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Before ‘Resilience’: Surviving in Postwar Berlin, 1945-1950


Abstract and Figures

Urban Resilience is seen by many as a tool to mitigate harm in times of extreme social, political, financial, and environmental stress. Despite its widespread usage, however, resilience is used in different ways by policy makers, activists, academics, and practitioners. Some see it as a key to unlocking a more stable and secure urban future in times of extreme global insecurity; for others, it is a neoliberal technology that marginalizes the voices of already marginal peoples. This volume moves beyond praise and critique by focusing on the actors, narratives and temporalities that define urban resilience in a global context. By exploring the past, present, and future of urban resilience, this volume unlocks the potential of this concept to build more sustainable, inclusive, and secure cities in the 21st century.
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Before ‘Resilience’
Surviving in Postwar Berlin, 1945-1950
Avi Sharma
           
             
          
           
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         
           
          
          
            
         
           
           
            
           
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           
         
  
            
           
            
            
          
           
           
           
          
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           
           
             
               
        
 
           
              
           
            
           
          
           
             
          
   
              
          
          
           
          
          
             
           
            
            
           
     
          
            
         
          
              
               
               
             
             
              
             
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           
            
        
            
         
           
           
           
          
              
         
           
           
           
             
            
           
             
             
   
            
           
          
            
           
         
             
         
              
           
           
          
        
          
              
           
             
     
            
    
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            
          
            
          
             
           
            
             
              
          
             
              
          
             
              
            
              
          
            
            
             
          
Living in the Rubble. Housing Shortages in Postwar Berlin
            
           
      
            
           
          
       
            
          
            
               
             
         
            
        
Before ‘Resilience’ 105
Figure 1: Herbert Hensky “Two boys shing on the Spree in Berlin-Mitte, 1947. (Bildarchiv
Preußischer Kulturbesitz). Figure 2: Willy Römer, “Rubble removal: rubble women on Alte-
Jakob Straße,” 1948 (Bildarchiv Preußischer Kulturbesitz).
          
             
              
          
             
            
             
            
          
           
              
              
            
           
              
               
           
            
 
           
                
            
106 Avi Sharma
             
  
Figure 3: Unknown, A destroyed apartment in a badly damaged building serves as a bal-
cony in the summer, 1946 (Bildarchiv Preußischer Kulturbesitz)
Before ‘Resilience’ 107
           
            
             
     
           
          
          
           
            
               
           
           on average,
              
      
          
            
            
           
           
              
          
         
    
          
             
          
            
              
           
             
        
            
            
           
             
           
           
           
               
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             
            
          
            
             
  
Rebuilding Berlin? The Postwar Housing Crisis
             
            
            
            
            
            
              
            
            
             
           
              
             
             
          
              
             
            
             
             
              
             
                
            
    
                 
              
           
             
   
                
           
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         
         
              
 
           
           
           
            
          
           
             
            
          
            
            
          
          
              
           
            
           
  
            
          
             
          
            
             
             
             
             
             
            
            
               
          
          
            
              
           
            
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            
             
          
          
            
              
           
            
      
Temporary Housing and Durable Camps
            
            
        
          
           
        
           
           
           
         
           
          
              
           
          
           
          
           
              
               
           
          
             
             
              
              
           
Before ‘Resilience’ 111
      
            
             
           
               
             
           
           
         
            
             
             
             
        
         
            
           
          
      also       
            
           
            
            
            
             
         
             
            
             
           
          
             
 
Surviving Scarcity. The Hunger Years, 1945-1950
            
          
          
           
112 Avi Sharma
             
           
            
             
          
            
             
              
            
       
          
           
            
         
           
           
            
            
             
          
   
                
                
          
          
            
              
               
           
          
           
           
            
          
           
           
             
     
Before ‘Resilience’ 113
Surviving the Peace. Formal and Informal Strategies.
              
              
            
            
           
             
             
             
             
            
          
          
           
            
            
          
        
            
          
           
            
              
            
           
             
               
           
      
            
   also         
              
              
            
            
            
               
              
               
       
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           
            
            
           
            
             
          
          
   
           
             
             
            
           
            
           
        
               
              
             
             
             
            
          
            
            
           
             
           
              
         
            
           
          
          
             
              
             
         
Before ‘Resilience’ 115
            
           
         
          
          
          
            
            
          
           
            
              
         
          
          
          
              
          
           
          
            
             
          
           
            
         
             
            
          
              
            
            
        
116 Avi Sharma
Figure 4: Friedrich Seidenstücker, “e ‘Potato-Express’ at the Potsdam train station, 1946
(Bildarchiv Preußischer Kulturbesitz).
        
