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... However, not all effort-demanding tasks necessarily feel effortful. For instance, during flow states, individuals may perform difficult tasks but experience them as relatively effortless, such as the athlete who is fully immersed in competition or the student who is absorbed in studies (see Csikszentmihalyi et al., 2014). Thus, feelings of mental effort appear to vary as a function of more than just task demand. ...
... Another feature of autonomy is having high levels of subjective interest in the task at hand. Theoretically, high levels of interest entail feelings of enjoyment and enthusiasm that run counter to fatigue and sluggishness (e.g., flow states; Csikszentmihalyi et al., 2014); and evidence points to the pivotal role of individual interest in reducing fatigue and enhancing positive affect (Ainley & Hidi, 2014;Hockey, 2011;Milyavskaya et al., 2021). Mental fatigue arises in prolonged mental activity or boring activities lacking in personal interest, but fatigue manifests less commonly when individuals engage in subjectively interesting tasks (Hockey, 2011). ...
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The sense of autonomy (i.e., having the choice to pursue one’s interests and values) tends to facilitate intrinsic motivation and hedonically pleasant states, though its impact on subjective experiences of mental effort is less clear. In two studies, we examined how autonomy influences subjective mental effort and related mental states during a reading comprehension task. Participants read six passages under a condition of high or low autonomy. In Study 1 (N = 297), participants chose three reading passages that interested them (i.e., high autonomy condition) and were randomly assigned three reading passages that did not interest them (i.e., low autonomy condition). In Study 2 (N = 437), participants read chosen and assigned passages, but not explicitly based on interest. The autonomy conditions in both studies were manipulated within-subjects and presented in a counterbalanced order. After reading each passage, participants self-reported their subjective mental states and answered three reading comprehension questions. We hypothesized that participants would experience greater positive valence and less mental fatigue when reading passages chosen with high (vs. low) autonomy, but theoretical perspectives suggested that subjective experiences of mental effort could be enhanced or reduced by autonomy. Results from both studies revealed that when reading passages under high autonomy, participants experienced lower feelings of mental effort, lower mental fatigue, and higher positive valence compared to low autonomy. Our findings suggest that the presence of autonomy reduces aversive subjective experiences associated with mental effort during reading.
... Repeated episodes of state mindfulness may result in the development of trait mindfulness over time (Garland et al., 2010), feeding further positive emotions, active engagement of stressors and prosocial interactions in an upward spiral of broadened awareness and eudaimonic meaning (Garland et al., 2015). Participants in our study were afforded the opportunity to develop active coping skills by completing a series of physical and psychological challenges while surfing, that became gradually more demanding in line with increased skill and competence (Bandura, 1977;Csikszentmihalyi et al., 2014;Ryan & Deci, 2000). The development of active coping skills has been found to reduce intolerance of uncertainty (a transdiagnostic factor of PTSD, anxiety and depression), which is associated with reductions of intrusion and arousal clusters of PTSD (Badawi et al., 2022;McEvoy et al., 2019). ...
... Our results are also consistent with the broader physical exercise literature among participants with PTSD, MDI and GAD of continued increased physical activity at six months post intervention (Babyak et al., 2000;Bichler et al., 2022). Surfing has been found to facilitate flow states (Morgan & Coutts, 2016;Nerothin et al., 2018), during which autotelic positive emotions elicit nonconscious incentive salience to repeat the rewarding activity (Csikszentmihalyi et al., 2014;Norsworthy et al., 2021). Participants in physical activity with mental illness are highly motivated by the prospect of improving their mental health, yet stress and depression are also barriers to participation (Firth et al., 2016) and therefore require initial support to provide the required activation energy until self-determined motivation and habit formation have been sufficiently established (Knapen et al., 2015). ...
... The experience of passion is commonly characterized by intense affect and high identity relevance, increasing individuals' motivation to engage in behaviors that are aligned with the object of their passion (e.g., their work; Jachimowicz et al., 2018). Note that the intense affective state of passion, in particular, differentiates passion from other motivational constructs (e.g., Csikszentmihalyi et al., 2014;Ryan & Deci, 2000). These and other attributes underlie the small but robust relationship between passion for work and higher job performance, increased job satisfaction, and reduced burnout (Curran et al., 2015;Pollack et al., 2020). ...
... Employees may also express their passion through an increased quantity of their work (Curran et al., 2015;Pollack et al., 2020); for instance, one study found that participants describe passionate employees as those who "often work outside of the regular 9 a.m. to 5 p.m" (Cho & Jiang, 2022, p. 1364. Some research also suggests that passion is characterized by greater immersion into one's work, that is, by being particularly focused and unwilling to take a break, or feeling that little time has passed (Csikszentmihalyi et al., 2014;Zito et al., 2022). Based on these and related findings, we propose that people's experience of passion may lead them to express their passion through a broader variety of behaviors than prior research has focused on-and, critically, that their levels of extraversion shape how they express their passion, and how they are subsequently perceived by others. ...
