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The article provides analysis of Georgia's trade relations with the countries of the Community of Independent States (CIS) and the European Union. The authors attempted to demonstrate that Association Agreement with EU and its fulfillment does not prevent Georgia's trade relationships with the CIS countries, among them with Russia. This was evidenced by the results of analysis of factual figures of trade relations. After making Deep and Comprehensive Free Trade Area Agreement with the European Union, Georgia's trade relationships have expanded with both, CIS and EU countries. Foreign trade growth rates with CIS countries exceeded that with the EU countries. The authors regard that this is result of high visibility and Georgian products. At the same time, competitiveness of Georgian goods corresponds to the requirements at CIS markets. Goods of independent Georgia, with Georgian named as the country of origin find their way to the European markets only now. Their visibility level is low. Authors of the article regard that to improve products visibility at the EU markets, Georgian businesses should, primarily rely on the markets of the countries of former socialist countries. In addition, attention should be paid to development of export and import strategies and high professionalism of the trade personnel.
[Volume 10, Issue 3(26), 2021]
Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University, Georgia
Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University, Georgia
The article provides analysis of Georgia’s trade relations with the countries of the Community of Independent
States (CIS) and the European Union. The authors attempted to demonstrate that Association Agreement with
EU and its fulfillment does not prevent Georgia’s trade relationships with the CIS countries, among them with
Russia. This was evidenced by the results of analysis of factual figures of trade relations. After making Deep and
Comprehensive Free Trade Area Agreement with the European Union, Georgia’s trade relationships have
expanded with both, CIS and EU countries. Foreign trade growth rates with CIS countries exceeded that with
the EU countries. The authors regard that this is result of high visibility and Georgian products. At the same
time, competitiveness of Georgian goods corresponds to the requirements at CIS markets. Goods of independent
Georgia, with Georgian named as the country of origin find their way to the European markets only now. Their
visibility level is low. Authors of the article regard that to improve products visibility at the EU markets,
Georgian businesses should, primarily rely on the markets of the countries of former socialist countries. In
addition, attention should be paid to development of export and import strategies and high professionalism of
the trade personnel.
Keywords: CIS, European Union, import, trade relations
JEL Classification: F10, P33, P45
After the dissolution of the Soviet Union, most former union republic continued their political and
economic relationships in a form of the Community of Independent States (CIS). Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia
did not join CIS. Georgia joined CIS from 1993, when, in its fight for territorial integrity, it was forced to leave
Abkhazia. Georgia’s relationships, within CIS scopes, lasted up to August War in 2008 between Russia and
Georgia. After this war Georgia left CIS and continued relationships with the mentioned alliance members,
based on bilateral, among them, trade agreements. Though, Georgia’s trade relationships with CIS member states
rely on the other legal bases as well. Since 1992, Georgia, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Moldova, Russian Federation
and Ukraine are members of Black Sea Economic Cooperation Organization (BSEC). Within the scopes of this
organization, one of the spheres of cooperation between the member states includes the issues of economy and
trade development. In addition, most CIS countries (Armenia, Kazakhstan, Kirgizstan, Moldova, Russian
Federation, Tajikistan and Ukraine) are WHO members, and some of the countries (Azerbaijan, Belarus,
Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan) have the observer status. Within WTO the work between member states is conducted
to manage trade barriers and eliminate discrimination, development of legal framework to resolve trade
disagreements. All above is intended to ensure production and sale of products safe for humans. Today the
population of developed countries pays great attention to this. In this respect, most part of Georgian population
has sound position (Todua N., 2018); (Todua N. 2019), and this impacts the process of sale of the products
imported into Georgia.
Simultaneously with CIS countries, Georgia actively cooperates with EU member states. European Union
has recognized Georgia as an independent state as early as in 1992 and commenced extensive collaboration with
it. In 1996, European Union and Georgia signed the partnership and cooperation agreement that entered into
force in 1999. One of the goals of this agreement is support of trade between the parties and ensuring stable
economic relationships. In further development of the idea of Georgia’s joining to EU a new stage commenced
within the scopes of European Neighborhood politics. European Neighborhood politics has plaid great role for
[Volume 10, Issue 3(26), 2021]
modernization of the country, implementation of economic reforms and formation of the state institutes. Though
European Neighborhood policy covered Georgia in June 2004, the action plan was received only in 2006. Within
the scopes of European Neighborhood Policy the incentive of Eastern Partnership originated and led Georgia to
execution of Association Agreement. On 27 June 2014, in Brussels, EU signed Association Agreement with
Georgia, Moldova and Ukraine. This Agreement commenced the new stage in Georgia’s trade relationships with
EU member states and this was reflected in details in the components of Deep and Comprehensive Free Trade
Area (DCFTA). Association Agreement focuses on the obligations under WTO and interprets such
disagreements resolution between the countries that resolution of disputes within the scopes of Association
Agreement did not impact the disputes resolution procedures within WTO scopes. As all EU member states are
WTO members as well, they trade with one another in the preferential mode; they are protected from
discrimination, have no barriers between one another and at their markets the imported and domestic goods are
subject to similar taxation and sale.
