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Enhancing Urban Resilience After the 1995 Kobe Earthquake: Parks and Open Spaces as a Multi-Functional Resource


Abstract and Figures

Urban Resilience is seen by many as a tool to mitigate harm in times of extreme social, political, financial, and environmental stress. Despite its widespread usage, however, resilience is used in different ways by policy makers, activists, academics, and practitioners. Some see it as a key to unlocking a more stable and secure urban future in times of extreme global insecurity; for others, it is a neoliberal technology that marginalizes the voices of already marginal peoples. This volume moves beyond praise and critique by focusing on the actors, narratives and temporalities that define urban resilience in a global context. By exploring the past, present, and future of urban resilience, this volume unlocks the potential of this concept to build more sustainable, inclusive, and secure cities in the 21st century.
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Enhancing Urban Resilience After the 1995
Parks and Open Spaces as a Multi-Functional Resource
Florian Hendrik Liedtke
        
             
           
             
               
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               
           
            
            
             
            
            
          
              
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            
            
         
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            
             
           
        
            
             
                
           
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         
            
          
               
             
        
              
              
            
             
          
             
            
          
          
           
              
              
          
          
             
             
             
         
     
           
           
  
          
    
           
 
Enhancing Urban Resilience After the 1995 KobeEarthquake 169
Kobe’s Recovery from the Great Hanshin-Awaji Earthquake 1995
              
              
           
                
                 
              
             
             
                
            
            
                
            
              
               
           
           
              
           
             
         
           
           
          
           
            
             
   
The Intrinsic Qualities of Open Space for Resilience: The Case of
Evacuation Shelters
           
              
             
          
               
           
170 Florian Hendrik Liedtke
         
           
 
          
             
             
             
           
           
            
           
           
            
        
           
            
            
              
             
            
            
          
           
           
 
            
            
           
             
            
          
          
         
           
           
             
           
          
            
             
             
Enhancing Urban Resilience After the 1995 KobeEarthquake 171
              
           
          
             
            
           
           
             
            
            
         
           
           
            
               
           
             
          
            
           
           
            
         
            
          
            
             
                
              
            
            
            
            
             
             
     
1 The spatial distribution of parks throughout cities is, of course, fairly typical, even in urban
environments where access to green space mirrors larger urban inequalities. One might ar-
gue that it is in the spatialized nature of urban parks to be decentralized.
172 Florian Hendrik Liedtke
            
             
            
              
           
            
          
            
           
             
             
  
        
            
           
          
          
            
           
            
             
           
         
          
            
            
             
         
          
          
           
      
Open Space as a Flexible Resource for Diverse Recovery Tasks
           
              
              
             
          
Enhancing Urban Resilience After the 1995 KobeEarthquake 173
          
              
           
          
     
             
             
           
  
              
            
          
            
           
          
            
         
              
            
          
          
         
           
        
             
            
             
           
             
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         
               
            
          
               
           
           
            
            
            
            
           
Open Space as a Resource during the Restoration Phase:
           
           
              
            
           
         
            
             
            
             
         
            
              
           
           
         
         
              
             
          
            
           
             
         
Enhancing Urban Resilience After the 1995 KobeEarthquake 175
            
           
           
           
             
      
            
            
             
             
         ;     
              
             
           
          
   
       
               
           
              
            
          
             
           
             
            
             
            
          
           
              
             
              
          
           
           
         
            
            
             
               
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           
     
             
             
            
            
           
          
Conclusion: Parks and Open Spaces as Effective and
              
             
            
           
        
           
             
         
             
          
          
             
            
Enhancing Urban Resilience After the 1995 KobeEarthquake 177
          
           
             
           
          
           
    
            
              
        
            
            
          
            
            
           
          
           
         
    
         
      
        
          
    阪神淡路大震災 神戸市記録    
         
  
    平成年 兵庫県南部地震神戸市災害対策本部 民生部記録
           
 
    阪神 淡路大震災神戸復興誌   
        
 
           
     
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    協同参画安全安心快適暮     
        
   
         
     
    人安心神戸市市街地再開発事業   
        
           
  
    阪神 淡路大震災後住民避難行動関分析 
         
       
   阪神淡路大震災災害廃棄物処理   
        
        
   阪神淡路大震災係応急仮設住宅記録   
         
   
   神戸市兵庫区長田区須磨区内公園緑地阪神淡路大震災被
害利用           
            
          
            
   
        
阪神大震災調査特別委員会緊急報告    
          
        
  応急仮設住宅建設記録写真集平成年兵庫県南部地震 
        
 
          
         
     
              
       
    土木研究所資料 第防災公園計画設計関
技術資料 防災公園計画設計関      
Enhancing Urban Resilience After the 1995 KobeEarthquake 179
         
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阪神淡路大震災仮設住宅関調査研究公園仮設住宅利用実態 
        
        
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災害科        
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    震災後瓦礫輸送処理仮置場計画  
         
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   阪神大震災 避難所運 営 段階的変容
実験社会心理学研究      
          
