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Barbus Cuvier, 1816 genus, member of Cyprinidae family, is made up of middle to large sized fishes. Systematics of the genus is complex. Identification species can be problematic due to recent divergence of Barbus from other genera like Luciobarbus, Carasobarbus, Arabibarbus. Aim of this investigation is to exhibit interspecific and intraspecific variations among Barbus genus by means of morphometric and genetic analyses and to clarify its systematical status. A total of 11 species of the genus was sampled in field studies from various basins, and metric meristic measurements were collected from the specimens. Landmark based morphometric analyses of radiographic images were conducted in addition to traditional morphometric analyses. In order to explain intraspecific relationships of the genus, sequences of cytochrome oxidase subunit I (COI) from 95 specimens of ten species were analyzed with sequences retrieved from GenBank. According to results obtained in this study, it has been found that Barbus tauricus, Crimea endemic originated from Black Sea, member of Ponto-Caspian Clade is not distributed in fresh waters of Anatolia as it had been thought otherwise. Species which are distributed through Eastern and Western Black Sea, Kızılırmak, Yeşilırmak and Çoruh basins should be named Barbus escherichii rather than Barbus tauricus. In the same clade, Barbus ercisianus was found to be within the variation limits of Barbus lacerta and offered as a synonym. On the other hand, validation of Barbus cyri which was offered as a synonymy for B. lacerta in some literature, is shown with morphometric and phylogenetic analyses. Polyphyletic Barbus bergi-Barbus oligolepis complex is observed in Ponto-Caspian Clade. These species were distributed in different basins with clear differences by means of morphometry whereas divergence by means of phylogeny is not much clear. According to phylogeny acquired, Barbus prespensis, Barbus rebeli, Barbus euboicus, Barbus peloponnesius, Barbus strumicae, Barbus cyclolepis, Barbus pergamonensis, Barbus niluferensis and Barbus sperchiensis are grouped together within the same clade which is named Aegean Clade. The most interesting result from this clade is paraphyly of B. niluferensis with B. oligolepis which inhabits the same basin. B. oligolepis is found out to be in Ponto-Caspian Clade whereas B. niluferensis and its sister species B. pergamonensis are in Aegean Clade which is dominated by European species. B. pergamonensis also shows some differantiation between basins morphometrically and phylogenetically however extent of this variation is a up to debate. Finally, morphometric evalution of Barbus lorteti is conducted and differences from other species of Barbus are observed. These differences are similar to differences between Luciobarbus and Barbus therefore it is offered to be considered as Luciobarbus lorteti.
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... Following Kottelat & Freyhof (2007: Fig. 1), the "postdorsal length" should be measured from end of the dorsal-fin base to the end of hypural complex, the "length of dorsal-fin base" should be measured from the dorsal-fin origin to the end of the dorsal-fin base, the "length of dorsal fin" should be measured from the dorsal-fin origin to the tip of the longest dorsal-fin ray, the "length of anal-fin base" should be measured from the anal-fin origin to the end of the anal-fin base, and the "length of anal fin" should be measured from the anal fin origin to the tip of the longest anal-fin ray. In Barbus, both "length of dorsal fin" and "length of anal fin" are always clearly greater than "length of dorsal-fin base" and "length of anal-fin base", respectively (Korkmaz 2017. Khaefi et al. (2017) confused the terminology of 'length' and 'depth' for both anal and dorsal fins. ...
Barbus urmianus, from the upper Mahabad River in Lake Urmia basin, was distinguished from B. cyri based on several morphological characters. Our analysis demonstrated very small molecular (COI) differences between both species and mostly overlapping or identic morphological character states. Therefore, Barbus urmianus is treated as a junior synonym of B. cyri.
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The genus Luciobarbus Heckel, 1843 is characterized by medium to large fish species occurring in large rivers and downstream zones with slow-moving waters. Remarkably also rheophilic Luciobarbus occur in Morocco, which are of small size and exhibit distinct morphological traits as well as different habitat requirements. These rheophilic species have traditionally been assigned to Luciobarbus nasus (Günther, 1874) and L. magniatlantis (Pellegrin, 1919), although some authors consider L. magniatlantis as a junior synonym of L. nasus. This lack of consensus on the taxonomy of rheophilic barbs is constrained by limited population studies that do not encompass their entire distribution range. Using molecular, morphometric, and osteological data we studied populations of rheophilic barbs of three drainage basins in which they are currently present: Tensift, Moulouya and Oum er Rbia. Our results clearly identified the rheophilic barbs of each basin as different species. The species Luciobarbus magniatlantis is a well-recognized species endemic to Tensift Basin. In contrast, the investigated populations from the Moulouya and Oum er Rbia basins could not be assigned to any previously described species. Consequently, we describe two new Luciobarbus species in the Moulouya and Oum er Rbia basin
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This research was carried out at 35 stations in 16 different streams on the Biga Peninsula during the spring and summer of 2000 and 2001 to determine the freshwater ichthyofauna and community features. In addition, some physical and chemical parameters of the streams were determined in their natural environment. Fourteen taxa belonging to 5 families were determined. Leuciscus cephalus, Petroleuciscus borysthenicus, Rhodeus amarus, Phoxinus phoxinus, Chalcalburnus chalcoides, Barbus tauricus escherichi, Gobio gobio, Capoeta capoeta bergamae, Vimba vimba, Cobitis fahirae and Neogobius fluviatilis are recorded for the first time from the Biga Peninsula. The most abundant species in the study area was L. cephalus. Fish communities in the streams were analysed, where 3 different groups were formed at a level of 50% similarity. Larger streams are determined to be the richest habitats in terms of species diversity.
