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MBSE in AIT and Operations of MOVE-II and its Impact on the MBSE2DL Activity and the MOVE-III Mission



This paper covers the lessons learned on applying MBSE in the MOVE-II mission, with a focus on Assembly-Integration-Testing and Operations of the spacecraft. It shows the states of implementing MBSE across the various project phases. Furthermore, it shows the implementation of these lessons learned on the MOVE-III mission and what has been learned based on this application. MOVE-III was initiated in 2019. Taking the input from both missions and the results of ten interviews with ESA specialists in the fields of AIT and MBSE, we progress to the aims of the "MBSE to DataLakes project". This new activity heads the primary objective of increasing efficiency of spacecraft AIT by employing MBSE, matching ESA's overall MBSE strategy. Set up as a public funded project, with the aim of hands-on education for future spacecraft engineers, the MOVE-II project followed the typical design stages of any spacecraft development. Combined with the lack of inherited liabilities and the limited complexity compared to larger spacecraft programs, this makes it a good reference project for MBSE implementation. While the spacecraft is in orbit since December 2018 and is being operated successfully since then, the focus of this paper is set on lessons learned in the implementation of MBSE throughout the design and qualification of the spacecraft, up to its daily operations in orbit over the past five years.
MBSE in AIT and Operations of MOVE-II and its
Impact on the MBSE2DL Activity and the MOVE-III
Florian Schummer,
Maximillian Hyba
Chair of Astronautics
Technical University of Munich
Boltzmannstr. 15
85748 Garching, GERMANY
Armin M¨
orn Beyreuther
ScopeSET GmbH
Im Rothmoos 5
83730 Fischbachau
Andreas Lindner
3DSE Management Consultants GmbH
Seidlstr. 18a
80335 Munich, Germany
Abstract— This paper covers the lessons learned on applying
MBSE in the MOVE-II mission, with a focus on Assembly-
Integration-Testing and Operations of the spacecraft. It shows
the states of implementing MBSE across the various project
phases. Furthermore, it shows the implementation of these
lessons learned on the MOVE-III mission and what has been
learned based on this application. MOVE-III was initiated in
2019. Taking the input from both missions and the results of
ten interviews with ESA specialists in the fields of AIT and
MBSE, we progress to the aims of the ”MBSE to DataLakes
project”. This new activity heads the primary objective of
increasing efficiency of spacecraft AIT by employing MBSE,
matching ESA’s overall MBSE strategy.
Set up as a public funded project, with the aim of hands-on
education for future spacecraft engineers, the MOVE-II project
followed the typical design stages of any spacecraft development.
Combined with the lack of inherited liabilities and the limited
complexity compared to larger spacecraft programs, this makes
it a good reference project for MBSE implementation. While the
spacecraft is in orbit since December 2018 and is being operated
successfully since then, the focus of this paper is set on lessons
learned in the implementation of MBSE throughout the design
and qualification of the spacecraft, up to its daily operations in
orbit over the past five years.
Compared to traditional spacecraft, the limited size and fixed
envelope of a CubeSat severely limit the necessary budget.
As with many other space missions, MOVE-II was initiated
with the target of hands-on education for university students,
mainly in the physics, computer sciences and engineering
curriculae. This goal shaped the whole development setup as
well; subsystems for which sufficient expertise and interest
could be gathered among the students were developed in
house from scratch, such as the Attitude Determination and
Control System, the structure and shape memory alloy based
deployment mechanisms, transceivers in the UHF/VHF and
S-Band range and all on-board software. The goal of hands
on student education also greatly impacted the development
team’s setup [1]. As scientific payload the CubeSat carries
quadro-junction solar cells, of which the degradation in the
space environment over time shall be measured [2], [3].
With only a single full-time employed PhD candidate until
late 2017, systems engineering and most management tasks
were also performed by students. The amount of weekly ac-
tive developers ranged from around 50 to over 100, with peak
team size being reached during software-implementation and
integration of the subsystems with each other. Due to the
fact, that students were in general not awarded credits for
their participation in the project, most of the team could
only engage in the development in part-time, ranging from
around 8-10 hours a week to up to full-time for students
writing theses on specific aspects of the spacecraft or taking
a semester off to commit to the project fully. An additional
challenge was the high turn-over rate. While some students
accompanied the project from end to end, the majority had
a retention time of roughly one year. Thus, having set the
stage, we will progress to the different phases of MBSE
implementation during the project.
