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The Importance of Parcipatory Design for the Development of Assisve Roboc Arms.
Inial Approaches and Experiences in the Research Projects MobILe and DoF-Adapv
Annalies Baumeister, Elizaveta Gardo, Patrizia Tolle, Barbara Klein, Max Pascher,
Jens Gerken, Felix Goldau, Yashaswini Shivashankar, Udo Frese
DOI: 10.48718/8p7x-cw14
This Arcle introduces two research projects towards assisve roboc arms for people with severe body im-
pairments. Both projects aim to develop new control and interacon designs to promote accessibility and a
beer performance for people with funconal losses in all four extremies, e.g. due to quadriplegic or mulple
sclerosis. The project MobILe concentrates on using a roboc arm as drinking aid and controlling it with smart
glasses, eye-tracking and augmented reality. A user oriented development process with parcipatory methods
were pursued which brought new knowledge about the life and care situaon of the future target group and
the requirements a roboc drinking aid needs to meet. As a consequence the new project DoF-Adapv follows
an even more parcipatory approach, including the future target group, their family and professional caregivers
from the beginning into decision making and development processes within the project. DoF-Adapv aims to
simplify the control modalies of assisve roboc arms to enhance the usability of the roboc arm for acvies
of daily living. To decide on exemplary acvies, like eang or open a door, the future target group, their family
and professional caregivers are included in the decision making process. Furthermore all relevant stakeholders
will be included in the invesgaon of ethical, legal and social implicaons as well as the idencaon of poten-
al risks. This arcle will show the importance of the parcipatory design for the development and research
process in MobILe and DoF-Adapv.
Keywords: Assisve robocs, Assisted Living Technologies, Parcipatory Design, Human-centered Design, User
Acceptance, Risk Management
Assisve Roboc Arms for a Self-determi-
ned Life
At the end of 2019, the German Federal Stascal
Oce counted 7.9 million people with disa-bilies.
Thereof 11.2% had funconal losses in arms and/
or legs and 10.4% in spine and torso. 7.6 million
people with severe disabilies lived in private hou-
seholds with their families, part-ners or alone (Sta-
ssches Bundesamt, 2020a + 2020b). As part of
the German Spinal Cord Injury Survey (GerSCI) in
2017, 1,479 people with spinal cord injuries were
quesoned about their life situaon, how they ex-
periences living with a spinal cord injury and what
kind of issues they were dealing with. Results to-
wards daily acvies and mobility showed that
running an own household was viewed as extreme-
ly problemac by 40.7% of the respondents. Rated
as very or extremely problemac were picking up
small objects or opening containers (31.2%) and
com-pleng everyday tasks (29.1%). Furthermore,
41% of the respondents said that they could open
heavy doors only with some or great dicules
and 18.3% were unable to open heavy doors at all.
The authors state that the descripve stascal re-
sults will be followed by qualitave studies and in-
depth analyses (Bökel et al., 2019, 22f.; 41).
Assisve roboc arms could be a soluon to ena-
ble people with severe body impairment to per-
form acvies of daily living independently. Cur-
rently, the online-Portal “”
lists three assisve roboc arms on the German
market, JACO from Kinova inc., iArm from Assisve
Innovaons bv. and BATEO from EXXOMOVE UG.
All roboc arms are mounted on an electric wheel-
chair and steered with the wheelchair controller.
However, there are sll some challenges. In case of
funconal losses in hands and arms, steering with
a special controller is possible, but has its limits.
Operang a roboc arm with a chin or mouth con-
troller and thus eang or drinking, for example, are
mutually exclusive. Another diculty is the neces-
sity to constantly switch between dierent modes
of movement of the roboc arm, like up/down and
le/right, while performing a task.
The research projects MobILe and DoF-Adapv
presented in this arcle deal with new approaches
to the above-menoned challenges. Furthermo-
re, ethical, social and legal implicaons (ELSI) and
quesons of risk and quality management are in-
vesgated. In the spirit of Responsible Research
and Innovaon (see Owen, Slgoe et al., 2013), the
parcipaon of the future target group was or is
being pursued in both projects. Against this back-
drop, this arcle is intended to clarify the import-
ance of parcipatory approaches or parcipaon
in the research process and technology develop-
ment for research in the eld of assisve roboc
arms for people with severe physical limitaons.
Invesgang the Needs and Wishes of the
User in MobILe
How could it be feasible to control and use a semi-
autonomous roboc arm as a drinking aid, if using
a joysck is not an opon, due to funconal los-
ses in all four extremies? The aim of the MobILe
project was to research and implement basic skills
with and without direct physical contact between
robots and humans. For robot control in a three-
dimensional space, the use of head and eye move-
ments as well as a combinaon of moon sensors
and glasses with an eye tracker and electrooculo-
graphy was invesgated. For the interacon bet-
ween the robot and the human, augmented reality
Table 1: Fact sheet MobILe (authors gure)
(e.g., in the form of visual representaons of in-
tended acons by the robot) and a visual concept
were developed. A safety system with redundan-
cies ensures funconal reliability. To ensure that
the development of the control and interacon
modalies meet the future users’ needs and ac-
ceptance, a user-centred design strategy was im-
plemented throughout the research and develop-
ment process.
An Ethnographic/Small Data Analysis
At the beginning of the project an ethnographic/
small data analysis with 15 persons of the future
target group was conducted in Germany. Eleven
male and four females took part in the survey. The
diagnoses were spinal cord injury (10), locked-in-
syndrome (2), mulple sclerosis (1), inclusion body
myosis (1) and arthrogryposis (1). Parcipants
were visited at home, where in-terviews and par-
cipatory observaons of food and beverage intake
took place.
The observaons were documented with videos
and photos. The interviews and videos were tran-
scribed and the transcripts, videos and photos
were analysed following the qualitave content
analysis approach by Mayring (2015), the qualita-
ve hermeneucal approach from social sciences
by Reichertz & Englert (2011) and the photo ana-
lysis by Pilarczyk & Mietzner (2000). The aim was
to gain a deeper insight into the life situaon of
the parcipants in order to work out aspects that
promote acceptance and to develop user-centred
recommendaons for the technical development.
Demographic Data, Life and Care Situaon
The age of the parcipants varied between 18 and
62 years and was distributed relavely evenly. The
diagnoses or the accident events ranged from 2 to
35 years ago at the me of the survey. The only
excepon was in a case with congenital physical
impairment. Around two-thirds of the parcipants
have been living with a physical impairment for at
least ten years or longer. However, no signicant
dierences can be derived from the response be-
haviour in the interviews between parcipants
who have been living with their impairment for de-
cades and those who have obtained their physical
impairment more recently. Experiences with assis-
ve robots or technologies seem to be less depen-
dent on the duraon of the impairment than much
more on one‘s own interests or accessibility.
All parcipants stated that they are acve and like
to go out as much as possible. Some have con-
verted cars that the caregivers drive. Most of the
parcipants use an electric wheelchair (ten par-
cipants). Others prefer acve wheelchairs (three
parcipants) or use push wheelchairs (three par-
cipants). The parcipants live in accessible houses
(six parcipants) and in accessible or parally ac-
cessible apartments (nine parcipants). Seven par-
cipants live alone, three live with their parents,
three with a wife/husband or partner (in one case
with a child under 18 years) and one parcipant
lives with one child over 18 years. Caregiving rela-
ves exist in eight cases in which the parcipants
live with their relaves, whereby the extent of the
care provided varies. In seven of the eight cases,
nursing services take on certain aspects of nursing
(e.g., catheters or showers). In one case, assistants
also support the parcipant and his relaves. Par-
cipants who are not cared for by relaves oen
use both nursing services and assistants (ve par-
cipants). Only in two cases are parcipants suppor-
ted exclusively by a nursing service or assistants.
The daily structure is characterized by xed mes
of basic care (e.g., the morning toilet), relavely
xed/regular mealmes, regular therapies and
mes of relief (pressure ulcer prophylaxis). Most
of the me is spent in the bedroom (bed) and li-
ving room (wheelchair). The amount of me spent
in the wheelchair varies between 8 and 14 hours a
day. Parcipants said that they eat and drink in bed
or while sing in a wheelchair in the living room
or in the kitchen at a dining table. Drinking has a
special signicance, as both the type of beverage
(sll water, tea) and the amount consumed are
parcularly important for health and general well-
being. The parcipants oen drink large quanes
in a row and preferably from large glasses or drin-
king boles. For all parcipants, drinking is linked
to the aspects of autonomy and privacy. If they did
not have to ask for help for every sip, but could
drink independently, they would be able to spend
several hours a day alone again. Always having to
have someone around for assistance is perceived
as exhausng.
The Users Perspecve Towards an Assisve Robo-
c Arm as Drinking Aid
The analysis of the interviews and observaons
showed certain aspects that can inuence the ac-
ceptance and use of a roboc arm as a drinking
aid. Currently, the above menoned assisve ro-
boc arms can only be used while mounted on an
electric wheelchair. However, some parc-ipants
cannot or do not want to use an electric wheel-
chair. Parcipants would also like to use the robot
while lying in their bed and would prefer a soluon
that enables them to use the robot independently.
Most parcipants are cared for 24/7 by a mix of ca-
regiving relaves, nursing services and assistants,
which means, that dierent people are interacng
directly or indirectly with the robot. Therefore,
parcipants wish for an easy and intuive con-
trol and interacon design that does not require
too much explaining or a long training period. It
should also be safe to use, even if other people are
around and interacng with the parcipant. Furt-
hermore, the robot should be robust, sturdy and
show a high operang safety. Teething problems
or safety issues would prevent parcipants to use
the robot at all. How the roboc arm could be per-
ceived by others is important to most parcipants.
If it is too big and “showy” and/or looks too much
like a medical device, parcipants do not feel com-
fortable and fear sgmazaon. Instead, they
wish for an unobtrusive and elegant design, like a
lifestyle product and as space-saving as possible.
If the roboc arm promotes independency and
privacy, meaning that it enables the parcipants
to drink without addional help from others, the
parcipants stated that they would use it regularly
and would like to spend more me on their own.
On the other hand, parcipants would like to enjoy
mealmes with family and friends where everyone
can eat and drink at the same me and communi-
caon is not disturbed while someone takes care
of the parcipant. A roboc aid is seen as a possib-
le soluon as long as it is not the cause for new dis-
tracon. These ndings lead to recommendaons
for the development of roboc drinking and eang
aids, which are currently published at INTERACT
2021 (see Pascher/Baumeister 2021).
New Insights Through Including Caregivers
To discuss ethical and social implicaons of a robo-
c drinking aid, three workshops with all stakehol-
ders were conducted in 2019. A total of 11 people
with a disability, 2 caregiving parents, 4 assistants,
2 physiotherapists and 3 industry representaves
took part. In addion, all project partners joined
the rst workshop, too. The MEESTAR model for
the ethical evaluaon of socio-technological arran-
gements was adapted and used to evaluate ethical
issues. All workshops were transcribed and quali-
tavely analysed following the themac analysis
by Tucke (2005, 75.).
Caregiving parents and assistants brought a new
perspecve towards the topics safety and inde-
pendence. Both parcipang groups viewed an
assisve robot as posive if they feel assured that
the person they care for can be safely le alone
to perform a task with it. If the robot promotes a
higher independency, it would be a relief for ca-
regivers. Assistants could use their me more ef-
ciently and caregiving relaves would gain more
me for themselves. However, it also became clear
during the discussions that it is an issue to trust in
the safety of an assisve robot and leave the per-
son being cared for alone with it. Especially assis-
tants said that they don’t trust the robot and asked
what would happen, when a problem occurs? They
do not want to risk that the person being cared for
comes to any harm or that they cannot help them
(fast enough), if needed. Parcipants with a disabi-
lity, on the other hand, were much more inclined
to take risks, if only they could regain more privacy.
Whilst parcipants with a disability say that safety
standards in Germany are very high and they could
call the caregivers with a mobile phone if neces-
sary, the caregivers prefer them to be in another
room/close by and quickly available when needed.
So there is a profound conict of interest between
caregivers and the person being cared for about
gaining more privacy and autonomy.
Lesson Learned for Further Research
During the visits of the parcipants, some asked
why MobILe focused on drinking and how the de-
cision was made. Although drinking was viewed as
important, parcipants and caregivers menoned
further acvies a roboc arm could help with.
Parcipants mostly wished to pick up and manipu-
late objects or open doors. Again, in the context
of the workshops, people with a disability, parents
and assistants suggested more dierent acvies,
like support for dressing. It seems that people with
severe body impairments do have several unmet
needs that an assisve roboc arm could help with
and that it is important to include the future tar-
get group into the decision-making before deci-
ding what acvity the assisve roboc arm should
support. The inclusion of caregiving relaves and
assistants in the workshop made clear that it is
necessary to recognize the whole social system of
people with severe body impairments and to inclu-
de caregiving relaves, nurses and assistants into
the research project as well. The conclusion was to
pursue a more parcipatory approach in the suc-
cession project DoF-Adapv.
Table 2: Fact sheet DoF-Adapv (authors gure)
Including All Stakeholders in the Research and
Development Process of an Assisve Roboc
The ongoing research project DoF-Adapv aims to
simplify the use of assisve roboc arms, i.e. re-
leasing the users from the necessity to switch bet-
ween the various modes of degrees of freedom
while performing a task. A combinaon of machi-
ne learning and arcial intelligence (AI) will be
developed in order to improve the control system.
In contrast to automac control, humans remain in
control. In a user-centred design process, possibili-
es of displaying feedback are explored using data
glasses. In a parcipatory approach, the require-
ments are raised and the system is evaluated with
those aected.
Parcipave Research, Parcipatory Approaches
DoF-Adapv is conducted as research with peop-
le, rather than as research about or for them. This
course of acon is a characterisc feature of par-
cipatory research (Bergold/Thomas, 2010, 333).
The DoF-Adapv project is guided by fundamental
principles of parcipatory research. The following
secon focuses on two areas: the concept of „safe
space“ for all parcipants during the research pro-
cess and the roles of all parcipants in decision-
making processes (von Unger, 2014, 39.; Bergold/
Thomas, 2012, 6).
Parcipatory research can be understood as a re-
search style in which professional researchers and
co-researchers are equally involved in the pro-
cess of knowledge construcon (Bergold/Thomas,
2012, 2). In DoF-Adapv, two groups, the prima-
ry and secondary users of assisve technologies,
form the group of co-researchers. People with di-
sabilies (primary users), family caregivers, nurses,
assistants (secondary users) collecvely contribute
their unique perspecves. Expressing and sharing
their own opinions and experiences in instuonal
sengs or with strangers requires a “safe space“
(Bergold/Thomas, 2012, 5). The “safe space“ all-
ows, for example, to have and express dierent
opinions or to resolve conicts in a construcve
manner (Bergold/Thomas, 2012, 7). In addion, a
“safe space“ creates an opportunity for all mem-
bers of the research group to experience that each
opinion will be heard, but will not be judged or
even devalued by others. The “safe space“ is also
dynamic. It has to be reestablished over and over
again via opening communicave spaces throug-
hout the enre research process (Bergold/Thomas
2010, 338).
To determine whether a project fullls the basic
criterion for classicaon as parcipatory re-
search, it is necessary to ask who is controlling the
research in which phase of the project (Bergold/
Thomas, 2012a, 9). These quesons allow to de-
termine which group of researchers (professional
researcher or co-researcher) is involved in which
decisions, whether the various actors are involved
in decision-making-processes with equal rights
in order to control and monitor the research and
the course of the project (Bergold/Thomas, 2012,
The research process in DoF-Adapv is designed
in cycles. These cycles are based on the process
of “Progressive Problem Solving with Acon Re-
search” (Riel quoted in Wright et al., 2013, 147).
Each cycle describes the reecng on pracce, the
acons taken, reecng and taking further acon
(Riel n.d.)
