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Rule-based lip-syncing algorithm for virtual character in voice chatbot


Abstract and Figures

Virtual characters changed the way we interact with computers. The underlying key for a believable virtual character is accurate synchronization between the visual (lip movements) and the audio (speech) in real-time. This work develops a 3D model for the virtual character and implements the rule-based lip-syncing algorithm for the virtual character's lip movements. We use the Jacob voice chatbot as the platform for the design and implementation of the virtual character. Thus, audio-driven articulation and manual mapping methods are considered suitable for real-time applications such as Jacob. We evaluate the proposed virtual character using hedonic motivation system adoption model (HMSAM) with 70 users. The HMSAM results for the behavioral intention to use is 91.74%, and the immersion is 72.95%. The average score for all aspects of the HMSAM is 85.50%. The rule-based lip-syncing algorithm accurately synchronizes the lip movements with the Jacob voice chatbot's speech in real-time.
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TELKOMNIKA Telecommunication, Computing, Electronics and Control
Vol. 19, No. 5, October 2021, pp. 1517~1528
ISSN: 1693-6930, accredited First Grade by Kemenristekdikti, Decree No: 21/E/KPT/2018
DOI: 10.12928/TELKOMNIKA.v19i5.19824 1517
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Rule-based lip-syncing algorithm for virtual character in voice
Felicia Priscilla Lovely, Arya Wicaksana
Department of Informatics, Universitas Multimedia Nusantara, Tanggerang, Indonesia
Article Info
Article history:
Received Jan 28, 2021
Revised Jul 14, 2021
Accepted Jul 27, 2021
Virtual characters changed the way we interact with computers. The
underlying key for a believable virtual character is accurate synchronization
between the visual (lip movements) and the audio (speech) in real-time. This
work develops a 3D model for the virtual character and implements the rule-
based lip-syncing algorithm for the virtual character's lip movements. We use
the Jacob voice chatbot as the platform for the design and implementation of
the virtual character. Thus, audio-driven articulation and manual mapping
methods are considered suitable for real-time applications such as Jacob. We
evaluate the proposed virtual character using hedonic motivation system
adoption model (HMSAM) with 70 users. The HMSAM results for the
behavioral intention to use is 91.74%, and the immersion is 72.95%. The
average score for all aspects of the HMSAM is 85.50%. The rule-based lip-
syncing algorithm accurately synchronizes the lip movements with the Jacob
voice chatbot's speech in real-time.
Audio-driven articulation
Manual mapping
Rule-based lip-syncing
Virtual character
This is an open access article under the CC BY-SA license.
Corresponding Author:
Arya Wicaksana
Department of Informatics
Universitas Multimedia Nusantara
Scientia Boulevard, Gading Serpong, Tangerang-15810, Banten, Indonesia
Virtual characters appear in broad applications with speech features in real-time e.g., avatars in a
video call application, in the movie, and the gaming environment [1]. The speech part requires attention to
detail in order to enforce the plausibility of the virtual characters. The underlying key to this is to synchronize
the lip movements with the speech accurately in real-time.
In previous works, we have developed a voice chatbot application called Jacob [2]-[4]. Jacob
functions as a digital assistant to provide users with pre-registered information. It has a speech-to-text module
to process the user input and a text-to-speech module to generate the output speech. It also features a face
recognition module called Vision [3] and an artificial intelligence module called the Cleveree [4] to
paraphrase answers and summarize conversations. However, Jacob does not have any virtual characters for
its conversational agent yet, which is a drawback to the user experience when using Jacob.
In this work, we propose to develop and implement a virtual character for the Jacob voice chatbot.
Our goal is to provide the user with a virtual character by accurately synchronizing the virtual character's lip
movements with the speech in real-time. The virtual character is integrated and tailored to Jacob voice
chatbot. We briefly describe the design process of the virtual character for Jacob, including developing the
3D model. We use the rule-based lip-syncing algorithm in [1] for the synchronization part between the
ISSN: 1693-6930
TELKOMNIKA Telecommun Comput El Control, Vol. 19, No. 5, October 2021: 1517 - 1528
speech and virtual character. We also consider the real-time constraint in implementing the algorithm for
The virtual character development uses C# and Unity and integrates the virtual character with the
Jacob voice chatbot. We use audio-driven articulation for the acoustic analysis and manual mapping for the
algorithm's visual mapping part. These techniques are suitable for real-time applications. We evaluate the
virtual character using the hedonic motivation system adoption model (HMSAM) [5]-[7]. The HMSAM is
used to measure users' behavioral intention to use and immersion when using Jacob with the added virtual
character. Hedonic-motivation systems (HMS) are used primarily to fulfill users' intrinsic motivations.
