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The cognitive advantage (CA) hypothesis claims that multilingualism promotes the development of several basic cognitive capacities. A large number of empirical findings support this hypothesis, but recently there have also been numerous contradictory findings and methodological objections. The present paper extends the investigation of possible cognitive advantages from basic cognitive (executive) functions to broader cognitive competencies such as cognitive flexibility. A promising candidate for this is ‘flexibility of goal adjustment’ (FGA), a capacity of developmental regulation that solves problems through flexible adaptation processes. In a study with N = 119 monolingual and multilingual adults we found the predicted positive correlation between multilingualism and FGA. However, the mediator function of executive capacities entailed in the CA hypothesis operationalised as Stroop and flanker tasks could not be demonstrated.
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Journal of Multilingual and Multicultural Development
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Extending the scope of the ‘cognitive advantage’
hypothesis: multilingual individuals show higher
flexibility of goal adjustment
Werner Greve, Martin Koch, Verena Rasche & Kristin Kersten
To cite this article: Werner Greve, Martin Koch, Verena Rasche & Kristin Kersten (2021):
Extending the scope of the ‘cognitive advantage’ hypothesis: multilingual individuals show
higher flexibility of goal adjustment, Journal of Multilingual and Multicultural Development,
DOI: 10.1080/01434632.2021.1922420
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Published online: 30 Apr 2021.
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Extending the scope of the cognitive advantagehypothesis:
multilingual individuals show higher exibility of goal
Werner Greve, Martin Koch, Verena Rasche and Kristin Kersten
Psychology Department, University of Hildesheim, Hildesheim, Germany
The cognitive advantage (CA) hypothesis claims that multilingualism
promotes the development of several basic cognitive capacities. A large
number of empirical ndings support this hypothesis, but recently there
have also been numerous contradictory ndings and methodological
objections. The present paper extends the investigation of possible
cognitive advantages from basic cognitive (executive) functions to
broader cognitive competencies such as cognitive exibility. A
promising candidate for this is exibility of goal adjustment(FGA), a
capacity of developmental regulation that solves problems through
exible adaptation processes. In a study with N= 119 monolingual and
multilingual adults we found the predicted positive correlation between
multilingualism and FGA. However, the mediator function of executive
capacities entailed in the CA hypothesis operationalised as Stroop and
anker tasks could not be demonstrated.
Received 29 June 2020
Accepted 20 April 2021
Multilingualism; cognitive
advantage; executive
functions; exibility of goal
Although the old conjecture that multilingualism may not only decrease competence in each indi-
vidual language but also harm cognitive functions in general is obviously inaccurate in this simple
form, the thesis that multilingualism has positive consequences for cognitive capabilities of speakers
ist also controversial; interrelationships of these processes are complex (Antoniou 2019). In the pre-
sent paper, we will argue that the discussion could benet from extending the perspective on poss-
ible cognitive benets of multilingualism beyond single concrete skills to complex functional groups
of skills, especially cognitive exibility.
The narrowcognitive advantage hypothesis: inconclusive ndings
The cognitive advantage(CA) hypothesis claims that multilingualism,
due to constant high cog-
nitive demands (e.g. language switching), promotes and enhances not just those cognitive functions
that are particularly related to language (e.g. metalinguistic awareness, Baker and Wright 2017;
Adesope et al. 2010) but at the same time several more basic underlying multi-purpose cognitive
functions such as working memory or information inhibition (Antoniou 2019; Bialystok 2017; Bia-
lystok and Barac 2013; De Groot 2011, 385; Valian 2015; Zhang 2018). A number of ndings sup-
port this hypothesis (Bialystok 2015; Bialystok et al. 2009; Bialystok, Craik, and Luk 2012; Van den
Noort et al. 2019; for meta-analyses see Adesope et al. 2010; Grundy and Timmer 2017), especially
for those cognitive abilities required to inhibit cognitive content that is constantly activated but not
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CONTACT Werner Greve
currently needed (Bialystok and Viswanathan 2009; Kroll et al. 2012; Poarch 2018; Poarch and van
Hell 2012), but also for cognitive resources and abilities required in task switching (Bialystok and
Martin 2004; Wisehart, Viswanathan, and Bialystok 2016) and for resources and regulations of
working memory (Grundy and Timmer 2017).
On the other hand, an increasing number of studies did not nd support for the CA hypothesis
(e.g. Paap and Greenberg 2013; for recent examples see Czapka, Klassert, and Festman 2019;Czapka
et al. 2020; for overviews see Festman, Czapka, and Winsler 2021; Hilchey and Klein 2011; Paap, John-
son, and Sawi 2015; Poarch and Krott 2019; Van den Noort et al. 2019; Zhou and Krott 2016). The
comprehensive meta-analysis by Lehtonen et al. (2018) concludes that the available evidence does not
provide systematic support for the CA hypothesis concerning executive functions (EFs; e.g. inhi-
bition). The recent large study by Nichols et al. (2020) including a sample of 11,000 people supports
this position. Although the critical stance towards the CA hypothesis has not remained without
response (Titone et al. 2017;forasummaryseeAntoniou2019), the call for more dierentiated meth-
odological designs and measurements and more dierentiated theoretical explanations with respect to
possible conditions (i.e. moderators; Antoniou and Wright 2017; Festman, Czapka, and Winsler
2021) is certainly reasonable and appropriate (Laine and Lehtonen 2018).
A conclusion of the controversial debate on how the inconsistent results in the empirical litera-
ture can be explained is made dicult (apart from a possible publication bias; de Bruin, Treccani,
and Della Sala 2015) by the fact that the available studies focus on dierent basic cognitive functions
(executive functions, capacities of working memory, etc.) and, in particular, pursue dierent meth-
odological approaches with respect to the assessment of the cognitive functions investigated (with
not always comparable methodological rigour; Poarch and Krott 2019; Van den Noort et al. 2019;
Zhou and Krott 2016). In addition, samples are often small (especially in studies which corroborate
the CA hypothesis: Paap, Johnson, and Sawi 2015; Nichols et al. 2020), and are oftentimes not really
comparable (Van den Noort et al. 2019) with regard to age and social characteristics of the mono-
and multilingual subsamples (Czapka et al. 2020; Nichols et al. 2020; Poarch and Krott 2019)and
the involved languages (Antoniou 2019; Bialystok 2017; De Groot 2011; Titone et al. 2017; Valian
2015). Methodological objections extend to some of the available meta-studies on the topic (Paap
et al. 2020). Even the premise of the CA hypothesis that regular switching between languages is cog-
nitively demanding (which in turn leads to the presumed promotion eect) may need to be eval-
uated in a more dierentiated way (Blanco-Elorrieta and Pylkkänen 2018), for instance with
respect to typological dierences between the respective languages (Antoniou and Wright 2017).
Mental exibility beyond basic cognitive mechanics: making the case for an
extension of the CA hypothesis
However, the current debate on the CA hypothesis is mainly focused on cognitive functions in a
narrow (mechanical) sense, including in particular executive and memory functions (Nichols
et al. 2020). In contrast, the perspective that advantages of multilingualism may manifest themselves
in more general mental abilities (Fan et al. 2015; Festman and Kersten 2010; Festman and Schwieter
2019; Titone et al. 2017) has received less attention.
The main argument of the present paper claims that the stimulating and hence promoting eect
of multilingualism goes far beyond its narrowcognitive demands with respect to executive func-
tions. Rather, multilingualism involves a regular change of perspective and focus not only in lin-
guistic terms (grammar, vocabulary, pronunciation), but also in sociolinguistic, socio-cultural
and pragmatic terms, e.g. the social connotations of concepts, the social etiquette of using certain
words, phrases, and idioms, the implicit rules of behaviour associated with them, and the cultural
concepts and associations underlying and intertwined with a linguistic system (cultural frame
switching, Hong et al. 2000; see also Baker and Wright 2017; Kramsch 2004; Pavlenko 2011,
2014). To be able to use such varying perspectives in a competent way is an important part of
advanced multilingual competence. This requires a much more far-reaching mental exibility
than simply inhibiting a lexical item or selecting a correct grammatical form or syntactical structure
from the respective linguistic systems (Fan et al. 2015). Rather, multilingual competence might
improve the general ability to exibly change perspective and focus. For instance, Kovács (2009)
found that bilingual 3-year-old children were better at theory of mind-tasks (for similar results
with respect to adults: Rubio-Fernandez and Glucksberg 2012). Similarily, Fan et al. (2015)
found that monolingual children failed to interpret a speakers meaning more often than both bilin-
gual children and children who were exposed to a multilingual environment but were not bilingual
themselves. Plausibly, such broadercognitive or mental exibility envisioned here entails or sup-
ports divergent, creative, elastic and open-ended thinking (Baker and Wright 2017, see p. 142; Fan
et al. 2015; see also Festman and Kersten 2010). A number of studies indicate indeed that multilin-
guals show improved abilities of divergent and creative thinking, e.g. the ability to nd numerous
answers to a given problem (Kharkhurin 2007,2009,2015; Lee and Kim 2011). Accordingly, bilin-
gualism predicts individual exibility, that is, the ability to learn from new experiences or to adjust
behaviour according to contingency (Dewaele and Botes 2019). Given that such abilities are valu-
able or even necessary prerequisites for solving problems and coping with challenges (Adesope et al.
