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Lealdade à marca no mercado de fitness brasileiro: qualidade percebida, consciência da marca e amor à marca como antecedentes

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O sedentarismo mata. A inatividade física é corresponsável por 75,8% dos óbitos no Brasil. Em 2015, as Doenças Crônicas Não Transmissíveis (DCNT) foram responsáveis por três de cada quatro dos óbitos no país. O sedentarismo, a alimentação inadequada e obesidade, bem como o tabagismo, estão no cerne das causas das DCNT. Mais da 54% da população das capitais brasileiras está com excesso de peso. Os jovens e adultos com 15 anos de idade ou mais que não praticavam qualquer tipo de esporte ou atividade física no Brasil somavam 100,5 milhões em 2015. Dentre os motivos para a inatividade, pesquisa feita pelo IBGE aponta “falta de tempo”, “não gostam ou não querem”, “problema financeiro”, “falta de instalação esportiva acessível ou nas proximidades”, “não terem companhia para a praticar o esporte”, e outros. No Brasil, se o sedentarismo fosse reduzido à metade do que hoje se observa, haveria uma economia de US$ 1,14 bilhão dos recursos em saúde. Parte da solução está na atividade física, e entender os motivos pelo “abandono” ao exercício físico regular praticado em academias é o tema da presente dissertação. De caráter quantitativo, buscou-se conhecer a) o impacto da influência dos Grupos de Referência na tomada de decisão do ex-praticante pela não prática da atividade física em academia; b) o impacto da Distorção Seletiva no comportamento do ex-praticante em relação à importância da prática da atividade física em academia; e c) qual importância o ex-praticante confere à distribuição do seu tempo livre para a prática de atividade física em academia. Buscou-se, ainda, inferir sobre a variável moderadora “tempo de permanência em atividade em uma academia” para avaliar o comportamento de abandono. Uma escala para aplicação de Survey foi proposta e aplicada (n=400). De seus resultados, procedeu-se uma análise multivariada para observar ou rechaçar as hipóteses contidas no Modelo Conceitual elaborada pelo autor, constatando que 1) quanto mais (vs. menos) sensível o indivíduo for ao seus Grupos de Referência, maiores (vs. menores) serão suas chances de abandono à academia; 2) que o ex-praticante (vs. praticante) vê a academia como menor (vs. maior) prioridade para a busca de uma vida mais saudável e longeva; e 3) que o ex-praticante prefere dar um destino mais lúdico ao seu tempo discricionário ao invés de frequentar uma academia.
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One of the main objectives of fitness center managers is to obtain high levels of loyalty from the customers of these fitness centers. Within the existing literature on fitness center management, previous research has analyzed the importance of the management variables themselves to determine the behavioral intentions of their customers, ignoring other psychological and sociodemographic aspects and focusing on linear relationship models. Therefore, this study, which aims to analyze the impact of different management variables along with psychological (emotions and subjective well-being) and demographic variables (age and sex) on the satisfaction, perceived value (PV) and future intentions (FI) of 398 users (216 men, aged 18–75, Mean = 35.89 ± 14.53) of a fitness center, intends to fill this gap. In this study, two different methodologies are used, i.e., hierarchical regressions models (HRM) and qualitative comparative analysis (QCA). The data were obtained by means of a self-administered questionnaire composed of 69 items that collected different previously validated scales. Considering HRM, the different models proposed explain 52% of the satisfaction variance, 57% of perceived value and 59% of future intentions. In general, it seems that the management variables are better predictors than subjective well-being, emotions and age or gender since their inclusion does not greatly improve the model’s predictive capacity. As far as QCA analyses are concerned, it seems that none of the conditions are necessary for high or low levels of satisfaction, perceived value or future intentions. On the other hand, based on sufficiency analyses, there seem to be 8 pathways or combinations of conditions leading to high levels of satisfaction and 13 for low levels, 11 combinations leading to high levels of IF and 10 leading to low levels; however, there are 6 combinations of conditions leading to high levels of PV and 5 leading to low levels. In general, some of the pathways consider only the management variables, although many of them consider the importance not only of the management variables but also of the interactions that these may have with emotional aspects and, to a lesser extent, with age and well-being. When comparing both methodologies, it can be observed that the QCA models are more explanatory than the HRM models and that they take into account aspects that seem unimportant when observing linear models (such as emotions or age). However, both methodologies should be considered complementary and used simultaneously since, by focusing on different aspects, enriched results are obtained. The results obtained will enable managers to make more efficient use of available resources to increase user satisfaction.