In the following, the concept of “safe space“ and
decision-making processes used to control and
monitor the research process at DoF-Adapv are
explained with a focus on the scenario develop-
Including the Future Users Early on
Based on the experiences in MobILe, the future
target group in DoF-Adapv includes not only peo-
ple with a disability, but their caregiving relaves,
nurses and assistants, too. Futhermore, the pro-
ject aims for a more parcipatory approach that
involves the future target group in the research
and development process from the beginning and
is iterave throughout the project. Starng with
the development of applicaon scenarios for the
assisve roboc arm, workshops and interviews
were held. It was decided which acvies the
roboc arm should support and which scenarios
should be described great importance was aa-
ched to the fact that parcipants and researchers
meet on an equal foong. Researches were in the
role of listening and documenng the parcipant’s
thoughts and wishes, accepng them as experts in
their own rights. Protocols, ndings and work-in-
process documents were shared with all parci-
pants throughout the development process. When
deciding on applicaon scenarios, the opinion of
the parcipants was decisive for the decision-ma-
king. Furthermore, parcipants were given the
opportunity to discuss the details of the scenarios
design with all researchers during a project mee-
ng. Those who couldn’t aend the meeng were
asked to give their view via e-mail or a one-to-one
call with a researcher, making sure that every par-
cipant who wanted to be part of the develop-
ment process and decision-making could parci-
pate. The transcripts, notes and protocols of the
workshops, interviews and the project meeng are
currently being analysed and the parcipave ap-
proach will be evaluated.
Impact of Parcipatory Approaches for Risk and
Quality Management
In the eld of medical technology, there is a sepa-
rate standard for managing risks. DIN EN ISO 14971
describes requirements and possible procedures
with a focus on risk analysis. Risks have to be iden-
ed and assessed to determine whether they are
jusable. Remaining residual risks must be set in
relaon to the benets. In 2019, a revision of the
risk management standard DIN EN ISO 14971 for
medical devices was published: ISO 14971: 2019.
The procedure has basically remained unchanged.
However, some addions and explanaons have
been introduced. Among other things, the infor-
maon for training opon was discussed as a risk
control measure. In addion, the concept of bene-
t for the paent was further specied. The stan-
dard has thus moved the issue of risk-benet rao
even more into focus. In the area of risk manage-
ment, the EU direcves and EU regulaons for
medical devices such as the MDR (Medical Device
Regulaon (MDR)) have to be taken into account
too. The risk analysis must factor in, inter alia, the
eects of soware errors, framework condions
and safety-relevant funcons.
As part of a project on „Systemic risk management
for the holisc consideraon of entrepreneurial
risks using the example of medical technology“ at
RWTH Aachen University, some weaknesses in the
current procedures and methods in the eld of risk
management in medical technology were discus-
sed and described (SysRisk). Among other things,
the current methods are seen insucient in scope
and depth to idenfy and assess residual risks as
comprehensively as is necessary for risk-sensive
products. In order to minimise these weak points
in the current project, risk management is being
expanded to include methods and procedures that
go beyond the mandatory standards and regula-
For this reason, the current project (DoF-Adapv)
puts a lot of emphasis on idenfying as many risks
as possible at an early stage and introducing ap-
propriate measures in a mely manner. The follo-
wing procedures and methods are used:
•Users are involved in the risk idencaon pro-
cess from the beginning of the project.
•FMEA (Failure Mode and Eect Analysis) is
used in the risk analysis to analyse the indivi-
dual components of the product, in parcular
the resulng hazards.
•The scenario technique or scenario-based risk
analysis is used for the invesgaon and eva-
lua-on of the inuencing factors and simula-
ted scenarios.
•Praccal conclusions for the intended area of
applicaon of the product are derived from
the acon-oriented error taxonomy. The ac-
on-oriented error taxonomy is based on an
error term that can be traced back to acon-
oriented error research (Freud, 1941, 25f.; Fre-
se, Zapf, 1991, 11f.).
The early involvement of the future target group
in the research project MobILe had a deep impact
on the further development of human-robot inter-
acon modalies. The insight into the life and care
situaon of people with severe body impairments
brought ndings towards aspects that promote a
higher acceptance of assisve roboc arms, all-
owed a user-centred development and new input
for further research was gained. In the ongoing
project DoF-Adapv, the inclusion of the future
target group into development and decision-ma-
king processes ensures that the research project
meets the future target group needs and will in-
crease their independence and autonomy in the
future. In this way, both projects seek to contribu-
te to a more independent living for people with
severe body impairments in the future.
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