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A Case Study of Phishing Incident Response in an Educational Organization


Abstract and Figures

Malicious communications aimed at tricking employees are a serious threat for organizations, necessitating the creation of procedures and policies for quickly respond to ongoing attacks. While automated measures provide some protection, they cannot completely protect an organization. In this case study, we use interviews and observations to explore the processes staff at a large University use when handling reports of malicious communication, including how the help desk processes reports, whom they escalate them to, and how teams who manage protections such as the firewalls and mail relays use these reports to improve defenses. We found that the process and work patterns are a distributed cognitive process requiring multiple distinct teams with narrow system access and tactic knowledge. Sudden large campaigns were found to overwhelm the help desk with reports, greatly impacting staff's workflow and hindering the effective application of mitigations and the potential for reflection. We detail potential improvements to ticketing systems and reflect on ITIL, a common framework of best practice in IT management.
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A Case Study of Phishing Incident Response in an
Educational Organization
KHOLOUD ALTHOBAITI, University of Edinburgh, United Kingdom, Taif University, Saudi Arabia
ADAM D. G. JENKINS, University of Edinburgh, United Kingdom
KAMI VANIEA, University of Edinburgh, United Kingdom
Malicious communications aimed at tricking employees are a serious threat for organizations, necessitating
the creation of procedures and policies for quickly respond to ongoing attacks. While automated measures
provide some protection, they cannot completely protect an organization. In this case study, we use interviews
and observations to explore the processes sta at a large University use when handling reports of malicious
communication, including how the help desk processes reports, whom they escalate them to, and how teams
who manage protections such as the rewalls and mail relays use these reports to improve defenses. We found
that the process and work patterns are a distributed cognitive process requiring multiple distinct teams with
narrow system access and tactic knowledge. Sudden large campaigns were found to overwhelm the help desk
with reports, greatly impacting sta’s workow and hindering the eective application of mitigations and the
potential for reection. We detail potential improvements to ticketing systems and reect on ITIL, a common
framework of best practice in IT management.
CCS Concepts:
Social and professional topics Phishing
Security and privacy
Social aspects of security and privacy.
Additional Key Words and Phrases: Phishing; Phishing incident; Phishing management; Reactive security;
Distributed Cognition; ITIL Framework
ACM Reference Format:
Kholoud Althobaiti, Adam D. G. Jenkins, and Kami Vaniea. 2021. A Case Study of Phishing Incident Response
in an Educational Organization. Proc. ACM Hum.-Comput. Interact. 5, CSCW2, Article 338 (October 2021),
32 pages.
1 Introduction
Keeping organizations secure requires eective procedures to handle reports of fraudulent emails
aimed at deceiving employees into giving away valuable information. Such attacks are known as
phishing and are often used to gain access to accounts and other information that is then used
in more damaging attacks [
]. Protecting employees from such attacks is a key component of
most large organizations’ security plans, often including training employees on how to identify
and report phishing as well as putting in place internal procedures to quickly respond to phishing
Phishing is by far the most common and disruptive type of attack for UK organizations [
which can be partially seen in the amount of eort they put into managing it. Worldwide, 93%
Authors’ addresses: Kholoud Althobaiti, University of Edinburgh, United Kingdom,, Taif University, Saudi Arabia, k.; Adam D. G. Jenkins, University of Edinburgh, United Kingdom; Kami Vaniea, University of
Edinburgh, United Kingdom,
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Proc. ACM Hum.-Comput. Interact., Vol. 5, No. CSCW2, Article 338. Publication date: October 2021.
338:2 Althobaiti et al.
of organizations measure what phishing is costing them in terms of downtime, monetary losses,
reputation damage, and time spent by their IT teams on remediation [
]. Organizations also spent
considerable resource training end-users to identify phishing attacks, with 98% allocating more
than 30 minutes to train each user and 61% training users at least every month [
]. The eort is
showing results, with 63% of highly disruptive breaches being reported by sta as opposed to being
found through automated monitoring [
]. The impact of on-the-job phishing training can even be
seen in general user surveys where users report learning protection practices at work or learning
from others who had training at work [77].
How organizations make use of phishing reports to update their defenses is not currently well
studied. Having a procedure in place to receive and act on phishing reports is an accepted industry
best practice recommended by many authorities [
]. But very little is known about the
practicalities and workows sta use to accomplish these goals or how practical the various
approaches are. What we do know is that phishing attacks can cause damage within minutes of
making it to an inbox [
], so quickly responding to phishing reports is essential as it allows for
rapid response and mitigation, which in turn limits the damage.
In this case study, we focus on answering how a large University in the UK handles phishing
reporting and mitigation. Universities are an interesting organization to study for several reasons.
First, the education sector has the highest phishing click-through rate, even when compared to
sectors like nance and healthcare [
]. So Universities are a prime target for attack, and those
attacks are currently successful. Second, Universities can be quite large, but their support sta
are not funded or organized the same way a large nancial institution might be. Third, the yearly
turn over of students makes typical approaches such as training more challenging to do. Finally,
Universities have valuable resources to protect. The most obvious examples are the personal
details of students and sta, the content of ongoing research projects, and various intellectual
properties [96]. Universities are also expected to protect access to contracted services such as the
JSTOR digital library, with whom they have contracts promising to limit access to current sta and
Our investigation of the University began with shadowing sta working at the central Help
Desk where phishing reports come in. We complemented these observations through contextual
interviews with teams across the University that handle phishing-related issues.
We found that Help Desk sta become inundated by reports when large attacks occur and
must balance their workload by prioritizing security risks against potential impacts. For example,
compromised sta or student accounts are potentially of greater threat than a single errant phishing
email. Awareness of phishing incidents primarily come from end users’ reports, but are not limited
to this single source and alternative internal and external sources are also used, requiring more
sophisticated coordination and well-choreographed hand-os between teams. This collaboration
can be seen as an instance of distributed cognition across the teams which is essential for an
eective response, enabling quick updates to automatic protections. Lapses in practice, however,
can prevent teams from fully reecting on incidents. While, practice exibility can result in catching
unexpected issues. End users who report phishing are typically given generic feedback which
may not match their exact query. We also see that mitigation attempts can be hampered by the
mitigating team having incomplete information, such as only looking at a single phishing example
from a campaign, and therefore, missing subtle variations used by the attackers.
This case study is intended to form the basis of further studies into phishing report management
processes. We believe that further research in this area will guide organizations to better inform
their phishing incident plans. This case study highlights several challenges in handling phishing
reports and the problems stakeholders face when managing phishing attacks. We also recommend
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that future research focus on augmenting phishing reporting systems using automation to help
minimize sta time requirements while also making full use of every phishing report.
2 Phishing Protection Life Cycle
Here we explain how organization phishing protections work in theory. The following description
is similar to a high-level textbook description or the common narrative used at industry conferences.
It also represents the goal state for many organizations, including the studied University.
Phishing management incorporates both proactive and reactive defense elements, which feed into
each other. Proactive protections include activities like setting up rewalls, setting up phishing/spam
detectors on incoming email, putting solutions in place to monitor and identify abnormal activity,
and training end-users [
]. However, phishers are continuously trying to nd new ways to bypass
proactive protections, so organizations also need to have reactive processes to monitor for new
attacks. These reactive approaches include monitoring automated alarms, providing avenues for
users to report suspected phishing, and procedures for responding to identied attacks. Attacks
identied via reactive methods are then mitigated as quickly as possible and used to update and
improve proactive measures.
A typical example of reactive processes that feed back into proactive protections is phishing
campaigns, where a phisher sends a large number of emails at an organization, often with minor
variations to each one to make them harder to detect and lter out. A phisher starts by sending
one or more communications most commonly emails to organization email addresses. If the
organization’s proactive measures are eective, the rewall or a mail relay lter will catch it so it
never makes it to any inbox. Otherwise, it will appear in organization members’ inboxes.
If a phishing email bypasses all the automatic lters, users will see it and interact with it dierently.
Some users will open the email and click on links (11%) or attempt to give away data (4%) [
]. If
the proactive solutions are eective, users will be blocked from visiting the page by a rewall, their
web browser, or blocked from sharing private data by internal software. If user training has been
successful, some users will also identify phishing and report it, typically to an IT help desk or some
other type of security operations center. Hence, we began our research by studying a help desk.
Once a report is received, the help desk forwards it to one or more internal teams who use the
content of the reported phishing email to immediately apply mitigation, such as adjusting and
applying lters to mail inboxes to remove the oending phish and prevent any further interaction
from users. The teams may also use log les to determine which, if any, users have already clicked
on the malicious links and force a password reset. They also use the content to update proactive
protections, such as updating the mail relay lter to identify and prevent similar future emails from
breaching the defenses again.
What should be clear from the above paragraphs is that phishing is a problem that impacts
the organization at all levels, with many teams needing to be involved in handling proactive and
reactive phishing management. In this work, we focus on the phishing management’s reactive
processes to understand the day-to-day process of handling phishing incidents.
3 Related Work
To situate our research, we consider relevant prior research that explores security incidents manage-
ment and research that specically focused on identifying, assessing, and responding to phishing
incidents. We supplement this with previous work on general IT management and best practices.
3.1 Phishing as a security incident
The cybersecurity landscape can change rapidly as new vulnerabilities and mitigations arise,
resulting in distinct working practices from other general IT incidents [
]. Security incident
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management, therefore, involves reporting, assessment, response, and learning from incidents
to improve existing security practices [
]. Phishing incidents are not unique in this regard, as
response procedures are developed and rened through reective evaluation and feedback to adapt
related procedures and best practice [
] including the development of practices that
consider the range of potential attack vectors, such as Social Media [105].
