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Therapeutic Strategies in Managing Acute Paraquat Poisoning: A Review Study



Background: Paraquat is an extremely toxic herbicide that causes such severe adverse effects as acute lung injury, pulmonary fibrosis, metabolic acidosis, cardiogenic shock, acute renal failure, and even death. Regarding the high prevalence and mortality rate without a specific antidote in paraquat poisoning, we explored managing acute paraquat poisoning. Methods: In this study, required articles were searched using the following keywords: “paraquat poisoning” and “treatment” on an electronic database, such as Pubmed and Google Scholar from January 2013 to December 2020. Results: This article examined pharmacokinetic, clinical, and laboratory findings, complications, diagnosis, prognostic factors, and the treatment of paraquat poisoning. Then, the medical management and therapeutic procedures of paraquat poisoning were discussed. Conclusion: Although there exists no antidote for paraquat poisoning, numerous therapeutic methods have been suggested for treating paraquat poisoning. However, their efficacy remains undiscovered. An interesting finding in one study indicating that endotracheal intubation is an inappropriate procedure for managing paraquat poisoning; further studies are required in this regard. For these reasons, preventing poisoning and using other herbicides with less toxicity than paraquat are recommended.
Review Paper: Therapeutic Strategies in Managing Acute
Paraquat Poisoning: A Review Study
Mohammad Majidi1*
1. Department of Forensic Medicine and Clinical Toxicology, School of Medicine, Urmia University of Medical Sciences, Urmia, Iran.
* Corresponding Author:
Mohammad Majidi, MD.
Address: Department of Forensic Medicine and Clinical Toxicology, School of Medicine, Urmia University of Medical Sciences, Urmia, Iran.
Tel: +98 (914) 3472825
Background: Paraquat is an extremely toxic herbicide that causes such severe adverse eects
as acute lung injury, pulmonary brosis, metabolic acidosis, cardiogenic shock, acute renal
failure, and even death. Regarding the high prevalence and mortality rate without a specic
antidote in paraquat poisoning, we explored managing acute paraquat poisoning.
Methods: In this udy, required articles were searched using the following keywords:
“paraquat poisoning” and “treatment” on an electronic database, such as Pubmed and Google
Scholar from January 2013 to December 2020.
Results: This article examined pharmacokinetic, clinical, and laboratory ndings,
complications, diagnosis, prognoic factors, and the treatment of paraquat poisoning. Then,
the medical management and therapeutic procedures of paraquat poisoning were discussed.
Conclusion: Although there exis no antidote for paraquat poisoning, numerous therapeutic
methods have been suggeed for treating paraquat poisoning. However, their ecacy remains
An intereing nding in one udy indicating that endotracheal intubation is an inappropriate
procedure for managing paraquat poisoning; further udies are required in this regard. For
these reasons, preventing poisoning and using other herbicides with less toxicity than paraquat
are recommended.
Herbicides, Paraquat,
Poisoning, Therapeutics
Majidi M. Therapeutic Strategies in Managing Acute Paraquat Poisoning: A Review Study. International Journal of
Medical Toxicology and Forensic Medicine. 2021; 11(3):33633.
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Article info:
Received: 7 Jan 2021
Fir Revision: 11 Jan 2021
Accepted: 13 Jan 2021
Published: 19 Oct 2021
1. Introduction
oisoning due to peicide usually occurs
intentionally, with suicidal ideations; in
some cases, it occurs accidentally, and
rarely occurs criminally [1]. Paraquat poi-
soning was recognized in rodents since
the early 1960s. Since then, it is consumed in numerous
agricultural countries [2]. Recent udies indicated that
the mortality rate of peicide poisoning was approxi-
mately 250000 to 370000 cases, annually. Additionally,
the annual incidence of paraquat poisoning was ≥3.8
cases/100000 inhabitants/year [3, 4]. Paraquat is a high-
ly toxic, non-selective, and dose-dependent herbicide.
Summer 2021, Volume 11, Number 3
According to udies, suicide attempts with herbicides,
like paraquat has become highly frequent in developing
agriculture countries due to their availability and co-
eectiveness in individuals [5-8]. The main route of the
involvement of paraquat poisoning is through the mouth
[8]. Furthermore, the absorption of paraquat poisoning
has been reported through other routes, such as dermal,
mucus, and inhalation contacts [5].
