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Description and Classification of 2-Solitary Waves for Nonlinear Damped Klein–Gordon Equations

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We describe completely 2-solitary waves related to the ground state of the nonlinear damped Klein–Gordon equation ∂ttu+2α∂tu-Δu+u-|u|p-1u=0on RN, for 1⩽N⩽5 and energy subcritical exponents p>2. The description is twofold. First, we prove that 2-solitary waves with same sign do not exist. Second, we construct and classify the full family of 2-solitary waves in the case of opposite signs. Close to the sum of two remote solitary waves, it turns out that only the components of the initial data in the unstable direction of each ground state are relevant in the large time asymptotic behavior of the solution. In particular, we show that 2-solitary waves have a universal behavior: the distance between the solitary waves is asymptotic to logt as t→∞. This behavior is due to damping of the initial data combined with strong interactions between the solitary waves.
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Commun. Math. Phys. 388, 1557–1601 (2021) Communications in
Description and Classification of 2-Solitary Waves for
Nonlinear Damped Klein–Gordon Equations
Raphaël Côte1, Yvan Martel2, Xu Yuan2,3, Lifeng Zhao4
1IRMA UMR 7501, Université de Strasbourg, CNRS, 67000 Strasbourg, France.
2CMLS, École polytechnique, CNRS, Institut Polytechnique de Paris, 91128 Palaiseau Cedex, France.
3Present address: Department of Mathematics, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Shatin, NT, Hong
4School of Mathematical Sciences, University of Science and Technology of China, Hefei 230026, Anhui,
China. E-mail:
Received: 24 March 2021 / Accepted: 30 September 2021
Published online: 22 October 2021 – © The Author(s), under exclusive licence to Springer-Verlag GmbH
Germany, part of Springer Nature 2021
Abstract: We describe completely 2-solitary waves related to the ground state of the
nonlinear damped Klein–Gordon equation
on RN,for1N5 and energy subcritical exponents p>2. The description is
twofold. First, we prove that 2-solitary waves with same sign do not exist. Second, we
construct and classify the full family of 2-solitary waves in the case of opposite signs.
Close to the sum of two remote solitary waves, it turns out that only the components
of the initial data in the unstable direction of each ground state are relevant in the large
time asymptotic behavior of the solution. In particular, we show that 2-solitary waves
have a universal behavior: the distance between the solitary waves is asymptotic to logt
as t→∞. This behavior is due to damping of the initial data combined with strong
interactions between the solitary waves.
1. Introduction
1.1. Setting of the problem. We consider the nonlinear focusing damped Klein–Gordon
where f(u)=|u|p1u,α>0, 1 N5, and the exponent pcorresponds to the
energy sub-critical case, i.e.
2<p<for N=1,2 and 2 <p<N+2
N2for N=3,4,5.(1.2)
R. C. was partially supported by the French ANR contract MAToS ANR-14-CE25-0009-01. Y. M. and
X. Y. thank IRMA, Université de Strasbourg, for its hospitality. L. Z. thanks CMLS, École Polytechnique, for
its hospitality. L. Z. was partially supported by the NSFC Grant of China (11771415).
Content courtesy of Springer Nature, terms of use apply. Rights reserved.
... Both statements generalize and precise results from [13], [14] and are based on the analysis developed in [7,6]. 10] for details and results related to this conjecture for the (undamped) energy critical wave equation. ...
... Our objective is to present additional examples of multi-solitary waves and describe precisely the asymptotics, in the context of configurations with symmetry. We also prove that multi-solitons necessarily have solitons of opposite signs: this generalize a statement of [7] for 2-solitons to the case of any number of solitons. ...
... If more freedom is allowed, one is required to understand a unstable system of ODE under perturbations, which can be untractable. The case of solitons on a line for example in R d , d 2, is not a immediate extension of the case d = 1 (treated in [7]), and will the object of future work. We devoted some effort to abstract the hypothesis needed on the symmetry group G to be amenable to the analysis, keeping in mind we were interested mainly in configuration on regular polytopes as stated in Corollary 1.5. ...
