... Having adaptive business strategies and policies allows businesses to respond quickly to these changes and remain relevant in the market. The right business strategy and policy enable companies to gain a competitive advantage by leveraging digital technology to enhance operational efficiency and expand markets Wei et al., 2023;Safian et al., 2022;Muhammadin et al., 2020;Rustandi, 2020;Kim, 2019;Todorov & Akbar, 2018;Gumerov et al., 2014;Basuony, 2014;Halal, 1984;Cochran et al., 1970). ...
... Developing an effective strategy requires a comprehensive understanding of the organization's internal strengths and weaknesses, as well as the external opportunities and threats it faces. (Cochran et al., 1970) This strategic fit, as it is often called, is achieved through a series of compromises and integration of the organization's main objectives and policies. (Adriansyah et al., 2022). ...
... A company is considered to have a competitive advantage when it implements strategies that provide added value to customers and are difficult to imitate or too costly for competitors to replicate Kim, 2019;Haslam and Shenoy, 2018;Sirmon, Sirmon, Hitt, and Gilbert, 2011;Cochran et al., 1970). To assess competitive advantage, a company's performance can be compared with other companies in the same industry or with the industry average. ...
Digital transformation drives innovation in products and services, as well as creates new business models that are more relevant to the needs of modern consumers. Therefore, the concept of business strategy and policy has become a crucial element for organizations striving to achieve and maintain competitive advantage. In the digital era, changes occur very rapidly. Having adaptive business strategies and policies allows businesses to respond quickly to these changes and remain relevant in the market. The right business strategy and policy enable companies to gain a competitive advantage by leveraging digital technology to enhance operational efficiency and expand markets (Wardhana, 2023; Wei et al., 2023; Safian et al., 2022; Muhammadin et al., 2020; Rustandi, 2020; Kim, 2019; Todorov & Akbar, 2018; Gumerov et al., 2014; Basuony, 2014; Rainey, 2009; Halal, 1984; Cochran et al., 1970).
The term strategy originates from the Greek word “strategos”, which initially meant a plan to achieve victory in a military context in the past. Today, the concept of strategy has expanded and is applied in various fields of activity. Strategy can also be defined as planning that is usually carried out by top management, with long-term goals for the organization or company. This approach involves thinking, ideas, implementation, planning, and execution of activities according to the predetermined time frame.
... Memiliki strategi dan kebijakan bisnis yang adaptif memungkinkan bisnis untuk merespons perubahan ini dengan cepat dan tetap relevan di pasar. Strategi dan kebijakan bisnis yang tepat memungkinkan perusahaan meraih keunggulan kompetitif dengan memanfaatkan teknologi digital untuk meningkatkan efisiensi operasional dan memperluas pasar Wei et al., 2023;Safian et al., 2022;Muhammadin et al., 2020;Rustandi, 2020;Kim, 2019;Todorov & Akbar, 2018;Gumerov et al., 2014;Basuony, 2014;Halal, 1984;Cochran et al., 1970). ...
... Menyusun strategi yang efektif memerlukan pemahaman menyeluruh tentang kekuatan dan kelemahan internal organisasi, serta peluang dan ancaman eksternal yang dihadapinya. (Cochran et al., 1970) Kesesuaian strategis ini, sebagaimana sering disebut, dicapai melalui serangkaian kompromi dan integrasi tujuan serta kebijakan utama organisasi. (Adriansyah et al., 2022). ...
... Perusahaan dianggap memiliki keunggulan kompetitif ketika mereka mengimplementasikan strategi yang memberikan nilai lebih kepada pelanggan dan sulit ditiru atau terlalu mahal untuk ditandingi oleh pesaing Kim, 2019;Haslam and Shenoy, 2018;Sirmon, Sirmon, Hitt, and Gilbert, 2011;Cochran et al., 1970). Untuk menilai keunggulan kompetitif, kinerja perusahaan dapat dibandingkan dengan perusahaan lain dalam industri yang sama atau dengan rata-rata industri. ...
strategi adalah serangkaian tindakan dan keputusan yang dibuat oleh suatu organisasi untuk memposisikan diri di pasar dan memanfaatkan kompetensi inti untuk mendapatkan keunggulan kompetitif. Penjabaran strategi menjadi rencana tindakan dan inisiatif sehingga strategi yang dipilih dapat divalidasi berdasarkan kemampuan dan sumber daya organisasi serta dunia nyata. Formulasi strategi bukan tentang hasil yang saling eksklusif, tetapi perspektif holistik tentang keputusan strategis untuk menciptakan kesuksesan yang berkelanjutan. Strategi bisnis berfokus pada rencana dan tindakan bisnis untuk menciptakan nilai dan mencapai kesuksesan yang berkelanjutan. Dalam perusahaan besar, strategi merupakan bagian dari strategi korporat secara keseluruhan.