The rest of this paper is organized as follows. Section 2 briefly describes the related works related to
the algorithm. Section 3 describes the preliminaries of the paper. Section 4 explains the research methods.
Section 5 presents the experimental results, including the end user computing satisfaction (EUCS). Finally,
Section 6 concludes this paper with some discussions on future work.
Cassell et al. [8] proposed the rule-based generation of facial expression, gesture, and spoken
intonation for multiple conversational agents. They developed the framework for the rule-based generation
and several generators: gesture, gaze, and facial expression (FACS), to achieve the goal. The system uses
Pat-Net to synchronize gestures and gaze with the dialogue at the phoneme level. The dialogue itself is
generated automatically using a program and a database of facts. Overall, the system produces an adequate
approach toward the rule-based generation of facial expression, gesture, and spoken intonation. However,
implementation details are limited, and the practicality of the real-time application approach is not stated,
including the performance evaluation of the system.
Poggi et al. [9] published work on a conversational agent named Greta, an embodied conversational
agent (ECA), generally a believable agent. The definition of a believable agent is one that is able to express
emotion and to exhibit a given personality. Greta focuses on believable behavior while interacting with the
user. Greta’s main characteristic is in its ability to dialog with the user in any application domain whose
knowledge has been represented with the appropriate formalism. The formalism required makes it not
straightforward to use and integrate with existing voice chatbot applications such as Jacob.
The new method for natural mapping speech to the lip shape was proposed by Zoric and
Pandzic [10] in 2005 that uses mel-frecuency cepstrum (MFC) and viseme classes. Instead of focusing on
body gesture and facial expression like in the previous two works, Zoric and Pandzic focus more on the face
animation of a speaking avatar so that it realistically pronounces the text based on the process called lip
synchronization. Lip synchronization is the determination of the motion of the mouth and tongue during
speech. The process consists of two main parts: audio to visual mapping and calculating visemes for facial
animation. The proposed system uses a phoneme database for fine-tuning the face animation. The dataset in
the database is used for training the neural network.
The same approach is also proposed by Llorach et al. [11] that uses the lip-sync features for virtual
character development on Eliza’s web. ECAs as desktop applications present drawbacks for both developers
and users; the former must develop for each device and operating system, and the latter must install
additional software, limiting their widespread use. Llorach claimed that there were no WebGL-based ECAs
with 3D virtual characters with advanced features like Eliza in 2017. Compared with other lip-sync systems,
the solution presented in [1] is fast and straightforward to implement. A high level of expertise is not
required, and there is no need to use a corpus to train the system. The lip-sync can be applied to several
different characters with little effort.
Different approach is done by Suwajanakorn [12] that uses machine learning with training videos to
produce lip-sync features. However, this method is not suitable for Jacob’s need for ECA due to the machine
learning model’s long and heavy training process, with many videos as the dataset required that is not
available in this work. The training process took three hundred Obama videos with a total of seventeen hours.
The study’s primary goal in [12] is to generate a video of Obama from his voice and stock footage. This
approach yields photorealistic results but requires a large corpus of existing video data of a single person.
This method is intensely dependent on the speaker [13] and can be challenging to apply.
3.1. Rule-based lip-syncing algorithm
The workflow of the rule-based lip-syncing algorithm introduced in [1] is shown in Figure 1. The
algorithm takes speech as input. The speech in this work is captured from the Jacob voice chatbot in
real-time. The speech input is then processed in the acoustic analysis step. The rules are embodied in the
visual mapping step. These rules determine the movement of the lip animation for the virtual character.
TELKOMNIKA Telecommun Comput El Control
Rule-based lip-syncing algorithm for virtual character in voice chatbot (Felicia Priscilla Lovely)
Figure 1. Rule-based lip-syncing workflow
3.1.1. Acoustic analysis
We use a simple energy-based vocal tract model. Formant energy is estimated to produce visual
features. The formant is the sound spectral peak, which is thoroughly influenced by the vocal tract [14].
Smoothed short-term power spectrum density (st-PSD) is extracted in real-time by processing each audio
block by windowing the input sample using the Blackman window and calculating the fast fourier transform
(FFT) [1].
The window technique is used to design the finite impulse response (FIR) filter, a filter of digital
signals, which has several types, such as Hanning window, Hamming window, Blackman window, and
rectangular window. Blackman window has an advantage in performance and shows the best functionality
based on testing in the research [15]. The st-PSD output is smoothed over time with the previous output and
then converted to dB. We use (1) for the smoothing.
