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Abstract and Figures

The development in machine learning has allowed chatbots to be widely applied into educational settings. However, limited study has investigated teacher's views on its usage for teaching and learning. This paper reports an exploratory study on English as a Second Language (ESL) teachers' views with regards to the use of chatbots for their teaching and learning delivery in a mobile environment. Using survey research design, views from 142 ESL teachers were gathered using questionnaires, which consist of Likert-scale items and open-ended questions. The teachers were sampled using purposive sampling method. The items and questions were developed based on the principles of the Community of Inquiry (CoI) framework, which focuses on social, cognitive and teaching presence. Data from the Likert-scaled items were analyzed using descriptive statistics while open-ended questions were coded thematically. The findings showed that teachers perceived the use of chatbots in giving feedback to their students as very helpful though some of them needed extra training on how to use them. They also thought chatbots can simulate an interaction cycle for students to practice the target language. In addition, the teachers believed chatbots augmented a greater level of social presence, which eventually creates an environment for their students to be active. All in all, the findings provided valuable insights on the proper integration of chatbots in teaching and learning while gauging essential affordances and constraints of its use from ESL teachers' perspective.
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Paper—Teachers’ Views on the Use of Chatbots to Support English Language Teaching in a Mobile…
Teachers’ Views on the Use of Chatbots to Support
English Language Teaching in a Mobile Environment
Kee Man Chuah1,2(), Muhammad Kamarul Kabilan2
1 Universiti Malaysia Sarawak, Kota Samarahan, Malaysia
2 Universiti Sains Malaysia, Penang, Malaysia
AbstractThe development in machine learning has allowed chatbots to be
widely applied into educational settings. However, limited study has investigated
teacher’s views on its usage for teaching and learning. This paper reports an ex-
ploratory study on English as a Second Language (ESL) teachers’ views with
regards to the use of chatbots for their teaching and learning delivery in a mobile
environment. Using survey research design, views from 142 ESL teachers were
gathered using questionnaires, which consist of Likert-scale items and open-
ended questions. The teachers were sampled using purposive sampling method.
The items and questions were developed based on the principles of the Commu-
nity of Inquiry (CoI) framework, which focuses on social, cognitive and teaching
presence. Data from the Likert-scaled items were analyzed using descriptive sta-
tistics while open-ended questions were coded thematically. The findings showed
that teachers perceived the use of chatbots in giving feedback to their students as
very helpful though some of them needed extra training on how to use them. They
also thought chatbots can simulate an interaction cycle for students to practice
the target language. In addition, the teachers believed chatbots augmented a
greater level of social presence, which eventually creates an environment for their
students to be active. All in all, the findings provided valuable insights on the
proper integration of chatbots in teaching and learning while gauging essential
affordances and constraints of its use from ESL teachers’ perspective.
KeywordsChatbots, ESL teachers, mobile learning, community of inquiry
1 Introduction
The proliferation of mobile technologies for teaching and learning, especially in
English as a Second Language (ESL), has permitted teachers to support their classroom
instructions in many ways. Its application can be identified across all levels of educa-
tion from kindergarten until higher education [1]. Previous studies in the area of mo-
bile-assisted second language learning [2, 3, 4, 5] have shown how mobile tools can
increase opportunities for authentic use of language (e.g., interaction with native speak-
ers, social networking), provide engaging activities that enhance students’ understand-
ing (e.g., game-based tools) and allow seamless access to useful materials and resources
(e.g., open educational resources). Thus, with appropriate pedagogy, mobile tools are
iJET Vol. 16, No. 20, 2021
Paper—Teachers’ Views on the Use of Chatbots to Support English Language Teaching in a Mobile…
able to extend the learning of English language beyond the class time and not confined
to textbooks. As stipulated by Chinnery [6], “the effective use of any tool in language
learning requires the thoughtful application of second language pedagogy” (p. 9).
Therefore, any excitement in promoting mobile applications for second language learn-
ing in terms of its affordances or advantages should be viewed from the pedagogical
viewpoint. In addition, Papadakis [7] highlighted the challenge in selecting educational
applications is reducing the focus on entertainment value and prioritise educational im-
pact on learners’ development. In light of this, teachers views on how a specific appli-
cation is used is pivotal as they are at the forefront of decision making and designing
learning tasks.
One area in mobile learning that has grown rapidly is the use of conversational
agents or chatbots thanks to the advancement in artificial intelligence. A chatbot is a
computer programme that converses with people on a certain subject or area in a natu-
ral, conversational manner utilising text or speech [8]. Chatbots have been used for a
variety of reasons in many areas, including marketing, customer service, technical as-
sistance, education, and training [9]. The origin of chatbots can be traced as far back as
the late 1960’s when ELIZA was introduced a simple bot that gives responses based
on keywords inputted by users [10]. Now, it is more human-like and accepts more than
just text inputs. From virtual assistants (e.g., Siri, Google Assistant) to text-based chat-
bots that can be installed in chat apps (e.g., Telegram, Discord, Facebook Messenger).
Many studies related to chatbots were mainly in terms of its development algorithms
[11] or for general educational use [12]. Studies on the use of chatbots in English lan-
guage learning, however, have focused on three major areas.
The first area is in terms of the general provisions on how chatbots can be integrated
in language teaching and learning. Dokukina and Gumanova [13] highlighted the role
of chatbots in creating natural language interaction, which allows learners to use the
target language in simulated contexts. Wu and Yan [14], on the other hand, proposed
several deep-learning mechanisms that could enhance the interactivity of chatbots in
order to make them closer to features of human interactions. Despite the initial chal-
lenges in integrating chatbots for language learning, Fryer et al. [15] showed optimism
that chatbots will begin to dominate language learning especially in informal settings.
They argued that the development in machine learning has allowed chatbots to function
more effectively for educational purposes. Their empirical study has also indicated lan-
guage learners’ preference to practise language with chatbots as the absence of a human
instructor reduced their fear of making mistakes. Echoing the same view, Alm and
Nkomo [16] reported that language learners were more willing to engage in conversa-
tion with chatbots though they showed frustrations when the conversations did not
match their learning goals. However, it is worthy to note that their study was focusing
on learners’ own initiative to learn the target language through chatbots without
teacher’s interventions.
