Baluchistan’s water profile was developed by dividing it into seven zones (Northern Highlands-NH, Southern Highlands-SH, Quetta Valley-QV, Desert-D, Sibbi Plains-SP, Coastal Lasbella-CL, Coastal Gwadar-CG) based on geography, water availability, and climate of the area. A total of 106 water samples were collected from karaiz, spring water, and tube wells. Spatial distribution of EC, TDS, TH, SO42−, Cl−, Na+, and K+ showed an increasing trend in concentration from the highlands towards the desert and coastal zones. For anion, HCO3− is predominant in NH, SH, and QV, Cl− in D, CL, and CG and only SO42− in SP, whereas the cationic trend in overall zones is Na+>Ca2+>Mg2+>K+. In the NH, SH, QV, and SP zones, the physicochemical parameters met the drinking water quality guidelines; however, D, CL, and CG exceeded in almost all quality parameters. Furthermore, the drinking water quality index (WQI) shows excellent to good water quality in NH, SH, QV, and D zones, while CL and CG fall in poor to unsuitable water classes. In terms of hydrogeochemical facies, maximum water samples from NH fall in Ca-Mg-HCO3, and SH, QV, and SP in Ca-Mg-Cl type, where major ion chemistry is controlled by rock-weathering, while D, CL, and CG fall in the NaCl type, where evaporation is dominant. Similarly, irrigation water quality parameters (EC, SAR, RSC, Na%, MH%, PI, SSP, and KR) reveal that NH, SH, QV, and SP have suitable water for irrigation, and D, CL, and CG require proper treatment. Additionally, USSL and Wilcox’s diagrams indicated that NH, SH, QV, and SP have “excellent to permissible”; however, D, CL, and CG have “permissible to unsuitable” class water, requiring special management practices. Consequently, appropriate control measures and targeted water purification programmes should be implemented to protect the public health and sustainability of water resources in Baluchistan.