[]+(1)|[]|, = 0, … , 1
0 < < 1 (1)
In (1), [] is the complex frequency domain,
[] is the smooth spectrum, and τ is the self-defined
smoothing variable, which has a value between 0 to 1. Then, the result is converted to dB, which is denoted
as [], producing output, as shown in (2). The results of Y[k], which range from -25dB to -160dB, are then
scaled and increased according to the sensitivity threshold symbolized by (sensitivity threshold is 0.5 by
default). It is then used in (3) to map dynamic range to an interval [-0.5, 0.5], resulting in smoothed st-PSD as
[] as defined by Llorach [1].
[] ,  = 0, … , 1 (2)
[]=+ ([] + 20)/140, = 0, … , 1 (3)
The results from (3) are divided into frequency bands, and energy is calculated for each frequency
band. Energy is calculated using log-scaled data. These frequency bands are defined empirically, and the
frequency bins () are scaled using vocal tract length factor (), which is defined by Llorach [1] in (4).
 =[0, 500,700,3000,6000]  (4)
The frequency bins are then transformed into frequency data indices (), as an index of each
sample in an audio block, as in (5), where fs is the sampling frequency, M is the number of frequency bins
and N is the number of samples per audio block [1]. Then, the energy of each bin, which is denoted as E[m],
is calculated by only calculating the positive value of st-PSD, which is processed using (6) [1].
 [], = 0, … , 1 (5)
[][] []
[] [],[]> 0
= 0, … , 2 (6)
The essential part of this algorithm is the definition of energy bins and limiting frequencies, where
the focus is the energy and frequency of the formants of each vowel. References for an average of vowel
formants are in Table 1 [16].
ISSN: 1693-6930
TELKOMNIKA Telecommun Comput El Control, Vol. 19, No. 5, October 2021: 1517 - 1528
Table 1. Average of vowel formants in Hz
3.1.2. Visual mapping
After the speech is analyzed, the extracted audio or phoneme feature is mapped to the virtual
character's lip parameters, using a viseme, action units, code words, and control parameters. Viseme is a
visual phoneme, which is the shape of the lips when speaking a phoneme. This visual parameter determines
face deformation and can have different levels of complexity.
There are two types of methods for visual mappings: data-driven mapping and manual mapping.
When using several visual parameters, manually mapping audio or phoneme features to these parameters is
complicated. Data-driven audio-visual mapping is preferred in the latest research [13], [17], for both
audio-driven articulation and phoneme-driven. The data-driven technique requires a corpus that has been
recorded to extract the visual parameters related to the acoustic features of phonemes. The results yield high
accuracy but highly dependent on the corpus since it is the primary source for creating the animation and the
lip trajectory [18].
Most approaches use manual mapping to associate phonemes with specific blend shapes, to handle a
small set of comprehensive acoustic and visual parameters. This approach does not require the use of a
corpus. A work done by Xu [19] uses 441 animations that are designed manually for the phonemes, and
another work by Wang [20] uses 16 blend shapes to map phonemes. The manual mapping is
speaker-independent by linking specific frequency features with the visual parameters to produce the
The rule-based lip-syncing algorithm defines a set of frequency-based rules to move three blend
shapes to suit different lip configurations, namely kiss, mouth open, and lips pressed. These three blend
shapes control each horizontal mouth opening, vertical opening and lip volume, and the various lip
configurations that can be achieved. Mouth open is the most basic visual, all vowels, like /a, /i/, /u, /e/, and
/o/ using this blend shape. Blend shape model kiss is used to distinguish between vowels, /o/ and /u/ is a
representation of this blend shape. For fricative consonants, the blend shape model that is used is when the
lips are pressed against each other. This set of functions rules the movement of the blend shape using the
values from (7), (8), and (9) [1].
Three visual parameters are calculated using (7), (8), and (9) where [] is the energy for bin m
that is described in (6) earlier. The , ,  are the weight for each kiss, lips closed, and
mouth open blend shape [1]. The coefficients for E[m] in (7), (8), and (9) are obtained from a heuristic
approach. The coefficients could be modified accordingly to obtain a different shape of the lips.
 =12[2], [1]0.2
(12[2]) . 5[1], [1]< 0.2 (7)
 = 3[3] (8)
= 0.8([1][3]) (9)
The weight of each blend shape affects the shape of the blend shape. Examples of weight for each
blend shape for different vowels can be seen in Figure 2. In Figure 2, an example is shown if the audio is
using vowels that correspond to the average vowel formant as in Table 1, then the mouth shape will be found
in accordance with the combination of three blend shapes that have a certain weight, which affects the mouth
shape of the virtual character.
