Conference Paper

An Universal Bidirectional Three-Port DC/DC/AC Converter With Isolated AC Port

  • Priazovskyi State Technical University
  • Priazovskiy state technical university, Mariupol, Ukraine
  • Priazovskyi State Technical University, Ukraine
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... За счет применения соответствующих алгоритмических решений в системе управления предлагаемый универсальный преобразователь может обеспечить близкий к единице коэффициент мощности со стороны входа переменного напряжения, что позволит эффективно работать в слабой электрической сети или от автономного генератора небольшой мощности. Схема силовой части преобразователя представляет собой доработанный вариант решения, опубликованного в работах [9,10], и представлена на рис. 1. ...
Представлено схемное решение и описание работы двунаправленного DC-AC преоб-разователя с трансформаторной изоляцией. В основе схемы лежат принципы, применяе-мые в резонансных LLC преобразователях и двойных активных мостах (DAB, Dual ActiveBridge), но в предлагаемой конструкции используется биполярное построение инвертора состороны переменного напряжения, а также совмещенное частотное и широтно-импульсное управление. Это дает возможность реализовать ряд функций в одном преоб-разователе, используя небольшое число коммутаций в силовой цепи. Так, возможна работав режиме источника бесперебойного питания (преобразование постоянного напряженияАКБ в переменное 220 В 50 Гц); инвертора связи с сетью альтернативных источников(солнечных панелей); зарядного устройства (работающего как от сети, так и от солнеч-ных панелей); сварочного инвертора для полуавтоматической сварки (причем сварку мож-но осуществлять как от сети, так и от АКБ); стабилизатора переменного напряжения;преобразователя постоянного напряжения (для «прикуривания» АКБ с разными напряже-ниями или степенью заряженности). Устройство с перечисленным набором функций мо-жет найти применение, например, в полевых условиях – для организации электропитанияразличных нагрузок, зарядки аккумуляторов, а также проведения мелких сварочных работ. Схемное решение преобразователя позволяет при применении соответствующих алгорит-мов управления работать с близким к единице коэффициентом мощности на стороне пе-ременного напряжения. Это дает возможность обеспечить работу в «слабой» сети – отавтономного генератора, при большой длине сетевого шнура и т.д.
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Nanogrids are becoming an essential part of modern home power systems, offering sustainable solutions for residential areas. These medium-to-low voltage, small-scale grids, operating at medium-to-low voltage, enable the integration of distributed energy resources such as wind turbines, solar photovoltaics, and battery energy storage systems. However, ensuring power quality, stability, and effective energy management remains a challenge due to the variability of renewable energy sources and evolving customer demands, including the increasing charging load of electric vehicles. This paper reviews the current research on nanogrid architecture, functionality in low-voltage distribution systems, energy management, and control systems. It also explores power-sharing strategies among nanogrids within a microgrid framework, focusing on their potential for supplying off-grid areas. Additionally, the application of blockchain technology in providing secure and decentralized energy trading transactions is explored. Potential challenges in future developments of nanogrids are also discussed.
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Environmental issues and the global need to extend sustainable access to electricity have fostered a huge amount of research in distributed generation by renewables. The challenges posed by the widespread deployment of distributed generation by renewables, such as intermittent power generation, low inertia, the need for energy storage, etc., call for the development of smart grids serving specific local areas or buildings, referred to as microgrids and nanogrids, respectively. This has led in the last decades to the proposal and actual implementation of a wide variety of system architectures and solutions, and along with that the issue of the power converters needed for interfacing the AC grid with DC micro- or nanogrids, and for DC regulation within the latter. This work offers an overview of the state of the art of research and application of nanogrid architectures, control strategies, and power converter topologies.
