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Abstract and Figures

Fungal construction materials—substrates colonised by mycelium—are getting increased recognition as viable ecologically friendly alternatives to conventional building materials. A functionality of the constructions made from fungal materials would be enriched if blocks with living mycelium, known for their ability to respond to chemical, optical and tactile stimuli, were inserted. We investigated how large blocks of substrates colonised with mycelium of Ganoderma resinaceum responded to stimulation with heavy weights. We analysed details of the electrical responses to the stimulation with weights and show that ON and OFF stimuli can be discriminated by the living mycelium composites and that a habituation to the stimulation occurs. Novelty of the results cast in the reporting on changes in electrical spiking activity of mycelium bound composites in response to a heavy loads.
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JID: JOBAB [m3GeSsc; October 10, 2021;9:53 ]
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Living mycelium composites discern weights via patterns of
electrical activity
Andrew Adamatzky
a ,
, Antoni Gandia
b , 1
Unconventional Computing Laboratory, University of the West of England, Bristol, UK
Institute for Plant Molecular and Cell Biology, CSIC-UPV, Valencia, Spain
Unconventional materials
Electrical activity
Fungal construction materials —substrates colonised by mycelium —are getting increased recog-
nition as viable ecologically friendly alternatives to conventional building materials. A function-
ality of the constructions made from fungal materials would be enriched if blocks with living
mycelium, known for their ability to respond to chemical, optical and tactile stimuli, were in-
serted. We investigated how large blocks of substrates colonised with mycelium of Ganoderma
resinaceum responded to stimulation with heavy weights. We analysed details of the electrical re-
sponses to the stimulation with weights and show that ON and OFF stimuli can be discriminated
by the living mycelium composites and that a habituation to the stimulation occurs. Novelty
of the results cast in the reporting on changes in electrical spiking activity of mycelium bound
composites in response to a heavy loads.
1. Introduction
Current practices in the construction industry make a substantial contribution to global climate change with potential damages
to natural environment, natural resources supplies, agriculture, and human health ( Omer, 2008 ; Schwartz et al., 2018 ; Onat and
Kucukvar, 2020 ). Therefore recyclable biomaterials are emerging as potential key players in the alternative construction industry
( Zeller and Zocher, 2012 ; Williams, 2014 ; Pellicer et al., 2017 ). Materials produced from and with fungi are amongst most promising
Mycelium bound composites —masses of organic substrates colonised by fungi —are considered to be future environmentally sus-
tainable growing bio-materials ( Karana et al., 2018 ; Cerimi et al., 2019 ; Jones et al., 2020 ). The fungal materials are used in acoustic
insulation panels ( Pelletier et al., 2013 ; Elsacker et al., 2020 ; Robertson et al., 2020 ), thermal insulation wall cladding ( Wang et al.,
2016 ; Yang et al., 2017 ; Xing et al., 2018 ; Girometta et al., 2019 ; Cárdenas-R, 2020 ; Dias et al., 2021 ), packaging materials ( Holt et
al., 2012 ; Mojumdar et al., 2021 ; Sivaprasad et al., 2021 ) and wearables ( Karana et al., 2018 ; Silverman et al., 2020 ; Appels, 2020 ;
Jones et al., 2021 ; Adamatzky et al., 2021c ). In Adamatzky et al. (2019) , we proposed to develop a structural substrate by using
live fungal mycelium, functionalise the substrate with nanoparticles and polymers to make mycelium-based electronics ( Beasley et
al., 2020a ; 2020b ; 2020c ), implement sensorial fusion and decision making in the mycelium networks ( Adamatzky et al., 2020 ).
The structural substrate —the mycelium bound composites —will be used to grow monolithic buildings from the functionalised fungal
substrate ( Adamatzky et al., 2021a ). Fungal buildings would self-grow, build, and repair themselves subject to substrate supplied,
use natural adaptation to the environment, sense all that humans can sense. Whilst major parts of a building will be made from dried
Corresponding author:
E-mail address: (A. Adamatzky).
1 At the time of experiments AG was aliated with Mogu S.r.l., Inarzo, Italy. doi: 10.1016/j.jobab.2021.09.000
Received 4 August 2021; Received in revised form 2 September 2021; Accepted 6 September 2021
Available online xxx
2369-9698/© 2021 The Authors. Published by Nanjing Forestry University. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license
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Please cite this article as: A. Adamatzky and A. Gandia, Living mycelium composites discern weights via patterns of electrical
activity, Journal of Bioresources and Bioproducts,
A. Adamatzky and A. Gandia Journal of Bioresources and Bioproducts xxx (xxxx) xxx
JID: JOBAB [m3GeSsc; October 10, 2021;9:53 ]
Fig. 1. Experimental setup. a, scheme of recording. b, c, position of electrodes in fungal blocks: (b) top view and (c) side view; d, pairs of dierential
electrodes inserted in a fungal block and 16 kg kettle bell placed on top of the fungal block. Channels are from the top right clockwise (1–2), (3–5),
…, (15–16)
and cured mycelium composites there is an opportunity to use blocks with living mycelium as embedded sensorial elements. On our
venture to investigate sensing properties of the mycelium composite blocks, called ‘fungal blocks’ further, we decided to study how
large fungal blocks respond to pressure via changes in their electrical activity. The electrical activity has been chosen as indicator
because fungi are known to respond to chemical and physical stimuli by changing patterns of their electrical activity ( Olsson and
Hansson, 1995 ; Adamatzky, 2018a ; 2018b ) and electrical properties ( Beasley et al., 2020a ).
In Section 2 , we describe experimental setup used to record electrical activity of mycelium bound composites and to stimulate the
fungal blocks. Electrical responses of the fungal blocks to stimulation with weights are analysed and discussed in Section 3 . Section
4 summarises the outcomes of the research.
2. Methods and materials
Mycelium bound composites have been prepared as follows. A pre-selected strain of the lamentous polypore fungus Ganoderma
resinaceum (stock culture #19-18, Mogu S.r.l., Italy) was cultured on a block shaped substrate based of hemp shives and soybean hulls
(mixture ratio 3 1, moisture content 65%) in plastic lter-patch microboxes in total darkness and at ambient room temperature of
22 °C. After seven days of incubation, the colonised substrate produced living blocks 20 cm ×20 cm ×10 cm that were immediately
used for the experiments.
Electrical activity of the colonised fungal blocks was recorded using pairs of iridium-coated stainless steel sub-dermal needle
electrodes (Spes Medica S.r.l., Italy), with twisted cables and ADC-24 (Pico Technology, UK) high-resolution data logger with a 24-bit
A/D converter, galvanic isolation and software-selectable sample rates all contribute to a superior noise-free resolution. An overall
scheme of recording is shown in Fig. 1 a. The pairs of electrodes were pierced, 5 mm deep, into sides of the blocks as shown in Fig. 1 b
and Fig. 1 c, two pairs per side. Distance between electrodes was 1–2 cm. In each trial, we recorded eight electrode pairs, channels,
A. Adamatzky and A. Gandia Journal of Bioresources and Bioproducts xxx (xxxx) xxx
JID: JOBAB [m3GeSsc; October 10, 2021;9:53 ]
Fig. 2. Electrical activity of the fungal blocks, stimulated with heavy loads. a, the activity of the block stimulated with 8 kg load; b, the activity
of the block stimulated with 16 kg load. Moments of the loads applications are labelled by ‘ON’ and lifting the loads by ‘OFF’. Channels are colour
coded as (1–2)-black, (3–4)-red, (5–6)-blue, (7–8)-green, (9–10)-magenta, (11–12)-orange, (13–14)-yellow.
simultaneously. We recorded electrical activity one sample per second. During the recording, the logger has been doing as many
measurements as possible (typically up to 600 per second) and saving the average value. The humidity of the fungal blocks was
70%–80% (MerlinLaser Protimeter, UK). The experiments were conducted in a growing tent with constant ambient temperature at
21 °C in absence of light.
We stimulated the fungal blocks by placing a 8 kg and 16 kg cast iron weights on the tops of the blocks ( Fig. 1 d). The surface of
the fungal blocks was insulated from the cast iron weight by a polyethylene lm.
3. Results and discussion
An example of fungal block’s electrical responses to 8 kg load is shown in Fig. 2 a. The responses are characterised by an immediate
response, i.e., occurring in 10–20 min of the stimulation, and a delayed, in 1–4 h after beginning of the stimulation response. The
immediate responses were manifested in spikes of electrical potential recorded on the electrodes. Average amplitude of an immediate
response to the loading with 8 kg was 3.05 mV, 𝜎= 2.5 and the spikes’ average duration of 489 s, 𝜎= 273. Average amplitude of the
immediate response to lifting the weight was 4 mV, 𝜎= 4.4 and average duration of 217 s, 𝜎= 232. Delayed responses were manifested
A. Adamatzky and A. Gandia Journal of Bioresources and Bioproducts xxx (xxxx) xxx
JID: JOBAB [m3GeSsc; October 10, 2021;9:53 ]
Fig. 3. Recording of electrical activity of the dry block of mycelium bound composite stimulated with 16 kg load. Moments of the loads applications
are labelled by ‘ON’ and lifting the loads by ‘OFF’. Channels are colour coded as (1–2)-black, (3–4)-red, (5–6)-blue, (7–8)-green, (9–10)-magenta,
(11–12)-orange, (13–14)-yellow.
in trains of spikes with average amplitude of 1.7 mV, 𝜎= 1, average duration of 161 s, 𝜎= 74 and distance between spikes of 125
s, 𝜎= 34. The responses are clearly attributed to the electrical activity of the living mycelium. The recording of electrical activity of
the dried mycelium bound composite block (with dead mycelium) is shown in Fig. 3 . The electrical activity of the dry block does
not exceed a level of noise [–0.002, 0.002] mV. When a load is applied an amplitude of the noise slightly decreases and stays in the
interval [–0.0015, 0.0015] mV.
Fungal blocks shown responses, with patterns of electrical activity dierent in amplitude and frequency of oscillations from that
observed in the non-stimulated blocks, to the 8 kg loads only for 1–2 cycles of loading and unloading, no signicant responses to
further cycles of the stimulation have been observed. The fungal blocks responded to stimulation with 16 kg weight for at least 8
cycles of loading and unloading. Let us discuss these responses in details.
An example of electrical activity recorded on 8 channels, during the stimulation with 16 kg weight, is shown in Fig. 2 b. Distri-
butions of ‘spikes amplitudes versus spikes duration for spike-responses to application of the weight (ON spikes) and lifting of the
weight (OFF spikes) are shown in Fig. 4 . In response to application of 16 kg weight the fungal blocks produced spikes with median
amplitude of 1.4 mV and median duration of 456 s; average amplitude of ON spikes was 2.9 mV, 𝜎= 4.9 and average duration of 880
s, 𝜎= 1379. The OFF spikes were characterised by median amplitude 1 mV and median duration of 216 s; average amplitude of 2.1
mV, 𝜎= 4.6, and average duration of 453 s, 𝜎= 559. The ON spikes are 1.4 higher than and twice as longer as OFF spikes. Based on
this comparison of the response spikes we can claim that fungal blocks recognise when a weight was applied or removed.
Would living fungal material habituate to the stimulation with weight? Yes, as evidenced in Fig. 5 . Amplitudes of ON and OFF
spikes decline with iterations of stimulation as shown in Fig. 5 a. The duration of spikes also decreases, in overall, with iterations of
stimulation, Fig. 5 b, albeit not monotonously.
As previously demonstrated in Olsson and Hansson (1995) , Adamatzky (2018a) , Adamatzky (2018b) , mycelium networks exhibit
action- potential like spikes. An example of spiking activity recorded in present experiments is shown in Fig. 6 , where spikes are shown
by arrows. The plot demonstrates an extent of the variability of the spike in amplitude and duration. The spikes have an average
amplitude of 0.02 mV, 𝜎= 0.01. The amplitudes of spikes depend on a distance of an excitation wave-front from the electrodes and
therefore will be ignored here, and we will focus only on frequencies of spiking. We found that median frequency of spiking of the
non-stimulated fungal blocks is 1/702 Hz, while the fungal blocks loaded with the weights spike with a median frequency is 1/958
Hz. Average spiking frequency of the unloaded fungal blocks is 1/793 Hz and of the loaded blocks of 1/1031 Hz. Thus, we can
speculate that fungal blocks loaded with weights spike 1.4 times more frequently than unloaded blocks.
Let us overview the ndings presented. We applied heavy weights to large blocks of mycelium bound composites, fungal blocks, and
recorded electrical activity of the fungal blocks. We found that the fungal block respond to application and removal of the weights
with spikes of electrical potential. The results complement our studies on tactile stimulation of fungal skin (mycelium sheet with
no substrate) ( Adamatzky et al., 2021b ): the fungal skin responds to application and removal of pressure with spikes of electrical
potential. The fungal blocks can discern whether a weight was applied or removed because the blocks react to application of the
weights with higher amplitude and longer duration spikes than the spikes responding to the removal of the weights. The fungal
responses to stimulation show habituation. This is in accordance with previous studies on stimulation of plants, fungi, bacteria, and
protists (Yokochi et al., 1926 ; Applewhite, 1975 ; Boussard et al., 2019 ; Fukasawa et al., 2020 ; Ginsburg and Jablonka, 2021 ). An
additional nding was that loading of the fungal blocks with weights increase frequency of electrical potential spiking. This increase
A. Adamatzky and A. Gandia Journal of Bioresources and Bioproducts xxx (xxxx) xxx
JID: JOBAB [m3GeSsc; October 10, 2021;9:53 ]
Fig. 4. Distribution of spike-response amplitude versus duration in response to (a) application of the 16 kg weight and (b) removal of the 16 kg
in the spiking frequency might be due to physiological responses to a mild mechanical damage caused by heavy loads; the responses
involve calcium waves and lead to regeneration processes and sprouting ( Hernández-Oñate and Herrera-Estrella, 2015 ).
Further studies in stimulation of living mycelium bound composites with weights could focus on studying whether shapes of the
weights could be recognised by mycelium networks. A possible scenario would be to map a set of basic shapes into sets of electrical
responses recorded on pairs of dierential electrodes inserted into sides of the fungal blocks. Another promising direction of the
research will be to study electrical responses of the fungal blocks to changes in ambient temperature.
A. Adamatzky and A. Gandia Journal of Bioresources and Bioproducts xxx (xxxx) xxx
JID: JOBAB [m3GeSsc; October 10, 2021;9:53 ]
Fig. 5. Responses of living fungal blocks to stimulation as functions of iterations of stimulation. Median amplitude (a) and median duration (b) of
ON (circles) and OFF (discs) spikes.
Fig. 6. Example of spiking activity of living mycelium composite. The spikes of electrical potential are shown by arrows.
4. Conclusions
Live mycelium composites exhibit a range of electrical activity. The patterns of their electrical activity change when a pressure
(in the form of a weight) is applied to the composites. Whilst it is still unknown if the composites can accurately reect an amount
of pressure developed via their electrical activity patterns, it is proved that they can act as ON/OFF sensors. The ndings open new
horizons into reactive biomaterials.
Declaration of Competing Interest
There are no conicts to declare.
This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation Programme FET OPEN
“Challenging Current Thinking ”(Grant Agreement No. 858132 ). The authors would like to acknowledge the collaboration of Mogu
S.r.l. providing the living materials used in the experiments.
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... The rate of colonization, the thickness of the hyphae, the tendency to branch, and the topography of the surface vary depending on the selected fungus species [16][17][18][19][20][21][22][23][24][25][26]. ...
... The substrate mixes described in the literature usually consist of ground waste from agricultural crops, such as cotton, straw, wheat, hemp or sawdust [16][17][18][19][20][21][22][23][24][25][26]. The type, size and processing of the substrate particles directly affects the various properties of the final biocomposite. ...
... The type, size and processing of the substrate particles directly affects the various properties of the final biocomposite. A detailed description of the substrate composition and processing method is essential for further understanding of mycelium colonization trends and their impact on the final material properties [16][17][18][19][20][21][22][23][24][25][26]. ...
Mycelium materials represent a new class of environmentally friendly materials for structural applications that can grow on low‐cost organic waste while achieving satisfactory thermal or acoustic insulation properties. The aim of this study is to grow a biocomposite of mycelium on flax tows and then use it as a reinforcement with a geopolymer matrix. To achieve this, three species of mycelium were selected, a culture process was carried out, and then samples of the composite were synthesized with a geopolymer matrix. To determine the utility in terms of structural applications, the density, compressive strength, and thermal conductivity of the samples were tested. Scanning electron microscope images were also taken to observe the microstructure. The results indicate that it is possible to produce a mycelium composite with a geopolymer matrix. A lower density was achieved for all samples than for the geopolymer without reinforcement. The coefficient of thermal conductivity was reduced only for the sample with one of the mycelia. The compressive strength for biocomposites was between 12.1 MPa–14.2 MPa, this value is enough for some engineering applications.
... In fact, the pursuit of this fusion has been a driving force behind numerous technological innovations, from the development of bio-electronics to the creation of synthetic organisms (Meunier et al., 2010a,b;Vallet-Regí et al., 2011;Sicard et al., 2010;Maciel et al., 2021;Yoon et al., 2020;Bai et al., 2023;Yoon et al., 2019;Fallegger et al., 2020;Huang et al., 2020). However, the potential of harnessing the power of fungi, specifically their mycelium networks, sensorial fusion, information processing and decision making is a relatively novel exploration (Adamatzky, 2023;Adamatzky et al., 2022). The organic networks created by fungi have been shown to be highly adaptable and responsive to their environment, exhibiting electrical behaviours similar to that of neural networks (Adamatzky, 2022;Adamatzky and Gandia, 2021;Gandia and Adamatzky, 2022). ...
... The field of fungal electronics (Adamatzky, 2023;Adamatzky et al., 2022) is a rapidly evolving research frontier, characterised by the development of electronic devices made of mycelium-bound composites and pure mycelium skins Danninger et al., 2022;Adamatzky et al., 2021a;Web article:, 2014;Bayer and McIntyre, 2014). These devices are capable of changing their impedance and generating spikes of electrical potential in response to external control parameters. ...
... The interest to electrical activity of fungi resurrected in 2018, when we reported on action-potential like spiking in oyster fungi (Adamatzky, 2018). This followed by a series of discoveries on complexity of electrical spiking (Dehshibi and Adamatzky, 2021;Adamatzky, 2022) and mapping of the tactile, chemical and optical stimuli to distinctive patterns of electrical activity (Dehshibi et al., 2021;Adamatzky et al., 2021b;Adamatzky and Gandia, 2022). ...
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Advancements in mycelium technology, stemming from fungal electronics and the development of living mycelium composites and skins, have opened new avenues in the fusion of biological and artificial systems. This paper explores an experimental endeavour that successfully incorporates living, self-regenerating, and reactive Ganoderma sessile mycelium into a model cyborg figure, creating a bio-cybernetic entity. The mycelium, cultivated using established techniques, was homogeneously grown on the cyborg model’s surface, demonstrating robust reactivity to various stimuli such as light exposure and touch. This innovative merger points towards the future of sustainable biomaterials and the potential integration of these materials into new and existing technologies.
... As well as facilitating the flow of nutrients and organelles, hyphae also act as channels for waves of electrical potential [110,111,112,113,114]. Recent observations into the electrical spiking of the fungal organism show, links between spiking patterns and environmental stimuli [115,116]. A spike varies in its duration from 1 to 21 h [117]. ...
... Moreover, electrical signals, which are utilized by various organisms from unicellular aneural systems to multicellular neural systems for cognitive behavior 17 , may also play a critical role in signaling across the mycelial networks, thereby potentially offering a quicker alternative to liquid transport within the hyphae 16 . Previous studies have revealed that the mycelia of wood decay fungi, such as oyster mushrooms (Pleurotus spp.) and honey mushrooms (Armillaria spp.), exhibit spontaneous oscillation in electrical potential as well as action potential-like responses to environmental stimuli, including light, fire, salt, water, alcohol, carbon resources, and weight [18][19][20][21][22][23][24] . Furthermore, Adamatzky and colleagues observed that electrical action potentiallike responses induced by environmental stimuli were identified not only in the focal fruit body but also in ...
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The electrical potential of the mycelia of a cord-forming wood decay fungus, Pholiota brunnescens, was monitored for over 100 days on a plain agar plate during the colonization onto a wood bait. Causality analyses of the electrical potential at different locations of the mycelium revealed a clear and stable causal relationship with the directional flow of the electrical potential from the hyphae at the bait location to other parts of the mycelium. However, this causality disappeared after 60 days of incubation, coinciding with the onset of slow electrical oscillation at the bait location, which occurred over one week per oscillation cycle. We speculated that the hyphae that initially colonized the bait may act as a temporary activity center, which generates electrical signals to other parts of the mycelium, thereby facilitating the colonization of the entire mycelial body to the bait. The week-long electrical oscillation represents the longest oscillation period ever recorded in fungi and warrants further investigation to elucidate its function and stability in response to environmental stimuli.
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The global trend toward carbon neutrality and sustainability calls for collaborative efforts in both the basic and applied research sectors to utilize mushroom mycelia as environmentally friendly and sustainable materials. Fungi, along with animals and plants, are one of the major eukaryotic life forms. They have long been utilized in traditional biotechnology sectors, such as food fermentation, antibiotic production, and industrial enzyme production. Some fungi have also been consumed as major food crops, such as the fruiting bodies of various mushrooms. Recently, new trends have emerged, shifting from traditional applications towards the innovative use of mushroom mycelium as eco-friendly bioresources. This approach has gained attention in the development of alternative meats, mycofabrication of biocomposites, and production of mycelial leather and fabrics. These applications aim to replace animal husbandry and recycle agricultural waste for use in construction and electrical materials. This paper reviews current research trends on industrial applications of mushroom mycelia, covering strain improvements and molecular breeding as well as mycelial products and the production processes. Key findings, practical considerations, and valorization are also discussed. Graphical Abstract
Çalışmada, miselyum bazlı, çevre dostu yalıtım malzemelerinin üretilebilirliğinin araştırılması amaçlanmıştır. Materyal olarak Aydın ilinden toplanan Ganoderma resinaceum (Cilalı reyşi), Schizophyllum commune (Kımuk) ve Agroma Mantar Şirketinden temin edilen Pleurotus ostreatus (İstiridye mantarı) hazır miselleri kullanılmıştır. Deney örneklerinin üretimine uygun kalıplar 3D yazıcı ile hazırlanmış ve mantar üretim çadırı ve iklimlendirme otomasyon sisteminde denemeler gerçekleştirilmiştir. Buğday sapı, mısır ve pamuk sapı gibi tarımsal artıklar miselyum gelişimi için substrat olarak incelenmiştir. Tarımsal artıklar miselyum ile aşılanmış ve 27 °C'de % 60-80 nemde 14 gün inkübasyondan sonra kalıplama yapılmış ve inkübasyona 7 gün daha devam edilmiştir. Kalıptan çıkarılan örnekler 70 °C'de Pasteur fırınında 8 saat kurutulmuştur. Materyal üretildikten sonra, basma, çekme, eğme, ısıl iletkenlik testleri ve FTIR analizi yapılmıştır. Denemeler sonunda substrat olarak buğday sapının, 27 ℃ sıcaklık ve % 60-80 nemde optimum olarak uygunluğu belirlendi. En iyi inokulum miktarını belirlemek için miselyum, malt ekstrak agar içeren petri kabında geliştirildikten sonra, buğday sapı içeren kompost ortamına ½ ve ¼ gibi çeşitli oranlarda miselyumla aşılandı. Üç tip mantar ve üç farklı substrat kullanılarak miselyal büyüme gözlendi. En iyi mantarın Ganoderma resinaceum, en iyi substratın ise buğday sapı olduğu belirlendi.
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The rediscovered potential of ‘growing’ instead of ‘making’ drives the emergence of new materialities. This is leading to innovative developments in biotechnologies and Biodesign, both of which are intricately connected and seen as transformative elements in the discourse on sustainability. Biofabricated materials are starting to be evaluated using established sustainability metrics such as life cycle assessment, highlighting their essential role in the circular economy and shedding light on some overlooked process-dependent environmental burdens. At the same time, some biodesigned materials and artefacts are characterised by their ability to transcend the conventional concept of sustainability, embracing the principles of Regenerative Design thanks to the restorative and regenerative potential of living and bioreceptive materials. The study explores the main Biodesign variables, presenting a taxonomy created to comprehensively understand the phenomenon. The resulting findings highlighted the dual nature of Biodesign, which promotes both inner and outer sustainability. These findings gave rise to a conceptual framework defined as ‘Healing Materialities’, developed by the authors to highlight the main Biodesign variables discussed while addressing a broad spectrum of ecological potentials, from conventional to regenerative sustainability. The article discusses the concept of ‘Healing Materialities’, emphasising the role of Biodesign in supporting a profound ecological turn and advocating the adoption of regenerative materials and processes capable of harmonising the long-term needs of both human and non-human entities.
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Signaling pathways in fungi offer a profound avenue for harnessing cellular communication and have garnered considerable interest in biomaterial engineering. Fungi respond to environmental stimuli through intricate signaling networks involving biochemical and electrical pathways, yet deciphering these mechanisms remains a challenge. In this review, an overview of fungal biology and their signaling pathways is provided, which can be activated in response to external stimuli and direct fungal growth and orientation. By examining the hyphal structure and the pathways involved in fungal signaling, the current state of recording fungal electrophysiological signals as well as the landscape of fungal biomaterials is explored. Innovative applications are highlighted, from sustainable materials to biomonitoring systems, and an outlook on the future of harnessing fungi signaling in living composites is provided.
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Living organisms have been progressively used by designers to propose alternative design outcomes aiming towards more ecological aspects. The design development and manufacturing of new materials or design components from living organisms are more achievable in textile, fashion, or product design than in architecture and construction due to the scale, multi-layer constraints, and requirements. The aim of this paper is to investigate the interdisciplinary framework, the opportunities, and limitations of introducing living organisms into the design process, including the implementation from the design ideas to prototyping until commercialization. In this paper, we focus on three types of living organisms: algae, bacteria, and fungi. Firstly, we overviewed and studied existing projects and experimentations to understand the design process and fabrication of living organisms in other domains in comparison to architecture. Secondly, we selected three case studies in architecture for each organism to analyze. We collected the data and conducted interviews with multidisciplinary experts involved in each case. Our findings show a better understanding of the potential to integrate living organisms in architectural design, the advantages, and the difficulties towards ecological awareness. The results from the interview and a comparative analysis show the advantages and constraints of each case. The future outlooks towards the use of living organisms as part of design in architecture are also discussed.
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Memristors close the loop for I–V characteristics of the traditional, passive, semi-conductor devices. A memristor is a physical realisation of the material implication and thus is a universal logical element. Memristors are getting particular interest in the field of bioelectronics. Electrical properties of living substrates are not binary and there is nearly a continuous transitions from being non-memristive to mem-fractive (exhibiting a combination of passive memory) to ideally memristive. In laboratory experiments we show that living oyster mushrooms Pleurotus ostreatus exhibit mem-fractive properties. We offer a piece-wise polynomial approximation of the I–V behaviour of the oyster mushrooms. We also report spiking activity, oscillations in conduced current of the oyster mushrooms.
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Recent developments in biotechnology and its integration with material science have given rise to a new set of materials that utilize natural mechanisms to produce constituent matter. These developments are required as the current generation of materials are to be replaced with novel green materials that will not become a source of pollution to our planet. Environmental issues that are caused as a result of non-biodegradability of synthetic plastics, as well as fossil fuel depletion, are the main reasons to pursue alternate materials from natural sources. The paper mainly focuses on the development of mycelium-based bio-composites which makes use of saw dust-coir pith substrate as a potential replacement for expanded polystyrene (EPS) in packaging as well as other applications. Mycelium is a fibrous network of filamentous fungi that is formed on organic materials. Mycelia from the fungi, Pleurotus Ostreatus, feeds and grows on the saw dust-coir pith substrate that is mixed in the ratio 3:2. Mycelium based composites unlike other bio-materials are less expensive and have high production yields. Fabrication of the composite is done by selecting a suitable substrate ratio and the evaluation of the samples is done based on their biodegradability, compressive strength, acoustic performance, thermal conductivity and water absorption properties. All the tests showed promising results for the developed bio-composite and the composite can be earmarked as a possible alternative to EPS.
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A fungal skin is a thin flexible sheet of a living homogeneous mycelium made by a filamentous fungus. The skin could be used in future living architectures of adaptive buildings and as a sensing living skin for soft self-growing/adaptive robots. In experimental laboratory studies we demonstrate that the fungal skin is capable for recognising mechanical and optical stimulation. The skin reacts differently to loading of a weight, removal of the weight, and switching illumination on and off. These are the first experimental evidences that fungal materials can be used not only as mechanical ‘skeletons’ in architecture and robotics but also as intelligent skins capable for recognition of external stimuli and sensorial fusion.
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– Good insulation materials have low thermal conductivity which is mainly related with the density of the material. Bio-composite insulation materials contribute to reduce the environmental footprint of buildings. The main goal of this study is to study the effectiveness of a self-growing, bio-composite building insulation material made of Miscanthus x giganteus and the mushroom Mycelium. Different mix proportions of Miscanthus and Mycelium were considered to identify the most suitable mixture to produce a porous composite which has a lower density. Scanning electron microscopy images were used to evaluate the microstructural geometry of the composite material. Thermal conductivity test was conducted on eight composite plates, and the results showed that the thermal conductivity of this new material is between 0.0882 and 0.104 Wm⁻¹K⁻¹. Moreover, other experiments were carried out to characterize the density, compressive strength and water absorption. In addition, fire resistant tests on composite plates with and without render were conducted, and it was found that the composite plates belong to the category EI15 according to the EN13501-2:2003. The initial results were found to be satisfactory to make a sustainable insulation material out of Miscanthus and Mycelium.
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We define a cognitive system as a system that can learn, and adopt an evolutionary-transition-oriented framework for analysing different types of neural cognition. This enables us to classify types of cognition and point to the continuities and discontinuities among them. The framework we use for studying evolutionary transitions in learning capacities focuses on qualitative changes in the integration, storage and use of neurally processed information. Although there are always grey areas around evolutionary transitions, we recognize five major neural transitions, the first two of which involve animals at the base of the phylogenetic tree: (i) the evolutionary transition from learning in non-neural animals to learning in the first neural animals; (ii) the transition to animals showing limited, elemental associative learning, entailing neural centralization and primary brain differentiation; (iii) the transition to animals capable of unlimited associative learning, which, on our account, constitutes sentience and entails hierarchical brain organization and dedicated memory and value networks; (iv) the transition to imaginative animals that can plan and learn through selection among virtual events; and (v) the transition to human symbol-based cognition and cultural learning. The focus on learning provides a unifying framework for experimental and theoretical studies of cognition in the living world. This article is part of the theme issue ‘Basal cognition: multicellularity, neurons and the cognitive lens’.
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With an estimated 3.8 million species, fungi are amongst the most numerous creatures in the world. They started, shaped and maintained Earth ecosystems. Fungi also act as forest internet allowing trees to communicate with each other and with microbial populations. Fungi can sense everything humans can sense. Fungi demonstrate a high degree of proto-intelligence and show evidence of a long distance communication within their extended bodies that includes decision making. Fungi are also used as furniture, building and decoration materials. Taking into account all these unique properties of fungi we decided to produce a living and ‘thinking’ house made of fungi. Here we discuss our frst steps towards the biofabrication and implementation of our fungal architecture.
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Smart wearables sense and process information from the user's body and environment and report results of their analysis as electrical signals. Conventional electronic sensors and controllers are commonly, sometimes augmented by recent advances in soft electronics. Organic electronics and bioelectronics, especially with living substrates, offer a great opportunity to incorporate parallel sensing and information processing capabilities of natural systems into future and emerging wearables. Nowadays, fungi are emerging as a promising candidate to produce sustainable textiles to be used as eco-friendly bio wearables. To assess the sensing potential of fungal wearables, we undertook laboratory experiments on the electrical response of a hemp fabric colonised by oyster fungi Pleurotus ostreatus to mechanical stretching and stimulation with attractants and repellents. We have shown that it is possible to discern a nature of stimuli from the fungi electrical responses. The results paved a way towards the future design of intelligent sensing patches to be used in reactive fungal wearables.
In the circular economy, reduction of the vigorous usages of nonrenewable resources is becoming the leading scenario. Fungal mycelium is the vegetative part of fungus consisting of a number of filamentous fibers that extend out of the fungus and is considered to be natural, fast growing, safe, and renewable. The ability to form self-assembling bonds helps them to grow quickly on biological and agricultural wastes and produce miles of thin fibers which bind to the substrate to form a strong biodegradable material and can easily be shaped for the production of packaging materials, architecture, and various new designed objects. With the benefit of cost-effective raw materials and sustainable substitute to polystyrene like hazardous synthetic materials, this mycelia-based material is becoming the material of choice. This chapter reviews the present scenario of technology-based mushroom cultivation using wastes generated from the agricultural industries and also focuses on a variety of utilizations as an alternative replacement for synthetic polystyrene.
Fungi-derived leather substitutes are an emerging class of ethically and environmentally responsible fabrics that are increasingly meeting consumer aesthetic and functional expectations and winning favour as an alternative to bovine and synthetic leathers. While traditional leather and its alternatives are sourced from animals and synthetic polymers, these renewable sustainable leather substitutes are obtained through the upcycling of low-cost agricultural and forestry by-products into chitinous polymers and other polysaccharides using a natural and carbon-neutral biological fungal growth process. Following physical and chemical treatment, these sheets of fungal biomass visually resemble leather and exhibit comparable material and tactile properties.