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Antibacterial mechanism of Kratom (Mitragyna speciosa) methanol extract on Streptococcus pneumoniae and Eschericia coli bacteria

  • Universitas Nahdlatul Ulama Surabaya


Introduction: Kratom (Mitragyna speciosa) is a tropical herbal plant native to the North Malay Peninsula, Malaysia and Thailand. In Indonesia, kratom us a typical plant of West Kalimantan, especially in Putussibau. Kratom leaf has many pharmacological effects, one of them is antioxidant. However, the antioxidant and antimicrobial activities of Mitragyna speciosa leaf extracts are lacking. This study was to examine the effect of the methanol extract of Mitragyna speciosa (Rubiaceae Family) leaves on microorganisms Escherichia coli and Strepococcus pneumoniae.Methods: Kratom leaves were extracted with methanol as solvent. In this study, S. pneumoniae and E. coli bacteria have been used. Antibacterial activity tests were carried out at concentrations of 0.78%, 1.56%, 3.125%, 6.25%, 12.5%, 25%, 50% and 100%. Insilico was used to search for secondary metabolites and metabolite interactions in Mytragina speciosa. Results: Mitragyna speciosa leaf methanol extract was effective in inhibiting the growth of E. coli and S. pneumoniae significantly (P<0.001). The growth of e.coli was not identified from a concentration of 25% to 100%. However, there was no bacterial growth in S. pneumoniae from a concentration of 6.25% to 100%. In the insilico study it was found that the secondary metabolite of Mitragyna speciosa is quercetin, which interacts with the ATP1 protein as a predictor in the mechanism of Mitragyna speciosa as an antibacterial. Conclusion: In conclusion, there is no correlation between nutritional status and remission outcome of patients with ALL in the induction phase of therapy. However, high percentage of underweight patients shows nutrition needs special attention to improve therapy outcomes.
Antibacterial mechanism of Kratom (Mitragyna
speciosa) methanol extract on Streptococcus
pneumoniae and Eschericia coli bacteria
Hotimah Masdan Salim1* , Marinda Dwi Puspitarini2, Yuani Setiwati3, Michio
1Department of Biochesmitry medicine and Biomolecular science, Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Nahdlatul Ulama
Surabaya, Indonesia
2Department of Microbiology, Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Nahdlatul Ulama Surabaya, Indonesia
3Division of Pharmacology and Therapy, Department of Anatomy, Histology and Pharmacology, Faculty of Medicine,
Universitas Airlangga, Surabaya, Indonesia
4Department of Diabetes, Endocrinology and Metabolism.Fukushima Medical University, Japan
Article history:
Received 24 August 2021
Received in revised form 22
September 2019
Accepted 19 October 2021
Available online 30 June 2021
Mitragyna speciosa,
Streptococcus pneumoniae,
Eschericia coli,
*) Corresponding author:
Introduction: Kratom (Mitragyna speciosa) is a tropical herbal plant native to the North Malay
Peninsula, Malaysia and Thailand. In Indonesia, kratom us a typical plant of West Kalimantan,
especially in Putussibau. Kratom leaf has many pharmacological eects, one of them is
antioxidant. However, the antioxidant and antimicrobial activities of Mitragyna speciosa leaf
extracts are lacking. This study was to examine the eect of the methanol extract of Mitragyna
speciosa (Rubiaceae Family) leaves on microorganisms Escherichia coli and Strepococcus
Methods: Kratom leaves were extracted with methanol as solvent. In this study, S. pneumoniae
and E. coli bacteria have been used. Antibacterial activity tests were carried out at concentrations
of 0.78%, 1.56%, 3.125%, 6.25%, 12.5%, 25%, 50% and 100%. Insilico was used to search for
secondary metabolites and metabolite interactions in Mytragina speciosa.
Results: Mitragyna speciosa leaf methanol extract was eective in inhibiting the growth of E.
coli and S. pneumoniae signicantly (P<0.001). The growth of e.coli was not identied from a
concentration of 25% to 100%. However, there was no bacterial growth in S. pneumoniae from a
concentration of 6.25% to 100%. In the insilico study it was found that the secondary metabolite
of Mitragyna speciosa is quercetin, which interacts with the ATP1 protein as a predictor in the
mechanism of Mitragyna speciosa as an antibacterial.
Conclusion: In conclusion, there is no correlation between nutritional status and remission
outcome of patients with ALL in the induction phase of therapy. However, high percentage of
underweight patients shows nutrition needs special attention to improve therapy outcomes.