The second area of concern is the linguistic accuracy of chatbots. Coniam [17] eval-
uated the performance of five chatbots for English language learning. Three of the five
chatbots had favourable acceptability figures in the range of 90% in terms of grammar
but all five struggled in the semantic or pragmatic part in which many meaningless
Paper—Teachers’ Views on the Use of Chatbots to Support English Language Teaching in a Mobile…
responses were generated. The study reveals the shortcomings in the current implemen-
tation of chatbots that are still highly dependent on keyword detection with minimal
efforts to consolidate changes contextualized meaning. Das and Kumar [18] also stip-
ulated that it is useful to ensure the accuracy of chatbots in providing information for
better user experience. Although chatbots may not be able to converse with human-like
competence, its accuracy and consistency in providing word-level drills and practice is
undisputed. Vanjani et al. [19], for example, demonstrated how chatbots could be used
to learn phrases and vocabulary through a multilingual chatbot that is capable of real-
time translation.
The third area, which has been studied is about the effectiveness or usability issues
of chatbots. Kim [20] conducted an experimental study on two groups of Korean EFL
learners and found that both groups (with and without chatbot intervention) showed
significant improvement in listening and reading skills. However, the group with chat-
bots showed more improvements in the post-listening test. They demonstrated the po-
tential use of Elbot in enhancing learners’ engagement on the use of English. Patrovic
and Jovanoic [21] shared their review of four chatbots and explained the promising
usage of chatbots for personalized language learning. A review by Smutny and
Schreiberova [22], on the other hand, outlined the affordances and constraints of chat-
bots, focusing more on what each bot is able to provide but not specific to English
language teaching.
In essence, the review of previous studies shows that very few studies have been
done to gather the end-users’ opinions of chatbots. In the context of language learning,
the key end-users are teachers and students. While there are studies that examined stu-
dents’ perception [23, 24], those that focused on teachers remain scarce. Since teachers
are the catalyst of any pedagogical intervention, it is pivotal to understand their views
on tools that they can use in teaching and learning. The research done by Chocarro et
al. [25] focused on the teachers’ attitudes towards chatbots from the Technology Ac-
ceptance Model (TAM) point of view but were on chatbots not specific to language
learning. Nevertheless, they provided key insights on the potential use of chatbots in
educational settings as most studies were on the role of chatbots in customer relations
and online business platforms.
In addition, the review reveals that it is rather apparent that ESL teachers’ adoption
of chatbots for English language teaching has not been examined thoroughly. Existing
studies were mostly on general usability issues with little emphasis on uncovering ESL
teachers’ views on its use for English language teaching. It is also important to consol-
idate teachers’ view on the use of chatbots through a theoretical framework related to
online learning environment such as Community of Inquiry by Garrison et al. [26] in
order to assess its potential as a teaching tool. By using the appropriate framework,
future integration of chatbots in English language teaching and learning can be done
more systematically. Hence, this study aims to answer the following research questions
1. What are the ESL teachers’ views on the use of chatbots in English language teach-
ing through a mobile environment?
2. To what extent can chatbots support the Community of Inquiry among the learners?
iJET Vol. 16, No. 20, 2021
Paper—Teachers’ Views on the Use of Chatbots to Support English Language Teaching in a Mobile…
The following section of this paper describes the theoretical underpinnings that guide
this study, particularly with regards to why chatbots are used to support English lan-
guage teaching in a mobile environment. This is then followed by the explanation of
methods used. Next, the results and discussion are provided in accordance with the
research questions. This paper ends with the conclusion section that summarises the
key results while highlighting their implications and suggestions for future research.
2 Theoretical underpinning
To guide the investigation on ESL teachers’ views on the use of chatbots for lan-
guage learning, the Community of Inquiry (CoI) framework as proposed by Garrison
et al. [26] was used. Being a framework inspired by constructivism, CoI focuses on
learning that spawns from experience that is contextualised and socially situated [27].
Furthermore, CoI was formulated with a specific focus on computer-mediate commu-
nication (CMC), which is the relevant to this exploratory study as chatbots were used
to assist teachers in CMC. Previous studies on CoI have shown its usefulness in assist-
ing researchers to identify affordances and constrains in various CMC platforms such
as discussion forums and chat channels [28, 29]. Qin et al. [30] also demonstrated how
a chatbot was developed using CoI and showed that features within the chatbot can
address the presences that CoI aims to create in a learning environment. Nevertheless,
their study was on students’ perception and regarding a general topic, which is not re-
lated to language learning. Thus, there is a gap in further investigating how a mobile
learning environment created based on chatbots can be helpful in creating all the
presences within the CoI framework.
Fig. 1. The Community of Inquiry framework (Source:
Paper—Teachers’ Views on the Use of Chatbots to Support English Language Teaching in a Mobile…
Specifically, the emphasis in this study is placed on how chatbots (regarded as a
virtual human-like assistant) can simulate a learning environment that fosters social,
cognitive and teaching presences. As explained in [26], social presence covers the af-
fective part of the learning environment as to whether teacher and students are able to
build a trusting environment that fosters interpersonal relationships. Cognitive pres-
ence, on the other hand, refers to the ability of the learners to construct and confirming
meaning by constant reflection or engaging in peer-to-peer discourse. In other words,
cognitive presence is related to cognitive engagement in which students are being
guided into deep learning rather than merely accepting what is conveyed. Lastly, teach-
ing presence refers to the facilitation, direction of cognitive and social processes that
lead to intended learning outcomes.
This framework is chosen due to its relevance in online learning, particularly in asyn-
chronous contexts. Since chatbots, in this study, were used as supplementary activities
or tasks in a mobile learning environment, there is a tendency for the chatbots to be
used in asynchronous mode, much like a discussion forum. Although chatbots can offer
spontaneous feedback, learners may take time to respond since the responses are text-
based, are not being put under pressure to respond immediately. Therefore, it gives a
practical sense to investigate the chatbot usage among ESL teachers using this CoI
3 Methods
A survey research design was used as the purpose of this exploratory study is to
identify the views of ESL teachers on the use of chatbots to support their teaching.
Online questionnaires with 5-point Likert-scale items (1 being strongly disagree, 5 be-
ing strongly agree) and open-ended questions were constructed based on the selected
CoI framework. The questionnaire contains three main parts.
