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Incorporating Sustainable Development Goals in Higher Education with a Care Approach: Applicatioins for the TFG final dissertation course at the University of Valencia (Spain).



In the context of Spanish universities and the CRUE, the commitment to development and international cooperation has been progressively guided by various strategies and, finally, it has been formalised in the approach of the SDGs and the 2030 Agenda, which has facilitated their cross-cutting implementation in all the strategies, policies and actions carried out, as well as the redefinition of the way of understanding development, cooperation, and the roles of their various stakeholders (Gómez & Solana, 2016). In this regard, the University of Valencia has demonstrated a clear commitment by developing a strategy to incorporate the international development and cooperation approach along with a process of integrating sustainability and the SDGs as a cross-cutting reality that spans the entire academic institution. Despite this, one study carried out (Iborra & Soriano, 2018) raised some interesting questions about the incorporation of the development paradigm in undergraduate studies. In this regard, it highlighted students’ great interest in the dimensions of human development, while pointing out that their knowledge of these dimensions had room for improvement. These shortcomings could be due to the fact that students perceive that their knowledge of the dimensions of development derives principally from external agents, such as NGOs, and not so much from the university itself. At the same time, they understand the usefulness of this knowledge in connection with specific professional performance, rather than as key topics for understanding the world, its complexity and the possibilities for transformation. In light of these results, there is a responsibility to increase efforts to incorporate the paradigm of development and sustainability in higher education, not as an instrumental dimension, but framed in a much broader and more global approach involving the University’s role in change and social transformation.
Mut Montalvá, Elena, Belda Miquel, Sergio, Vázquez Cañete, Ana I.
(2021) Incorporating Sustainable Development Goals in Higher
Education with a Care Approach: Applicatioins for the TFG final
dissertation course at the University of Valencia (Spain). En Alcantud-
Diaz, Maria (ed.) Research, Teaching and Actions in Higher Education
on the UN Sustainable Development Goals. Cambridge Scholars
Publishing. pp. 119- 137.
The paradigm of human development and sustainability has become
increasingly important in all areas of society, including education. At the
global level, the implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals
(SDGs) in universities has taken place in a framework of collaboration
between various higher education institutions and research centres as one of
the key elements for achieving the Goal established in Partnerships for
Development (SDG 17). A wide range of institutions such as UNESCO
(2017) and various international university networks understand that the
incorporation of the SDGs in higher education represents an opportunity to
transition towards anapproach to and practice of teaching/learning that is
more humanising and transformative (Alcaraz & Alonso, 2019).
In the context of Spanish universities and the CRUE, the commitment to
development and international cooperation has been progressively guided by
various strategies and, finally, it has been formalised in the approach of the
SDGs and the 2030 Agenda, which has facilitated their cross-cutting
implementation in all the strategies, policies and actions carried out, as well as
the redefinition of the way of understanding development, cooperation, and
the roles of their various stakeholders (Gómez & Solana, 2016).
Research, Teaching
and Actions in Higher
Education on the
UN Sustainable
Development Goals
Edited by
María Alcantud-Díaz
Research, Teaching and Actions in Higher Education
on the UN Sustainable Development Goals
Edited by María Alcantud Díaz
This book first published 2021
Cambridge Scholars Publishing
Lady Stephenson Library, Newcastle upon Tyne, NE6 2PA, UK
British Library Cataloguing in Publication Data
A catalogue record for this book is available from the British Library
Copyright © 2021 by María Alcantud Díaz and contributors
All rights for this book reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced,
stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by any means,
electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without
the prior permission of the copyright owner.
