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Founder, Director, CEO
UNITESERVE® Group of Companies
1 INTRODUCTION .............................................................................................................................................. 2
2 CLASSIFICATION OF HUMAN KNOWLEDGE ........................................................................................ 2
3 UNIFIED UNDERSTANDING OF PHYSICAL SCIENCES ........................................................................ 5
4 UNIFIED UNDERSTANDING OF LIFE-DEPENDENT SCIENCES ......................................................... 8
5.1 LARGE SCALE .................................................................................................................................................. 10
5.2 SMALL SCALE .................................................................................................................................................. 10
5.3 UNIVERSE AND CONSCIOUSNESS ..................................................................................................................... 13
5.4 CONCEPTUAL UNIFICATION ............................................................................................................................. 13
5.5 ART, MUSIC AND HUMANITIES ........................................................................................................................ 15
5.6 FORMAL AND APPLIED KNOWLEDGE ................................................................................................................ 16
5.7 THEORETICAL UNIFICATION ............................................................................................................................. 16
6 SUMMARY AND CONCLUSION ................................................................................................................. 17
7 REFERENCES: ............................................................................................................................................... 17
1 Introduction
A major challenge in dealing with human knowledge is trying to understand how all pieces of
them in a given field are related to each other as part of a more general idea in a unified way, and from
the more general idea how to deduce all other specific ideas in a given field. Scientists particularly
physicists like to arrange physical theories in a systematic fashion from general to specific. Various
specific pieces of theories are put together into more general pieces of theories, and further these
general pieces are put together into much more general models. Physicists call this process as
unification, is a way to get deeper, broader understanding of human knowledge and manage them.
Their dream is to find one general theory from which all scientific ideas can be deduced.
While physicists focus on physical theories, there is the other side of human knowledge that deals
with human aspects relating to behavior, such as psychology, sociology, etc. There is lots of knowledge
gathered in the various fields relating to these but don’t have same process of unified approach. Much
of the theories in physics has been tested and experimentally verified. When it comes to humanities
related fields many fields such as arts are purely subjective. Many of the ideas in behavioral sciences
doesn’t have much of a systematic scheme for understanding them from general to specific in a
rigorous logical way like in physics.
In this paper we will discuss how various fields of knowledge can be unified, first in physical
sciences, then in Life-Dependent Sciences and ultimately try to develop a grand unified understanding
of both sciences.
2 Classification of human knowledge
There are various ways to classify various fields of human knowledge. The classification of various
fields is described in figure below. The more general classification is two: Basic and Applied
Knowledge. Basic knowledge helps in understanding. Applied knowledge helps in application of the
basic knowledge to satisfy the needs and wants of human beings.
Now the Basic human knowledge can be classified into three types:
• Life-dependent: Everything related to behavioral and mental experience of living matter.
• Material: Everything related to understanding of matter without regard to the mental
• Formal: The fields such math, geometry, logic and coding which helps in understanding
the world.
Under life-dependent comes everything that is of abstract and experiential knowledge that can
exist only within the mind of conscious entities like human beings. The some of the various fields
under this category are as follows:
• Humanities
• Arts
• Math
• History
• Social Sciences
• Behavioral Sciences
Material related fields are anything that is related to non-living aspects of material. These could be
many things:
• Physics
• Chemistry
• Engineering
• Technology
• Biology
• Astronomy
We can further classify many of these fields of education into many different subfields.
Applied human knowledge includes fields such as engineering, applied sciences, professions, and
applied math. These are deduced from the basic knowledge.
Applied human knowledge can be deduced from basic human knowledge. The formal knowledge
acts as tools to understand and apply the other two basic human knowledge: the material and life
dependent knowledge. So, in this paper we will discuss how to unify the latter two basic human
Basic Knowledge
Life- Dependent
Social Sciences
Applied Knowledge
Basic Knowledge
Applied Knowledge
Applied Sciences
Applied Math
Figure 1: Classification of fields of knowledge
Now the life-dependent and material fields both involve science related fields. For example, social
sciences and physics, etc. are part of sciences. Most other fields derived from these are applied fields
such engineering, applied physics, etc. Now in the material and life-dependent fields, the fields that
are not studied using science are like humanities, arts, math, etc. While categorizing all the fields
depends on simply trying to group them in proper way is largely based on intuition, but unification
of all the fields is intense task. This requires deriving one field from another field such as chemistry
from physics, in rigorous and systematic fashion. It also involves discovering a new field that unifies
many different fields, such as electromagnetism which unites electricity and magnetism.