3.1.1 Discovery and reporting. Security incident management begins with the initial discovery
of ongoing security issues, which are identied through internal (e.g. security monitoring mecha-
nisms or employee reports) [
] and external sources (e.g. bug bounties or from another
organization) [
]. However, it can be challenging for these external groups to identify
who to report to [
]. Internal security monitoring tools, although helpful at detecting security
incidents [
], can overload IT sta with a large inux of reports arriving simultaneously for a
single incident [
] or from false alarms [
]. These numerous generated reports take valuable
sta resources because they must be sorted through to determine their accuracy and priority before
action can be taken [82,94].
Phishing is designed to trick both email servers and end-users into thinking that they are looking
at a legitimate email, making discovery and accurate validation challenging. Security managers
recommend concentrating eorts on the identication of phish through employee training and
preventive technical measures [
]. Automatic preventive measures are designed with the goal of
reducing the number of successful attacks by passively ltering incoming emails [
and authenticating senders to block attempted forged emails [37].
While valuable, these solutions are not perfectly accurate, nor do they protect against more
sophisticated phishing attacks, such as lateral phishing where the attack originates from a com-
promised account that is already veried and trusted [
]. Human awareness is therefore seen
as an integral component within organizations’ security management strategies [
], as it adds a
layer of security while complementing the technological controls (e.g. lters). End-user training
is considered a top priority within the industry, regularly being included in annual budgets for
organizations [
], and additionally an area of focus for the academic community [
]. Common
approaches taken to sta training include web-based training materials [
], training courses [
embedded training (simulated phishing attacks) [
], cartoon-based training [
game-based training [
], real-time support [
], and phishing stories [
]. Despite
the benets of training, it has been found that it is not fully eective with between 15.57% [
and 69% [
] of people still falling for simulated phishing tests [
]. People are therefore
encouraged to report any phishing they identify so that others can be protected [36,66].
Timely responses greatly aid organizations to react to and mitigate attacks, reducing the number
of potential victims who would engage with the phishing communication and therefore reducing or
avoiding potential organizational damage [
]. However, the number of phishing reports
is still considered too low [
] as people usually only report phishing when they doubt its safety
and need an expert’s opinion [
], know the spoofed sender, have a desire to protect other
potential victims, or perceive the email to be particularly convincing and therefore dangerous [
Counter to this, research has found that users may not report due to a lack of awareness of
legitimate reporting channels, concerns of mishandling, and perceived self ecacy [
]. To promote
phishing reporting, prior work has looked at using sta feedback after training simulation to modify
policies to better align with sta needs [
]. Phishing reporting can also be treated as a problem
of Communal Knowledge Management, where employees report potential phishing to a website
that can be publicly accessed [
]. Praising a legitimate reporter and sharing with other sta has
been investigated and shown to have a positive impact on encouraging sta phishing reports for a
number of scenarios [30].
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3.1.2 Incident assessment. Assessing security incidents is non-trivial as it requires trained sta
to review, communicate, and identify the causes in order to determine the relative importance of
issues [
]. The general public struggles to accurately identify phishing, resulting in numerous
false-positive reports [
] which must be veried and validated [
] for accuracy as well as
determine how critical they are based on potential impacts. For example, the impact can be judged
based on the number of aected users, the aected services, or the type of users aected [
Automatically prioritizing sophisticated phishing emails helps the Incident Response Teams act on
phishing that is more likely to attract clicks [94].
3.1.3 Responding to incidents. Responding to security incidents often involves coordinating with
sta from many areas of an organization, and with diering expertise [
]. Organizations are
known to use established policies and procedures to help sta follow best practice when responding,
which involves investigating the cause and escalating to the required teams while simultaneously
documenting all actions taken [
]. While these protocols are indeed impactful, they do not
necessarily match the actions sta take when handling an incident. Sta responses can be inuenced
by their attitudes towards the applicable security policy and their interpretation of the policy within
their working context [
]. Additionally, the usability of prescribed forensic tools can impact their
abilities to follow the best practices [40,63].
While there is minimal research detailing actions around handling phishing reports by experts,
automated responses to phishing incidents have proved challenging. It directly depends on the
accuracy of the initial report and therefore requires expert human validation [
]. While complex,
looking at how to backtrack to the origin of a phishing attack and analyze it can help investigating
social engineering crime [58].
3.1.4 Learning from incidents. Learning from past security incidents is also challenging for or-
ganizations, with some having no formal approach to gathering lessons or redistributing those
lessons to sta [
], which itself may take considerable time [
]. Organization risk focusing
solely on solutions to incidents without reviewing larger policies or organizational structures [2].
Additionally, reviews may be biased when the focus is placed on rarer large-scale or severe incidents
which obscures potential day-to-day lessons [
] and results in overcompensation with security
taking an overbearing role in incident management [21].
Best practices for learning primarily focus on the technical aspects and direct cause of inci-
dents [
]; however, security policies may also be causes for learning. For example, Sasse and
Brosto [
] investigated the large number of incidents raised to an industrial organization’s help
desk regarding password resets. The research was motivated by the high costs the organization
was incurring in help desk sta time. It concluded that modifying the current unusable password
policy had the potential to reduce help desk sta time by 40%.
For phishing incidents, little is known about how to learn from them; however, qualitative and
quantitative metrics are used to evaluate security incidents including phishing related incidents
handling performance, with the latter being more dominant, such as response time, the number of
tickets, and the number of incidents [51].
3.2 IT incident management
Incident management is a well-established space in Information Technology (IT) where service
quality, users satisfaction, and system stability are examples of essential organization requirements.
Many of the processes and policies implemented by organizations will be inuenced by their
chosen IT governance standard or frameworks such as Control of Business Objectives and Tech-
nology (COBIT) [17] and Information Technology Infrastructure Library (ITIL) [42]. Frameworks
similar to ITIL dictate the recommended structure for IT departments, guiding how to organize
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teams, as well as how to handle communication and coordination between teams [
]. ITIL has
been found to improve overall service quality [
], customer satisfaction [
], speed of incidents’
responses [68], and the number of necessary escalations [68].
However, implementing such frameworks can be challenging [
] because of the natural tension
between theory and practice. For example, frameworks rightly advocate solving the root problems of
identied technical issues, but workarounds are much faster and easier for teams to implement [
Frameworks also only oer high-level guidance, resulting in a variety of smaller implementation
decisions between organizations [
]. With dierences in implementation, IT infrastructure’s
performance is evaluated based on numerous indicators such as customer feedback, internal business
processes, and the learning achieved [64].
The choice of tools used to manage IT incidents can have a direct impact on service quality and
eciency [
], which has resulted in research on the development of tailor-made software [
or the customization of o-the-shelf or outdated tools [
]. Still, tools alone cannot x a
broken process or workow [
]. Understanding the issues and nding an optimal workow
process before selecting the software can help organizations decide on the tools that best t their
The majority of IT incident handling begin with calls to the Help Desk and often take the shape
of routine questions and issues that sta can answer condently. However, around 10% of all
calls require further research and escalation to the relevant teams [
]. Research has found
that end-user satisfaction is inuenced by both the perceived quality of the solution [
] and
their beliefs regarding the trustworthiness and level of expertise of sta resolving issues [
]. IT
departments rely on several knowledge sources to alleviate pressure on sta and provide information
regarding commonly reoccurring incidents. These knowledge sources can take numerous forms,
including Internet repositories, cross-organization shared knowledge base [
], Frequently Asked
Questions [29], and peer advice [90].
With peer advice, for example, sta can seek their peers’ help when they lack the needed expertise
and the situational awareness due to the distribution of information based on the roles [
], both
justifying the necessity for hands-o between sta [
]. When issues regarding systems’ stability
occur, hand-o can involve numerous teams and sta [
] who can provide incident resolution at
the right time and in the right context [83].
3.3 Distributed cognition
Distributed Cognition theory (DCog) [
] essentially describes the collaboration between multiple
agents as a single cognitive system [
]. The collaboration studied here includes human-
computer interactions; thus, DCog is well matched to understand the relationship between humans,
tools and artefacts [
]. In this work, we use DCog as a lens for understanding coordination between
embodied agents by analyzing the interactions between the people, the problem, and the tools used
both in planned and emergent cases [
]. Cues and Norms are two key features necessary for
supporting work in a distributed context. A cue is dened as a signal that indicates to individuals
the required actions and how to enact them. In contrast, norms are the procedures that ensure
consistency between individuals’ tasks [8,11].
Similar to other ITSM ndings [
], our initial ndings from observing the Help Desk
showed that their work is highly distributed in nature. We therefore chose to use elements of DCog
in our analysis and as a lens in the discussion to understand our results in a wider context.
We are not the rst to observe that DCog is part of IT management. Individuals from various units
of an organization collaborate formally and informally to address IT issues, which are characterized
by pattern recognition, hypothesis-generating, and testing for uncertain success [
]. For example,
Maglio et al. combined distributed cognition framework with joint activity theory to understand a
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specic problem-solving instance in web-based administration [
]. Botta et al. further expand on
this by applying distributed cognition within the context of security management and identifying its
inuence over organizational processes [
]. However, little work has been done on understanding
distributed cognition when resolving phishing incidents by various information technology teams.