            
            
           
            
            
         
           
             
           
           
             
            
            
          
             
Before ‘Resilience’ 117
           
            
             
          
          
        
Figure 5: Willy Römer, “Potato harvest in the Tiergarten, 1945 (Bildarchiv Preußischer
           
           
           
           
          
           
           
              
              
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          
            
           
               
           
            
            
          
             
             
              
            
             
  
           
           
                
            
           
              
            
             
             
              
    
            
          
           
           
           
               
        
            
           
Conclusion: Never Cry Crisis?
             
          
            
Before ‘Resilience’ 119
               
             
            
             
          
           
            
            
              
            
             
             
             
        
             
          
              
               
          
     
           
             
          
             
            
         
           
              
           
         
             
           
           
          
          
              
             
            
            
         
  
120 Avi Sharma
             
            
           
         
          
            
            
              
             
            
          
            
              
          
           
   
         
     
          
         
      
         
          
      
    
          
   
         
        
         
 
           
 
         
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           
        
       
         
     
         
  
           
   
          
          
          
         
         
            
    
          
    
         
         
    
            
       
          
 
          
     
             
      
          
  
          
     
          
    
          
         
          
   
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         
             
          
         
          
      
           
      
           
       
          
 
         
     
       
        
           
    
         
   
           
    
           
           
     
        
           
         
          
         
       
          
     
          
    
          
    
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          
         
       
        
          
        
         
    
          
       
         
    
           
          
      
    
           
        
          
          
   
          
         
         
           
    
           
          
          
         
     
       
        
   
             
         
        
         
 
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         
  
          
           
          
       
      
 
         
           
     
            
    
         
          
           
    
        
            
          
      
         
          
      
          
       
         
          
      
  
        
       
        
          
       
        
          
           
 
           
          
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            
     
         
        
       
         
         
      
         
       
       
 
          
        
         
         
        
         
   
          
       
              
       
 
          
          