Indonesia has a lot of forests which are very wide with
a variety of types of plants. Diversity of plant species in
Indonesia, not much is known about its optimal use as a
medicinal plant.1 Medicinal plants have species diversity
to thousands of species. Where it is known that there are
about 40,000 species of medicinal plants that have been
known in the world, and 30.000 of them are suspected to
be located in Indonesia. This number represents 90% of
the plant drugs found in Asia. Of these, 25% of them or
about 7.500 species are known to have herbal properties
or medical plants. However, only 1.200 types of plants
have been used for raw materials for herbal medicines
or herbs.2 One of the herbal plants is Kratom which is an
herbal plant native to North Malay Peninsula, Malaysia ,
Thailand and Indonesia.3 In Indonesia, kratom is a plant
that grows in West Kalimantan, especially in Putussibau
district, which kratom leaves are known as “purik”
leaves. In general, people consume kratom leaves by
chewing, brewing like tea or smoking.4
Kratom is one of the traditional medicinal plants that
produces stimulant (at low doses) and sedative eects
(at high doses), diarrhea, smoothing blood circulation,
increase endurance and stamina, prevent constipation,
Biomolecular and Health Science Journal
Available at ; DOI: 10.20473/bhsj.v4i2.28933
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.
treatment for diabetes and reduce sugar levels.5 Previous
studies on kratom leaves shows pharmacological
eect activity, among those; analgesic and stimulants,
antidepressant, anti-inammatory and antinociceptive,
antioxidant and antibacterial.6 The eectiveness of
kratom as an antibacterial has been carried out on several
types of bacterial, including the bacterial that cause acne
namely Propionibacterium acnes, in Salmonella typhi
and Bacillus subtilis.7
The activity of kratom as an antimicrobial cannot be
separated from the composition contained in the kratom
leaves, including the high content of phenolics and
avonoids in the methanol extract of kratom leaves.8
Phytochemical studies have shown that there are
several chemical constituents of Mitragyna speciosa
plants including indole alkaloids, including mitragynine,
7-hydroxymitraginine, 5-desmethylmitragynine,
17-desmethyldihydro-mitragynine, speciogynine,
speciocilliatine, and paynantheine,9 and also contain
secondary metabolites such as avonoids, saponin,
monoterpenes, triterpenoids, secoirioids and
polyphenolic compounds.10
The antimicrobial potential of kratom is also
expected to have an eect on the bacteria that cause
respiratory and digestive tract infections. Therefore, this
study aimed to examine the eect of kratom leaf as an
antimicrobial on Staphylococcal pneumonia and E. coli
Plant material
The plant of leaves of Mitragyna speciosa were collected
from Putussibau state, West Kalimnatan, Indonesia.
Mitragyna speciosa leaves are washed with water to
remove dirt before the drying process. Then the leaves
are cut and dried in direct sunlight for 2-3 days. After
cutting the leaves and grounded into powder.
Methanolic Extract
The dried leaves of M. speciosa were ground in powder
form. A total of 2.08 kg of Mitragyna speciosa powder
was extracted using 96% methanol as solvent. The
solvent was changed every 1x24 hours and macerated
for 7x24 hours. After maceration, it was concentrated
using a rotary evaporator and a water bath to obtain
a thick extract of 20 g of crude methanol extract and
stored at -20°C.
Test microorganisms and growth media
We collected S. pneumoniae and E. coli provided by the
Surabaya Health Laboratory Center (BBLK). Bacterial
colonies were taken by means of inoculum suspension
for 24 hours of culture, then suspended in sterile 0.9%
NaCL solution.
Antibacterial testing
The antibacterial activity of Mitragyna speciosa leaf
extract was tested by agar diusion method using NA
media. Bacterial suspension of 0.02 ml 1:40 dilution was
mixed with 10 ml of NA medium in a diluent bottle, then
shaken unti l homogeneous.Take the inoculant in the
tube and scratch it on a petri dish, and incubate at 37°C
for 18-24 hours, then observe the growth of bacteria.
Testing the antibacterial activity of kratom leaf extract
against S. pneumoniae and E. coli as carried out with
8 (eight) variations of concentration namely 0.78%,
1.56%, 3.72%, 6.25%, 12.5%, 25%, 50% and 100%. The
whole test tube incubated in an incubator at 37°C for
18-24 hours. Then make observations of the whole tube
against tube clarity by viewing control.
Screening of metabolite secondary of Mitragyna speciosa
was carried out from
php. The 3D structure of the active ingredient, a search
was carried out from the PubChem (http://pubchem. server with the recorded CID. Then
to nd out the interaction of secondary metabolites with
proteins in the body, a search was carried out on the
STITCH ( database server.
Statistical analysis
This research was repeated three times. All results
are expressed as mean ± SEM. Dierences between
groups were analyzed by one-way analysis of variance
(ANOVA), followed by Tukey's post hoc analysis.
Dose-response curve comparisons were made with a
two-factor repeated-measurement ANOVA, followed by
Tukey's post hoc test for comparison between groups.
P<0.05 was considered signicant. analysis using SPSS
version 21 program.
Minimum Inhibitory Concentration of Methanol
Extract of Mytragina Speciosa of E.Coli
Minimum Inhibitory Concentration of extract ethanol
Mytragina Speciosa of E. coli showed that the activity
decreased at a concentration of 25%, 50% and 100%
(gure.1A), where there was no visible bacterial growth
compared to the control group. The bacterial count also
showed that the lower the extract concentration, the
more bacterial growth (Figure.1B)
Figure.1 Antimicroba activity (MIC) of Mytragyna
speciosa extract in E. coli
Minimum Inhibitory Concentration of Methanol
Extract of Mytragina Speciosa in Strepococcus
Minimum Inhibitory Concentration of Extract Methanol
Mitragyna Speciosa of S. pneumoniae showed that the
activity decreased at a concentration of 6,25%12,5%,
25%, 50% and 100% (gure.2A), where there was no
visible bacterial growth compared to the control group.