4 Participating Organization
The University studied is an internationally recognized UK institution, which supports around
40,000 students and 15,000 academic and administrative sta members. It is distributed over mul-
tiple campuses inhabited by several academic schools, each with their own respective local IS
management teams that manage their own resources. In total, there are around 1000 IT support
The University’s IT service management is guided by ITIL (Information Technology Infrastructure
Library), a framework of best practices which is used by organizations worldwide and in diverse
sectors and industries [
]. The University has adopted and adapted the ITIL framework for use by
all IT services, creating a dedicated Quality Enhancement team to ensure compliance. Since the
adoption of ITIL, the University has reported improvements such as the increased clarity of teams’
roles and responsibilities, reductions in services outage, consistent logging of incidents, reduced
running costs, and improved customer satisfaction. Improvements such as these are considered
signicant indicators of a successful implementation of ITIL [
]. Additionally, the University’s
Information Services (IS) achieved a Service Desk Certication
, which is an industry accreditation
program specically designed to certify service desk quality, indicating that the University’s ITIL
implementation and the workow detailed within this case is comparative to other organizations
using ITIL to inform their phishing practices.
5 Methodology
The study data was collected from two sources: 1) ethnographic-style observations of the daily work
of the Help Desk, and 2) interviews with other University teams. We followed our own University’s
ethics procedures and at all times ensured that participants were aware that participating in our
research study was voluntary.
Introductions and setup. Before starting our research project we met with some of the stakeholders,
namely the Chief Information Security Ocer (CISO) for the University and the Help Desk manager.
We explained our project goals and discussed possible project structures that would allow us to
conduct the research in a minimally disruptive manner as well as provide insight that might be
useful to the University. We also discussed the phishing-related issues they thought were most
problematic for their teams. We used these insights as initial scoping for the semi-structured
interviews discussed below.
Observing the Help Desk. The CISO and Help Desk manager conrmed that the Help Desk was
the intended rst point of contact for anyone reporting a phishing message. They are responsible
for initial assessment of the report, escalating it if needed, and responding to the reporting user.
Given the Help Desk’s central role, we started by observing their workow. The Help Desk
manager allocated a desk for the lead researcher so she could spend time with the team and
familiarize herself with their work practices. She started by shadowing Help Desk sta while they
were doing their daily work. Initially, she only observed and asked about the full range of their
normal work practices, then in the second week she started focusing more on phishing-related work
practices. The normal mode of observation was to quietly observe the sta doing their work and
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then ask follow-on or clarifying questions when sta were free. The observations were contextual,
bordering on ethnography.
The observations were done over two months, with the researcher taking notes and spending
between one and two days a week observing. They conducted focused observation of six Help Desk
sta with each observation lasting 4-5 hours. They also spent time at the provided desk observing
the ow of the space and briey observing dierent sta as interesting incidents arose. Observed
sta included experienced sta, new sta, and an undergraduate computer science student doing
work experience.
The researcher was also given limited access to the ticketing system used by the University to
help teams track all types of issues within the University. She also attended the training sessions for
using the ticketing system. The Help Desk uses the ticketing system to manage communications
with users and other teams. They refer to all interactions with other groups as “calls” and track
them through the ticketing system. Calls can be digital, but they can also be a phone call or someone
walking into one of the physical Help Desks and asking a question, all of which are logged in the
system. The lead researcher was able to use the ticketing system to better understand how phishing
calls were handled and passed between teams as well as understanding communications between
the Help Desk and end-users. Additionally, the lead researcher was given limited access to the
Help Desk’s private knowledge base to better understand the observed practices. Throughout the
research we took care to use these resources respectfully and quotes used from them in this work
have been carefully redacted to protect sta and end-users.
As expected, phishing-related tasks are infrequent and tend to occur in clusters, such as when a
single phishing campaign generates many calls in a short time period. Consequently, the researcher
was only able to observe one live reaction to a phishing campaign. Instead, during breaks in work
the researcher asked sta about their prior experiences with phishing calls. Because the ticketing
system is normally open during work, it was easy for them to pull up prior phishing calls they had
handled and discuss them.
Interviewing University teams. Observing the Help Desk also gave insight into the work ows of
the teams they work with, most of whom use the same ticket tracking system. To better understand
the work practices of these other teams, we conducted interviews. Most of the interviews were
contextual interviews [
] where during or after the interview the participant showed the lead
researcher real phishing handling examples of how they do their work, the systems they use, and
metrics from previous attacks. Interviews were mostly conducted in nearby meeting spaces to
avoid disturbing other sta.
The Help Desk manager provided introductions to other University teams that deal with various
aspects of phishing, even if their involvement was minimal. We were therefore able to interview one
or two members from six teams, each of whom work on a range of phishing-related issues including:
dealing with users, account resetting, desktop computer rebuilding, best practice management,
email relay management, interface with Oce365 email, and security. Unfortunately, we were not
able to interview the team that manages the network and the virtual team focused on security.
In total, we conducted about 25 hours of interview. All the interviewees were experienced sta
who worked for the University for more than 4 years and most of them were their team’s manager
or leader. The lead researcher also constructed a diagram of inter-team workows from early
observation and interview content, she then iteratively improved it by asking sta in following
interviews about the accuracy of the identied inter-team interactions, procedures, and their
phishing-related roles.
Team interviews started by explaining the project and the general goal of understanding how
the University handles phishing reports. We then asked them to explain their team’s mission in
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their own words and their general work practices. We then narrowed in on their phishing-related
activities, including their interactions with other teams. The bulk of the interviews involved follow-
up unstructured questions on issues they brought up or topics we were aware of from other team
interviews or Help Desk observations.
Periodic review of ndings. During the Help Desk observations, the lead researcher setup some
feedback sessions with sta where the researcher summarized their ndings and ask for feedback
or corrections on the observations. To help guide the research further, approximately twice a month
the lead researcher would give a slide presentation detailing their latest interesting observations
from the Help Desk shadowing as well as the interviews to our research lab who were encouraged
to ask questions and comment. The presentations included the developing diagram of inter-team
workows as well as information ows within teams and between the Help Desk and end-users.
The presentations were used to help the lead researcher process observations as well as identify
areas that needed follow-up to understand. As these presentations happened regularly, the lab
group was also able to provide needed external clarity. Notes of key points were taken during and
after meetings.
Interview data analysis. Interviews were audio recorded if the interviewees allowed it, if not, the
researcher took detailed notes and completed a write-up immediately after nishing the interview.
All audio recordings were transcribed by a researcher, with participant’s personal information and
team names being substituted for IDs both in the transcriptions and notes.
Two researchers reviewed all the transcripts and notes. Using open coding as they went, both
researchers constructed their own independent code-books focusing on the process of handling
phishing. The researchers then met to discuss the process that had been observed. Through iterative
coding and discussion sessions the researchers reached agreement on the workow for handling
phishing as well as the problems and friction points. Following each round of discussion, the two
researchers provided feedback to the third researcher so as to guide reporting of results.
During the open coding, it became evident that phishing management at the University was
an example of Distributed Cognition as the process of managing phishing clearly involved more
than standard escalation of issues, and instead required multiple groups to communicate about
their own unique perspectives of the incident and work together to manage it properly. DCog was
therefore used to guide the analysis by putting more emphasis on the communications between
teams, particularly, points where one team had access to data or resources not available to the other
teams and how that information was being conveyed.
To ensure accuracy of the presented results, an early draft of this paper was shared with stake-
holders and their comments were discussed and addressed.
6 Results
Phishing is handled by multiple teams within the University, including: Security, Quality Enhance-
ment, Help Desk, Mail Relay, Mail Exchange, Network, Incident Response (IRT), and Service Delivery.
The level of involvement of each team is dierent; some teams routinely handle phishing-related
issues while others are only involved in emergencies or other specic circumstances. End-users
are also an important part of this distributed process as they identify, report, and ask advice about
phishing by contacting the Help Desk.
6.1 Phishing campaigns managing the load
In this section we focus on how the Help Desk manages phishing calls. We observe that their largest
problems involve: managing large numbers of reports coming in, deciding what reports need to be
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escalated to other teams, closing out the report calls eciently, and using their own judgment on
non-standard phishing reports.
The most common phishing attack handled by the Help Desk is phishing campaigns where the
phisher sends emails to many recipients to increase the odds that one or more will interact with it.
The emails are often visually similar but contain variations, such as putting the recipient’s name in
the email body (e.g. “Hello Alice,), using slightly dierent body text or creating custom URL links
for each recipient.
In most cases experienced by the Help Desk, a phishing campaign will use similar subject lines
for all the emails. When reporting phishing, users often forward the email, causing the ticketing
system to automatically adopt the subject of the phish as the subject of the ticket. If a Help Desk
sta member nds a phishing email in their own inbox, they can conrm a campaign by comparing
this email to those already reported in the ticketing system. It is one of the cues they use to verify
phishing campaigns. Help Desk sta typically use the number of reports with similar-sounding
subject lines reported in a short time frame as a signal of a campaign. Often, such sets of reports
will happen in the morning due to users checking their email then.
[Help Desk] Morning usually is the peak time for us. We receive calls between 8 and 9 am
because usually sta will come in the morning check their emails and report phishing.
After determining that they are looking at a phishing campaign, sta select one or more of the
calls to escalate to the appropriate teams. The remaining similar-subject calls are either temporarily
ignored by sta or grouped together into a single open call to reduce clutter in the ticketing queue.
