
How to conserve Kertbeny's grave? A case of post-communist queer necrophilia

  • Centre for Social Sciences, Hungarian Academy of Sciences Centre of Excellence
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... július 1-jén lépett hatályba). 2 Ám 1961 után 1978-ig a 20 év alatti, majd 1978 és 2002 között a 18 év alatti azonos nemű partnerrel elkövetett "természet elleni fajtalanság" gyakorlását -a partnerek kölcsönös beleegyezése ellenére 1 Kertbeny munkásságának és utóéletének részleteiről lásd Takács (2004Takács ( , 2022. 2 A volt "keleti blokk" országai közül Magyarország viszonylag korán hozta meg ezt a lépést. Az egykori Csehszlovákiában szintén 1961-ben fogadták el a homoszexuális cselekmények általános büntethetőségének eltörlését, ám a csehszlovák törvény már 1962. ...
Nemzetközi összehasonlító kutatások tükrében a „Homofób-e a magyar társadalom?” kérdésre azt válaszolhatjuk, hogy Magyarország a kevésbé elfogadó európai országok közé tartozik, ugyanakkor az egész magyar társadalom semmiképpen nem tekinthető homofóbnak. Friss magyar adatok azt mutatják, hogy a bevándorlók elfogadása, valamint a melegek és a leszbikusok általi örökbefogadás megítélése között pozitív a kapcsolat (ám az nem állapítható meg, hogy e kapcsolatot milyen ok-okozati összefüggések jellemeznek).
... július 1-jén lépett hatályba). 2 Ám 1961 után 1978-ig a 20 év alatti, majd 1978 és 2002 között a 18 év alatti azonos nemű partnerrel elkövetett "természet elleni fajtalanság" gyakorlását -a partnerek kölcsönös beleegyezése ellenére 1 Kertbeny munkásságának és utóéletének részleteiről lásd Takács (2004Takács ( , 2022. 2 A volt "keleti blokk" országai közül Magyarország viszonylag korán hozta meg ezt a lépést. Az egykori Csehszlovákiában szintén 1961-ben fogadták el a homoszexuális cselekmények általános büntethetőségének eltörlését, ám a csehszlovák törvény már 1962. ...
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The rise of populist governance throughout the world offers a novel opportunity to study the way in which populist leaders and parties rule. This article conceptualises populist policy making by theoretically addressing the substantive and discur-sive components of populist policies and the decision-making processes of populist governments. It first reconstructs the implicit ideal type of policy making in liberal democracies based on the mainstream governance and policy making scholarship. Then, taking stock of the recent populism literature, the article elaborates an ideal type of populist policy making along the dimensions of content, procedures and discourses. As an empirical illustration we apply a qualitative congruence analysis to assess the conformity of a genuine case of populist governance, social policy in post-2010 Hungary with the pop-ulist policy making ideal type. Concerning the policy content, the article argues that policy heterodoxy, strong willingness to adopt paradigmatic reforms and an excessive responsiveness to majoritarian preferences are distinguishing features of any type of populist policies. Regarding the procedural features populist leaders tend to downplay the role of technocratic expertise, sideline veto-players and implement fast and unpredictable policy changes. Discursively, populist leaders tend to extensively use crisis frames and discursive governance instruments in a Manichean language and a saliently emotional manner that reinforces polarisation in policy positions. Finally, the article suggests that policy making patterns in Hungarian social policy between 2010 and 2018 have been largely congruent with the ideal type of populist policy making.
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Special Issue: Women and "the People" in particular gender studies. Here, we aim to go deeper and understand how the rhetoric and the resistance from women as a group is connected in time and space. We want to test how we understand the changes in our area for women and gender, by exploring developments in different parts of the area, but also by comparing those findings to parallel ones in Argentina. Yes, this is a way of new thinking about area studies that I have noticed getting stronger; we hope to understand our own area by comparing with the development in other regional areas.
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Based on archive research and interviews with activists who were affiliated with the early homosexual subculture in Budapest, this article traces the transformation of a secretive and socially invisible subculture (that was based mainly on sexual exchange between men) to the establishment of the first formal homosexual organization and the emerging homosexual movement at the end of the 1980s. The article illustrates how the emergence of HIV/AIDS worked as a catalyst in transforming the Hungarian gay subculture into a more organized homosexual movement. Rather than state-socialism being in crisis, it was a crisis of public health and perceived danger to the members of the community that instigated the creation of the first formal homosexual organization.
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Today, many perceive the word homosexual to be a medical term, mainly because of the fact that from the late 19th century until the 1970s this expression was monopolised by the medical approach interpreting same-sex attraction to be a pathology, degeneration or illness. Still, it is important to remember that Kertbeny introduced the word homosexual in the course of the struggle for homosexuals’ rights in a surprisingly modern human rights argumentation. Kertbeny did not seek biological arguments to use for the liberation of homosexuals, – i.e. a relatively small social group with limited power to further their own interests – instead, he made the point that the modern state should extend the principle of not intervening in the private lives of citizens to cover homosexuals, too. Looking back almost one and a half centuries we can state that the case made by Kertbeny helped a significant, modern social movement – the struggle against the discrimination of those who enjoy same-sex relationships – to emerge.