The bacterial count also showed that the lower the extract
concentration, the more bacterial growth (Figure.2B)
Figure.2 Antimicroba activity (MIC) of Mytragyna
speciosa extract in Strep.penumonia
Interaction of kratom secondary metabolite
Based on previous research, the composition of the
methanol extract of Mytragina speciosa has been
obtained. In this study we examine the interaction of
the active compound from the methanolic extract of
mitragyna speciosa, namely quercetin which is the
equivalent of the avonoid content. (Figure.3)
Figure 1. Minimum Inhibitor Concentration of Methanol Extract of Mytragina Speciosa in E.Coli. Ctrl; Control,
MS; Mitragyna Speciosa. **; P<0.01, ***;P<0.001 vs control group
Figure 2. Minimum Inhibitory Concentration of Methanol Extract of Mytragina speciosa in Streptococcus penumonie.
Ctrl; Control, MS; Mitragyna Speciosa. **; P<0.01, ***;P<0.001 vs control group
Figure.3 prediction of interactions between chemicals (quercetin) and proteins in the body insilico.
Quercetine is a avonoid that is widely found in plants.
In this insilico quercetine has an interaction bond with
atp1. ATP synthase (F(1)F(0) ATP synthase or Complex
V) generates ATP from ADP in the presence of a proton
gradient across the membrane generated by the electron
transport complex of the respiratory chain. This quercetin
interaction is predictive of its antimicrobial activity
by inhibiting ATP1 synthesis at the cellular level.
While osl and xd1 are proteins that do not have special
In this study, it was found that the methanolic extract of
Mitragyna speciosa (Kratom) had an antimicrobial eect
on bacteria that cause respiratory tract infection and
bacteria in the digestive tract. The results of this study
showed that Mytragina speciosa methanol extract was
eective as an antimicrobial at higher concentrations.
Where in this study found at a concentration of more
than 12.5% Escherichia coli bacteria were not found, and
at concentrations > 3.72% Streptococcus pneumoniae
bacteria. In line with this study, previous studies have
shown the eectiveness of Mytragina speciosa as
an antimicrobial of several types of extract solvents.
Antimicrobial activity was found to be eective in
MeoH and Alkaloid extracts, which have the ability to
inhibit growth and kill larger bacteria Salmonella typhi
and Bacillus subtilis.8 Other studies have also found that
kratom has an antimicrobial eect that has an inhibitory
eect on Aeromonas hydrophylla.7
Antibacterial activity test shows that increasing the
concentration of extract given can increase the killing
power of the extract against bacteria. However, if the
concentration of the extract continues to increase, it can
reduce the killing power. This nding suggested that
the increasing concentration of Kratom can lead to an
increase in viscosity of the extract, thus aecting the rate
of diusion of extract in agar media. In addition to the
concentration factor, the type of antimicrobial material
can also determine the ability to inhibit bacterial growth.11
The eectiveness of kratom as an antimicrobial
has been known for a long time, based on the results
of phytochemicals in kratom leaves, it has been found
that kratom leaves contain alkaloid, avonoids, steroid,
saponin and tannins and have antioxidant eect.12 It
has been found in previous studies that compounds
derived from plants have antibacterial activity based
on phytochemical data. The components of the active
substances in mitragyna speciosa extract have been
proven, including alkaloids, avonoids, saponin, tannins,
phenols and other active compounds.13
In nature, avonoid compounds are products extracted
from plants and they are found in several parts of the
plant. Flavonoids play a variety of biological activities
in plants, animals and bacteria. Flavonoids are associated
with a wide spectrum of health-promoting eects and are
indispensable components in a wide range of nutraceutical,
pharmaceutical, medicinal and cosmetic applications.
This is due to its antioxidant, anti-inammatory, anti-
mutagenic and anti-carcinogenic properties coupled
with its capacity to modulate the function of key cellular
enzymes.14 In previous studies, it was found that the active
substance of the avonoid class is quercetin in methanol
extract of Mitragyna speciosa.15
The quercetin content in the MeOH Kratom extract is
quite high. The presence of quercetin as a sub-avonoid
gives hope that the content of kratom has a good eect
for use as herbal medicine. In this study we found that
quercetin has a high pharmacokinetic eect on absorption
in the gastrointestinal tract. In addition, to nd out of
mechanism target of quercetin, we examine in insilico
studies. this study showed predictions of quercetine's
target of action on enzymes, oxidoreductase, G-protein
receptors, enzymes, proteases, lyase and cytochrome
p450. Based on the results of this study, it is possible
that the quercetin content in the Methanol kratom extract
has the ability as an antibacterial against Streptococcus
pneumoniae and Eschericia coli. This tudy is supported by
the results of previous studies which found that quercetin
inhibits the formation of streptococcus pneumoniae
In addition, other studies also found that quercetine in
surgacane bagasse extract showed bacteriostatic activity
against the growth of S. aureus, L. monocytogenes, E.