Later in the day, when new phishing reports have stopped coming in, a sta member will voluntarily
go through and close all phishing calls at once.
The above workow has naturally evolved as a way for Help Desk sta to manage phishing
reports alongside their other service delivery tasks.
6.1.1 The number of phishing reports can overwhelm. The Help Desk’s primary goal is to optimize
the number of calls processed, either by closing or escalating them, ideally taking less than 15
minutes for most calls. A phishing campaign is problematic for the Help Desk because it generates
a large number of phishing calls, each of which must theoretically be handled individually, taking
time away from other calls. For 2019, they received phishing-related calls on at least 20 days out of
every month, with call counts ranging between 2 and 170 per day. While that number may seem
large, it only represents a small percentage of the University reporting phishing. If a theoretical
phishing campaign were to target all University sta and students (about 55,000 people) and even
1% were to report it, that would be 580 calls, well above the normally observed number.
Most of the teams, including the Help Desk, agreed that having people report phishing was
needed as it is the cue for identifying campaigns. However, they also recognized that the University
did not have the resources to look through all the phishing reports. An Quality Enhancement sta
member explained:
[Quality Enhancement] We want people to report [phishing emails] but we want to be able to
manage the load of calls. The problem is we cannot manage them.
The Security team similarly recognized the problem of a lack of resources impacting the Help
Desk’s capacity for managing reports:
[Security] At the moment we don’t have the resource to have someone look at them and
triage them which is our main problem.
This overloading problem resulted in the Help Desk adapting their practices to t the ticketing
system’s functionality, as we discuss later. Another tactic the Help Desk uses is to get help from
other teams, such as the Mail Relay, to block still incoming campaign emails and remove existing
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phishing from peoples’ inboxes. Doing so has positive security impacts, but more practically, it
stops the ood of reports making it a strong immediate motivator to react fast.
Help Desk overload also impacts the University’s ability to send simulated phishing messages
to end-users as part of security measurement and training. Sending such fake phishing emails is
currently an industry best practice to understand how well-trained sta are and if the procedures put
in place are eective. However, when the University attempted such an exercise, they unintentionally
overwhelmed the Help Desk with calls as the Mail Relay’s normal work-management strategy of
quickly blocking the incoming attack cannot be used on simulated phishing. The overload damaged
the Help Desk’s ability to do their daily tasks and their ability to provide customized feedback to
reporting users, resulting in a loss of a potential user-training opportunity.
[Security] The problem is when people then report [the fake phishing email]; there is no
inbuilt system on our email that says “Wait, this is a fake one, calm down”. So with the issue
in the Help Desk, Help Desk was completely swamped and that what happened after we ran
the simulation the rst time.
As a result, the Security team temporarily stopped sending fake phishing emails and are working
on nding ways to better conduct training and testing. Including agreeing to be part of the research
project described in this paper as an eort to better understand how phishing reports ow through
the organisation and where provisioning is needed.
6.1.2 Deciding what to escalate so as to not waste other teams’ time. The main point of the Help
Desk is to decide what does and does not need escalation, so other teams only spend time on
problems that require their expertise. Hence, one of the Help Desk’s key tasks is triage, where they
sort through reports and identify which calls require escalation to the appropriate team.
In addition to wasting time, escalating unnecessary calls can also result in a polite rebuke from
the other team. We observed several situations where a call was escalated, and the other team
responded that they had already handled this one in the morning, or that necessary information
was not present. Consequently, the Help Desk sta try only to escalate calls when necessary.
[Mail Relay] If they are asking us to block a specic email and they told us 10 times already,
then we do not need to see it again ... but what we do not want is the Help Desk passing all
the hundred calls to us just saying the same thing “This person received a phishing email”.
We only need to be told once.
To ensure that only useful calls are escalated to other teams, the Help Desk considers the following
points before escalation.
Is the reported phishing email from a University email address? Compromised University accounts
are a serious problem, so if a reported phishing email is from a University email address, the Help
Desk will handle it with more urgency. We further detail how compromised accounts are handled
in Section 6.3.
Is this a campaign or a one-o attack? A key criterion for the Help Desk is the number of reports.
If there is only a small number of phishing reports, then requesting action to block incoming emails
is likely a waste of other teams’ time. The attack may be a one-o, or the user could just be confused.
Neither case justies escalation.
Looking at the phishing emails reported during May, we found 9 phishing campaigns with more
than 4 phishing reports, 12 campaigns with 2-4 phishing reports, and 40 phishing reports of single
phishing emails. Using the helpline strategy, only 21 calls would have been escalated in May.
Do other teams already know about this phishing campaign? If other teams are already aware of
the problem, then escalating again is unnecessary. So before escalating a call, Help Desk sta check
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that it is not already being handled. The Help Desk maintains a separate list of phishing emails that
are logged with Mail Relay. The list includes the subject lines of phishing calls that have already
been escalated.
[Help Desk Knowledge base] Due to the current number of phishing attempts being made on
our email service, we really need to monitor what we have sent to Mail Relay so we don’t end
up inundating them with calls.
Sometimes other teams become aware of a phishing campaign through other sources, such as
getting the phishing email themselves or being notied by another University, detailed in Section 6.4.
When that happens, they notify the Help Desk so that they do not escalate calls from that campaign.
However, such notications come into the Help Desk via several channels so it can be challenging
for them to track and follow these requests. In the below example, a call was escalated to the Mail
Relay team, who then deescalated it because the IRT team had already created an earlier call for
the same issue which the Help Desk would have been copied in on.
[Mail Relay deescalating a call] The Help Desk were passed a call about this from IRT earlier
Is all the necessary data present? When reporting, users often forward the problematic email or
provide copied snippets of it in their communication which removes valuable email header data
needed by specialized teams such as Mail Relay.
Fig. 1shows two examples of why the full original email (.eml le) is needed. Both pictured
emails are from the same campaign sent within minutes of each other to two Lecturers in the same
University department. To a human, they are obviously part of the same scam, but they are quite
dierent to a computer. The from addresses are dierent, the use of link text diers, the email text
body itself is dierent, they have dierent HTML formatting, and even the subject has variations.
These example variations are consistent to those seen in prior work [
]. Automatically nding
and removing this scam by searching through the email of a whole University is not possible using
only the pictured information. However, the .eml les contain additional information such as a list
of all the email servers the email passed through, their IP addresses, encryption signatures, and
any checks performed by the servers.
The easiest way to get the header information is to have the user save and send the original
email as an .eml le. Reporting tools, such as ones the University is currently pilot testing, will
attach this le to the phishing report automatically, but at the time of observation the only way
to get it was for the user to provide it explicitly. To save time, the Help Desk has a pre-written
response text, called a Standard Solution (SS) detailed in Section 6.5 that asks the user to send
the email as an .eml le, including instructions on how to do so. So if the .eml is missing, the sta
managing the call will ask them for it using the SS. The user may then take some time to respond
or not respond at all, delaying the report escalation.
Escalating the call. Once the Help Desk has all the needed data, they again check that the call
has not yet been escalated, and if not, they escalate it. First, the Help Desk sta updates the
aforementioned list of escalated calls with their phishing incident’s subject and then escalates
the call to the Mail Relay, Mail Exchange, and IRT teams. Typically the escalation will be done
on a single call so that all three teams can see comments made by the others. The purpose of the
escalation to the three teams at once is to ensure situational awareness across IS even in cases
where only one team needs to take action.
6.1.3 Closing calls is time consuming. Closing a phishing call involves providing feedback to the
end-user and marking the call as resolved in the ticket tracking software.
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(a) Phishing email sent to “Alice”. (b) Phishing email sent to “Bob”.
Fig. 1. Phishing emails sent to two University Lecturers in the same department on the same day. Mildly
edited to make them anonymous.
[Help Desk] We would escalate one of the calls to the appropriate team to action in terms of
blocking at the relays or removing the oending email from mailboxes. The rest of them we
would just contact the user to say delete the email, change your passwords if you’ve clicked
on a link etc.
To do so, a sta member has to look up the phishing SS in a long list, pick the appropriate one
based on the user query in Table 1, select it, send it to the user, copy it to the call history, and then
mark the call resolved. The actions are fairly simple, but when 100+ calls all require the exact same
set of actions, it can get repetitive.
To combat this, the Help Desk sta will tag all incoming phishing calls with unclear subjects
by adding “[Phishing]” to the subject and leave them open on the system. They will then wait
about 30 minutes for any further calls or till the rate at which reports come in slows and then bulk
close the calls via an internal communication system. They then select everything either tagged
“[Phishing]”, or that is clearly part of the day’s phishing campaign, and close them out all at once,
sending all the reporting users the same SS and marking all the calls as resolved as one bulk action;
thereby, saving everyone quite a bit of call-closing time.
[Help Desk] Sometimes the volume gets beyond us, we are not going through this one by
one and contact each user individually with SS. We are gonna just bulk and close these calls
with the generic bulk closure message, it goes out with basically goes out and say if you want
more information, look at the call in the service portal because sometimes we don’t have the
capacity to chip through these.
6.1.4 Help Desk sta are relied on to use their own judgment to identify non-standard problems.
While the Help Desk heavily relies on standard protocols, procedures, and processes they also
encourage their sta to use their own judgment around how to handle each call and provide them
with the tools to do so. While seemingly unremarkable, it is important to understand that sta are
encouraged to handle calls within minutes and therefore tend to apply the heuristics described
above to handle phishing calls quickly. Here we detail a couple of situations where sta noticed
something odd and followed up in a non-standard way.