Hence, Georgia simultaneously trades with the CIS and EU member states. At the same time, it strives to
gaining EU membership. In such situation it is natural to put the question can integration of Georgia into EU
deep and all-embracing trade space hinder free trade with the other countries, including CIS members? To this
question, the first answer should be: “deep and all-embracing trade space does not impose any limitations for the
free trade agreements made by Georgia with the other countries”. We attempted to prove that this is the case and
that many widespread statements about EU membership is the myth and not reality based on analysis of statistics
describing Georgia’s trade relationships with CIS and EU countries. In addition, we would like to make
emphasis on the other opinion, widespread in Georgian economic space, according to which “Russian-Georgian
relationships in the sphere of trade, supposedly, will worsen after gaining access to deep and all-embracing trade
space by Georgia. Answer to this wrong proposal was already given. In this article, based on statistical data, we
attempted to show that fulfillment of Association Agreement has not impacted Russian-Georgian trade
relationships. We support the opinion that EU and Russian markets are quite different and trade with the
European Union will not be provided on account of trade with Russia.
Georgia’s trade relationships with CIS and EU member states were analyzed based on both, practical data
and theoretical sources. Information from the theoretical literature, whether directly or indirectly, has plaid the
role of theoretical-methodological basis for this Article. Such theoretical sources include: Zubiashvili T.,
AtaneliShvili T. (2019); Todua N. (2018); Todua N. (2019); Mghebrishvili B. (2009); Mghebrishvili B.
(2019); Mghebrishvili B., Papava V. (2011); Seturi M. (2015); Mghebrishvili B., Urotadze E . (2016); Papava
V. (2011); Seturi M. (2019); Seturi M. (2020); Silagadze A., Zubiashvili T. (2016); Silagadze A., Atanelishvili
T. (2020). Studying of literature sources and taking into account the collected information in the process of work
on this article was provided applying general research methods, including induction, deduction, analysis and
synthesis. In the process of practical data analysis and making conclusions, we have applied statistical methods
of dynamic series, grouping, comparison. Situation in practice was analyzed and evaluated with both, absolute
and relative indices, and we have calculated some of them.
DCFTA is a very important component of Association Agreement between EU and Georgia. It entered
into force from 1 September 2014. How Georgia’s export and import relations with CIS countries developed
after its launching can be seen in table below. It turned out that trade relationship with CIS countries have further
activated after DCFTA launching, instead of worsening.
In the period from 2015 to 2019, growth of Georgia’s exports to CIS countries was USD 1202.6 million
and figure for year 2019 was almost 2.5 times higher, compared with that for year 2015. In this period, imports
grew as well, together with the exports, though at much lower pace. Certainly, this is better for Georgia as
negative trade surplus has drastically reduced. Though trade surplus is still negative, still, negative surplus in
year 2019 was only 35.2% of the similar figure for year 2015, due to growth of exports and imports.
Table 1. Georgia’s foreign trade with CIS countries in the period from 2015 to 2019
At current prices, US $M
[Volume 10, Issue 3(26), 2021]
Trade surplus
Trade turnover
Change in 2019,
compared with
2015 +/-
-729 0
Change in 2019,
compared with
2015 %
Source: The table is based on the data from GeoStat and Ministry of Economics and Sustainable Development of
At the same time, growth of trade turnover with CIS country was 159.6%. Certainly, if DCFTA hindered
Georgia’s trade relationships with CIS countries, exports, imports and total trade turnover growth would not be
so high.
