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Learning the finite size effect for in-situ absorption measurement


Abstract and Figures

In this paper we propose the use of neural networks to predict the sound absorption coefficient spectra of finite porous samples with microphone arrays. The main goal is to train a model that can effectively mitigate the errors caused by the finite size effect. A convolutional neural network architecture is used to map the array data to the absorption coefficient at five frequencies. The training, validation and test data are numerically produced with a boundary element method; modelling a baffled, locally reacting porous absorber on a rigid backing with a Delany-Bazley-Miki model, for varying sample size, thickness, flow resistivity, incidence angle and frequency. The strength of using machine learning in this context is that no hypotheses are made about the sound field or the absorber, as the networks learn the necessary relationships from the data. We show that the network approximates well the absorption coefficient, as if the sample was infinite, in a wide range of cases.
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Learning the finite size effect for in-situ absorption measurement
Elias Zea1, Eric Brand˜
ao2, M´
elanie Nolan3, Joakim And´
en4, Jacques Cuenca5, U. Peter Svensson6
1KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Department of Engineering Mechanics, The Marcus Wallenberg Laboratory for
Sound and Vibration Research, Stockholm, Sweden
2Federal University of Santa Maria, Department of Structures and Construction, Acoustical Engineering,
Santa Maria, Brazil
3Technical University of Denmark, Department of Electrical Engineering, Acoustic Technology, Kgs. Lyngby, Denmark
4KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Department of Mathematics, Stockholm, Sweden
5Siemens Industry Software, Leuven, Belgium
6Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Department of Electronic Systems, Trondheim, Norway
In this paper we propose the use of neural networks to predict the sound absorption coefficient spectra of finite
porous samples with microphone arrays. The main goal is to train a model that can effectively mitigate the
errors caused by the finite size effect. A convolutional neural network architecture is used to map the array data
to the absorption coefficient at five frequencies. The training, validation and test data are numerically produced
with a boundary element method; modelling a baffled, locally reacting porous absorber on a rigid backing
with a Delany–Bazley–Miki model, for varying sample size, thickness, flow resistivity, incidence angle and
frequency. The strength of using machine learning in this context is that no hypotheses are made about the
sound field or the absorber, as the networks learn the necessary relationships from the data. We show that the
network approximates well the absorption coefficient, as if the sample was infinite, in a wide range of cases.
Keywords: sound absorption, in-situ measurement, convolutional neural networks, finite size effect, Delany–
Bazley–Miki model.
1 Introduction
Free-field or in-situ methods of measuring the absorption of acoustic materials aim at inferring the absorption
properties (surface impedance, reflection and absorption coefficients) from measurements of the sound field
in the vicinity of the measurement sample [1, 2, 3, 4]. Although not standardised, the attractiveness of these
methods lies in the fact that they provide angle-dependent absorption data (which cannot be measured with
standardised methods), and are applicable for materials mounted for their intended application.
These inverse methods rely on a mathematical model of the sound field above the material and generally
assume a measurement sample of infinite extent (i.e., that the sample is large enough for the acoustic field to be
sufficiently small at the edges). Yet, in practical data acquisition, measurement samples are limited in size, and
the (total) measured sound field will differ from the case of an infinite sample due to diffraction phenomena
evoked at the sample’s edges. At low- and mid-frequencies, the so-called “edge-diffraction effect” (or “finite
size effect”) leads to discrepancies between prediction and experimental data [5, 6]. This effect is negligible at
high frequencies where the wavelengh is much smaller than the sample size.
Considerable effort has been spent on the problem of measuring the sound absorption of finite-size samples
in-situ. In particular, a number of studies have compared experimental data with boundary element method
(BEM) simulations in order to describe and account for the edge-diffraction effect (see e.g., [7, 8, 9, 10]). Yet,
fewer studies have attempted to characterise the edge-diffraction effect experimentally [11, 12].
In recent years, data-driven deep learning approaches have yielded promising advances in acoustics [13].