When shadowing a Help Desk sta member, we observed them take a call from a single phishing
report which would typically be closed without escalation. The report complained that the forwarded
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phishing was impersonating their Department Head and asked the Help Desk to block the emails.
The Help Desk sta member thought that the phishing email was particularly believable and
therefore might constitute a high risk, but they were still uncertain if it was worth escalating. So
they used a University provided message trace service on the email’s from address and found that
the phisher had sent the email to around a hundred users. So they immediately escalated it to the
appropriate teams.
In a separate instance, the Help Desk received a large number of calls where users reported a
legitimate email from within the University as phishing. The Help Desk team investigated the
reasons for that misjudgment and found that an email sending service had been used that made the
sent emails look like they might not actually be from the University.
[Help Desk] We have false positive occasionally. It has been assisted now. I am trying to think
what is the bulk mail. XX mail is a commercial book mail relay that you can buy into that
allows you to send lots and lots of emails to target audiences. Certain colleges, were using
[it] for email campaigns and things like that. The problem with that is not coming form the
University email address. It has The University name in some part of it but it is not
and people were reporting that it is phishing but it is not. We are not having it anymore
because changes were made to make the email that is sent to people more obvious that it
is part of the University. It should have the University logo, University address, and looks
To address the problem, the University banned the use of email services that do not comply with
best practice when possible, such as providing URLs hosted under the University’s domain.
6.2 Converting escalated calls into protections
In this section, we discuss how the Mail Relay and Mail Exchange teams handle escalated calls
from the Help Desk along with other teams. Handling an escalated call most often involves nding
a reliable way to identify the phish and then applying that method across several systems. Both of
which may require hand-os between several teams to nd solutions and implement them. Also,
some phish simply cannot be blocked or require several attempts to do so.
A large component of handling an escalated phishing call is ensuring that University users are
protected from the reported phishing attack. People have a wide range of skills at identifying
phishing [
] with some quickly reporting the phish and other more vulnerable users clicking on
malicious links. To protect these vulnerable users, teams can use reports to remove phish from
inboxes as well as prevent new phishing from entering the University email system. Doing so
primarily falls to the Mail Relay team who handle incoming and outgoing emails and the Mail
Exchange team who handle stored emails as well as emails managed by Microsoft’s Oce365.
However, other teams may be required if the situation dictates so. Phishing campaigns can vary
dramatically in sophistication with the process being straight forward if all the phishing emails share
a unique feature, such as all coming from the same email address. But other phishing campaigns
can be more complex (e.g. Fig. 1).
6.2.1 Finding a common reliable factor to protect users. Many features are used to block phishing,
but some of the most common are the from address, subject line, and any mail relays listed in
the header. The teams use a combination of experience and educated guessing to select potential
features and then run practice searches to see how eective they are.
While the main process is fairly basic, doing it reliably is not easily learned as it requires
knowledge of email header’s structure as well as an understanding of IP addresses and IP address
ranges. Feature selection also has to be done carefully so blocking and deleting will not interrupt
users’ work. A simple example might be a phishing attack that closely mirrors a genuine Dropbox
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email. If the Mail Relay team chooses to block on features that are also shared by real Dropbox
emails, they could inadvertently damage all users’ ability to interact with Dropbox. Universities
are also complex, with sta working on a wide variety of problems, using a wide variety of tools,
and collaborating with a wide variety of people. So blocking whole IP ranges, domains, or tools
cannot be done lightly.
The eect of blocking or deleting emails can also range from time consuming to impossible to
reverse. The Mail Relay team can trap emails in quarantine and then release them for delivery if
they were incorrectly identied as spam. However, when the Mail Exchange team deletes an email,
it is permanently gone and cannot be recovered. As a result, the Mail Exchange team has internal
procedures around email deletion, such as requiring the manager to approve all deletion commands.
They also require specifying a date range, from address and subject line in the deletion commands
to limit potential damage.
[Mail Exchange] Within Oce 365, you can do what we call it content search. There is one
various procedures to ensure we don’t do it unless we have the approval to do it but yes we
do have the ability to do that and any thing we do is fully auditable.
6.2.2 Fixing requires knowledge, resource, and responsibility. University teams are generally either
centered around resources that need to be managed (e.g. Mail Relay) or around specialized knowl-
edge that takes time to accumulate (e.g. Security). Knowledge regarding how to address a phishing
incident is often located in many parts of an organization. This situation is fairly common in IS
support as dierent teams and members often gain in-depth understanding of the systems they
work in and then collaborate with others as needed [
]. In terms of phishing, teams need knowl-
edge, both in terms of making non-disruptive changes to running systems and making changes
that are likely to have the desired security outcomes. Large computing systems are made of many
interconnected components where a single change can have unexpected side eects. To balance
this distribution of knowledge and ensure their changes meet the best practices, the University
teams actively coordinate with the resource-based teams to make the actual changes to the system
and also to ask for advice and sign-o from other teams, such as Security.
Access to resources, such as systems, services, and channels, is also often restricted to ensure that
people with insucient knowledge do not make well meaning but potentially very problematic
changes. For example, it would be much faster and more ecient if the Help Desk could directly
go from identifying an accurate phishing report to applying an appropriate rule to the mail relay
to stop new phish (and reports) from coming in. However, as the Mail Relay team notes below,
knowledge of how to modify the relay safely is not quickly learned.
[Mail Relay] It is so complicated only experts can understand [lter rule construction], I don’t
think the Help Desk have access to the black list.
Consequently, the Help Desk cannot edit themselves and instead raise a call and wait for the Mail
Relay team to take action.
University systems also frequently impact each other, requiring teams to coordinate or ask
each other for help addressing an issue. For example, a Mail Relay team member recalled a prior
phishing campaign when so many emails were coming in at the same time, causing the relay
server to experience overload. So despite applying mail ltering rules, the phishing emails were
still negatively impacting users’ ability to get emails. To solve the problem, they reached out to the
Network team to temporarily block all incoming emails from the phisher’s IP address range. Doing
so reduced the load on the mail relays and resulted in a successful blocking of the malicious emails
with minimal impact on University services.
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[Mail Relay] We do communicate with Network team in active attacks from a specic IP.
Network team will block the trac to save resources.
In situations requiring specialized knowledge, teams may require consultation, guidance, or sign-o
from other teams before enacting a change. For example, phishers will sometimes send emails from
an IP address range to make blocking the email harder. IP address allocation is a constantly shifting
feature on the Internet as addresses are assigned and reassigned to dierent Internet Address
Registrars. Some ranges are unallocated and can be safely blocked, while other ranges might be
used by valid users. The Mail Relay team’s knowledge does not necessarily include an in-depth
understanding of the current IP Address allocation issues, so when choosing to block IP ranges
they may consult with teams like Security or Network who have this knowledge.
[Mail Relay] We consult Security with policy and security. For example, if we have an attack
from a country, we will escalate it to them for decision ... We can’t block all the emails from
Nigeria. It will damage our reputation when someone from Nigeria tries to contact us. We
should just balance the cons and pros of each rule. Many emails will be trapped by blacklists.
While some teams play a direct role in the day-to-day responsibilities of handling phishing, others
monitor the ongoing incidents and processes used. For example, the Security team observes the
internal processes and advises on change to better promote security practices. They do this by
tracking ongoing security incidents handled by the IRT through monitoring of the IRT’s resources:
[Security] We have access to the IRT’s inbox. So we can see what is coming in and out. So, we
know what is happening and we can actually see the [ticket system] calls that are assigned to
IRT’s inbox. So that how we know what is going on.
6.2.3 Some messages cannot be blocked or removed from inboxes. Sometimes, even with the help of
multiple teams, phishing emails cannot be reliably blocked or deleted. During the data collection,
a large phishing campaign hit the University. It was sent from dierent email addresses and had
unique subject lines, often involving recipients’ names. The Mail Relay applied several blocks on
the relays, but the number of from addresses involved made it challenging to fully block or remove
them from users’ inboxes. Instead, the Quality Enhancement manager relied on the users as the last
point of defense and sent an email on to all University members explaining the email characteristics
and asking them to delete any email that matched.
[Quality Enhancement email] ... the University is receiving a very signicant number of
phishing attempts which have the recipient’s name in the subject eld and some text in the
body of the message ... If you have received a message like this can you please delete it without
clicking on any links within. If you have received a message like this and clicked on the link,
please contact [the Help Desk] for advice.
6.2.4 Email blocking does not always work on the first try. Normally, the Mail Relay team will use
an escalated call to construct a blocking rule that eectively blocks all emails of that type. But
sometimes the blocking rules miss a portion of the campaign.
In the following case, a campaign had happened, the Mail Relay team had been escalated to, and
end-users had been sent the SS. The user questioned the block’s eectiveness and sent a follow-up
call in response to the rst phishing report to ensure that a block was correctly applied on the mail
relays. However, they were not satised with the response and sent in yet another call.
[End-user] Got another three e-mails through from the address, so that the
block you have put on does not seem to be eective. Could you check what has gone wrong?
In response to the initial call, the Mail Relay team had applied a block based on the phisher’s email
address, but the phisher was sneaky and bypassed the block. A Help Desk sta correctly identied
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that the above email was an indication that the Mail Relay team’s solution was not working and
escalated the call despite it already being on the list of previously escalated calls. Using the new
information, the Mail Relay member consulted the sta within the for a solution; thus, Mail Relay
team expanded their rules to look for the problematic email address in multiple header locations.