3 Unified understanding of Physical Sciences
Lots of progress have been made which unites much of subfields of physics such as atomic physics,
nuclear physics, electromagnetism, material sciences, special relativity, etc. This is called the standard
model of particle physics. Major challenge for unification sort by physicists is uniting the standard
model with gravitational physics as described by general theory of relativity.
The standard model of particle physics is written using quantum theory, while general relativity
is a classical theory. The standard model of particle physics describes microscopic worlds such atoms,
molecules, nuclei, etc. General relativity describes the universe in cosmological scale. Even though
these two theories have many common mathematical and theoretical framework, creating a theory
that subsumes these two theories fully remain a future challenge.
There are two types of unification that needs to be done in fundamental physics: 1) Conceptual
Unification and 2) Mathematical unification of various theories of fundamental physics. Let’s look at
these one by one.
Conceptual unification:
Conceptual unification refers to unification of basic concepts in quantum mechanics and General
Relativity of Einstein which is a major challenge. We will discuss a conceptual unification framework
described in a series of papers by myself [4]. Let me give you a general description here.
Quantum Mechanics describes the world as complex superposition of various states of the
universe. This superposition keeps undergoing collapse whenever there is a measurement by an
observer. We don’t have an established theory of how this collapse can happen, and this is referred to
as the quantum measurement problem. But there is a natural promising concept of how this can
happen: the quantum diffusion theory. It basically modifies Schrodinger equation by adding a
decohering term which has random variable to randomize the quantum state of the universe, and also
semiclassical term which keeps the macroscopic superposition. But the randomization of the quantum
state creates problem for smoothness and stability of the universe. So, I have added a smoothening
term to the quantum diffusion formulation of the Schrodinger equation of the universe in quantum
gravity framework [4].
Applying the standard method of quantization of general relativity results in disappearance
of time variable, which is called the problem of time. Basically, Einstein’s formulation makes the
universe to be invariant under change of coordinates used to describe it. This makes necessary the
absence of time coordinate in the quantum formulation. The quantum state of the universe for all time
gets compressed into one single state. The incremental change has to happen through change of
internal variables at each point. In quantum gravity formulation [4] it was suggested that the variable
can be derived using the direction of expectation value of canonical momenta of fields at each point of
space. Starting with an initial state we evolve the state using this direction at each point to get the future
state. Then the evolution of quantum state of spatial manifold is done under the condition the integral
of extrinsic curvature squared is minimal. Many alternative possibilities where given for this integral
in the quantum gravity framework 2[ref:4]. In this way the problem of time could be solved.
Overall the Schrodinger equation of universe as described in quantum gravity framework [Ref:4]
contains seven parts:
Smoothening Terms + Static Gravity terms + Gravitational Fluctuations + Semiclassical
Terms + Yang-Mills Terms + Dirac Terms + Randomizing Terms
The standard quantum Schrodinger equation can be split as gravity term plus matter terms such
as Yang-Mills and Dirac fields. The gravity term contributes to increasing of order by clumping
random particles into planets and stars. The Yang-Mills fields and Dirac fields do the opposite by
creating entropy, with the help of the randomizing term. Classical interaction between the
corresponding particles of these fields creates classical entropy. The gravity part can be split into the
static gravity part and gravitational fluctuations. The latter contributes to gravitational waves and
related quanta and contributes to entropy. All these Hamiltonian terms acts on quantum state built on
such building blocks such as Fock space of fermions and bosons, or by other means such as the spin
networks as in loop quantum gravity [7].
Now we have about four different phenomena associated to the quantum evolution of the
• Dynamic Matter: Dirac, Yang mills and gravitational fluctuations. These are the main
players of space-time manifold. They can be described by means such as Fock space of
these fields, associated to each spatial manifold, describing an instance of the universe.
• Classical Reality term: The semi-classicalizing term narrows down the quantum wave
packets associated to the various fields at each point and makes them peaked around the
certain classical values of fields at each point. By doing so it creates classical reality out of
quantum world.