coli, and S. typhimurium,17 and could change ATP activity,
thus eecting the growth of E.coli.18 In an in vivo study,
it was found that quercetin can protect mice from s.aureus
infection by inhibiting thrombin activity.19 To conrm the
interaction of quercetine with proteins in the body, we
performed an insilico screening. In this study it was found
that quercetine can interact with ATP synthase FO subunit
1 (ATP1) in humans. As we know that ATP is the main
energy compound in biological synthesis, and most of it
is provided by the F1FO-ATP synthase which is located in
the membrane and can be found in bacteria, mitochondria
and chloroplasts.20
The ndings in this study can be used as a basis
for explaining the mechanism that methanol extract of
Mitragina speciosa (kratom) leaves has an antibacterial
eect on Streptococcus pneumoniae and Eschericial coli,
through the mechanism of inhibition of ATP synthase Fo
subunit 1 (ATP1).
Mytragina speciosa (kratom) methanol extract has an
antimicrobial eect on streptococcus pneumonia and e.coli
through the eect of quercetine contained in kratom. This
antimicrobial mechanism is thought to be by inhibiting ATP
synthesis through the ATP synthase F0 subunit 1 (atp1)
pathway. The broad spectrum antimicrobial properties of
quercetin can be used in the prevention and treatment of
various infectious bacterial diseases and may provide a
treatment option to reduce the use of antibiotics.
We would like to thanks LPPM Universitas Nahdlatul
Ulama Surabaya for providing nancial support and to
Miss Gardina as sta in the microbiology laboratory for
guiding us in the laboratory.
Conict of Interest
The author stated there is no conict of interest
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... Antibacterial activity test shows that increasing the concentration of extract given can increase the inhibition zone of the extract against bacteria. Previous study by Salim et al. (2021) showed that higher concentration MS leaves extract was required for antimicrobial activity of E. Coli and Streptococcus pneumonia. The study found that at concentration of MS leaves extract more than 12.5% and 3.72%, the E. coli and Streptococcus pneumonia bacteria were not found. ...
... Previous study also showed that MS leaves extract has antibacterial properties against bacteria and fungi (Ramanathan et al., 2015). The phytochemical compounds in MS leaves extract have been proven to have antimicrobial effect, including alkaloids, flavonoids, saponin, tannins, phenols and other active compounds (Salim et al., 2021). Furthermore, antimicrobial study of MS leaves extract was also reported on Salmonella typhi (29 ± 2.3 mm) and Bacillus subtilis (30 ± 2.1 mm) (Parthasarathy et al., 2009). ...
Nanostructured lipid carriers (NLC) have evolved as effective vehicles for improving the bioavailability of poorly water-soluble drugs as well as protecting them from degradation and metabolism. The present study investigated the preformulation and its impact on different liquid lipids and solid lipids with diverse chemical structures and hydrophilic-lipophilic balance (HLB) for the critical quality attributes of Mitragyna speciosa leaves extract (MS)-based nanostructured lipid carriers suitable for drug delivery system. The presence of bioactive alkaloids (mitragynine, 7-hydroxymitragynine, speciogynine), flavonoids (quercetin, apigenin, kaempferol), saponins (daucosterol, quinovic acid 3-o-beta-d-quinovopyranoside, 1-o-feruloyl-beta-d-glucose), and other bioactive phytochemicals (chlorogenic acid, umbelliferone, ursolic acid) in MS leaves extract was detected using LCMS/MS analysis to support its medicinal properties. The total phenolic content, total flavonoid content, and DPPH assay of MS were 90.88 ± 0.30 GAE mg/g, 50.43 ± 0.47 QE mg/g, and IC50 at 0.0397 ± 0.0035 mg/mL, respectively. The screening preparation of NLC requires the selection of liquid lipid (oil), solid lipid, and surfactant. Based on the solubility test, the maximum solubility of MS leaves extract in oleic acid (liquid lipid) and compritol ATO 888 (solid lipid) were 2.859 ± 0.010% and 53.02 ± 0.39% respectively at ratio 70:30. Tween 80 was selected as the main surfactant for the preparation of NLC due to its highest emulsification efficiency (51.53%). The antimicrobial study showed that MS leaves extract gives antimicrobial effect towards Streptococcus aureus bacteria. The preformulation information collected offers a better, efficient, and cost-effective choice for further formulation development of MS leaves extract in drug delivery systems.
... The leaves of the MSK contain more than 40 structurally related alkaloids along with several flavonoids, terpenoid saponins, polyphenols, and various glycosides. The primary psychoactive compounds in these leaves are mitragynine and 7-hydroxymitragynine, both being effective in pain relief (Racho et al., 2022;Salim et al., 2021). Furthermore, MSK leaf extract has been shown to possess antioxidant and antibacterial properties, effectively targeting Salmonella typhi and Bacillus subtilis. ...