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The management of the electrical energy still raises a huge interest for end-users at the household level. Home electricity management systems (HEMS) have recently emerged both to warrant uninterruptible power and high power quality, and to decrease the cost of electricity consumption, by either shifting it in off peak time or smoothing it. Such a HEMS requires a bidirectional DC-AC converter, specifically when an energy transfer is required between a storage system and the AC-grid, and vice versa. This article points out the relevance of an innovative topology based on sinusoidal waveforms from the generation of sine half-waves. Such a topology is based on a DC-DC stage equivalent to an adjustable output voltage source and a DC-AC stage (H-bridge) which are in series. The results of a complete experimental procedure prove the feasibility to improve the power quality of the output signals in terms of total harmonic distortion (THD-values about 5%). The complexity of the proposed converter is minimized in comparison with multilevel topologies. Finally, wide band-gap semiconductor devices (SiC MOSFETs) are helpful both to warrant the compactness and the high efficiency (about 96%) of the bidirectional converter, whatever its operation mode (inverter or rectifier mode).
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This paper presents a single-phase bidirectional current-source AC/DC converter for vehicle to grid (V2G) applications. The presented converter consists of a line frequency commutated unfolding bridge and an interleaved buck-boost stage. The low semiconductor losses of the line frequency commutated unfolding bridge contribute to the comparatively good efficiency of this converter. The buck and boost operating modes of the interleaved buck-boost stage provide operation over a wide battery voltage range. The interleaved structure of the interleaved buck-boost stage results in lower battery current ripple. In addition, sinusoidal input current, bidirectional power flow and reactive power compensation capability are also guaranteed. This paper presents the topology and operating principles of the presented converter. The feasibility of the converter is validated using MATLAB simulations, as well as experimental results.
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This paper presents an on-board vehicular battery charger that integrates bidirectional AC/DC converter and DC/DC converter to achieve high power density for application in electric vehicles (EVs). The integrated charger is able to transfer electrical energy between the battery pack and the electric traction system and to function as an AC/DC battery charger. The integrated charger topology is presented and the design of passive components is discussed. The control schemes are developed for motor drive system and battery-charging system with a power pulsation reduction circuit. Simulation results in MATLAB/Simulink and experiments on a 30-kW motor drive and 3.3-kW AC/DC charging prototype validate the performance of the proposed technology. In addition, power losses, efficiency comparison and thermal stress for the integrated charger are illustrated. The results of the analyses show the validity of the advanced integrated charger for electric vehicles.
The objective of the paper is the development of the method for the calculation of the required force of shaping of a horizontal shape-forming machine used in the preproduction workflow. The design of a machine for horizontal shape-forming of wheel steel rims enables quick readjusting and transfer to another rim shape, which is significant under the conditions of frequent alteration of the product nomenclature. We developed the calculation method based on the assumptions of the deformations continuity, the constancy of the volume at plastic deformation and axisymmetric stressed state as well as the local application of the load. The research resulted in obtaining the analytical dependences for the calculation of the force of shaping of a wheel rim, taking into account the degree of deformation, the mechanical characteristics of the metal, hardening as well as the design and technological factors of the process. The topicality of the development consists in the necessity for the high-quality and the least expensive choice of the equipment of the required rated power when designing a new workflow. The experimental data, carried out both under the production and laboratory conditions, confirmed the adequacy of the theoretical formulas. It is determined by the assumptions and solutions obtained based on the mathematical apparatus of the technical theory of the shells of revolution. The clearness of the method will make it possible to algorithmize the calculation process quite easily and to use it as a subprogram in an applied complex of technical preproduction. It will also allow determining the shaping process most significant factors influencing the value of the force without the direct use of the calculation. We recommend to use it at enterprises producing vehicle steel wheels by the method of radial-rotation shaping.
Bidirectional Three-Phase AC-DC Power Conversion Using DC-DC Converters And A Three-Phase Unfolder
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Bidirectional AC-DC Converter for Vehicle-to-Grid (V2G) Applications
  • Andhra Sridhar
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  • Aniket Dhere
  • Barkha Shete
  • Tanay Patil
  • V M Aranake