After DCFTA launching, the trade relationships with EU countries have significantly expanded as well,
exports, imports and trade turnover has significantly grown. Growth rates were much lower than those with CIS
Table 2. Georgia’s foreign trade with EU member states in 2015-2019
At current prices, US $M
Trade surplus
Trade turnover
Change in 2019, compared
with 2015 +/-
Change in 2019, compared
with 2015 %
Source: The table is based on the data from GeoStat and Ministry of Economics and Sustainable Development of
Table 2 shows that in 2015-2019, Georgia’s trade relations with EU member states, compared with CIS
countries have developed in somewhat different way. Though exports growth rate to CIS countries significantly
exceeded that to the EU member states, no significant difference between imports growth rates was found. We
regard that the most significant is the fact that Georgia’s trade surplus in 2015-2019 was much better with the
CIS countries than that with the EU member states. This is normal, as most part of European population does not
know Georgian product while in CIS countries people know Georgian goods and even are loyal to them. This
contributed to greater growth of exports to CIS countries, compared with imports. In addition, significant growth
of negative trade balance with the EU countries was recorded. In 2019, negative trade balance with EU member
states (-2318.0) was 5.8 times higher than that with CIS countries. In 2015-2019, this figure with the EU member
states increased, while with CIS countries decreased. So, negative impact of Deep and Comprehensive Free
Trade Area Agreement on Georgia’s trade relationships with the other countries turned out to be indeed a “myth”
(as stated by some researchers) rather than reality.
In 5 years after DCFTA launching, in totals of Georgia’s exports and imports the CIS countries are at the
leading positions and, notably, these positions became even firmer, as can be seen from Table 3. The table
clearly demonstrates also the fact that in total imports the shares of CIS and EU countries tend to even out. I.e.
opportunities of selling of Georgian products in CIS countries are better but, with respect of imports, Georgia has
equal opportunities with CIS and EU countries. What is the cause of equal opportunities with the CIS and EU
countries for Georgia depend on the goals of importer enterprises, as well as needs of Georgian market. Though,
this needs separate research.
Seemingly, the CIS and EU member states are at the leading positions for Georgian exports and imports.
[Volume 10, Issue 3(26), 2021]
In 2015-2019, share of the other countries was about one third and even further reduced. While in 2016, share of
the other countries in total exports was 38.3%, by 2019 this figure reduced to 24.7%. Such reduction was caused
by increase of the share of CIS countries. In the recent period, share of the other countries in imports to Georgia
has been changing non-uniformly and, at the same times, it increased at account of reduction of shares of both,
CIS and EU countries. While in 2016, share of the other countries was 42.5% in total imports, by 2019, this
figure increased to 49.1%.
Table 3. Changes of shares CIS and EU countries in Georgian foreign trade in 2015-2019 (%)
Foreign trade turnover
Source: table is based on the data from GeoStat and Ministry of Economics and Sustainable Development of
Proportion of the CIS and EU countries in total exports and imports, according to the preliminary data for
three quarters of year 2020, is still in favor of CIS. Thus, share of EU countries in the exports is 21.1% while that
of 44.5%. As for imports, share of CIS countries is 30.0% while that of EU countries 23.9%. As in previous
years, in three quarters of 2020, share of the other countries is much greater than that of EU member states while
in imports the share of CIS countries is higher. Consequently, Association Agreement does not hinder Georgia’s
foreign trade with any of the countries in the world. Though, we should take into consideration that sales
personnel, qualification of the individuals engaged in sales play significant role in export and import. Georgian
enterprises, in export, should pay proper attention to professionalism of the trade personnel, issues of their
training. We regard that it is significant to care about improvement of qualification of the staff working on the
sites. Otherwise, people engaged in the sphere of trade will not be able to properly present the foreign goods to
Georgian consumers, thus hindering the process of sale of the imported goods (Mghebrishvili and Seturi, 2015);
(Mghebrishvili and Urotadze , 2016); (Seturi, 2019); (Seturi, 2020).
We regard that analysis of the Georgian-Russian trade relationships would be of significance. Studying of
the statistical data showed that share of Russia in total exports of Georgia gradually grows. Since 2015, Russia is
among ten largest partner countries. Though in 2015 Russia was not included in three largest partner countries
with respect of exports, in 2016, it was at the first position together with Turkey, in 2017, it achieved the leading
position with 14.5%. By 2018, in exports of Georgia, Russia moved to the second position, after Azerbaijan. In
the mentioned period, in total imports to Georgia, Russia is among three largest importer countries and, mostly,
is at second position, after Turkey. By 2020, trade relationships with Russia are still active. It is not excluded that
“activation of export and import was caused by negative expectations” in development of foreign trade.