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We are interested in the nonlinear damped Klein-Gordon equation t2u+2αtuΔu+uup1u=0 \partial_t^2 u+2\alpha \partial_t u-\Delta u+u-|u|^{p-1}u=0 on Rd\mathbb{R}^d for 2d52\le d\le 5 and energy sub-critical exponents 2<p<d+2d22 < p < \frac{d+2}{d-2}. We construct multi-solitons, that is, solutions which behave for large times as a sum of decoupled solitons, in various configurations with symmetry: this includes multi-solitons whose soliton centers lie at the vertices of an expanding regular polygon (with or without a center), of a regular polyhedron (with a center), or of a higher dimensional regular polytope. We give a precise description of these multi-solitons: in particular the interaction between nearest neighbour solitons is asymptotic to ln(t)\ln (t) as t+t \to +\infty. We also prove that in any multi-soliton, the solitons can not all share the same sign. Both statements generalize and precise results from \cite{F98}, \cite{Nak} and are based on the analysis developed in \cite{CMYZ,CMY}.
... More recently, Burq, Raugel and Schlag [3] proved the soliton resolution for (1.1) in the full limit t → ∞ for all radial solutions. On the other hand, Côte, Martel, Yuan and Zhao [8] constructed a Lipschitz manifold in the energy space with codimension 2 of those solutions asymptotic to a sum of two ground states ...
... The goal of this paper is to obtain a similar classification around the 2-solitons (1.11), exploiting the damping, and investigating all the solutions starting close to but not on the manifold in [8]. The main interest is in the transition from 2-solitons to 1-solitons, both by time evolution and by initial perturbation. ...
... The case (3) may be characterized simply as (h 1 , h 2 ) = G 0 (ϕ) for another Lipschitz function G 0 : Y u ⊥ (z; δ) → (−δ, δ) 2 . Remark 1.2 [8] proved that σ 1 σ 2 = −1 is necessary for any asymptotic 2-soliton to exist. Note also that the two cases with j = 1 and with j = 2 in (2) are distinguished by the sign of the remaining soliton σ j Q. Hence the above theorem yields a complete classification into 5 non-empty and disjoint sets of solutions starting from a small neighborhood of any asymptotic 2-soliton, or any superposition of two ground states with the opposite signs and sufficient distance. ...
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Global behavior of solutions is studied for the nonlinear Klein-Gordon equation with a focusing power nonlinearity and a damping term in the energy space on the Euclidean space. We give a complete classification of solutions into 5 types of global behavior for all initial data in a small neighborhood of each superposition of two ground states (2-solitons) with the opposite signs and sufficient spatial distance. The neighborhood contains, for each sign of the ground state, the manifold with codimension one in the energy space, consisting of solutions that converge to the ground state at time infinity. The two manifolds are joined at their boundary by the manifold with codimension two of solutions that are asymptotic to 2-solitons moving away from each other. The connected union of these three manifolds separates the rest of the neighborhood into the open set of global decaying solutions and that of blow-up.
... More recently, Burq, Raugel and Schlag [2] proved the soliton resolution for (1.1) in the full limit t → ∞ for all radial solutions. On the other hand, Côte, Martel, Yuan and Zhao [6] constructed a Lipschitz manifold in the energy space with codimension 2 of those solutions asymptotic to a sum of two ground states ...
... However, one may still expect some qualitative as well as quantitative relations and classifications among different types of solutions. For the undamped equation, Schlag and the second author [19] obtained such a classification into 9 sets in terms of the invariant manifolds of the ground states for E( u) < E( Q) + ε with small ε > 0. The goal of this paper is to obtain a similar classification around the 2-solitons (1.11), exploiting the damping, and investigating all the solutions starting close to but not on the manifold in [6]. The main interest is in the transition from 2-solitons to 1-solitons, both by time evolution and by initial perturbation. ...