2010), the CA hypothesis can be expanded to the question whether multilingualism may promote
problem-solving competencies and abilities for which the ability to change perspectives and focus
(in a broader sense) is also characteristic or relevant.
Flexibility of goal adjustment as a possible beneciary of multilingualism
In the present study, we argue that the individual exibility of goal adjustment (FGA) as a particular
means of solving problems might be a prototypical sample case of such a general ability of problem
solving through using, and exibly altering and changing, a variety of perspectives. The individuals
FGA is conceptualised in the framework of the two-process model of developmental regulation
(Brandtstädter 2006,2007,2015; Brandtstädter and Renner 1990; Brandtstädter and Rothermund
2002). According to this model, people regulate problems in two basic ways. In the assimilative
mode of tenacious goal pursuit, people strive to alter the perceived state of aairs with the available
resources and skills in such a way that the situation ts better to ones goals or wishes. Within this
mode, the goals pursued remain unaected. However, if goals appear permanently blocked and
wishes become unattainable, tenacious persistence will not be sucient to overcome limitations.
Here, the accommodativemode reduces or resolves problems by adjusting the goals, desires, nor-
mative orientations and preferences to the (perceived) circumstances by devaluing unattainable
goals or desires, replacing them by attainable goals or strivings, or altering ones standards and
norms. According to the model, the accommodative mode is not one single process but encom-
passes a broad variety of dierent processes (Brandtstädter 2006; Brandtstädter and Rothermund
2002; Thomsen 2016). This sometimes involves letting go of the previous goal or reorienting
towards a new (reachable) one (e.g. If I cannot become a medical doctor, I may become a salesman
or an artist), but often means changing the perspective on the previous goal (e.g. reinterpretation:
Maybe I can achieve the goal of wanting to help people in a dierent way than through my failed
medical studies perhaps as a nurse?) or broaden the perspective (e.g. downward comparison:
What happened to me is depressing and painful but many other people have been through
much worse things!). One important and oftentimes necessary element of such accommodative
processes can be seen in the change of perspective on the problem.
A number of studies have shown that individuals vary considerably with respect to their prepared-
ness and ability to accommodate their goals or values (for an overview see for example Brandtstädter
2006,2015; Brandtstädter and Rothermund 2002; Heckhausen, Wrosch, and Schulz 2010,2019;
Haase, Heckhausen, and Wrosch 2013). Accordingly, the individualsFGA(Brandtstädterand
Renner 1990)is a predictor for the stability of the self and well-being (Brandtstädter and Greve
1994), and a buer against aversive circumstances and experiences both for adolescents (Thomsen
et al. 2015) and adults (e.g. Greve, Leipold, and Kappes 2017; Rühs, Greve, and Kappes 2017).
The very fact that individual dierences can be found indicates that FGA depends on develop-
mental processes and conditions (Meyer and Greve 2012). In order to explain these developmental
preconditions of individual FGA, earlier studies have investigated several conditions (Greve and
Thomsen 2013; Thomsen and Greve 2013; Meyer and Greve 2012) such as individual capabilities
of emotion regulation (Lessing et al. 2017) and social transfer processes (e.g. social learning; Kappes
and Thomsen 2020; Thomsen et al. 2017). For the present context, however, two presumed devel-
opmental conditions for FGA are of particular importance:
(1) Contextual conditions of individual ontogenesis of FGA. Some ndings suggest that hetero-
geneous life experiences and developmental stimulations, especially in the rst two decades of
life, seem to be related to the development of FGA. Several studies show that heterogeneous leisure
activities and the experience of free and unrestrained play in childhood are linked to individual
FGA (Greve and Thomsen 2013,2016; Greve, Thomsen, and Dehio 2014; Thomsen and Greve
2013). A constraint of these studies, however, is that retrospectively reported childhood experiences
may be inuenced by recollection biases. In particular, individuals who are more strongly disposed
to react to challenges in an accommodative manner (i.e. with higher FGA) may also tend to remem-
ber more (and more accurately) unrestrictive play in their childhood (Greve and Thomsen 2016). A
second caveat concerns the fact that leisure activity choices (even in childhood) may also be con-
founded with the individuals FGA. Moreover, in these studies the heterogeneity of developmental
conditions is limited to one domain of life (leisure). Thus, it would be stronger evidence for the
hypothesis of exibility-stimulating eects of heterogeneous experiences if biographical infor-
mation can be collected which is, arguably, independent of the individuals FGA.
In the present study, we claim that multilingualism is a prototypical example for contextual het-
erogeneity. Multilingualism entails heterogeneous cognitive contextsas multilinguals have, by
denition, to switch between two or more languages and their cultural contexts in which they
are embedded: Multilingualism is, as a rule, associated with cultural diversity (Bialystok 2017; Gros-
jean 2015) and thus entails cultural frame switching(Hong et al. 2000). For instance, in the case of
migration-related multilingualism, the cause of multilingualism is oftentimes the experience of
more than one socio-cultural environment (Bialystok et al. 2009). At the same time, the self-assess-
ment of multilingualism is not likely to be confounded with FGA. Hence, if multilingualism is used
as a predictor in empirical studies (even in a cross-sectional ones), it could counteract both objec-
tions with respect to the developmental explanation of FGA.
(2) Cognitive conditions of FGA. The ability to think divergently and change perspectives is a
necessary, possibly a constitutive condition to be able to generate alternative goals and relieving per-
spectives on obstacles and problems (such as cognitive reinterpretations or downward comparisons,
Brandtstädter and Rothermund 2002). For instance, adolescents who succeed in looking at tasks
from dierent perspectives and solving them with creative or divergent thinking show higher
FGA scores than adolescents who tend to approach such tasks in a more rigid manner (Greve
and Thomsen 2013; Thomsen and Greve 2013). If such competencies of divergent thinking rest
on basiccognitive abilities as referred to in the CA hypothesis (e.g. task switching), it is plausible
to assume that such basic cognitive functions might be supporting conditions for (the development
of) FGA. As to date, studies that have tested this assumption are rare. With respect to preschool
children, the assumption that executive functions could play a direct supporting role in the devel-
opment of accommodative processes could not be conrmed (Lessing et al. 2019; Piekny et al.
2017). However, the development of capabilities of divergent thinking and (as a possible conse-
quence) of FGA might need some more time and become assessable only at a later age. So far, how-
ever, this assumption has not been tested with adults. Thus, the signicance of basiccognitive
functions (EFs) for the development of FGA as mediated through divergent thinking has still to
be investigated.
It is the intention of the present paper to investigate a (possible) advantage of multilingual individ-
uals with respect to accommodative self-regulation (FGA). Moreover, we will test the hypothesis
that this relationship is mediated by basic cognitive functions (EFs).
Hypothesis 1: Multilingualism predicts FGA . If the assumption is correct that heterogeneous life
experiences and conditions promote FGA (Greve and Thomsen 2013,2016; Thomsen and Greve
2013), then the heterogeneity of linguistic, contextual, social and cultural experiences associated
with multilingualism (Bialystok 2017; Grosjean 2015) should promote (the development of)
FGA. Hence, multilingualism is expected to predict FGA.
Hypothesis 2: The relationship between multilingualism and FGA is mediated by EFs. If cogni-
tive (executive) functions were supporting or even necessary conditions for FGA, and if the narrow
CA hypothesis was tenable (i.e. if multilingualism enhances EFs), then the assumed relationship
between multilingualism and FGA (hypothesis 1) is expected to be partly mediated by the basic
cognitive functions addressed in the narrowCA Hypothesis (i.e. mediated through EFs).
