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In this paper we show that smooth TA-endomorphisms of compact manifolds with c-expansivity (that is, expansive in the inverse limit) and C1C^1-stable shadowing are Axiom A.
Smooth TA-maps with Robust Shadowing Are Axiom A
Seyed Mohsen Moosavi1·Khosro Tajbakhsh1
Received: 10 November 2020 / Revised: 1 June 2021 / Accepted: 11 October 2021 /
©The Author(s), under exclusive licence to Springer Science+Business Media, LLC, part of Springer Nature 2021
In this paper, we show that smooth TA-endomorphisms of compact manifolds with
c-expansivity (that is, expansive in the inverse limit) and C1-stable shadowing are Axiom A.
Keywords Axiom A ·Hyperbolicity ·Shadowing ·Endomorphism ·Stable shadowing
Mathematics Subject Classification (2010) Primary: 37D20 ·37C20
1 Introduction
The influence of persistence behavior of a dynamical system on tangent bundle is
always a challenge in dynamical systems. These properties has been studied deeply for
diffeomorphisms. But there are not as many researches done in the non-injective or
local-diffeomorphism (endomorphism) cases. For instance, Ma˜
eR.[9] showed if a diffeo-
morphism fon a compact Cmanifold Mis C1-robustly expansive (roughly speaking,
thereisanopenC1-neighborhood of f,Uf, with all gUfexpansive), on Mthen fis
quasi-Anosov. Also, for diffeomorphisms, focusing on various shadowing properties, such
as usual shadowing, inverse shadowing, limit shadowing, orbital shadowing, some other
interesting results are obtained in [3,6,12,13,16]. An important point of interest about
the non-injective Anosov endomorphisms is that they are structurally unstable. Although
M. Shub had conjectured that by a similar procedure to the expanding maps, non-injective
Anosov endomorphisms are stable in the set of Anosov endomorphisms, Przytyki F. in [14]
showed that they are not so in any case.
Motivated by [3,9,16], the main theorem in this paper is obtained in this direction. A
continuous surjection f:MM, on a closed topological manifold (i.e. a compact con-
nected topological manifold without boundary), is called a topological Anosov map (abbr.
TA-map) if fis c-expansive and has shadowing property (for definitions, see the next
Khosro Tajbakhsh;
Seyed Mohsen Moosavi
1Department of Mathematics, Faculty of Mathematical Sciences, Tarbiat Modares University,
Tehran 14115-134, Iran
Published online: 13 November 2021
Journal of Dynamical and Control Systems (2023) 29:43–53
Content courtesy of Springer Nature, terms of use apply. Rights reserved.
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In this paper we give a classification of special endomorphisms of nil-manifolds: Let f:N/ΓN/Γf:N/\Gamma \rightarrow N/\Gamma be a covering map of a nil-manifold and denote by A:N/ΓN/ΓA:N/\Gamma \rightarrow N/\Gamma the nil-endomorphism which is homotopic to f. If f is a special TA-map, then A is a hyperbolic nil-endomorphism and f is topologically conjugate to A.
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Let M be a closed smooth manifold and let f:MMf:M\to M be a diffeomorphism. C1C^1-generically, a continuum-wise expansive satisfies Axiom A without cycles. Moreover, there is a partially hyperbolic diffeomorphism f such that it is not continuum-wise expansive.
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We study weak and orbital shadowing properties of dynamical systems related to the following approach: we look for exact trajectories lying in small neighborhoods of approximate ones (or containing approximate ones in their small neigborhoods) or for exact trajectories such that the Hausdor distances between their closures and closures of approximate trajectories are small. These properties are characterized for linear dieomorphisms. We also study some C 1 -open sets of dieomorphisms dened in terms of these prop- erties. It is shown that the C 1 -interior of the set of dieomorphisms having the orbital shadowing property coincides with the set of structurally stable dieomorphisms.
In this paper we show that any chain transitive set of a diffeomorphism on a compact C∞-manifold which is C1-stably limit shadowable is hyperbolic. Moreover, it is proved that a locally maximal chain transitive set of a C1-generic diffeomorphism is hyperbolic if and only if it is limit shadowable.
Let f be a diffeomorphism of a closed C∞ manifold M.I n this paper, we introduce the notion of the C1-stable specification property for a closed f -invariant set Λ of M , and we prove that f|Λ satisfies a C1-stable speci- fication property if and only if Λ is a hyperbolic elementary set. As a corollary, the C1-interior of the set of diffeomorphisms of M satisfying the specification property is characterized as the set of transitive Anosov diffeomorphisms.