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CrossFit is a type of high-intensity functional exercise programme in which a type of philosophy of life and competitive sport take place together. This product is created for all kinds of people and interrelates with a diversity of social practices. This work aims to analyze the relationships between customer engagement, perceived value, satisfaction, and future intentions in CrossFit users as well as the significance of this activity for the person. The study engaged 520 participants with an online questionnaire. A confirmatory factor analysis and multi-group analysis was performed to test the difference between two invariance models. The findings show positive relationships between customer engagement and perceived value in women, and between perceived value, satisfaction and fidelity in men. Therefore, this work has shown that the participation of customers has positive consequences for the CrossFit customer loyalty chain.
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This study focused on examining the effect of Cengiz & Kirkbir (2007)’s eight dimensions of perceived value on customer engagement and customer loyalty. Each of the eight dimensions of perceived service value has been studied separately in previous studies. Therefore, this research provides an integrative framework to examine the role all the dimensions of perceived service value in increasing customer engagement and loyalty in health care centers in Egypt. Healthcare centres were chosen because the degree of engagement in the service delivery process has started to increase in the past few years such as engaging the customers in the service delivery plan (e.g. Fitness Monthly Programs), the mechanism of positive/negative recommendation of specific healthcare centres to their friends and family, also to other random users on online social networks, and acquiring a high sense of belonging to their healthcare centre. This has resulted in a great degree of positive behavioral intentions. Also, the active mechanism of receiving complaints and involving the customers in its solving process has been applied in many health care centers. The study focused on the adolescents, youths and adults since they represent the majority of the healthcare centers users according to the context understudy (Based on the exploratory research conducted). This research targeted 400 healthcare centers users. In addition, the moderation effect of the brand name of health care center on the relationship between Hedonics and Customer Engagement was examined. Also, the moderating effect of age on the relationship between service quality and customer engagement was tested. Finally, the mediating effect of customer engagement mediates the relationship between control and customer loyalty was examined. Keywords: Perceived service value, customer engagement. brand loyalty, health care centres, Egypt
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This paper develops a multi-disciplinary measure of the brand signature construct by means of literature review and primary data analysis. This study explains that brand signature involves (i) endorsement of consistent consumer attitude toward diffusion of a brand name and brand logo (consists of typeface, design, and color); (ii) the expression and pursuit of a distinct message and the quality of the organization to consumers as well as consistency in communication; and (iii) the implementation, support, and maintenance of hotel brand signature systems based on the use of online/offline media. SEM is employed in order to test the proposed model. The results indicate that brand signature includes dissemination of its dimensions; brand attitude with two components (brand association and brand belief); brand awareness consists of brand familiarity, and brand recognisability; and consistency in brand reputation and prefaced by hotel brand performance implementation. Brand signature is recommended as a tool useful for the service industry to manage their global hotel brand reputation and performance.
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Context: Medical school can produce intense psychological distress in its students; however, there is a paucity of research exploring potential means of improving medical students' well-being. Objective: To investigate the relationship between physical exercise and stress and quality of life (QOL) in a medical student population. Methods: This nonrandomized, controlled, 12-week study used a survey research design. First- and second-year osteopathic medical students at the University of New England College of Osteopathic Medicine were recruited to participate in 1 of 3 groups: (1) students participating in 30-minute CXWORX (Les Mills International LTD) group fitness classes; (2) students exercising alone or with up to 2 additional partners regularly (eg, running, weight lifting), henceforth called the health-enhancement group; and (3) students in a control group who did not engage in regular exercise. Participants completed the Perceived Stress Scale survey once every 4 weeks, as well as visual analog scale surveys to assess physical, mental, and emotional QOL weekly during the course of the study. Statistical significance was defined as P<.05. Results: Sixty-nine participants met the inclusion criteria and completed the study protocol, with 25 in the fitness class group, 29 in the health-enhancement group, and 15 in the control group. Compared with baseline values, the fitness class group demonstrated decreased perceived stress (P=.038) and increased physical QOL (P=.007), mental QOL (P=.046), and emotional QOL (P=.004) after 12 weeks. Participants in the health-enhancement and control groups showed no statistically significant changes between baseline and week 12 for any of these parameters, with the exception of mental QOL, which improved in the health-enhancement group (P=.023). Conclusion: Participation in regular group fitness classes led to a statistically significant decrease in perceived stress and an increase in physical, mental, and emotional QOL compared with exercising regularly on one's own or not engaging in regular exercise. Attending weekly group fitness classes could be a solution to improving the emotional well-being and stress level of medical students.