The first part is on the participants’ general info such as gender and teaching expe-
rience. The second part contains 10 Likert-scale items and 1 multiple-choice question.
Ten Likert-scale items for the questionnaire were derived based on three main con-
structs namely language learning, feedback to learners and general usability. The items
for language learning (n=4) aim to identify teachers’ views on the potential use of chat-
bots in assisting their students to learn the target language through the simulated social,
cognitive and teaching presences as indicated in CoI. The items for feedback to learners
(n=3) are to check teacher’s opinions on the chatbots’ ability to provide real-time feed-
back especially during their absence. Feedback is seen as crucial in creating an envi-
ronment that supports cognitive and teaching presences as it can facilitate discourse and
assist learners to move from triggering events to at least exploration stage. The usability
items (n-3) are to find out teachers’ views on the convenience of using the chatbots.
The last question in the second part is teachers’ overall view on the affordance of chat-
bots in addressing the three presences in CoI. The third part of the questionnaire con-
tains open-ended questions on suggestions for the integration of chatbots in English
language teaching based on the CoI presences as well.
iJET Vol. 16, No. 20, 2021
Paper—Teachers’ Views on the Use of Chatbots to Support English Language Teaching in a Mobile…
3.1 Sample
Through purposive sampling, invitations to ESL secondary school teachers in Ma-
laysia were sent out via email and chat groups. 154 ESL teachers signed up for the study
but only 142 of them managed to provide complete responses to the survey, giving a
response rate of about 92%. The gender distribution is almost equal. The criteria set for
the sampling ensured that they are all secondary school teachers with at least three years
of teaching experience and are familiar with the use of mobile tools for learning. The
primary reason for these criteria is to make sure the teachers were comfortable in using
technology and had sufficient experience in lesson design. Also, in the context of the
study, the use of mobile tools at the secondary school level is permitted and this makes
it easier to manage than primary school students due to students’ level of maturity.
Table 1 shows the demographic information of the selected sample.
Table 1. Demographic information of the sample
3 to 5 years
6 to 10 years
10 to 15 years
More than 15 years
3.2 Data collection procedures
Prior to data collection, the teachers who signed up for the study were specifically
briefed on the three core components of CoI so that they were aware of the key elements
in each presence. The briefing was done via video-conference platform (Google Meet)
in several sessions according to the teachers’ choice of slots. Table 2 shows examples
of chatbot prompts for each corresponding component of CoI, which were explained to
teachers. This briefing is important in ensuring the data gathered from the questionnaire
are valid and reliable since all teachers must be able to differentiate the CoI presences.
Table 2. Example of chatbot prompts according to CoI presences
Example of Chatbot Prompts
Personal or affective/emotion
“Hello 😊, what do you want to learn today?
Open Communication
“You are right, David. Sturdy means strong”
Group Cohesion
“Let’s do this together”
Triggering Event
“Do you know the meaning of sturdy?”
“Can you think of other examples?”
“Try relate this to your friends”
“I am not sure, could you check it up?”
Design and organisation
“In Part 1, there are 10 words”.
Facilitating discourse
“Now, we’re going to learn about food”
Direct instruction
“Please explain what do you mean”
Paper—Teachers’ Views on the Use of Chatbots to Support English Language Teaching in a Mobile…
In collecting the data, teachers were required to use chatbots as part of their mobile
learning activities for about two months. Prior to designing the mobile learning tasks,
the teachers were also required to use the chatbots in order to identify the features avail-
able. Some example tasks were also given to teachers as guidance. For example, stu-
dents can be told to complete a portfolio of weekly logs with the chatbots on several
topics. The two chatbots selected for this study are shown in Fig 2. These chatbots can
be integrated into Telegram and Facebook Messenger and are related to English lan-
guage learning. As the teachers have been using Telegram to manage their classroom,
it makes it more convenient for teachers to directly introduce them to the students with-
out the need for extra installation. After two months, the teachers were required to com-
plete the survey questionnaire, which was administered online for a period of one week.
Fig. 2. Screenshots of the selected chatbots
3.3 Data analysis procedures
The gathered data from the Likert-scale items were analysed using descriptive sta-
tistics in which mean and standard deviation values were computed and tabulated. Since
this was an exploratory study, only ten key items were used and analysed. As for the
item on teachers’ overall view of CoI presences, it was quantified using frequency count
and percentages as teachers can select more than one presence. For the open-ended
iJET Vol. 16, No. 20, 2021
Paper—Teachers’ Views on the Use of Chatbots to Support English Language Teaching in a Mobile…
responses on suggestions for integration and improvements, the gathered data were an-
alysed using thematic analysis where each response was read and coded according to
major themes.
4 Results and discussion
This section presents the results obtained from the study based on the research ques-
tions. The results are also discussed in relation to pertinent literature.
1. What are the ESL teachers’ views on the use of chatbots in English language teach-
ing through a mobile environment?
2. To what extent can chatbots support the Community of Inquiry among the learners?
4.1 Teachers’ views on chatbot integration
Table 3 shows the overall means score of items concerning ESL teachers’ views on
the use of chatbots (RQ1) after integrating them for about two months.
Table 3. Mean scores for items related to teachers’ views on chatbots integration
The chatbots simulate authentic language use.
The chatbots model good use of words or phrases.
The chatbots produce accurate language use.
The chatbots model good use of grammar.
The chatbots help to provide immediate feedback.
The chatbots allow students to do self-checking.
The chatbots correct students’ mistakes directly.
The chatbots are easy to be used.
The chatbots have a friendly interface.
The chatbots load smoothly through Telegram/ Messenger
The ESL teachers were positive about the use of chatbots in their teaching but re-
mained reserved on chatbots’ accuracy as shown in the lower mean score for grammar.
On the whole, the items were rated highly with strong agreement on the usefulness of
chatbots in simulating authentic language use (mean=4.13) and model of good use of
words and phrases (mean=4.03) as well as grammar (mean=3.67). The simulation of
authentic language use is largely due to the prevalent social presence when chatbots are
used. Since chatbots are “human-like”, the conversations are often filled with social
cues and emotions (e.g., the use of emoji). This type of environment encourages learn-
ers to be more comfortable and more willing to communicate as indicated in the study
by De Cicco et al. [31].