In March 2016, a formal systems engineering team was
established on the project, two months from the Preliminary
Design Review. Before that, the coordination of interfaces,
requirements, budgets and system configuration were not
treated as a group effort, lacking knowledge of formal meth-
ods and a high overhead for coordination. Being new to the
project and tasked with leading systems engineering, we had
no prior knowledge of MBSE tools, despite a well-founded
education in SysML. [4]
Over the course of three years, various stages of MBSE
implementation have been achieved and are presented in the
following. [5]
Stage One, SysML with Whiteboards, Pen and Paper
Hence during this first stage of our journey to MBSE, SysML
was mainly employed to structure discussions and dialogues,
with diagrams being drawn by hand during meetings and used
to protocol the outcome of discussions. The model there-
fore consisted of a loose collection of diagrams, although
semantically accurate and consistent to each other. While still
being far from Model-Based Systems Engineering, we found
the approach quite useful in the beginning. The overhead is
minimal, the low complexity of diagrams allowed engineers
across the field to understand them and participate in the
discussions on specific features or the overall architecture.
However we found the approach lacking in availability of
information. As the diagrams were often stored as hand-
drawings in distributed notebooks (Microsoft OneNote), it
could become difficult to find a specific drawing. In case
it was actually drawn on paper, the likelihood of losing the
information increased. While enhanced with multiple other
methods over the time, live-drawing of SysML diagrams
to structure discussions was a method frequently employed
through the project and is still done for major troubleshoot-
ings on orbit in the form of activity diagrams for planning of
the next analysis-steps.
Stage Two, A Collection of Diagrams Maintained in Mi-
crosoft Visio
For the documentation of the Critical Design Review in
September 2016, the diagrams were condensed into a uni-
form view, which started the second stage in our journey to
MBSE. Microsoft Visio was employed as tool, which can
be attributed to the lack of availability of proper SysML
tools such as MagicDraw. The same tooling was used to
define the software-architecture of the spacecraft, where in
a single diagram all data-exchange on a subsystem-level, as
well as within the Command and Data Handling subsystem,
were defined. While not providing enough detail to deduct
the exact interface definitions from the diagram, the singular
view of any software running on any hardware aboard the
spacecraft was very popular among the developers, as it
provided a good overview of the spacecraft. It was used for
regular updates between developers, showing which features
were already implemented, or whom to contact to coordinate
a specific interface. This diagram was the basis for most
of the implementation of the MOVE-II spacecraft software.
While it lacked details, which were supplemented by a de-
tailed software-specification, the main features of its success
were its simplicity and the frequently published updates.
Especially the regular updates caused a high confidence of
all team members that the diagram shows the real state of the
design. Our lessons learned from this second phase of our
journey to MBSE were:
Only add as much detail to your MBSE model as your team is
able to maintain. A model that is that is only 95% up-to-date
leads to frustrated developers and a starkly decreasing interest
in the information contained in the model.
Actively advertise the model and the information it contains.
People new to the team often lacked overview of the whole
spacecraft, and had a eye opening moment when they were
shown the diagram of the software architecture.
When in doubt, investigate. There is always a chance that
decisions have been made you are not aware of, that make
reality differ from the model. Keeping consistency is key
Summing up the second stage - a variety of aspects were mod-
elled, mainly in block definition and internal block diagrams,
but also employing activity diagrams and state machines to
model specific software behavior.
Stage Three, MBSE in Assembly Integration Testing
The next stage of our implementation of MBSE involves
a self-written tool. In the beginning of the integration
campaign, information about probable anomalies often was
shared using the messaging app Slack. Additionally, formal
reports in a redmine ticketing system were required, once
an anomaly was confirmed. Sharing information in two
different systems on the same topic caused a lot of confusion.
Therefore, a Slack application was developed, that created
redmine-tickets out of threads once someone reacted with
a certain emoji to the thread’s original message. The app
updates the redmine ticket with every new reply in the thread
in real-time, enabling much faster communication, while at
the same time ensuring the formality of a ticketing process,
where issues are resolved and closed is upheld.