Note that hypothesis 1 neither presupposes an eect of multilingualism on EFs nor does it
assume EFs to be supportive or constitutive for FGA (see Fan et al. 2015, for a similar argument).
Accordingly, the test of hypothesis 1 neither depends on the corroboration nor on the refutation of
hypothesis 2. However, hypothesis 2 entails hypothesis 1. Furthermore, hypothesis 2 entails a test
(replication) of the narrowCA hypothesis. We would like to emphasise that testing the CA
hypothesis in its narrow sense is not the main intention of the present study. If it were the intention
to refute the CA hypothesis, a much larger sample with greater statistical power would be necessary
(among several other conditions; see discussion). If, on the other hand, a corroboration of the CA
hypothesis would be the aim of the study, the choice of methods of assessment for executive func-
tions that were used in earlier studies supporting the (narrow) CA hypothesis might be to less severe
(beyond mere replication). Rather, the central intention of hypothesis 2 of the present study is to
test an explanation of the development of FGA (which entails a re-test of the (narrow) CA
Empirical study
The sample consisted of 119 participants between 19 and 79 years of age (M= 36.4), 77 of them were
female. Data were elicited through an online study (from May to July 2019), resulting in an inci-
dentalsample. The largest group of participants lives in Germany (95 participants, 79.8%), with the
United States as the second largest group (10 participants, 8.4%), followed by the United Kingdom
(6 participants, 5%). Other countries include Canada, Sweden, Belgium, Denmark, Italy and Swit-
zerland with one or two participants per country. The statistics on the country of birth are similar,
with the largest group again being born in Germany (90 participants, 75.6%), the United States as
the second largest group (6 participants, 5%), followed by the United Kingdom (5 participants,
4.2%). Other countries of birth are China, Sweden and Switzerland with 2 participants (1.7%)
each, followed by Belgium, Canada, Denmark, India, Italy, Kazakhstan, Mexico, the Netherlands,
Russia, Slovakia, Vietnam and Tunisia with 1 participant (0.8%) each.
Participants were asked to give information about their socioeconomic status (education and occu-
pation of the participants and their parents [ISEI, Ganzeboom 2010]), their handedness, whether
their eyesight is impaired and whether they have any neurological impairments or disabilities.
These questions were important to rule out outside factors that could inuence the results from the
measures of executive functions (see below).
Degree of multilingualism. Anderson et al. (2018) developed the language and social background
questionnaire (LSBQ) to measure degree of multilingualism. The questionnaire was originally
developed for young adults. For the purpose of this study and in order to keep the questionnaire
as brief and simple as possible, parts of the LSBQ were adapted to assess the participantsdegree
of multilingualism: We used the questions on language background (section two of the LSBQ,
items 1517.2) and slightly adapted the wording of the questions. Explanations were added as
the questionnaire was carried out online without an interviewer to help clarify items. The possibility
to add more than two languages was given to accommodate for multilingual speakers. The ques-
tionnaire was then translated into German, and participants were asked to choose between the Eng-
lish and German version of the questionnaire. Many participants reported speaking more than two
languages, but their prociency in these languages varied greatly. It was therefore decided to only
include the languages with the highest prociency and usage ratings and to calculate the value for
the (up to) three best languages. The resulting indicator for degree of multilingualism used in this
study thus comprises the mean of the respective self-ratings for speaking, understanding, reading,
and writing for each of the (up to) three best languages (Relative to a native speaker (who learned
the language from birth), how would you rate your prociency level on a scale of 010 for the fol-
lowing activities in this particular language: speaking, understanding, reading, writing?) and of
intensity of usage (Please indicate how much time on average you spend each week on this skill
in this particular language for speaking, listening, reading, and writing (none little some
most all)). Some participants did not rank the languages according to their (self-assessed)
uency and competence. In those cases, all ratings (including L4 or L5, if applicable) were used
to determine the three best languages, if necessary.
Multilingual competence groups. Participants were classied as (mainly) monolingual if they did
not indicate another language, or if their ratings of an L2 were low (i.e. less than 5 on a 10-point
scale). In order to be able to dierentiate within the multilinguals between persons with (relatively)
early and (somewhat) later language acquisition, persons whose multilingual language acquisition
started before the age of three (early childhood multilinguals; ECM) were distinguished from per-
sons whose mutlingual language acquisition had started after the age of three years (late childhood
or adulthood multilinguals; LCAM). For the purposes of this study, it seemed less important to dis-
tinguish between simultaneous and sequential second language acquisition (boundaries would also
be arbitrary here and are used dierently), but rather to address in particular the early developmen-
tal stimulation of executive functions (before they can be dierentially diagnozed, which is the case
from about the third year of life onwards; for comprehensive overviews see Bjorklund and Causey
2018, 260; Goswami 2008, 295). The chosen age limit follows the reasoning that the inuence of
the demands associated with multilingual language acquisition should be particularly strong at
early, formative cognitive developmental stages (in addition, the earlier the multilingualism begins,
the longer its (presumed) eects can operate). According to this dierentiation, the sample con-
tained three multilingual competence groups (MLC groups): 35 (mainly) monolinguals (MM), 17
early childhood multilinguals (ECM; age of acquisition before age 3) and 67 late childhood or adult-
hood multilinguals (LCAM; age of acquisition after age 3).
As Table 1 shows, (self-reported) language prociency for L2 and L3 is not generally lower for
relatively late multilinguals; this might indicate that the incidental sampling was dierentially selec-
tive for these MLC groups. In addition, the mean age of relatively early multilinguals is signicantly
lower than the mean age of monolinguals (F= 3.86, p= .024; monolinguals and late multilinguals do
not dier signicantly). Table 2 gives more detailed information about the number of monolinguals
and multilinguals in three dierent age groups.
Based on information concerning occupation, socioeconomic status (SES) was measured using
ISEI (Ganzeboom 2010), which was averaged across participants and their parents (where scores
were available). Although SES is somewhat lower for early multilinguals than for late multilinguals
and for monolinguals, the dierences with respect to the SES of the participants and their
families between the three language groups are not signicant (F= 2.51; p= .086). Separate ANO-
VAs for the ISEI of the participants and their parents showed no signicant dierences between
MLC groups as well.
Flexible Goal Adjustment. FGA was measured using the scale from Brandtstädter and Renner
(1990). This scale consists of 15 items. Sample items for the FGA scale are: In general, I am not
upset very long about an opportunity passed up; I can adapt quite easily to changes in a situation;
After a serious disappointment, I soon turn to new tasks;’‘Even if everything goes wrong, I still can
nd something positive about the situation.
The internal consistency of the FGA scale was α= .86.
It is worth mentioning that, contrary to the majority of earlier studies (e.g. Brandtstädter and Greve
1994; Brandtstädter and Rothermund 2002), we found no bivariate correlation for age and FGA
(possibly as a consequence of a selective sample).
Assessment of executive functions (EFs)
In the present study, two assessments for executive functions were administered to operationalise
executive functions, a Stroop task and a anker task. Both of these tasks were used in several pre-
vious studies to investigate the CA hypothesis (anker task: Kousaie and Phillips 2017; Paap and
Greenberg 2013; Poarch and Bialystok 2015; Emmorey et al. 2008; Costa et al. 2009; Stroop task:
Bialystok and DePape, 2009; Blumenfeld and Marian 2014; Duñabeitia et al. 2014; Kousaie and
Phillips 2017; for overviews see Antoniou 2019; Bialystok 2017; Valian 2015; Van den Noort
et al. 2019; see also Poarch and Krott 2019). For the present study, it is of particular importance
that both tasks were used in a similar form in studies that had provided supporting evidence for
the CA hypothesis.
Flanker. The anker task was adapted from a study from Luk, de Sa, and Bialystok (2011). In
their study, participants were presented with four black and one red chevron and were asked to
indicate the direction the red chevron was pointing to by pressing a mouse button on either side
of the screen. In the control condition, only the red chevron appeared in the middle of the screen.
In the congruent and incongruent conditions, the red chevron was always anked by four black
chevrons. The red chevron could appear in any one of the three central positions. In congruent
trials, the chevrons all pointed in the same direction, whereas in the incongruent trials, the red chev-
ron would point in the direction opposite of the anking chevrons. The experiment consisted of two
Table 1. Means and standard deviations for participantsage and language prociency (self-reports) for multilingual competence
groups (MLC groups).