• Smoothening and Static Gravity -> Increases order: Basically, smoothening terms removes
randomness of fields around each point. The gravity clumps matter together and removes
• Decoherence Term->Increases randomness and contributes increasing of entropy
The universe is described by the combination of these terms. These four terms can be considered to
describe conceptual unification of general relativity and quantum mechanics.
Another challenge is the mathematical unification of all forces of the nature. This mathematical
unification can be done in many parts. The standard model of particle physics is quite successful. But
the Lagrangian of the standard model of physics has many complex parts. There are many
fundamental particles, which doesn’t have yet have clear unification. Let me discuss the various
approaches currently available.
*String theory: This is the most popular approach. String theory is considering particles as one
dimensional vibrating string. The various modes of oscillation correspond to various particles
including gravitons. The strings are considered to live in a dimension more than four particularly ten
or eleven dimensions. These extra dimensions are considered to be folded into what is called Calabi-
Ya manifolds. There are various types of string theory which can be related by various symmetries.
There are infinite number of ground states of string theory, each of which has been considered to be
related to a reality in a multi-verse of universes. String theory framework is quite independent from
the quantum gravity framework [7], and it is interesting to research how the former can be described
using later.
*Loop quantum Gravity and Spin foams. These are younger than string theory and they both are
closely related. These theories have emerged from a clever yang-mills formulation of the Einstein’s
equations. Basically, these theories convert smooth space and time into pieces of the 4-dimensional
simplexes put together. These simplexes have spins associated to each 2d (triangle) elements of each
simplex. These are closely related to the spin-networks conceptualized by Roger Penrose. The loop
quantum gravity and spin foams are being constantly developed, the theory is not yet complete, and
more work needs to be done. Unlike the string theory spin foams/loop quantum gravity doesn’t
consider unification as a main element of the theory. But it can be done by applying spin-foam models
to Kaluza-Klein theory which unifies the gravity and yang-mills fields. The compactified extra
dimensions gives rise to yang-mills fields. This is conceptually different from string theory. In string
theory, the strings corresponding to various quantum particles live in a 4d space-time, with each of its
points attached with compactified extra dimensions referred to as the Calabi-Ya manifolds. The strings
move both in space-time and Calabi-Ya manifolds. But in Kaluza-klein theory the yang-mill fields
arise from how the static compactified extra-dimensions is attached to the 4D space-time metric terms.
Now let us discus the unified understanding of the physical phenomena using the concept of
harmonic relationship structures [4]. Let us discuss the role of harmonic relationship structures in
physics. Of the various terms discussed in the foundations of physical sciences, we need to discuss
how the universe creates the harmonic relationship structures.
Let us first discuss the harmonic nature of the universe. Gravitational force brings out large scale
order in the universe. It is responsible for spherical symmetry of celestial bodies such as planets, stars,
black holes, etc. It is also responsible for circular symmetry of galaxies. Any cosmic structure that is
neither circular not spherical, is eventually forced by gravity to slowly to exhibit these symmetries.
The Higgs fields, scalar fields, Yang mills fields and Dirac fields which create the matter fermions and
bosons, has internal symmetries such as U(1), SU(2), SU(3). These are local internal symmetries of
quantum field fields at each point. Gravity corresponds to SO(3,1) symmetry locally. From point of
most unified theories all gravity, Yang mills, Dirac fields unifies in the initial stage of the universe
involving symmetry groups that includes all these symmetry groups. All of the symmetries relate
closely to respective conserved terms. Using the symmetry properties, the conserved quantities such
Momentum, spin, angular momentum, etc. can be derived using Noether theorem.
Universe starts with perfectly internally ordered state. But while it evolves the various fields splits.
From the point of view of Kaluza-Klein unification, space-time dimensions expand rapidly, while
extra-dimensions remain curved to maintain internal symmetries. The expansion of universe makes it
homogenous and isotropic. Gravity contributes to global order in structures that are eventually
created, while all other fields maintains only local order such as symmetries of atoms, molecules,
crystals, etc. These local and global ordering, and, local and global symmetries imbues the structures
universe a harmonic nature. The various terms in the quantum gravity framework that contributes to
order is as follows:
• The Hamiltonian of gravity contributes to global ordering and also to local symmetries.