It is also important to note that despite chatbots being able to respond immediately
(mean=3.92), the teachers found that some of the corrective feedbacks were not mean-
ingful. This is reflected in their low mean score (mean=2.92) for the items on correcting
Paper—Teachers’ Views on the Use of Chatbots to Support English Language Teaching in a Mobile…
students’ mistakes. Despite this problem, the teachers seem to agree that the chatbots
could build cognitive presence as students were able to learn some good usage of Eng-
lish on their own and perform necessary evaluation on the responses provided by the
chatbots (exploration and integration in cognitive presence). This finding reflects the
concerns raised by Coniam [17] and Das and Kumar [18] in which the accuracy of the
chatbots could be the factor that hinder its continuous use in teaching and learning.
However, as stipulated by Qin et al. [30], this problem can be overcome when teachers
learn to design their own chatbots and use accurate language input to guide learners.
In terms of usability, the teachers also believed that the chatbots are easy to use
(mean=4.34) and they had no difficulty introducing them to the students during their
teaching and learning activities. One reason for this could be the selected chatbots in
this study were capable of being embedded within existing chat applications (i.e., Tel-
egram and FB Messenger) and do not require complex installation. These findings ech-
oed what was found in [13] as teachers explore the use of chatbots to assist them in
providing more opportunities for language use though improvements are necessary to
increase the chatbots’ accuracy.
4.2 Teachers’ views on the role of chatbots in supporting presences in CoI
The teachers were also asked to indicate their views on the three presences (RQ2)
explained to them, as to whether chatbots can simulate a learning environment that
contains those presences. Table 4 shows their overall view.
Table 4. Teachers‘ views on the roles of chatbots in simulating presences in CoI
Social presence
Teaching presence
Cognitive presence
Clearly, social presence is regarded to be dominant while cognitive presence is lack-
ing since the chatbots were not intelligent enough to prompt the students to engage in
deeper reflection. As found in the study by Huang et al. [32], social presence was highly
rated among their participants as the chatbots were able to interact with them without
fail though there were instances when they did not understand what the bots were say-
ing. It was still capable of creating a virtual setting for interpersonal interactions that
allowed learners to practise using the language.
It is interesting to note that teachers accepted the role of chatbots in creating teaching
presence particularly in situations where they could not make themselves available. For
example, when students are at home, it would hard for teachers to monitor them pro-
gressively especially when the students would like to ask questions pertaining to word
usage. It can be assumed that chatbots can act as an assistant to teachers in dealing with
trivial questions. The teachers can focus more on important corrective feedback to the
learners. As reviewed by Smutny and Schreiberova [22], most chatbots are still not able
to engage in meaningful conversation beyond the keywords set for each bot. Therefore,
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Paper—Teachers’ Views on the Use of Chatbots to Support English Language Teaching in a Mobile…
teacher intervention is still needed in ensuring the learners are getting accurate feed-
4.3 Teachers’ suggestions for improvement
Additionally, to supplement the results for RQ2, the teachers were asked to provide
suggestions on the kind of improvements that can be done on the chatbots in accordance
to the three presences in CoI. Three recurring themes emerged as shown in Table 5.
Table 5. Emerging themes and responses form open-ended questions
Some Extracted Responses
Improvements in terms of
artificial intelligence
The chatbots need to improve its responses. It seems not so
I find the chatbots rather mechanistic after a few rounds of
usage. My students complained the same. Need to improve
this to make social presence seems more natural.
Accuracy of the corrective
It is very useful since students can learn the language rather
authentically, but the accuracy can be improved.
Teaching &
My students love it since they don’t have to ask me regu-
larly. But some responses are not accurate. I think maybe
need to check on this.
It would be good if the chatbots can also support group
chats. This would be useful for discussion-like tasks.
My students wanted to work together, so I had to design a
task where they get to discuss but respond to the chatbots to-
gether. Can add this feature.
Lesson Design
Since the tasks were mainly on students talking to chatbots, I
think if we can design other types of activities would be in-
Cognitive wise, it reaches maybe up to Comprehension in
Bloom’s Taxonomy or exploration stage in the framework
you mentioned. But I like how chatbots become like a social
partner encouraging my students to use the language more.
Pretty brilliant.
Cognitive &
In general, the teachers believed that the responses provided by the chatbots could
be made more intelligent so that it covers a more natural discourse that can be used to
encourage continuous conversations. The issue of accuracy in guiding the learners is
also prevalent in which the bots are designed to deal with keyword-based responses
[30]. Some of the responses were not meaningful and caused confusion among the
learners. This seems to affect the teaching and cognitive presences. There are also sug-
gestions for chatbots to include a collaborative feature whereby group conversations
can be made as this feature is capable of alleviating social presence. The feature would
also be helpful in the ESL context since many task-based activities require group dis-
cussions. Moreover, the teachers provided suggestions in terms of lesson design. They
felt that chatbots can be better integrated into English language teaching if a variety of
tasks could be designed. They value the social presence that chatbots create but believe
that it would be beneficial in simulating higher cognitive presence. This suggestion is
Paper—Teachers’ Views on the Use of Chatbots to Support English Language Teaching in a Mobile…
in line with the study done by Go and Sundar [33] whereby human-like chatbots would
increase the level of interactivity. Nevertheless, the overall feedback from the open-
ended questions still indicates a strong acceptance among the teachers with regards to
chatbots being their assistant in guiding the learners. Since one of the challenges in ESL
context is to encourage learners to use the target language, chatbots are seen as a good
tool to support teachers. Learners can engage in conversations that highlight how spe-
cific words or phrases are used in a friendlier mode.
5 Conclusion
The exploratory study has provided insights into ESL teachers’ views related to the
use of chatbots for English language teaching in a mobile learning environment. Similar
to studies in mobile learning [34, 35, 36, 40], the findings from this study have shown
ESL teachers’ willingness to adopt mobile tools to enhance the learning experience.
There is a huge potential of using chatbots to encourage ESL students to actively use
the target language as ESL learners tend to lack the chance to use them at home [37].
The findings serve as a foundation on how to integrate the use of chatbots in English
language teaching by taking into consideration the views of ESL teachers. They have
shown interest in continuing the use of chatbots in designing their teaching and learning
activities despite the problem with the accuracy in the corrective feedback provided by
the chatbots.
