, P. cebrem Patano & Rukmane-Bārbale, from Mount Candalaga in Mindanao adding to over 55 known species in the Island (Yoshitake, 2012;Rukmane, 2018;Bollino et al., 2017;Bollino et al., 2020;Patano et al., 2023;Cabras et al., 2021;Cabras et al., 2022). ...
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Weevils are small beetles with long, narrow snouts which is a characteristic of insects belonging to the Curculionidae family. A study on the species composition of weevils was conducted in the northern part of Mt. Malindang Range Natural Park last February 2023. Field investigations were done using a combination of transect walk and opportunistic sampling. A total of 195 individuals of weevils were recorded, comprising seventeen (17) species belonging to two (2) genera- Metapocyrtus and Alcidodes . Metapocyrtus malindangensis was observed in all sampling sites. Site 1 (Gandawan) had the highest species richness (N=13), and the highest species diversity (H’=2.016) was recorded in Site 2 (Lake Duminagat). Cluster analysis showed that weevil species in Lake Duminagat and Uluhan sa Dapitan have closer similarities. The study also recorded unidentified specimens that are potentially new to science. It is highly recommended that more explorations should be conducted to record the species occurrence of weevils in other parts of Mt. Malindang. Keywords : Curculionidae, endemic, Metapocyrtus, opportunisti
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This paper presents a new distribution record for Rizal's jewel weevil - Pachyrhynchus rizali Schultze, 1934 (Coleoptera: Curculionidae: Entiminae: Pachyrhynchini). A single female specimen was collected at the Aurora Memorial National Park, Province of Aurora, Luzon Island, Philippines on 18 Jun 2023-a day before the 162nd birth anniversary of the Philippine national hero, Dr. Jose P. Rizal, after whom the species was named. The specimen was identified based on morphological comparison with the types deposited at the Senckenberg Natural History Museum in Dresden, Germany. Further explorations must be conducted to study the biology, ecology, population, and distribution of P. rizali.
The evolutionary origins of mimicry in the Easter Egg weevil, Pachyrhynchus, have fascinated researchers since first noted more than a century ago by Alfred Russel Wallace. Müllerian mimicry, or mimicry in which two or more distasteful species look similar, is widespread throughout the animal kingdom. Given the varied but discrete color patterns in Pachyrhynchus, this genus presents one of the best opportunities to study the evolution of both perfect and imperfect mimicry. We analyzed more than 10,000 UCE loci using a novel partitioning strategy to resolve the relationships of closely related species in the genus. Our results indicate that many of the mimetic color patterns observed in sympatric species are due to convergent evolution. We suggest that this convergence is driven by positive frequency-dependent selection.
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A new species of easter egg weevil belonging to the Pachyrhynchus speciosus group from Misamis Oriental, Mindanao Island, Philippines is described with brief notes on its ecology and behavior.
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Pachyrhynchini is a group of flightless plant-feeding weevils known for their complex and iridescent body ornamentation. It has its center of diversity in the Philippines and this paper presents the first comprehensive record of Pachyrhynchini fauna in Davao City. Data gathering was done through a combination of belt transect, photo documentation, and opportunistic sampling techniques. Materials were collected from trees and shrubs in twelve selected green spaces in Davao City using handpicking and bush beating techniques between 2016 and 2019. A total of 1103 individuals consisting of 32 species and two genera- Pachyrhynchus Germar and Metapocyrtus Heller , were documented. Thirty (30) species (93.75%) are endemic to Mindanao, while fifteen (15) species (46.88%) are considered vulnerable based on Department of Environment and Natural Resources Administrative Order No. 2019-09. The high endemism and the presence of rare species associated with the remaining forest patches call for immediate conservation actions.
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Two new species belonging to genus Pachyrhynchus are described from Mindanao Island: P. sergejevae sp. n. Rukmane, 2018; P. torresi sp. n. Rukmane, 2018. Pictures and description of habbitus are added, together with distribution maps for both of species. Male genitalia and female terminalia are illustrated.
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Pachyrhynchus is a genus from subfamily entiminae of which 145 species are known so far. Checklist prepared including it’s synonyms and different subspecies indicate that this genus is predominantly tropical with most of the species known from the Oriental region: Philippines (135 species or 93%), Indonesia (6 species or 4%), Japan (3 species) and Taiwan (1 species and two subspecies).
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Nine new species of the genus Pachyrhynchus Germar, 1824 (Coleoptera: Curculionidae) from the Philippines are described and illustrated: P. kraslavae sp. n., P. marinduquensis sp. n., P. cabrasae sp. n., P. nitcisi sp. n., P. antonkozlovi sp. n., P. shavrini sp. n., P. anichtchenkoi sp. n., P. valainisi sp. n., and P. pseudapoensis sp. n. Pachyrhynchus reticulatus cruciatus Schultze, 1923, described as a subspecies of P. reticulatus, raised to the species level, P. cruciatus Schultze, 1923 stat. n. The distribution of all species is mapped. . Key words: Coleoptera, Curculionidae, Pachyrhynchus, fauna, taxonomy, new species, Philippines
El redescubrimiento de Mexipedium xerophyticum
  • E A Pérez-García
Pérez-García, E.A. 2010. El redescubrimiento de Mexipedium xerophyticum (Soto Arenas, Salazar & Hágsater) V.A. Albert & M.W. Chase. Lankesteriana, 9 (3): 557-563.
A monograph of the Pachyrrhynchid group of the Brachyderinae
  • W Schultze
Schultze, W., 1923. A monograph of the Pachyrrhynchid group of the Brachyderinae, Curculionidae: Part I. Philipp. J. Sci., 23: 609-673 + 6 pls
  • H Yoshitake
Yoshitake, H. 2011. A New Species of the Subgenus Artapocyrtus of the Genus Metapocyrtus (Coleoptera: Curculionidae: Entiminae) from Mindanao, the Philippines. ESAKIA, (50): 115-119.