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Mitragyna speciosa Korth, a traditional Thai herb, is known for its medicinal properties, including enhancing physical strength and promoting relaxation. However, its misuse can lead to addiction. This study evaluated the antioxidant capacity, anti-inflammatory activity, and chemical composition of M. speciosa using liquid chromatography-quadrupole time-of-flight mass spectrometry (LC-QToF-MS). Leaves were extracted with ethanol, methanol, and water. The 2,2-diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazyl (DPPH) assay showed that ethanol extraction had the best IC50 value (0.23 ± 0.01 mg/mL). Methanol extraction excelled in the 2,2’-azino-bis(3-ethylbenzothiazoline-6-sulfonic acid) (ABTS) assay (2.24 ± 0.33 mg/mL), while water extraction displayed the highest antioxidant capacity in the fluorescence recovery after photobleaching (FRAP) assay (231.87 ± 11.51 mg ascorbic acid equivalent [AAE]/100 g). The water extract exhibited the highest total phenolic content (153.41 ± 0.06 mg gallic acid equivalent [GAE]/g) and total flavonoid content (6.24 ± 0.83 mg QE/g). It also provided the maximum anti-inflammatory protection, with a protection rate of 96.35% and a hemolysis of 3.65%. LC-QToF-MS analysis identified key bioactive compounds, such as stigmatellin Y (99.17%) and mitragynine (98.58%), along with other compounds with antioxidant and anti-inflammatory activities. These findings highlight M. speciosa’s potential of being a therapeutic agent. Future research should focus on elucidating the molecular mechanisms of its bioactive compounds, optimizing extraction techniques, and conducting in vivo and clinical studies to validate its safety and therapeutic efficacy.
... ISSN (Online): 2630-0087 Research Article kratom can treat and alleviate the symptoms of diabetes and relieve body aches. Traditional healers have used the bark and leaves of kratom to treat diarrhea, abdominal pain, bloody diarrhea, stomach ailments, diabetes, high blood pressure, skin diseases, and purulent wounds (Gordon and Lowy, 2008;Suwanlert, 1975;Weese, 2010), but research on kratom in Thailand is scarce, compared to research in Malaysia and Indonesia (Parthasarathy et al., 2009;Salim et al., 2021). ...
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The crude extracts of red vein kratom leaves (hexane, dichloromethane, ethyl acetate, ethanol, and 50% acetic acid) and mitragynine were tested for antibacterial activity against gram-positive Staphylococcus aureus and gram-negative Escherichia coli using the disk diffusion method. The minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) values against S. aureus and E. coli were determined. The acetic acid crude extract was effective against both S. aureus and E. coli with an inhibition zone of 5.52±0.44 and 4.65±1.02 mm, at a minimum concentration of 6 and 9 mg/mL, respectively. Mitragynine was active against S. aureus with an inhibition zone of 4.35±0.68 mm and a MIC of 6 mg/mL.
... 18 However, several previous studies on phytochemicals in kratom leaves indicate pharmacological activities, such as anti-inflammatory, 19 antioxidant, and antibacterial activities. 20,21 Nonetheless, the effects of water-soluble Mitragyna speciosa (kratom) extract (MSE) on human gut microbiota remain to be assessed in the context of potential health benefits. ...
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BACKGROUND Kratom (Mitragyna speciosa) has a long history of traditional use. It contains various alkaloids and polyphenols. The properties of kratom's alkaloids have been well‐documented. However, the property of kratom's polyphenols in water‐soluble phase have been less frequently reported. This study assessed the effects of water‐soluble Mitragyna speciosa (kratom) extract (MSE) on gut microbiota and their metabolite production in fecal batch culture. RESULTS The water‐soluble kratom extract (MSE0) and the water‐soluble kratom extract after partial sugar removal (MSE50) both contained polyphenols, with total phenolic levels of 2037.91 ± 51.13 and 3997.95 ± 27.90 mg GAE/g extract, respectively and total flavonoids of 81.10 ± 1.00 and 84.60 ± 1.43 mg CEQ/g extract. The gut microbiota in fecal batch culture was identified by 16S rRNA gene sequencing at 0 and 24 h of fermentation. After fermentation, MSE50 stimulated the growth of Bifidobacterium more than MSE0. MSE0 gave the highest total fatty acids level among the treatments. The phenolic metabolites produced by some intestinal microbiota during fecal fermentation at 24 h were analyzed by liquid chromatography–tandem mass spectrometry (LC–MS/MS). The major metabolite of biotransformation of both water‐soluble MSEs by intestinal microbiota was pyrocatechol (9.85–11.53%). CONCLUSION The water‐soluble MSEs and their produced metabolites could potentially be used as ingredients for functional and medicinal food production that supports specific gut microbiota. © 2024 Society of Chemical Industry.
