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Implementation of Online Learning During the Covid 19 Pandemic in Mathematics with a Scientific Approach in SD Daarul Qur'an Kalibata City



This study aims to (1) find out online learning planning in mathematics subjects with a scientific approach at SD Daarul Qur'an Kalibata City, (2) find out the implementation of online learning of equivalent fractions in grade 4 SD Daarul Qur'an Kalibata City, (3) find out the results of online learning in mathematics with a scientific approach at Daarul Qur'an Elementary School Kalibata City. This research uses a qualitative approach with the type of case study research (case study). The location of this research is the 4th-grade students of SD Daarul Qur'an Kalibata City. Sources of data in this study were the principal, waka curriculum, mathematics teacher, and eight students. Data collection techniques used are observation, interviews, and documentation. The sampling technique in this study used primary and secondary data, using data analysis techniques, namely reduction, categorization, data presentation, and conclusion drawing. While checking the validity of the data using the degree of trust, transferability, dependence, and triangulation of sources. The results of the study revealed that: (1) online learning planning during the covid 19 pandemics in mathematics subjects with a scientific approach using the application zoom. Then for the curriculum using the 2013 curriculum and adjusted when in the field, (2) the implementation of online learning of equivalent fractions in grade 4 uses a scientific approach. The reason is that students are active in learning. Because so far online learning has only focused on monitors, (3) the results of online learning in mathematics with a scientific approach show that online learning in mathematics subjects with a scientific approach is quite difficult to apply online, then not many students can follow the steps. step. So the scientific approach is not suitable if applied online.
Comparative Study of Post-Marriage Nationality Of Women in Legal Systems of Different Countries
Implementation of Online Learning During the Covid 19 Pa ndemic in Mathematics with a Scientific Approach in SD Daarul Qur'an Kalibata City
International Journal of Multicultural
and Multireligious Understanding
ISSN 2364-5369
Volume 8, Issue 8
August, 2021
Pages: 297-306
Implementation of Online Learning During the Covid 19 Pandemic in Mathematics
with a Scientific Approach in SD Daarul Qur'an Kalibata City
Siti Munawaroh1; Makmuri2; Sarkadi3
1 Department of Primary Education, Universitas Negeri Jakarta, Indonesia
2 Department of Mathematics and Natural Science Education, Universitas Negeri Jakarta, Indonesia
3 Department of Social Science Education, Universitas Negeri Jakarta, Indonesia
This study aims to (1) find out online learning planning in mathematics subjects with a scientific
approach at SD Daarul Qur'an Kalibata City, (2) find out the implementation of online learning of
equivalent fractions in grade 4 SD Daarul Qur'an Kalibata City, (3) find out the results of online learning
in mathematics with a scientific approach at Daarul Qur'an Elementary School Kalibata City. This
research uses a qualitative approach with the type of case study research (case study). The location of this
research is the 4th-grade students of SD Daarul Qur'an Kalibata City. Sources of data in this study were
the principal, waka curriculum, mathematics teacher, and eight students. Data collection techniques used
are observation, interviews, and documentation. The sampling technique in this study used primary and
secondary data, using data analysis techniques, namely reduction, categorization, data presentation, and
conclusion drawing. While checking the validity of the data using the degree of trust, transferability,
dependence, and triangulation of sources. The results of the study revealed that: (1) online learning
planning during the covid 19 pandemics in mathematics subjects with a scientific approach using the
application zoom. Then for the curriculum using the 2013 curriculum and adjusted when in the field, (2)
the implementation of online learning of equivalent fractions in grade 4 uses a scientific approach. The
reason is that students are active in learning. Because so far online learning has only focused on monitors,
(3) the results of online learning in mathematics with a scientific approach show that online learning in
mathematics subjects with a scientific approach is quite difficult to apply online, then not many students
can follow the steps. step. So, the scientific approach is not suitable if applied online.
Keywords: Online Learning; Mathematics Subject; Scientific Approach
Dynamic is the nature of the times, which means that it continues to move towards a more perfect
civilization. One indicator of changing times is the use of information technology. The development of
information technology has a major influence on changes in every area of life (Handarini, 2018). Various
International Journal of Multicultural and Multireligious Understanding (IJMMU)
Vol. 8, No. 8, August 2021
Implementation of Online Learning During the Covid 19 Pa ndemic in Mathematics with a Scientific Approach in SD Daarul Qur'an Kalibata City
fields of life undergo a metamorphosis towards absolute renewal, such as education. Education is like a
place to form intelligent citizens who can solve all life problems. Education is a product that is produced
to achieve national goals (Nurgiansah et al., 2021). The national ideals of the Indonesian state are
contained in the preamble of the 1945 Constitution which is to educate the nation's life, especially since
our country has a vision of a golden generation in 2045 as a celebration of 100 Indonesia's independence
year (Izzaty & Nurfitriani, 2021).