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The genus Barbus is characterized by a complex taxonomical structure, due to high number of species and its morphological plasticity; it counts more than 25 species in Europe, displaying different ecological preferences. 21 taxon’s from Barbus genus including Barbus lacerta was used in phylogenetic analysis. Cytochrome oxidase I (COI) gene sequence analysis of Barbus lacerta is presented firstly in this study. A phylogenetic tree (neighbor-joining and maximum likelihood analysis) was reconstructed based on the sequences of COI, with Cyprinus carpio as an outgroup. As a result, five clades come out from phylogenetic reconstruction and in phylogenetic tree Barbus lacerta determined to be sister group of Barbus macedonicus, Barbus oligolepis and Barbus plebejus complex.
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This study provides length–weight relationships for ten fish species from Küçük Menderes River Basin, inland water systems of Western Anatolian Region, Turkey. Samples were collected from six different localities, three reservoirs and three streams, in Küçük Menderes River Basin. The samples were collected using multimesh gillnets in reservoirs and electrofishing with ‘SAMUS 725-MP’ in rivers and fixed in formalin (4%). Identification of the fish species were done according to literature. Specimens of ten species belonging to three families were analyzed. The exponent b in the length-weight relationship ‘W=a(TL)b’ ranged from 2.54 to 3.52. The length-weight relationships for Barbus pergamonensis, Carassius carassius, Carassius gibelio, Chondrostoma holmwoodii, Cyprinus carpio, Gambusia affinis, Perca fluviatilis, Petroleuciscus smyrnaeus, Squalius kosswigi and Rhodeus amarus were given in this study. Information of length–weight relationships will be useful for researchers especially in conservation.
Barbus niluferensis, new species, is described from the Nilüfer River, Marmara Sea drainage, Turkey. It is distinguished by a weaker last simple dorsal-fin ray, serrated along the proximal half of its posterior margin, a maximum known size of 146 mm SL, a slender body, a short head, a short caudal fin, and larger irregular black blotches on the back and the flanks, and small black spots on the head, extending downwards to the cheeks. Barbus oligolepis Battalgil, 1941, is a valid species known from the rivers draining to the southern shore of the Marmara Sea.
Fish fauna in the Çoruh River was studied. Samples were collected during September 2001 to May 2014 at 21 locations throughout the river drainage in Turkish territory. In total 510 specimens belonging to 5 families and 16 species were collected. Four species (Phoxinus colchicus, Cyprinus carpio, Gobio cf. caucasicus, and Silurus glanis) were recorded for the first time for this river and two species (Phoxinus colchicus, Barbus rionica) were new for Turkish ichtyofauna. © Published by Central Fisheries Research Institute (CFRI) Trabzon, Turkey.
Bogutskaya N.G. 1992. A revision of species of the genus Pseudophoxinus (Leuciscinae, Cyprinidae) from Asia Minor. Mitt. Hamb. Zool. Mus. Inst., 89: 261-290.
This integrative study examined the morphological and genetic affinities of three endemic barbel species from Italy (brook barbel Barbus caninus, Italian barbel Barbus plebejus and horse barbel Barbus tyberinus) and of putative hybrid specimens to their species of origin. Two of the species frequently occur together with the non-native barbel Barbus barbus. DNA barcoding indicates that mitochondrial (mt) haplotypes often do not match the species expected from morphology. Linear distance measurements and meristics are not informative for discrimination of the species and putative hybrids, but a discriminant analysis of principal components (DAPC) of geometric landmark data produces reassignments largely in congruence with mt and nuclear genetic data. Cyto-nuclear conflicts confirm the presence of hybridization in B. plebejus and B. tyberinus and identify additional introgressed specimens. A comparison between mixed genotypes and their morphology-based assignment reveals no predictable pattern. The finding that most individuals of the morphologically similar B. plebejus and B. tyberinus have very high assignment probabilities to their respective species suggests that the presented approach may serve as a valuable tool to distinguish morphologically very similar taxa.