In particular, convolutional neural networks (CNNs) [14] have successfully been applied for porous material
parameter estimation [15], room acoustical parameter estimation [16], direction of arrival (DOA) estimation
[17, 18], and near-field acoustic holography [19, 20]. In this paper, we propose to use CNNs to estimate the
absorption coefficient of finite-size samples, by learning a mapping of pressure fields including edge diffraction
effects to sound absorption. The main advantage of using a data-driven approach in this context is that no
hypotheses on the nature of the sound field are necessary, as these are learned from the data. In this study,
the data used for training, validation, and testing is generated numerically based on a boundary element model
(BEM) of the sound field near a baffled, locally-reacting, homogeneous and isotropic porous layer on a rigid
backing, for varying sample size, thickness, flow resistivity, incidence angle, and frequency. We assess the
performance of the method to unseen data using two different test sets, and compare the predicted absorption
coefficient against a benchmark solution based on the two-microphones method [1].
2 Methodology
2.1 Data generation via BEM
For the sound field simulation, a simplified BEM is considered, as in Ref. [9]. A 2D depiction of the system
under consideration is given in Fig. 1. Here, a point source is located at coordinate rq= (xq, yq, zq)and a
receiver is located at coordinate r= (x, y, z). A finite rectangular absorber sample of dimensions Lx×Lyis
flush mounted to an infinite hard baffle at the plane z= 0.
Figure 1 – Schematic of the BEM simulation. The point source at rqexcites the sound field. A receiver is
located at rand rsis a point at the surface of the sample. The incident, reflected and scattered waves are also
depicted schematically as wave fronts.
The sound pressure, p(r), can be written as the Helmholtz/Huygens integral
c(r)p(r) = ejk|rrq|
4π|rrs|dS, (1)
where k= 2πf /c0is the wavenumber in air, fis the frequency, c0the speed of sound and Zsis the surface
impedance of the finite sample. The vector rcan be above or on the surface of the sample; rsis any point
at the surface of the finite sample; c(r)is 0.5 if ris located on the absorptive surface and 1.0 if ris located
at any point above the absorptive surface. The first term on the right-hand side of Eq. (1) is the Green’s
function between the sound source and the receiver. The second term is the Green’s function between the
image sound source, at r0
q= (xq, yq,zq), and the receiver. Together they form the unperturbed sound field,
as if the sample itself is not present. The last term carries the information of the absorption and diffraction on
the finite absorber, formulated as an integral over the finite absorber sample area S. The absorption term is
modelled by a prescribed surface impedance, Zs, constant across the finite sample’s surface. The characteristic
impedance and the wavenumber for the material are computed with the Delany–Bazley–Miki model [21]. In
the following, we assume a locally-reacting, hard-backed porous layer of thickness d. Thus, for a given angle of
incidence, the surface impedance and absorption spectra can be calculated from a well-known transfer matrix
method (TMM) [22]. These constitute the reference absorption spectra, which are used as labels to perform the
supervised training of the CNN.
The surface of the sample can be discretised into Nsquare elements, with p(rs)considered constant over
each element. Therefore, Eq. (1) can be rewritten as
c(r)p(r) = ejk|rrq|
where the collocation method is used by placing r=riat i= 1,2, . . . , N on the surface of the sample. Thus a
system of equations is formed and the surface pressure, p(rsn), at each element can be found. Once the surface
pressure is known, it can be re-inserted into Eq. (2) to calculate the pressure at any receiver point for z > 0. An
array of receivers is considered in this study. The array aperture is 0.6×0.6m and the receivers are arranged in
a regular grid of 12 ×12 at a distance of 2cm from the surface of the sample. The highest simulated frequency
is 2kHz, with six elements per wavelength. The integrals in Eq. (2) are calculated with linear interpolation and
Gauss–Legendre quadrature with 36 points on each element [23, 24]. With the implemented configuration, the
Gauss points do not coincide with the element center, which avoids singularities. Experimental validation for
such BEM simulations using single point estimates can be found in Ref. [9].