Kebijakan bisnis adalah panduan komprehensif dan strategis untuk mengelola organisasi yang menguraikan tujuan, sasaran, dan strategi utama organisasi yang efektif untuk menuju pencapaian tujuan jangka panjang dan mencapai kesuksesan dalam industri atau pasar tertentu. Kebijakan bisnis berfungsi sebagai peta jalan untuk pengambilan keputusan dan membantu menyelaraskan berbagai area fungsional bisnis, seperti pemasaran, keuangan, operasional, dan sumber daya manusia, menuju visi bersama. (Wardhana, 2023; Chidinma & Bestman, 2022; Zanda, 2017; Bora et al., 2017; Patel & Cespedes, 2016; McDonald & Wilson, 2016; Genç, 2012; Rainey, 2009; Collis & Rukstad, 2008; Sioncke & Parmentier, 2007; Zuckerman, 2006; Zink, 1993; Shirley, 1988; Tatum, 1987; Cochran & David, 1986)
... Finally, mission functions as a motivator. This is because the mission is considered as an important tool to be used in conveying the feelings, values and principles that will motivate and direct employees to action (Bart et al., 2001;Cochran et al., 2008). Bart and Baetz (1998) state that one of the most prominent benefits of organizations having a mission is behavioral benefit. ...
This study aims to reveal the relationship between public service motivation and mobbing levels of public employees and the level of internalization of the mission. For this purpose, data were collected from 461 academics from different titles working in public universities operating in Türkiye. The obtained data were first subjected to Pearson correlation analysis and then hierarchical regression analysis. According to the correlation analysis findings, there is a statistically significant relationship between public service motivation and the internalization of the mission in the positive direction and between mobbing and the internalization of the mission in the adverse order. In the first model of the hierarchical regression analysis, it was observed that there was a positive significant relationship between the dimensions of public service motivation and the internalization of the mission. In the second model, mobbing dimensions were added to the analysis. According to the analysis results, the dimensions of attacks on self-expression and communication and attacks on professional status negatively predict the internalization of the mission. As a result, there is a statistically significant relationship between public service motivation, mobbing, and internalization of the mission. However, the public service motivations of academics who are mobbed for self-expression and communication, and professional status are negatively affected, and this may cause a decrease in the level of internalization of the mission.
... Second, various studies have demonstrated the importance of aligning vision and missions with student success (Kuh et al., 2005a(Kuh et al., , 2005b and student learning outcomes related to social change (Yob et al., 2016). For the alignment between mission and vision and learning outcomes, the vision and mission statements must be used for decisionmaking and evaluated for their suitability (Cochran et al., 2008). In other words, there must be a clear connection between the mission and vision statements and student learning outcomes. ...
... Las organizaciones deben formular su misión, explicar a sus stakeholders cómo se aplica en el día a día (Cady et al. 2011) y revisarla periódicamente para adaptarla a las nuevas circunstancias que envuelvan a la organización (David, David, 2003). La misión ayuda a los empleados a hacer bien su trabajo (Blair-Loy, Wharton y Goodstein, 2011) y a los directivos a tomar decisiones acertadas que permitan a la organización alcanzar sus objetivos (Cochran, David, Gibson, 2008). Además de las ya señaladas, Desmidt, Prinzi y Decramer (2011) subrayan que la misión aporta otras ventajas a la organización: ayuda a centrar los recursos de la empresa en lo realmente importante, mejora la comunicación con los stakeholders internos y externos, describe los valores que guían a los empleados y aporta un sentido a los objetivos de la organización. ...
... Ancak bundan daha önemlisi misyon stratejik yönetim sürecinin önemli bir parçası olarak kabul edilmektedir. Çünkü etkili bir stratejik yönetim süreci, yine etkili bir misyon beyanı ile başlamaktadır (Cochran, David ve Gibson, 2008;Rey ve Bastons, 2017). Misyon bir taraftan hedef ve amaçlarını ortaya koyarak örgütün neyi başarmak istediğini belirtirken diğer taraftan Misyonun İçselleştirilmesi Ölçeği: Türkçeye Uyarlama, Geçerlik ve Güvenirlik Çalışması [372] çalışanların eylemlerine rehberlik eden felsefi temelleri tanımlamaktadır (Ireland ve Hitt, 1992: 36). ...