Passion is stereotypically expressed through animated facial expressions, energetic body movements, varied tone, and pitch—and met with interpersonal benefits. However, these capture only a subset of passion expressions that are more common for extraverts. Indeed, in an initial dyadic study of supervisors and their subordinates ( N = 330), extraverts expressed their passion more strongly through these stereotypical expressions of passion, and observers perceived extraverts as more passionate than introverts. Across three studies ( N total = 1,373), we subsequently developed a more comprehensive passion expressions and behaviors scale (PEBS). Using this measure in a daily diary study ( N = 206, k = 1,862), we found that extraverts not only expressed their passion in more stereotypical ways, but through a broader variety of expressions in general. Extraverts are perceived as more passionate because they have a broader behavioral repertoire, express their passion more frequently and diversely, and thereby attain greater interpersonal rewards.
... Game elements should, for instance, encourage learners' competence through rewards, provide learners with the opportunity to make autonomous decisions, and promote social relatedness through collaborative learning [89,91]. Moreover, we incorporate flow theory, which suggests that being fully immersed in an activity facilitates learning [24]. Furthermore, we consider the ARCS model, which defines different motivational factors, such as providing challenges or that learners perceive the content to be relevant [52]. ...
... The PCA should adapt these challenges to the capabilities of the learner. This creates a state in which the user is neither under nor over-challenged, leading to a complete absorption in the narrative according to flow theory [24] (MR14). The MRs can be implemented by having the PCA introduce narratives that are life-relevant and whose progression depends on the users' responses [26,77]. ...
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Pedagogical conversational agents (PCAs) such as chatbots and voice assistants can support learners in their studies. However, interactions with PCAs are often perceived as less motivating. Gamifying PCAs has been proposed as one approach to counteract this issue and increase learners' engagement. However, there is currently little prescriptive knowledge on how to design gamified PCAs. To address this, we conducted interviews with learners and reviewed relevant literature to derive 18 meta-requirements, five design principles, and 20 design features for gamified PCAs. We then applied our design knowledge to create a conceptual prototype, which we validated through an experiment with 76 participants. The experiment results demonstrate that our design knowledge can positively influence motivation and enjoyment in learning with PCAs.
... Although the initial impetus for stimulating motivation may be external-referring here to extrinsic motivation, such as rewards, high grades, or feelings of shame or fear- students' behaviour can be regulated so that this external control diminishes, allowing for selfdetermined behaviour. This self-determined behaviour involves valuing tasks and integrating them systematically, so that the reason students engage is the pleasure of learning new things, the satisfaction of achieving certain outcomes, or simply the experience of being so deeply engaged in an activity that nothing else seems to matter, as articulated by Csikszentmihalyi's (2014) flow theory. ...
During the past decades the world has been changing and transforming at a fast pace due to the advancements in all fields, especially the technological ones and the educational systems have been touched by these alterations. Consequently, educators and teachers are striving to adapt to the students’ needs and interests. Moreover, in a society in which students feel more and more demotivated to learn, it is up to teachers to find ways to ignite students’ curiosity and interest that may lead to the desired satisfaction and pleasure to learn, resuscitating the intrinsic motivation to learn. In this context, this article aims to highlight the impact of Project-Based Learning as a learning tool which can benefit the students by fostering motivation and engagement during classes due to its key feature: it is an approach which places the students in the centre of learning by encouraging them to participate in an active way and take responsibility for the entire process, thus students own the learning process which enables them to find the engagement and motivation to study within themselves.
... Jennett et al. [28] reported that full immersion results in a loss of the sense of time passing, a loss of awareness of the real world and involvement, resulting in the feeling of being immersed in the new experience. This sounds very similar to the construct of "flow" introduced by Csikszentmihalyi et al. [45], which was found to be related to subjective well-being [46]. It would be interesting (and potentially practical) to investigate which aspects of VR solutions contribute to immersion to the greatest extent. ...
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Background/Objectives: Virtual reality (VR) is an innovative technology with the potential to transform digital experiences, particularly in relation to mental health concerns such as anxiety. Therefore, this study investigates the potential of a newly designed VR experience to alleviate anxiety by focusing on the mediating role of VR-induced immersion. Methods: The study included 419 individuals aged 10 to 80 years, with 29 aged 10–15 years and 390 above 15 years, who were randomly assigned to experimental and control groups on the basis of project-defined criteria, including a random allocation to the wheelchair-using group. Both groups used goggles for virtual space navigation, with the experimental group employing a multijoint arm mounted on an aluminum frame and special algorithms to navigate without controllers. We assessed immersion in VR using the Polish adaptation of the Immersion Questionnaire and anxiety using the Polish adaptations of the State–Trait Anxiety Inventory (STAI-X1) and its early adolescent version, the State–Trait Anxiety Inventory–Children (STAI-C1). Results and Conclusions: The results indicate that individuals using the new VR device demonstrated increased immersion and reduced post-test anxiety levels, highlighting the significance of immersion in enhancing positive affect, mitigating the negative effects of VR technology, and offering insights for future development and refinement of VR solutions.