The research examined the impact of an ethanolic extract from the leaves of Kratom (Mitragyna speciosa (Korth.) Havil.) on the growth, antioxidant capacity, immune-related gene expression, and resistance to disease caused by Edwardsiella tarda in Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus). The findings revealed that the extract had the important phytochemical content in the extract included total phenolics content, total flavonoids content, vitamin C, and total antioxidant capacity and 5.42 % of the crude extract was mitragynine. The extract demonstrated antioxidant activity, as evidenced by its IC50 values against ABTS and DPPH radicals and its ferric reducing power in vitro. Moreover, the MIC-IC50 value of 0.625 mg/mL indicated that the growth of the bacteria was reduced by approximately 50 %, and the MBC was 2.50 mg/mL against E. tarda. Furthermore, the orally administered Kratom leaf extract to fingerling tilapia for 8 weeks exhibited a noticeable increase in oxidative stress, as demonstrated by the increase in MDA production in the 10 and 25 g/kg groups. It also exhibited an increase in acetylcholinesterase (AChE) activity in muscle tissue at the 50 g/kg group. However, when administered at a feeding rate of 5–10 g/kg feed, the extract showed an increase in the expression of immune-related genes (IL1, IL6, IL8, NF-kB, IFNγ, TNFα, Mx, CC-chemokine, CD4, TCRβ, MHC-IIβ, IgM, IgT, IgD) and enhanced resistance to E. tarda infection in fish. Conversely, administering the extract at 25–50 g/kg feed resulted in contrasting effects, suppressing and reducing the observed parameters. Nevertheless, feeding the extract at all concentrations for 8 weeks did not produce any changes in the histology or systemic functioning of the liver and intestines, as indicated by blood biochemistry. These findings suggest that the ethanolic leaf extract from Kratom has the potential to be used as a substitute for antibiotics in the management of bacterial infections in Nile tilapia culture, with a recommended dosage of 5–10 g/kg feed/day for a maximum of 8 weeks.
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Introduction: This scoping review aimed to provide a comprehensive summary and evaluation of solvents and methods for the extraction of bioactive compounds with pharmacological properties from Mitragyna speciosa (M. speciosa) Korth. Methods: The relevant articles were screened on electronic databases such as Scopus, PubMed, and Science Direct and verified their qualities based on the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses extension for Scoping Reviews (PRISMA-ScR) guideline. Results: We selected 41 articles according to two features; the extraction of bioactive compounds and pharmacological properties of M. speciosa extract that involved different solvents and methods. Evidence shows that methanol was the commonly used solvent along with the maceration process in the extraction of M. speciosa to obtain valuable bioactive compounds with clinical benefits. Alternatively, Soxhlet provides less exertion to the extraction process with similar value. Conclusion: Despite various potential modern techniques and solvents available, the synergy between traditional maceration and Soxhlet and methanol was found to potentially attain pharmacological values and bioactive substances in M. speciosa.
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Quercetin is a flavonoid compound widely present in plants and exhibits a variety of biological activities. Research on quercetin has shown its potential for medical application. In this research, we elucidate its antioxidant mechanism and the broad-spectrum antibacterial and antiparasite properties; summarise its potential application in antioncology and cardiovascular protection and anti-immunosuppression treatment; and demonstrate its ability to alleviate the toxicity of mycotoxins. This research is expected to offer some insights and inspirations for the further study of quercetin, its properties, and the scientific basis for its better application in clinical practice.
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Background Opiate addiction is a major health problem in many countries. A crucial component of the medical treatment is the management of highly aversive opiate withdrawal signs, which may otherwise lead to resumption of drug taking. In a medication-assisted treatment (MAT), methadone and buprenorphine have been implemented as substitution drugs. Despite MAT effectiveness, there are still limitations and side effects of using methadone and buprenorphine. Thus, other alternative therapies with less side effects, overdosing, and co-morbidities are desired. One of the potential pharmacotherapies may involve kratom's major indole alkaloid, mitragynine, since kratom (Mitragyna speciosa Korth.) preparations have been reported to alleviate opiate withdrawal signs in self-treatment in Malaysian opiate addicts. Methods Based on the morphine withdrawal model, rats were morphine treated with increasing doses from 10 to 50 mg/kg twice daily over a period of 6 days. The treatment was discontinued on day 7 in order to induce a spontaneous morphine abstinence. The withdrawal signs were measured daily after 24 h of the last morphine administration over a period of 28 abstinence days. In rats that developed withdrawal signs, a drug replacement treatment was given using mitragynine, methadone, or buprenorphine and the global withdrawal score was evaluated. Results The morphine withdrawal model induced profound withdrawal signs for 16 days. Mitragynine (5–30 mg/kg; i.p.) was able to attenuate acute withdrawal signs in morphine dependent rats. On the other hand, smaller doses of methadone (0.5–2 mg/kg; i.p.) and buprenorphine (0.4–1.6 mg/kg; i.p.) were necessary to mitigate these effects. Conclusions These data suggest that mitragynine may be a potential drug candidate for opiate withdrawal treatment.