Unlike some developing countries and due to high
mortality, the production and diribution of paraquat
have been opped in the United States and the European
Union since 1994 and 2007, respectively [5, 6]. Stud-
ies revealed that the minimum lethal dose of paraquat
poisoning for adults equals 20-30 mg/kg. Besides, ud-
ies suggeed that the lethal doses of paraquat poisoning
are 20 mL of a 20% solution [8-11]. Mortality is very
high in all centers, despite numerous improvements in
treatment; however, the mortality rate varies from 50%
to 90%. Especially in cases of an intentional poison-
ing with concentrated formulation, the mortality rate is
100% [5]. This review udy was conducted given the
importance of the topic and high mortality rate despite
no antidote for paraquat poisoning.
Type of study
In this article, the pharmacokinetics, such as the mech-
anism of toxicity, clinical and laboratory ndings, com-
plications, as well as the diagnosis and prognosis factors
of paraquat poisoning were udied. Then, medical man-
agement and therapeutic procedures in paraquat poison-
ing were discussed.
Evidence acquisition
In this udy, required articles using the keywords
“paraquat poisoning” and “treatment” were searched on
electrical databases, such as Pubmed and Google Schol-
ar from January 2013 to December 2020.
2. Discussion
Pharmacokinetic (the absorption, distribution,
and mechanism) of toxicity
The main routes of the absorption of paraquat poison-
ing are through the mouth, skin, mucus, and respiratory
syem [5, 8]. The absorption of paraquat is very rapid
and its maximum concentration occurs within one-hour
po-ingeion. The oral bioavailability of paraquat in
humans is <5%. Moreover, the half-life of the diri-
bution is eimated at approximately 5 hours. Paraquat
minimally binds to plasma proteins and is often rapidly
diributed in all tissues. The maximum time for diagno-
sis of plasma paraquat is about 48 hours; however, it can
be detected in urine for >30 days in surviving patients.
With normal kidneys, 90% of paraquat is eliminated in
the r 24 hours of intoxication; however, with acute
renal failure, it is prolonged to more than 48 to 80 hours
[12]. Paraquat can inhibit the reduction of NAD(P)+ to
NAD(P)H, which produces oxygen radicals and inam-
matory responses, resulting in cell damage, multiple or-
gan failures, and even death. The mechanisms of action
of paraquat poisoning are presented in Figure 1.
Clinical and laboratory ndings and complications
The main clinical symptoms and signs of paraquat poi-
soning include nausea, vomiting, epigaric pain, muco-
sal lesions, inammation of the oral cavity and pharynx,
mild to moderate loss of consciousness, and fever. More-
over, the main laboratory ndings include leukocytosis,
anemia, acute hepatitis with the rise of alanine transami-
nase and aspartate transaminase, increased serum bili-
rubin, and creatinine [5, 14]. Signicant complications
of paraquat poisoning are pulmonary, cardiovascular,
hepatic, renal, coagulation, and brinolysis dysfunctions
due to cell damage [11, 15, 16]. Additionally, progressive
lung injury and acute renal failure are the main causes of
death in paraquat poisoning [11, 16].
The diagnosis of paraquat poisoning is usually based
on clinical suspicions; however, measuring blood level
concentration and urine screen tes are used to conrm
the diagnosis of paraquat poisoning [1, 11]. The evalu-
ation of urinary paraquat (the level of urinary sodium
dithionite) cannot accurately predict the outcome of
paraquat poisoning in patients. However, in one udy,
patients with paraquat poisoning who had urinary para-
quat concentration about 25-50 ppm (or especially above
50 ppm) after 24 hours of consumption experienced a
mortality rate of about 90%. Serum or plasma para-
quat levels are measured by various methods, including
high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC), gas
chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS), enzyme-
linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA), and spectropho-
tometry. Serum or plasma paraquat levels are also used
to assess the prognosis of paraquat poisoning. One udy
revealed that plasma paraquat concentrations less than
2 ppm within 10 hours of intoxication indicated a good
prognosis; however, this udy was not supported in sub-
sequent udies [15].
Majidi M. Managing Acute Paraquat Poisoning. IJMTFM. 2021; 11(3):33633.