... as t → ∞ for some z ∞ ∈ R N , namely an asymptotic 1-soliton. (3) If h j = G j (h j * , ϕ) for both j = 1, 2 then u is global and [6] proved that σ 1 σ 2 = −1 is necessary for any asymptotic 2-soliton to exist. Note also that the two cases with j = 1 and with j = 2 in (2) are distinguished by the sign of the remaining soliton σ j Q. Hence the above theorem yields a complete classification into 5 non-empty and disjoint sets of solutions starting from a small neighborhood of any asymptotic 2-soliton, or any superposition of two ground states with the opposite signs and sufficient distance. ...
Global behavior of solutions is studied for the nonlinear Klein-Gordon equation with a focusing power nonlinearity and a damping term in the energy space on the Euclidean space. We give a complete classification of solutions into 5 types of global behavior for all initial data in a small neighborhood of each superposition of two ground states (2-solitons) with the opposite signs and sufficient spatial distance. The neighborhood contains, for each sign of the ground state, the manifold with codimension one in the energy space, consisting of solutions that converge to the ground state at time infinity. The two manifolds are joined at their boundary by the manifold with codimension two of solutions that are asymptotic to 2-solitons moving away from each other. The connected union of these three manifolds separates the rest of the neighborhood into the open set of global decaying solutions and that of blow-up. The main ingredient in the proof is a difference estimate on two solutions starting near 2-solitons and asymptotic to 1-solitons. The main difficulty is in controlling the direction of the two unstable modes attached to 2-solitons, while the soliton interactions are not uniformly integrable in time. It is resolved by showing that the non-scalar part of the interaction between the unstable modes is uniformly integrable due to the symmetry of the equation and the 2-solitons.
... In [10], it is given a complete description of 2-soliton solutions (that is, solutions which, on at least a sequence of time, behave as the sum of two decoupled ground states), in dimension N 5. Building on the tools developed there, [9] gave a complete description of global solutions in dimension N = 1, that is, the soliton resolution in that case. We aim at considering the behavior of solution without conditions on symmetry (like radiality). ...
... It is remarquable that one already observes a drastic change in the dynamic in degree-1 degeneracy, when compared to non-degeneracy. The convergence here is indeed merely polynomial in time, which is a surprise: such slow rate of convergence is usually observed due to the interaction with another nonlinear object (as in [10,9]), and this is not the case here. As it is seen in the proofs, the derivation of the main bootstrap regime is noticeably more involved in degree-1 degeneracy, and relies on the very specific algebra of the main ODE system at leading order (see Section 3). ...
... Analogous energy functionals were introduced in [10,9], in order to take full advantage of the damping of (1.1), as is shown in the Lemma below. Recall that in the previous paragraph, in (2.28), we set ...
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We consider the nonlinear damped Klein-Gordon equation ttu+2αtuΔu+uup1u=0on  [0,)×RN \partial_{tt}u+2\alpha\partial_{t}u-\Delta u+u-|u|^{p-1}u=0 \quad \text{on} \ \ [0,\infty)\times \mathbb{R}^N with α>0\alpha>0, 2N52 \le N\le 5 and energy subcritical exponents p>2p>2. We study the behavior of solutions for which it is supposed that only one nonlinear object appears asymptotically for large times, at least for a sequence of times. We first prove that the nonlinear object is necessarily a bound state. Next, we show that when the nonlinear object is a non-degenerate state or a degenerate excited state satisfying a simplicity condition, the convergence holds for all positive times, with an exponential or algebraic rate respectively. Last, we provide an example where the solution converges exactly at the rate t1t^{-1} to the excited state.
... This allows us to discuss the dynamics around, away, and between multisolitons, as a model case for the more difficult conservative case (NLKG). More recently, Côte-Martel-Yuan-Zhao [8] characterized the set of asymptotic 2solitons consisting of the ground state Q of NLKG, namely ...
... (3) If h n D G n .h n ; '/ for both n D 1; 2, then u is global with The 2-soliton case of (3) was already established by Côte-Martel-Yuan-Zhao [8]. The above theorem extends the dynamics description to the full neighborhood. ...