• The Yang Mills terms contributes to local symmetries and local order
• The smoothening terms contributes to local order
• Dirac fields contributes to local symmetries. Dirac Particles acts as the objects for gravity
and Yang-Mills to order them.
Let’s now discuss how structures in the universe are created. Universe initially is homogenous and
isotropic, and so is universe is purely harmonic in nature. There are no structures in it. It is well known
theory that the quantum fluctuations seeded the creation of large-scale structures. From our physical
evolution equations discussed before, these are caused by the randomizing terms of the diffusion
equations of the evolution equations. The combination of the stochastic and classical reality terms
gradually coverts the quantum superposed state of the initial universe into a stochastic semi-classical
state. Spatially invariant and isotropic symmetric states of Yang-Mills and Dirac particles becomes
spatially localized. Compatible with this gravity also become microscopically randomized. Under the
influence of gravity, the particles clump together to form relationship structures. These randomizing
natures of quantum stochastic evolution imbues the universe with an entropic nature of quantum
origin. Furthermore, interaction between particles creates further randomization, which contributes to
classical entropy. Both classical and quantum entropy seeds the formation of locally random relational
structures in universe.
Now the combination of harmonic and entropic nature of the universe drives the formation of
harmonic relationship structures. In long-term this creates microscopic entities such as atoms,
molecules, crystals, stones, organic materials, etc. Yang mills fields glues the various atoms and
molecules in these to imbues various symmetric properties. The combination of harmonic and entropic
nature also creates macroscopic entities like large scale structure of the universe, galaxies, galaxy
clusters, planets, stars, etc. These are largely shaped by ordering nature of gravity only.
4 Unified Understanding of Life-Dependent Sciences
Life-Dependent Sciences have numerous fields: economics, psychology, politics, sociology, etc.
These different fields don’t have a unified understanding. The theory of mind and relationships [1]
published provides a formal structure for unified understanding of all Life-Dependent Sciences fields.
Let me discuss how each of the fields can derived from basic ideas formulated in the book.
The first volume introduced the 3R model of mind and it takes into account diversity of emotions,
interaction between emotions, diversity of cultural phenomena and skills, various thought pattern
associated. This theoretical formulation gives quite good understanding into people behavior,
intellectual differences, and productivity.
The second volume of the book set unifies human history, politics, anthropology, genetic
genealogy, sociology and economics. The entire book builds on the basic theory built in the first
volume. The third volume gives general ideas on how to apply various ideas to various aspects of
human life. The three-volume book is quite theoretically structured, and much work needs to be done.
Based on the 3R model we can characterize various fields. Let briefly describe them:
• History: In the second volume we discussed the history of human evolution as relationship
phenomena using the 3R model. We discussed migration history, zonal history, intrazonal
history and political history. We also discussed the interconnection between these.
• Politics: In the second volume, chapter 2, political disposition is described as effect of
combination of internal disposition and external trigger. Also, we discussed how migration
creates countries that are dispositionally different. We also discussed political dynamics in
the third chapter, and how various issues are sorted out.
• Sociology: In the second volume chapter 2 we discussed how group phenomena as
combined effect of individual differences. We have discussed group disposition and
formation of culture based on migration and disposition in chapter 2.
• Psychology: Psychology as started by Sigmund Freud largely focusses on the subconscious
mind. In my book [1] I consider subconscious as part of the retentive layer of the 3R model
of mind. In first volume we discussed soft inheritance and how characters are shaped. We
discussed various behaviors based on the 3R model.
• Intelligence: In the first volume, we discussed the interconnection between emotions and
intelligence. We discussed various forms of intelligence. In the second volume we
discussed how intelligence is shaped by national dispositions.
• Education: The field of education was discussed in the first volume and second volumes.
In the first volume chapter 7 we discussed various mentoring methods. Also, in second
volume, chapter 7, we discussed academic issues using 3R model. we also discussed how
national dispositions influence the educational systems.
Many fields such as art, language, religion, consciousness, etc. will be discussed in section 5.
Understanding economics based on 3R model is quite complex and need to be further researched. It
requires understanding many things both technological aspects and human aspects. Economic
productivity depends on various factors which we discussed all over the bookset[1], such as
dynamism factors, dispositional balancing, availability of resources, relationship between states, etc.