Though not being part of the formal specification of MBSE
provided by INCOSE, which states that MBSE is ”the for-
malized application of modeling to support system require-
ments, design, analysis, verification and validation activities
beginning in the conceptual design phase and continuing
throughout development and later life cycle phases” [6, p.15],
the increase in efficiency as perceived by both developers
and management, later triggered us to investigate further
into increasing efficiency during assembly integration and
testing, via better tooling for communication and reducing
the necessary effort to get a holistic view on a topic. A
disadvantage of the approach is the necessity of connecting
the discussion on a probable cause of failure with the sys-
tem’s architecture by hand. Expert knowledge was key to
investigate on how an observed anomaly can be linked to its
root-cause. Having a good understanding of the interfaces
between various components enabled us to build efficient
anomaly resolution boards, which would usually consist of
a systems engineer, software engineer and experts from each
potentially involved component.
Our perception here is that the majority of testing and im-
plementing team members have a lack of knowledge with
regards to the overall context of a problem they face. Without
understanding the context of the observed anomaly, they
were unable to self-sufficiently perform a root-cause analysis.
They specifically lack the following knowledge:
What are sensible next steps in the analysis of the perceived
How can I find possible root-causes for the perceived
How can I rule out unlikely root-causes, or those that were
proven to be wrong?
Where can I find additional information on the hard-
ware/software under investigation?
This caused a high dependency on the duo of software- and
systems engineer to help resolving those anomalies, making
both crucial personnel for the mission. Their unique under-
standing of the overall architecture meant they were able to
”connect the dots” and lead most anomaly resolution efforts.
This is not acceptable from a (risk-)management perspective.
Which provides the most important lesson learned of this
paper regarding the employment of MBSE: A detailed MBSE
model might be able to reduce dependency on key-personnel
in later project phases such as Assembly Integration Testing
or Operations. Such a model would have to include
commands and data being exchanged aboard the spacecraft
and between spacecraft and ground
connections to the respective repositories to check up on the
implementation of specific components (for software as well
as electronics)
connections to the spacecraft’s telemetry database, showing
which telemetry is taking which path to the operator’s/tester’s
We found the last part to be crucial: most of the work done
by software- and systems engineer revolved around ruling
out possible causes for a specific anomaly. This was most
often achieved by investigating what other telemetry, apart
form the reported anomaly seemed affected and which closely
connected telemetry (i.e. processed by the same components)
was unaffected, allowing to rule out possible causes for the
Stage Four, Employing MBSE for Operations
Entering the next stage of our journey to MBSE, a model of
the whole spacecraft’s behavior and structure was built prior
to the launch. Models of the ground station and operations
backend were built additionally, creating a holistic view of the
mission for operators and ground personnel. While the model
did not contain any of the connections to other data sources
mentioned above, commands and telemetry were modelled
end-to-end from originating sensors on the spacecraft down
to the operations database.
Especially the ground station’s model proved to be very use-
ful in the time leading up to the launch and early operations.
As overpasses of the spacecraft usually come in pairs or
triples, separated by roughly 80 minutes, errors observed on
the first pass could often be methodically traced back to their
root cause and fixed before the next overpass, employing
logical deduction based on the model of the ground station.
Examples of the workflow and excerpts from the model can
be found in the full paper.
Apart from the ground station’s model, the spacecraft’s model
was often used as a focal point for discussions on specific
observations and necessary next steps. Facing the same time-
line of roughly 80 minutes between two overpasses, efficient
analysis and deduction of next steps would often have to be
done within 30-40 minutes, to leave sufficient time to prepare
and test the next commands.
Having all relevant diagrams hung up in printed form in the
mission control center proved a valuable addition and greatly
helped in the analysis (similar to a ”war room” used in task
force teams).
Our lessons learned for stage four are that the approach
worked very well. It saved us quite some time and often
enabled quick but informed decision making during the early
days of Mission Operations.
During stage four of the previous section, MagicDraw was
employed for the first time as a full-scale modelling tool. Due
to the success in the later stages of MOVE-II with MBSE, the
decision was made to fully embrace MBSE for the MOVE-
III mission. The model’s focus should be on structural
diagrams as well as requirement diagrams, to enable complete
traceability of requirements and help to define interfaces by
deciding on required telemetry and commands. Compared to
MOVE-II, a whole team of students with modelling capabil-
ity, builds and maintains the model, which right now covers
the structure of the whole spacecraft but omits the ground
segment of the mission as no decisions on the ground segment
have been made yet. At the same time, the very positive expe-
riences made with the model of MOVE-II depicting telemetry
and commands end-to-end form the basis for the MBSE2DL
project, where a dedicated software to connect telemetry from
the spacecraft’s database with the SysML Model in form of
a Semantic DataLake is under development. Drawing on the
experiences of stage three and four of the previous chapter,
the system aims at enabling holistic analyses of the model
and data by employing graph-querying techniques.