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Due to its importance in fitness centers, a number of authors have explored and analyzed loyalty. However, two characteristics not yet examined are service convenience in fitness center chains and low-cost fitness centers (an emerging business model). In the present study, the authors sought to understand the relationship among perceived quality and service convenience on perceived value, satisfaction, and client loyalty in low-cost fitness centers. Clients (N = 763; 381 women and 382 men) from three low-cost Spanish fitness centers were surveyed, revealing a positive relationship among the variables studied. Findings demonstrate the importance of proper management of non-monetary sacrifices and perceived quality by the managers of these sport organizations, since client loyalty could depend on factors of these emerging sport models.
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Purpose This paper aims to contribute to the understanding of the complex consumer brand relationships by holistically exploring the dynamics between brand love and co-creation, how they are impacted by behavioural branding and their combined impact to brand loyalty. Design/methodology/approach This is a conceptual paper, based on extensive and thorough literature review on the fields of brand love, behavioural branding, brand communities and co-creation, that leads to the formulation of a proposed synthesized framework. Findings The authors propose that consumers experiencing brand love are more willing to engage in an active co-creating behaviour in the context of a brand community, especially when brand representatives vividly communicate the brand values and motivate consumers to engage. This process is moderated by the product/service category and level of customer involvement with it, and it produces a combined positive impact on brand loyalty. Research limitations/implications The proposed conceptual framework needs to be validated through empirical research. However, even at this initial stage, it may have a significant impact, especially as it highlights the role of brand representatives and how they could drastically moderate the relationship between the brand and the consumer. Originality/value This is the first attempt to incorporate the constructs that are significant to the consumer–brand relationship research stream in one conceptual framework. The synthesis of these concepts will contribute to the improved understanding of the consumer–brand relationship, and its dynamics and will equip managers with a novel approach to the central role of behavioural branding.
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The authors propose a framework for understanding key mechanisms that shape satisfaction in individual encounters, and loyalty across ongoing exchanges. In particular, the framework draws together two distinct approaches: (1) agency theory, rooted in the economic approach, that views relational exchanges as encounters between principals (consumers) and agents (service providers) and (2) trust research that adopts a psychological approach toward consumer-provider relationships. In so doing, the authors specify how trust mechanisms cooperate and compete with agency mechanisms to affect satisfaction in individual encounters and influence loyalty in the long run. Because a multidimensional conceptualization of trust is used, the hypothesized framework offers a fine-grained understanding of the interrelated mechanisms. The high level of specificity allows extraction of multiple propositions, facilitates empirical testing, and encourages theoretical development of the proposed model. Several directions to guide future research are provided.
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This empirical paper applies scanner panel data to estimate brand choice price-elasticities for two groups of households: loyal and non-loyal consumers to a brand of a consumer good. The main objective is to verify differences in price sensitiveness among those consumers when they choose brands. The method of Maximum Likelihood and the approach of utility maximization are used to estimate the mixed logit model with two types of parameter vectors: household characteristics and brand attributes. The results show that differences in price elasticities among consumers vary according to each brand, implying that marketing managers can take more effective decisions when considering household characteristics and brand attributes. Such analysis can be helpful for the Brazilian retail sector, as the availability of scanner data has been increasing since last decade.
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This article explores processes of standardizing movement in the fitness industry, using the Les Mills Fitness programmes as a case study. With licensees in 70 countries, the company has gained widespread recognition as the world’s biggest producer of branded fitness classes. Based on participant observation in fitness classes, the article examines what kind of intangible touchpoints are hidden in the fitness services to make them attractive to clients. While the global delivery system of fitness services aims at transcending the body, the phenomenological description of the lived body becomes a key factor in revealing the nature of standardization. Outlining fitness products as experience design, the purpose is to reach behind the managerial rhetoric. Reflecting on the global delivery system of fitness services and its effects on interaction between instructors and fitness clients, the article analyses how the global industry of fitness services standardizes bodily movements to make profit from them.
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Brands are perceived to possess a personality that consumers use as an avenue for self-expression or to experience the emotional benefits by which the brand differentiates itself from others. Despite developments made in this area, the focus has been solely on the role of brand attributes and their utilitarian functions in influencing consumer attitudes. Very little progress has been made to show how brands are used for self-expressive purposes. This review thus discusses how consumers have a part to play in influencing how brand personality is perceived. This is based on the fact that as consumers build trusting relationships with their preferred brand, they will reinforce positive attitudes towards the brand. To build the theoretical framework, issues pertaining to brand personality dimensions, such as self-concept, self-congruity between brands and their consumers and self-expression using brands, will be reviewed. Further, the paper examines the impact of cultural dimensions of individualism and collectivism on self-congruity. This provides a base for examining the fact that the cultural orientation of consumers may have an implication towards the proposed influence of the consumer's self on the personality of the brand. Finally, the review examines the effects of consumer demographic profiles on the consumer's self-congruity with brand personality. The review will generate and develop relevant research propositions. This will be justified by the conceptual and managerial implications that would radiate from the proposed study.Journal of Targeting, Measurement and Analysis for Marketing (2000) 9, 52-69; doi:10.1057/palgrave.jt.5740005
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Survey research is employed to test hypotheses involving brand love, a new marketing construct that assesses satisfied consumers’ passionate emotional attachment to particular brands. Findings suggest that satisfied consumers’ love is greater for brands in product categories perceived as more hedonic (as compared with utilitarian) and for brands that offer more in terms of symbolic benefits. Brand love, in turn, is linked to higher levels of brand loyalty and positive word-of-mouth. Findings also suggest that satisfied consumers tend to be less loyal to brands in more hedonic product categories and to engage in more positive word-of-mouth about self-expressive brands. Copyright Springer Science + Business Media, Inc. 2006
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Diff�rents travaux sur la Responsabilit� Sociale des Entreprises (RSE) montrent que les consommateurs per�oivent plus favorablement les entreprises agissant de mani�re responsable, mais n'�tudient pas sp�cifiquement les effets de la communication soci�tale et de ses caract�ristiques sur le capital-marque. Dans cette recherche, des hypoth�ses sont formul�es � partir du cadre conceptuel du capital-marque propos� par Keller (1993) et test�es exp�rimentalement. Les r�sultats montrent que la communication soci�tale renforce le capital-marque, et que trois autres facteurs interviennent : la sensibilit� soci�tale des consommateurs, la congruence entre l'entreprise et la cause d�fendue, et l'interaction entre la cr�dibilit� de l'information soci�tale et le scepticisme du consommateur.
Purpose Drawing on service logic, the authors investigate how value cocreation leads to evangelical brand-related behaviors (brand defense and brand advocacy). The authors analyze the interplay between value cocreation and customer brand engagement on social media in driving these outcomes. The authors also consider the role of brand love in eliciting evangelical brand-related behaviors. Design/methodology/approach Respondents recruited through Amazon MTurk were surveyed on social media use in tourism-related decisions. The total useable sample size was 397. Partial least squares structural equation modeling (PLS-SEM) was used to test the research model. Findings Value cocreation and customer brand engagement are drivers of evangelical brand-related behaviors, emphasizing the importance of these two in marketing and how they drive behavioral outcomes. Research limitations/implications Service logic highlights the significance of value cocreation which, through customer brand engagement and love, leads to brand defense and advocacy. This explains the mediation in our model, where marketers must undertake efforts to support customer brand engagement and brand love. Practical implications Value is created by the user for the user through their experiences over time. Brands are owned by customers, and their defense and advocacy of them must be earned. Marketers facilitate customer value creation by providing the resources to cocreate value and love the brand. Originality/value Most studies investigate value cocreation from an in-role and/or extra-role perspective as to how it benefits firms. Through service logic, the authors illustrate how it leads to evangelical brand-related behaviors.
Brand gender has been suggested to influence consumer’s responses to the brand. The aim of this research was to deepen the understanding of the relationship between brand gender and brand loyalty by developing a research model to test the relationships among brand gender, active consumer engagement with the brand on social media, perceived quality, brand love and brand loyalty. The hypotheses were tested using structural equation modelling. The results support the importance of active consumer brand-engagement, perceived quality and brand love in underpinning the underlying process between brand gender and brand loyalty. Hence, this research complements prior work on brand gender and confirms the important benefits of a clear brand gender positioning by showing that a strong gender identity will enhance loyalty towards the brand.
The present study aimed to delineate overseas travelers’ behavioral intention formation for revisiting and recommending Thailand for wellness spa tourism. In addition, cross-cultural differences were examined between Chinese and US travelers. Our results successfully built a sturdy framework linking the second-order structure of wellness spa quality, price perception, brand loves, and behavioral intentions in sequence. Moreover, this research successfully deepened their behavioral intention generation process by adding the significant moderating impact of culture (Chinese and US travelers). Our findings help Thailand destination marketers improve its destination competitiveness using wellness spa tourism as a tool.
This study identifies the main areas and current dynamics of the field of board diversity and suggests future research directions. Using a bibliometric analysis, we examine a sample of 579 studies from the ISI Web of Science database to identify research activity on board diversity between 1999 and early 2019. We find the most influential articles and authors based on their citations and publications as well as their location and importance within the network. We also examine current themes, find impediments to growth in the literature, and suggest avenues for future research. Although research activity on board diversity occurs globally, a lack of collaboration exists across country lines, especially between authors of developed and developing countries. Research on board diversity focuses on gender diversity, with relatively less attention on age, nationality, ethnicity, professional background, and cognition. We conclude by suggesting five potential research directions. Key words: Board diversity, bibliometric analysis, citation network, Web of Science, gender, systematic literature review
The purpose of this study was to test the structural relationship between hotel brand personality and brand loyalty. Brand loyalty was conceptualized as a three-dimensional construct along a continuum: affective loyalty, conative loyalty and behavioral loyalty. This study proposed that customers’ perception of hotel brand personality has a positive influence on their affective loyalty, which in turn has a positive effect on their conative loyalty, which leads positively to their behavioral loyalty. Furthermore, this study attempted to examine the moderating role of brand familiarity between brand personality and affective loyalty. Structural equation modeling was used to test the structural relationships. The results suggested that hotel brand personality played an important role in shaping customer’s loyalty toward a brand. In addition, the moderating role of brand familiarity was supported. As familiarity toward a hotel brand increased, the relationship between brand personality and affective loyalty became stronger.
Although a considerable amount of research in personality psychology has been done to conceptualize human personality, identify the “Big Five” dimensions, and explore the meaning of each dimension, no parallel research has been conducted in consumer behavior on brand personality. Consequently, an understanding of the symbolic use of brands has been limited in the consumer behavior literature. In this research, the author develops a theoretical framework of the brand personality construct by determining the number and nature of dimensions of brand personality (Sincerity, Excitement, Competence, Sophistication, and Ruggedness). To measure the five brand personality dimensions, a reliable, valid, and generalizable measurement scale is created. Finally, theoretical and practical implications regarding the symbolic use of brands are discussed.
Both practitioners and academics understand that consumer loyalty and satisfaction are linked inextricably. They also understand that this relation is asymmetric. Although loyal consumers are most typically satisfied, satisfaction does not universally translate into loyalty. To explain the satisfaction–loyalty conundrum, the author investigates what aspect of the consumer satisfaction response has implications for loyalty and what portion of the loyalty response is due to this satisfaction component. The analysis concludes that satisfaction is a necessary step in loyalty formation but becomes less significant as loyalty begins to set through other mechanisms. These mechanisms, omitted from consideration in current models, include the roles of personal determinism (“fortitude”) and social bonding at the institutional and personal level. When these additional factors are brought into account, ultimate loyalty emerges as a combination of perceived product superiority, personal fortitude, social bonding, and their synergistic effects. As each fails to be attained or is unattainable by individual firms that serve consumer markets, the potential for loyalty erodes. A disquieting conclusion from this analysis is that loyalty cannot be achieved or pursued as a reasonable goal by many providers because of the nature of the product category or consumer disinterest. For some firms, satisfaction is the only feasible goal for which they should strive; thus, satisfaction remains a worthy pursuit among the consumer marketing community. The disparity between the pursuit of satisfaction versus loyalty, as well as the fundamental content of the loyalty response, poses several investigative directions for the next wave of postconsumption research.
Brand personality is a key concept in marketing that can be used to create competitive differentiation. Two of the most relevant dimensions of brand personality for academics and practitioners are responsible and active. However, only few studies examine these two personalities, particularly their relationship with prominent marketing constructs. This paper attempts to identify which dimensions of brand experience (i.e., sensory, affective, behavioral, and intellectual) lead to higher consumers' perception of responsible and active brands and in predicting key relationship constructs (i.e., satisfaction, trust and brand loyalty). Based on a survey of 339 Spanish respondents, the results suggest that not all dimensions of brand experience predict brand personality. The findings also suggest that being responsible leads to higher satisfaction and trust compared to being active. On the other hand, being active leads to higher loyalty compared to being responsible.
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