3.2. HMSAM
The HMSAM is a testing model regarding the level of user acceptance of the HMS system. Hedonic
motivation systems (HMS) means a more concerned system with the element of pleasure than
productivity [6], [7]. Figure 3 shows the HMSAM model [6].
Perceived ease of use (PEOU) serves to measure the level of ease of use of a system.
Perceived usefulness (PU) serves to measure the level of performance of the use of a system.
Curiosity (C) serves to measure the user's curiosity.
Control (Co) functions to measure the user's perception that he is invited to interact with the system.
TELKOMNIKA Telecommun Comput El Control
Rule-based lip-syncing algorithm for virtual character in voice chatbot (Felicia Priscilla Lovely)
Joy (J) functions to measure the level of pleasure that users get from interactions with the system.
Behavioral intention to use (BIU) functions to measure the level of a user's desire to use an application.
Focused immersion (I) functions to measure the user's involvement with the application, which is useful
for knowing how deep the user's level of focus is when using the system.
HMSAM was developed to address users’ underlying intrinsic motivations in a process
oriented context, especially in online gaming, virtual worlds, social network, and gamified learning
environments [5], [21]. The HMSAM generally [22], is the combination of Hedonic-motivation system
(HMS) [23], perceived ease of use (PEOU), and behavioral intentions to use (BIU), where HMS serves as the
critical mediator for the technology acceptance model (TAM) with a concurrent study on user
motivation [24].
Figure 2. Example of weight of every blend shape for different vowels [1]
Figure 3. HMSAM model [5]
3.3. Lemeshow formula
The Lemeshow formula is useful to determine the sample size of a population when the exact
population size is unknown. The sample size calculation described by the Lemeshow formula is shown
in (10). Variable n is the sample size, z is the confidence score, P is the maximum estimate, and d is the
precision [25].
4.1. Design
Jacob’s virtual character’s design is considered based on Jacob chatbot’s specification that has been
built before. Jacob uses the English language for input and output. Jacob’s virtual character workflow starts
from Jacob, where users can ask Jacob’s chatbot via the web-based Jacob application. Then, the answer is
given through Jacob’s desktop-based virtual character. The workflow of Jacob’s virtual character is displayed
in Figure 4.
ISSN: 1693-6930
TELKOMNIKA Telecommun Comput El Control, Vol. 19, No. 5, October 2021: 1517 - 1528
Figure 4. The workflow of Jacob’s virtual character
The process starts with user input in the form of a question to Jacob by speech. The question is
processed, and the answer to the question is retrieved from the database. This answer is delivered back to the
user by speech. The answer is also sent to the virtual character by using a module called Bridge. This Bridge
functions as a connection between the Jacob web-based application and the virtual character desktop-based
application. It ensures to send the answer to the desktop-based application using the JavaScript object
notation (JSON) encode method.
On the Bridge, messages data are also deleted in the database to maintain the storage. Jacob’s virtual
character receives the message via UnityWebRequest and JSONUtility. After receiving the message in the
form of text, the SpeechLib library converts the text message into speech. The speech is saved into an audio
file, and the virtual character application plays the audio file and synchronizes the lip movements with the
speech. The architectural diagram of Jacob’s virtual character is displayed in Figure 5. There are three main
components of Jacob’s virtual character: the web-based application, the Bridge, and the desktop application.
Figure 5. Jacob’s virtual character application’s architecture
The desktop application is developed using Unity and C#. The 3D dimensional character has
vertices that can be adjusted to the bones of the characters, and blend shapes that can be adjusted for
animated movements. Blend shapes can have values within a specific range, and values from blend shapes
can be adjusted or encoded. In this research, blended shapes are needed to animation the character’s mouth
movements when lip-syncing. SpeechLib is used to do speech synthesis for the messages sent by Jacob
chatbot web-based applications to be able to output audio or speech on the desktop application. We present
the flowchart and pseudocode of the algorithm in Figure 6 and Figure 7, respectively.
TELKOMNIKA Telecommun Comput El Control
Rule-based lip-syncing algorithm for virtual character in voice chatbot (Felicia Priscilla Lovely)
Figure 6. Rule-based lip-syncing flowchart
Figure 7. Rule-based lip-syncing pseudocode
4.2. Implementation
In the rule-based lip-syncing algorithm, the audio signal is processed first so that lip-sync can be
performed. Audio signal processing is done by windowing the audio signal using the Blackman window.
Then fast fourier transform (FFT) is calculated. This process is done by using the scripting application
programming interface (API) from Unity. The three blend shapes that are implemented to the virtual
character and user interface of this application are displayed in Figure 8 and Figure 9. The interface, while
Jacob is speaking, can be seen in Figure 10.