... The main point is that the linearized flow around these states is linearly unstable, and beyond this, little is known (to the contrary of the case of ground states). On a similar topic, we described completely 2-soliton solutions to the damped nonlinear Klein-Gordon equation in Côte-Martel-Yuan-Zhao [3]: construction, description of the profile for large times, and smoothness of the set of initial data leading to 2-solitons (essentially, a Lipschitz manifold of codimension 2). Interaction between modes. ...
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This is the final report of the ANR project 14-CE25-0009-01 entitled "Mathematical Analysis of Topological Singularities in some physical problems" (MAToS) that was developed by the authors between January 2015-December 2019. The central theme of this project lied in the area of nonlinear analysis (nonlinear partial differential equations and calculus of variations). We focused on the structure and dynamics of topological singularities arising in some variational physical models driven by the Landau-Lifshitz equation (in micromagnetics) and the Gross-Pitaevskii equation (in superconductivity, Bose-Einstein condensation, nonlinear optics). These included vortex singularities, traveling waves and domain walls in magnetic thin films. These structures are observed experimentally and in numerical simulations and play an important role in the dynamics of the corresponding physical systems. We made significant progress in the mathematical analysis of these structures (both at the stationary and dynamical level) that gives more insight into the physical phenomena.
... Ovchinnikov and Sigal [46] for the time-dependent Ginzburg Landau equation, with two vortices with different signs; Krieger, Martel and Raphaël [31] for the three dimensional gravitational Hartree equation with two solitons; Nguyen [45] for the subcritical non-linear Schrödinger with two solitary waves with different signs, and the same signs for the super-critical case; Nguyen and Martel [36] for coupled non-linear Schrödinger, for two solitary waves with different velocities. The phenomenon of dipole also appears in the family of wave equations: Gerard, Lenzmann, Pocovnicu and Raphaël [16] for the cubic half-wave equation; Côte, Martel, Yuan and Zhao [10] for the damped Klein-Gordon equation; Aryan [4] for the Klein-Gordon equation; Jendrej and Lawrie [22] for the wave maps equation. ...
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We study one particular asymptotic behaviour of a solution of the fractional modified Korteweg-de Vries equation (also known as the dispersion generalised modified Benjamin-Ono equation): \begin{align}\tag{fmKdV} \partial_t u + \partial_x (-\vert D \vert^\alpha u + u^3)=0. \end{align} The dipole solution is a solution behaving in large time as a sum of two strongly interacting solitary waves with different signs. We prove the existence of a dipole for fmKdV. A novelty of this article is the construction of accurate profiles. Moreover, to deal with the non-local operator Dα\vert D \vert^\alpha, we refine some weighted commutator estimates.
In this paper, we study global stability dynamics for quasilinear damped Klein–Gordon equation with variable coefficients in Rn for dimension n≥1, without assuming that the quasilinear term satisfies the null condition. Due to the influence of damping term, we are able to prove that if it admits a global smooth solution (including time quasi-periodic solution), then this quasilinear system must be asymptotic stable in Sobolev space under some assumptions on the variable coefficients of it. This result also implies that a smooth large solution can be constructed for such quasilinear system, which includes time quasi-periodic stable dynamics of Klein–Gordon equation. We note the global stability for a class of semilinear wave equation satisfying null condition has been shown by Zha (J Funct Anal 282:109219, 2022).
We consider the nonlinear damped Klein–Gordon equation ∂ttu+2α∂tu−Δu+u−|u|p−1u=0on[0,∞)×RNwith α>0, 2⩽N⩽5 and energy subcritical exponents p>2. We study the behavior of solutions for which it is supposed that only one nonlinear object appears asymptotically for large times, at least for a sequence of times. We first prove that the nonlinear object is necessarily a bound state. Next, we show that when the nonlinear object is a non-degenerate state or a degenerate excited state satisfying a simplicity condition, the convergence holds for all positive times, with an exponential or algebraic rate respectively. Last, we provide an example where the solution converges exactly at the rate t−1 to the excited state.