But over time, at the end of 2019 originating from Wuhan, China, a virus called corona or Covid-
19 emerged which finally spread throughout the world uncontrollably which made it difficult for all
countries, both developed and developing countries, including Indonesia, which in the end Covid 19 was
designated as a pandemic outbreak by the World Health Organization (WHO) on March 12, 2020
(Kharisma et al., 2020). Covid-19 is a new type of disease that has never been previously identified in
humans (Astini, Sari, 2020). This virus is different from previous viruses which also originating from
China such as bird flu or swine flu whose transmission involves animals. The Indonesian government has
issued a disaster emergency status from February 29-May 29 2020 related to this virus pandemic with a
total time of 91 days (Nograhany Widhi Koesmawardhani, 2020). Education Organization, The United
Nations Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) mentions nearly 300 million students in the
whole world are disturbed by their school activities, and their rights to education in the future are
threatened (Achmad Yurianto, 2020). This affects changes and policy reforms to be implemented. The
new policy also occurred in the world of education, changing the learning that must come to class, being
enough at home. The government's recommendation to stay at home and physical and social distancing
must be followed by a change in the face-to-face learning mode to online. Referring to the Circular of the
Minister of Education and Culture regarding the implementation of education policies in the emergency
period of the spread of COVID-19. So in practice the teaching and learning process at home, students, and
teachers are assisted with online/online learning applications (rahmad, 2021).
Online itself is an acronym from within the network which means exchanging information with
media connected via the internet. According to Isman (Dewi, 2020), online learning is a process of
learning interaction using computers and internet access. Online learning is an implementation of the
teaching and learning process by exchanging information using the internet network to get a more
massive target (Bilfaqih & Qomarudin, 2015). During the pandemic, various alternative offers for online
learning applications are increasingly selling (Dewantara & Nurgiansah, 2020). Online or online learning
(on the network) is carried out through various applications (Suhada et al., 2020). A wide selection of
applications for online learning including zoom, google classroom, WhatsApp, email, etc (Setiawan &
Widayat, 2020).
(Lestari, 2021) states that educational innovation with online learning using various applications
is an effort made to answer the challenge of the availability of varied learning resources. As it is known
that online learning includes formal educational activities organized by elementary schools, where a
teacher is an instructor to guide students so that the learning process is carried out in separate locations so
that interactive media are needed so that they can be connected, one of which is in mathematics. in
elementary school. Some problems occur that mathematics is a difficult and unattractive subject for
students, this happens because as based on Piaget's theory of cognitive development (knowledge)
elementary school students are in the concrete operational stage aged 7-12 years, Piaget argues that in
general, elementary school students find it difficult to understand abstract mathematics. (W. I. Lestari &
Putra, 2020). (Auliya, 2016) states that mathematics is considered difficult because the characteristics of
mathematics are abstract, logical, systematic, there are symbols/symbols and formulas that confuse
students. Seeing these conditions, it is necessary to make changes in learning mathematics while online is
running. Therefore, teachers have a very important role to be creative in developing learning, especially
the application of online learning systems that can use fun models, methods, strategies and relate
mathematical material to the real-world context so that it can be understood well by students. According
International Journal of Multicultural and Multireligious Understanding (IJMMU)
Vol. 8, No. 8, August 2021
Implementation of Online Learning During the Covid 19 Pa ndemic in Mathematics with a Scientific Approach in SD Daarul Qur'an Kalibata City
to (Setiawan, 2021) in his research that the problem in learning mathematics in elementary schools is that
abstract mathematical concepts often make it difficult for teachers to explain the material to students
virtually. According to Winarno (2012: 4), one of the factors supporting the success of education is
curriculum design.
The results of national curriculum changes with field conditions that occur in SD Daarul Qur'an
Kalibata City are still gaps. The 2013 curriculum which was revised in 2016 expects learning to be more
student-centered and requires teachers to be creative in conducting virtual learning. However, the reality
is that at SD Daarul Qur'an the learning orientation presented by the teacher is generally still assignment-
oriented. This means that online learning is not oriented towards meaningful learning or does not apply a
scientific approach (Oktafikrani, 2020).