Age (years) 41.72 (16.56) 29.47 (10.83) 34.60 (15.48)
age of acquisition L2 10.13 (1.73) 1.67 (3.20) 9.57 (3.71)
age of acquisition L3 11.17 (3.92) 8.29 (5.25) 14.94 (7.10)
L1 7.01 (2.19) 8.49 (1.24) 8.83 (1.29)
L2 3.55 (1.34) 6.38 (1.82) 7.01 (1.71)
L3 3.44 (.09) 5.63 (2.26) 4.65 (1.99)
use of 3 bestlanguages 8.89 (3.53) 20.33 (3.49) 18.66 (3.82)
Note: MM: (mainly) monolinguals; ECM: early childhood multilinguals (age of acquisition < 3 yrs.), LCAM: late childhood or adult-
hood multilinguals (age of acqusition > 3 yrs.)
Table 2. Age of participants for MLC-groups.
1930 55 12 10 33
3145 22 7 4 11
4679 28 13 1 14
Note: MM: (mainly) monolinguals; ECM: early childhood multilinguals (age of acquisition < 3 yrs.), LCAM: late childhood or adult-
hood multilinguals (age of acqusition > 3 yrs.)
control blocks with 12 trials in each block, and two conict blocks with 24 congruent and 24 incon-
gruent trials per block. The order of the trials in each block was randomised and they were counter-
balanced for direction of the target arrow and trial type. In the present study, the procedure
corresponds to the one used by Luk, de Sa, and Bialystok (2011), but instead of answering by press-
ing a mouse button, participants indicated the direction of the red chevron by pressing a key on the
left (A) or right side (K) of the keyboard. The stimulus was presented with a maximum of 2000 ms
or until a response was detected, and with a 500 ms break in between trials. The blocks appeared in
the order control conict control conictwith a break in between the rst conict and the
second control block. The participants had to press a key when they wanted to continue with the
second control block. This was unavoidable due to restrictions on the length and amount of trials
that could be programmed into one question in the online survey programme. The reaction times
and accuracy were measured for each trial, and only trials where a correct response was given were
analysed. Across all trials, the reliability of the anker task is rather high (Cronbachsα= .971, split
half (Guttman) = .935).
Stroop. Since the publication of Stroops original article in 1935, the Stroop Task has been
used by many researchers in many variations (MacLeod 1991). Some researchers still use the
original Stroop Color Word Test, but a single stimulus version is more common in recent
research, in which only one colour word is presented at a time. For this paper, a single-stimulus
version with a manual response was chosen, as participants were completing the task on their
own computers. The Stroop task was adapted from Bialystok, Craik, and Luk (2008). In this
study, the stimuli consisted of the words red,greenand blue. They were presented in the
centre of the screen, and participants responded orally. The experiment consisted of four con-
ditions, and their order was counterbalanced across participants. In the control condition, an
array of four Xs in one of the target colours was presented to account for colour-naming
speed, and in the word reading condition, participants were asked to read the target colour
words presented in black font. In the congruent condition, the colour words presented corre-
sponded with the font they were presented in, and in the Stroop condition, the colour words
presented were conicting with the font they were presented in. There were two blocks for
each condition, with 24 four trials in each block. For the present study, the task was changed
slightly in order to collect the responses within an online survey. Participants had to respond
manually by pressing a key on the keyboard. Each colour was assigned to a key, with the key
Xfor the colour blue, Vfor the colour green and Lfor the colour red. Furthermore, the
word reading speed condition was left out since it could not be controlled for in this setting
as there was no way to control whether participants read the words aloud; measurement
would have been inaccurate as participants would have to read the word and press a key sim-
ultaneously. Therefore, the adapted experiment consisted of 6 blocks with 24 trials in each block.
The order the blocks appeared in was always the same (colour control congruent Stroop
congruent Stroop colour control) in contrast to the random order of blocks in the original
trial. Similar to the anker task, after the rst three blocks participants had to press a button to
start with the last three blocks due to constraints in the design of questions in the web appli-
cation. Across all trials, the reliability of the Stroop task is rather high (Cronbachsα= .997, split
half (Guttman) = .999).
The assessment for both indicators for EFs was conducted using the same online platform used
to collect self-report data (SoSci Survey; Leiner 2020; version 3.2.16; Socisur-
vey states ( that reac-
tion times are recorded with an accuracy of 10 ms (JavaScript based).
For both tasks, participants were excluded if they produced too many errors (i.e. 3rd quartile +
1.5 * interquartile-dierence). Additionally, for each participant reaction times were excluded if
either the response was wrong or if the reaction time were too long (i.e. 3rd quartile + 1.5 * inter-
quartile-dierence). No signicant dierences between the MLC-groups regarding EFs were found
in an ANOVA (F(2,102) = 0.76, p= .472). (Table 3).
To test hypothesis 1, in a rst step the bivariate relationship between language competence and FGA
was calculated. For degree of multilingualism, this results in a bivariate correlation of r= .28, p
= .004 (see Figure 1).
In addition to this individual correlation, an analysis of variance (oneway) for the MLC groups
yielded a signicant eect (F(2, 102) = 81.77; p< .001; see Table 4 for means and SDs); the post-hoc
analysis shows that the FGA scores of monolinguals dier signicantly from both multilingual
groups (p< .001), whereas the two multilingual groups do not dier from each other.
This conrms and enhances the result of the bivariate correlation: The signicant contrast
between monolinguals and multilinguals particularly supports the assumption that multilingualism
can be seen as (a proxy for) a promoting condition for (the development of) FGA.
To test hypothesis 2, several mediator analyses were calculated. To that end, in a rst step, both
the anker and the Stroop task were calculated as single indicators of the EFs, respectively. In a
second step, we calculated the (standardised) mean of both tasks as a common EF indicator in
order to overcome possible weakness of each of these two measures (actually, both tasks assess sep-
arate aspects of EFs, as a weak correlation indicates: r= .15, p= .146). The bivariate examination
shows that neither the relationship between degree of multilingualism and EF (averaged over
both indicators) becomes signicant (r=.08, p= .396 (power = .55, as calculated with G*Power;
Faul et al. 2007)) nor the bivariate relationship between EF and FGA (r=.04, p= .656 (power
= 0.69)). Accordingly, we found no mediating eect of cognitive control on the relation between
degree of multilingualism and FGA, as the simple mediation model analysis proved to be not sig-
nicant. The mediator path coecients were not signicant (a=1.92, p= .396; b<.001, p
= .827). Accordingly, the indirect eect was not signicant (ab = .00, 95% CI =.0009, .0040). How-
ever, the direct eect (multilingualism to FGA) was signicant (c= .03, p= .005), corroborating
hypothesis (1) controlling for EFs. Very similar results occur if the anker and the Stroop indicators
Table 3. EF means and SDs for MLC-groups.
M 358.05 305.63 345.58
SD 143.80 66.22 146.37
Note: MM: (mainly) monolinguals; ECM: early childhood multilinguals (age of acquisition < 3 yrs.), LCAM: late childhood or adult-
hood multilinguals (age of acqusition > 3 yrs.)
Figure 1. Scatterplot with individual results and regression from FGA on language prociency (degree of multilingualism).
were used as EF indicators separately (anker: a=1.74 (p= .399), b= .0005 (p= .277), indirect
eect ab =.0009 (LL: .0037; UL: .0013), c= .03 (p= .003); Stroop: a=2.25 (p= .177), b=
.001 (p= .067), indirect eect ab = .002 (LL: .0010; UL: .0095), c= .02 (p= .012)).
Although this rejects hypothesis 2, we analysed exploratively whether the mediator hypothesis
could be demonstrated considering age as an inuential factor, with regard to two aspects. If the
assumption is correct that especially early-onset multilingualism during the cognitively formative
years is inuential for the development of EFs, then it would be conceivable that the eect of multi-
lingualism on EFs and thus the rst mediation pathway occurs especially or only for relatively
early acquired multilingualism. To check whether age of acquisition has a moderating eect on the
CA hypothesis, we added MLC group as a moderator to the mediator analysis, i.e. as a moderator to
the path from multilingualism to the integrated EF indicator. However, this extended model also
showed no signicant moderated direct eects (p= .997), and the index of moderated mediation
also did not reach signicance (index = .0001, 95% CI =.0014, .0019). This suggests that the
age of acquisition of the second language (with a cut-oaround the age of three years) does not
seem to have an inuence on the relationship between multilingualism and EFs in this study.