This study has contributed to the related body of research pertaining to the Commu-
nity of Inquiry framework by examining its potential uses in chatbot interactions within
the context of English language teaching in a mobile environment. As reported in pre-
vious studies [28, 29], the CoI framework is commonly applied for discussion forums
or asynchronous CMC but in this study, it was used to investigate the conversations
between human and non-human virtual agents. From the methodological perspective,
this study has shown that conversations that take place via chatbots can be examined
by the CoI framework in order to uncover the levels of social, cognitive and teaching
presence. The results have indicated how chatbots could play a crucial role in increasing
social and teaching presences. In relation to teaching presence, the chatbots have served
as a facilitator or teaching assistance to guide the students. It creates an environment
where students feel that they are being scaffolded in learning the target language. With
regards to social presence, chatbots are capable of simulating human-like social inter-
actions, which make the students feel at ease during the learning process. However, it
is important to note that although there are constraints in encouraging its use to simulate
cognitive presence, the teachers still view chatbots to be useful in motivating the stu-
dents to be more actively involved in knowledge exploration and integration. For ex-
ample, whenever they encounter feedbacks which are inaccurate, they would cross
check and reflect on those errors. Such reflective activity is an example of chatbot’s
capability in creating cognitive presence [26]. Interestingly, ESL teachers regard chat-
bots’ social presence can build students’ confidence in practising the correct usage of
the English language though the cognitive presence is minimal. As shown in this study,
ELS teachers have mentioned how students were more proactive and confident in using
iJET Vol. 16, No. 20, 2021
Paper—Teachers’ Views on the Use of Chatbots to Support English Language Teaching in a Mobile…
English in the conversations with chatbots. Thomas [38] reported a similar trend in his
study on EFL learners in which there was a weak positive relationship between critical
thinking and achievement emotions. As such, despite the lack of cognitive presence,
social presence can be useful in motivating learners to perform better in a specific aca-
demic task.
In the aspect of practical implications, chatbot developers could take note of the ar-
eas for improvements as suggested by the teachers. One suggestion that was repetitive
is in enhancing chatbots’ ability to provide meaningful feedback with minimal inter-
vention from the teachers. Since chatbots are playing the role of a facilitator, the accu-
racy of their feedback would avoid students from learning the wrong input. In addition,
teachers and instructional designers could also identify elements within the CoI frame-
work that should be given more emphasis when integrating chatbots into their ESL
lesson designs. As emphasised by Mahzan et al. [39], understanding ways to accom-
modate cognitive and emotional needs of ESL learners is useful in boosting learning
Although this study is exploratory in nature, it has uncovered some areas for further
investigation. Firstly, the present study did not measure students’ performance in lan-
guage gain or production as the aim was to investigate ESL teachers’ views on the use
of chatbots in supporting their lessons. Thus, it would be beneficial for future research
to measure ESL students’ performance and correlate the data with the teachers’ use of
chatbots in the language learning activities by establishing the connection with the CoI
framework. It would also be beneficial to include variables such as teachers’ and stu-
dents’ technological readiness in the experiments. Secondly, this study is limited to
only two text-based chatbots as they are more convenient to be integrated into the ex-
isting chat apps that the participants were using. It has confined the scope of language
learning mainly to reading and writing skills. Thus, future research can include voice-
based chatbots for comparative analysis as the advanced chatbots could engage in audio
conversations that could be used for students to practise listening and speaking skills.
A comparative study between text-based and voice-based chatbots can potentially yield
interesting results in informing their effectiveness for language learning especially in
ESL contexts. With these suggestions, it is hoped that future studies within the same
scope can further inform the use of chatbots for language learning purposes.
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7 Authors
Kee Man Chuah is a senior lecturer at the Faculty of Language and Communica-
tion, majoring in educational technology, computational linguistics, learning analytics
and instructional design. He has won several awards at national and international levels
for various innovations in teaching and learning as well as assistive technology.
Muhammad Kamarul Kabilan is a Professor at the School of Educational Studies,
Universiti Sains Malaysia, Penang. His research interests include ICT and English Lan-
guage Education and, professional development and critical practices of teachers. He
has published widely in his area of research in reputable journals both locally and in-
ternationally (Email:
Article submitted 2021-06-19. Resubmitted 2021-08-05. Final acceptance 2021-08-05. Final version pub-
lished as submitted by the authors.
iJET Vol. 16, No. 20, 2021
... have found chatbots to be effective in stimulating students' learning interests and supporting language teaching and learning . Chuah and Kabilan (2021) conducted a study on ESL teachers' views on the use of chatbots in a mobile environment, finding that teachers perceived chatbots as helpful in providing feedback and simulating interaction cycles for language practice (Chuah and Kabilan, 2021). Hew and Fryer (2021) conducted a systematic review on chatbot-supported language learning and identified technological affordances such as timeliness, ease of use, and personalization, as well as pedagogical uses including interlocutors, simulations, and transmission (Hew and Fryer, 2021). ...
... have found chatbots to be effective in stimulating students' learning interests and supporting language teaching and learning . Chuah and Kabilan (2021) conducted a study on ESL teachers' views on the use of chatbots in a mobile environment, finding that teachers perceived chatbots as helpful in providing feedback and simulating interaction cycles for language practice (Chuah and Kabilan, 2021). Hew and Fryer (2021) conducted a systematic review on chatbot-supported language learning and identified technological affordances such as timeliness, ease of use, and personalization, as well as pedagogical uses including interlocutors, simulations, and transmission (Hew and Fryer, 2021). ...
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Advancements in technology have had a significant influence on various aspects of society, including language learning. The rapid integration of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in different fields has opened up new possibilities for language education. In particular, AI has emerged in the field of English education, offering innovative solutions for language learning. AI-driven language learning platforms have gained popularity, providing personalized and interactive learning experiences for learners. These platforms utilize AI technologies, such as Natural Language Processing (NLP), to analyze and interpret text and speech, enabling developers to gain insights into learners' language production. Additionally, AI has been integrated into language assessment and evaluation, offering automated language evaluation tools that can compare favorably with traditional methods. These AI-powered assessment tools provide efficient and objective evaluations of language proficiency. However, the integration of AI in English education also raises ethical considerations that need to be addressed. It is important to ensure that AI-driven solutions are assessed and deployed responsibly, with safeguards in place to prevent misuse. This article aims to provide an overview of the advancements in technology and their influence on language learning, discuss the integration of AI in English education, explore AI-driven language learning platforms, evaluate the effectiveness of popular AI language learning apps and tools, examine AI in language assessment and evaluation, discuss ethical considerations in AI-driven English education, and highlight the challenges and limitations in this field. By examining these topics, this article aims to contribute to the understanding of the current state and future directions of AI in language learning.