Also, given the sneaky attacker behavior they also chose to block all email trac originating from
the IP range the attacker was using.
[Help Desk escalation] Hi Mail Relay, The block on the below email put in place in call
xxxx2241 appear not have worked. Can you advise on what else can be done to try and stop
these emails getting through?
[Mail Relay member 1] Any idea why my entry in the access le didn’t work?
[Mail Relay member 2] The simple way of blocking an address relies on the return path -
which is what the mail system sees - being the same as what is in the from header. That is
usually the case, but in this case it was not. They are being rather more sneaky than usual. I
have put in a dierent sort of block which should block anything with “”
in the From: header. I also identied four network [IP] blocks from which these spams have
recently originated (though there may be others I have not found) and blocked all trac from
6.3 Compromised accounts a serious reputation and workload problem
Accounts can be compromised as a result of a successful phishing attack. Once the victim provides
their credentials on a fake web page, the attacker can use them to gain access to the victim’s
accounts. In this section, we discuss University practices of reported compromised accounts. More
specically, we detail the cases in which they hand-o the calls to IRT team or rely on users to
revoke the attacker’s access to their account. IS teams have strong security awareness with regards
to compromised accounts; thus, reacting on them is independent from reacting to other phishing
Compromised accounts were found to be mutually understood by all teams, and were unani-
mously identied as a serous security concern, given that multiple services can be accessed using
the University’s single authentication system. Among other actions, they can use the accounts to
send out more phishing emails. Similar to ndings from previous research [
], sta from Mail Relay,
Help Desk, and Mail Exchange believed that this is the most common scenario for compromised
accounts in University.
[Mail Relay] Every time an account is compromised, eectively theft of personal information.
Blocking phishing emails is done internally by the spam lter on the mail relays managed by the
University’s Mail Relay team and also by the default spam lter on Oce365 Exchange Server
managed by Microsoft. Phishing emails from compromised accounts are treated more seriously
than other phishing emails since they do not go through the relay’s spam lter and they get a lower
spam score from the Exchange lter because they are from the same domain (internal users), which
is considered trustworthy.
[Mail Relay] Messages sent internally from one student to another student do not go through
any of that relay’s scoring. It is all set within Microsoft Oce365.
[Security] Add scores to the emails is the things that Oce 365 and Microsoft do. They have
what is called spam ratings and they basically just go: “this looks like spam and this does not”,
based on the huge number of criteria. We use the scores to some extent to block things that
have basically the highest score because always entirely they will be.
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Compromised accounts are sometimes used to send out spear and loosely targeted phishing emails
aimed at specic groups of individuals. Both of these attacks are hard to detect by end users [
We observed several cases of these attacks while shadowing the Help Desk sta. In one case, the
attacker compromised the victims’ account and used it to send several emails to other University
members hoping that one of the recipients knows the victim and replies to the attacker.
[Help Desk] The user here reports [spear phishing]. So the user was aware of the phishing
type. The email said only “Are you available?” If the user knows the person who sent the
email, they will communicate with the attacker and maybe transfer money to them. Mail
Relay told us that the sender accounts are compromised.
Compromised accounts also pose a reputation problem. They can be used to send a malicious
email to other organizations with the University’s name associated with it. Considering that
University is moving toward applying the cryptographic signature of the University’s mail relay,
other organizations use these signatures in their spam lters, so email coming from a University
compromised account is more likely to make it through other organizations’ spam lters and harm
reputation when their teams have to handle the messages.
[University public Knowledge base] Phishing campaigns lead to compromised accounts and
as it stands currently, risks the integrity of the University’s reputation, data and ultimately,
University business.
Compromised accounts are one of the most critical impacts of phishing campaigns as they can
quickly snowball in scale as internal emails can reach more users who can potentially become
compromised and phish other users.
Despite their importance, xing compromised accounts is time-consuming and hard to do at
scale as each account must have its password reset individually.
[Mail Relay on behalf of IRT] The problem we have is that often in the time between the
initial compromise and the sending of spam and then us trying to delete that phishing from
other users mailboxes, even if that is 10 to 15 minute, we get dozens of people who then get
compromised. We then have an ongoing problem of phishing going around the University,
moving from one person to another person to another person, and we can’t keep deleting
them all. So ideally, what we want to do is stop getting them in the rst place, which is a
really dicult thing to do.
6.3.1 Reported phishing from new compromised accounts should be escalated. For every phishing
incident, the Help Desk sta look at the sender of the phishing email; if it comes from an internal
user, such as a student, it is considered a compromised account and requires more immediate
actions beyond those discussed in Section 6.1.
The escalation of compromised accounts is similar to the escalation of phishing campaigns
in that only new cases should be escalated; however, the Help Desk should escalate one call for
every phishing campaign whereas all distinct compromised account reports should be escalated.
To ensure the account has not already worked on, the Help Desk sta normally look at the list of
blocked compromised accounts provided by the IRT team and only escalate the call to the IRT if the
account is not on that list. Unlike the list of phishing emails logged with the Mail Relay, the known
compromised account list is maintained directly by the IRT team. Unlike phishing escalation, Help
Desk sta are not expected to verify if the account is compromised before escalating it.
[End-user] Just to make you aware, please see above most likely a phishing email that has
been sent from a student account.
[Help Desk] Hi IRT, I can’t see this account on our list of compromised accounts.
[IRT] I see no evidence that the account is compromised.
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A Mail Relay sta on behalf of the IRT team was positive on hand-o calls that ask if an account is
compromised or not.
[Mail Relay] If the Help Desk are asking us to look at a specic email from dierent account
saying is this account compromised, we will look at each individual one of those.
Reporting compromised accounts is necessary since IRT sta can use it to trace other compromised
accounts. The example below illustrates how the IRT sta used the report to reset the compromised
account, escalate it to Mail Exchange to remove the emails, and also lock other user accounts
proactively because they were observed sending the phishing emails from the same location and at
the exact time.
[End-user] I received the attached email over the weekend, I think it might have gone to other
sta. It seems to be a phishing attempt and comes from what purports to be a student’s email
address. I did not click the link.
[Help Desk] Hi IRT, see attached email and compromised account.
[IRT] Passwords have been reset. Call also sent to Mail Exchange to delete the emails. User1,
user2, user3 are also sending phish around the same time from the same place. Passwords
have been reset.
6.3.2 Helping users who self-identify potential compromise. Some users contact the Help Desk
looking for advice because they clicked on a phishing email, resulting in a compromised account.
[End-user] I opened a dodgy email and now my email has been hacked and is sending spam
all over, what should I do?
In this case, the Help Desk asks the user to change their password, and no escalation is required
because in most cases changing the password will lock the attacker out. Time-wise, this is the
best-case scenario since the user can solve the problem without losing access to their account. If a
compromised account is identied by someone other than the owner, then the call will be escalated
to the IRT team who resets the user’s accounts with a temporary password and asks the user to
change it later, which takes more time for everyone.
This scenario aligns with Help Desk strategy of shifting the responsibility to users to reduce
future calls when the user re-encounters the same issue.
[Help Desk] We also rely on “shift left”. Moving everything to the users. E.g. knowledge on
the University website so when users contact the Help Desk, they will receive a link if users
can help themselves.
6.4 Information flow paerns are not in a fixed order or direction
While our focus started with the Help Desk, awareness about phishing campaigns and compromised
accounts actually originate from various sources. In this section we detail how teams become aware
of ongoing campaigns by discussing the notication procedures within teams and from outside
the ticketing system. Teams may become aware of incidents by receiving notication from a
number of internal and external channels, including the team’s own monitoring systems, a UK-wide
educational network called Janet, and the contracted organization that handles out-of-hours Help
Desk calls. Regardless of the source used to identify an ongoing phishing incident, each team works
to ensure that all relevant teams are made aware of new attacks so as to maintain organizational
situational awareness. This awareness results in responsive action which may not be reported to
helpline sta, but will result in communication between service teams as they coordinate operations
for protection.
6.4.1 Phishing awareness can originate from within teams. Standard monitoring practices by teams
can identify suspicious activity within their systems or through their own personal email inboxes.
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Once aware, teams proactively adjust their systems to protect users from phishing attacks. For
example, Mail Exchange can notice phishing incidents if a compromised user exceeded the limit on
sending emails.
[Help Desk] Generally, Network look to see when there is strange activity on the network
because they have the network logs. So they have some massive trac ... So what you got
here about quota limit, they see some of the other behaviour around that kind of concept that
things like massive downloading from users who wouldn’t normally do that and then they
will feed it in there and say OK here is the thread and start investigating.
Similar to the Help Desk, the team creates a call based on the observed problem and escalate it to
other relevant teams to mitigate their own systems. Maintaining vigilance for anomalies allows
teams to react immediately.
6.4.2 External partners can inform teams. Apart of the University IS teams, awareness of phishing
incidents might originate from external partners. For example, many Universities in the UK gain
access to the Internet through the Janet Network, which is a dedicated network infrastructure for
the “UK research and education community”
. If a Janet admin identies a serious attack, they may
choose to block URLs associated with it UK-wide and notify Security or Network teams directly.
[Quality Enhancement] We have for example a huge issue last year where a lot of dierent
Janet organizations were being attacked and Janet is the education network. What happened
is gradually dierent universities started to get attacked but some universities put proactive
steps because they were able to share that information to reach a solution.