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For the one-dimensional nonlinear damped Klein–Gordon equation t2u+2αtux2u+uup1u=0 on R×R,\begin{aligned} \partial _{t}^{2}u+2\alpha \partial _{t}u-\partial _{x}^{2}u+u-|u|^{p-1}u=0 \quad \text{ on } \mathbb {R}\times \mathbb {R}, \end{aligned}with α>0\alpha >0 and p>2p>2, we prove that any global finite energy solution either converges to 0 or behaves asymptotically as tt\rightarrow \infty as the sum of K1K\ge 1 decoupled solitary waves. In the multi-soliton case K2K\ge 2, the solitary waves have alternate signs and their distances are of order logt\log t.
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We consider the energy-critical wave maps equation R1+2S2\mathbb R^{1+2} \to \mathbb S^2 in the equivariant case, with equivariance degree k2k \geq 2. It is known that initial data of energy <8kπ < 8k\pi and topological degree zero leads to global solutions that scatter in both time directions. We consider the threshold case of energy 8kπ8k\pi. We prove that the solution is defined for all time and either scatters in both time directions, or converges to a superposition of two harmonic maps in one time direction and scatters in the other time direction. In the latter case, we describe the asymptotic behavior of the scales of the two harmonic maps. The proof combines the classical concentration-compactness techniques of Kenig-Merle with a modulation analysis of interactions of two harmonic maps in the absence of excess radiation.
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We consider the following class of equations of (gKdV) type \partial_t u + \partial_x (\partial_x^2 u + |u|^{p-1}u) = 0, \quad p\mbox{ integer},\quad t,x \in \mathbb{R} with mass sub-critical (2<p<52< p<5) and mass super-critical nonlinearities (p>5p> 5). We prove the existence of 2-solitary wave solutions with logarithmic relative distance, i.e. solutions u(t) satisfying \left\|u(t)- \bigg( Q (\cdot - t - \log (ct)) + \sigma Q (\cdot - t + \log (ct))\bigg)\right\|_{H^1}\to 0 \ \ \mbox{as} \ \ t\to +\infty, where c=c(p)>0c=c(p)> 0 is a fixed constant, σ=1\sigma = -1 in sub-critical cases and σ=1\sigma = 1 in super-critical cases. For the integrable case (p=3), such solution was known by integrability theory. This regime corresponds to strong attractive interactions. For sub-critical p, it was known that opposite sign traveling waves are attractive. For super-critical p, we derive from our computations that same sign traveling waves are attractive.
We consider the nonlinear damped Klein–Gordon equation ∂ttu+2α∂tu−Δu+u−|u|p−1u=0on[0,∞)×RNwith α>0, 2⩽N⩽5 and energy subcritical exponents p>2. We study the behavior of solutions for which it is supposed that only one nonlinear object appears asymptotically for large times, at least for a sequence of times. We first prove that the nonlinear object is necessarily a bound state. Next, we show that when the nonlinear object is a non-degenerate state or a degenerate excited state satisfying a simplicity condition, the convergence holds for all positive times, with an exponential or algebraic rate respectively. Last, we provide an example where the solution converges exactly at the rate t−1 to the excited state.
We construct pure two-bubbles for some energy-critical wave equations, that is solutions which in one time direction approach a superposition of two stationary states both centered at the origin, but asymptotically decoupled in scale. Our solution exists globally, with one bubble at a fixed scale and the other concentrating in infinite time, with an error tending to 0 in the energy space. We treat the cases of the power nonlinearity in space dimension 6, the radial Yang-Mills equation and the equivariant wave map equation with equivariance class k ≥ 3. The concentration speed of the second bubble is exponential for the first two models and a power function in the last case.