... This finding suggests that as participants' perceived importance of festival sports events increases, their focus on competition increases, which may lead to a more intense flow experience. When the relationship between these two variables is considered within the framework of flow theory (Csikszentmihalyi et al., 2014), when an individual is completely absorbed in an activity, he/she loses awareness of time and the environment and experiences an intense sense of concentration and happiness. Therefore, the importance attributed to an activity can be associated with the individual finding the activity meaningful and believing in the value of participation. ...
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This study examined the correlation between perceived importance and the recreational flow experience within the framework of recreational sport organizations. The research is structured as a quantitative study. The data collection instrument comprised three sections: a Personal Information Form developed by the research team, the Perceived Importance Scale with three subscales developed by Buning and Gibson (2016) and adapted to Turkish culture by Aslan and Doğu (2020) and the unidimensional Recreational Flow Experience Scale developed by Ayhan et al. (2020). Data were collected from 149 athletes who participated in competitions (football, street basketball, beach volleyball, and tennis) organized as part of the 50th International Arhavi Culture and Arts Festival in 2024. The research data were gathered through a face-to-face survey administered under observation. Non-parametric tests, specifically the Mann-Whitney U test, Kruskal-Wallis test, and Spearman correlation test, were utilized for data analysis using SPSS 26 software. The findings revealed no statistically significant differences in perceived importance levels among participants in festival sports activities based on gender, age, education level, number of festival participations, frequency of participation in recreational sports activities, city of participation, and sport discipline. Regarding recreational flow experience, no significant differences were observed between groups based on gender, age, number of participations, frequency of participation in recreational sports activities, city of involvement, and sport discipline. However, a statistically significant difference was found (p>0.05) for the education level variable, favoring participants with a high school education or lower. A moderate (0.445), positive, and statistically significant correlation (p
... When discussing optimal musical performance, researchers Cohen and Bodner (2019a) address the concept of flow as a subjective psychological state associated with peak performance. Flow is understood as a state in which an individual is so deeply engaged that they find the experience to be highly enjoyable, to the extent that nothing else matters to them at that moment, and they are willing to invest significant effort into their activity (Csikszentmihalyi et al., 2014). Prerequisite conditions for experiencing flow include a perceived balance between skill and challenge, clear goals, and immediate feedback (Cohen & Bodner, 2019a). ...
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The aim of this study is to investigate the impact of piano performance on the psychological well-being of performers. The research was conducted among senior students of universities and music conservatories in Beijing and Shanghai (n = 108). The methods included qualitative and quantitative data analysis. The results confirmed that expressive performance requires technical skills and internal experience. Men reported higher psychological well-being, while women demonstrated increased pre-performance anxiety. Experience and the number of hours of practice also influenced the psychological state. The study provides insights for both novice and experienced musicians, assisting them in achieving musical expressiveness and enhancing the effectiveness of their performances.
... Immersion in games is often compared or used interchangeably with flow. Flow is a psychological concept where users will go into a state of unawareness, which scales depending on the level of flow they are in (Csikszentmihalyi, 2014). Although immersion presents subtle structural differences from flow, they do not substantially differ in current studies, and more research is required to explore how immersion can further descend into flow in games (Michailidis et al., 2018). ...
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The integration of multiplayer elements into traditionally singleplayer survival games has become a growing trend in the gaming industry. This study investigates how such integration affects players' perceptions and experiences of solitude, which is a core aspect of singleplayer survival games. By focusing on three games—Arid, The Long Dark, and Green Hell—this research aims to provide insights into the dynamics between solitary and social gameplay. A qualitative thematic analysis was conducted, involving video recordings of participants' gameplay sessions and semi-structured interviews. Participants were recruited from online gaming communities and previous playtesters of Arid. Data were collected over a period of eight months and analyzed to identify themes related to players' experiences of solitude and their motivations for engaging in multiplayer modes.The findings reveal that solitude in singleplayer survival games can enhance immersion and emotional engagement, providing moments of reflection and a deep connection to the game world. However, solitude can also evoke feelings of loneliness and vulnerability, especially during challenging situations. The addition of multiplayer modes introduces opportunities for social interaction and cooperation, which can enhance the overall gameplay experience. Yet, it can also detract from the immersive qualities of solitude, fundamentally altering the game experience. Understanding the dual aspects of solitude and social interaction in survival games can inform better game design, catering to a diverse player base. This research contributes to the evolving landscape of video game design by providing valuable insights into player experiences, ultimately enhancing the understanding of solitary and social dynamics in survival games.
... The relationship between performance and cognitive demands has been described as the inverted U curve (Streufert & Streufert, 1978), signifying the sharp drop off when cognitive demands either fall below the desirable range or overload the performer's cognitive capacity. More recently, occupying this peak performance range has been referred to as achieving flow (Csikszentmihalyi et al., 2014), or being "in the zone" (Payne et al., 2011). ...