Based on the description and explanation above, the researcher is interested in knowing how the
school carries out the teaching and learning process during a pandemic, and one of the basic education
levels that implement online learning in Pancoran District is SD Daarul Qur'an Kalibata city, this is what
researchers use as an excuse to examine the process. implementation of online learning in mathematics
with a scientific approach. Therefore, the researchers formulated the title of the study as follows:
Implementation of Online Learning During the Covid 19 Pandemic in Mathematics Subjects with a
Scientific Approach at Daarul Qur'an Elementary School, Kalibata City.
This research is descriptive qualitative research. The qualitative research method is a research
method based on the philosophy of postpositivism, used to examine the condition of natural objects,
where the researcher is the key instrument, the sampling of data sources is carried out purposively. This is
done by collecting triangulation (combined), data analysis is inductive/qualitative, and qualitative
research results emphasize meaning rather than generalization (Sugiyono, 2011). Based on the description
above, this research studies actions and words to describe the phenomena experienced by research
subjects as a whole to obtain information about how online learning in mathematics subjects with a
scientific approach. The information is extracted through recording and recording based on the results of
observations, interviews, and documentation. In selecting respondents, researchers used structured
interview techniques, while data collection techniques used interviews and documentation. In the validity
of the data, the researcher used source triangulation, namely comparing the results of interviews between
primary and secondary sources so that in the end a final and valid conclusion was obtained.
The place for this research is SD Daarul Qur'an Kalibata City, Kec. Pancoran, South Jakarta City.
Geographically, the school is located within the Kalibata City apartment environment. The school is an
integrated Islamic elementary school. The reason the researchers chose the school was that SD Daarul
Qur'an is a private school that has implemented an online learning system since the beginning of the
pandemic until now. The number of students in the SD is at most 20 people and at least 7 people. Another
reason is that learning mathematics while telling stories and connecting in everyday life, using video
assistance, and taking a personal approach if students do not understand. Finally, the researcher only
needs to know the situation and condition of SD Daarul Qur'an. This research was carried out starting
from research planning, research implementation, to making research reports. This research was carried
out from the end of July to early August 2021.
Sources of data in qualitative research are all information that has been obtained from the
principal, mathematics teacher, and grade 4 students. The data sources in this study are: First, primary
data is a data source that directly provides data to data collectors (Sugiyono, 2011). Meanwhile, according
to (Sekaran, 2017). In this study, the main sources of data were the principal, the head of the curriculum,
International Journal of Multicultural and Multireligious Understanding (IJMMU)
Vol. 8, No. 8, August 2021
Implementation of Online Learning During the Covid 19 Pa ndemic in Mathematics with a Scientific Approach in SD Daarul Qur'an Kalibata City
and the mathematics teacher. Both secondary data are sources that do not directly provide data to data
collectors, for example through other people or documents (Sugiyono, 2011). Written sources of this
research include official documents in the form of RPP (Learning Implementation Plan) documents,
subject matter, student data, and final grades of 4th-grade students of SD Daarul Qur'an Kalibata City and
so on.
Result and Discussion
The things that will be analyzed are, online learning planning in mathematics subjects with a
scientific approach at SD Daarul Qur'an Kalibata City, the implementation of online learning for fractions
material in grade 4 at SD Daarul Qur'an Kalibata City, and the results of online learning in the subject
matter. Mathematics lessons with a scientific approach at SD Daarul Qur'an Kalibata City. Planning
online learning in mathematics with a scientific approach at SD Daarul Qur'an Kalibata City.
Implementation is the implementation of actions by individuals, officials, government agencies, and
private groups to achieve the goals that have been outlined in certain decisions. In the journal, the
implementation of online learning shows that online learning has an impact on increasing teacher skills
and knowledge, mastery of technology, independence, creativity, independence, increasing student
knowledge, and skills, learning processes, and readiness of resources such as teacher facilities and
preparation. This online learning can facilitate the learning process wherever students are not limited to
classrooms and available books.
Based on the findings that the researchers have described, online learning planning during the
COVID-19 pandemic in mathematics subjects with a scientific approach at Daarul Qur'an Elementary
School. With the COVID-19 pandemic, the education sector has changed 180 degrees. Usually, face-to-
face learning has now turned into online learning. In planning online learning, of course, the
implementation of the curriculum also changes, starting with more time-efficient class hours, then the
learning load per week is reduced. The achievement of curriculum objectives cannot be separated from
the role of a teacher who has the main task of teaching.
Teaching is the task of regulating the course of the learning process. Thus, every teacher needs to
make a learning plan, namely the Learning Implementation Plan (RPP), so that he can use the available
time effectively and efficiently. Then the implementation of learning is adjusted to the time in the field.