Second, the testing of the mediator hypothesis might be inuenced by the fact that EFs are sub-
ject to development beyond childhood (i.e. decrease with age). Actually, several authors (e.g. Anto-
niou 2019; Bialystok et al. 2009) suggest that age might inuence CA eects (studies indicate
stronger CA eects in (late) adulthood, whereas eects seem to be weaker for adolescent partici-
pants). Actually, EF (mean) showed a signicant correlation with participantsage (r= .55, p
< .001). To check whether age of participants has a moderating eect on the CA hypothesis, we
added the participantsage as a moderator to the mediator analysis, i.e. as a moderator to the
path from multilingualism to the integrated EF indicator and as a moderator to the path from
EFs on FGA. A moderated mediation showed that age does not moderate the eect of multilingu-
alism on EFs (b= .00, p= .251) nor moderates the eect of EFs on FGA (b= .01, p= .059). However,
a positive main eect of age on FGA was found (b= .01, p= .005), as claimed by the two process
model (Brandtstädter and Rothermund 2002). In this model, multilingualism again shows a direct
eect on FGA (b= .03, p= .003), conrming hypothesis 1 even if controlled for age of participants.
The present study aims to extend the CA hypothesis with regard to a broader perspective on more
general cognitive abilities, in particular to FGA. FGA is conceptualised as the individuals ability to
dissolve blocking of goals or life problems through various cognitive adaptations such as reinterpre-
tations or selective comparisons. It involves, thus, the ability to change, vary, and integrate perspec-
tives. In particular, we hypothesised that multilingualism may enhance FGA either as an indicator
for more heterogeneous developmental conditions (hypothesis 1) or via a promotion of executive
functions (hypothesis 2). With respect to hypothesis 1, the predicted correlation between multilin-
gualism and FGA was conrmed although monolinguals are somewhat older in the present sample,
which should work against this relationship since older individuals show, in general, higher FGA
scores (Brandtstädter 2006; Brandtstädter and Rothermund 2002; we did not nd a signicant cor-
relation with age in the present sample; however in the moderated mediation analysis with respect
to hypothesis 2, an age aect proved signicant). These ndings support the suggestion to extend
Table 4. FGA means and SDs for MCL groups.
M 9.08 21.58 18.97
SD 3.78 3.52 4.07
Note: MM: (mainly) monolinguals; ECM: early childhood multilinguals (age of acquisition < 3 yrs.), LCAM: late childhood or adult-
hood multilinguals (age of acqusition > 3 yrs.)
the CA hypothesis from narrowcognitive eects (e.g. on EFs) to a broader view on cognitive exi-
bility promoted by multilingualism (Fan et al. 2015).
With respect to hypothesis 2, the present study was not able to conrm a mediating role of EFs
on the relationship between multilingualism and FGA, although it examined two dierent indi-
cators for EFs. If these analyses were controlled for age of participants (which was substantially cor-
related with the EFs: r= .55) we found that the eect of EF on FGA proved signicant. These eects
of EFs could indeed be an indication that the recording of EFs (despite a certain imprecision due to
the survey instrument) actually had a sucient degree of validity. This, in turn, adds a bit of weight
to the possible interpretation that the lacking mediator eect (hypothesis 2) might be due to the lack
of an eect from multilingualism to EFs (i.e. the non-signicant CA, as it were). (In additional
regression analyses, for which the multilinguals are grouped together and tested against the mono-
loguals as potential predictors of EFs, neither an eect for multilingualism even when controlling
for participant age nor a moderation of this path by age could be demonstrated.)
In fact, nding a corroboration of hypothesis 1 and a refutation of hypothesis 2 is consistent with
the results from Fan et al. (2015) with preschool children, indicating that multilingualism enhances
cognitive exibility (in a broader sense) without an improving eect of multilingualism on EFs (i.e.
without presuming the narrow CA hypothesis). Although the failed replication of the (narrow) CA
was conducted using EF assessements (anker and Stroop tasks) which have been used in previous
studies that support the CA hypothesis (Bialystok, Craik, and Luk 2008; Luk, de Sa, and Bialystok
2011), lack of evidence must not be misinterpreted as evidence for lack (in particular, since the
power for the analysis of the relationship between degree of multilingualism and EF is
rather low in our study). However, it is fair to say that this result certainly does not add any
evidence in favour of the narrow CA hypothesis, although the procedures obtained were selected
in favour of it.
Several caveats should be noted with respect to the interpretation of the present ndings. First, the
present study was conducted as an online study, resulting in an incidental, self-selective sample, an
hence in unbalanced distributions with respect to socio-cultural variables. In particular, the unequal
group sizes with respect to language prociency implies a limitation of the robustness of the
ndings with respect to group comparisons (less so for correlationel/regression analyses). This cer-
tainly underscores the need for replication (and extension) of this study. Moreover, as in many
other studies, in the present sample multilingualism is most probably confounded with social
and/or cultural conditions (e.g. Bialystok 2017; Bialystok and Barac 2013). Although we did not
nd signicant dierences between the multilingual competence groups with respect to their socio-
economic status, it cannot be excluded that social or cultural heterogeneity beyond mere linguistic
heterogeneity could be an important developmental condition for the individual FGA and could
therefore (partially) explain the results conrming hypothesis 1. Unfortunately, the present sample
is too small to allow a systematic matching according to important indicators of SES and other
socio-cultural conditions (Czapka et al. 2020). As a consequence, the present study cannot disen-
tangle which of these possible factors are causally relevant for the promotion of FGA. Thus, a larger
and more balanced or stratied sample is certainly an important requirement for future studies.
Second, with respect to the (narrow) CA hypothesis, the online approach of the present study
implies several adaptations in the assessment procedure of the EFs: The procedure for both the
anker and the Stroop task deviate in some details from the classical procedure (for a critical dis-
cussion of the lack of methodological rigour in this respect see Zhou and Krott 2016; for a recent
example of an online study with a very large sample and high methodical rigour see Nichols et al.
2020). We chose online data collection mainly for practical reasons: A comparable sample would
not have been available regionally in direct contact. Moreover, the assessment of the EFs with a
module downloadable to the respective local computer (such as psychopy) would in all probability
have resulted in an additional selection (mistrust regarding data security or anonymity). The
reduction in the reliability of the measures of central executive functions (which was, to be sure,
not detectable with respect to the internal consistency of both indicators) accepted with this pro-
cedure is presumably unsystematic there is nothing to suggest that it systematically biases in
favour or to the disadvantage of the CA hypothesis (actually, in one of the moderated mediator ana-
lyses, we found, as expected, an eect from EF to FGA). However, the reduction of reliability with
respect to the EF assessments makes testing of the (narrow) CA hypothesis more conservative: If the
eect could have been shown with this procedure, this would have been strong evidence in favour of
the CA hypothesis, but the absence of the eect is not a strong argument against it. One can read
this constellation in a way that the less reliable recording of the central executive functions increases
the beta error of the interpretation of the null eect, but it is also true to say that (in this sample) the
CA eect could not have been strong (enough).
Third, the assessment of (the degree of) multilingualism leaves some room for improvement as
well. In particular, it is certainly appropriate to distinguish not only degrees but also various forms
(e.g. performances, contexts, type and frequency of switching) of multilingualism (Antoniou 2019).
For instance, it seems plausible to assume that the linguistic (dis)similarity of the respective
languages a multilingual individual uses might inuence both the narrow and the broad CA (see
Antoniou and Wright 2017). With respect to the test of hypothesis 2 (i.e. CA hypothesis narrow)
in particular, it would be certainly necessary to assess the individualslanguage (and cultural) pro-
ciency by objective test or indicators.
As a consequence, both the assessment of degree of multilingualism and of the EFs capacities are
to a certain degree vulnerable to methodological objections. We hold, however, that this objection
does not render the conrmation of hypothesis 1 invalid even if its interpretation remains to be
A particular reason to report the results with respect to hypothesis 2, despite possible objections
against the reliability of the online assessment of the EFs, was that in order to at least partially com-
pensate for the reliability reduction of the EF assessment to the disadvantage of the CA hypothesis,
we adopted the procedure from two available conrmatory studies of some of the prominent pro-
ponents of the CA hypothesis (Bialystok, Craik, and Luk 2008; Luk, de Sa, and Bialystok 2011). This
procedure should have given the CA hypothesis an overall fair chance of being corroborated,
despite of some error-related noisein the measurement of the online data collection. In order
to reduce the publication bias discussed in relation to the CA hypothesis (de Bruin, Treccani,
and Della Sala 2015), it seemed right and important to us not to omit it.
Heterogeneity as a promoting factor for exibility of goal adjustment
The nding of a prediction of FGA by multilingualism both individually (correlation) and by MLC
group (ANOVA) converges with earlier ndings that heterogeneity (mediated by divergent think-
ing) is a promoting condition for FGA (Greve and Thomsen 2013,2016; Thomsen and Greve 2013).
Due to the confounding of linguistic, social and cultural heterogeneity in the variable multilingu-
alism (Grosjean 2015), the factors that are actually eective cannot be examined more closely here.
Therefore, in addition to the necessity of a replication of these ndings and improvement of the
measures both for multilingualism and EFs, a further demand for future research is the systematic
separation of possible stimulating developmental factors through systematic sampling with respect
to cultural and social conditions.
It is important to note that we did not nd a signicant correlation for age with FGA, contrary to
what many other studies have reported (Brandtstädter 2006; Brandtstädter and Rothermund 2002).
Although we actually found an age eect for one of the moderated mediation analyses (see above),
this underscores the necessity of a replication of the nding of the present study with a larger and
more representative sample. Additionally, such a replication study should include an indicator for
divergent thinking as a possible mediator of the relationship between multilingualism and FGA.
Moreover, the investigation of the role of certain cognitive capacities for FGA is an important
requirement for future studies. In this respect, particularly the use of prospective longitudinal
studies is essential for tests of causal hypotheses (e.g. cross-lagged panel); this applies to the inves-
tigation of the developmental conditions of FGA as well as the developmental consequences of
Overcoming the (too) narrow cognitive advantage hypothesis
Hence, the present study, with the limitations discussed above, must not be seen as conclusive
evidence against the (narrow) CA hypothesis. A severe test of it would certainly need a systema-
tic study with a large sample (i.e. sucient power) of various types of multilinguals and mono-
linguals, a comprehensive test battery (including Stroop and Flanker tasks, among several
others), and, in particular, valid and objective language tasks. However, given that the present
sample includes a majority of adults (which, as a rule, have produced more CA-conrming
results: Antoniou 2019), and given that we selected EF indicators from conrming studies,
our results certainly do not add support for the narrow CA hypothesis. In view of recent results
and current meta-studies (Lehtonen et al. 2018; Nichols et al. 2020; Paap, Johnson, and Sawi
2015; as well as the methodological criticism of CA-supporting meta-analyses: Paap et al.
2020), the possibility that the narrow CA hypothesis might depend on several conditions (i.e.
moderators; Antoniou and Wright 2017; Festman, Czapka, and Winsler 2021) should be
seriously considered. In addition, beyond the ubiquitous criticism with respect to the methodical
rigour in the application of Stroop and anker tasks (Zhou and Krott 2016), there are numerous
indications that allegedly EF-assessing measures such as these are reliably replicable as a
phenomenon at the group level, but are not suciently reliable as individual diagnostics
(Hedge, Powell, and Sumner 2018). This might also explain, at least partially, the incoherent
ndings with respect to the relationship between these EF indicators and multilingualism,
even beyond the much-discussed inuence of moderating factors (Paap, Johnson, and Sawi
2015; Lehtonen et al. 2018).
Irrespective of these considerations, the present study can be seen as supporting a case for the
extension of the (narrow) CA hypothesis. Irrespective of the lacking EF-mediator eect in this
study, we found a cognitive advantage for multilinguals with respect to one prototypical facet of
cognitive exibility in a broader sense: exibility of goal adjustment. In addition to recent proposals
to extend the CA debate into a neuroscientic direction (Antoniou 2019) or with respect to the indi-
viduals self-concept (Festman and Schwieter 2019), and in line with previous studies concerning an
advantage of multilinguals with respect to (cognitive) exibility (Dewaele and Botes 2019; Fan et al.
2015), we propose to take into account other and broader cognitive advantages that may be pro-
moted by multilingualism. The results of our study suggest that the inclusion of indicators for cog-
nitive exibility (e.g. divergent thinking) as possible mediators in a replication study could be
interesting as a possible extension of the CA hypothesis beyond the explanation of the developmen-
tal conditions of FGA.
1. Terminology concerning the terms bilingualism, tringualism and multilingualism is not consistent across
publications. While some authors use the term bilingualism as an umbrella term for all types of
additional languages (L2, L3, Ln, e.g., Ellis 2003), other authors dierentiate between these terms
(e.g., Festman 2019). In this paper, we use the term multilingualism to include the knowledge of
more than one language (two, three, or more languages) independent of the time of acquisition (at
birth or later in life).
2. The entire questionnaire from Brandtstädter and Renner (1990) comprises two scales: In addition to the FGA
scale, the scale for tenacious goal pursuit (TGP) consists of 15 items as well. This scale was not analysed in the
present study.
Disclosure statement
No potential conict of interest was reported by the author(s).
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... Research on the cognitive benefits of multilingualism has expanded significantly in recent years, revealing that individuals who speak multiple languages exhibit enhanced cognitive functions, including improved attention, problem-solving, and cognitive flexibility (Greve et al., 2024). The foundational idea behind these findings is the cognitive advantage hypothesis, which suggests that managing multiple linguistic systems may improve executive functions (EFs) such as attention, working memory, and inhibitory control (Bialystok, 2009;Dolas et al., 2022). ...
... One of the central arguments for the cognitive advantages of multilingualism focuses on executive functions. Greve, Koch, Rasche, and Kersten (2024) expanded the scope of the cognitive advantage hypothesis by investigating goal adjustment flexibility, a critical cognitive ability, in multilingual individuals. Their findings suggest that multilinguals exhibit greater flexibility in adjusting their goals, a form of cognitive flexibility that extends beyond traditional EFs like working memory and attentional control. ...
... Paap, Johnson, and Sawi (2015) argued that the cognitive benefits of bilingualism might not be as robust as previously claimed, suggesting that individual differences in language proficiency and frequency of language use may moderate these effects. Similarly, the study by Greve et al. (2024) found no significant differences in executive functioning performance between monolinguals and multilinguals, raising questions about the conditions under which multilingualism leads to cognitive enhancements. ...
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This literature review on the advantages of multilingualism highlights the growing body of research that demonstrates the cognitive, social, and academic benefits associated with the ability to speak and use multiple languages. Numerous studies explore how multilingualism positively affects cognitive development, enhancing executive functions such as attention, memory, and problem-solving abilities, abilities most needed in today´s fast changing world. Bialystok (2021) emphasizes that multilingual individuals often develop superior literacy skills and exhibit enhanced cognitive flexibility due to their ability to switch between languages. Furthermore, multilingualism has been linked to cognitive reserve, which may delay the onset of neurodegenerative diseases like Alzheimer’s (Mendez, 2023; Kim et al., 2019). In the academic domain, research by Cummins (2021) and Thomas and Collier (2020) explores how multilingual education fosters higher academic achievement, providing students with linguistic and cognitive skills that support learning across disciplines. Studies also indicate that multilingual learners outperform their monolingual peers in tasks involving metalinguistic awareness and working memory (Dolas et al., 2022). Socially, multilingualism is associated with increased adaptability, better communication skills, and enhanced cultural awareness (Fan et al., 2015). Greve et al. (2024) suggest that multilingual individuals are more adept at adjusting to diverse social and linguistic contexts, contributing to their overall cognitive flexibility. Despite these advantages, the literature also acknowledges ongoing debates regarding the extent of these benefits, which is one of the reasons for putting this literature review together. Paap et al. (2015) argue that the cognitive benefits of multilingualism may not be as robust as previously thought and could be influenced by factors such as proficiency level and frequency of language use. Nonetheless, the majority of research supports the idea that multilingualism offers significant cognitive, social, and academic benefits, making it an invaluable skill in today’s globalized world. The wish of the author is, that a wider public will come to know the benefits of growing up with a variety of languages.
... Second, predictive effects have been found for (early) multilingualism as a proxy for divergent cognitive challenges. In a cross-sectional study, significant predictive effects were found for the degree of multilingualism (self-reported usage of and competence in different languages) on accommodative coping in adults (Greve et al., 2021). Koch et al. (2023) replicated in a secondary analysis of a longitudinal data set these predictive effects of the usage of different languages on accommodative coping. ...
... To this end, requirements in switching between languages (Anderson et al., 2018) and between cultural contexts (adapted from Anderson et al., 2018 andWard et al., 2018;c.f. Hong et al., 2000) we also used in prior studies (Greve et al., 2021;Koch et al., 2024) were assessed for both domains. Third, the question will be exploratorily investigated whether even the mere change of life context (moving to a different living environment) or the diversity of family life context (number of siblings) could be a further predictive aspect of the development of flexible goal adjustment. ...
... In general, the positive predictive effects are in line with other research that shows positive relations between indicators of multilingual and multicultural socialization and flexible goal adjustment (Greve et al., 2021;Koch et al., 2023). The current finding can be understood as supporting the assumption that the experience of cultural heterogeneity might stimulate or support the development of flexible goal adjustment (see limitations for further discussion of causality/the direction of effects in cross-sectional studies). ...
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Intercultural interactions and encounters offer valuable opportunities not only for cultural exchange and mutual stimulation but also for individual development. The central assumption of the current research is that cultural heterogeneity is a supporting condition for the development of flexibility in goal adjustment (FGA). We used measures for linguistic heterogeneity (i.e., number of languages, language switching, degree of multilingualism), cultural heterogeneity (i.e., cultural frame switching, alternating thinking style, hybrid thinking style, engagement with cultures, contact to cultures, number of cultures, migration background), and heterogeneity regarding living conditions (i.e., siblings, relocation) to predict FGA in an online-sample of 348 individuals using a forward linear regression. Engagement with cultures and hybrid thinking style positively and language switching negatively predicted flexible goal adjustment, while all other variables did not. The findings suggest that the adaptive performance required in heterogeneous sociocultural encounters and relations can be a supportive developmental condition for FGA. The same seems not to be valid for pure linguistic heterogeneity or heterogeneity of living conditions.
... (1) Multilingualism may encompass (or be based on) a heterogeneous and diverse experience that stimulates the development of EC, especially ER. The current study extends earlier research going beyond accommodative coping (Greve et al., 2021;Koch et al., 2023) to emotional competence, including emotion regulation and its preconditions. A second path to a possible effect on EC is based on assumptions of the "narrow" cognitive advantage: (2a) Multilingualism may positively influence cognitive abilities, which are, in turn, (2b) necessary constituents of and/or helpful resources for emotional competences. ...
... We, thus, assume that multilingualism might represent a diverse and heterogeneous life condition regarding linguistic, cultural, cognitive, and emotional dimensions that stimulate the development of different competences (Greve, 2023). So far, this assumption has only been tested with regard to accommodative coping (Greve et al., 2021). The goal of this paper is to test whether a similar effect can be found regarding another domain of regulatory competencesnamely, emotional competence. ...
... However, even if one would not generally assume a cognitive advantage in the narrow sense, there is evidence to suggest cognitive advantages of multilingualism with respect to mental abilities in a broader sense (Nicoladis, 2016). Studies suggest, for instance, advantages in divergent thinking in problem-solving (Fürst & Grin, 2018;Kharkhurin, 2009;Leikin, 2012;Leikin et al., 2020;Sampedro & Peña, 2019) as well as mental flexibility (i.e., the ability to learn and change behaviour or goals; Dewaele & Botes, 2020;Greve et al., 2021), social flexibility (Ikizer & Ramírez-Esparza, 2018), situational awareness and sensitivity (Contemori & Tortajada, 2020;Yow & Markman, 2011a, 2011b, perspective taking (Fan et al., 2015), theory of mind (Kovács, 2009;Navarro & Conway, 2021;Rubio-Fernández & Glucksberg, 2012), and self-concepts (Fan et al., 2015;Festman & Schwieter, 2019). ...
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The goal of the current paper is to investigate effects of multilingualism regarding emotional competence (EC). We argue that there might be two paths of influence that connect multilingualism and EC. First, we assume that multilingualism represents a linguistically and culturally heterogeneous context that may stimulate the development of EC. Second, cognitions, such as executive control or divergent thinking, might be an important condition for or constituent of emotions. Since cognitive abilities are sometimes assumed to be positively influenced by multilingualism (called the cognitive resp. bilingual advantage hypothesis), multilingualism might affect EC by boosting these cognitive functions. In an initial pre-study (N = 85) we found that two EC subcomponents were significantly predicted by degree of multilingualism (DM). In a second study (N = 989), we found that DM significantly predicted EC directly and was mediated by cultural heterogeneity but not by language switching, executive functions, or divergent thinking.
... Greve . (Greve,et al;) did reveal a cognitive advantage for multilingual individuals in terms of goal adjustment flexibility. Additionally, consistent with previous research on multilingualism and cognitive flexibility, the study . ...
... Additionally, consistent with previous research on multilingualism and cognitive flexibility, the study . (Greve,et al; proposes exploring broader cognitive advantages associated with multilingualism. The ability to adjust to novel situations and navigate language and cultural challenges effectively illustrates the concept of "cognitive flexibility," a distinguishing characteristic of individuals with multilingual abilities. ...
... Greve . (Greve,et al;) did reveal a cognitive advantage for multilingual individuals in terms of goal adjustment flexibility. Additionally, consistent with previous research on multilingualism and cognitive flexibility, the study . ...
... Additionally, consistent with previous research on multilingualism and cognitive flexibility, the study . (Greve,et al; proposes exploring broader cognitive advantages associated with multilingualism. The ability to adjust to novel situations and navigate language and cultural challenges effectively illustrates the concept of "cognitive flexibility," a distinguishing characteristic of individuals with multilingual abilities. ...
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Childhood multilingualism is increasingly recognized as a significant asset, contributing to academic, professional, and social success. This article synthesizes findings from academic studies highlighting the numerous advantages of multilingualism for children. It examines the cognitive benefits of multilingualism, particularly in brain development, perception, and language processing. Additionally, the article discusses the socio-cultural implications of multilingualism, emphasizing its role in fostering diverse perspectives and enhancing communication skills. Furthermore, it addresses practical considerations for integrating multilingualism into educational settings and advocating for the recognition and support of multilingual individuals.
... Some scholars have suggested that researchers should end their quest for a bilingual advantage (e.g., Paap et al., 2016). Others have argued that a deeper understanding is necessary (e.g., Dick et al., 2019;Grundy, 2020;Poarch & Krott, 2019; or that a larger scope is needed (Festman & Schwieter, 2019;Greve et al., 2021). In whichever direction the debate goes, future studies must account for the findings that bilingualism may have positive consequences for processing, performance on cognitive tasks, and on brain areas. ...
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Psycholinguistic approaches to examining bilingualism are relatively recent applications that have emerged in the 20th century. The fact that there are more than 7,000 current languages in the world, with the majority of the population actively using more than one language, offers the opportunity to examine language and cognitive processes in a way that is more reflective of human nature. While it was once believed that exposing infants and children to more than one language could lead to negative consequences for cognition and overall language competence, current evidence shows that this is not the case. Among the many topics studied in psycholinguistics and bilingualism is whether two language systems share an integrated network and overlap in the brain, and how the mind deals with cross-linguistic activation and competition from one language when processing in another. Innovative behavioral, electrophysiological, and neuroscientific methods have significantly elucidated our understanding of these issues. The current state of the psychology and neuroscience of bilingualism finds itself at the crossroads of uncovering a holistic view of how multiple languages are processed and represented in the mind and brain. Current issues, such as exploring the cognitive and neurological consequences of bilingualism, are at the forefront of these discussions.
... Thirdly, it should then be investigated in particular whether specific funding opportunities can be identified. For example, there is evidence that heterogeneous developmental conditions can be prognostically favorable for a more pronounced ability and willingness to make accommodative goal adjustments Thomsen and Greve, 2013;Greve et al., 2021;Koch et al., 2024). The promotion of accommodative skills and readiness in childhood has hardly been tested to date (Greve et al., 2009); this would represent an important research desideratum. ...
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Introduction Individual differences in dealing with unattainable goals or resource-consumptive goal pursuit are conceptualized as goal adjustment processes in three theoretical approaches: accommodative coping (two-process model of developmental regulation), compensatory secondary coping (motivational theory of life-span development), and goal disengagement and goal reengagement (goal adjustment theory). The aim of this paper is to conceptually and empirically analyze convergences and divergences between the three approaches as well as their relationship with indicators of well-being and their intersections with cognitive emotion regulation. Methods The empirical study is based on a cross-sectional online survey (N = 433; M = 28.9 years, SD = 8.4 years; 50% female). Results The conceptual analysis yields clear convergences, but also differences. Empirically, clear but partially non-redundant relationships between the concepts are found in structural equation models. Accommodative coping showed the strongest correlations with measures of well-being and cognitive emotion regulation. When all goal adjustment measures are included simultaneously as predictors of well-being, accommodation remains as the strongest predictor (and partly goal reengagement as well), while goal disengagement shows opposing relationships with most measures of well-being. Discussion We discuss the lessons learnt from these findings and conclude by proposing future avenues to examine goal adjustment processes.