2.2 Two-microphone method
As a reference for the validation of the proposed method, the classical two-microphone method [1] is used. The
method makes use of two microphones placed along the normal to the surface of interest in order to separate
the incident and reflected components of the field. This is done under the assumption of specular reflection,
such that the reflected sound field arises from the image source at r0
qas a spherical wave [3]. Furthermore, the
reflection coefficient is assumed to be that of plane waves. The sound pressure at the microphones is thus
p(ri) = ejk|rirq|
where ri, i = 1,2are the positions of the two microphones. The reflection coefficient of the sample at
frequency fis thus estimated as
R(f) =
and the sound absorption coefficient is
α(f)=1− |R(f)|2.(5)
In an experimental context, the distance between the microphones must be large enough for a phase difference
to be observed [1], but small enough to avoid spatial aliasing. For the purposes of numerical illustrations in the
present paper, the microphones are respectively placed at 1cm and 3cm from the sample.
2.3 Convolutional neural network
We adopt an architecture based on two convolutional layers and two fully connected layers. A schematic of the
network can be seen in Fig. 2. The input data consists of the 12 ×12 array predictions of the absolute sound
pressure at 5frequencies; which means that the network has 5channels, each of size 12 ×12, as input. The
first convolutional layer Conv1 has 16 filter channels, each with kernel size 2×2and stride equal to one, and
rectified linear unit (ReLU) activation functions. The second convolutional layer Conv2 has 32 filters and the
remaining properties same as those of the first layer. At the output of Conv2 there is a max-pooling operator,
which downsamples the image by a factor of two and takes the maximum value over patches of size 2×2.
These values are then flattened into a vector of size 800 and fed into a fully connected layer FC1, containing
100 neurons with ReLU activation functions. Lastly, the output is another fully connected layer with 5neurons,
each corresponding to the absorption coefficient at each frequency, and using a sigmoid activation function to
constrain the output to the interval [0,1].
Input Conv1 Conv2 FC1 Output
Max pooling
Figure 2 – Schematic of the CNN architecture. The input data is an array of size 12 ×12 ×5, where the 5
channels correspond to the 5frequencies. Conv1 and Conv2 correspond to the first and second convolutional
layers, respectively, while FC1 and the output layer are fully connected layers. The output is a vector of size
1×5, containing the absorption coefficient spectrum.
Table 1 – Summary of network architecture. Total trainable parameters: 83021.
Operation Kernel size No. channels Activation Output size
Input 5 12 ×12 ×5
Conv2D 2×2 16 ReLU 11 ×11 ×16
Conv2D 2×2 32 ReLU 10 ×10 ×32
Max pooling 5×5×32
Flatten 1×800
Fully connected ReLU 1×100
Fully connected Sigmoid 1×5
3 Results
3.1 Training and validation
The dataset used for training and validation consists of 285120 cases generated with the BEM model. Each
case contains the magnitude of the 12 ×12 pressure fields at five frequencies: 125 Hz, 250 Hz, 500 Hz, 1kHz
and 2kHz. These cases are obtained with the BEM model given the parameter combinations indicated in Table
2. Examples of three of these input cases can be seen in Fig. 3. The source distance is set to 1.5m, the sound
speed is 343 m/s, and the air density is 1.21 kg/m3.
Note that we use a single-layer pressure array, in contrast to acoustical holography-based methods (e.g.,
[11, 12, 25, 26]) that use multiple layers to separate incident from reflected fields. Additionally, we take the
absolute pressure instead of the complex-valued pressure. The motivation behind these choices is two-fold.
First, it reduces the complexity of the network and the number of sensor positions. Second, the direct field
is the same for all cases of the training set that have the same incidence angle – regardless of the other BEM
model parameters. This enables the network to exploit this invariance of the direct field to predict the sound
absorption; however, verification of this is out of scope for the current work.
Figure 3 – Input examples from the training set. Absolute sound pressure (Pa) at the 12×12 array obtained with
the BEM model. Colormaps are interpolated for easier visualisation. Rows: three different samples. Columns:
frequencies 125 Hz, 250 Hz, 500 Hz, 1kHz and 2kHz.
Table 2 – BEM model parameters used to generate the training and validation sets.