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Antioxidants are compounds that have an important role in health because they can be used as anti-toxic molecules in the body which are the cause of various diseases. One of the plants that have antioxidant content is kratom (MitragynaspeciosaKorth). The purpose of this study was to determine the antioxidant activity of kratom leaf ethanol extract by using the DPPH trapping method. Exploration of kratom leaf samples was carried out by maceration using ethanol 96%, macerate was evaporated with a rotary evaporator, phytochemical screening of kratom leaf ethanol extract and antioxidant testing of DPPH as Free radical. Result of Simplisia Characterization of kratom leaves containing water, air soluble extract contents, ethanol-soluble extract levels, total ash content, and acid insoluble ash content sequentially as follows: 6.65; 18.01; 9.45; 7.14; and 1.06%. Phytochemical Screening results containing kratom leaf ethanol extract containing chemical composition: alkaloids, flavonoids, triterpenoids/steroids, saponins, and tannins. The results of antioxidant activity testing showed that ethanol extract had an IC 50 value of 38.56 μg / ml. The results showed that the ethanol extract of kratom leaves had antioxidant activity in a very strong category.
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Kratom (Mitragyna speciosa) is an indigenous tropical herbal plant to the Northern Malay Peninsula and Thailand. Empirically kratom leaves have several properties as herbal medicines. Currently, the treatment of diseases caused by bacteria that are resistant to antibiotics requires new compounds that have high potential. The material studied was kratom leaf extract. The solvent used for extraction is methanol. Phytochemical screening carried out includes the examination of alkaloids, flavonoids, steroids/terpenoids, phenols, tannins, and saponins. The test bacteria used was Aeromonas hydrophilla. The medium used is Nutrient Agar (NA). NaCl 0.9% as a bacterial suspension. Testing the antibacterial activity carried out with 10 (ten) variations of concentration namely 3%, 6%, 9%, 12%, 15%, 18%, 21%, 24%, 27% and 30 %. Fresh kratom leaf is collected and then wet sorted. The extraction process was using the method of maceration. This study aims to analyze the antibacterial activity of kratom leaf, measure the secondary compounds of kratom leaf extract, and measure the best concentration to kill Aeromonas hydrophilla. The extraction process obtained blackish-brown extract with 62.27 grams of extract (31.14%). Secondary metabolites of kratom leaf extract show positive results of alkaloid, saponins, tannins, phenolics, steroids, and triterpenoids. Antibacterial activity against Aeromonas hydrophila which is characterized by a kill zone around the paper disc with the best concentration that shows a wide killing zone was 24% of the extract.Keywords: Antibacterial, Extract, Kratom, Mitragynine, Phytochemical Screening.
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Coagulase (Coa) activity is essential for the virulence of Staphylococcus aureus (S aureus), one of the most important pathogenic bacteria leading to catheter‐related bloodstream infections (CRBSI). We have demonstrated that the mutation of coagulase improved outcomes in disease models of S aureus CRBSI, suggesting that targeting Coa may represent a novel antiinfective strategy for CRBSI. Here, we found that quercetin, a natural compound that does not affect S aureus viability, could inhibit Coa activity. Chemical biological analysis revealed that the direct engagement of quercetin with the active site (residues Tyr187, Leu221 and His228) of Coa inhibited its activity. Furthermore, treatment with quercetin reduced the retention of bacteria on catheter surfaces, decreased the bacterial load in the kidneys and alleviated kidney abscesses in vivo. These data suggest that antiinfective therapy targeting Coa with quercetin may represent a novel strategy and provide a new leading compound with which to combat bacterial infections.
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Background: Menopause is the most important sign of aging in women, and the ovary is the organ most sensitive to aging. Quercetin is a potential antioxidant and free radical scavenger that is widely found in fruits, vegetables, and leaves. However, the effect of quercetin on ovarian aging has not been elucidated, and the mechanism underlying its antioxidative effect remains unclear. The purpose of the current study was to investigate whether quercetin protects ovarian function by decreasing oxidative stress. Methods: In an in vivo experiment, female menopausal rats (12 months old) were intragastrically administered quercetin at three doses (12.5 mg/kg, 25 mg/kg, and 50 mg/kg) for 90 days, and the estrous cycles were determined by vaginal smearing. In an in vitro experiment, rat primary ovarian granulosa cells were cultured and treated with H2O2 (400 μM) alone or H2O2 plus quercetin at 5 μM, 20 μM, or 50 μM. The levels of the hormones estradiol (E2), progesterone (P), follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) and luteinizing hormone (LH) were detected by radioimmunoassay. The serum levels of total antioxidant capacity (T-AOC), superoxide dismutase (SOD), glutathione (GSH), glutathione peroxidase (GSH-PX) and glutathione S-transferase (GST) were examined. The expression levels of the oxidative stress-related genes SOD-1, catalase (CAT) and glutathione synthetase (GSS) in the ovaries and ovarian granulosa cells were detected by Western blot. Results: The in vivo results demonstrated that quercetin had no effects on ovarian morphology, hormone secretion, or the estrous cycle in menopausal rats. Although no significant changes were detected in the serum levels of T-AOC, SOD, GSH, GSH-PX, and GST between the quercetin and control groups, the mRNA and protein expression levels of the oxidative stress-related genes SOD-1, CAT and GSS in menopausal rat ovaries were increased by low-dose quercetin. Moreover, the in vitro results demonstrated that quercetin significantly rescued the decrease in cell viability by H2О2-induced oxidative stress and enhanced the H2O2-induced decrease in expression of oxidative stress-related proteins. Conclusions: Together, the results of this study indicated that quercetin increased the antioxidant capacity of the ovary by upregulating the expression of some oxidative stress-related genes both in vivo and in vitro.