... One of the main aims of the present dissertation was to explore the impact of bilingualism on the recall of future intentions. Since many studies have reported enhanced ability of bilinguals compared to monolinguals to adjust their cognitive strategies to the demands of tasks (Bonfieni et al., 2019;Greve et al., 2021;Grundy & Timmer, 2016;Morales et al., 2013Morales et al., , 2015, we hypothesised that bilingualism would have a cognitive impact that could influence the ways prospective processes are engaged during PM tasks. ...
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The current thesis endeavours to understand how the cognitive effects of knowing and managing two languages can affect an essential ability, namely, remembering future intentions. In researching it, we have observed the important role of the language in which these activities are performed, as well as the characteristics that define bilinguals. Overall, this work is an exciting starting point to guide my future research and my attempts to draw a broader picture of how bilingualism influences memory.
Despite broad interest in how children and youth cope with stress and how others can support their coping, this is the first Handbook to consolidate the many theories and large bodies of research that contribute to the study of the development of coping. The Handbook's goal is field building - it brings together theory and research from across the spectrum of psychological, developmental, and related sciences to inform our understanding of coping and its development across the lifespan. Hence, it is of interest not only to psychologists, but also to neuroscientists, sociologists, and public health experts. Moreover, work on stress and coping touches many areas of applied social science, including prevention and intervention science, education, clinical practice, and youth development, making this Handbook a vital interdisciplinary resource for parents, teachers, clinical practitioners, social workers, and anyone interested in improving the lives of children.
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Crises and critical life transitions activate 2 distinct but complementary modes of coping, (a) transforming developmental circumstances in accordance with personal preferences (assimilative tendency) and (b) adjusting personal preferences to situational constraints (accommodative tendency). Assimilative and accommodative tendencies were measured by a questionnaire comprising 2 independent scales (Tenacious Goal Pursuit and Flexible Goal Adjustment). Both scales predict high life satisfaction and low depression and are positively related to generalized internal control beliefs. The scales evinced an opposite relation to age: Cross-sectional analyses on a sample of 890 Ss in the age range from 34 to 63 years revealed a gradual shift from an assimilative to an accommodative mode of coping. Implications for theories of depression and successful aging are discussed.
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Influential variables that modulate bilinguals’ performance on language and cognitive tasks are not yet clearly and well enough understood, owing to the complexity of bilingualism and multilingualism. This complex nature of bilingualism makes scholars even question whether bilingualism is effectively captured as a categorical variable and propose continuous measures of bilingualism instead ( de Cat et al., 2018 ; Leivada et al., 2021 ). In this chapter, we attempt to provide an in-depth picture of the many influential and potentially confounding and/or moderator variables involved, with a focus on studies with children, for whom the bilingual advantage seems to be the most uncertain ( Dick et al., 2019; Giovannoli et al., 2020; Gunnerud et al., 2020; Hilchey & Klein, 2011; Lowe et al., 2021 ).
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Individual differences in goal engagement and goal disengagement processes have been demonstrated to be related to goal attainment, health, and emotional well-being. However, there is a dearth of studies on the developmental conditions of individual differences in these processes. Social learning processes contribute to the formation of individual dispositions even in adulthood. As one pathway of learning, we investigated observational learning of goal regulation processes in romantic relationships in two experimental studies. Study 1 (N = 67 couples, M = 32.65 years) replicated a previous finding that observing partners imitated their partner's goal regulation processes in the same task and extended it by showing transfer effects to another task. Study 2 (N = 60 couples, M = 25.9 years) demonstrated that-given a lack of praise of the modelled actions-partners still imitated goal regulation processes but to a smaller extent. These findings lend support for observational learning as a pathway to individual differences in the application of goal regulation processes.
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Five recent meta-analyses of the bilingual advantage in executive functioning hypothesis have converged on the outcome that the mean effect size is very small and that the incidence of statistically significant bilingual advantages is very low (about 15% of all comparisons). Those analyses that used the PET-PEESE method to correct for publication bias show mean effect sizes that are not different from zero and sometimes negative. In contrast, Van den Noort (2019) and colleagues provide a sixth review of 46 studies published before October 31, 2018 that appears to produce a very different outcome, namely that more than half the studies yield clear support for the bilingual advantage hypothesis. We show that the deviance is due in part to search terms that yielded far fewer relevant studies, but more importantly to a subjective method of evaluating the results of each study that enables confirmation biases on the part of study authors and meta-analysts to substantially distort the objective pattern of results. A seventh meta-analysis, by Armstrong and colleagues, reports significant bilingual advantages of g = 0.48 for 32 samples using Simon and Stroop color-word interference tasks that tested older adults. However, all effects were entered into the funnel plots as positive even though many were negative (bilingual disadvantages). This and other striking anomalies are consistent with the view that confirmation bias can suspend critical judgment and promulgate errors. Meta-analyses that use preregistration and a many-labs collaboration can better control for both publication and experimenter biases.
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Aims and objectives Personality psychologists argue that personality is the result of nature and nurture. However, relatively little attention has been paid to the latter. The present study considers the effect of multilingualism, a social factor, on personality. Methodology A total of 651 multilinguals from around the world filled out an online questionnaire containing questions about participants’ language profile and a so-called “Big 5” questionnaire: the Multicultural Personality Questionnaire (short form). Data and analysis Correlation analyses were run between the level of multilingualism of participants and their scores on five personality traits. A parceled structural equation model was then used to examine the influence of multilingualism on three personality subscales. Findings The model indicated significant positive path coefficients between the level of multilingualism and Flexibility, Social Initiative and Open-mindedness. Significance Our findings confirm and expand earlier research that showed that multilingualism/multiculturalism can be considered to be enduring environmental factors that contribute to the shaping of personality profiles.
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The debate on possible cognitive advantages bilinguals have over monolinguals continues to occupy the research community. There is an ever-growing research body focusing on adjudicating whether there is, in fact, an effect of using two or more languages regularly on cognition. In this paper, we briefly review some of the more pertinent literature that has attempted to identify attenuating, modulating, and confounding factors in research comparing monolingual and bilingual populations, and we highlight issues that should be taken into account in future research to move forward as a research community. At the same time, we argue for a change in perspective concerning what is deemed an advantage and what is not and argue for more ecologically valid research that investigates real-life advantages.
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Cognitive representations and beliefs are what comprise an individual’s self-concept. A positive self-concept is related to and influences academic achievement, and the relationship between a domain-specific self-concept and achievement in the same domain is positive and strong. However, insufficient attention has been paid to these issues among multilingual children. More importantly, since instruction strongly contributes to the development of metacognition and executive functions (EFs), and since the bilingual advantage hypothesis holds that the constant management of multiple languages entails benefits for EF, we bring together these important issues in the present study. We examine the relationship between domain-specific self-concepts and standardized assessment of reading and spelling competences against the background of potential differences in self-concept between monolingual and multilingual German children. While between-group comparisons revealed no significant differences for self-concept nor reading competency, monolinguals outperformed multilinguals in spelling. Correlations between domain-specific self-concepts and academic achievement in reading comprehension, reading fluency, and spelling were positive and significant for both groups. Regardless of language background, children’s evaluations of their academic achievement (reading and spelling) were realistic. We argue, on a theoretical basis, that metacognition and EFs could facilitate a bilingual advantage and improve educational outcomes.
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Matching participants (as suggested by Hope, 2015) may be one promising option for research on a potential bilingual advantage in executive functions (EF). In this study we first compared performances in three EF-tasks of a naturally heterogeneous sample of monolingual (n = 69, age = 9.0 y) and multilingual children (n = 57, age = 9.3 y). Secondly, we meticulously matched participants pairwise to obtain two highly homogeneous groups to rerun our analysis and investigate a potential bilingual advantage. The initally disadvantaged multilinguals (regarding socioeconomic status and German lexicon size) performed worse in updating and response inhibition, but similarly in interference inhibition. This indicates that superior EF compensate for the detrimental effects of the background variables. After matching children pairwise on age, gender, intelligence, socioeconomic status and German lexicon size, performances became similar except for interference inhibition. Here, an advantage for multilinguals in the form of globally reduced reaction times emerged, indicating a bilingual executive processing advantage.