This is done because students are easily bored and bored when studying online, then studying too long in
front of a laptop makes the eyes less healthy.
The online learning application used by SD Daarul Qur'an is zoom, this is under the principal's
direction to use the application. The reason for using the zoom application is because it is easy to use, can
record, share screens, draw, change the background, and much more. The use of the zoom application has
been used since the beginning of online learning until now. It means that it can be said that the zoom
application has been used for more than two years for online learning, meaning that the zoom is already
comfortable to use by teachers and students in teaching and learning.
Based on the findings, the researcher was able to analyze that the planning for the implementation
of online learning during the covid 19 pandemics in mathematics subjects with a scientific approach at
Daarul Qur'an Elementary School Kalibata City. Learning runs according to school policy as a form of
independent learning, namely learning is done online. In the 2013 curriculum learning planning, it is still
used, only to adjust it during the pandemic. For example, the learning load is reduced and the length of
study is also reduced, but the learning objectives remain under the curriculum. The things that will be
analyzed are, online learning planning in mathematics subjects with a scientific approach at SD Daarul
Qur'an Kalibata City, the implementation of online learning for fractions material in grade 4 at SD Daarul
International Journal of Multicultural and Multireligious Understanding (IJMMU)
Vol. 8, No. 8, August 2021
Implementation of Online Learning During the Covid 19 Pa ndemic in Mathematics with a Scientific Approach in SD Daarul Qur'an Kalibata City
Qur'an Kalibata City, and the results of online learning in the subject matter. Mathematics lessons with a
scientific approach at SD Daarul Qur'an Kalibata City.
Planning online learning in mathematics with a scientific approach at SD Daarul Qur'an Kalibata
City. Implementation is the implementation of actions by individuals, officials, government agencies, and
private groups to achieve the goals that have been outlined in certain decisions. In the journal, the
implementation of online learning shows that online learning has an impact on increasing teacher skills
and knowledge, mastery of technology, independence, creativity, independence, increasing student
knowledge, and skills, learning processes, and readiness of resources such as teacher facilities and
preparation. This online learning can facilitate the learning process wherever students are not limited to
classrooms and available books.
Based on the findings that the researchers have described, online learning planning during the
COVID-19 pandemic in mathematics subjects with a scientific approach at Daarul Qur'an Elementary
School. With the COVID-19 pandemic, the education sector has changed 180 degrees. Usually, face-to-
face learning has now turned into online learning. In planning online learning, of course, the
implementation of the curriculum also changes, starting with more time-efficient class hours, then the
learning load per week is reduced. The achievement of curriculum objectives cannot be separated from
the role of a teacher who has the main task of teaching.
Teaching is the task of regulating the course of the learning process. Thus, every teacher needs to
make a learning plan, namely the Learning Implementation Plan (RPP), so that he can use the available
time effectively and efficiently. Then the implementation of learning is adjusted to the time in the field.
This is done because students are easily bored and bored when studying online, then studying too long in
front of a laptop makes the eyes less healthy. The online learning application used by SD Daarul Qur'an is
zoom, this is under the principal's direction to use the application. The reason for using the zoom
application is because it is easy to use, can record, share screens, draw, change the background, and much
more. The use of the zoom application has been used since the beginning of online learning until now. It
means that it can be said that the zoom application has been used for more than two years for online
learning, meaning that the zoom is already comfortable to use by teachers and students in teaching and
Based on the findings, the researcher was able to analyze that the planning for the implementation
of online learning during the covid 19 pandemics in mathematics subjects with a scientific approach at
Daarul Qur'an Elementary School Kalibata City. Learning runs according to school policy as a form of
independent learning, namely learning is done online. In the 2013 curriculum learning planning, it is still
used, only to adjust it during the pandemic. For example, the learning load is reduced and the length of
study is also reduced, but the learning objectives remain under the curriculum.
a. Opening Lessons
The activity of opening lessons is an activity carried out by the teacher to create a learning
atmosphere that allows students to be mentally prepared to take part in learning activities. Pay attention
and meet the needs of students and show a great concern for the existence of students.
The math teacher at Daarul Qur'an Elementary School in opening mathematics online learning,
the teacher first greeted the students, then asked how they were doing, asked about morning habits,
motivated students, ice breaking, taking attendance, and opening the lesson by praying. Furthermore, the
teacher distributes learning materials in the form of soft files in the form of PowerPoint, pdf, or word
through the zoom application.