Selected as a demonstrator implementation by ESA’s Open
Space Innovation campaign ”Model-based System Engineer-
ing: from documents to models”, the project officially started
in January 2021. Beyond the scope of traditional MBSE
tools, this study aims to combine various MBSE related data
in a Semantic DataLake. Inspired by the Big Data Europe
initiative (cf. [7]), its main objectives are:
Provide a DataLake as source of a holistic view, which allows
access to all relevant data in an un-opinionated fashion, i.e.
the semantics are not hardcoded as it is in an MBSE tool
typically, but rely on a set of extensible ontology definitions.
The data defined and maintained in typical MBSE tools is
usually limited by the underlying opinionated language or
meta-model and the level of detail provided by the model.
However, other relevant sources of information exist in a
variety of other tools, e.g. Excel, a set of Analysis tools for
specific use cases, simulation and test databases. In contrast
to the state of the art, where such information is integrated
with point-to-point solutions, the DataLake provides a holis-
tic view and a general access layer to all of the accumulated
data and its documentation.
This in turn allows to perform activities such as
Import and map a variety of input data based on an extend-
able Ontology (eventually to be aligned with the OSMoSE
Space Ontology, cf. [8] )
Integrated querying of all accumulated data
The (semi-automated) creation of traces between different
artifacts, in particular between Blocks/Modules/Parts of the
product structure and the related telemetry database/table
Dependency analysis between such artifacts using graph
Assist engineers with the logical deduction of likely causes
for anomalies with a seamless integration of the measured
telemetry of the spacecraft to the originating SysML model
Figure 1 outlines the main functions and data flow in the
envisaged DataLake platform.
The scope of this activity is not to replace existing solutions
and tools, but to provide a scalable analysis platform by
applying both the lessons learned from the MOVE-II project
as well as established frameworks and building blocks from
BigData analysis. The extendibility aspects cover
the adaption for additional data to be imported (e.g. other
flavors of SysML, and telemetry data) as well as new arti-
facts such as anonymized data from a ticket system or other
communication platform
the development of new MachineLearning approaches based
on established and scalable interfaces to the DataLake
the integration of dedicated Web UIs for efficient access
The platform will be suited for domain experts, who will be
able to setup different kinds of imports and analysis without
having to worry about the technical infrastructure, as well as
for end-users who will only browse and access the analysis
result data being stored on the platform through dedicated
web interfaces. In Phase 1 of the MBSE2DL project, a
group of domain experts from ESA participated in a set of
interviews where input on both the current status of MBSE
as well as future needs was requested. The majority of
the experts confirmed the given objectives of the project, in
particular in regards to improving the efficiency of the AIT
process in conjunction with MBSE.
In addition, most of the interviewees stated signigicant in-
Figure 1. High Level Architecture of the MBSE2DL Project
terest in including aspects of requirements handling and
tracing within the functional scope of the platform. Oth-
ers highlighted some potential use cases in the fields of
external collaboration / extended enterprise applications by
including external customers and development partners, e.g.
with extended sharing of models instead of documents. To
put it bluntly: Today MBSE still has a clear acceptance
problem, since advantages of a financial, technical, individual
and organizational nature are not clearly visible and cannot
be transferred into significant market advantages nor clear
business cases. In order to establish MBSE successfully,
an user centered and integrated system landscape must be
created from the team level to the management, as well
as from the first requirements to the retirement of a tech-
nical system. Technical feasibility of digital solutions has
been demonstrated in limited fragments/ demonstrators in
non-engineering areas. The presented Semantic DataLake
platform will provide significant advantages in capabilities,
time efficiency and labor cost by providing a single source
and access point for information retrieval. It is the next
necessary step to handle complex development projects and
data structures like digital twins.
With further adaption and improvement of the concept, we
expect new levels of collaboration and performance across
engineering disciplines, business domains and customer in-
The MBSE2DL project will be finished in summer 2022, all
results will be available under the ESA public license.