Building a strong economic model of world or a nation depends on understanding group phenomena
based on volume 2 [3]. We discussed various dispositional fluctuations related to the various layers of
human mind in chapter 3 of volume 2. All these needs to be put together to understand both macro-
economic and micro-economics. So further work needs to be done to create full-fledged theory based
on the 3R model in the bookset [1].
We can get of unified understanding of Life-Dependent Sciences using the concept of Harmonic
relationship structures. In case of human relationships, the word harmonic means peaceful and stable.
Usually this means the various groups of people are co-existing in such a way that their needs and
wants are satisfied. This means there is order in the society. The various parts of human societies fit
with each other, in a constructive way. In all the three volumes we discussed how dispositional
balancing is critical feature of healthy and productive relationships. The societies which are good at
creating, maintaining and promoting harmonic relationship structures, become more dominant and
influential globally. This what we discussed as the relational formulation of Darwin’s theory: the
survival of best related, in chapter 1 of volume 3 [4]. To summarize, the humanity advances towards
to better and better harmonic relationship state. In the third volume [4], as insider principle we
discussed how to create, maintain and promote the harmonic relationship structures.
5 Unified understanding of social and Life-related sciences
Now let’s consider the major challenge of uniting physical sciences and life-related sciences to get
to grand unified understanding of human knowledge. The grand unified understanding of both these
sciences can be done through the concept of harmonic relationship structures introduced in the third
volume of my book [4].
Large Scale
The human history as described in volume 3 [4] can be compared to the evolution of the universe:
• Great human migration out of Africa, is similar to big bang expansion of the universe.
There are differences. For example, big bang expansion of the universe is simultaneous
expansion of space all over, while human migration is expansion of humans from certain
areas in a fixed spatial global geography.
• The settlement of various agricultural societies to form civilizations is similar to formation
of local structures in the universe such as galaxies. There were group of societies co-existing
similar to galaxy clusters.
• Each person of a society is different because of genetic randomization of genes at birth, and
also due to selective expression of genes. This is similar to quantum and classical
contribution of entropies of universe. Also, there is randomization of people characters
because of interaction between them, either due to soft inheritance [2], due to day to day
interaction, and, also due to randomization of genes. As I have described in the bookset [1]
the soft-inheritance is quite dominant. The gene randomization somehow has smaller
effect on characters.
• In the universe well balanced structures under the influence of external and internal forces,
survive over a long-term. In the same way, in the world history well dispositionally
balanced societies [3] survive over a long term.
• The combination of harmonic and entropic properties of universe helps in the formation
of harmonic relationship structures, such as planets, galaxies, molecules, compounds, etc.
Similarly, in human societies these two qualities results in the formation newer and newer
organizations such as nations, business organizations, states, etc. The various states in the
world have different political and cultural history due to the entropic influence.
• The parts of the physical regions in the universe where a variety of elements meet, we have
new types of materials formed. Dynamism centers of humanity, where people of various
cultural background meet, are innovative in the formation of new structures, such as ideas,
products, and organizations.
Small Scale
Now the most intimate unification of social and physical sciences requires understanding human
consciousness using physics. Emergence of consciousness from physical material is the beginning of
Life-Dependent Sciences from physical sciences. The consciousness is the bridge that links material
and mental related human knowledge.
Physical Sciences
Social Sciences
Artificial Intelligence
Figure 3: Consciousness as bridge. Relation to
technological advancement.
Social Sciences
Figure 2: Consciousness as link between mental and material knowledge. It can be
considered as the link between physical and Life-Dependent Sciences
Life-Dependent Sciences can be considered as study of fields based on activities of human being
controlled by the activities of the human brain. The physical properties of neurons, their
interconnections, can be understood using physics and chemistry. But how the integrated activities of
neurons give rise to consciousness, and the subjective experience of the world, is not yet understood
and is a further developing field. Out of our conscious activity comes out the fields of humanities and
social sciences etc. When consciousness can be derived from physics, it will build a bridge and unify
physical sciences and socials sciences, further it will unite sciences with humanities, art and math, etc.
This will also give an understanding into behavior, and the purpose of human life.
Basically, consciousness arises when the neurons of the brain fire in synchronization to each other.
This is a large synchronization of millions of neurons firing throughout the brain mediated by the
central neurons such as the thalamic nuclei. If we assume the neurons contributes a microscopic
portion of consciousness, the large-scale synchronization brings about integration of consciousness,
bringing in full human consciousness. Usually when a person is sleeping or unconscious, we don’t
have such large-scale firing and synchronization in the regions of human brain. The synchronized
firing pattern have various characteristic rates. These are called the alpha, betta, gamma and delta
waves etc. Each of these firing patterns generates various elements of the consciousness such as mood,
emotions, visual and sensory perceptions
In the third volume [4], I have proposed that the interaction between quantum particles results in
measuring of each other states and so conscious perception of each other. The synchronized interaction
between various such quantum particles results in unification of consciousness. What exactly is the
scientific phenomena? we don’t know. I have given mathematical way describe various phenomena
described to understand conscious states in the quantum gravity frame 3 [3].
One of the important concepts relating to consciousness is free will. In the book [4], free will is
described as continuous quantum decoherence of the macroscopic brain states as it evolves. Now
what is the choice the free will makes during decoherence? The brain evolves under the influence of
both ordering terms and randomizing terms that we described in section 3. As conscious state is
entangled to the rest of environment, it measures the harmonic relationship structures around it. As I
have described in the first volume, life seeks harmonic relationship structures. This continuous
decoherence of a conscious brain seeks out the best harmonic relationship’s structures, and this
influences the choices of free will decision it makes. The deterministic terms of the Hamiltonians
influence through the accumulated information, so constraints the behavior, such as promoting
routine behavior necessary for survival encoded in the memory of the human brain.
The combination of decoherence and the deterministic terms is felt as feelings particularly the sense
of degree of aesthetics in music and art. When conscious entities such as human beings are
continuously influenced by this, we have various fields of humanities such as art, literature, culture,
architecture and all other Life-Dependent Sciences evolve. The free will process of macroscopic
decoherence continuously makes the conscious entity to choose history of increasing degree of
harmonic relationship structures. We have discussed various ways of measuring the harmonic extent
of various structures in quantum gravity framework 3.0 [9].
The ideas were introduced by Koch: Crick, F., Koch, C. (2003). "Framework for consciousness". Nature Neuroscience. 6 (2): 119–26.
PMID 12555104. doi:10.1038/nn0203-119. The roles of various other waves in consciousness can obtained by numerous other research
Universe and Consciousness
Now we discuss the connection of Life-Dependent Sciences to physical sciences. Neurons interact
and measure each other, and they synchronize each other leading to full consciousness (chapter 2 of
[4]). Similarly, we can apply this framework to the entire universe. Planets, stars, and galaxies are
constantly interacting with each other. They also synchronize with each other at various scales: Intra-
planetary: rotation planets driving synchronized climatic and geological phenomena, planetary,
rotation of planets around stars, stellar: rotation of stars systems around each other, rotation of stars
around the galaxy, movement of galactic structures in galactic clusters. Theoretically synchronizations
can bring out a unification of conscious components of quantum particles, resulting in certain level of
consciousness at various scales. Given this kind of synchronization is quite less compared to
synchronization in human brain, nevertheless one need to considers the possibility of existence of it.
Now the consciousness at various scales can promote harmonic relationship structures explaining the
formation of the beautiful patterns present in the universe, as we seen it in crystals, living things, are
arrangement of stars and galaxies.
The promotion of harmonic relationship structures is unifying theme for both social and physical
sciences. In both, formation, promotion and sustenance of harmonic relationship structures creates
essential phenomena: namely social and physical.
Now the consciousness of various scales of universe can interact with each other. The
consciousness of higher scales promotes harmonic relationship structures at the same scale and the
smaller scales. Simplest example, this is how the planets periodic climatic conditions resulted in life on
earth. The conscious entities in the smaller scales can combine together and promote harmonic
relationship structures at higher scales.
The influence of higher scale consciousness on lower scale consciousness in promoting harmonic
relationship structures, can be given religious interpretation: Influence of higher power on smaller
conscious entities. In this way we could bring religious components into the unification scheme.