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The paper introduces and explores a Hungarian journalist of the turn of the 20th century, Sándor (Sarolta) Vay. She was born a woman, but was raised and lived the life of a traditional gentry man of his age. His figure was widely represented in contemporary press and literature, and her case was analyzed by the psychiatrist Richard von Krafft-Ebing as well. Vay’s cross-dressing and gender bending seems to be the only way to avoid the lot of an existentially dependent woman and also the only conceivable way to be a lesbian in that age – a strategy and a constraint at the same time. Her/his being raises a set of questions regarding the changing concepts of sex and gender, nature and performance, normality and perversion, representing both the transgression of boundaries, and the reinforcement of a binary gender order.
The paper begins with an examination of three ideal types citizenship which are not necessarily mutual exclusive. The first type is national citizenship, typically associated with ethno-nationalism. The second form is social citizenship or ‘welfare citizenship’ refers to the creation of social rights and is closely connected to civil-society institutions rather than to the state or market. The third form of citizenship identifies the citizen with participation in the work force emphasizing self-reliance and autonomy. In this discussion, I argue that with economic globalization and the development of neo-liberal strategies the various forms of citizenship have converged towards a new model of passive citizenship in which the state is or has withdrawn from commitment to full employment and the provision of social security, especially universal provision of welfare services, and civil-society institutions have been eroded. The result is the emergence of the apolitical,isolated citizen as consumer. The fourth model of citizenship presupposes a consumer society, a weak state and the decline of civic institutions, where the passive citizen becomes a consumer of privatized goods and services. The rise of a fourth model of citizenship – the consumer-citizen – can be interpreted as a logical consequence of financialization.1 1 Some aspects of this chapter first appeared in Bryan S. Turner (2010), ‘Ralf Dahrendorf on Citizenship and Life Chances’, Citizenship Studies, 14 (2): 237–43.
The Memorial to Homosexuals Persecuted under the National Socialist Regime, unveiled in Berlin in 2008 at the edge of the Tiergarten park, forms part of an impressive commemorative landscape. It caused considerable controversy from the outset due to its twofold intention of recognizing past repression and creating a symbol against the exclusion of gays and lesbians. The article departs from these debates and describes the polyphonous field of visitor reactions to the memorial. It is based empirically on expert interviews, covert observation, and almost one hundred “express interviews” with visitors. The findings suggest that the relationships between visitors and the memorial are shaped by a pronounced aesthetic attitude. Identity-related visitor reactions center on the video installation inside the memorial, which depicts an endless male-to-male kiss. The article shows how visitors derive meaning from the memorial regardless of the superficiality of their encounters.
Undoing democracy : neoliberalism's remaking of state and subject -- Foucault's birth of biopolitics lectures : the distinctiveness of neoliberal rationality -- Revising Foucault : homo politicus and homo oeconomicus -- Disseminating neoliberal rationality I : governance, benchmarks and best practices -- Disseminating neoliberal rationality II : law and legal reason -- Disseminating neoliberal rationality III : higher education and the abandonment of citizenship -- Losing bare democracy and the inversion of freedom into sacrifice.
In Central and Eastern Europe (CEE), tolerance of homosexuality has been portrayed as a value associated with the idea of Europe (or the West, or America) both by local queers aspiring to attaining rights in their own countries and perhaps even more by nationalists who want to exclude homosexuals from the nation by portraying homosexuality as a foreign import. It is part of a tradition I have followed since the early 1990s (Moss 1995). I have found numerous examples of right-wing nationalists in Czech Republic, Hungary, Russia, and Yugoslavia defining national identity as purely heterosexual, while portraying homosexuality as an import from Western Europe. Wiktor Grodecki’s three pseudo-documentaries about Prague rent boys, for example, present the boys as innocent straight Czechs who fall into the clutches of depraved gay clients from Western Europe (Moss 2006). Recently the best analysis of this kind of mapping has come from Agnieszka Graff in Poland (Graff 2006, 2008, 2010). Anxieties about joining the European Union (EU) were expressed in Poland via attitudes toward lesbians and gay men, and for the nationalists “homophobia” became a mark of national difference. The conflict, she writes, “was more about cultural identity and national pride than about sexual orientation or public morality” (Graff 2010: 584). In other words, Poles were homophobes not because they were Catholic or because homosexuality is immoral or unnatural, but because they were Poles, and homophobia is a sign of patriotism. Tolerance of gay people became a litmus test for attitudes toward EU accession.
The word homosexuality, in its German form Homosexualität, was first used in an anonymous pamphlet published in Germany in 1869. Documentary evidence is given here confirming that the writer Karl Maria Kertbeny was its author. A sketch of Kertbeny's life is given, along with a discussion of the historical background and reasons for his introduction of the new terminology. The role that this and rival terminologies played in the changing attitudes toward homosexuality is traced through the following century in Germany, concluding with the reclaiming of the derogatory word schwul by the modern gay movement.
In 1860, the Danish fairy tale writer (whose fairy tales are perhaps primarily for grown-ups) met Karl Maria Kertbeny--who is supposed to have coined the term "homosexual" (first used in a private manuscript in 1868). The meeting caused immense despair in Andersen; yet what happened has remained a mystery. A careful study of Andersen's fairy tales and papers, however, provides a clue to an answer. The article deals with the horrors of being labelled; but it also discusses labelling as merely a minor part of what goes on in the making of the modern homosexual. Above all, Andersen's moods seem important and identifiable to us as homosexuals; more generally, they seem stirringly close to postmodern existence.
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