Consequently, Georgia’s relationships with the European Union, and launching of DCFTA does not negatively
impact Georgia’s trade relationships with the other. EU member states are not in top three largest partner
countries of Georgia yet.
Studying of the statistical data of Georgia’s trade relationships with the CIS and EU countries showed us
the following:
Georgia actively cooperates with CIS countries and this, on one hand, is conditioned by visibility of
Georgian goods their and competitiveness at market in these countries. On the other hand, goods produced in
CIS countries meet with the requirements of Georgian market.
Growth rate of Georgian exports to the CIS countries is much higher than imports growth rate. For
Georgia this is beneficial and the country must do its best to ensure formation of the CIS countries as growing
and stable markets for their goods. Though, Georgia should always be ready for unpleasant surprises from the
side of certain countries.
Launching of DCFTA with the European Union has positively impacted the process of further
development of the trade relationships with the EU countries. Both, import and export have grown. Though, rate
of export and import growth is lower, compared with that of CIS countries. This is natural. Products of
independent Georgia, with its name have occurred at EU markets for the first time. EU consumers have no
information about Georgian goods (Gaganidze G., 2014). Hence, their visibility is relatively low while Georgian
products are familiar to CIS population. Population of these countries consumes Georgian products and they are
[Volume 10, Issue 3(26), 2021]
favorably disposed to them. In our opinion, demand for Georgian goods will grow at the EU markets in the
future. Though, this greatly depends on the attitude of Georgian entrepreneurs to the products quality and proper
selection of the export strategies, by countries. It is easier to find the market niche for Georgian products in the
new EU countries from former socialist system (Gaganidze G.,2014). Georgian businesses should make efforts
to make these countries the platform for further entry of Georgian products to the EU markets.
Launching of DCFTA has had only positive impact on further development of Georgia’s trade
relationships, beyond EU trade turnover has increased with CIS and other countries as well.
Fulfillment of the requirements of DCFTA contributes to improvement of competitiveness of Georgian
products, and finding of the buyers for competitive products would be easier given abundance of the products at
In developing export and import strategies, proper attention should be paid to supplying professionals to
the trade sphere. Otherwise, export and import cannot be profitable.
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A seriously growing "field of problems" of the entrepreneurship culture is not perceived, or is even ignored, often. In such cases, the strategy is recognized as relevant, and resources are focused on it. Barriers, inner conflicts, unsuccessful or defeated strategies and the refusal of the market is a result of all this. The entrepreneurship culture is an extremely sensitive parameter and, for its formation and development it is necessary to take and implement the rational decisions which should envisage in particular the aspect of the essence of the culture, while all this may be reflected only in the sensitive-to-culture management. An absolutely different way of starting the entrepreneurship, namely, the establishment of a company from the components, indicates an innovative entrepreneurship culture. Being in harmony with social values is a precondition for its success. Without changing the mentality in the digital entrepreneurship, enterprises are not able to implement a rapid and large-scale introduction of innovations that can bring a success. Considering that in the digital economy an accent is made on manufacturing the intelligent-intensive products, this factor makes it very actual to overcome the problems of digitalization of the entrepreneurship culture.
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Fundamental social values (freedom, justice, security and progress) are always based on the economic well-being of society. However, the current level of economic development is a necessary but insufficient prerequisite for the development of society and the well-being of each of its members. But, when it becomes agenda to specify the economic-and-political objectives (in terms of identity, harmony, neutrality, conflict, and mutual exclusion), just in such circumstances the problems arise and the situation becomes extremely difficult, that contributes to occurrence of the conflicts of economic interests. Prevention of these conflicts through the instruments of the legal and legislative field is characterized by temporary positive effects which last for a short period, while in the long-term prospects; it may become very complicated and obtain an antagonistic nature. This is a necessary and the most important precondition for the prevention of the risks, which are associated with the rational economic policy. Of course, only a highly developed society can allow itself and allocate expensive resources to tackle conflicts of interest through consistent, long-term and cautiously drafted economic policy and its effective implementation.
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Customer service in retail stores is of great importance in creating customer satisfaction. The needs of Georgian consumers in the services offered in stores are changing. Today, consumers are often well informed. Customers want and expect to receive quality products, provide the right level of service and much more. Along with buying the products they need, consumers also expect the buying process to be enjoyable and convenient for them. Existing retail stores that compete with each other contribute to increasing consumer expectations. Personal communication is very important in sales. Sales staff practically helps people make the right choice. The aim of our research-to study the attitude of consumers to the services available in stores, to the sales methods and to the staff. Based on the results of the study, a number of shortcomings were identified. The final part of the article presents our main recommendations that will help retail stores improve their operations.