     
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Fostering resilience in the face of environmental, socioeconomic, and political uncertainty and risk has captured the attention of academics and decision makers across disciplines, sectors, and scales. Resilience has become an important goal for cities, particularly in the face of climate change. Urban areas house the majority of the world's population, and, in addition to functioning as nodes of resource consumption and as sites for innovation, have become laboratories for resilience, both in theory and in practice. This paper reviews the scholarly literature on urban resilience and concludes that the term has not been well defined. Existing definitions are inconsistent and underdeveloped with respect to incorporation of crucial concepts found in both resilience theory and urban theory. Based on this literature review, and aided by bibliometric analysis, the paper identifies six conceptual tensions fundamental to urban resilience: (1) definition of ‘urban’; (2) understanding of system equilibrium; (3) positive vs. neutral (or negative) conceptualizations of resilience; (4) mechanisms for system change; (5) adaptation versus general adaptability; and (6) timescale of action. To advance this burgeoning field, more conceptual clarity is needed. This paper, therefore, proposes a new definition of urban resilience. This definition takes explicit positions on these tensions, but remains inclusive and flexible enough to enable uptake by, and collaboration among, varying disciplines. The paper concludes with a discussion of how the definition might serve as a boundary object, with the acknowledgement that applying resilience in different contexts requires answering: Resilience for whom and to what? When? Where? And why?
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To create a safe city free from natural disasters has been one of the important criteria in city planning. Since large cities have suffered from large fires caused by earthquakes, the planning of open spaces to prevent the spread of fires is part of the basic structure of city planning in Japan. Even in the feudal city of Edo, the former name of Tokyo, there had been open spaces to prevent fire disasters along canals and rivers. This paper discusses the historical evolution of open space planning, that we call landscape planning, through the experiences in Tokyo, and clarifies the characteristics and problems for achieving a safe city. published
Kobe and its surrounding cities were heavily damaged by the 1995 South Hyogo Earthquake. In order to clarify the usage and the damage of open spaces within the area under such a situation, a survey was carried out by Japanese Institute of Landscape Architects(JILA), approximately within the 3rd and 4th week following the Earthquake. The author surveyed mainly public parks in Hyogo, Nagata and Suma ward in Kobe City, and then compiled the data. The purposes of this paper are to publish a regionally limited part of the results from the survey and to discuss the clarified problems regarding the safety of the area.
The Challenge of Land Use Planning after Urban Earthquakes: Observations from the Great Hanshin Earthquake of 1995
  • Catherine Baumann
Baumann, Catherine (1998): The Challenge of Land Use Planning after Urban Earthquakes: Observations from the Great Hanshin Earthquake of 1995, Oakland, California: Earthquake Engineering Research Institute.
協同参画; 安全安心快適暮 [Town Planning of Cooperation and Participation; Living Safe
  • City Of Kobe
City of Kobe (2010): Comprehensive Strategy for Recovery from the Great Hanshin-Awaji Earthquake, Kobe: City of Kobe. City of Kobe (2011): 協同参画; 安全安心快適暮 [Town Planning of Cooperation and Participation; Living Safe, Secure and Comfortable through Town Planning], Kobe: City Planning Agency.
人安心; 神戸市市街地再開発事業 [People-Friendly and Safe Town Planning, Kobe's Urban Redevelopment Projects
  • City Of Kobe
City of Kobe (2014a): The Great Hanshin-Awaji Earthquake: Statistics and Restoration Progress, Kobe: City of Kobe. City of Kobe (2014b): 人安心; 神戸市市街地再開発事業 [People-Friendly and Safe Town Planning, Kobe's Urban Redevelopment Projects], Kobe: City Planning Agency.
Kobe: Hyogo-Prefecture Department for Life and Culture, Section for Environmental Maintenance Hyogo Prefecture
  • Hyogo Prefecture
Hyogo Prefecture (1997): 阪神淡路大震災災害廃棄物処理 [Disposal of Disaster Debris of the Great Hanshin-Awaji Earthquake], Kobe: Hyogo-Prefecture Department for Life and Culture, Section for Environmental Maintenance Hyogo Prefecture (2000): 阪神淡路大震災係応急仮設住宅記録 [Record of Temporary Housing after the Great Hanshin-Awaji Earthquake], Kobe: Hyogo Prefecture Land Development Department.
Prefabricated Construction Suppliers and Manufacturers Association (1995): 応急仮設住宅建設記録写真集,平成7年兵庫県南部地震 [Photography Anthology of Temporary Housing, the 1995 South-Hyogo Earthquake
  • Jpa -Japan
JPA -Japan Prefabricated Construction Suppliers and Manufacturers Association (1995): 応急仮設住宅建設記録写真集,平成7年兵庫県南部地震 [Photography Anthology of Temporary Housing, the 1995 South-Hyogo Earthquake], Tokyo: JPA.
Research on the Great Hanshin-Awaji Earthquake, Condition of Temporary Housing Facilities in Parks
  • 公園仮設住宅利用実態 阪神淡路大震災仮設住宅関調査研究
阪神淡路大震災仮設住宅関調査研究, 公園仮設住宅利用実態 [Research on the Great Hanshin-Awaji Earthquake, Condition of Temporary Housing Facilities in Parks], Kobe: Hyogo Creative Machizukuri Research Center. National Land Agency of Japan (1997): Disaster Countermeasures Basic Act: Act No. 223, November 15, 1961 (Provisional Translation).