ISSN: 1693-6930
TELKOMNIKA Telecommun Comput El Control, Vol. 19, No. 5, October 2021: 1517 - 1528
Figure 8. Jacob’s virtual character lips kiss, closed lips, and open mouth
Figure 9. Jacob’s user interface with the virtual character
Figure 10. Jacob’s user interface while speaking
Jacob's virtual character is tested with direct interaction between the tester and Jacob. We test the
system with live input and different speakers and with several speech audio files. We use a black-box
approach to test all functionalities of the system. Evaluation is carried out by gathering user feedback from
the questionnaire. The sampling technique used is purposive sampling, in which we aim the participants to be
people who are interested in voice chatbots. The population's demography is between 20 and 40 years old,
ranging from student, marketing, human resource, software developer, software quality control, and business
analyst. Since the population size is unknown, the sample size is determined using the Lemeshow formula,
with a z score of 90 percent, a maximum estimate (P) of 0.5, and an error rate of 5 percent. It is obtained
from the formula that the minimum sample size required for this study is 67.65.
In this study, seventy people participate in the evaluation process of the application. We use a
6-point likert scale to force choice and yield better results. If a neutral is desired at any point, the “slightly
agree” and “slightly disagree” could be averaged together. The 6-point likert scale offers options for
completely agree, mostly agree, slightly agree, slightly disagree, mostly disagree, and completely disagree.
Table 2 shows the questionnaire questions.
The overall result of the questionnaire can be seen in the chart presented in Figure 11. Figure 12
displays the detailed results of behavioral intention to use. The detailed results of immersion are shown in
Figure 13. The application is perceived as easy to use by 89.43%. We found that the control (Co) aspect is
the lowest of the four factors, with 76.11%. This is due to the limited control over the virtual character
module when talking to the Jacob voice chatbot. The virtual character developed in this study solely perform
lip-syncing for the Jacob voice chatbot. There are no other interactions added to the module. However, the
TELKOMNIKA Telecommun Comput El Control
Rule-based lip-syncing algorithm for virtual character in voice chatbot (Felicia Priscilla Lovely)
application has provided an adequate level of control for the users to decide what to see, what to do, and
The behavioral intention to use (BIU) is influenced by three factors: perceived usefulness (PU),
curiosity (C), and joy (J). We obtained 91.74% for the BIU of the application. However, the focused
immersion (I) of the application scores only 72.95%. It is due to the control aspect that influences the focused
immersion. Figure 13 shows that most users are absorbed in talking to Jacob with the additional virtual
character module. It is also found that the application requires further enhancement to reduce the level of
distraction of focus. We found no issues with the usability factor of this work.
Table 2. Questionnaire questions
Perceived ease of use (PEOU)
1. Is my interaction with the virtual character Jacob app clear and easy to understand?
2. Does my interaction with the virtual character Jacob app not require much mental effort?
3. Do I feel the Jacob’s virtual character is free of problems?
4. Do I find it easy to do what I want to do using the Jacob’s virtual character?
5. Is it easy for me to learn how to operate the Jacob’s virtual character?
6. Is it simple for me to do what I want with the Jacob’s virtual character?
7. Is it easy for me to become skilled at operating the Jacob’s virtual character?
8. Do I find the Jacob virtual character application easy to use?
Perceived usefulness (PU)
1. Does the virtual character take the burden off my mind?
2. Does the virtual character help me pass the time better?
3. Does the virtual character provide me with a useful solution?
4. Does the virtual character help me think more clearly?
5. Does the virtual character help me feel young again?
Curiosity (C)
1. Does the virtual character delight my curiosity?
2. Does the virtual character make me curious?
3. Does the virtual character awaken my imagination?
Control (Co)
1. Do I have much control over the virtual character?
2. Can I freely choose what I want to see or do?
3. Do I have little control over what I want to do?
4. Am I in control?
5. Do I have no control over my interactions?
6. Am I allowed to control my interactions?
Joy (J)
1. Do I enjoy the application with the virtual character?
2. Do I have fun using the Jacob’s virtual character?
3. Is Jacob's virtual character tedious?
4. Do I find the virtual character annoying?
5. Do I have great experience of using Jacob with the virtual character?
6. Does Jacob's virtual character make me dissatisfied?
Behavioral intention to use. (BIU)