ISBN (10): 1-5275-7177-7
ISBN (13): 978-1-5275-7177-8
Foreword .................................................................................................. vii
Carles Padilla
Introduction ................................................................................................ 1
The Role of Higher Education in the 2030 Agenda:
Education, Research, Governance and Social Leadership .......................... 7
Ana Alcaraz Lamana and Carmen Lloret Catalá y María Alcantud-Díaz
Universities can be Closer to the Sustainability Issues that Motivate and
Concern People: The Case Study of University of Valencia (Spain) ....... 28
Elena Martínez García, Pilar Rueda-Segado y Victoria Vázquez-Verdera
Higher Education as a Common Good? Some considerations
in light of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)
and university social responsibility (USR) ............................................... 43
Nicolás D. Ponce Díaz, María-Jesús Martínez-Usarralde
and José Beltrán-Llavador
Didactic Thoughts on How to Generate Actions Based on the
Critical Thinking Paradigm through a Project-Based Approach .............. 61
Elena Ortiz Ballester
Curricular Sustainability and International Cooperation
in Foreign Language Teaching: A Case Study in India ............................ 82
Amparo Rodrigo-Mateu and María Alcantud-Díaz
English Language Teaching & Gender:
A Cross-Curricular Study at Secondary Education .................................. 99
Ana García-Arroyo
Incorporating Sustainable Development Goals in Higher
Education with a Care Approach: Applications for the TFG
final dissertation course at the University of Valencia (Spain) .............. 119
Elena Mut Montalvá; Sergio Belda Miquel y Ana I. Vázquez Cañete
Table of Contents
Learning Quechua in a Social and Cultural Community:
A Global Experience .............................................................................. 138
Cristóbal Suárez-Guerrero y Américo Mendoza-Mori
Black Diamonds: Digital Tools and Intercultural Cinema to Foster
Education for Sustainable Development and Global Citizenship ........... 153
María Botella Martínez
Education for Change: A CLIL Approach to Gender Equality .............. 177
Sara Campoamor Mollà
Gender Equality in TEFL: A Case Study through CLIL
in Vocational Training ............................................................................ 197
María Alcantud Díaz and Natàlia Sánchez i Sánchez
Interculturality and Sustainable Development
in Amazonian Folk Literature ................................................................. 215
Anna Devís Arbona and J.V. Garcia-Raffi
An Assessment of Food Consumption in Two Orphanages for
Institutionalized Nepali Children ............................................................ 234
Lucía Fernández, Ana, Rubini, Jose M. Soriano and Jesús Blesa
SDG’s for People in Children’s Cinema: How to Analyze the
Representation of Human Diversity ....................................................... 242
Elia Saneleuterio and Eva París-Huesca
Ethnocultural Diversity of Students at the University of Valencia:
Research and Actions in Higher Education ............................................ 258
Mut Montalvá, Elena; GinerMonfort, Jordi; Pérez Alonso,
Yaiza y Torres Pérez and Francisco
How can we Combat Sexual Assaults on Women in Armed Conflicts
from the Sustainable Development Goals? Analysis of Cases and
Proposals for Action in International Cooperation ................................. 274
Ana Sales Ten
... The 2030 Agenda and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) have been widely recognised as a universal framework that lays out a clear pathway on how to adopt sustainability while considering social, economic and environmental issues. This potential has also been recognised in discussions on social work practice (Mut-Montalvà et al., 2021;IASSW, ICSW & IFSW, 2018;López-Carlassare & Palma-García, 2021). In this sense, a wide range of institutions, from UNESCO (2017) to various international university networks, understand that the incorporation of the SDGs in higher education represents an opportunity to put sustainability at the centre of teaching practices. ...
As in other areas, sustainability has gained increasing attention in the field of social work education. Nevertheless, various voices consider that perspectives of sustainability are needed that are more radical than those inspired exclusively by the 2030 Agenda. In this context, the paper explores the specific potential and implications of ethics of care for adopting a transformative perspective of sustainability. To this end, the study first proposes an original framework, drawing on key ideas on the ethics of care, which can be useful in order to explore its implications in social work education. Second, it empirically explores the case of social work studies in the University of València (Spain). Specifically, the research addresses how ethics of care is or can be adopted in the supervision of the final end-of-degree projects or dissertations (Trabajo Final de Grado). This exploration draws on interviews with experts and managers from the University and on two discussion groups with teachers from the Social Work Department. The results show that the implications of adopting ethics of care in social work teaching may relate with very different aspects, from political commitment and the construction of identities to relations with peers, teachers, the community and the natural environment.
Black Diamonds: Digital Tools and Intercultural Cinema to Foster Education for Sustainable Development and Global Citizenship
  • Cristóbal Suárez-Guerrero Y
  • Américo Mendoza-Mori
Cristóbal Suárez-Guerrero y Américo Mendoza-Mori Black Diamonds: Digital Tools and Intercultural Cinema to Foster Education for Sustainable Development and Global Citizenship........... 153
An Assessment of Food Consumption in Two Orphanages for Institutionalized Nepali Children
  • Anna Devís Arbona
  • J V Garcia-Raffi
Anna Devís Arbona and J.V. Garcia-Raffi An Assessment of Food Consumption in Two Orphanages for Institutionalized Nepali Children............................................................ 234
Soriano and Jesús Blesa SDG's for People in Children's Cinema: How to Analyze the Representation of Human Diversity
  • Lucía Fernández
  • Ana
  • Jose M Rubini
Lucía Fernández, Ana, Rubini, Jose M. Soriano and Jesús Blesa SDG's for People in Children's Cinema: How to Analyze the Representation of Human Diversity....................................................... 242
Huesca Ethnocultural Diversity of Students at the University of Valencia: Research and Actions in Higher Education
  • Elia Saneleuterio
  • Eva París
Elia Saneleuterio and Eva París-Huesca Ethnocultural Diversity of Students at the University of Valencia: Research and Actions in Higher Education............................................ 258