Parameter Min value Max value Step
Sample size Lx[cm] 20 80 20
Sample size Ly[cm] 20 80 20
Flow resistivity σ[Ns/m4]5000 10000 5000
Thickness d[mm] 5 200 20
Source elevation angle θ[]0 80 10
Source azimuth angle φ[]0 180 20
The 285120 cases are randomly split into 80% and 20% for training and validation, respectively. The
loss function is the mean-squared error (MSE), a common choice for statistical regression. We use the Adam
optimiser as it is computationally efficient and has low memory requirements [27]. Training is stopped after
200 epochs. Figure 4 shows the training and validation loss, as well as the mean absolute error (MAE) versus
the number of epochs. It can be seen that the validation loss converges at about 100 epochs, and thereafter it
improves marginally. For testing we use the network trained 200 epochs.
Figure 4 – Learning curves versus number of epochs. Left: Training and validation loss (MSE). Right: Mean
absolute error (MAE) during training and validation.
3.2 Testing and benchmark comparisons
Two tests are done to assess the performance of the CNN to unseen data. In each of these tests, the CNN
predictions are compared with those of the two-microphone method and the TMM reference.
3.2.1 Interpolation test
This test is done to evaluate the performance of the network against unseen cases whose parameters lie inside
the range of parameters of the training set. The network is tested with an interpolation data set consisting of
15000 additional cases. These cases are generated with the BEM model, using 15 base cases (fixed sample
sizes) and drawing random combinations of the remaining parameters in Table 2 with uniform distribution.
The source distance is 1.5m, the same as in the training set. The MSE and MAE for the entire data set are
0.002 and 0.03, respectively.
Figure 5 shows the results for four different cases. Two of which correspond to the smallest in size of
the interpolation set (top row), and the others correspond to the largest (bottom row). The thickness and flow
resistivity values lie in the lower (left column) and higher (right column) ends of the intervals in Table 2.
Lx=22cm, Ly=23cm, d=16mm, σ=5349Nsm4
r=1.5m, θ=67°, φ=103°
Lx=22cm, Ly=23cm, d=198mm, σ=99911Nsm4
r=1.5m, θ=52°, φ=176°
0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500
Lx=74cm, Ly=72cm, d=18mm, σ=6450Nsm4
r=1.5m, θ=26°, φ=164°
0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500
Lx=74cm, Ly=72cm, d=192mm, σ=98423Nsm4
r=1.5m, θ=67°, φ=12°
2-mic estimation
CNN estimation
Figure 5 – Sound absorption coefficient spectra of four samples from the interpolation test set. Prediction with
the two-microphone method (dashed), with the CNN (dotted circles), and TMM reference (solid).
It can be seen that the predictions with the two-microphone method contain spurious artefacts, most no-
ticeably in Figs. 5(b) and (c). These oscillations are known in the literature [7, 8, 9] and can be attributed to
the finiteness of the sample. On the other hand, the absorption predicted by the CNN agrees reasonably well
with the reference for the cases in Figs. 5(b) and (d); cases with thicker, more resistive samples. For the case in
Fig. 5(c) the CNN still provides a reasonable prediction, slightly overestimating the absorption at 1kHz and 2
As shown in Fig. 5(a), however, the CNN underestimates the absorption curve, most noticeably at frequen-
cies above 250 Hz. A possible explanation for this is related to the proportion of training samples that have
similar BEM model parameters to those of Fig. 5(a). The joint distribution of absorption coefficient for the
whole training set (approx. 1.4million data points) is shown in Fig. 6. Most cases are highly absorptive (near
1), and this is reasonable since the absorption coefficient of such porous samples increases with frequency. This
also means that non-absorptive cases are less common in the training set, which could pose difficulties at the
moment of predicting the absorption of, e.g., thin and less resistive samples. We also suspect the model may be
sensitive to the particular (and perhaps other) choices of parameters, and further work is needed to verify this.
Figure 6 – Joint distribution histogram of the absorption coefficient αfor the whole training set.