International Journal of Multicultural and Multireligious Understanding (IJMMU)
Vol. 8, No. 8, August 2021
Implementation of Online Learning During the Covid 19 Pa ndemic in Mathematics with a Scientific Approach in SD Daarul Qur'an Kalibata City
The material taught at the time of the study was the material on the properties of fractions. In
delivering mathematics learning, the teacher uses a scientific approach. The application of the scientific
approach when learning online is quite challenging because learning remotely the teacher cannot fully
control student activities, the first way to apply it is the observing stage, the teacher gives direction to
students to observe the material to be taught, namely the material properties of fractions, after that the
questioning stage, at this stage students are guided by the teacher to collect questions about the material
being taught, the teacher guides so that students actively ask about the material. The next stage is
collecting information, at this stage, students are motivated to collect information from sources, books,
the internet, or others to answer questions about the material. Usually, the teacher asks students to look at
the textbook. The next stage is associating, which is the stage where students are motivated to process the
information, they have obtained about the material they are discussing. The last stage is communicating,
where students are guided to convey the results or information they have obtained, either through reports
or presenting the results. In this case, the teacher asks students and students to explain briefly what they
remember about the material.
Based on the observations of the researchers, it was found that this sharing activity was carried
out after the discussion of the material was finished. Followed by sharing done in learning mathematics.
This activity is related to problems or obstacles faced by students in learning mathematics.
Sharing activities can at least help students in dealing with their problems in learning
mathematics. Especially with the help of the math teacher himself. Indirectly, mathematics teachers can
find out how the situation and conditions of their students are in attending school at Daarul Qur'an
Elementary School in Kalibata City. So that assistance in the form of motivation and support is always
provided by the mathematics teacher.
In online learning mathematics, some of the material being studied is still "abstract" or is
something that is still new to learn. In any situation and condition, the material should still reach the
students. The method used by mathematics teachers at Daarul Qur'an Elementary School in providing a
deeper understanding of concepts to students is how teachers reinforce the form of displayed media such
as share screens, power points, videos, etc. So that students can see an overview of the abstract concept.
Then provide notes and open opportunities for students to consult via private chat.
The material notes provided are under the teacher's creativity, for example by providing sample
images, how to solve problems, and so on. If the students in the group still cannot understand the
material, the teacher allows students to ask questions directly through private messages so that the
material referred to by the mathematics teacher is in line with the understanding that students have
Sometimes in online learning students feel bored and bored, especially learning mathematics
which requires energy and thinking that is ready to deal with it. The way that mathematics teachers do is
to motivate students to always do assignments even though learning turns to online, always communicate
and provide understanding to students that the spirit of learning must be carried out in any situation and
condition. Do not forget the teacher always greets in the zoom application so that students feel that there
is learning even though they have to study from home during the Covid-19 pandemic. The teacher also
greets students through WhatsApp groups so that students' closeness to the teacher is not stiff even though
learning is done online. Not only that, but the teacher also greeted the group of parents/guardians to
monitor and facilitate communication between teachers and guardians regarding the progress of learning
while at home.
Although the use of the zoom application is carried out under the policies of the principal,
mathematics teachers also develop their teaching creativity by combining other applications in online
International Journal of Multicultural and Multireligious Understanding (IJMMU)
Vol. 8, No. 8, August 2021
Implementation of Online Learning During the Covid 19 Pa ndemic in Mathematics with a Scientific Approach in SD Daarul Qur'an Kalibata City
learning mathematics. Mathematics teachers in addition to using the google form application in giving
assignments, also combine the youtube application in online learning mathematics. Over time, in learning,
teachers and students sometimes encounter several obstacles. Constraints are Based on the results of
verbatim interviews and documentation that researchers received from informants, then it will be
analyzed how the obstacles experienced by mathematics teachers in implementing online learning in
mathematics subjects with a scientific approach at SD Daarul Qur'an. The following are the obstacles
experienced by mathematics teachers in implementing online learning in mathematics subjects with a
scientific approach at Daarul Qur'an Elementary School:
b. The Difficulty Is with the Students
The problem is that it is more student-centered. The difficulty of access to monitor students is due
to the difficulty of signaling from the student's residence, the absence of a quota, as well as cellphones
that are still dependent on parents so that children can only work after their parents finish work.
c. Student Boredom
The boredom experienced by students while studying at home has an impact on feeling lazy to
work. So, the teacher must increase the working time at home to control students and reply to student
messages regarding difficulties in understanding the material and assignments.