... Additionally, the chatbot's ability to provide immediate feedback and personalized exercises was found to increase student motivation and confidence in their language abilities. (26) In CFL settings, the effectiveness of chatbots is often assessed by their ability to help learners master the complexities of the Chinese language, such as tones and character recognition. Research conducted in CFL programs has indicated that chatbots can be effective tools for vocabulary acquisition and grammar practice. ...
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The integration of artificial intelligence (AI) in language teaching has emerged as a transformative approach, particularly in the realms of English as a Second Language (ESL) and Chinese as a Foreign Language (CFL). This article explores the potential of AI chatbots as effective tools for enhancing language acquisition. By examining the current landscape of AI in language education, we identify the unique benefits that chatbots bring to the learning process, including personalized interaction, immediate feedback, and continuous engagement. The article delves into the design and implementation of AI chatbot systems tailored for ESL and CFL contexts, highlighting their role in vocabulary development, grammar practice, and conversational skills. Furthermore, it addresses the challenges and limitations of using chatbots in language teaching, proposing strategies for overcoming these obstacles. Through case studies and empirical data, the article demonstrates how AI chatbots can be harnessed to create a dynamic and interactive learning environment that caters to the diverse needs of language learners. Ultimately, this work advocates for the thoughtful integration of AI chatbots to complement traditional teaching methods, thereby paving the way for more effective and accessible language education
... Furthermore, the integration of AI in educational settings introduces virtual assistants or chatbots as an innovative solution for real-time academic support Chuah & Kabilan, 2021). These AI-powered chatbots offer instant access to information on a wide range of academic-related topics, thereby enhancing the help-seeking process (Ali et al., 2023). ...
This chapter explores the use of ChatGPT for academic support in higher education, concentrating on students’ readiness, perception of its usefulness, and understanding of academic integrity issues. A quantitative approach with a non-experimental design was employed. The study involved 374 university students as participants, with data cleaning and validation carried out using WINSTEPS software and further analysis was conducted using Rasch Rating Scale Model. The key findings highlight varied levels of student readiness and awareness concerning the use of ChatGPT and adherence to academic integrity. The study points to the urgent need for universities to provide more explicit guidelines on using artificial intelligence (AI) tools within academic contexts. The results reveal that while students see the potential benefits of ChatGPT in aiding their studies, many lack full preparedness for its incorporation into their academic routines. The analysis of variance indicated significant differences in the readiness and perceived usefulness of ChatGPT among students based on the frequency of its usage. However, there were no significant differences in terms of academic integrity across different demographic groups. This research contributes to the understanding of how students perceive and engage with AI tools in higher education. It also provides insights on the future of digital assessments in higher education, particularly how AI tools like ChatGPT might reshape assessment methods in upholding academic integrity and honesty.
... Language instruction has become tailored and effective through adaptive learning algorithms, personalized feedback mechanisms, and intelligent tutoring systems (Ramzan et al., 2023). Learners can engage in authentic conversations with AI-driven chatbots, receive instant feedback on pronunciation, and access adaptive content that aligns with their proficiency levels (Chuah & Kabilan, 2021). The onset of ubiquitous internet connectivity has also favored MALL. ...
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Despite the increased use of mobile devices for language learning, little research has examined Ecuadorian university students' perceptions of Mobile-Assisted Language Learning (MALL). This study aims to explore undergraduate polytechnic students' perceptions of using MALL for English skills development. Also, it looks at the different factors associated with the acceptance of technology and identifies those that are more common. This quantitative research design uses a survey adapted from the Technology Adoption Model (TAM). It counts with the participation of 126 Ecuadorian undergraduate polytechnic students taking English as a foreign language classes. Participants were very positive about using MALL applications to learn English during their off-classroom time. The average total mean score was 4.373. It was also determined, through multiple regression analysis, that Perceived Usefulness (t = 6.025, p < 0.000), Social Influence (t = 2.876, p < 0.000), and Perceived Outcomes (t = 3.903, p <0.000) were the highest predictors of MALL acceptance. The two main contributions of this study to the literature are that students feel a connection between their language learning aims and attaining them by using MALL. Perceived Outcome is a high predictor of MALL usage. The findings suggest that Ecuadorian educational practices should increasingly integrate Mobile-Assisted Language Learning (MALL) technologies, as students perceive them as highly useful, especially in improving language skills, fostering social collaboration, and offering personalized, flexible learning experiences that align with their technological readiness and cultural context.
... However, their research did not explore the integration of computer big data technology and thus lacked technical support. Albakri et al. and Chuah et al. emphasized that college English teaching should not only cultivate students' English skills but also their application abilities and overall English proficiency to adapt to today's diverse societal needs [7,8]. According to Fathi and Derakhshan, establishing a "blended foreign language learning community" classroom teaching model can stimulate students to learn English independently and actively [9]. ...
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With the advancement of computer technology and the advent of the big data era, students’ lifestyles and mindsets have undergone significant changes. Currently, English classroom instruction primarily follows traditional teaching models, making it challenging to achieve optimal educational outcomes. This study argues that college English teaching in the era of computer big data requires further expansion in teaching content, teaching modes, teaching equipment, and teaching methods. The collaboration between students and teachers will form a blended foreign language learning community. Prior to adopting this approach, students frequently scored below 80. After implementing this method, student scores ranged from a high of 88 to a low of 71. The approach discussed in this article can enhance learning performance and represents the current trend in English teaching reform.
... Among modern and reliable information and communications technology (ICT) resources that can be integrated into scientific learning, the educational robot (ER) emerges as a promising choice. Recent studies have demonstrated that ER plays a significant role in understanding complex concepts (Omari et al., 2024), encompassing thermodynamics (Omari et al., 2023), programming (Hamash and Mohamed, 2021;Hamiti et al., 2021), mathematics (Suárez-Gómez and Pérez-Holguín, 2020), and languages (Chuah and Kabilan, 2021;Huang, 2021;Youssef et al., 2023). Furthermore, the use of the ER has been conducive to the development of skills related to the scientific process, such as hypothesis formulation, methodical experimentation, and variable management (Jamal et al., 2021;Jawawi et al., 2022). ...