3.2.2 Extrapolation test
The network is tested with an extrapolation set consisting of 15000 additional cases. As with the interpolation
test set, 15 base cases are generated with the BEM model, drawing random combinations of the remaining
parameters within the intervals shown in Table 2. The difference in this test is that the source distance is also
varied randomly between 1and 2m. This test is done to evaluate the performance of the network against
unseen cases whose parameters (in this case source distance) lie outside the range of parameters of the training
set. The MSE and MAE for the entire data set is 0.003 and 0.04, respectively.
Figure 7 shows the results for four different cases. Two of which correspond to the smallest in size of the
extra polation set (top row), and the others correspond to the largest (bottom row). The source distance is closer
[7(a) and (d)] or farther [7(b) and (c)] than the one of the training set (1.5m). It can be seen that the predictions
with the two-microphones method only agree well with the reference in the last case, shown in Fig. 7(d); and
it again contains spurious artefacts in the remaining cases. In contrast, the CNN predicts the absorption curves
reasonably well, even when the source distance is different from the one in the training set. This indicates that
the network has the potential to generalise to unseen cases.
Additionally, we conduct an analysis of the network performance versus source distance. For this analysis,
the extrapolation data set is clustered into ten groups, dividing the source distance into intervals (1,1.1] m,
(1.1,1.2] m, etc. The resulting MSE and MAE curves are shown in Fig. 8. It can be seen that the errors
increase as the source distance moves away from 1.5m (the distance in the training set), where it attains a
minimum. However, the error increase is rather gentle, which suggests that the network is not overfitting too
much. In particular, the errors increase faster when the source distance is decreased than when it is increased.
4 Conclusion
This paper introduces the use of convolutional neural networks (CNNs) to estimate the sound absorption co-
efficient of an infinitely large material sample from the knowledge of the behaviour of a finite rectangular
specimen. The input data consists of the absolute acoustic pressure on a single layer of microphones over the
finite sample of interest at five frequencies, and the output is the sound absorption coefficient at those frequen-
cies. For convenience, the data for training, validation and testing is generated with a BEM model, comprising
Lx=21cm, Ly=22cm, d=5mm, σ=5919Nsm4
r=1.69m, θ=78°, φ=177°
Lx=21cm, Ly=22cm, d=155mm, σ=30720Nsm4
r=1.02m, θ=35°, φ=177°
0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500
Lx=70cm, Ly=62cm, d=31mm, σ=22104Nsm4
r=1.97m, θ=2°, φ=175°
0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500
Lx=70cm, Ly=62cm, d=196mm, σ=27095Nsm4
r=1.33m, θ=47°, φ=115°
2-mic estimation
CNN estimation
Figure 7 – Sound absorption coefficient spectra of four samples from the extrapolation test set. Prediction with
the two-microphone method (dashed), with the CNN (dotted circles), and TMM reference (solid).
Figure 8 – Mean-squared error (MSE) and mean absolute error (MAE) of the CNN model on the extrapolation
set as a function of source distance.
a baffled, locally-reacting porous absorber on a rigid backing. The BEM model is parametrized for varying
sample sizes, thickness, flow resistivity, incidence angle, and frequency. A Delany–Bazley–Miki model is used
to compute the wavenumber and the characteristic impedance of the sample. Due to the numerical modelling
there are assumptions about the samples in question, such as homogeneity, local reaction, and the dependence
of the impedance and wavenumber only on frequency and flow resistivity. However, we suspect the learning
process could be extended to more complex cases. The network is trained for 200 epochs, and its perfor-
mance is assessed against unseen data in two different tests and compared with benchmark solutions with the
two-microphone method. In both tests the network outperforms the benchmark solution, and provides mean-
squared errors and mean absolute errors in the order of 0.002 and 0.03, respectively. This is a preliminary
study, and future work includes training other architectures to account for single- or multiple-frequency maps,
a thorough error analysis across the parameters of the BEM model, and validation with experimental data.
5 Acknowledgements
This work has been financed by Vetenskapsr˚
adet under Grant Agreement 2020-04668.