d. Invalid Student Identity Filling
Often students fill in an incorrect identity, making it difficult for the teacher to correct the results
of the assignment. The results of online learning in mathematics with a scientific approach at SD Daarul
Qur'an Kalibata City. The evaluation system used in mathematics subjects refers to the evaluation system
that has been determined by the curriculum. The measuring instrument for students' completeness scores
in learning mathematics refers to the KKM that has been determined by the school. The results that
students want to achieve after the evaluation will be submitted to each teacher, including the mathematics
teacher. According to an interview with a math teacher. Daily test activities to determine whether
students' competencies have been achieved or not, will usually be carried out outside the classroom. But
still under the supervision of a math teacher. This is according to the mathematics teacher. So, the
implementation of daily tests uses a flexible space. Can work with longer hours as determined by the
Based on interviews with mathematics teachers, it is known that UTS, UAS, and UKK activities
are still carried out online using the google form. In terms of time, it is also determined according to
offline so that students can be disciplined in working on questions. The following is an explanation from
the math teacher. In addition, remedial mathematics activities are also available. That is, for students who
do not complete the exam, the mathematics teacher provides remedial outside formal study hours. This is
so that students can meet the KKM that has been determined. this information is according to the
mathematics teacher.
Entering the evaluation of learning outcomes carried out, there are 3 areas that students need to
achieve. Namely the cognitive, affective, and psychomotor domains. Based on the results of group
learning of mathematics subjects, it is carried out through 1) observing changes in behavior and attitudes
to assess the development of affection and personality of students, and 2) examinations, tests, and
assignments to measure the cognitive aspects of students.
When distributing report cards, it is done online. The teacher hands the grades to the homeroom
teacher, then the homeroom teacher makes a report card using the application, then prints and scans it and
International Journal of Multicultural and Multireligious Understanding (IJMMU)
Vol. 8, No. 8, August 2021
Implementation of Online Learning During the Covid 19 Pa ndemic in Mathematics with a Scientific Approach in SD Daarul Qur'an Kalibata City
makes a PDF. After that, the homeroom teacher conducts an online consultation with parents via the
zoom application. This is done so that parents know the progress of their children during online learning.
Furthermore, the results of online learning in mathematics subjects with a scientific approach show that
online learning in mathematics subjects with a scientific approach is quite difficult to apply online, then
not many students can follow the steps. So, the scientific approach is not suitable if applied online.
Based on the results of qualitative research using observation, interview, and documentation
techniques carried out at SD Daarul Qur'an Kalibata City, regarding the implementation of online learning
during the COVID-19 pandemic in mathematics subjects with a scientific approach. The academic year
2021/2022 can be concluded. The conclusions are presented as follows: First, online learning planning
during the COVID-19 pandemic in mathematics subjects with a scientific approach at Daarul Qur'an
Elementary School related to the curriculum, syllabus, and lesson plans used by teachers in planning
learning carried out online. The learning process uses the zoom application. The process of implementing
the use of this application is very useful in online learning mathematics because it provides convenience
in the implementation of learning that still refers to the Learning Implementation Plan (RPP). Preparation
is done by preparing mature material, the implementation by providing easy-to-understand material.
Second, the process of implementing online learning in mathematics with a scientific approach runs
smoothly. Even if there are obstacles, they can be solved. When learning begins, the teacher begins to
display material in the form of power points, PDFs, images, or videos. When giving the material the
properties of fractions the teacher helps students understand by giving notes, video appearances, pictures,
or others. The teacher always shares when the learning is finished so that students can express things they
don't understand. The obstacles faced by teachers are the difficulty of communicating with students,
internet networks, quotas, infrastructure, and so on. Third, the evaluation carried out by the teacher is with
daily tests, UTS, UAS, and UKK. All of that using the Google Forms application. After the students have
completed the questions, the teacher then checks them and deposits the value to walas. Furthermore,
walas did an online consultation with the zoom application. So that parents know the daily assessment of
their children.
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This research and development is motivated by the existence of potentials and problems, the potential in this study regarding several learning media that can stimulate or facilitate the learning process. Whereas the problem is that students do not understand the subtraction operation so they have to explain the material repeatedly, this is because there is no stimulus to support the learning process. This can be proven by the average value of 70, and the KKM score in these subjects 75. So it can be concluded that the average score is less than the KKM value. Therefore, a learning media is needed based on these potentials and problems. So that ludo game learning media was created in the MIS Sindangraja class 3 reduction operation. This research is included in the type and design of research development or R&D (Research and Development) of the Borg and Gall type which was carried out at the Sindangraja MIS School with a total of 16 students. The data collection technique was done by using prestest and postest tests. Data were analyzed by SPSS.