Janet also informs the Network team about outgoing suspicious communication, so the network
team become aware of compromised accounts or machines.
[Help Desk] They are all interlinked because you could end up getting referral from Janet
on the basis that someone clicked on a phishing email and gave out some details which is
compromised their accounts and it has downloaded some sort of bot that then start trying to
connect to all over the world through your outbound trac, and trying to contact other hosts
which are known to be malicious.
Another external source of information is NorMAN. NorMAN is an Out-Of-Hours service to support
University members 24/7. After work hours, the Help Desk directs all the calls to the NorMAN
support desk. NorMAN cannot solve all the calls because they do not have access to the ticket
system, so at the end of their work, they provide a report about resolved and not resolved calls.
Then, the Help Desk integrate all the calls to the call system and resolves all the calls which could
not be handled by NorMAN.
[Help Desk] NorMAN will try to resolve some of the issues but not all of them because they
don’t have access to [ticket tracking] services.
In the case of phishing attacks, NorMAN sta reply to users without escalating the calls to other
teams. Information about any phishing campaigns is included in the NorMAN support report for
the Help Desk so they can prepare for the potentially large number of early morning calls and
escalate them to the other teams. During shadowing, a rst-line sta retrospectively told us how
they learned about an ongoing phishing campaign from the manager relaying a NorMAN report.
6.5 Providing feedback and guidance to end users
The above sections highlight the importance of user generated phishing reports in detecting and
managing phishing attacks. In this section we look at interactions with users, particularly the use
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of pre-written standard solutions and impacts of bulk closures on users. Standard solutions save
sta time, but they can also result in lower user satisfaction and impact users’ willingness to report
phishing in the future.
Users contact the Help Desk to ask about guidance around phishing. For example, a user may be
uncertain if an email is real or not and is asking for guidance about if they should respond. They
may have already taken some action, such as reporting the phishing to their bank, and are asking
if that was the correct course of action. Or the phishing email may be threatening them in some
way, such as warning of account shut down, so they want reassurances that their account will not
be deactivated. Some users even engaged with the phishing before realizing that it was fraudulent
and are seeking guidance about how to best manage the situation.
Help Desk sta endeavor to respond to every call in a professional way that promotes user
satisfaction and resolves any service problems. However, the number of calls and time limitations
can impact communicating with users.
6.5.1 Standard solution (SS) design. While the range of queries can be broad, most users are looking
for only a small set of guidance, such as reassurance that the email is indeed phishing, that they
have done the right thing by contacting the Help Desk, that they should delete the email, that their
device is malware free, and that they can do everything needed to protect their account if they did
interact. The high overlap in needed guidance is a perfect match for a Standard Solution (SS) where
several sets of guidance can be written by a qualied person and then re-used. Having an available
SS is also helpful for Help Desk sta who may not themselves be experts in phishing and may feel
uncomfortable providing self-written guidance to others. SS also allow them to quickly provide
consistent professional guidance with detailed steps.
The benets of the SSs were acknowledged by Help Desk members we spoke to, with all reporting
that they reply to phishing calls using them. SS were also valued for the time they saved rst-line
sta. Instead of working 5 minutes on every phishing call and writing a reply to every phishing
email they receive, rst-line sta can quickly use an SS for common phishing calls.
SS content design. Phishing-related SSs were developed by the Help Desk based on the most
common reasons for contacting the Help Desk and focus on: 1) thanking users who reported
phishing emails, 2) conrming an email is phishing, 3) conrming an email is not phishing, 4)
helping users who clicked on links, and 5) informing users about phishing simulations. Contents of
phishing-related SS are detailed in Table 1.
The wording used in the SS were carefully chosen through a collaboration between the Help Desk
and Security teams to ensure that it both matched what users were asking and that the responses
were technically accurate.
[Security] And we have occasionally gone to [the Help Desk], the wording you are means
the people around being inclined to not report any more. Why you are doing it this way. So,
there is some back and forth.
Consistent messaging. SSs are also helpful because they provide consistent messaging to users
which is generally considered an eective approach in public safety communication [
]. The Help
Desk manager was a proponent of consistent and accurate communications because they felt it
would enable them to develop a trusting relationship with users. Managing relationships with users
also partially motivated the creation of multiple SSs addressing dierent common requests, because
they felt that the template variations would signal that the Help Desk is listening to each user and
providing custom feedback.
[Help Desk] We focus on the consistency in answering users. It is important to build up the
relationship over the years.
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User’s query Summary of SS content
Ask if an email is
Yes it is, sta report informing email team, and provide mitigation steps
in case the user clicked on links or opened attachments.
No it is not, sta manually write the reason(s).
Report phishing
Thank them, sta report informing email team, and provide steps if
clicked on links or opened attachments.
Report phishing
Thank them, inform that it is simulated, educate user, no action required.
(simulated attack)
Clicked on a link
Ask them to delete the email immediately and follow provided mitiga-
tion steps.
Table 1. Phishing Standard Solutions used by the Help Desk when responding to phishing-related calls.
[Help Desk] Standard solution is used for specic processes such as phishing. When a user
forget their username, we give them technical process.
6.5.2 Bulk closing calls has costs. As discussed earlier in Section 6.1, we observed that Help Desk
sta typically read the rst few phishing calls in a campaign and then assume that the remaining
reports with similar subject lines have similar content and should therefore all receive the same
SS. They do so to eciently use valuable rst-line sta time. However, bulk closures can result in
sounding tone-deaf as well as lead to missing important information.
Some users may be giving or looking for information beyond reporting or inquiring if the email
is phishing. The bulk closures can cause these calls to be missed. For example, one of the campaigns
was a cyberbully type of phishing attack, where the attacker threatened to share victims’ unpleasant
secrets with everyone in their address book. After the bulk closure of the emails, a user replied to
the SS trying to get an answer to their specic question:
[End-user reply to SS] I asked whether I should be informing police - given than this was an
attempt to extort money from me by threats? It is not simply a phishing email.
Bulk closures can also result in missing valuable information from reporting users. For example,
the user below noticed that there were dierent senders in a two week-long campaign.
[End-user] Back in February fake emails of the “are you on campus?” type were being sent in
the name of Miguel, with address I reported this.
I just got another one, this time from a dierent address,
The user makes an important point about how the phisher is using multiple addresses, which may
be helpful to the Mail Relay and Mail Exchange teams. Unfortunately, emails like this one are at
risk of being missed during a campaign because of bulk closure.
7 Discussion
7.1 Phishing management is a distributed cognition process
Prior research has found that information service management is, by its very nature, a distributed
cognitive (DCog) process [
] that requires hand-os between distinct teams [
]. In a DCog
system the cognitive elements of a problem are solved not by a single person but by ooading them
onto an environment made up of a combination of people and technology. Because the technical
systems of a large organisation, like a university, are managed by multiple teams who must pass
problems between them, they often evidence DCog in their problem solving approaches.
However, that does not necessarily mean that all processes in service management involve DCog
as many tasks may only require a single person or small team. In this work we have shown that
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phishing management, at least in this case, evidences many of the elements of DCog. Phishing
touches on many distributed elements of the University’s IS operations, people from dierent
teams collaborate to pool their knowledge, unique system perspectives, and technical ability to
solve phishing problems which occur on a nearly daily basis. To do so eectively, they also make
heavy use of tools like ticketing systems, knowledge bases, jointly maintained lists, and standard
solutions, all of which allow them to communicate and share knowledge between members to
jointly manage phishing. Ticketing systems allow for quick communication that is archived and
visible to all involved teams, enabling joint problem solving. Tools like knowledge bases and jointly
maintained lists allow for storing of knowledge for use by other teams or future team members. For
example, various teams maintaining lists of known compromised accounts so the Help Desk can
accurately respond to users. Standard solutions are also an interesting inter-team example where
the Security team worked with the Help Desk to construct user-facing feedback about phishing
that is accurate and the Help Desk is able to regularly use in their communications.
Our work suggests that phishing management might be a DCog system for organizations that
divide their IS operations up into dierent teams and have those teams coordinate through ticketing
system like tools. The observation has wider implications because it allows for a deeper and
more nuanced understanding of the workows than is necessarily presented in this case. Break
downs in DCog systems are evidenced partially through challenges that the people involved
experience. Such as having a fragmented common ground where each individual has their own
set of knowledge that does not necessarily overlap well with the knowledge of others, requiring
not only information sharing but also facilitating collaborative operations. In DCog, information
also tends to pass through networks of people either directly, or as we observed, through a shared
ticket that progressively builds up contextual cues. This dialogue between teams is needed because
no one individual has full understanding of the system or the problem, necessitating information
By thinking of the problem as a DCog issue, several possible avenues of future work and
interpretation open up, some of which we expand on in the following sections. The most obvious
space for future work is to look at the role of ticketing systems in supporting the DCog activities
around phishing management. These tools were heavily used by sta, but didn’t provide an easy
way to do things like give everyone access to the full set of phishing reports, or allow for easy
highlighting of evidence. Other tools, like the lists of known compromised accounts, were kept
separate from the ticketing system making it easier for some teams to miss information, leading
inter-team friction.
Phishing is also an interesting DCog issue because of its frequency. Other work on DCog with
system administrators [
] talks about how they regularly have to solve a wide variety of issues.