Summer 2021, Volume 11, Number 3
Prognostic factors
Laboratory proles and their eects on the prognosis of
patients with paraquat poisoning were reported in limited
[11, 16, 17]
. Some udies demonrated that in-
creased leukocyte, prothrombin rate, the blood, and urine
concentration of creatinine, pancreatic enzymes, and ar-
terial lactate had a poor prognosis in paraquat poisoning
[10, 11]
. Moreover, other predictors of prognosis in para-
quat poisoning include APACHE II1 and SOFA2
Paraquat poisoning has no specic antidote; however,
previous udies suggeed some treatment approaches
that can be eective in the management of paraquat
poisoning. Recent proposed treatments and procedures
of paraquat poisoning are presented in Table 1. Wu et
al. (2018) in a prospective and observational clinical
udy evaluated 68 hospitalized patients with respira-
tory failure due to paraquat poisoning in Taiwan [18].
Then, a comparison was made between the do-not-
intubate group and endotracheal intubated group; they
unexpectedly concluded that the procedure of intubation
in paraquat poisoning can be considered inappropriate
treatment [18].
3. Conclusion
There exis no antidote for paraquat poisoning;
however,numerous therapeutic rategies have been sug-
geed for managing paraquat poisoning . The mecha-
nisms of multi-organ failure, especially lung injury and
the pulmonary brosis of paraquat poisoning are cell
damage caused by oxygen radicals and inammatory
cytokines (Interleukin-1β (IL-1β), interleukin -6 (IL-6),
and tumor necrosis factor-alpha (TNF-α)). Therefore,
mo proposed treatment methods are based on anti-
inammatory and anti-oxidative therapy. In addition,
decreased absorption increased elimination of paraquat,
and using procedures, such as extracorporeal and surgi-
cal procedures remain the main management methods
of paraquat poisoning. However, their ecacy remains
uneablished . Unexpectedly, a udy suggeed that en-
dotracheal intubation is an inappropriate procedure for
the management of paraquat poisoning. Thus, the pre-
vention of poisoning and using other herbicides with less
toxicity than paraquat is recommended.
Ethical Considerations
Compliance with ethical guidelines
All ethical principles were considered in this article.
This article was supported by the Urmia University of
Medical Science.
Author's contributions
The main author contributed to preparing this article.
Figure 1. The mechanisms of action of paraquat poisoning [6, 12, 13]
failures, and even death. The mechanisms of action of paraquat poisoning are presented in Figure
Paraquat Oxygen
Infla mma t io n (cytok ine re lease
& leucocyte influx)
Lipid peroxidation
C yt ot o xic it y
NADP+ Paraquat radical
Figure 1 . The mechanisms of action of paraquat poisoning [6, 12-13]
Clinical and laboratory findings and complications
The main clinic a l symp t o ms a nd signs of paraqua t poisoning includ e na usea, v omit i ng , epigastric
pain, mucosal le s io ns, inflammatio n of the oral cavity and pharynx, mild to moderate loss of
co nsciousnes s, and fever. Moreover, the ma in laboratory findings include leukocytosis, anemia,
acute hepatitis with the rise of alanine transaminase and aspartate transaminase, increased serum
b ilir ub i n, and creatinine [5, 14]. Significant complications of paraquat poisoning are pulmonary,
cardiovascular, hepatic, renal, coagulation, and fibrino lys is dysfunctio ns due to cell damage [11,
15-16]. Additionally, progressive lung injury and acute renal failure are the main causes of death
in paraquat poisoning [11, 16].
The diagnosis of paraquat poisoning is usually based on clinical suspicions ; however, mea suring
blood level concentration and urine screen tests are used to confirm the diagnosis of paraquat
poisoning [1, 11]. The evaluatio n of urinary paraquat (the level of urinar y sodium dithionite)
cannot accurately predict the outcome of paraquat poisoning in patients. However, in one study,
patients with paraquat poisoning who had urinary pa raq uat concentratio n about 25 -50 ppm (or
especially above 50 ppm) after 24 hours of consumption experienced a mortality rate of about
90%. Serum or plasma paraquat levels are measured by various methods, includ i n g HPLC [W1],
GC-M S , cap illa r y electrophoresis, ELISA, and spectrophotometry. Serum or plasma paraquat
levels are also used to assess the prognosis of paraquat poisoning. One study revealed that
Redox c ycling
Multi organ damage and lung fibrosis
Oxygen radicals and
nitrite species
Majidi M. Managing Acute Paraquat Poisoning. IJMTFM. 2021; 11(3):33633.