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ABSTRAKPenelitian Tindakan Kelas dilakukan untuk menyelesaikan permasalahan belajar. Guru yang profesional harus mampu mengaplikasikan beragam model dan media pembelajaran. Mayoritas siswa menganggap mata pelajaran Pendidikan Kewarganegaraan adalah yang paling membosankan. Tujuan penelitian adalah untuk mengetahui evaluasi tindakan kelas yang dilakukan oleh guru Pendidikan Kewarganegaraan. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kualitatif. Pengumpulan data menggunakan observasi, wawancara, dokumentasi, literasi.Kata Kunci: Penelitian Tindakan Kelas, Pendidikan Kewarganegaraan. ABSTRAKClass action research is conducted to solve learning problems. Professional teachers must be able to apply various models and learning media. The majority of students consider civic education subjects to be the most tedious. The purpose of this research is to know the successful research of class actions conducted by the teachers of citizenship education. This research uses qualitative methods. Data collection using observations, interviews, documentation, literacy. The results of this research show that the teachers of citizenship education who conduct class action research successfully solve learning problems such as low motivation and student achievement while ensuring that class action research is a concrete solution in the course of learning problems especially in citizenship education subjects. Kata kunci: Penelitian Tindakan Kelas, Pendidikan Kewarganegaraan.
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Wabah Corona membuat segala hal mengalami perubahan rutinitas, termasuk dalam hal pendidikan. Dulu pembelajaran di perguruan tinggi dilaksanakan secara tatap muka, akan tetapi sekarang pembelajaran harus dilaksanakan secara online. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui seberapa besar efektivitas pembelajaran secara daring dimasa pandemi covid 19 bagi mahasiswa Universitas PGRI Yogyakarta. Penelitian ini menggunakan model Kuantitatif dengan metode survei. Responden dari penelitian ini berjumlah 1.000 mahasiswa. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukan bahwa 79% mahasiswa menginginkan pembelajaran secara tatap muka, sedangkan hanya 1% saja mahasiswa yang menginginkan pembelajaran daring, sehingga dapat disimpulkan bahwa pembelajaran daring secara terus menerus selama masa pandemi ini sangat tidak efektif
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Pandemi Covid 19 merubah pembelajaran yang signifikan, tatap muka di hentikan sementara di tengah wabah yang melanda. Guru tetap menjalankan tugasnya agar kurikulum tetap berjalan. Guru dan Orangtua harus membangun komunikasi agar siswa dapat memahami setiap tugas-tugas yang di berikan oleh guru pada pembelajaran luring ini. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui tantangan yang di hadapi guru dalam pembelajaran Luring masa Pandemi Covid 19 di SD Kecil Paramasan Atas. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan deskriptif kualitatif, melalui instrumen obervasi , wawancara, dan dokumentasi. Penelitian ini dilakukan di SD Kecil Paramasan Atas. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa tantangan yang dihadapi guru selama pembelajaran Luring masa Covid 19 yaitu siswa merasa jenuh dengan proses yang monoton, mengingatkan orang tua untuk memantau anak saat belajar, mendorong siswa untuk tetap semangat belajar di tengah Pandemi Covid 19, siswa ada yang tidak mematuhi protokol kesehatan ketika datang ke sekolah
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Tujuan penelitian ini adalah meningkatkan hasil belajar Bahasa Indonesia dengan metode bermain peran bagi siswa Kelas III SDN Sekarpuro Kecamatan Pakis Kabupaten Malang. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan deskriptif kualitatif. Subyek yang diteliti adalah siswa kelas III SDN Sekarpuro Kecamatan Pakis Kabupaten Malang yang berjumlah 25 orang. Jenis penelitian yang digunakan adalah penelitian tindakan kelas dengan teknik pengumpulan data melalui tes, observasi, dan dokumentasi. Teknik analisis data ini menggunakan analisis data dengan model interaktif, dan dalam kegiatan analisis serta kegiatan pengumpulan data menggunakan 2 siklus yaitu siklus I dan siklus II. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa: (1) penerapan metode bermain peran dalam pembelajaran mata pelajaran Bahasa Indonesia dapat meningkatkan hasil belajar mata pelajaran Bahasa Indonesia siswa Kelas III SDN Sekarpuro Kecamatan Pakis Kabupaten Malang. Peningkatan hasil belajar ini dapat dilihat dari hasil belajar Bahasa Indonesia setelah melalui tahapan Pra Siklus, Siklus I dan Siklus II, setelah dilakukan tindakan pada tahap Pra Siklus = 69,48, tahap Siklus I = 70,60, dan tahap Siklus II = 85,72, (2) penerapan metode bermain peran dapat meningkatkan ketuntasan belajar mata pelajaran Bahasa Indonesia siswa Kelas III SDN Sekarpuro Kecamatan Pakis Kabupaten Malang, hal ini bisa dilihat dari peningkatan ketuntasan belajar siswa sebagai berikut: pada tahap pra siklus = 32%, tahap siklus I = 36% dan pada tahap Siklus II = 92%, dan (3) metode bermain peran dapat meningkatkan hasil belajar dan ketuntasan belajar mata pelajaran Bahasa Indonesia siswa Kelas III SDN Sekarpuro Kecamatan Pakis Kabupaten Malang.