1. Do I plan to use the virtual character again in the future?
2. Will I continue to use the virtual character in the future?
3. Do I hope to continue using the virtual character in the future?
Focused immersion (I)
1. Can I block other distractions while using the virtual character?
2. Can I perceive what I am doing?
3. Am I immersed in the virtual character?
4. Am I easily distracted by outside interference?
5. Could My attention not be easily diverted?
Figure 11. HMSAM questionnaire result
ISSN: 1693-6930
TELKOMNIKA Telecommun Comput El Control, Vol. 19, No. 5, October 2021: 1517 - 1528
Figure 12. Behavioral intention to use (BIU)
Figure 13. Focused immersion (I)
The overall evaluation score for the application using HMSAM gives a better understanding of the
users' perspective on the virtual character's impact on a voice chatbot. This finding supports our research goal
to provide a believable virtual character for a voice chatbot application in real-time. However, this approach's
limitation is the lack of detailed accuracy on the lip movement and shape of the virtual character during
lip-syncing. Other approaches offer higher accuracy but with the expense of extensive training data, effort,
and time.
We further analyzed the blend shapes' formulation based on the heuristic approach to enhance
lip-syncing accuracy. It is also vital to differentiate blend shapes between male and female virtual characters.
We found the most accurate blend shapes formulation for the current virtual character model developed in
this study as the following;
 = (0.34 [2]) 3.6,  [1]0.2
((0.5 [2]) 2) ([1] 5),  [1] < 0.2 (11)
 = E[3] * 3 (12)
 = 1.15 * (E[1] - E[3]) (13)
This study concludes that the rule-based lip-syncing algorithm with audio-driven articulation and
manual mapping is suitable and adequately accurate for synchronizing lip movements with real-time speech.
The manual mapping method does not require corpus recording data, making it highly suitable for
applications that do not have pre-recorded data.
TELKOMNIKA Telecommun Comput El Control
Rule-based lip-syncing algorithm for virtual character in voice chatbot (Felicia Priscilla Lovely)
The approach used in this study also eliminates the necessity of training processes compared to
other approaches, such as the neural network. However, the lip-syncing accuracy is lower compared to the
data-driven method that used corpus recording data. The Jacob voice chatbot application requires fast
lip-syncing in the virtual model's real-time to provide a seamless and believable experience. We measured
this by using the HMSAM, and the behavioral intention to use the score of the application is 91.74%, and the
focused immersion level is 72.95%. The average user satisfaction score for all aspects (perceived ease of use,
perceived usefulness, curiosity, control, joy, behavioral intention to use, and focused immersion) is 85.50%.
Based on this study, the rule-based lip-syncing algorithm provides fast and straightforward design
and implementation, including the integration part with the existing Jacob voice chatbot application. We
learned that the audio-driven articulation and manual mapping techniques are suitable for real-time
applications such as voice chatbot. Although the accuracy level is the trade-off, it is still improvable by using
more specific blend shapes.
Future works are to study the tongue's function and importance for a believable virtual character and
measure the virtual character in terms of its fluidity and vividness. It is also essential to find the blend shapes'
formulation using a more scientific approach instead of a heuristic approach. Including the study of different
blend shapes formulation between male and female virtual characters. Comparison with other works is
essential to benchmark the approach and implementation chosen in this study.
The authors would like to thank Universitas Multimedia Nusantara for the support of this study.
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Felicia Priscilla Lovely is a Software Developer in Nexsoft Indonesia who started her career
as Full Stack Developer, and currently working as Front End Developer. She earned Bachelor
Degree of Computer Science from Universitas Multimedia Nusantara on 2020.
Arya Wicaksana is a lecturer at the Department of Informatics at UMN. He received Master
Degree in VLSI Engineering from Universitas Tunku Abdul Rahman. He successfully
demonstrated the UTAR first-time success ASIC design methodology on a multi-processor
ip project using 0.18um processing technology in 2015. His main research
interests are quantum computing, hardware/software co-
development, and computational
intelligence. He recently worked on a human-like voice chatbot system called Jacob and post-
quantum cryptography for blockchain applications. He is affiliated with ACM and IEEE as a
professional member. He has served as an invited reviewer in IEEE ACCESS, IJNMT, and
IFERP and an invited author in IntechOpen and other scientific publications.
... The bridge is created using the PHP programming language. With the bridge, the answers obtained through the web-based Jacob application can be sent to the desktop-based Jacob application with the help of the JSON Encode method [14]. ...
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Jacob is a voice chatbot application that provides information related to the Informatics Joint Degree program at Universitas Multimedia Nusantara. Jacob is currently designed to be able to do question answering and text mining online in real time for the English language. This study aims to find the best model for question answering and text mining for the Indonesian language and integrated with Jacob as proof of concept. The pre-trained models of IndoBERT-lite and RoBERTa are studied and implemented as a web service. The work includes pre-training and fine-tuning the two models with TyDi QA and Indonesian-translated SQuAD datasets. The goal is to find a model that gives answers in the Indonesian language with the highest accuracy and F-score value. The test and evaluation results indicate that the indobert-lite-squad outperforms the rest for Indonesian question answering and text mining applications. 1. Introduction. Chatbots are designed to recognize user input using pattern matching and to access information from the database to provide an appropriate response [1]. Chatbots are often used to assist human work in conveying information, i.e., in virtual learning systems, customer service, etc. The knowledge of the chatbots depends on the information stored in advance for the chatbot to use. Limitations on the availability of the information confine the knowledge of the chatbots. This can be solved by utilizing information from the Internet online. The web has become a large knowledge repository that provides various information in various forms such as text, audio, graphics, video, and multimedia [2]. The information is unlimited and can be accessed, stored, and updated by users worldwide. However, when searching for information online on the Internet, the process is not straightforward. There are several links containing related information that appear. In those links, there is much information in the form of unstructured text that is not easily used directly by chatbots [3]. Jacob chatbot application is chosen as the target application for the proposed approach. Jacob was developed in 2018 with basic conversational (question-answer) capability in English on specific knowledge: joint degree program at Universitas Multimedia Nusan-tara (UMN) [4]. The language used on the application is English, and the conversational features provided by Jacob for the Indonesian language are not available. This is due to the limited Indonesian language machine learning and text mining models, including Indonesian datasets, compared to English. Multilingual chatbots are also important topics,
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In this modern age, chatbots have been widely used as an information provider. The popularity of voice-based chatbots or voice chatbots has also increased with the presence of technologies such as Microsoft Cortana, Amazon Lex, Apple Siri, and Google Assistant. Interaction with voice chatbot is done using a voice which is more convenient than the text-based chatbots. Universitas Multimedia Nusantara (UMN) requires a tool to provide information for the Informatics joint-degree program. In this paper, a voice chatbot named JACOB is proposed. JACOB is built as a web-based application and implemented with Web Speech API. The sentences received by JACOB are translated using The Jaro-Winkler distance is also applied in this research to reduce errors in identifying the user’s name. This implementation has been tested successfully, and the total satisfaction score measured using End User Computing Satisfaction is 78.53%.
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This paper proposes a face recognition module built as a web service. We introduce a novel design and mechanism for face recognition on a web platform and to memorize most recent users for the user. This web service is called Vision and developed using the Flask and TensorFlow deep learning framework. The face recognition process is powered by FaceNet deep convolutional network model. The face recognition process done by Vision could also be utilized for user authentication and user memorization, both done in on a web platform. As a demonstration of concept and viability, in this study, Vision is integrated into a web-based voice chatbot. The testing and evaluation of Vision’s face recognition process show an overall F-score of one for all test scenarios.
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The acceptance of gamified learning environment is rapidly becoming inevitable in educational learning environment. This gives a widespread popularity by deploying Gamification in to present day curriculum as part of a new educational technology tool. This study addresses perception and usage of gamified learning environment from hedonic motivation perspective through incorporating the Hedonic-Motivation System Adoption Model to Gamified Learning Environment. In this study, a model was developed and tested using a Structure Equation Modelling technique. The results show that perceived usefulness, perceived ease of use, enjoyment and control all have a significant positive relationship with behavioural intention of use and focused immersion which indicates that the acceptance of Gamified Learning Environment could serve as a new educational tool to expedite the improvement of pedagogical and instructional technology. Also, increases students’ motivation and engagement in learning. On the contrary, we also found a negative relationship exists between enjoyment and focused Immersion. Possible research on the effect of enjoyment on focused immersion in gamification could be another area of concentration. In this study, aside from the introduction, the literature explains the adoption of the gamified learning environment and the hedonic motivation model at the end, the analysis and interpretation of our methodology were discussed.
Conference Paper
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The creation and support of Embodied Conversational Agents (ECAs) has been quite challenging, as features required might not be straight-forward to implement and to integrate in a single application. Furthermore, ECAs as desktop applications present drawbacks for both developers and users; the former have to develop for each device and operating system and the latter must install additional software, limiting their widespread use. In this paper we demonstrate how recent advances in web technologies show promising steps towards capable web-based ECAs, through some off-the-shelf technologies, in particular, the Web Speech API, Web Audio API, WebGL and Web Workers. We describe their integration into a simple fully functional web-based 3D ECA accessible from any modern device, with special attention to our novel work in the creation and support of the embodiment aspects.