Summer 2021, Volume 11, Number 3
Table 1. Proposed treatments and the procedures of paraquat poisoning and their mechanisms of action
Recent Treatment MethodsMechanisms of Acon
Fluid infusion and pulmonary supports [19]
Parenteral nutrion [11]
Supporve therapy [11, 19]
Gastric lavage and the ingeson of charcoal [19]
Lavage with sucralfate [20]
Milk gargle and acvated carbon retenon enema [21]
Gastric lavage with “Multani mi” (Fuller’s Earth) or (calcium montmorillonite)
and Bentonite [22]
Reduce absorpon [19-22]
Rhubarb [23]
Eliminate and reduced absorpon of paraquat
Immunosuppressive (cyclophosphamide and corcosteroids) [19]
Vitamins C, E and N‑acetylcysteine [19]
Naringin, Edaravone, Quercen [19]
Lysine acetylsalicylate (a salt of aspirin) [19]
An‑C5a anbodies such as IFX‑1 [24]
Type III procollagen pepde [25]
Rapamycin [26]
Procyanidin B2 [27]
Doxycycline [28]
Rosiglitazone [29]
Silymarin [30]
ω‑3 sh oil emulsion [31]
Ambroxol [32]
Atorvastan [33]
Alpha lipoic acid [34]
Sodium tauroursodeoxycholate [35]
1‑methylhydantoin (MH) [36]
Meormin [37]
An‑inammatory and an‑oxidave properes
[19, 24-40]:
Medicines [19, 24-37]
Herbal treatment and tradional Chinese medi-
cine [38-40]
Xuebijing injecon [38]
Danshen injecon [38]
Rheum ocinale Baill [38]
Rehmannia glunosa [39]
Monoammonium glycyrrhizinate [40]
Dandelion [40]
Extracorporeal removal techniques (even in unknown hepas viral marker status) [41-44]
Hemoperfusion, charcoal hemoperfusion, and resin hemoperfusion
Hemodialtraon and connuous venovenous hemoltraon
Blood puricaon
Surgical procedures [45‑47]
Intervenonal strategy for pulmonary salvage such as one‑lung circumvenon
Lung transplantaon with or without extracorporeal membrane oxygenaon
Other procedures [19, 48, 49]
Lung radiotherapy
Mesenchymal stem cells
Whole lung lavage therapy
Majidi M. Managing Acute Paraquat Poisoning. IJMTFM. 2021; 11(3):33633.
Summer 2021, Volume 11, Number 3
Conict of interest
The author declared no conicts of intere.
The author would like to thank the management of
Imam Khomeini Hospital, Urmia, Iran, for supporting
this udy.
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evaluation score
2. SOFA: Sequential organ failure assessment
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Majidi M. Managing Acute Paraquat Poisoning. IJMTFM. 2021; 11(3):33633.