Phishing is dierent in that it is a nearly daily occurrence and while the details of each attack
vary, the processes needed to address it are far more stable. Which may mean that the types of
support needed here can be more easily built into tools than the standard IT management DCog
7.2 The University wants reporting, but can it handle all the reports?
Everyone across the security community agrees that more phishing reporting is better [
which is a view that was also shared by University sta as well as the University CISO. It is easy to
see where this view comes from since sta reporting is the leading way to learn about security
breaches [
]. Humans also have the nice feature that they are not deterministic, which makes
their actions harder for attackers to predict and it also means that any suciently large campaign
is likely to include several sta who are skilled at phishing detection, or just overly observant that
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day. Reporting phishing remains one of the best ways IS sta have of nding the attacks that are
getting through the automated protections, so of course getting more such reports is important.
The problem though is scale. In order to be eective and identify all phishing that is getting
through, all sta need to report any phishing they see. In theory this is a good practice, but it has
the side eect of producing a very large number of reports which must be processed by someone.
The need to manually process the reports is expensive in sta time. Currently, each report must be
processed individually, even if they are bundled together, that still requires a human to individually
select each report and then group them. This problem is one that is likely shared by all organizations
that manage their phishing reporting through ticket tracking systems. With such a manual process,
an obvious future work area is to look at potential automation or human support systems.
Unlike other service disruption type issues that help desks get reports about, phishing reports
have a relatively high level of internal similarity. While phishing emails are designed to hide well
in inboxes, they stand out as a group in the ticketing system due to the similar subject lines, report
times, senders, and URLs. The University Help Desk already makes use of many of these features
to manually group such emails. However, important information can also be overlooked due to
the number of incoming reports. Phishing emails often have some amount of variance to avoid
detection. A ticketing system doesn’t have the tools necessary to identify which reports are the most
important to look at because they exhibit dierent features. Reporting users may also be pointing
out important information that sta do not have time to look at resulting in a lost opportunity
to learn and improve technical defenses [
]. For example, pointing out that the emails are still
coming in through the lter.
We believe that it is impossible to fully automate the phishing report processing and incident
management. Instead we recommend looking into ways to use automation to better support users
in managing increasingly complex situations [
]. The use of automation can make the Help Desk’s
work more ecient while following the best practices [
]. Help Desk sta could use support to
better leverage their limited time. Their judgment is needed to both decide if the reported phishing
is real [
], and to handle more specic questions users might have. One solution for the large
number of reports is to automatically cluster a reports of similar phishing emails as a campaign (e.g.
emails in Fig. 1) and then based on those reports, the system would auto generate a detailed report
about that campaign including the number of reports received and a list of reported compromised
accounts. This potential solution can assist the Help Desk so they only need to label the rst batch
of reported phish and also decide if the escalation is necessary.
There is also some room to look at the eectiveness of AI conversational chatbots to look at the
incoming user questions and automatically assign SS based on the question text. Chatbot use has
been explored in SOC’s to analyze and convey system alerts to security analysts [
] but have not
yet been used to generate auto response to security incidents reported by users.
7.3 Ticketing tools support distributed cognition but have room for improvement
We observed the critical role played by the ticketing system in facilitating much of the inter-team
collaboration. In this situation, the ticketing system itself can be considered an embodied agent
with direct impact on the success of the distributed process [
] as it stores the phishing evidence,
and it is how the dierent teams record what they are doing and communicate. It is also how the
IRT team monitors what is going on so that they can maintain situational awareness and interject
information when needed.
While inter-team collaboration seems reasonably well supported by the ticket tracking tool
they use, there are still some potential areas for improvement and future research. In the case of
phishing, teams need to see all the incoming reports associated with a campaign to accomplish
two tasks: 1) tailor their mitigation to cover all the reported phishing variations, and 2) check if
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the mitigation has indeed stopped the attack. The second point also includes a need to see future
incoming reports.
Ticketing systems are usually built around the standard information service model where a
problem might happen, such as a power failure. While a service disruption results in many reports,
they are basically identical in terms of information so only one report ever needs to be escalated.
Phishing though has some dierences because often users each receive a slightly dierent phishing
email. So there is a need to be able to group reports together in a way that is visible to other teams.
Currently the Help Desk spends a great deal of time collecting together similar tickets manually,
they also spend time curating tickets to make sure that the ticket they escalate has all the information
later teams may need while the suggested solution supports the Help Desk goal to asses the impact of
the campaign. An obvious improvement for the ticketing system would be to leverage the clustering
idea to ag a representative number of reports with the features necessary for capturing variations
within distinct campaigns. Such a system would save Help Desk time to nd the variations, but
it would also allow them to escalate in a way where the most useful reports are highlighted to
other teams while also giving them visibility of the other reports, indicating the scale of problem.
Flagging such information would provide teams with the contextual cues necessary for facilitating
dialogues with other teams when further knowledge and resources are needed, aiding collaboration
across the distinct systems. As a future research direction, it would also be interesting to investigate
the contextual cues necessary for a range of incidents reported to help desk sta, and attempting
to address limitations in current systems where break-downs in DCog prevent suitable incident
response, not just regarding security incidents.
7.4 Best practice, is it helping?
The University made great eorts to align their structure and practices with industry best practice.
They leaned heavily on ITIL framework, which provides best practices for IS service management
designed to help organizations align practices with business needs. ITIL denes IS services from
the customers’ point of view to satisfy their needs and to bring value to them without ownership
of risks [
]. However, it provides guidelines rather than rules as it determines “what should be
done” as opposed to “how it should be done”. Therefore, the implementation of ITIL is dierent
between organizations.
ITIL identies sets of activities, called processes, that respond to a specic trigger to accomplish
specic objectives. The workow discussed in this paper implies two main processes for handling
phishing attacks, namely “Incident Management” and “Problem Management”. Incidents are dened
as an unplanned event to the service, such as the daily general calls to the Help Desk (i.e. queue for
printer help, password resets etc.) [
]. In our case, each phishing report or request for guidance is
an example of an incident. The same call can potentially evolve into a “problem” once the Help
Desk receives several dierent calls regarding that specic attack, which in our case represents an
individual phishing campaign. The calls are now considered more critical than the incidents as the
impact to the system is greater than one o attacks; and thus, as discussed in Section 6.1.2, should
be treated dierently. However, given the diculty in identifying repeating incidents [
] and the
need for a quick reaction, current practices may allow for damage to occur when waiting for more
phishing calls before escalation. Another method for triggering a problem should be considered
when dealing with phishing to minimizes the impact of incidents that cannot be prevented.
The studied University made an eort to develop an environment that encourages phishing
reporting in line with guidance [
]. Much of this eort was dictated by ITIL, such as providing
details for how to contact the Help Desk on their website, allowing users to contact them via several
potential communication channels, providing customized feedback to users, and aiming to quickly
resolve users’ queries. The Security team also ran campaigns to educate sta and students about
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phishing and encourage them to report it. However, the number of phishing reports the Help Desk
receives is relatively low considering the size of the University, suggesting the need to explore
other methods to encourage reporting.
While prior research attempted to explore the eectiveness of ITIL in general IS operations [
], our observations imply that the ITIL framework might not fully t the workow of phishing
handling. Further research is needed to understand how organizations handle phishing while
adhering to the ITIL framework and what barriers might arise from using such a framework.
8 Limitations
The case study may be suggestive of the situation of organizations but generalizing the results
requires further research. The case study looked at an academic institution that likely diers
from other sectors. Universities also have a wide range of internal structures, so while this case is
interesting and instructive, other Universities likely have dierent structures and may be impacted
by things like their size and how centralized IT services are. However, we argue that many aspects
of this case have similarities with other organizations; for example, using ticketing systems is quite
common across sectors. We therefore believe that many of our high-level ndings may be useful in
future work around how to better support how IT handles phishing reports.
Both interviews and observations were used to collect data. While observations allow the
researcher to observe work practices directly, interviews with participants are complimentary,
gaining retrospective accounts of events that have happened across a wide time frame and validating
observations made. That said, retrospective interviews are known to be somewhat biased towards
memorable events such as particularly impactful phishing campaigns, which may have caused us
to over-sample these events. Interviews also suer from social desirability bias where participants
may provide a version that does not fully reect reality. To partially counter this issue, we asked
every team about what they thought the other teams do and detail communication between them.
We also attempted to provide validation of interviews through analysis of calls in the ticketing
system. Due to limited access to the system and the use of other communication channels, we were
not able to see all interactions between teams.
9 Conclusions
We explored the process of handling phishing incidents in a large University using a combination
of interviews and observations. The University uses industry best practices aligned with ITIL to
eciently react to and prioritize incidents based on their potential impact. One observation is that
large phishing campaigns can result in many reports which overwhelm Help Desk sta, making
it challenging for them to respond individually to each report. We also nd that the Help Desk
operates as a kind of report triage, shielding third line sta, such as those that manage the email
relays, from being inundated by reports that may not have the data they need to take action. Similar
to earlier works [
], we also nd that communication among sta in dierent teams is a key aspect
of coordinating phishing attack mitigation. We also believe that managing phishing reports is an
example of distributed cognition, where the dierent teams work together through the ticketing
system to coordinate solving a multi-system problem. We believe that although it is impossible to
fully automate phishing response, there is potential to better support IT sta through improved
tools that allow them to handle the scale and complexity of phishing attacks.
10 Acknowledgments
We thank the IS teams who allowed us to conduct this study. We also thank Maria Wolters and
TULiPS lab members for their feedback and discussion on the observations. This research was
funded in part by a Google Faculty Research Award.
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