Conceptual Unification
In chapter 2 of volume 3 [4], we described life as mediator between entropy and order. Evolution
of life happens in areas where gravity and entropy meet: It is at the surface of the planet such as earth.
At the surface of a planet, such as earth, the land matter meets air and water with optimal temperature.
In space there is only entropic matter, with no order. Below the surface we have ordered matter due
to influence of gravity. Below the surface, creating structures is difficult as requires more energy. In
space creating structures is not possible, as there is not enough matter, and also the structures can be
destroyed by radiation, and can be become randomized. At the surface of suitable planet or other
regions in the universe we have the possibility of evolution of life, if there is suitable raw material such
as carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, nitrogen, etc. In a balanced environment we have formation harmonic
relationship structures involving hydrocarbons.
During evolution from inorganic to living things and matter goes through various stages as shown
in figure [5]. Non-living matter reacts through various forces, but as it evolves into living matter, it
reacts through drivves [1], such as emotions, instincts and sensory feelings. Non-living matter makes
relationships under the influence of attractive and repulsive forces, largely involving electric fields.
When the matter evolves to become living matter, these forces are replaced by connective and
defensive drivves [2]. Living things interact under the influence of these drivves [2].
The complexity of emotions increases during evolution. Reptilians is mostly interacting with
defensive behavior. Mammalian also include connective behavior. Humans also have performance
behavior which helps in reflective behavior. Overall, the evolution of living matter happens in the
increasing relational complexity. They become better in forming harmonic relationships between
them. The also become better in creating, maintaining and promoting harmonic relationship structures
such as products, tools and architecture.
Matter: Dirac
and Yang-Mills.
Attractive -> Connective
Repulsive -> Defensive
Dense Matter:
Land, Surface
Evolution of life
Figure 4: Evolution of matter into
conscious biological material.
Art, Music and Humanities
We discussed how the universe evolves towards creation of harmonic structures involving planets,
stars and galaxies, under the influence of harmonic and entropic nature of universe. These is natural
art formation in universe involving celestial bodies, or matter on the planets. It is also colorful and
aesthetic. Also, various patterns of wind and air on planets and stars produces rhythmic sounds. These
things happen naturally.
When living matters evolves there are two harmonic relationship structures created: 1) For
survival, and 2) For pure entertainment. The first type harmonic relationship structures are such as
people organization, shelter, food consumption and survival related tools. The second type of
harmonic relationship structures are such as songs, music, and entertainment. The first type harmonic
relationship structures are motivated by drivves, such as emotions, instincts and sensory feelings
excluding those that motivate the second types of harmonic relationship structures. The second type
of harmonic relationship structures are driven by sensory feelings that are related to aesthetics, rhythm,
order, beauty, etc.
Now the first type of harmonic relationship structures is created for survival. The question is why
would living things want to survive. The answer is to enjoy the second type of harmonic relationship
structures; to enjoy music, songs, beauty, rhythm, order, symmetry etc. Consciousness naturally seeks
the second type of harmonic relationship structures. The universe evolves to produce harmonic
relationship structures such as various celestial bodies and matter. And it evolves living entities to
consciously to generate harmonic relationship structures make the universe orderly, beautiful and
Charge, etc.,
Self -
Figure 5: History of evolution of matter from
simple elements to human species. The 3R
model indicates development at layers.
Now usually the study of arts, humanities subjects such as literature are motivated by both creation
of survival and aesthetic related drivves. So usually human produced harmonic relationship structures
are combination of both types. For example, a person who looks beautiful is both aesthetic being
pleasant to look and also healthy which helps in survival. Stories, movie, and songs have both rhythm,
aesthetic qualities, and also is informative about survival. Similarity, the field of Architecture has both
survival and aesthetic needs.
Formal and applied knowledge
The evolution of human mind makes it capable of formal knowledge such as math, logic and
coding, as they help in survival. The universe can be described using these is wonderful. The ability of
human mind to process these is also wonderful. The understanding of such capabilities of human
mind requires understanding consciousness and cognitive processes of human mind. The formal
knowledge helps in understanding and unification all other fields.
The evolution of human mind makes it possible to apply basic knowledge to create applied
knowledge such as professions, engineering, applied sciences, etc. The application of the basic
knowledge is motivated by innate human need to create harmonic relationship structures.