Summer 2021, Volume 11, Number 3
Background: paraquat is one of the most dangerous and non-curative chlorinated compounds that are widely used in the agricultural industry.Ingestion in children causes severe systemic toxicity and multi-organ dysfunction,especially in children from rural settings.The herbicide causes oxidative stress,leading to lung,kidney and liver injuries and,often, pulmonary fibrosis and death. Method: This retrospective observational study included 19 children with paraquat poisoning who were admitted in the Department of Pediatrics ,Vani Villas hospital ,BMCRI from July 2021 to February 2024. The collected clinical indices of these cases were analysed. The demographics , time of presentation, clinical manifestations,systemic toxicity , biochemical and radiological changes ,various treatment modalities that were given and outcome of these cases were evaluated in this study. Result: Out of 19 patients, 9(47%) were male and 10(55%) were females whose ages ranged from 12-17years. 37% of them have consumed >20ml while another 52% had consumed 10-20ml and 10% had consumed <10ml of paraquet. Most common presentation was nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain and oral and throat ulceration, followed by Renal AKI and lastly lung fibrosis. All children were given gastrointestinal mucoprotective agent, liver and myocardium protection, cell anti-oxidants and other treatments.Total mortality rate was 13(68%). Longer time between admission and initiation of treatment were associated with an increased risk of poor outcomes as a result of acute lung injury,acute kidney injury,gastrointestinal hemorrhage as well as hepatic dysfunction. In conclusion, paraquat poisoning among children is highly fatal and, hence, a major cause of morbidity. These results underscore the urgency of their studies into possible antagonists and enhanced communitybased preventive measures such as enhanced surveillance,enhanced safety measures, and appropriate early medical care to minimise paraquat toxicity
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Background: Paraquat (PQ) poisoning is characterized by rapidly progressive acute poisoning with high mortality and no specific antidote. Although some clinical studies have been conducted to investigate the benefits of high-dose ambroxol as an adjuvant treatment for PQ poisoning, the efficacy is controversial. Materials and methods: After searching for relevant articles in English and Chinese databases from 1978 to 2019 according to the keywords (paraquat poisoning/methy viologen/gramoxone, and ambroxol/mucosolvan/Bromhexine), we found seven articles that met our inclusion and exclusion criteria. A meta-analysis was performed using fixed-effects model and random-effects model according to the I2 value in Stata software (version 15.0). Four outcome indicators (hospital mortality, partial pressure of oxygen (PaO2), oxygenation index (PaO2/FiO2), and survival time of the deceased patients) were of interest to us. Results: The meta-analysis showed that adjuvant treatment with high doses of ambroxol increased PaO2 (weighted mean difference [WMD] = 13.73 [mmHg], 95% confidence interval [CI]: 8.68-18.79, Z = 11.80, P < 0.001), PaO2/FiO2 (WMD = 38.81 [mmHg], 95% CI: 29.85-47.76, Z = 8.49, P = 0.000), and survival time of the deceased patients (WMD = 2.58 [d], 95% CI: 0.97-4.18, Z = 3.15, P = 0.002) compared with usual treatment. Treatment with high doses of ambroxol also appeared to reduce the hospital mortality (relative risk = 0.69, 95% CI: 0.55-0.86, Z = 3.25, P = 0.001). Conclusion: This study found that high-dose ambroxol is an effective therapy for PQ poisoning and may reduce the in-hospital mortality.
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Background: Severity index and plasma paraquat (PQ) concentration can predict the prognosis of patients with PQ poisoning. However, the better parameter is yet to be systematically investigated and determined. Thus, we conduct this systematic review and meta-analysis to investigate the prognostic value of severity index and plasma PQ concentration in patients with PQ poisoning. Methods: We searched PubMed, Embase, Web of Science, ScienceDirect, and Cochrane Library to identify all relevant papers that were published up to March 2019. All diagnostic studies that compared severity index and plasma PQ concentration to predict mortality in patients with PQ poisoning were enrolled in this meta-analysis. Odds ratios (ORs) with 95% confidence intervals (CIs) for individual trials were pooled using a random-effect model. We also aggregated heterogeneity testing, sensitivity analysis, and publication bias analysis. Results: Ultimately, seven studies involving 821 patients were included. The pooled OR with a 95% CI of severity index was 24.12 (95% CI: 9.34-62.34, P < .001), with an area under the curve of 0.88 (95% CI: 0.85-0.90), sensitivity of 0.84 (95% CI: 0.74-0.91), and specificity of 0.81 (95% CI: 0.75-0.87). Meanwhile, the pooled OR with 95% CI of plasma PQ concentration was 34.39 (95% CI: 14.69-80.56, P < .001), with an area under the curve of 0.94 (95% CI: 0.91-0.96), sensitivity of 0.86 (95% CI: 0.75-0.93), and specificity of 0.89 (95% CI: 0.76-0.95). Sensitivity analysis demonstrated the stability of the results of our meta-analysis. No significant publication bias was observed in this meta-analysis. Conclusion: Overall, this study indicated that severity index and plasma PQ concentration have relatively high-prognostic value in patients with PQ poisoning, and that the sensitivity and specificity of plasma PQ concentration are superior to those of severity index.