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To address the challenge of improving the understanding of chemistry concepts, particularly pH, this study explored the impact of integrating educational robotics on students’ motivation and learning outcomes. A total of 160 3rd-year middle school students from a public school in Meknes, Morocco, participated in the study, which was divided into an experimental group (n = 82) and a control group (n = 78). Student performance was evaluated through standardized tests, while motivation levels were gauged using a questionnaire. The findings indicated a significant increase in motivation among students in the experimental group compared to those in the control group. However, no significant differences in overall academic performance were detected between the two groups. These findings provide valuable insights for educators and curriculum developers, underscoring the importance of integrating innovative pedagogical approaches with traditional methods to enhance science education.
... Mohamed & Alian, 2023;Silitonga et al., 2023;Yuan, 2023). Chuah and Kabilan (2021) investigated teachers' perceptions towards utilizing mobile chatbots in the ESL context. The results showed that chatbots were considered beneficial to offer feedback and boost social presence. ...
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Utilizing artificial intelligence (AI) technologies in EFL teaching and learning has brought about unimaginable opportunities to enhance learners' fluency and proficiency in the target language as it is evident that employing AI tools helps learners develop their language skills, enhance engagement and motivation, ease foreign language anxiety, and ultimately acquire the target language. This meta-analysis aims to find out to what extent AI has impacted EFL teaching and learning by providing a systematic review of research papers published from 2020 to 2023. The review concentrated on four areas of EFL contexts: AI in EFL contexts, learners' and teachers' perceptions of AI tools, EFL learners' motivations and engagements towards AI tools, and the integration of AI tools in language skills. The automated model developed by Guan et al.'s (2020) to collect published work from numerous databases such as Scopus, Web of Science, ERIC, Semantic Scholar, and Google Scholar was adopted. Findings of this review exhibit that employing AI technologies in the EFL settings has significantly benefitted the process of teaching and learning resulting in the mastery of the productive skills on the part of learners. On the other hand, the review shows there is a current lack of research related to receptive skills. As far as the learners' and teachers' perspectives regarding the integration of AI tools are concerned, the review voiced favourable perceptions concerning utilizing AI tools; however, the pedagogical implications of utilizing AI tools from the teachers' point of view have been insufficiently addressed by research conducted so far. Eventually, the current review outlined significant implications that provide a strong foundation for future research.
Conference Paper
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The study explores artificial intelligence (AI) as a supportive technology in the lesson planning process of teachers, focusing on generative language models like ChatGPT. It evaluates the impact of AI on teaching strategies by comparing control and experimental groups of pre-service teachers interacting with the ChatGPT model. The aim was to create a lesson in metaphorical creativity and to understand the adaptability and effectiveness in lesson creation. Findings reveal no significant differences in pedagogical outcomes between groups, indicating that while AI offers innovative approaches, it doesn't fundamentally alter teaching effectiveness. The study It points out the potential and challenges of AI in education, advocating for further exploration to maximize its benefits and address ethical implications. This study contributes to the ongoing discourse on leveraging AI to enrich educational practices and emphasizes the critical role of educators in adapting AI tools for teaching.
Conference Paper
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Chatbots can be defined as artificial narrow intelligence (ANI) that is programmed to perform a single task such as answering customers' questions by harnessing the power of machine learning. However, there is a lack of educational-related chatbots developed to interact with learners in mobile instant messaging (MIM) apps, as well as a lack of theoretical grounding for chatbots for teaching and learning purposes. In this study, a chatbot taking on the role of an instructor, was developed to teach adult students fake news identification in an online course via the WeChat MIM app. We provide a detailed description of the MIM chatbot development guided by the Community of Inquiry theoretical framework. We present the evaluation of the MIM chatbot based on a self-reported survey regarding students' perceptions of the teaching presence, social presence, and cognitive presence. The findings revealed social presence mainly existed between the chatbot and individual student in a MIM learning environment. We hence offer some preliminary design principles for future educational chatbot design.
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The journal Advances in Educational Research and Evaluation is a peer-reviewed openaccess journal aimed to be a medium for discussing a wide range of international educational experiences and assessment techniques. The journal intends to publish high-quality articles, the scope of which includes but is not limited to topics mentioned in this editorial. With the support of an international team of educational scholars who kindly volunteered to serve on the editorial board, the journal is set to adhere to the highest publishing ethics standards.