Theoretical unification
In quantum gravity framework 4.0 [11] I have expressed a covariant framework for quantum
gravity. There many components.
1. Relative-Time evolution: This is the evolution of quantum fields on space time with specific
foliation of space time and the space of internal fields.
2. Relative Decoherence: It is decoherent evolution of the universe depending on foliation in
space and time, and internal fields.
3. Global Reduction: This describes how foliation in space and time and internal fields are
determined for global quantum reduction. This also relates to how conscious observers
and their foliations for perception of reality around are connected.
4. Smoothening terms: This promotes the smooth property of the universe.
5. Harmonic relationship terms: In the final part of quantum gravity framework 4.0 [12], I
included measure of harmonic relation ship structure and suggested a way to include it.
My proposal is that the complexity of harmonic relationship structures tends to increase
over time.
6. Consciousness and Qualia: This is about how harmonic relationship structures in brain
relates to consciousness, experience and perception in human brain. This needs full
experimental investigation and theory and modelling
The first four describes both entropic and gravity terms as I have discussed before. The fifth and
sixth term includes the harmonic structure terms, which relates to consciousness and its pure wants.
So, in the universe we have interplay of three major phenomena: Entropy, Gravity and Life. Each of
them tends to promote each other. Entropy in space keeps increasing, gravity around the blackholes
keeps increasing as it tries to attract matter, and life tries to promote structures in the universe. They
can promote each other or destroy each other. The long-term evolution of the universe depends on the
interplay of these three.
6 Summary and conclusion
We have described the unification of physical and Life-Dependent Sciences. These two fields
describe material and mental aspects. Consciousness seems to be the bridge between the two fields.
The Harmonic relationship structures are unifying theme for both. Consciousness acts as mediator
between 1) gravity + smoothening, which increase order, and 2) quantum decoherence + gauge particle
interactions which increase entropy, to help the creation of harmonic relationship structures. The
tendency to form harmonic relationship structures derives the social and physical phenomena,
resulting in interesting social and physical structures at various scales.
So much further work needs to be done to develop further understanding of various fields from
the basic concepts described in this paper in rigorous and systematic fashion. For example, we may
need to understand how different languages or different architectures evolved around the world.
We have philosophical description of various concepts such as how consciousness works. But
working out in detail in the physics and mathematics is necessary. Some mathematical ideas where
given in my latest paper [9].
The unification of various forces is still out there, with many choices such as string theory, loop
quantum gravity or spin/foams. It requires both mathematical and physical experiments, and, possibly
development of new mathematical and physical concepts.
7 References:
1. Suresh K Maran, Emotions, Relationship and Human Advancement, 3 volume book set. Please
refer to the next 3 items below. Please visit the site for
2. Suresh K Maran, Emotions, Relationship and Human Advancement: Volume I: Human Mind
and Relationships. Please visit the site for information.
3. Suresh K Maran, Emotions, Relationship and Human Advancement: Volume II: Human
Relational-Economic Evolution. Please visit the site for
4. Suresh K Maran, Emotions, Relationship and Human Advancement: Volume III: Scientific
Relationism and the Future of Humanity. Please visit the site
for information.
5. A Framework of principles for quantum gravity. Please visit the site for
information and references.
6. Suresh K Maran, Quantum Gravity Framework: 2.0. A Complete Framework of Principles for
Quantum General Relativity with Time and Measurement, .
7. Loop quantum gravity: A good place for quick introduction and references is
8. String theory: A good place for quick introduction and references is
9. Suresh K Maran, Quantum Gravity Framework: 3.0. A Complete Framework of Principles for
Quantum General Relativity with Time and Measurement, .
10. Edward Anderson, Problem of Time in Quantum Gravity, Annalen der Physik, Vol 524 pp
757-786 (2012), arXiv:1206.2403.
11. Suresh K Maran, Quantum Gravity Framework: e.0. A Complete Framework of Principles for
Quantum General Relativity with Time and Measurement, . Quantum Gravity Framework 4: Covariant
framework, Structure Formation and Consciousness in the Universe.
Unification of Human Knowledge-v4
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Unification of Human Knowledge-v4
Submitted by Suresh Maran on Thu, 10/28/2021 - 16:28
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