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... Essa ferramenta de simulação foi usada para investigar o efeito de difração de borda durante a medição in-situ da absorção sonora com estimativas de um ponto único ou com arranjos de microfones 76,77 . Recentemente, ele foi usado para gerar um conjunto de dados para treinar uma rede neural convolucional usada para estimar a absorção sonora de absorvedores finitos 78 . Outro objetivo, em um futuro próximo, é expandir essa ferramenta para incluir cenários de medição mais complexos, como a medição de difusores e absorvedores finitos não localmente reativos, usando simulações BEM-BEM acopladas, conforme iniciado por Pereira et al. 79 A Figura 6 The profession of "acoustical engineer" did not exist in Brazil prior to 2009. ...
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Este artigo é uma tradução para o português do artigo originalmente publicado em 2022 na edição especial sobre Educação do Journal of the Acoustical Society of America (sua diagramação foi elaborada similarmente ao original). O artigo conta diversos aspectos do curso de Engenharia Acústica criado na UFSM. Reproduzido de "William D'Andrea Fonseca, Eric Brandão, Paulo H. Mareze, Viviane S. G. Melo, Roberto A. Tenenbaum, Christian dos Santos, Dinara Paixão; Acoustical engineering: A complete academic undergraduate program in Brazil. J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 1 August 2022; 152 (2): 1180–1191.", com a permissão da Acoustical Society of America. Resumo original: A acústica é um campo amplo de conhecimento que abrange diversos ramos da física dos fenômenos ondulatórios, psicologia, ciências naturais e engenharia. Geralmente, é ensinada como parte de programas de engenharia, física ou arquitetura, ou até mesmo em programas de pós-graduação especializados no tema. No Brasil, a acústica era ensinada apenas em programas de pós-graduação até a criação do curso de Engenharia Acústica (EAC) em 2009, na Universidade Federal de Santa Maria (UFSM), um curso de graduação integral dedicado à acústica, áudio e vibração (com duração de dez semestres). Este artigo apresenta seu programa acadêmico completo, o processo de criação e o estabelecimento profissional do engenheiro acústico. Em seguida, o programa de estudos e as disciplinas são elucidados e detalhados. Além disso, as metodologias de ensino utilizadas também são discutidas. O curso emprega diversas estratégias de aprendizagem ativa, como a aprendizagem baseada em projetos, visando transformar o conhecimento abstrato em concreto. A interação entre a universidade, engenheiro acústico e a sociedade também é apresentada e esclarecida. A inserção dos graduados no mercado de trabalho e seus locais de atuação são apresentados como resultados. Como parte fundamental da formação do engenheiro, a infraestrutura utilizada, seja ela de ponta ou de equipamentos com custo acessível, é detalhada no contexto do ensino e da pesquisa. Finalmente, alguns dos projetos de pesquisa em andamento são descritos.
... Considerable effort has been spent on the problem of measuring the sound absorption of finitesize samples, both numerically [5][6][7][8][9] and experimentally [10,11]. A recently studied alternative to these methods is to use machine learning (ML) [12,13]. In particular, a recent study [14] proposed a residual neural network to map the sound pressure field above a finite absorber to its sound absorption coefficient, with the aim of suppressing the edge-diffraction effect from the measurement (i.e., learning features from the pressure field that are relevant to predict the sound absorption coefficient as if the sample was infinite). ...
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The validity of using a neural network to predict sound absorption coefficients of finite porous materials is tested with experimental data with a flush-mounted glass wool sample on a baffle. The network is pre-trained and validated with numerical simulations of flushed-mounted finite absorbers using a Delany-Bazley-Miki model. The experimental setup consists of a 12 x 12 microphone array placed above the absorber and a sound source placed at angles of 0, 40, and 75 degrees with respect to the normal of the sample. The sound absorption coefficients predicted at normal incidence by the network are compared with the impedance tube method as a reference result.
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Acoustics is a broad field of knowledge that extends branches all over the physics of wave phenomena, psychology, natural sciences, and engineering. It is taught, in general, as part of engineering, physics, or architecture programs, or even in graduate programs specialized in the theme. In Brazil, acoustics was taught in graduate programs, until the creation of Acoustical Engineering in 2009, at the Federal University of Santa Maria, an integral undergraduate program dedicated to acoustics, audio, and vibration (lasting ten semesters). This article presents its complete academic program, its creation process, and the professional establishment of the acoustical engineer. In the following, the program of study and subjects are elucidated and detailed, and the teaching methodologies used are also discussed. The program employs several active learning strategies, like project-based learning, aiming to transform abstract into concrete knowledge. The interaction of the university, the acoustical engineer, and society is also presented and clarified. The placement of graduates in fields and their workplaces are presented as outcomes. As a fundamental part of the engineer's formation, the infrastructure used, whether state-of-the-art or cost-effective equipment, is detailed in the context of teaching and research. Finally, some of the ongoing research projects of the students are described.
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A deep transfer learning (DTL) method is proposed for the direction of arrival (DOA) estimation using a single-vector sensor. The method involves training of a convolutional neural network (CNN) with synthetic data in source domain and then adapting the source domain to target domain with available at-sea data. The CNN is fed with the cross-spectrum of acoustical pressure and particle velocity during the training process to learn DOAs of a moving surface ship. For domain adaptation, first convolutional layers of the pre-trained CNN are copied to a target CNN, and the remaining layers of the target CNN are randomly initialized and trained on at-sea data. Numerical tests and real data results suggest that the DTL yields more reliable DOA estimates than a conventional CNN, especially with interfering sources.
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Near-field Acoustic Holography (NAH) enables the contactless analysis of the vibrational field on plates and shells from the acoustic data captured in proximity of the vibrating object. In this paper, we propose a data-driven approach to NAH by using a Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) that predicts the vibrational field on the object from the acoustic pressure field captured by a microphone array deployed in its proximity. We have conducted an extensive simulation campaign on rectangular plates of different dimensions, boundary conditions and mechanical properties. This dataset has been generated using Finite Element Method simulation for predicting both vibrational and acoustic pressure fields. The performance of the proposed data-driven NAH method is assessed by comparing the estimated vibrational field with the ground truth. Moreover, we offer an analysis of the robustness of the estimate against noisy input data.
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A method is proposed for measuring the angle-dependent absorption coefficient of a boundary material in situ. The method relies on decomposing a non-uniform three-dimensional pressure distribution, measured in the vicinity of a boundary, into plane-wave components (i.e., via estimation of its wavenumber transform). The incident and reflected plane-wave components at the boundary are separated in the wavenumber domain, from which it is possible to deduce an absorption coefficient for each angle of incidence simultaneously. The technique is used to verify theoretical predictions of the angle-dependent absorption coefficient of an absorbing ceiling, based on in situ measurements in a conventional room.
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Acoustic data provide scientific and engineering insights in fields ranging from biology and communications to ocean and Earth science. We survey the recent advances and transformative potential of machine learning (ML), including deep learning, in the field of acoustics. ML is a broad family of techniques, which are often based in statistics, for automatically detecting and utilizing patterns in data. Relative to conventional acoustics and signal processing, ML is data-driven. Given sufficient training data, ML can discover complex relationships between features and desired labels or actions, or between features themselves. With large volumes of training data, ML can discover models describing complex acoustic phenomena such as human speech and reverberation. ML in acoustics is rapidly developing with compelling results and significant future promise. We first introduce ML, then highlight ML developments in four acoustics research areas: source localization in speech processing, source localization in ocean acoustics, bioacoustics, and environmental sounds in everyday scenes.
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We study the feasibility of data based machine learning applied to ultrasound tomography to estimate water-saturated porous material parameters. In this work, the data to train the neural networks is simulated by solving wave propagation in coupled poroviscoelastic-viscoelastic-acoustic media. As the forward model, we consider a high-order discontinuous Galerkin method while deep convolutional neural networks are used to solve the parameter estimation problem. In the numerical experiment, we estimate the material porosity and tortuosity while the remaining parameters which are of less interest are successfully marginalized in the neural networks-based inversion. Computational examples confirms the feasibility and accuracy of this approach.