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The notion that learners with lower English language fluency tend to be less engaged in university classes still lacks further investigation. Evidence from previous studies was not conclusive and seems to suggest students with lower proficiency in the language are at risk of dropping out. This study aimed to explore the relationship between English fluency and learning engagement among first-year undergraduate students in a Malaysian university. A total of 144 students from 10 faculties participated in the study. Data were collected through a self-reported questionnaire about their English fluency, Malaysian University English Test (MUET) band and their level of engagement in the classroom. Statistical analyses revealed significant correlations in language fluency and learning engagement in which students with higher fluency were more engaged in the classroom. This study also showed students who reported higher level of perceived English language fluency and learning engagement obtained higher grades. In addition, regression analysis revealed that listening and writing skills significantly contributed to the model, which implies fluency in these two skills are more important in university settings
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Abstract Purpose – This study aims to increase language learning (L2) output by incorporating a digital storytelling chatbot system (known as a “storybot”) that focused interactions on a narrative. This study also sought to investigate student perceptions of these storybot interactions and improve on poor perception rates from previous studies. Design/methodology/approach – This one-sample exploratory study was of student-storybot participation rates and student perceptions towards a storybot activity designed to increase L2 output. A combination of storybot participation analytics and survey analysis of student perception was carried out. Findings – The use of storybots in the L2 class resulted in mixed participation rates. Students read nine times more than they wrote, indicating a high degree of reading comprehension necessary for storybot interaction. Survey results revealed that students believed storybots helped them meet their L2 goals, were relevant to their L2 and were easy to navigate. Research limitations/implications – Interactions were through text messaging so no impact on speech or pronunciation could be observed. Further, the context was within a single university class in South Korea, restricting the generalization of findings to outside regions or with younger learners. Finally, while storybots proved to be valuable reading comprehension activities, the next step in this line of chatbot research should incorporate more writing prompts. Practical implications – Storybots revealed explicit benefits to reading comprehension, as measured by cohesion between storybot delivered comprehension questions and student responses. Moreover, storybots can be used as examples for students in their own story creation, classroom forms to collect relevant student information regarding learning objectives and platforms for class quizzes. Social implications – Storybots scaffold students through conversations, which abide by socio-pragmatic norms, providing models for L2 learners to incorporate in real-world text-based communication. Additionally, a wide range of idiomatic expressions is contextualized in comprehensible interactions that students can learn from the storybot then practice with friends. Originality/value – This study contributes to the growing research on the use of chatbots for second L2 and offers specific insight into the use of narrative storybots as a means to increase L2 output and potentially benefit L2 reading comprehension. Keywords Narratives, Higher education, English language, Digital learning
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A learning application that can conjure meaningful learner experiences has always been the ultimate aim for any design and development initiative. Instructional designer longs for not only considerably rich inputs from expert members in design stage but those inputs ought to be sensitive to cognitive and emotional learner experiences, illuminating the core concept of empathic design which is deep reflection on how targeted learners impacted by the design would react when engaging with the proposed design solutions. This exploratory qualitative method study examined how subject matter experts empathised the cognitive and emotional experiences of the indigenous learners when they were designing a learning video game that aimed to heighten learning engagement in ESL classroom. A semi-structured interview with six experts was conducted. Once the proposed technology was ready for formative evaluation, one-to-one evaluation was conducted on three targeted learners to assess their usability experience. Thematic analysis was employed to analyse the interview verbatim transcriptions and one-to-one evaluation qualitative notes. The design findings indicate that the experts transformed the learner cognitive and emotional experiences for the learning video game design in the form of seven design principles and the evaluation findings show that there is a congruence between the effectiveness of those principles and the learner usability experience.
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Educational robotics is one of the newest trends in education, and they have been introduced into classrooms ranging from kindergarten through high school to enrich the learning environment and promote knowledge-building activities. Especially robotics technologies offer opportunities for young age children to have a practical, hands-on understanding of the things they meet in their daily life but do not fully understand, such as proximity sensors, motion detectors, light sensors, reasoning failures (software bugs) and connection problems (Wi-Fi, Bluetooth disconnection). This article presented robots that can be used in early childhood and primary education classes. The purpose of this article is not to advocate against an educational robot or robotic kit but to inform the educational community to make informed decisions regarding introducing this kind of technology into the classroom.
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Conversational practice, while crucial for all language learners, can be challenging to get enough of and very expensive. Chatbots are computer programs developed to engage in conversations with humans. They are designed as software avatars with limited, but growing conversational capability. The most natural and potentially powerful application of chatbots is in line with their fundamental nature-language practice. However, their role and outcomes within (in)formal language learning are currently tangential at best. Existing research in the area has generally focused on chatbots' comprehensibility and the motivation they inspire in their users. In this paper, we provide an overview of the chatbots for learning languages, critically analyze existing approaches, and discuss the major challenges for future work.
The appearance of Artificial Intelligence implementations, such as text-based virtual assistants (chatbots) in education is relatively new. These implementations can be useful for helping teachers and students to solve both educational questions and routine tasks. This paper examines the factors that explain teachers’ acceptance of chatbots through the dimensions of the Technology Acceptance Model (perceived usefulness and perceived ease of use), its conversational design (use of social language and proactiveness), and the teachers’ age and digital skills. The data collection process included a pre-test and an online survey with four different types of chatbots. We analyse 225 responses of primary and secondary education teachers. The results show that the perceived easiness and perceived usefulness leads to greater acceptance of chatbots. As for the chatbots’ features, formal language by a chatbot leads to a higher intention of using them. These results can help in chatbot design and communication decisions, improving the acceptance of the educational community.
With the proliferation of distance platforms, in particular that of an open access such as Massive Online Open Courses (MOOC), the learner finds himself overwhelmed with data which are not all efficient for his interest. Besides, the MOOC has tools that allow learners to seek information, express their ideas, and participate in discussions in an online forum. This tool is a huge repository of rich data, which continues to evolve, however its exploitation is fiddly in the search for information relevant to the learner. Similarly, the task of the tutor seems to be difficult in management of a large number of learners. To this end, the development of a Chatbot able to meet the requests of learners in a natural language is necessary to the deroulement a course in the MOOC. The ChatBot plays the role of assistant and guide for the learners and for the tutors. However, ChatBot responses come from a knowledge base, which must be relevant. Knowledge extraction to answer questions is a difficult task due to the number of MOOC participants. Learners' interactions with the MOOC platform generate massive information, particularly in discussion forums by seeking answers to their questions. Identifying and extracting knowledge from online forums requires collaborative interactions between learners. In this article we propose a new approach to answer learners' questions in a relevant and instantaneous way in a ChatBot in natural language. Our model is based on the LDA Bayesian statistical method, applied to threads posted in the forum and classifies them to provide the learner with a rich semantic response. These threads taken from the discussion forum in the form of knowledge will enrich the ChatBot knowledge database. In parallel, we will map the extracted knowledge to ontology, to provide the learner with pedagogical resources that will serve as learning support.
Chatbots have been around for years and have been used in many areas such as medicine or commerce. Our focus is on the development and current uses of chatbots in the field of education, where they can function as service assistants or as educational agents. In this research paper, we attempt to make a systematic review of the literature on educational chatbots that address various issues. From 485 sources, 80 studies on chatbots and their application in education were selected through a step‐by‐step procedure based on the guidelines of the PRISMA framework, using a set of predefined criteria. The results obtained demonstrate the existence of different types of educational chatbots currently in use that affect student learning or improve services in various areas. This paper also examines the type of technology used to unravel the learning outcome that can be obtained from each type of chatbots. Finally, our results identify instances where a chatbot can assist in learning under conditions similar to those of a human tutor, while exploring other possibilities and techniques for assessing the quality of chatbots. Our analysis details these findings and can provide a solid framework for research and development of chatbots for the educational field.