We consider the mass critical two dimensional nonlinear Schrödinger equation (Equation presented) Let Q denote the positive ground state solution of ΔQ - Q + Q³ = 0. We construct a new class of multi-solitary wave solutions of (NLS) based on Q: given any integer K ≥ 2, there exists a global (for t > 0) solution u.t/ that decomposes asymptotically into a sum of solitary waves centered at the vertices of a K-sided regular polygon and concentrating at a logarithmic rate as t > + ∞, so that the solution blows up in infinite time with the rate (Equation presented) Using the pseudo-conformal symmetry of the (NLS) flow, this yields the first example of solution ϵ(t) of (NLS) blowing up in finite time with a rate strictly above the pseudo-conformal one, namely, (Equation presented) Such a solution concentrates K bubbles at a point x0 ∈ ℝ², that is |υ(t)² ⇀ Kpar;Q∥²L²δx0 as t ↑ 0. These special behaviors are due to strong interactions between the waves, in contrast with previous works on multi-solitary waves of (NLS) where interactions do not affect the global behavior of the waves. © 2018 Société Mathématique de France. Tous droits réservés.
We consider the generalized Korteweg-de Vries equation tu=x(x2u+f(u))\partial_t u = -\partial_x(\partial_x^2 u + f(u)), where f(u) is an odd function of class C3C^3. Under some assumptions on f, this equation admits \emph{solitary waves}, that is solutions of the form u(t,x)=Qv(xvtx0)u(t, x) = Q_v(x - vt - x_0), for v in some range (0,v)(0, v_*). We study pure two-solitons in the case of the same limit speed, in other words global solutions u(t) such that \begin{equation} \label{eq:abstract} \tag{\ast} \lim_{t\to\infty}\|u(t) - (Q_v(\cdot - x_1(t)) \pm Q_v(\cdot - x_2(t)))\|_{H^1} = 0, \qquad \text{with}\quad\lim_{t \to \infty}x_2(t) - x_1(t) = \infty. \end{equation} Existence of such solutions is known for f(u)=up1uf(u) = |u|^{p-1}u with pZ{5}p \in \mathbb{Z} \setminus \{5\} and p>2p > 2. We describe the~dynamical behavior of any solution satisfying \eqref{eq:abstract} under the assumption that QvQ_v is linearly unstable (which corresponds to p>5p > 5 for power nonlinearities). We prove that in this case the sign in \eqref{eq:abstract} is necessarily "+", which corresponds to an attractive interaction. We also prove that the~distance x2(t)x1(t)x_2(t) - x_1(t) between the solitons equals 2vlog(κt)+o(1)\frac{2}{\sqrt v}\log(\kappa t) + o(1) for some κ=κ(v)>0\kappa = \kappa(v) > 0.
We continue our study of damped nonlinear Klein-Gordon equations. In our previous work we considered fixed positive damping and proved a form of the soliton resolution conjecture for radial solutions. In contrast, here we consider damping which decreases in time to 0. In the class of radial data we again establish soliton resolution provided the damping goes to 0 sufficiently slowly. While our previous work relied on invariant manifold theory, here we use the Lojasiewicz-Simon inequality applied to a suitable Lyapunov functional.
We prove the existence of solutions of the mass critical generalized Korteweg-de Vries equation tu+x(xxu+u5)=0\partial_t u + \partial_x(\partial_{xx} u + u^5) = 0 containing an arbitrary number K2K\geq 2 of blow up bubbles, for any choice of sign and scaling parameters: for any 1>2>>K>0\ell_1>\ell_2>\cdots>\ell_K>0 and ϵ1,,ϵK{±1}\epsilon_1,\ldots,\epsilon_K\in\{\pm1\}, there exists an H1H^1 solution u of the equation such that u(t) - \sum_{k=1}^K \frac {\epsilon_k}{\lambda_k^\frac12(t)} Q\left( \frac {\cdot - x_k(t)}{\lambda_k(t)} \right) \longrightarrow 0 \quad\mbox{ in }\ H^1 \mbox{ as }\ t\downarrow 0, with λk(t)kt\lambda_k(t)\sim \ell_k t and xk(t)k2t1x_k(t)\sim -\ell_k^{-2}t^{-1} as t0t\downarrow 0. The construction uses and extends techniques developed mainly by Martel, Merle and Rapha\"el. Due to strong interactions between the bubbles, it also relies decisively on the sharp properties of the minimal mass blow up solution (single bubble case) proved by the authors in arXiv:1602.03519.