Türkçe literatürde örgütlerde misyona ilişkin çok sayıda çalışma bulunmakla birlikte misyonun içselleştirilmesine ve ölçülmesine yönelik bir çalışma bulunmamaktadır. Bu bağlamda çalışmanın amacı, Marimon, Mas-Machuca ve Rey (2016) tarafından geliştirilen "misyonun içselleştirilmesi" ölçeğinin geçerliğinin ve güvenilirliğinin test edilerek Türkçe uyarlamasının yapılmasıdır. Ölçek öncelikle beş aşamalı bir yöntemle Türkçeye çevrilmiştir. Araştırma verileri, bir kamu üniversitesinde görev yapan 496 kişiden yüz yüze olarak toplanmıştır. Ölçeğin madde kapsam geçerlik indeksi 0,86 ile 1.00 arasında değişmektedir ve toplam madde kapsam geçerlik indeksi 0,94 olarak hesaplanmıştır. Örneklem gurubu akademik personel (n=291) ve idari personel (n=205) olarak ikiye ayrılarak ölçeğin yapı geçerliğine yönelik açımlayıcı faktör analizi birinci ve doğrulayıcı faktör analizi ikinci örneklem grubunda gerçekleştirilmiştir. Ölçeğinin güvenilirliği ise Cronbach's Alpha katsayısı, AVE ve CR değerleri ile değerlendirilmiştir. Yapılan açımlayıcı faktör analizi sonucunda ölçekte yer alan 18 maddenin beş faktör altında toplandığı ve toplam varyansın %75,786'sını açıkladığı tespit edilmiştir. Doğrulayıcı faktör analiz sonucunda ölçeğin 18 maddeden oluşan beş boyutlu yapısının kabul edilebilir uyum indeks değerlerine sahip olduğu görülmüştür. Ölçeğin Cronbach's Alpha katsayısı 0,915 olup, yüksek güvenilirlik düzeyine sahiptir. Ayrıca ölçeğin madde-toplam korelasyonlarının 0,525 ile 0,661 (≥ 0,30) arasında olması ölçeğin güvenilir olduğunu göstermektedir. Araştırmadan elde edilen sonuçlar, 18 maddeden oluşan beş boyutlu "Misyonun İçselleştirilmesi" ölçeğinin Türk kültüründe kamu personelinin kurum misyonunu içselleştirmelerinin ölçülmesinde geçerli ve güvenilir olduğunu ortaya koymuştur.
... It is a common "binding" element among the employees with the mission of the enterprise, the importance and norms it brings. In terms of the integrity of the enterprise and in addition to being a basic mission of the enterprise, different business units in each management unit have their own mission and strategy that is compatible with the basic mission of the enterprise (Cochran et al., 2008). ...
... It is a common "binding" element among the employees with the mission of the enterprise, the importance and norms it brings. In terms of the integrity of the enterprise and in addition to being a basic mission of the enterprise, different business units in each management unit have their own mission and strategy that is compatible with the basic mission of the enterprise (Cochran et al., 2008). ...
Introduction and objectives: One of the aspects of ambiguity and lack of clarity of strategic documents of organizations is ambiguity, confusion of meaning or overlaps in the explanation of some guiding elements of the organization included in it, such as vision, existential philosophy, mission, policy, strategy, Goals and etc. which is caused by the lack of accurate understanding of the concept of each of these elements and their relationship with each other. This causes in drafting the strategic document, for example, what is actually policy as strategy, what is actually mission as vision, what is actually strategy as a goal, etc. it is stated that this confusion of meanings and concepts and their connections with each other causes the organization to experience ambiguity and confusion in the implementation and evaluation phase. The purpose of this research is to provide a conceptual model of the strategic elements that guide the organization. Therefore, the main question of this research is, "What is the relationship pattern of the organization's guiding elements with each other?" This question can be divided into two sub-questions, which are:
1- What are the strategic elements that guide the organization?
2- How are these elements related to each other?
The purpose of this research is not to present a model or explain a process for management or strategic planning but rather to develop a novel conceptual model that can clarify the conceptual distinction of the mentioned elements and also the communication model between them, the thoughts of scientists, researchers, and strategic managers, to help in the field of planning and compiling strategic documents of organizations.
Method: In terms of the research philosophy, the present research is influenced by interpretivism; in terms of the logic of the research, it is interrogative because it has been deriving a new framework, pattern, theory, model, or concept from a set of data. The orientation of this research is of a fundamental type, which is to create or discover a new pattern.