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RationaleConsideration by the US Drug Enforcement Administration and Food and Drug Administration of placing kratom into Schedule I of the Controlled Substances Act (CSA) requires its evaluation of abuse potential in the context of public health. Objective The objective of the study is to provide a review of kratom abuse potential and its evaluation according to the 8 factors of the CSA. ResultsKratom leaves and extracts have been used for centuries in Southeast Asia and elsewhere to manage pain and other disorders and, by mid-twentieth century, to manage opioid withdrawal. Kratom has some opioid effects but low respiratory depression and abuse potential compared to opioids of abuse. This appears due to its non-opioid-derived and resembling molecular structure recently referred to as biased agonists. By the early 2000s, kratom was increasingly used in the US as a natural remedy to improve mood and quality of life and as substitutes for prescription and illicit opioids for managing pain and opioid withdrawal by people seeking abstinence from opioids. There has been no documented threat to public health that would appear to warrant emergency scheduling of the products and placement in Schedule I of the CSA carries risks of creating serious public health problems. Conclusions Although kratom appears to have pharmacological properties that support some level of scheduling, if it was an approved drug, placing it into Schedule I, thus banning it, risks creating public health problems that do not presently exist. Furthermore, appropriate regulation by FDA is vital to ensure appropriate and safe use.
The objective of this study was to profile the chemical components and biological activities analysis of crude extract of Bryophyllum pinnatum and Oxalis corniculata . Results revealed that the analyzed plant materials encompass the high amount of total phenolic and flavonoids content and have significant antioxidant activities. Furthermore, methanol extracts are the potential source of α‐ amylase, α‐ glucosidase, lipase, tyrosinase and elastase inhibitors. High resolution mass spectrometry revealed the presence of diverse metabolites such as Quercetin 3‐O‐alpha‐L‐rhamnopyranoside, Myricetin 3‐rhamnoside, Bersaldegenin 1, 3, 5‐orthoacetate, Bryophyllin C, Syringic acid, Caffeic acid, p‐Coumaric acid, and Quercetin in B. pinnatum and Isoorientin, Swertisin, Apigenin 7,4'‐diglucoside, Vitexin, 4‐Hydroxybenzoic acid, Vanillic acid, Ethyl gallate, 5,7‐Dimethoxy‐3,3',4'‐trihydroxyflavone, and Diosmetin‐7‐O‐beta‐D‐glucopyranoside in O. corniculata. Our finding suggested that these two plant species have high medicinal importance and are potential source of inhibitors for modern pharmaceuticals, nutraceuticals and cosmetics industries.
Flavonoids are widely-distributed polyphenolic secondary metabolites with diverse biological activities in plants and benefit human health as protective dietary agents. They participate in plants' responses to harsh environmental conditions and effectively regulate the cell differentiation and growth. In plants, the majority of their functions are attributed to their strong antioxidative properties. Similarly, dietary flavonoids protect the human body against free radicals which are associated with the development of cancer and atherosclerosis. Plants rich in polyphenols have been used to cure various diseases because of their antibacterial, antiviral, antifungal and anticancer properties. This review summarizes the up-to-date research trends and development on flavonoids and its derivatives, working mechanisms and potential functions and applications particularly in relation to plant protection and human health. Towards the end, notable concluding remarks with a close-up look at the future research directions have also been presented briefly.
Mitragyna speciosa (Kratom) is a psychoactive plant that has recently emerged as a recreational drug. Mitragyna alkaloids are not within the scope of traditional forensic toxicology screening methods, which may contribute to under-reporting. Solid phase extraction (SPE) and liquid chromatography-quadrupole/time of flight mass spectrometry (LC-Q/TOF-MS) were used to identify five alkaloids in urine. Target analytes included the two known psychoactive compounds, mitragynine and 7-hydroxymitragynine, in addition to speciociliatine, speciogynine, and paynantheine. Two deuterated internal standards (mitragynine-D3and 7-hydroxymitragynine-D3) were employed. Using traditional reversed phase chromatography all compounds and isomers were separated in 10 min. The procedure was validated in accordance with the Scientific Working Group for Forensic Toxicology (SWGTOX) Standard Practices for Method Validation. Extraction efficiencies were 63-96% and limits of quantitation were 0.5-1 ng/mL. Precision, bias and matrix effects were all within acceptable thresholds, with the exception of 7-hydroxymitragynine, which is notably unstable and unsuitable for quantitative analysis. In this paper we present a simultaneous quantitative analytical method for mitragynine, speciociliatine, speciogynine and paynantheine, and a qualitative assay for 7-hydroxymitragynine in urine using high resolution mass spectrometry (HRMS).