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The authors regard environment protection as the necessary condition for meeting demands of future generations. They believe that without taking care about the natural environment supply of resources to production sector and, generally, proper economic development of the countries would be impossible. In the opinion of the authors, environment protection still is the problem not only in Georgia but all over the world. Though Millennium Development Goals were achieved and absolute majority of the countries is currently involved in achievement of Sustainable Development Goals, environment protection is still a problem. The authors regard that this is evidenced by the cataclysms occurring all over the world from time to time. The authors consider environmental education of the society as the main factor for dealing with the environment protection problem. They regard that formation of environmental awareness should commence in the childhood. They regard that the subjects dealing with the environment protection must be included into the education programs of the pre-school, school, college and higher education institutions. Keywords: environment protection, sustainable development, environmental education
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Ilia Chavchavadze was born in Georgia when the country was part of the Russian Empire. He received a thorough legal and economic education. Ilia developed a national economic doctrine, which demonstrated the necessity of his country's independent existence, participation in international labor division, good relations with other countries, the protection of human rights and the ways to achieve them. The theoretical provisions and principles developed by Ilia have now acquired pragmatic significance for the country. Important constituents of Georgian national economic doctrine developed by Ilia Chavchavadze-protection of human rights, competition, private property, and free trade-are considered as stimulants to economic development. In a reasoned argument, Ilia Chavchavadze supports state intervention in the economy to the extent that it protects the competitive environment and positively affects the performance of its participants. Ilia's path was mainly aimed at improving the welfare of the citizens of the country and protecting their rights. He paid particular attention to creating a free economic environment for entrepreneurship, protecting property rights, developing an open market, science, development of active, creative activities. Ilia argued that "without good relations with other countries, there is no way to salvage Georgia." Therefore, he saw it as a necessary condition for the country's economic development to participate in world processes and strengthen integrative ties with the civilized world.
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Georgia is a country with a favorable geographical location, soil, climate conditions, natural and civilization resources, culture, human capital. Georgia is at the ancient transport crossroads which connected and connecting the countries of the North and South, West and East. The old Silk Road was the main artery crossing the country and connecting Europe and Asia. Georgia borders the Black Sea. To the east, via Azerbaijan, the country has historically been linked to the Caspian Sea and then to Central and Eastern Asia. Such a location provides the country with favorable conditions for the development of the international economy as well as the economy as a whole. However, Georgia often did not use these favorable conditions. For many centuries, the country struggled for physical and spiritual survival. The country often lacked the necessary historical function, which is completely defined by the historical function of the country in the international political, economic, cultural and religious system. The situation has changed since Georgia has firmly taken the way towards Euro-Atlantic values. It is now important for Georgia to perform the function of transport corridor, including not only the movement of energy carriers. As a result of the reinforcement of integration processes, the United States, NATO and the European Union have become key strategic partners of the country. Georgia is becoming the center of economic and political interests of various world powers. The government of Georgia, its strategic partners and international investors have developed projects on Anaklia deepwater port, as well as Poti port and on the increase of the Batumi terminal's international transit potential, and other major projects that represent a long-term guarantee of stakeholders interests. Georgia has become an associated member of the European Union. Citizens of the country are already enjoying visa-free travel and free trade with Europe. It forged relations with its strategic ally, the United States. Georgian citizens gained the right to legal employment in European countries by their respective professional qualifications. In such a geo-economic context we can think of ways to move Georgia forward. With such an approach, the country will play an important role in the pursuit of Euro-Atlantic policy in the Caucasus sub-region as well as in the interests of traditional partners and other countries in the region.