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Aim/Purpose: In this paper we propose a framework identifying many of the unintended consequences of information technology and posit that the increased complexity brought about by IT is a proximate cause for these negative effects. Background: Builds upon the three-world model that has been evolving within the informing science transdiscipline. Methodology: We separate complexity into three categories: experienced complexity, intrinsic complexity, and extrinsic complexity. With the complexity cycle in mind, we consider how increasing complexity of all three forms can lead to unintended consequences at the individual, task and system levels. Examples of these consequences are discussed at the individual level (e.g., deskilling, barriers to advancement), the task level (e.g., perpetuation of past practices), as well as broader consequences that may result from the need to function in an environment that is more extrinsically complex (e.g., erosion of predictable causality, shortened time horizons, inequality, tribalism). We conclude by reflecting on the implications of attempting to manage or limit increases of complexity. Contribution: Shows how many unintended consequences of IT could be attributed to growing complexity. Findings: We find that these three forms of complexity feed into one another resulting in a positive feedback loop that we term the Complexity Cycle. As examples, we analyze ChatGPT, blockchain and quantum computing, through the lens of the complexity cycle, speculating how experienced complexity can lead to greater intrinsic complexity in task performance through the incorporation of IT which, in turn, increases the extrinsic complexity of the economic/technological environment. Recommendations for Practitioners: Consider treating increasing task complexity as an externality that should be considered as new systems are developed and deployed. Recommendation for Researchers: Provides opportunities for empirical investigation of the proposed model. Impact on Society: Systemic risks of complexity are proposed along with some proposals regarding how they might be addressed. Future Research: Empirical investigation of the proposed model and the degree to which cognitive changes created by the proposed complexity cycle are necessarily problematic.
... Beginning with the intrinsic one, scientists can define that it is concerned with the personal desire to achieve a set goal. In such a case a person itself is only one who can enact the behavior and influence the result (Csikszentmihalyi et al., 2014). At the same time extrinsic theory is concerned with the external factors that do not depend on the student behavior (Wigfield et al., 2017). ...
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This research aims to explore the potential for enhancing students’ motivation and practical skills within a resilient learning environment through digital technologies. The concept of the unity of education and nature was employed to examine the theoretical foundations of a school’s functioning regarding external conditions that influence overall learning productivity. The practical part of the research involved the application of a quasi-experimental method in which three schools in the Central District of the Russian Federation were selected. General sample consists of 354 people. The primary research method employed was the surveying of the teachers and administration of these educational establishments. The analysis was based on the random sampling approach. The findings revealed that a regular school exhibits slightly more democratic characteristics: 60% of teachers in the resilient school and 70% in the regular school adhere to the protocol-based teaching methodology. Of utmost importance is the indicator of the significance of integrating digital technologies into the educational process. A total of 78% of teachers confirmed the necessity of this measure, while 80% agreed that it would enhance student motivation. This study will contribute to the formulation of essential principles to advance studying process in resilient schools in the future, paying additional attention to the question of the need of learning process digitalization, as 90% of teachers believe in its effectiveness. For instance, this could involve the implementation of specialized educational platforms and applications (Google classroom, Kahoot, Educative Education World Wide, etc.) on the seminars and practical lessons. The results also can be used by the government to implement better schools programs in accordance with school sustainability aspects. Additionally, the question of the impact of a resilient environment on an individual’s success after receiving education (such as in job search and employment) remains an interesting and unexplored area for further experimentation.
... One line of inquiry into this domain has focussed on the notion of flow states as proposed by Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi and colleagues (Csikszentmihalyi et al., 2014). A flow state is characterised by "focused attention, clear performance goals and feedback, mind and body in unison, effortless concentration, complete control, a loss of self-consciousness, the distortion of time, and intrinsic enjoyment" (Catley & Duda, 1997, p. 309). ...
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In the era of social media, brands are increasingly adopting emotional marketing strategies to enhance their competitiveness in the market. In brand marketing, incorporating emotional elements allows for better satisfaction of consumers’ psychological and emotional needs. People always find it hard to forget emotions that touch their hearts, or the feelings evoked by someone. Emotional marketing, as a non-traditional marketing strategy, can assist businesses in engaging in deeper communication with customers and establishing meaningful relationships, thereby inspiring their identification. Enhancing customer identification with the brand is crucial for the long-term development of an enterprise. This article seeks to provide an in-depth understanding of how emotional marketing affects customer identification with Chinese local cosmetics brands. Employing a quantitative approach, this study sampled 468 participants from online consumers of Chinese local cosmetics. Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) was utilized as a data analysis technique. The results of the study indicated that emotional marketing had a positive and significant impact on customer identification.