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A method is proposed to estimate the surface impedance of a large absorptive panel from free-field measurements with a spherical microphone array. The method relies on the reconstruction of the pressure and the particle velocity on the studied surface using an equivalent source method based on spherical array measurements. The sound field measured by the array is mainly composed of an incident and a reflected wave, so it can be represented as a spatially sparse problem. This makes it possible to use compressive sensing in order to enhance the resolution and the quality of the estimation. The results indicate an accurate reconstruction for angles of incidence between 0° and 60°, and between approximately 200 and 4000 Hz. Additionally, experimental challenges are discussed, such as the sample's finiteness at low frequencies and the estimation of the background noise.
Near-field acoustical holography (NAH) is an efficient noise diagnosis method with the deficiencies including wraparound error, which will increase when the spatial sampling rate is reduced below the minimum specified by Shannon-Nyquist theorem. Based on 3D convolutional neural network (3D-CNN) and stacked autoencoder (SAE), a method called CSA-NAH is proposed to reduce the wraparound error under sparse measuring. Subsequently, numerical calculations are carried out to illustrate the feasibility and performance of CSA-NAH. The results show that when holographic measurement point number is 64, average reconstruction error of CSA-NAH on an aluminum plate for sound pressure within 2000 Hz is 4.32%, while the latest existing methods is greater than 10%. For error in 1200Hz∼2000Hz, the error is reduced from more than 15% of the existing methods to 5.5%. Therefore, the application of the proposed CSA-NAH can cut down the measuring cost by reducing the number of microphones without wraparound error.
We describe a new method to estimate the geometry of a room and reflection coefficients given room impulse responses. The method utilizes convolutional neural networks to estimate the room geometry and multilayer perceptrons to estimate the reflection coefficients. The mean square error is used as the loss function. In contrast to existing methods, we do not require the knowledge of the relative positions of sources and receivers in the room. The method can be used with only a single RIR between one source and one receiver. For simulated environments, the proposed estimation method can achieve an average of 0.04 m accuracy for each dimension in room geometry estimation and 0.09 accuracy in reflection coefficients. For real-world environments, the room geometry estimation method achieves an accuracy of an average of 0.065 m for each dimension.
The finite size of a sound-absorbing material may lead to inaccurate results when measuring the acoustical properties of the material using the free-field measurement methods. In this study, a method of estimating the acoustical properties of locally reactive finite materials is proposed by combining a sound field model established by the boundary element method with an iteration algorithm. The proposed method takes the finiteness of the material into account, meaning that the size effect is removed and accurate results can be obtained. Numerical simulations and experiments of two kinds of materials, including a rigid floor and a porous material, are carried out to verify the validity of the proposed method. Results demonstrate that the proposed method is effective in estimating the acoustical properties of these two kinds of materials. Besides, a detailed analysis of the influences of the sample size, the source location, and the receiving point position is done in the simulations.
Supervised learning based methods for source localization, being data driven, can be adapted to different acoustic conditions via training and have been shown to be robust to adverse acoustic environments. In this paper, a convolutional neural network (CNN) based supervised learning method for estimating the direction-of-arrival (DOA) of multiple speakers is proposed. Multi-speaker DOA estimation is formulated as a multi-class multi-label classification problem, where the assignment of each DOA label to the input feature is treated as a separate binary classification problem. The phase component of the short-time Fourier transform (STFT) coefficients of the received microphone signals are directly fed into the CNN, and the features for DOA estimation are learnt during training. Utilizing the assumption of disjoint speaker activity in the STFT domain, a novel method is proposed to train the CNN with synthesized noise signals. Through experimental evaluation with both simulated and measured acoustic impulse responses, the ability of the proposed DOA estimation approach to adapt to unseen acoustic conditions and its robustness to unseen noise type is demonstrated. Through additional empirical investigation, it is also shown that with an array of M microphone our proposed framework yields the best localization performance with M-1 convolution layers. The ability of the proposed method to accurately localize speakers in a dynamic acoustic scenario with varying number of sources is also shown.