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Objective. To observe whether metformin (MET) plays a protective role in acute lung injury (ALI) induced by paraquat (PQ) poisoning in rats by activating the AMPK/NF-κB signaling pathway. Methods. PQ exposure was used to construct a rat model of ALI and a model of acute type II alveolar epithelial cell (RLE-6TN) injury, and MET intervention was performed. Rat lung tissue samples were collected to evaluate pathological changes in rat lung tissue, the oxidation index, and inflammatory factors; cell viability was detected by CCK-8 assays, and the protein expression levels of phospho-AMPK and phospho-NF-κBp65 in rat lung tissue and RLE-6TN cells were observed by Western blotting. Results. Compared with the PQ group, the MET treatment group showed significantly (1) reduced lung wet/dry ratio (W/D: 4.67±0.31 vs. 5.45±0.40, P
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“Multani mitti” or Fuller’s earth is a popular substance as home remedy in south Asia. It has been traditionally used as a cleanser for skin and hair in this part of the world for centuries. Though Fuller’s earth as name suggests was used for cleaning wool in Europe, and in modern times is used to bleach oils or drill mud, as adsorbent and even in film industry to form dust clouds or as mud bath. People in south Asia, particulary India, Pakistan and Nepal use Multani mitti in daily life as face packs for enhancing their beauty or to cleanse hair. Often dermatology patients seek advice on using this readily available substance, in this scenario it is pertinent for clinicians to be aware of pros and cons of usage of Multani mitti.
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Paraquat (PQ), one of the most widely used herbicides worldwide, causes severe toxic effects in humans and animals. 1-methylhydantoin (MH) is an active ingredient of Ranae Oviductus, which has broad pharmacological activities, e.g., eliminating reactive oxygen species and inhibiting inflammation. This study investigated the effects of MH on lung injury induced by PQ. A PQ poisoning model was established by intragastric infusion of PQ (25 mg/kg), and the control group was simultaneously gavaged with the same dose of saline. The MH group was intraperitoneally injected with 100 mg/kg once per day after intragastric infusion of PQ (25 mg/kg) for five consecutive days. All animals were sacrificed on the sixth day, and the lung tissues were dissected for metabolomics analysis. The lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) activity, superoxide dismutase (SOD) activity, TNF-α and malondialdehyde (MDA) content were determined according to the instructions of the detection kit. Compared with that in the control group, the content of LDH, TNF-α and MDA in the lung tissue of the PQ group was significantly higher, and the activity of SOD in the lung tissue was significantly lower (all p<0.05). Compared with that in the control group, the content of LDH, TNF-α and MDA in the MH group was significantly higher, and the activity of SOD was significantly lower (all p<0.05). However, the differences in SOD activity, LDH activity between the PQ and MH groups were not statistically significant (all p > 0.05). There were significant differences in MDA and TNF-α content between the PQ group and MH group (all p<0.05). MH decreased the production of malondialdehyde and TNF-α to protect against the lung injury caused by PQ poisoning, but it had no significant effect on the activity of LDH and SOD. There were significant differences in metabolomics between the MH group and the PQ poisoning group, primarily in bile acid biosynthesis and metabolism of cholesterol, nicotinate, nicotinamide, alanine, aspartate, glutamate, glycine, threonine, serine, phenylalanine and histidine. Therefore, this study highlights that MH has non-invasive mechanisms and may be a promising tool to treat lung injury induced by PQ poisoning.
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Objective This study aimed to investigate the clinical features and risk factors of acute kidney injury (AKI) in children with acute paraquat intoxication. Methods A retrospective study of 110 hospitalized children with acute paraquat intoxication in West China Second University Hospital, Sichuan University was conducted from January 2010 to May 2017. The Kaplan–Meier method was used to compare the survival rates of children with different AKI stages. Multivariate logistic regression was applied to analyse the risk factors for paraquat-induced AKI. Results AKI occurred in 42 of 110 (38.2%) children. We observed AKI stage 1 in two (4.8%) children, AKI stage 2 in 11 (26.2%), and AKI stage 3 in 29 (69.0%). The survival rate of children in AKI stage 3 (34.5%) was significantly lower than that in children in AKI stage 2 (63.6%) and AKI stage 1 (100%). Multivariate analysis showed that oral ulcers and elevated blood glucose levels were significant independent risk factors for paraquat-induced AKI in children (odds ratio = 4.223 and 5.545, respectively). Conclusions The incidence and mortality rates of paraquat-induced AKI in children are high. Oral ulcers and elevated blood glucose levels are independent risk factors affecting the occurrence of paraquat-induced AKI in children.