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Extensive research has highlighted the importance of Need for Cognition (NFC) in various contexts, but our understanding of its development remains limited. In particular, the current psychological literature is relatively silent regarding the factors influencing NFC development. We aim to address this gap by proposing a developmental model of NFC based on the principles of the Cognitive Adaptation Trait Theory (CATT). Through a comprehensive review of the current literature, we elucidate the potential key components contributing to the development of NFC in childhood and adolescence. Additionally, we outline several potential strategies to foster NFC development based on the key components of the model. The model aims to provide a starting point for future research on possible mechanisms underlying the development of NFC. Moving forward, future research should empirically test these hypotheses in real-world settings to enhance our understanding of NFC development and validate the suggested fostering strategies on their effectiveness.
Viewing artworks through virtual reality (VR) offers a unique experience, yet understanding how individual traits and motivations affect this process requires further exploration. In this study, we empirically examined the factors influencing aesthetic experiences when viewing artworks in VR. We conducted two experiments using a between-subjects design with VR and 2D videos based on a virtual tour of the Sydney Opera House and an artistic interpretation of Vincent van Gogh's paintings as stimuli. Our moderated mediation analyses identified two pathways through which VR influences aesthetic experiences: a cognitive pathway and an affective pathway. The cognitive pathway reveals that VR enhances the sense of agency and immersion, enriching the aesthetic experience for individuals with a high affinity for technology. The affective pathway shows that VR increases narrative transportation and immersion, enhancing the aesthetic experience particularly for those with strong hedonic motivations.
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Актуальність дослідження. Сьогодні проблема стану потоку є мало досліджуваною у сучасних психологічних розвідках, зокрема у психології спорту. Мета – визначити специфіку прояву стану потоку у спорті у системі саморегуляції спортивної діяльності особистості. Методи і вибірка. Вибірку досліджуваних склали 345 спортсменів, представників командних (215 осіб) та індивідуальних (130 осіб) видів спорту, віком від 14 до 32 років. Психодіагностичний комплекс склали: методика вивчення мотивів спортивної діяльності, методика діагностики саморегуляції спортивної діяльності, методика вивчення актуальних мотивів спортивної діяльності підлітків. Висновки. Порівняльний аналіз міри прояву оптимального переживання у спорті показав перевагу спортсменів з командних видів спорту над спортсменами із індивідуальних видів спорту. Визначено низку позитивних зв’язків між оптимальним переживанням у спорті та саморегуляцією спортивної діяльності, переважно її автономними ознаками – інтересом до спорту та ідентифікацією себе із спортсменом. Типологічний аналіз показників оптимального переживання у спорті показав, що існує три рівня стану потоку – відсутність стану потоку (знижені показники, наявність стану порожнечі), внутрішня регуляція спорту (проміжний профіль, помірні показники) та оптимальне переживання у спорті (достатньо високі показники, найнижчий рівень стану порожнечі). Визначено, що за умови відсутності стану потоку у спортсменів переважає залежна регуляція спортивної діяльності (очікування нагороди та покарання, залежність від умов для актуалізації почуттів сорому та гідності у спорті), при оптимальному переживанні – автономна (спортивна діяльність регулюється інтересом до спорту, ідентифікацією себе із успішними спортсменами).
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This research aims to study the psycho-social impact of video games on K12 students. For this, a probabilistic topic modelling analysis method based on text mining approach has been performed. This process is based on nodes’ connectivity and it has been developed through K Means approach; by launching the Jenks-Breaks algorithm. The sex differences are calculated according to a nonlinear dynamics approach based on Hurst exponent and multifractal function and the influence of time with the application of the Sobel test. The results show which are the most used video games by K12 and their psycho-social impact on students based on four categories: (1) boredom and sadness, (2) happiness and socialization, (3) immersion, and (4) families' conflicts. There are significant differences between boys and girls depending on the games they use, a factor that increases when playing more than two hours a day. For boys, games like FIFA and Fortnite produce higher levels of immersion and family conflict, while for girls, games are perceived as sources of greater happiness and a means to reinforce friendship and camaraderie, particularly with games like Brawl Stars, Rocket League, and PKXD.
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As an important bridge connecting library resources and users, the user experience design of the campus library information management system directly affects users’ perception of usage. With the development of information technology and the wide application of artificial intelligence technology, the development of libraries in the digital era needs to keep pace with the development of new technologies to further enhance their knowledge service capabilities. For the future campus library information management system, complex information scenarios and personalized knowledge service demands put forward higher interaction design requirements for intelligent applications. This article believes that user-centered intelligent interaction experience lies in fully understanding the intentions of users. With the development of voice recognition, motion recognition, biometrics, and other technologies, the design focus of products and services in intelligent interaction is no longer limited to meeting functional needs, but gradually moves towards providing a more intelligent, continuous, and immersive user experience. Therefore, this study starts from the perspective of user experience design, optimizes the interactive functions of the current library information management system, and explores a new user-oriented framework for campus library interactive services.
Context and Motivation – Developer eXperience (Dev-X) is a recent research area that focuses on developers perceptions, feelings, and values with respect to software development and software quality. Research suggests that factors and practices related to Dev-X can have a substantial impact on developer productivity (Dev-P). However, despite a large and diverse body of literature on factors that can impact Dev-P in general, there is no coherent and comprehensive characterization of how Dev-X-specific insights can influence developer productivity. Aims – In the presented research, we aim to provide a coherent, comprehensive characterization of factors and practices related to Dev-X, with a particular focus on those factors and practices that potentially affect Dev-P. Method – To this end, we performed a systematic literature review and identified 218 relevant papers in this area. We characterize the papers based on the related frameworks, and concepts common to Dev-X and Dev-P as presented in the existing literature. Dev-X factors such as ’work fragmentation’ and practices such as ’collaboration with owner-developer’ are identified using a grounded-in-the-literature, content-analysis method, guided by the theory. For each Dev-X factor, we identify attributes that might be used to assess/measure the current status (of an organisation or project) regarding that factor and how that factor and its effects on productivity have been evidenced in the literature (mentioned vs. considered in questionnaires vs. substantiated with a more positivist evaluation). Results – We identify 33 Dev-X-related factors and 41 Dev-X-related practices which are organized into ten themes to summarize their influence. The results suggest that the availability of required resources, relevant expertise re the allocated tasks, and fewer interruptions are among the top positively impacting factors. Conversely, factors like code complexity, heterogeneous contexts of tasks, and non-adherence to standardization harm Dev-X and Dev-P. Top industrial practices employed to mitigate the negative influence of factors include characterization-based task assignments, mental model support, and the timely evolution of technologies. Conclusions – Overall, this research suggests that organizations can influence Dev-P through improved Dev-X, incorporating suitable practices to mediate relevant factors in their context. Important in this regard are practices like fragmenting large tasks, highlighting the utility of proposed tasks/changes to the developers, and promoting (developer) ownership of artefacts. Finally, our results point to areas where further research seems appropriate, i.e., where Dev-X factors/practices have been proposed as being impactful on Dev-P but not yet fully substantiated or explored as such (factors like ‘Nature of Activity’ and practices like choosing practices/protocols appropriately).
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Most studies related to sustainable small-scale local producer life­styles focus on producing healthy foods. Research that integrates other as­pects of mental and spiritual well-being into the holistic concept of a healthy lifestyle is mostly missing. The study examines the motives behind the lifestyle choices of farmers engaged in sustainable production in Western Hungary and draws attention to aspects that are beyond the preference for environ­mentally conscious (sustainable) production of foods. The authors are look­ing for an answer to what motivates local producers to carry out their activi­ties and what relatable elements of experience can be identified.
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We study the effect of gamification on retail traders’ behavior using a randomized online experiment. Participants with lower financial literacy prefer platforms with hedonic gamification elements, such as confetti and achievement badges. On average, hedonic gamification increases trading volume by 5.17%. However, the difference in trading activity between gamified and nongamified platforms is driven primarily by self-selection (70%) rather than gamification (30%). Participants who prefer hedonic gamification exhibit noisy trading strategies, whereas those favoring nongamified platforms display stronger contrarian behavior. Further, price trend notifications enhance learning for investors with accurate beliefs, but they reinforce trading mistakes for those with incorrect beliefs. This paper has been This paper was accepted by Jean-Edouard Colliard for the special issue on the human-algorithm connection. Funding: P. Chapkovski acknowledges funding from the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft [Germany’s Excellence Strategy—EXC 2126/1-390838866]. M. Khapko and M. Zoican acknowledge the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada [Insight Development Grant 430-2018-00125] and the Canadian Securities Institute Research Foundation [research grant]. M. Zoican acknowledges financial support from the Quantitative Management Research Initiative (QMI) under the aegis of the Fondation du Risque, a joint initiative by Université Paris-Dauphine, l’École Nationale de la Statistique et de l’Administration ParisTech, and LFIS, France. Supplemental Material: The online appendix and data files are available at .
Bu araştırmanın amacı, okul psikolojik danışmanlarının iş doyumu ve pozitif psikolojik sermayelerinin iş akışı deneyimlerini yordama gücünün incelenmesidir. Araştırma, 2022-2023 eğitim- öğretim yılında İzmir ilinde devlet okullarında görev yapan 155’i kadın 64’ü erkek olmak üzere toplam 219 okul psikolojik danışmanı ile gerçekleştirilmiştir. Araştırmada okul psikolojik danışmanlarının iş akışı deneyimlerini ölçmek için Çalışmada (İş’te) Akış Deneyimi Ölçeği, iş doyumlarını ölçmek için Minnesota İş Doyumu Ölçeği ve pozitif psikolojik sermayelerini ölçmek için Pozitif Psikolojik Sermaye Ölçeği kullanılmıştır. Katılımcıların sosyo-demografik bilgilerine ilişkin verilerin elde edilmesi amacıyla araştırmacılar tarafından hazırlanan Kişisel Bilgi Formu kullanılmıştır. Elde edilen verilerle aşamalı regresyon analizi yapılmıştır. Araştırma sonucunda, okul psikolojik danışmanlarının iş doyumu ve pozitif psikolojik sermayelerinin iş akışı deneyimini anlamlı bir şekilde yordadığı belirlenmiştir. Araştırmadan elde edilen bulgular alan yazın doğrultusunda tartışılmıştır. Son olarak, araştırmacılara ve okul psikolojik danışmanlarına iş akışı deneyimine dair öneriler sunulmuştur.
Advances in virtual reality (VR) technology have sparked novel avenues of growth in the musical domain. Following the COVID-19 pandemic, the rise of VR technology has led to growing interest in VR music concerts as an alternative to traditional live concerts. These virtual settings can provide immersion like attending real concerts for physically distant audiences and performers, and also can offer new creative possibilities. VR music concert research is still in its infancy, and advances in technologies such as multimodal devices are rapidly expanding the diversity of research, requiring a unified understanding of the field. To identify trends in VR music concert technology, we conducted a PRISMA-based systematic literature review covering the period from 2018 to 2023. After a thorough screening process, a total of 27 papers were selected for review. The studies were classified and analyzed based on the research topic (audience, performer, concert venue), interaction type (user-environment, user-user), and hardware used (head-mounted display, additional hardware). Furthermore, we categorized the evaluation metrics into user experience, usability, and performance. Our review contributes to advancing the understanding of recent developments in VR music concert technology, shedding light on the diversification and potential of this emerging field.
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In the digital era, virtual reality (VR) technology has revolutionized the museum experience, redefining how visitors engage with cultural artifacts and exhibits. This research investigates the profound impact of VR on museums, specifically focusing on its influence on visitor satisfaction, loyalty, and the democratization of cultural heritage. By combining the information systems (IS) success model, flow theory, and the Customer Satisfaction Index (CSI) model, this study offers a comprehensive framework to analyze the complex dynamics of VR integration within museums. The findings reveal that visitor satisfaction and loyalty are closely linked to the quality of information, system functionality, and aesthetic appeal in VR-enhanced museum spaces. Flow experience serves as a mediating factor, elucidating the psychological underpinnings of visitor engagement and the attainment of positive outcomes. By evaluating dimensions such as information quality (IQ), system quality (SQ), aesthetic quality (AQ), flow experience (FE), visitor satisfaction (VS), and visitor loyalty (VL), this research provides practical recommendations for museums seeking to thrive in the digital age. Also, the study explores the global accessibility facilitated by VR, making cultural collections accessible to diverse audiences and expanding the influence of museums worldwide. The research emphasizes the importance of information systems management and marketing strategies in maximizing the benefits of VR-enhanced museum experiences, ultimately leading to greater visitor satisfaction. This study contributes to the theoretical understanding of VR’s impact on museums and calls for strategic interventions to ensure the continued relevance and growth of museums in the digital era.
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Örgütsel Davranışta Psikolojik Başlıklı Konular
Conference Paper
The study aims to examine and identify the important antecedents and consequences of Metaverse flow experiences, leading to user gratifications and purchases on the Metaverse platform. The study used the theory of interactivity integrated with user gratification theory to investigate purchases on Metaverse. 379 responses received through the online survey were analysed through structural equation modeling. The study found that interactivity made of Metaverse design characteristics and User interactivity, Metaverse augmentation made of Wearable devices and Avatars lead to a flow experience. The study also validated that metaverse flow induced hedonic gratification for metaverse purchases. However, the study refuted the influence of flow experience on utilitarian gratification and purchase. The study makes a novel input to the existing literature on consumer behaviour concerning metaverse purchases. Marketers can gain insight from our study regarding the metaverse flow factors that stimulate hedonic and utilitarian gratification, thereby increasing purchases through the metaverse platform.
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Known as “in the groove” by musicians and “in the zone” for athletes, flow is a sensation of total concentration on a single task. Since the introduction of flow theory by Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi in the 1970s, researchers have continued to explore the brain science and performance benefits of such state. The three hypotheses at the forefront of flow theory include brain waves, transient hypofrontality hypothesis, and synchronization theory of flow. Beyond detailing research that supports the three hypotheses, this meta analysis works to communicate the benefits of flow and also techniques to achieve the state. Flow state can be broken down into nine main characteristics, and working to improve each individual feature can contribute to optimizing the overall flow experience. The real world implications of flow state are immeasurable, allowing humans to be more efficient learners and better creative thinkers. Most importantly, flow is not an esoteric phenomenon exclusive to people at the top of their profession. Everyone can achieve flow state, which makes the benefits tangible and realistic for all. Flow theory continues to be a heavily researched subject in psychology, and a greater public interest in the topic can further expand the field of flow science.