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In the article retail trade is considered an important field of Georgia’s economy providing delivery of wide range of products to the customers. At the same time it is also an important source of employment and income of population. Therefore, according to the author, finding new ways for further development of retailing can play a great role in the country’s economy. In order to find these ways the author analyses political, legal, demographic and economic factors in the external marketing environment of retailing enterprises. In her opinion, it is only possible for retailer work effectively if marketing strategies are based on evaluation affects of these factors. The author thinks that the political situation in Georgia nowadays is favorable for the development of retailing. She believes that general lines of the development of retailing are identified correctly and the population has the possibility to obtain products safe for their life. Retailers, at the same time, observe the requirements of basic legal documents, regulating retailing, as one of the fields in business. These documents consider the requirements of the contract, regulating association with Europe. Though, as it is said in the article, the process of arrangement of the legal environment of retailing is not finished yet. The basic normative acts, regulating retailing, provide the possibility to find out the business-operators breaking the principles of food safety. This pushes the traders to work legally. Technical Regulations on hygienic conditions and rules of supply and sale of unpacked products in retail trade, it is considered as a guide to retailers in the process of storage and sale of food products. The protection of consumers’ rights is provided by its requirements. The author of the article describes the demographic environment in terms of increase and decrease of the number of population; she analyzes the birth rates, death rates and migration and makes relevant conclusions. In the context of the factor of retail trade, the article focuses on international travelers and, in this direction, the current situation in the country. The author of the article, in the process of discussing the economic environment, analyzes the income of the population and living standards. She considers that retailers and active managers, taking into consideration the standard of living, must decide on possible ways to develop retail trade in Georgia. The author says that people’s living standards “dictate” what kind of retail trader enterprises should be open at a given stage for the development of a profitable economy. Keywords: Retail trade, external marketing environment, political-legal environment, economic environment
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The paper studies the role of sales personnel in order to promote developing relationships with customers. The main focus of the research is directed to study of the different views about the main challenges of sale. Personal communication has a great importance in selling. This is directed towards, that the seller should assist and convince potential customers to buy the product (service). Trading personnel practically helps people make the right choice. Nowadays customers' attitude toward selling methods and trading personnel is very interesting issue. The consumers requirements were improved and developed in Georgia. It is very important to step forward aspects of relationships marketing by companies in trade field. Relationship Marketing means creation of customer loyalty. In this case, companies are making products, prices, distribution, stimulation and service in order to unite their efforts for achieving this goal. Relationship marketing is based on the idea that the company needs to pay considerable and special attention to the important customers for the company. The methodology of the paper is based on marketing research. The final part of the article presents the main results and recommendations.
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The paper aims at evaluating Georgian agro-food production trends, analyzes the export-import figures, it is estimated that despite the favorable conditions for the development of other economic sectors, the rates are considerably lower than the corresponding figures for the import of food and exporting exceed an average of 4 times, respectively, Georgia is facing important challenges by producing agro-food products. The paper has studied the food self-assurance indicators. The conclusion has been made that in the agricultural sector of Georgia in recent years there has been a tendency to increase production; however, the volume of import still significantly exports. The economic influence of stimulating export and importing the economy is assessed by the justification of the positive influence of international trade on the development of the agro-food sector. The article studied the determinants of innovative marketing in agribusiness. Also, it is proved the role of innovative marketing in elaborating export strategy of agro-food products in the international markets. Based on bibliographic research and empirical materials, the possibility of diversification of production and export of agro-food products is revealed. It is believed that export diversification will enable Georgia to overcome the limited market capabilities and promote productivity. To achieve these goals, the use of relevant stimulating economic policy tools is offered: subsidizing export; export credits; optimization of trade barriers; effective management of exchange courses; export insurance; offering special financial services and more.
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Work shows that in the modern conditions particular attention is paid to in-depth studying of the population’s practices of healthy nutrition, as dietary norms, traditions and customs comprise integral part of everyday life. Regarding the mentioned, the work analyses the situation with respect of population’s healthy nutrition in Georgia and in the world and identifies the key problems related to it. Attention is focused on the fact that for modern Georgia healthy nutrition is a significant problem and this is reflected in buying behavior of Georgian consumers. Article underlines the role of social marketing in ensuring consumers’ healthy nutrition. It emphasizes significance of food labeling, as a marketing instrument for consumers awareness in healthy nutrition. For the purpose of clarification of Georgian consumers’ attitude to healthy nutrition the marketing research was conducted. The research showed the levels of the respondents’ awareness in healthy nutrition, attitude of the consumers and their trust to the information on the food packages. With respect of attitude to healthy nutrition, the work identifies the consumer types. Applying dispersion analysis we have showed impact of the consumers’ awareness, as well as trust to the information on the food packages on buying behavior in relation to healthy nutrition. On the basis of the conducted research the conclusions were made that allow formulation of global vision of Georgian consumers’ attitude to healthy nutrition.