[1] M. Langer, N. Appel, M. Dziura, C. Fuchs, P. G¨
J. Gutsmiedl, M. Losekamm, D. Meßmann, T. P¨
and C. Trinitis, MOVE-II-der zweite Kleinsatellit
der Technischen Universit¨
at M¨
unchen. Deutsche
Gesellschaft f¨
ur Luft-und Raumfahrt-Lilienthal-Oberth
eV, 2015.
[2] M. Rutzinger, L. Krempel, M. Salzberger, M. Buchner,
A. H¨
ohn, M. Kellner, K. Janzer, C. G. Zimmermann, and
M. Langer, “On-orbit verification of space solar cells on
the cubesat move-ii,” in 2016 IEEE 43rd Photovoltaic
Specialists Conference (PVSC), 2016, pp. 2605–2609.
[3] M. Langer, F. Schummer, N. Appel, T. Gruebler,
K. Janzer, J. Kiesbye, L. Krempel, A. Lill, D. Mess-
mann, S. Rueckerl et al., “Move-ii-the munich orbital
verification experiment ii,” in Proceedings of the 4th IAA
Conference on University Satellite Missions & CubeSat
Workshop, Rome, Italy, 2017, pp. 4–7.
[4] Florian Schummer, Kim Steinkirchner, “Implementation
of systems engineering methods in a running volunteer
project at the example of move-ii,” 2016.
[5] Faatz Niklas, “Investigation of the applicability of an
artifact model in sysml using the cubesat move-ii,” 2019.
[6] International Council on Systems Engineering, “Systems
engineering vision 2020,” 2007.
[7] BigDataEurope, “Big Data Europe Empowering
Communities with Data Technologies.” [Online].
[8] European Space Agency, “OSMoSE - Home .” [Online].
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Conference Paper
Full-text available
MOVE-II (Munich Orbital Verification Experiment II) is a 1 Unit CubeSat currently under development at the Technical University of Munich (TUM). This paper reports on the technical as well as the organizational advancements of the project. With overall more than 130 students involved so far, the project is currently in Phase D, with the launch of the satellite scheduled for early 2018. For communication purposes, MOVE-II will utilize a novel robust and efficient radio protocol for small satellite radio links, called Nanolink, both on an UHF/VHF transceiver and an S-Band transceiver. The usual power restrictions of the 1U envelope are overcome by four deployable solar panels, which are held down and released by a reusable shape memory mechanism. This allows repeated tests of the mechanism and true test-as-your-fly philosophy. As its scientific goal, the MOVE-II CubeSat will be used for the verification of novel 4-junction solar cells. With a footprint of 10x10 cm, the payload consists of one full size solar cell (8x4 cm) and five positions (each 2x2 cm) for the corresponding isotype solar cells. As opposed to its predecessor mission, MOVE-II will be the first CubeSat of TUM utilizing a magnetorquer based, active attitude determination and control system (ADCS). The system consists of five Printed-Circuit-Boards with directly integrated magnetic coils, forming the outer shell of the spacecraft, and one so-called ADCS Mainboard, located in the board stack of the satellite. Each Sidepanel has its own microcontroller and is connected to the ADCS Mainboard with one of two redundant SPI buses. From an organizational point of view, we tried to increase the reliability of MOVE-II by fast prototyping and releases as well as enhanced hardware-in-the loop tests. We will present the application of agile software development in the project as well as methods that we applied to assure reliability on system level. For that purpose a Reliability Growth Model, based on our CubeSat Failure Database, was adapted for the project.
Conference Paper
Full-text available
Several promising multi-junction solar cell concepts for space applications are currently under development worldwide. On-Orbit Verification on CubeSats is a cost-efficient method to gain data on critical hardware early in the design validation process. The MOVE-II CubeSat will be used for the verification of novel 4-6 junction solar cells. With a footprint of 10x10 cm², the payload consists of one full size solar cell (8x4 cm²) and up to 7 positions (each 2x2 cm²) for corresponding isotype solar cells. The measurement electronics is based on commercial off-the-shelf hardware. MOVE-II is planned to launch in early 2018 into a 500-550 km sun-synchronous orbit.
Investigation of the applicability of an artifact model in sysml using the cubesat move-ii
  • Faatz Niklas
Faatz Niklas, "Investigation of the applicability of an artifact model in sysml using the cubesat move-ii," 2019.
Big Data Europe Empowering Communities with Data Technologies
  • Bigdataeurope
BigDataEurope, "Big Data Europe Empowering Communities with Data Technologies." [Online]. Available: