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Abstract and Figures

Water monitoring systems continuously working ensure real–time pollutant detection capabilities according to their sensitivity and specificity. It is necessary to balance such features because, although being able to sense several substances is a desired feature, the reduction of false positives is a primary goal a classification system should have. High false positive makes the system unusable. The current solution enables a 24/7 service with a sampling rate equal to 0.6 Hz. Our goal is to limit false positives to 1 per day, thus achieving 99.99% accuracy at least. In this paper, we add a false positive reduction module to our pre- existent system, aiming to manage false positive boosters as sensor drift and signal oscillations. Obtained results, using a Multi Layer Perceptron classifier, confirm the false positive reduction while keeping high true positive rates.
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A false positive reduction system for continuous
water quality monitoring
A. Bria, L. Ferrigno, L. Gerevini, C. Marrocco, M. Molinara
Dept. of Electrical and Information Engineering
University of Cassino and Southern Lazio
Cassino, Italy
{a.bria; ferrigno; luca.gerevini; c.marrocco; m.molinara}
P. Bruschi, M. Cicalini, G. Manfredini, A. Ria
University of Pisa
Pisa, Italy
{paolo.bruschi@; mattia.cicalini@phd.; giuseppe.manfredini@phd.; andrea.ria@ing.}
G. Cerro
Dept. of Medicine and Health Sciences
University of Molise
Campobasso, Italy
R. Simmarano, G. Teolis, M. Vitelli
Sensichips srl
Aprilia, Italy
{roberto.simmarano; giovanni.teolis; michele.vitelli}
Abstract—Water monitoring systems continuously working
ensure real–time pollutant detection capabilities according to
their sensitivity and specificity. It is necessary to balance such
features because, although being able to sense several substances
is a desired feature, the reduction of false positives is a primary
goal a classification system should have. High false positive makes
the system unusable. The current solution enables a 24/7 service
with a sampling rate equal to 0.6 Hz. Our goal is to limit false
positives to 1 per day, thus achieving 99.99% accuracy at least. In
this paper, we add a false positive reduction module to our pre-
existent system, aiming to manage false positive boosters as sensor
drift and signal oscillations. Obtained results, using a Multi Layer
Perceptron classifier, confirm the false positive reduction while
keeping high true positive rates.
Index Terms—water quality monitoring, machine learning,
false positive reduction
Water quality is a key-factor for human life and its as-
sessment is increasingly involving researchers from several
research areas, from sensors [1] to data processing [2] and
artificial intelligence [3], [4]. Human activities heavily impact
on water status, and many kinds of pollutants can be found
in it. In this paper, we focus on wastewater, i.e. water after
pollution due to domestic, commercial, industrial activities,
just to cite a few. In a fast developing paradigm as Smart City,
mapping wastewater system by detecting possible pollution
sources is a required task. When performing an environmental
monitoring activity, sensing technologies and data analysis are
the main components to address. Deep reviews are available as
sensing technology regards [5], [6]: the typical set-ups involve
the application of metal electrodes [7] or the adoption of spe-
cific sensing films [8]. Data flowing from sensing technologies
are generally processed through normalization techniques and
feed machine learning [9] and deep learning [10] methods,
used to classify pollutants. Such techniques can be tuned in
order to be very sensitive to various substances and capable
of discriminating also very similar inputs. When sensitivity
is so enhanced, possible measurement problems, sensor drifts
and superimposed noise can easily lead to false positive
increase, i.e. the system can detect pollutants even in case
of water–only condition. Therefore, a specificity addressing
task is always needed to tune the system and reduce false
alarms. The authors stem from a pre-existent system based
on a specific multi-sensing platform, SENSIPLUS, briefly
described in Section II. Furthermore, they exploit past efforts
on the creation of a water monitoring smart system [11]–
[13] to propose a low-cost solution, working as a finite-state-
machine able to reduce false positive, thus enhancing system
specificity, while keeping good system sensitivity. In detail,
both in clean and waste water, what really influences the
detection capability is the system’s promptness to distinguish
between normal condition (i.e. no pollutant, background) and
pollutant conditions. During acquisition phase, the distinction
between aforementioned conditions is not straightforward,
because the system continuously acquires and updates its
background condition adopted to recognize pollutant case. In
[11], the authors adopted a static background update, based on
such a simple rule: the system acquired a certain amount of
samples, surely belonging to background, and updated it with
a very slow average operation, thus avoiding to sudden spikes,
due to contaminant, to deeply influence the background levels.
In this paper, a novel procedure is proposed: the background
estimation is a finite state in which the machine stays as far as
an empirical threshold is overcome. In such a way, whenever
a pollutant provokes a variation of the acquisition level, the
background acquisition is stopped and stored to be used in the
classification case. In this way, it is proved how a strong false
positive reduction can be obtained, while the classification
accuracy remains high. The paper is organized as follows:
in Section II the system architecture is detailed, the data
collection mechanism is reported in Section III; methodology
and results are respectively described in Sections IV and V.
Section VI draws concluding remarks.
The proposed measurement system is shown in figure 1.
The system is based on a proprietary embedded IoT–ready
Micro-Analytical Sensing Platform of size 12.2×15.5mm and
1.5mW power absorption, named Smart Cable Water (SCW).
The SCW is based on the micro-chip SENSIPLUS which
is a proprietary technology of Sensichips s.r.l. developed
in collaboration with the University of Pisa. The internal
and external analog ports allow the micro-chip to perform
measurements with multiple sensors, as in the case of SCW.
Indeed, as shown in Figure 2, the system has been customized
Fig. 1. Measurement System.
to be placed on a printed circuit board endowed with six In-
terDigitated Electrodes (IDE), functionalized with six different
metals: Copper, Gold, Silver, Nickel, Palladium, Platinum. The
adopted physical principle is the electrical impedance that,
for the same measurand, has different value between different
metallized IDEs. By analysing Figure 1, it can be seen:
The SCW Sensichips board;
The Espressif Micro Controller Unit (MCU) ESP8266,
managing the measurement layer and transmitting ac-
quired data via USB or Wi–Fi technologies;
The host controller (PC equipped with Windows/Linux
OSs, Android devices (Smartphone, Tablet)).
As the MCU is concerned, it works as a trans-coder bridge
between the SENSIPLUS chip and the host control, managed
through the bit-banging mode GPIO pin control. In partic-
ular, the MCU communicates with host via USB/Wifi and
with SENSIPLUS via a one-wire proprietary protocol named
Fig. 2. Smart Cable Water.
Compounds [mg/l]
Fertilizer 91.74
Ammonium Chloride 12.75
Sodium Acetate Trihydrate 131.64
Magnesium Hydrogen Phosphate Trihydrate 29.02
Monopotassium Phosphate 23.4
Iron (II) Sulfate Heptahydrate 5.80
Starch 122.00
Milk Powder 116.19
Yeast 52.24
Soy Oil 29.02
The system has been designed to recognize substances in
waste water, but acquisition of all measurements cannot be
done directly in the sewage network for two main reasons:
First, from a measuring point of view, all measurements
must be acquired in the same reliable conditions and,
since the sewage background environmental composition
is not stable (for example just think to rain event and
domestic spills), it is not possible to achieve the same
reliable conditions;
Second, from a human health point of view, it would rep-
resent biological hazards due to the presence of viruses,
bacteria, parasites, and other dangers.
For these reasons, the experimental data have been acquired
using a Synthetic Waste Water (SWW) in order to simplify
the laboratory activities. In this background (SWW), the 5
substances under consideration have been spilled: Sulphufic
Acid (SA), Ethanol (E), Sodium Hypochlorite (SH), Sodium
Chloride (SC) and Dish Wash detergent (DW).
The SWW has been obtained through a mix of substances
(see Table I) able to reproduce the PH and the conductivity of
the real Waste Water.
As the data acquisition is concerned, it is divided in two
main phases:
Warm–Up phase: the first 600 samples are acquired in
only SWW, in order to let all sensors stabilize and to
build a measurement reference (a.k.a. baseline) used to
normalize the following measures;
Measurement phase: the given substance is spilled in
the SWW, and 1000 samples are acquired. Thus, these
samples represent the sensor evolution after substance
As for the acquired components, we measure ten different
quantity between: Gold, Silver, Platinum and Nickel IDEs. On
each IDE, we acquire resistance and capacitance at different
frequencies, in particular:
Gold: Resistance and Capacitance at 200Hz and Resis-
tance at 78kHz;
Silver: Resistance and Capacitance at 200Hz;
Platinum: Resistance and Capacitance at 200Hz and
Resistance at 78kHz;
Nickel: Resistance and Capacitance at 200Hz.
In this section, a new approach for baseline tracking is
presented and compared to that proposed in [11].
A. The old baseline tracking
In the previous version [11], the baseline was captured
through an Exponential Moving Average (EMA) according to
the following equation:
bt=(stt= 0
αst+ (1 α)·st1, t > 0(1)
with α= 1/EM Ac, where stis a vector of signals coming
directly from SENSIPLUS sensors, btis a vector of baselines
(one for each signal), and EM Acis the EMA coefficient
empirically set to 10.000. This type of baseline (evaluated
for each sensor) showed inadequate behavior compared to
expectations because:
It is unable to follow the sensor drift during the phase in
which only SWW is present;
It is unable to preserve a stable value during the phase
in which a substance is present;
Finally, it works in counter-phase during wash-out (when
the substance go away).
Figures 3 and 4 represent the behaviours of the old baseline
and the new baseline. A set of instants are highlighted: t0
when the acquisition starts, t1when the substance is injected,
t2when the substance is removed (through dilution), t3when
the substance “disappears” because the dilution becomes very
high. In figure 3, the baseline for a single signal is generated
without any adaptation to the signal behaviour. It is possible
to see that, in the interval [t0, t1], the baseline is far from
the true signal. This distance augments during the injection
time [t1, t2](that is good), but the distance between signal
and baseline vanishes because the baseline continues to track
the signal (that is bad), furthermore generating an anti-phase
behavior during the period after t3.
Fig. 3. The behaviour of the previous EMA [11].
Fig. 4. The new baseline.
All these oscillations are not good for the classification
that is realized on a feature vector ftobtained through a
“normalization” corresponding to the ratio between the sensor
signal stand the evaluated baseline bt, as reported in the
following expression:
B. The new baseline tracking
In order to evaluate in a different way the baseline, we
modified our system by introducing the Finite State Machine
(FSM) reported in figure 5.
In figure 5, we indicate tas the current time sample, and we
also report the parameters α= 1/EM Ac, with EM Ac= 25
and τ= 0.05, both empirically set. Furthermore, the distance
dtis evaluated as the Euclidean distance between the point of
coordinates 1and the vector ftin a 10-dimensional space (the
number of sensors and the size of st):
The new baseline is evaluated as:
stt= 0
bt1t > 0, S ∈ {BS, BS P }
αst+ (1 α)·st1, t > 0, S ∈ {W T, B A, BT }
Fig. 5. A Finite State Machine (FSM) for the baseline acquisition and tracking.
where it is possible to see that the tracking with EMA is
activated only when t > 0and the state Sof the FSM belongs
to {W T, B A, BT }, while the value of btremains constant
when S∈ {BS, BS P }(the FSM and its states are described
The entire system is depicted in figure 6 and the obtained
behaviour in terms of tracking capacity is reported in figure 4.
The final output ctrepresents the classification given in output
by the whole system.
As shown in figure 5, when the acquisition starts the first
state of the FSM is WT (WaiT), in which the machine remains
for EM Acsamples. After EM Acsamples, the next state of
the FSM is the BA (Baseline Acquisition): during this state,
and until (E(dt)+3σ)> τ, the machine tries to follow the
signal, the classifier is disabled, and the system is in a kind of
warm-up state (the output is ct=SW W , i.e. the background).
The mean Eon dtis evaluated on the last EMAcsamples and
τhas been empirically set to 0.05. When the tracking becomes
stable with E(dt)+3σ < τ, the system changes its state in BT
(Baseline Tracking), i.e. it is ready for classification. During
the BT state, the FSM generates a predefined output class that
is ct=SW W . When a substance is injected we expect that dt
grows-up and, in particular, if dt> τ, the system goes in a so
called BSP (Baseline SusPended) state, where, the classifier
is not activated (the output will be again ct=SW W ). At
this point two state changes are possible: if dt> τ until a
Fig. 6. A flow diagram of the entire system.
counter in BSP reaches 5, the machine changes its state in
BS (Baseline Stopped), where for each sample and for each
feature vector ftthe classifier is called. If dt< τ before
these 5instants, the FSM returns in BT state. At this point,
the only way to exit from BS state is when the classifier
Substances Class Samples
Total Training Validation Test
E (1) 9371 5183 3174 1014
SH (2) 9122 5059 3073 990
SA (3) 9162 5079 3071 1012
DW (4) 9172 5078 3081 1013
SC (5) 9162 5078 3071 1013
SWW (6) 9165 5079 3072 1014
Total 55154 30556 18542 6056
called during the BS state classifies the substance as SWW
(the background). If this happens for at least EM Actimes, the
FSM comes back to BA to prepare itself for a new substance,
and the output will be SWW to allow the reset of the baseline
tracking system.
In the experiments, a comparison between the previously
proposed solution [11] and the new one is presented. In
[11], results obtained with a Multi Layer Perceptron (MLP)
network combined with Principal Component Analysis (PCA)
technique were presented. The same experiments have been
replicated in this paper in order to give a complete comparison
in terms of obtained improvements. The main differences
between two approaches are:
The number of features: 10 in the new solution, 8 in the
old one;
The preprocessing phase, i.e. the baseline acquisition
described in the previous section.
In table II a description of the entire dataset is reported.
In Table III and IV, we report the results obtained re-
spectively with the old system [11] and the newly proposed
one. With the previously proposed approach, the best results
were obtained with an MLP characterized by 3 inputs (with
PCA), 6 outputs (one for each class) and 32 hidden neurons.
The best mean accuracy was 87.32% and the maximum
accuracy for SWW was 99.70%. The new solution shows
better performance in terms of specificity and sensibility with
a mean accuracy of 97.20% and an accuracy on SWW equal
to 99.99% in the best case that is obtained with an MLP with
10 inputs, 6 outputs and 16 hidden neurons.
It is worth noting that the obtained performance on SWW
are compatible with the desired accuracy of 99.98%. Such
value comes from the following consideration: the samples are
acquired continuously at a rate of one for each 1.6 seconds.
With this rate, during a day, 54000 = 246060/1.6samples
will be acquired. Supposing that not more than one false
positive is acceptable in a day, the requested accuracy becomes
at least: 99.99% = 100 (54000 1)/54000.
In this paper, a false positive reduction system has been pre-
sented and the results are compared with a previously proposed
approach where too many false positives were generated for a
64 no 0.8226 0.11651 0.9512
64 yes 0.8009 0.12908 0.9444
32 no 0.7795 0.10832 0.9362
32 yes 0.8732 0.13132 0.9970
16 no 0.8264 0.10541 0.9840
16 yes 0.8366 0.12749 0.9734
64 no 0.9719 0.0443 0.9989
64 yes 0.9699 0.0443 0.9987
32 no 0.9720 0.0443 0.9981
32 yes 0.9688 0.0442 0.9989
16 no 0.9720 0.0443 0.9999
16 yes 0.9693 0.0445 0.9984
continuous and real-time application context. The results show
that the new approach outperforms the old one both from the
global accuracy that grown from 87.32% to 97.21% and false
positive that becomes compatible with a use 24h/7d. First trial
on the field showed promising results.
The research leading to these results has received fund-
ing from the European Unions Horizon 2020 research and
innovation programme under grant agreement SYSTEM No.
787128. The authors are solely responsible for it and that it
does not represent the opinion of the Community and that
the Community is not responsible for any use that might be
made of information contained therein. This work was also
supported by MIUR (Minister for Education, University and
Research, Law 232/216, Department of Excellence).
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... [mm 2 ] and 1.5 [mW ] power absorption, shown in Fig. 1. The SCW is produced by Sensichips Srl [25] and is based on the micro-chip SENSIPLUS [26] they developed in collaboration with the University of Pisa, Italy. ...
... In terms of data processing, acquired measurements are generally processed to become features to feed Machine Learning (ML)/ Deep Learning (DL) algorithms adopted for classification (Lowe et al., 2022;Koditala and Pandey, 2018;Bansal and Geetha, 2020;Dilmi and Ladjal, 2021;Bria et al., 2021;Bria et al., 2020). Major challenges regard finding pathways to have fast data exchange, classify with acceptable computational complexity in nearly real-time and be able to discriminate among different pollutants that can be found in the flowing wastewater. ...
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The problem of detecting illegal pollutants in wastewater is of fundamental importance for public health and security. The availability of distributed, low–cost and low–power monitoring systems, particularly enforced by IoT communication mechanisms and low-complexity machine learning algorithms, would make it feasible and easy to manage in a widespread manner. Accordingly, an End-to-End IoT-ready node for the sensing, local processing, and transmission of the data collected on the pollutants in the wastewater is presented here. The proposed system, organized in sensing and data processing modules, can recognize and distinguish contaminants from unknown substances typically present in wastewater. This is particularly important in the classification stage since distinguishing between background (not of interest) and foreground (of interest) substances drastically improves the classification performance, especially in terms of false positive rates. The measurement system, i.e., the sensing part, is represented by the so-called Smart Cable Water based on the SENSIPLUS chip, which integrates an array of sensors detecting various water-soluble substances through impedance spectroscopy. The data processing is based on a commercial Micro Control Unit (MCU), including an anomaly detection module, a classification module, and a false positive reduction module, all based on machine learning algorithms that have a computational complexity suitable for low-cost hardware implementation. An extensive experimental campaign on different contaminants has been carried out to train machine-learning algorithms suitable for low-cost and low-power MCU. The corresponding dataset has been made publicly available for download. The obtained results demonstrate an excellent classification ability, achieving an accuracy of more than 95% on average, and are a reliable ”proof of concept” of a pervasive IoT system for distributed monitoring.
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In the framework of indoor air monitoring, this paper proposes an Internet of Things ready solution to detect and classify contaminants. It is based on a compact and low–power integrated system including both sensing and processing capabilities. The sensing is composed of a sensor array on which electrical impedance measurements are performed through a microchip, named SENSIPLUS, while the processing phase is mainly based on Machine Learning techniques, embedded in a low power and low resources micro controller unit, for classification purposes. An extensive experimental campaign on different contaminants has been carried out and raw sensor data have been processed through a lightweight Multi Layer Perceptron for embedded implementation. More complex and computationally costly Deep Learning techniques, as Convolutional Neural Network and Long Short Term Memory, have been adopted as a reference for the validation of Multi Layer Perceptron performance. Results prove good classification capabilities, obtaining an accuracy greater than 75% in average. The obtained results, jointly with the reduced computational costs of the solution, highlight that this proposal is a proof of concept for a pervasive IoT air monitoring system.
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Electroanalytical techniques are useful for detection and identification because the instrumentation is simple and can support a wide variety of assays. One example is cyclic square wave voltammetry (CSWV), a practical detection technique for different classes of compounds including explosives, herbicides/pesticides, industrial compounds, and heavy metals. A key barrier to the widespread application of CSWV for chemical identification is the necessity of a high performance, generalizable classification algorithm. Here, machine and deep learning models were developed for classifying samples based on voltammograms alone. The highest performing models were Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM) and Fully Convolutional Networks (FCNs), depending on the dataset against which performance was assessed. When compared to other algorithms, previously used for classification of CSWV and other similar data, our LSTM and FCN-based neural networks achieve higher sensitivity and specificity with the area under the curve values from receiver operating characteristic (ROC) analyses greater than 0.99 for several datasets. Class activation maps were paired with CSWV scans to assist in understanding the decision-making process of the networks, and their ability to utilize this information was examined. The best-performing models were then successfully applied to new or holdout experimental data. An automated method for processing CSWV data, training machine learning models, and evaluating their prediction performance is described, and the tools generated provide support for the identification of compounds using CSWV from samples in the field.
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Although all countries are intensifying their efforts against terrorism and increasing their mutual cooperation, terrorist bombing is still one of the greatest threats to society. The discovery of hidden bomb factories is of primary importance in the prevention of terrorism activities. Criminals preparing improvised explosives (IE) use chemical substances called precursors. These compounds are released in the air and in the waste water during IE production. Tracking sources of precursors by analyzing air or wastewater can then be an important clue for bomb factories’ localization. We are reporting here a new multiplex electrochemical sensor dedicated to the on-site simultaneous detection of three explosive precursors, potentially used for improvised explosive device preparation (hereafter referenced as B01, B08, and B15, for security disclosure reasons and to avoid being detrimental to the security of the counter-explosive EU action). The electrochemical sensors were designed to be disposable and to combine ease of use and portability in a screen-printed eight-electrochemical cell array format. The working electrodes were modified with different electrodeposited metals: gold, palladium, and platinum. These different coatings giving selectivity to the multi-sensor through a “fingerprint”-like signal subsequently analyzed using partial least squares-discriminant analysis (PLS-DA). Results are given regarding the detection of the three compounds in a real environment and in the presence of potentially interfering species.
Internet of Things (IoT) is involving more and more fields where monitoring actions and fast and reliable data communication are simultaneously needed. Inside the general class of monitoring applications, those related to pollutant detection and classification are currently faced by many researchers and companies. Several approaches are being proposed in the literature, but lots of open issues and challenges are still to be handled before deploying a commonly considered optimum system. This contribution proposes a novel low-cost and highly flexible platform which is intended to tackle such challenges adopting ad-hoc hardware and software techniques. The proposed solution is applied to air and water contaminant detection case studies. The paper provides the reader with an innovative system in the field of pollution monitoring and focuses the attention on limitations, challenges and possible improvements needed to obtain reliable contaminant detection and, consequently, improve life quality.
Water monitoring technologies are widely used for contaminants detection in wide variety of water ecology applications such as water treatment plant and water distribution system. A tremendous amount of research has been conducted over the past decades to develop robust and efficient techniques of contaminants detection with minimum operating cost and energy. Recent developments in spectroscopic techniques and biosensor approach have improved the detection sensitivities, quantitatively and qualitatively. The availability of in-situ measurements and multiple detection analyses has expanded the water monitoring applications in various advanced techniques including successful establishment in hand-held sensing devices which improves portability in real-time basis for the detection of contaminant, such as microorganisms, pesticides, heavy metal ions, inorganic and organic components. This paper intends to review the developments in water quality monitoring technologies for the detection of biological and chemical contaminants in accordance with instrumental limitations. Particularly, this review focuses on the most recently developed techniques for water contaminant detection applications. Several recommendations and prospective views on the developments in water quality assessments will also be included.
Contamination of groundwater is one of the major health concerns in the rapidly urbanizing and industrializing world. Since groundwater is one of the most important resources for the domestic, industrial, and agricultural purposes, the quality and quantity is of prime importance. Nitrite which is a reduced form of nitrate ion is one of the potential contaminants in the groundwater. The detection of nitrite ion is one of the laborious works and also it gets easily oxidized to nitrate ion and hence modeling approaches for the nitrite concentration will be one of the resilient quantification techniques. In the present study, the effective performance of the linear and non-linear models such as multiple linear regression (MLR), principal component regression (PCR), artificial neural network (ANN), and the integrated technique of principal components and artificial neural network (PC-ANN) is evaluated in the prediction of the nitrite concentration. The MLR and PCR showed better results either in generation step or in the validation step but not both. ANN shows better results in both generation and validation steps but the results in the validation steps, though good but accuracy is comparatively lower than the generation step. In the case of PC-ANN, the prediction of the model is found to be good both in the generation and in the validation steps. The Nash–Sutcliffe efficiency test clearly illustrates better performance of PC-ANN in comparison with other models in the present study for the quantification of nitrite concentration in groundwater.