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Pozitif psikoloji akımının önemli kavramlarından olan akış deneyiminin iş hayatına yansıması ile birlikte iş akışı deneyimi kavramı ortaya çıkmıştır. İş hayatının genel olarak hedefler ve geri bildirimlerden oluşan bir yapılanma olduğu görülmektedir. Böylece çalışma ortamında iş akışı deneyimi yaşamaya uygun koşullar sağlanabilmektedir. Bireyin iş akışı deneyimi yaşaması, hem işiyle hem de hayatının diğer alanlarıyla ilgili olumlu tutumlara sahip olmasını desteklemekte aynı zamanda çalışmaya dair motivasyonunu artırmaktadır. Yapılan alan yazın taraması sonucunda ülkemizde iş akışı deneyimini kavramsal olarak inceleyen çalışmaların neredeyse yok denecek kadar az olduğu göze çarpmaktadır. Bu bilgiler ışığında bu çalışmanın amacı, iş akışı deneyiminin kavramsal olarak incelenmesi ve alan yazına katkı sağlanmasıdır. Bu amaç doğrultusunda çalışmada; iş akışı deneyimi bileşenleri, çalışma paradoksu, iş akışı deneyimi koşulları, kariyer akışı-umut odaklı kariyer gelişimi modeli üzerinde durulmuş ve son olarak değişen çalışma koşulları akış deneyimi çerçevesinde değerlendirilmiştir.
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This study investigated pedagogical agent (with/without) and feedback (explanatory/confirmatory) types on achievement, flow experience, and cognitive load in a digital game-based learning environment. We developed a game about spreadsheets and prepared four versions of the game in the context of pedagogical agent and feedback types. Through the mixed-methods sequential exploratory design, we applied game versions in four experimental groups (154 undergraduate students) within a two-week spreadsheet subject. We collected quantitative (achievement test, flow experience scale, cognitive load scale, elapsed time, skill, and challenge-level questions) and qualitative (semi-structured interview technique and open-ended interview form) data. According to the results, the achievement scores of all participants increased regardless of the pedagogical agent and feedback type. There was no significant difference in cognitive load, flow experience, skill level, or challenge level according to the pedagogical agent and feedback types. Confirmatory feedback groups spent more time than explanatory feedback groups. The dependent variables had significant relationships. Students expressed that game-based learning promoted improvements in the learning process.
Early childhood education is a sector often mis-represented in the media and public domain, depicting a sector beleaguered by low salaries, lack of professional recognition and inadequate working conditions. Missing from this depiction is the fullness of the everyday teaching and learning experiences of early childhood educators, and subsequent joy experienced in working with young children and families and the significant contribution of this emotion to educator practice and sense of wellbeing. Using an online survey, educators were invited to share their perspectives of factors that are contributing to the crisis in the field, their daily encounters with children and the moments, both big and small, that shaped and guided their pedagogy. Findings suggested that while the concept of joy was embraced and validated by educators, it was also elusive and hard to define. Suggestions for validating the place of joy as central in early childhood education conclude the paper.
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Improving the level of subjective well-being or happiness is often the primary goal for the government and its policy. Thus, knowing the value of leisure activities in improving the subjective well-being would hugely contribute to the policy-making process. This study explores the impact of participation in leisure activities on individual subjective happiness by applying the well-being valuation method to the national survey data collected in South Korea. Among the five leisure activities, participation in culture and arts, participation in sports, and tourism activities emerged as significant determinants of subjective happiness at the significant level of 0.05. At the individual level, participation in culture and arts exhibited the highest monetary value, while tourism activities have the highest monetary value at the national level, factoring in the total population and the participation rate across the country. These findings confirm the effect of leisure participation in improving subjective well-being and its corresponding monetary value and suggest that government should be appropriately utilizing the leisure policy to increase the frequency and type of leisure participation, thereby enhancing the level of happiness across the society. Results have significant implications for policy makers, practitioners, and academics in the domains of leisure and tourism.
Until now, the Writer(s) Within Community (WWC) Model of Writing has been characterized as a socio-cognitive model. Dr. Steve Graham presented writing as a socially situated activity within a community of writers that requires an individual’s cognitive processes to create a written product. However, the WWC is also a motivational writing model. Although Graham referred to some motivational aspects of the WWC model, his references to motivation were predominately superficial (e.g., motivation, intrinsic motivation) rather than grounded in specific motivation constructs or theories. This chapter expands upon Graham’s current theory to view it through a motivational lens of Bandura’s social cognitive motivational theory. I describe minor modifications to the current WWC’s conceptual framework with writing at the center of the bullseye and added motivational constructs in the writer(s) and writing community components. After delving into how specific motivational constructs interact with the writer(s) and the writing community, as well as the motivational effects the writer(s) and community have upon one another, future directions for analyzing motivational aspects of the WWC are discussed. Tangible examples are provided in the context of Karen and other founding members of a non-profit when they welcome their first intern, Stevie, and other members to their growing writing community.
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