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The inclusion of ‘cities and communities’ as a target goal (11) in the UN 2030 agenda is positively endorsed. When it comes to WHAT needs to change, the new urban agenda recognizes cities not only as problems, but also as opportunities (Barnett and Purnell 2016). However, when it comes to the HOW, the call to make cities “safe, resilient, sustainable and inclusive” thus far remains path-dependent to the pursuit of indicators and techno-managerial solutions, methodological tools and institutional frameworks of an ecological modernisation paradigm that has been proven not to work. I argue that the pursuit of resilience, sustainability, safety, and inclusiveness within this path-dependent framework can act -at best- as an immunological practice: it vaccinates people and environments so that they can take larger doses of inequality and environmental degradation in the future; it mediates the consequences of global socio-environmental inequality, but does little towards alleviating it. Moreover, an increasing number of movements and actors across the world refuse to take this immunological medicine; they refuse the allocation of safety, resilience, inclusiveness or sustainability, and demand instead to be co-decision makers in setting development goals, and changing institutional practices. These actors rupture path-dependency and establish innovate and effective methods that promote access to housing, healthcare education, sanitation, etc. If we are looking for real smart solutions and real social innovation, they are to be found not in consensus building exercises, but in these methods and practices born out of conflict and dissent that can lead to instituting alternative means to tackle global socio-environmental inequality.
As in any city recovering from disaster, Berlin, following World War II, had the opportunity to reconnect with its local traditions. The restoration of political, social, and cultural forms offered a kind of reconnection, and so did the tangible reconstruction of buildings, streets, and utility lines. Any revival of tradition was, however, enormously complicated by two problems of continuity, one temporal, one geographical—and both of them political and philosophical. First was the question of historical continuity. On the one hand, there was a desire to rebuild: to repair a damaged but extant city or, more broadly, to continue the best local traditions in architectural style, social policy, and economic development. On the other hand, everyone in charge was determined to break demonstratively with the immediate past, that is, with the Third Reich, but they did not agree about which cultural, architectural, or urbanistic traditions were the Nazi ones. The second complication arose from the fact that the city was soon divided between East and West, governed by two ideologically opposed regimes, each determined to claim the legacy of pre-Nazi Berlin, to display the clearer break with Hitler, and to prove its cultural and political superiority. Under these complicated circumstances, the rebuilding of Berlin became one of the most visibly contested venues of the early Cold War, even as it remained a matter of basic comfort and prosperity for ordinary Berliners. The fact of Berlin’s destruction in the Second World War is well known, but merely to ask the question of what caused that destruction is to plunge into contested territory. In the Soviet-occupied East, for example, the official line at first informed Germans that the destruction of their land was the legacy of Hitler and the Nazis. Later, as the Cold War heated up, they were more likely to hear blame cast upon the “Anglo-American terror bombers” (with no mention of the secondary role of Red Army artillery in the battle of Berlin). In theWestern zones of occupation, a version of the former story remained the official one, with perhaps more emphasis on the collective responsibility of the German people as a whole for the deeds of the Nazis.
This book deals with the long overlooked and understudied Soviet famine of 1946-47, which came on the heels of World War II and at the dawn of the Cold War and killed as many as two million people.
This article explores the relationship between Displaced Persons (DPs) and Germans in the postwar decade, focusing mostly on Ukrainian DPs. It shows how their almost complete separation from the German population led to well developed parallel societies, which were mutually approved for some time, and analyses the dissimilar motives of DPs and Germans for separation. As a consequence of mass resettlement, it is argued, the national microcosms lost their positive features while the hostile attitude of the outside world persisted. The missing revision in the segregation of foreigners from German society after the downfall of National Socialism is recognized as a burden on their future treatment in the FRG.
This article looks at the history of Jewish refugees in Germany and their place in the formation of the postwar refugee regime from the perspective of space. Focusing on the US occupation zone, it examines the spatial practices of refugee management employed by the occupation authorities and considers how Jewish 'displaced persons' (DPs) themselves related to postwar German space. Fundamental policy contradictions structured the lives of DPs in American-occupied Germany. Although the US occupation authorities preferred to segregate displaced persons in camps, they also felt the need to demonstrate that they were not reproducing the Nazi camp regime. These competing objectives led to spatial 'indeterminacy' inside and outside the camps. A fundamental ambivalence also structured Jewish spatial practices. Jewish refugees desired the protection and separation that camps afforded, but they also wanted access to German space. These competing desires framed the emergence of Jewish 'spaces of exception' in the DP camps and in what was officially considered 'Germany'. © The Author 2012. Published by Oxford University Press. All rights reserved.
Fear is a primal instinct; it is a survival mechanism the evolution of which allowed the early humans, indeed all species to adapt, evolve, and survive. When humans moved into settled communities with more advanced means of production, the nature of fear—much like the nature of social relationships—changed. Once the means of social reproduction were secured, fear became less necessary as a survival instinct and more useful as a heuristic device. Fear evolved. Fear cannot be characterized solely as a socially constructed phenomenon, nor as the instinctual response to personally felt traumas. The growth and nature of fear must be studied as a process that develops under its own inertia, feeding off its antecedent past, and as a phenomenon that is shaped by and in turn shapes its institutional setting. Fear should be understood as both structurally determined and socially transformative. This research seeks to examine the ontology of fear, specifically as it relates to neoliberalism.
This paper draws on Slavoj Žižek's critique of ideology in seeking to account for the persistence and transformability of the neoliberal project. Against understandings of neoliberalism as a utopian representation projected onto an external reality, I argue that neoliberal ideology operates as a social fantasy, which structures reality itself against the traumatic Real of Capital. The evolution of the neoliberal project should be understood, not as the meticulous manipulation of social reality, but as a series of increasingly desperate attempts to hold the very fabric of reality together. Reconceptualizing neoliberalization as a form of obsessional neurosis can help to explain the relentless persistence of “zombie neoliberalism” and its paradoxical trajectory towards increasingly intensive forms of social engineering. This argument is developed through a critical engagement with the work of the economist Jeffrey Sachs. From shock therapy to the Millennium Villages Project, Sachs's trajectory embodies the characteristics of the neoliberal neurosis. The paper aims to undermine the apparently monolithic power of neoliberalism, by challenging dominant critical representations of the neoliberal project in terms of a hyper-rational governmentality. It also aims to subvert the attempts by Jeffrey Sachs and other neoliberals to reposition themselves as opponents of the Washington Consensus, and as spokesmen of the Occupy movement. The chosen method of attack is more satirical than polemical. Neurotic neoliberals such as Sachs have successfully appropriated ethical objections to neoliberalism in the name of “globalization with a human face”. In the present conjuncture, an immanent critique that reveals the internal incoherence of neoliberal ideology, and the hapless floundering of its proponents, is perhaps more effective than a repetition of familiar forms of moral condemnation. An alternative subtitle for this paper might therefore be “Towards a satirical materialism”.