Paraquat (PQ) is a widely used herbicide in the agricultural fields. Lacking effective antidote is the significant cause of high mortality in PQ poisoning. Here, we investigated the antagonistic effects of alpha lipoic acid (α-LA), a naturally existing antioxidant, on PQ toxicity in human microvascular endothelial cells (HMEC-1). All the doses of 250, 500 and 1000 μM α-LA significantly inhibited 1000 μM PQ-induced cytotoxicity in HMEC-1 cells. α-LA pretreatment remarkably diminished the damage to cell migration ability, recovered the declined levels of the vasodilator factor NO, elevated the expression level of eNOS, and inhibited the upregulated expression of vasoconstrictor factor ET-1. Moreover, α-LA pretreatment inhibited reactive oxygen species (ROS) generation, suppressed the damage to the mitochondrial membrane potential (ΔΨm) and mitigated the inhibition of ATP production in HMEC-1 cells. These results suggested that α-LA could alleviate PQ-induced endothelial dysfunction by suppressing oxidative stress. In summary, our present study provides novel insights into the protective effects and pharmacological potential of α-LA against PQ toxicity in microvascular endothelial cells.
Paraquat (PQ), a highly toxic herbicide, selectively accumulates in the lungs and causes pulmonary damage through oxidative and inflammatory processes after intentional or accidental poisoning. The resulting acute lung injury (ALI) is characterized by neutrophil infiltration and extensive inflammation with rapid respiratory failure. However, effective therapies are lacking. We tested the hypothesis that suppressing neutrophil-derived matrix metalloproteinase 9 (MMP9) would ameliorate the inflammatory milieu and alleviate PQ-induced ALI. Lung injury was assessed in mice intratracheally injected with PQ aerosol by measuring the lung static compliance, cell count and neutrophil percentage of the bronchoalveolar lavage fluid (BALF) and lung, alveolar-capillary permeability, and histopathological lung injury scores. MMP9/2 activity was assessed by gelatin zymography, and the location of neutrophils and MMP9 in the lung was evaluated by immunofluorescence costaining. In the neutrophil depletion experiment, mice received anti-Ly6G antibody intraperitoneally; for the MMP inhibition experiment, an MMP inhibitor, doxycycline (DOX), was administered by gavage. In PQ-induced ALI, the activity of neutrophil-derived MMP9 but not MMP2 increased significantly. Neutrophil depletion reduced the inflammatory burden, improved pulmonary edema, and reduced the PQ-induced overexpression of MMP9. Consistently, oral delivery of DOX to mice decreased the overexpression of MMP9 that was activated by PQ and phenocopied the resolution of PQ-induced ALI observed after neutrophil depletion. Taken together, our results show for the first time that DOX is involved in the resolution of PQ-induced ALI via a mechanism involving reducing the activity of neutrophil-derived MMP9. We speculate that DOX may represent a novel therapeutic strategy for PQ-induced ALI.
Objective: To analyze 8 cases of paraquat lung transplantation in the world, and to explore the timing of lung transplantation and the factors affecting prognosis. Methods: An analysis of the clinical data of a paraquat poisoning lung transplant patient completed by The 12th People's Hospital of Guangzhou Medical University and The First People's Hospital affiliated to Guangzhou Medical University in August 2017 and literature review. Results: A 26 years old female patient was admitted to the hospital ingested 20% paraquat solution 20ml. On the 58th day of poisoning, she underwent double lung transplantation under general anesthesia. The operation was successful. Excised lungs show extensive lung fibrosis in both lungs, which was consistent with paraquat poisoning. Used tacrolimus and corticosteroids and mycophenolate antirejection, the patient discharged 46 days after surgery. 7 articles were retrieved through the search tool, and a total of 8 articles included this case were reported. Five patients who underwent lung transplantation within 1 month after poisoning all died, And 3 patients conducted lung transplantation for more than 1 month after poisoning survived; Pathogenic bacteria were isolated from the sputum in 3 of the 8 cases, all containing Pseudomonas, 2 of which died, and our case survived. Conclusion: Appropriate transplantation time window is very important for the prognosis of paraquat poisoning after lung transplantation. Active treatment of the sputum pathogens, improving the donor receptor matching, and exhausting the various means to remove the paraquat from the storage pool which may improve success rate of lung transplantation.