Conference Paper
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Virtual characters are an integral part of many games and virtual worlds. The ability to accurately synchronize lip movement to audio speech is an important aspect in the believability of the character. In this paper we propose a simple rule-based lip-syncing algorithm for virtual agents using the web browser. It works in real-time with live input, unlike most current lip-syncing proposals, which may require considerable amounts of computation, expertise and time to set up. Our method generates reliable speech animation based on live speech using three blend shapes and no training, and it only needs manual adjustment of three parameters for each speaker (sensitivity, smoothness and vocal tract length). Our proposal is based on the limited real-time audio processing functions of the client web browser (thus, the algorithm needs to be simple), but this facilitates the use of web based embodied conversational agents.
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Reduced frequency range in vowel production is a well documented speech characteristic of individuals with psychological and neurological disorders. Affective disorders such as depression and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) are known to influence motor control and in particular speech production. The assessment and documentation of reduced vowel space and reduced expressivity often either rely on subjective assessments or on analysis of speech under constrained laboratory conditions (e.g. sustained vowel production, reading tasks). These constraints render the analysis of such measures expensive and impractical. Within this work, we investigate an automatic unsupervised machine learning based approach to assess a speaker’s vowel space. Our experiments are based on recordings of 253 individuals. Symptoms of depression and PTSD are assessed using standard self-assessment questionnaires and their cut-off scores. The experiments show a significantly reduced vowel space in subjects that scored positively on the questionnaires. We show the measure’s statistical robustness against varying demographics of individuals and articulation rate. The reduced vowel space for subjects with symptoms of depression can be explained by the common condition of psychomotor retardation influencing articulation and motor control. These findings could potentially support treatment of affective disorders, like depression and PTSD in the future.
Virtual reality (VR) tourism provides consumers with the opportunity to experience a destination in VR and can play a significant role in encouraging visitation and engaging in particular travel activities and behaviors. Hedonic motivation adoption frameworks with flow state and subjective well-being have been shown to have significant roles in continued use of information technology. However, research on a theoretically integrated hedonic motivation system adoption model (HMSAM) specifically with enjoyment, flow state, subjective well-being, and continued use has not previously been conducted with respect to VR tourism. To address this gap, this study develops and investigates a conceptually comprehensive model on the effect of consumers' hedonic behaviors on continued use, with the moderating role of visitor or non-visitor at the destination portrayed in VR tourism. Results identified the highly significant effect of consumers' perceived enjoyment on flow state and of flow state on subjective well-being. Continued use was greatly influenced by flow state and subjective well-being. Importantly for destinations association between usefulness and flow state had a significant moderating effect depending on whether a visitor or non-visitor. The findings offer new knowledge to researchers and industry in the VR tourism fields.
Given audio of President Barack Obama, we synthesize a high quality video of him speaking with accurate lip sync, composited into a target video clip. Trained on many hours of his weekly address footage, a recurrent neural network learns the mapping from raw audio features to mouth shapes. Given the mouth shape at each time instant, we synthesize high quality mouth texture, and composite it with proper 3D pose matching to change what he appears to be saying in a target video to match the input audio track. Our approach produces photorealistic results.
The use of games in education represents a promising tool to motivate and engage students in their learning process. Most of previous research on the topic has focused to develop theoretical frameworks or to conduct experiments as a means to analyse learning outcomes such as knowledge retention, problem‐solving skills gains or attitudes toward game‐based learning. Nevertheless, little research has focused on providing a comprehensive literature review, which will help researchers to better understand how this stream of research has evolved over the last years. In this study, we use a bibliometric, social network and text mining analysis in order to provide useful up‐to‐date information to picture the state of the art about current research and evolution of the topic. Analysis on a sample of 139 articles published in top journals over the last 5 years (2010–2014) allowed identifying relevant authors and institutions, key constructs and themes involved, and trends of knowledge development. Main findings suggest an increasing academic interest on the topic over the last 5 years and a wide variety of constructs that were clustered in four main themes that we named: (i) effectiveness , (ii) acceptance , (iii) engagement and (iv) social interactions . Future research lines are also addressed. Lay Description What is currently known about the use of games in education Games can increase students' intrinsic motivation to learn. Games support active learning. Games facilitate scaffolded instruction based on each individual student's needs. What this paper adds to this This study identifies the most relevant researchers in this research area. This study identifies the most relevant institutions involved in this research area. This study identifies the main topics and themes researched by researchers. This study identifies the main methodological approach used by researchers. Findings for practitioners Relevant researchers and institutions to collaborate with. Topics and themes under research. Methods used to research the use of games in education.