The nature of this research is qualitative because it seeks to understand and find the phenomenon and its related meanings. It is library research because it deals with written documents, including books and articles, and receives data from written records. The purpose of this research is to explain why it is looking for the type of communication between the components of the phenomenon. Finally, the strategy of this research is document analysis. To understand the "reliability" of the research, four general criteria for trustworthiness proposed by Lincoln and Guba such as Credibility, Dependability, Confirmability, and Transferability have been used. Finally, to increase the reliability of the results of this research based on the above four criteria, the mentioned model was also presented in the form of a promotional chair and was exposed to the criticism and opinions of experts. Then, by taking advantage of the experts' considerations, the sophistication and richness of the research findings were added.
Findings: In this model, the basis and reason for existence are proposed under the title of existential philosophy, which is the origin of the organization's missions on the one hand, it is considered to provide the background and the main substance of the organization's vision and the other hand. Also, in this model, the identity, principles, and values of the organization determine the identity and personality of the organization in distinction from its peers and the limitations and beliefs of the organization, which are the origin of the organization's approaches and provide the form and structure of the determining elements of the organization. Therefore, it can be said that the vision of the organization means the possible, desirable, and ambitious goal of the organization in terms of material and content based on the existential philosophy of the organization, and in terms of form and framework, it is influenced by the identity, values , and principles of the organization.
In the presented model, the mission means the current special task and the job of the employees of the organization in such a way that if the organization is asked what it is currently doing? The answer will be the mission of the organization. This concept comes from the philosophy of the existence of the organization, which on the one hand is the origin of the organization's activities and on the other hand, is the material cause of the formation of the organization's strategy. In this model, the approach of the organization means the attitude and the perspective of looking at the mission and the way of entering into its implementation, which is both the origin of the formation of the organization's policies and the supplier of the form and structure of the organization's strategy. Finally, the organization's strategy, which means the direction of the organization's movement toward the vision, provides its material cause from the mission, its formal cause from the organization's approach, its ultimate cause from the organization's vision, and its active cause from the organization's competitive advantages.
The organization's missions are broken down in the form of macro activities, and the organization's strategies are also manifested in the form of short-term and medium-term goals of the organization, which are realized in the form of the organization's plans. The organization's approaches are also determined in the form of the organization's policies, which specify the guidelines for the implementation of programs. Therefore, it can be said that the material cause of the organization's plans is the organization's activities; the policies of the organization determine the forms and framework of the implementation of the organization's plans and the purpose of the organization's plans is to realize the organization's strategies.
Discussion and conclusion: The main concern of this research was the differences and ambiguities that existed in the scientific community and strategic management activists around the guiding elements of the organization. These differences included both the definition and differentiation of these elements from each other and the way they relate to each other, which was not discussed in the background and literature on the subject. Therefore, the innovation of this research was to provide a model of the guiding elements of the organization to distinguish them from each other and to find out how they are related to each other. This innovation creates mental coherence for researchers and managers.
Conflict of interest: There is no conflict of interest in writing this article.
Strategic Document Strategic Management Strategic Planning Organization Mission Statement
Children's museums are a distinct type of museum—one particularly poised to engage and support the development of Lifelong Competencies that will help children live into their own successful and fulfilling futures. Understudied in the children's museum, which one(s) they prioritize is largely unknown, and, thus, so is their optimization. This work draws upon the important communication tool of institutional mission statements. Frequency analysis of the terms in 321 American children's museum mission statements (Study A) identified that children's museums prioritize the Lifelong Competencies of creativity and curiosity. Thematic analysis of the 119 mission statements that included these terms (Study B) indicated that children's museums' intended practice for achieving creativity and curiosity is through experiences, environments, and play with a focus on hands‐on and interactive elements, family‐friendly features, eliciting a positive affect, and experiences that are educational and innovative. Furthermore, creativity and curiosity are primarily valued as mediators toward learning.
This article surveys normative and empirical literature on value assumptions in American higher education and the conflicts among them. Questions are grouped broadly under the headings of economic versus noneconomic purposes of education, fairness and equality versus efficiency and quality, and problems of authority and control in academic decision making.
Sumario: Strategic management -- Defining the company mission -- The external environment -- The global environment: strategic considerations for multinational firms -- Environmental forecasting -- The company profile: internal analysis of the firm -- Formulating long-term objectives and grand strategies -- Strategic analysis and choice -- Implementing strategy through the business functions -- Implementing strategy through structure, leadership, culture, and rewards -- Strategic control: guiding and evaluating the strategy -- Guide to strategic management case analysis -- Strategy formulation -- Strategy implementation -- Strategic control
For years academicians have utilized communications models in the classroom envioronment as an acceptable vehicle for explaining the communication process. However, industry continues to report the necessity for improved communication skills from college and univer sity graduates. Bridging the gap between theory (through communica tion models) and practice (their application) is an extremely formidable and challenging task for educators. The purpose of this paper is to help university professors of communication to better bridge this gap.