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Dari hasil refleksi awal dapat diketahui kemampuan dalam menulis teks deskripsi peran siswa kelas VII C SMP Negeri 30 Surabaya rendah. Teridentifikasi beberapa masalah yang berkaitan dengan kemampuan siswa dalam menulis teks deskripsi, yaitu dari segi penggunaan Bahasa (EYD), diksi, kreatifitas mengarang dan pendeskripsian media gambar. Untuk mengatasi masalah tersebut peneliti memberikan pembelajaran dengan memanfaatkan fasilitas media visual. Penelitian ini adalah penelitian tindakan kelas. Subjek penelitian ini adalah siswa kelas VII C SMP Negeri 30 Surabaya semester ganjil tahun akademik 2018/2019, yang berlokasi di Jl. Medokan Semampir 119 Surabaya. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian, dapat disimpulkan bahwa media visual dapat meningkatkan kemampuan menulis teks deskripsi siswa kelas VII C SMP Negeri 30 Surabaya. Hal ini dapat dilihat pada tiga aspek yaitu 1) Aktivitas guru pada siklus 1 yaitu 80% meningkat menjadi 100% pada siklus 2; 2) Presentase aktivitas siswa siklus 1 yaitu 75,38%, sedangkan pada siklus 2 mengalami peningkatan yaitu 100%; 3) Hasil tes kemampuan siswa dalam menulis teks deskripsi pada siklus I, 25 siswa dapat mencapai ketuntasan klasikal dengan persentase sebesar 68,87%. Sedangkan pada siklus II mengalami peningkatan yaitu seluruh siswa dengan jumlah 40 siswa mencapai ketuntasan klasikal dengan persentase 100%.
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Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengidentifikasi implementasi pembelajaran daring dirumah pada siswa Sekolah Dasar akibat dari adanya pandemik COVID-19. Penelitian menggunakan penelitian kepustakaan dimana dalam mengumpulkan informasi data dengan teknik dokumentasi yaitu mencari data mengenai hal-hal yang relevan dari berbagai macam yang ada di perpustakaan seperti dokumen, buku, majalah, berita. Kriteria artikel dan berita yang dipilih yaitu adanya pembahasan tentang Dampak COVID-19 dan Pembelajaran Daring di Sekolah Dasar. Dari 10 Sumber yang didapatkan, kemudian dipilih yang paling relevan dan diperoleh 3 artikel dan 6 Berita yang dipilih. Hasil dalam penelitian, menunjukkan bahwa dampak covid terhadap implementasi pembelajaran daring di Sekolah Dasar dapat terlaksanakan dengan cukup baik. Hal ini dapat dilihat dari hasil data 3 artikel dan 6 Berita yang menunjukan bahwa dampak COVID-19 terhadap implementasi pembelajaran daring di SD dapat terlaksana dengan cukup baik apabila adanya kerjasama antara guru, siswa dan orang tua dalam belajar dirumah
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Proses pengembangan dimulai dengan analisis kebutuhan sehingga menjamin Pembelajaran Daring yang dibangun menjawab kebutuhan stakeholdernya. Tahap kedua adalah analisis rangkakerja sehingga menjamin kelayakan projek pengembangan dari segi jadwal, biaya dan sumber daya manusianya. Pada tahap ketiga adalah konsepsi/desain sehingga menjamin produk yang dihasilkan bermutu, tepat guna dan berdaya guna. Kemudian pada tahap keempat dilakukan pengembangan/produksi yang menjamin pemanfaatan teknologi dan standar yang tepat. Selanjutnya, diikuti dengan tahapan kelima implementasi, tahap keenam adalah proses pembelajaran dan yang ketujuh adalah proses evaluasi dan optimasi. Ketujuh proses ini dijalankan dalam satu siklus yang berulang dimana proses evaluasi dan optimasi hendaknya dilakukan pada setiap tahapan. Dapatkan Versi Cetak di sini: