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Magical ayurvedic herbs and spices that can boost our immunity.” MOJ Food Process Technols. 2020; 8(3):99-102.

  • Navyug Kanya Mahavidyalaya University of Lucknow


Today world is facing an unprecedented pandemic COVID 19 caused by SARS COV 2. In present scenario it’s become more important to build our defense system more strong against it as no evidence-based treatment for COVID-19 is developed yet. Since time immemorial, traditional spices and herbs have played a vital role as immuno-boosters in Indian cuisine. Herbs and spices were well known from ancient times for their medicinal properties. More than 80 spices are grown in different parts of the world, particularly in Asia. India is home to several spices that are used extensively in traditional medicine. Spices like turmeric, saffron, cloves, cinnamon, carom seeds, ginger and garlic are known to have a plethora of beneficial properties. Herbs like mint, tulsi (Holy Basil), leaves of neem, ashwagandha, giloy are said to have several health benefits. Herbs and spices are wonderful because, unlike drugs, we don’t need to “take” them. Instead, we can add them to our favorite dishes for a kick of flavor and increased immunity.
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Today worldwide, a novel corona virus disease (COVID-19)
caused by Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Corona virus 2
(SARS-CoV-2) has emerged like a havoc to the humanity. The
disease has unfolds globally and caused more than three lakh
casualty. Worldwide many efforts and measures have been taken by
the countries to control this pandemic but it is ceaselessly spreading.
Now the dimension of pandemic forces us to explore the available
options present in all knowledge systems practicing globally. A ray of
hope has come from China wherever they used Traditional Chinese
Medicine to treat COVID-19 cases and nd better recovery results.
This can also draws attention of scientic community to Ayurveda
classics and its experimental knowledge to get explored for nding
cure for this pandemic.
According to ancient Indian texts, “aushadham ucchyathe sarvam”,
which implies that food is the absolute cure and healer. Ayurveda,
which is a traditional Indian system of medicine and promotes several
herbs, spices and roots that help boost the immune system naturally.
In Ayurveda, spices and herbs are used to cure long standing health
conditions by eliminating metabolic conditions and commonly
termed as ‘cleansers’. Traditionally, in Indian cuisine, herbs and
spices are used in a dish according to their nutritional benets and
their ability to strengthen our immune system, which in turn, can
protect us from ailments and infections. A strong immune system
helps the body ght u, disease-causing viruses, as well as bacteria.
People with compromised immunity are more prone to falling sick
and their symptoms for any disease are more severe as compared to
others. That’s why the need of strong immune system is extremely
important because that will enable us to live a healthy life. And how
the covid-19 is wreaking havoc, it’s even more important to build our
defenses against it.
According to the World Health Organization, around 80% of the
world population uses herbal medicines for primary health care,
particularly across South Asia and Europe. Research studies indicate
that along with building up the body’s immunity, they also have anti-
inammatory properties and relatively have less side effects. This
mini review discussed about some important herbs and spice that
can be used as potent immunity booster. At a time when the world
is reeling under the effects of COVID-19, these Ayurvedic herbs and
spices should be added in our daily diet to boost your immunity:
(Tinospora cordifolia) commonly known as ‘Guduchi’ or
‘Amrita’, is a plant being used from centuries for its medicinal values.
Many studies have reported the hypolipidemic, hypoglycemic,
hepatoprotective, antibacterial, anti-inammatory, antiosteoporotic,
antiobesity, anticarcinogenic and antimutagenic properties of giloy.1–9
Its antioxidant potentials were also investigated in many studies.10 It
is also very effective against lead toxicity, diabetic foot ulcers and
diabetic neuropathy. It also improves learning and memory power.11–13
The immunomodulator properties of giloy was studied in various
models.14,15 α-D-glucan, the main chemical constituent of giloy
stimulate natural killer cells, B cells, and T cells with simultaneous
production of various immune-stimulatory cytokines.15 It also reduces
the total leucocyte count (TLC), neutrophil and eosinophil counts
when its extract has been given to Human Immuno-deciency Virus
(HIV) positive patients.16 In a study done on male wistar rats using
alcoholic extract of giloy showed an increase in the white blood cell
(WBC) counts, bone marrow cellularity, serum Ig concentrations
which further validates the immunomodulatory potential of this
(Withania somnifera) is a very revered herb of the Indian Ayurvedic
system. It is used for various kinds of disease processes and especially
as a nervine tonic. In Sanskrit Ashwagandha, means “the smell of a
horse” because of its vigour and strength of a horse. Ashwagandha is
an adaptogen which is a class of plants and herbs that help to bring
the body’s stress response to normal levels. Such herbs make us more
MOJ Food Process Technols. 2020;8(3):99102. 99
©2020 Singh. This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits
unrestricted use, distribution, and build upon your work non-commercially.
Magical ayurvedic spices and herbs that can boost
our immunity
Volume 8 Issue 3 - 2020
Sunita Singh
Department of Chemistry, Navyug Kanya Mahavidyalaya,
University of Lucknow, India
Correspondence: Dr. Sunita Singh, Assistant Professor,
Department of Chemistry, Navyug Kanya Mahavidyalaya,
University of Lucknow, Lucknow-226004 (U.P), India,
Received: June 29, 2020 | Published: July 30, 2020
Today world is facing an unprecedented pandemic COVID 19 caused by SARS COV 2. In
present scenario it’s become more important to build our defense system more strong against
it as no evidence-based treatment for COVID-19 is developed yet. Since time immemorial,
traditional spices and herbs have played a vital role as immuno-boosters in Indian cuisine.
Herbs and spices were well known from ancient times for their medicinal properties. More
than 80 spices are grown in different parts of the world, particularly in Asia. India is home
to several spices that are used extensively in traditional medicine. Spices like turmeric,
saffron, cloves, cinnamon, carom seeds, ginger and garlic are known to have a plethora of
benecial properties. Herbs like mint, tulsi (Holy Basil), leaves of neem, ashwagandha,
giloy are said to have several health benets. Herbs and spices are wonderful because,
unlike drugs, we don’t need to “take” them. Instead, we can add them to our favorite dishes
for a kick of avor and increased immunity.
Keywords: giloy, ashwagandha, garlic, turmeric, ginger
MOJ Food Processing & Technology
Review Article Open Access
Magical ayurvedic spices and herbs that can boost our immunity 100
©2020 Singh
Citation: Singh S. Magical ayurvedic spices and herbs that can boost our immunity. MOJ Food Process Technols. 2020;8(3):99102.
DOI: 10.15406/mojfpt.2020.08.00247
resilient at times of stress (physical /emotional) and restore a state of
balance. The root of ashwagandha is regarded as tonic, aphrodisiac,
narcotic, diuretic, anthelmintic, astringent, thermogenic and
stimulant.17 Studies show that withanolides,18 the major constituent
of ashwagandha is responsible for its antimicrobial, antitumor,
and immunomodulating properties.19 The antioxidants found in
ashwagandha play a vital role in its ability in boosting the immune
system.20 Studies also showed that the body naturally increases nitric
oxide production in the face of infection, which accounts for a part
of the immune-boosting effects of the herb. Ashwagandha increases
the production of nitric oxide which is responsible for activating the
macrophage al actions of the immune system and improves the ability
to ingest invader foreign cells.21 Ashwagandha also helps in lowering
the inammation by reducing the number of C-reactive protein in the
body. This lowering effect of chronic inammation helps our immune
system to perform efciently by improving the action of Natural Killer
cells which are a part of the innate immune system, and thus play a
vital role in host-rejection of both tumors and viral infected cells.22
Research showed that ashwagandha helps to increase the natural killer
cells in humans studies.
(Allium sativum) belongs to genus Allium which are known for their
production of organosulfur compounds, which possess interesting
biological and pharmacological properties. The compounds extracted
and isolated from garlic exhibits a broad spectrum of benecial
effects against microbial infections as well as cardioprotective,
anticancerigenic, and anti-inammatory activity.23–27 Recently,
garlic has been suggested as a promising candidate for maintaining
the homeostasis of the immune system. Several studies have been
carried out in animal models to examine the effect of different garlic
components and formulations on immunomodulatory activities.28–29
S-allyl-L-cysteine sulfoxide (alliin) and 𝛾-glutamyl cysteine
derivatives are the major constituents of garlic. When garlic is crushed
or chewed, this compound turns into allicin, the main active ingredient
in garlic responsible for its distinctive smell and taste.30 However,
allicin is unstable, so it quickly converts to other sulphur-containing
compounds which exhibits medicinal properties.31 These compounds
have been shown to boost the disease-ghting response of white blood
cells in the body when they encounter viruses, such as the viruses that
cause the common cold or u.32 Aged garlic extract contains fructans
(fructoligosaccharides) which selectively stimulate some benecial
bacteria in colon, modulating immune responses.33
(Curcuma longa) the “Indian saffron” is a yellow orange spice
and medicinal herb that has been used for thousands of years. It is
one of the most well researched spice, explored for its therapeutic
properties. Previous nding has proven that it has therapeutic
potential as antifungal, antiviral, antioxidant, anti-inammatory, and
management of other pharmacological activities.34–38 Curcumin, the
major constituent of turmeric has been proven responsible for its
clinical therapeutic properties Curcumin also shows pivotal role in
the modulation of immune system. The prebiotic-like properties of
turmeric has been explored which enable it to make changes in the
gut microbiota and support the gut-immune connection.39 Curcumin
is capable of lowering cortisol levels which in turn help in
maintaining balance in the immune system. It is important because
all immune cells contain cortisol receptors; alteration in cortisol
levels causes impairment in immune responses.40–41 The excessive
pro-inammatory activity of immune cells leads to suboptimal
health conditions; however, studies also proved that turmeric may
help in regulating hyperactivity of immune cells.42
(Zingiber ofcinale) is widely used spice around the world. In
Chinese, Ayurvedic and Tibb-Unani herbal medicines it has been
used for the treatment of catarrh, rheumatism, nervous diseases,
gingivitis, toothache, asthma, stroke, constipation and diabetes.43 The
medicinal, chemical, and pharmacological properties of ginger have
been extensively reviewed the evidence for the effectiveness of ginger
as an antioxidant, anti-inammatory agent, antinausea compound,
and anticancer agent as well as the protective effect of ginger
against other disease conditions are reviewed. Presence of ketones,
especially the gingerols, which appear to be the primary component
of ginger, is responsible for its spicy aroma.43 The gingerols, paradols,
sesquiterpenes, shogaols, and zingerone, are responsible for powerful
anti-inammatory and antioxidant properties.44 –45 Studies on various
models showed that the ginger extract reduces inammation in those
with conditions like rheumatoid arthritis, inammatory gut disease,
asthma, and certain cancers. A clinical trial on human using ginger
powder signicantly reduced levels of inammatory proteins like
tumor necrosis factor alpha (TNF-alpha) and C-reactive protein
(CRP).46 In another study, male athletes who received 1.5 grams of
ginger powder daily for 6 weeks had a signicant reductions in levels
of inammatory markers, such as TNF-alpha, interleukin 6 (IL-6),
and interleukin-1 beta (IL-1-beta), compared to athletes who received
a placebo.47
In the wake of the COVID 19 outbreak, entire mankind across
the globe is suffering. Enhancing the body’s natural defence system
(immunity) plays an important role in maintaining optimum health.
We all know that prevention is better than cure. While there is no
medicine for COVID-19 as of now, it will be good to take preventive
measures which boost our immunity in these times.
The author is grateful to Department of Chemistry, Navyug kanya
Mahavidyalaya Lucknow for the support.
Conicts of interest
The author declares that there was no conict of interest.
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Citation: Singh S. Magical ayurvedic spices and herbs that can boost our immunity. MOJ Food Process Technols. 2020;8(3):99102.
DOI: 10.15406/mojfpt.2020.08.00247
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Citation: Singh S. Magical ayurvedic spices and herbs that can boost our immunity. MOJ Food Process Technols. 2020;8(3):99102.
DOI: 10.15406/mojfpt.2020.08.00247
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... Some of the traditional spices like turmeric, ginger, garlic, cinnamon and cloves and herbs like tulsi, mint, ashwagandha, giloy, neem and amla have a plethora of beneficial properties. So by taking them or adding them as flavours to food will act as a preventive measure and build immunity (Singh, 2020) [9] . Plant-derived materials gaining popularity because of having multiple component agents, natural immunomodulators with greater potent, safe and economic viability. ...
... Some of the traditional spices like turmeric, ginger, garlic, cinnamon and cloves and herbs like tulsi, mint, ashwagandha, giloy, neem and amla have a plethora of beneficial properties. So by taking them or adding them as flavours to food will act as a preventive measure and build immunity (Singh, 2020) [9] . Plant-derived materials gaining popularity because of having multiple component agents, natural immunomodulators with greater potent, safe and economic viability. ...
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The population is increasing rapidly that leading to a change of lifestyle, health & wellbeing of every individual. The immune system is a natural defence system that is present in every individual, plays a vital role to fight against infections caused by foreign pathogens. India is a country gifted with numerous herbal medicinal plants having medicinal properties that help to build strong immunity. This paper is focused on consumer buying behaviour towards herbal based immunity boosters with a sample size of 246 consumers chosen through convenience sampling. The majority of respondents are male, between the ages 21-30 years, postgraduates and married, having a family size of 3-5 members, with income above Rs 50,000/-monthly. The findings of the study showed that the majority of consumers were moderately aware of the term herbal immunity boosters and purchasing herbal immunity boosters occasionally followed by once in a month, rarely, often and weekly. With help of the Chi-Square test, it is known that there is a significant association between purchase frequency and demographic parameters like age, educational status, profession, marital status, family size and income but there is no significant association between gender and frequency of purchase, educational status and frequency of purchase.
... Conventional medical research expects that a single chemical compound confers low toxicity, high potency, and selectivity towards targeted cellular diseases. However, understanding the pathways of compounds involved in the immune response is difficult and needs more thorough research (Sultan et al. 2014;Sharma et al. 2017;Singh 2020). Overall, the present chapter highlights the potential of conventional medicinal plants, including members of the same family, major bioactive molecules, and their associated therapeutic role in a strong immune system in humans. ...
Since ancient times, medicinal plants have shown immense potential in terms of their immune regulatory functions against viruses, bacteria, fungi, cancer, and inflammation. The belief in the system of folk medicinal practitioners has been passed on from one generation to another generation for many centuries due to their realistic consideration, constant experimentation, and regular testing. In general, the conventional system employs Emblica officinalis, Asparagus racemosa, Tinospora cordifolia, Inula racemosa, Withania somnifera, and different Terminalia species, along with other plants for making tonics and formulations. Currently, conventional medicinal plants are attracting special interest as ideal candidates for one of the major needs of mankind in the present century, i.e., immunity boosters. Furthermore, they have garnered much attention in clinical research as they offer cost-effective solutions for treating major health issues with fewer side effects than those of the allopathic global drug trade. As a result, the use of numerous Rasayana formulations has been boosted to the next level in various geographical areas covering India, China, Japan, Europe, USA, and Africa, and their consumption has reached a new level during the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic. Therefore, the current chapter highlights the potential of conventional medicinal plants including their families, their major bioactive molecules, and their associated therapeutic roles.
... There are certain popular herbs viz. guduchi, ashwagandha, garlic, turmeric, and ginger are used to boost immunity [9]. ...
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In Indic knowledge systems, the purāṇas are at the third hierarchical level, which carries the essence of Vedas. Though they are ancient, their importance is being substantiated (purāpi navaṃ bhavati) in the society by teaching Vedic way of lifestyle through moral stories, in which, science and technology were explained contextually. Those are encyclopedic in nature. For every mundane obstacle, there will be a solution in purāṇas. Presently, the entire world is suffering from COVID-19. Lacking immunity is the cause to be affected by this pandemic. Boosting immunity is one of the solutions to face this virus. During this pandemic, several traditional methods of immunity booster were practiced and resulted positively. In this juncture, interestingly, as a solution, a medicinal preparation is mentioned as a rahasyavidya (secret knowledge) in 140 th adhyāya (yuddhajayārṇava) of Agnipurāṇa. In this preparation, 36 medicinal drugs were used, and it was also praised as mṛtasañjīvani and sarvagohāriṇi. Through classical literature, it is a difficult task to identify the drug and preparation method. So, in this study, the importance of 36 drugs will be highlighted and the medicinal efficacy of individual drugs will also be cross-referred from Ayurvedic materia medica along with their noted botanical names. This study may give scope to test this clinically. Similarly, it may encourage to study the purāṇic literature in scientific manner for welfare of the society.
... It is seen that Curcumin inhibits the growth of parasites & has nematocidal properties. Curcumin helps in lowering cholesterol levels, all immune cell has a cholesterol receptor, thus it helps in the homeostasis of the body during the immune response [21] . Inhibits the production of reactive oxygen species (ROS) and proinflammatory complex [22] . ...
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Abstract: Since endless decades, human beings rely on herbal medicines to cure various misfunction in the body. Plants are an essential source of phytochemicals like Alkaloids, Polyphenols, Terpenoids Glucosinolates & Glycosides which have numerous pharmacological values. Clinical studies show that these active constituents can function as immunomodulators. The review principally focuses on 14 Indian kitchen plants that are used as spices, namely Allium sativum, Cinnamomum tamala, Coriandrum sativum, Cuminum cyminum, Curcuma longa, Elettaria cardamomum, Mangifera indica, Murraya koenigii, Piper longum Linn, Piper nigrum, Syzygium aromaticum, Trachyspermum ammi, Trigonella foenum-graeceum and Zingiber officinale which enhances immune response in the body by both specific and non-specific mechanism. These botanical immunomodulators might open a new sight for novel drug development that is cost- effective, with less adverse effects and toxicity. Keywords: Immunomodulators, Immune system, Herbal medicine and Active constituent.
... Many studies have reported the hypolipidemic, hypoglycemic, hepatoprotective, antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, antiosteoporotic, antiobesity, anticarcinogenic and antimutagenic properties of giloy. 17 Guduchi or Giloy herb is suggested to contain various diterpene compound and polysaccharides including arabinogalactan polysaccharide. These polysaccharides and terpenoids are immunomodulating and adaptogenic in nature. ...
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The whole world facing COVID-19 pandemic, so there has been a lot of interest in ways to boosting our immune system, and thus build a first line of defense against the deadly virus. Since ancient times, medicinal plants, herbs and spices were well known for their medicinal properties. Therefore, the medicinal plants and herbs playing a critical role to boosting our immunity during the COVID-19 pandemic. it is also very important to consume supplements in the form of immune nutrients such as vitamin A, C, E, D, B-complex, Zinc and copper that will support your body to fight against the pathogens. This paper presents an analysis of popular immune-boosting medicinal plants and herbs.
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The massive loss of human lives resulting from the SARS-CoV-2 infection shifted the focus to glaring data that pointed to fatality among humans with poor immunity and comorbidity. In these subjects, the SARS-CoV-2’s pathophysiology manifestation was seen to be significantly more alarming than that in subjects who had no comorbidities or major immunity issues. This presented an overdue wake-up call to mankind to actively participate in strengthening immunity, overall wellness maintenance which allows comorbidity management or better, prevention. Food as the major source to serve nutritional needs appears to be a compromised phenomenon. SARS-CoV-2 pandemic presented a harsh reminder that now is the best time to be inclusive of herbs to human lifestyle alongside physical activities and hygiene. This led to an enlarged worldwide interest in traditional medicine. Traditional Indian medicine, Ayurveda, stands as the most ancient yet living tradition, garnered spotlight for being positively and progressively contributing its therapies aiding SARS-CoV-2 pandemic. These further gains weight with more research and a science-based approach. It is inevitable that it still requires more research and evidence-based efforts to fill the prevalent gap. This review was conducted to gain insight into Ayurveda herbal inclusion to SARS-CoV-2 infection management and the outcomes captured. This review aims to encapsulate the efforts documented and explorative data made available. The hope is for this review to make available the option, probability of an inclusive solution that may be considered to co-stand with allopathy in efforts taken to improve human immunity as a prophylaxis measure, at a larger scale. The review led to a hopeful acceptance of Ayurveda medicinal herbs and their role in SARS-CoV-2 management as positive and reassuring. Keywords: Ayurveda, Covid-19, pandemic, alternative medicine
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Rapid population growth has a negative impact on everyone’s lifestyle, health, and well-being. Everybody has an immune system, a natural defensive mechanism that is essential in the battle against illnesses brought on by external microorganisms. India is endowed with a wide variety of herbal plants that are used medicinally and have the ability to strengthen immunity. The study focuses on consumer buying behaviour for products that increase immunity during the COVID-19 epidemic. Numerous books, articles, journals, and magazines were examined for the study’s purposes. According to the study, most customers had a moderate familiarity with the term “immunity boosters” and occasionally purchased these goods, followed by once a month, seldom, often, and regularly. When purchasing immune booster items during the Covid-19 Pandemic, certain customers’ health consciousness, brand perception of those products, and medical consultation have a substantial impact. KEYWORDS: Consumer Buying Behavior; Consumer; Immunity Booster Products; Immunity; Covid-19; Pandemic.
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Background: Curcuma longa (common name: turmeric) and one of its biologically active constituents, curcumin, have received increased clinical attention. Insufficient data exist on the effects of curcumin and turmeric on the gut microbiota and such studies in humans are lacking. Methods: Turmeric tablets with extract of piperine (Bioperine) (n = 6), curcumin with Bioperine tablets (n = 5), or placebo tablets (n = 3) were provided to healthy human subjects and subsequent changes in the gut microbiota were determined by 16S rDNA sequencing. Results: The number of taxa detected ranged from 172 to 325 bacterial species. The placebo group displayed an overall reduction in species by 15%, whereas turmeric-treated subjects displayed a modest 7% increase in observed species posttreatment. Subjects taking curcumin displayed an average increase of 69% in detected species. The gut microbiota response to treatment was highly personalized, thus leading to responders and nonresponders displaying response concordance. These "responsive" subjects defined a signature involving uniform increases in most Clostridium spp., Bacteroides spp., Citrobacter spp., Cronobacter spp., Enterobacter spp., Enterococcus spp., Klebsiella spp., Parabacteroides spp., and Pseudomonas spp. Common to these subjects was the reduced relative abundance of several Blautia spp. and most Ruminococcus spp. Conclusions: All participants' microbiota displayed significant variation over time and individualized response to treatment. Among the responsive participants, both turmeric and curcumin altered the gut microbiota in a highly similar manner, suggesting that curcumin may drive the majority of observed changes observed in turmeric-treated subjects.
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Nonrestorative sleep (NRS) is one of the cardinal symptoms of insomnia and can occur independent of other components of insomnia. Among the sleep disturbances, NRS has been little studied in the general population, even though this symptom plays an important role in several medical conditions associated with chronic inflammation such as heart disease, fibromyalgia, and chronic fatigue syndrome, as well as various sleep disorders. There is paucity in the literature about effective treatments for NRS. Ashwagandha (Withania somnifera) has been demonstrated to reduce anxiety and stress, allowing the body to settle down and prepare for sleep. This study will be a double-blind, randomized, placebo-controlled interventional study in NRS population.The NRS participants are identified using Restorative Sleep Questionnaire-weekly version (RSQ-W) questionnaire. Actigraphy and polysomnography are used for the objective assessment of sleep. The other assessments used are Hamilton Anxiety Depression Scale (HADS), World Health Organization Quality of Life (WHOQOL) scales, and C-reactive protein. Routine blood and urine analyses will be conducted to assess the safety of treatment. Duration of study for each participant will be 50 days with "day one" for screening followed by randomization for the treatment. The duration for medicine/placebo intake shall be 42 days.Primary outcome will be to evaluate effect of daily supplement of ashwagandha extract compared with placebo in subjects with NRS at 6 weeks from baseline, as assessed by the total score of RSQ-W. Ctri registration number: CTRI/2017/02/007801.
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This review is aimed at presenting relevant information on the therapeutic potential of essential oil sesquiterpenes with anti-inflammatory activity. The data reviewed provide a basis for seeking new anti-inflammatory drugs from natural products that do not exhibit the undesirable side effects often displayed by anti-inflammatory drugs. In this review the experimental models, possible mechanisms of action, and chemical structures of 12 sesquiterpenes are presented.
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Macrophages are the first line of defense and constitute important participants in the bi-directional interaction between innate and specific immunity. Macrophages are in a quiescent form and are activated when given a stimulus. In the present study, we have used Tinospora cordifolia, commonly known as Guduchi, to see its effect on macrophage activation. The direct drug treatment to J774A cells showed activation as assessed by biochemical assays. Enhanced secretion of lysozyme by macrophage cell line J774A on treatment with Tinospora cordifolia and lipopolysacharide was observed, suggesting activated state of macrophages. Enhanced lysozyme production was reported at different time intervals (24 hrs and 48 hrs). This led us to check the effect of the drug on the functional activity of macrophage with respect to microbicidal properties by disk diffusion antibiotic sensitivity test. The enhanced inhibitory effects of T. cordifolia (direct effect) and T. cordifolia treated cell supernatant (indirect effect) on the bacteria (E. coli) indicates the susceptibility of bacteria. This study is an attempt to check the potential significance of the T. cordifolia to be used as immunomodulator for activation of macrophages.
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It is extensively verified that continued oxidative stress and oxidative damage may lead to chronic inflammation, which in turn can mediate most chronic diseases including cancer, diabetes, cardiovascular, neurological, inflammatory bowel disease and pulmonary diseases. Curcumin, a yellow coloring agent extracted from turmeric, shows strong anti-oxidative and anti-inflammatory activities when used as a remedy for the prevention and treatment of chronic diseases. How oxidative stress activates inflammatory pathways leading to the progression of chronic diseases is the focus of this review. Thus, research to date suggests that chronic inflammation, oxidative stress, and most chronic diseases are closely linked, and the antioxidant properties of curcumin can play a key role in the prevention and treatment of chronic inflammation diseases.
Withania somnifera (Ashawagandha) is very revered herb of the Indian Ayurvedic system of medicine as a Rasayana (tonic). It is used for various kinds of disease processes and specially as a nervine tonic. Considering these facts many scientific studies were carried out and its adaptogenic / anti-stress activities were studied in detail. In experimental models it increases the stamina of rats during swimming endurance test and prevented adrenal gland changes of ascorbic acid and cortisol content produce by swimming stress. Pretreatment with Withania somnifera (WS) showed significance protection against stress induced gastric ulcers. WS have anti-tumor effect on Chinese Hamster Ovary (CHO) cell carcinoma. It was also found effective against urethane induced lung-adenoma in mice. In some cases of uterine fibroids, dermatosarcoma, long term treatment with WS controlled the condition. It has a Cognition Promoting Effect and was useful in children with memory deficit and in old age people loss of memory. It was also found useful in neurodegenerative diseases such as Parkinson’s, Huntington’s and Alzeimer’s diseases. It has GABA mimetic effect and was shown to promote formation of dendrites. It has anxiolytic effect and improves energy levels and mitochondrial health. It is an anti-inflammatory and antiarthritic agent and was found useful in clinical cases of Rheumatoid and Osteoarthritis. Large scale studies are needed to prove its clinical efficacy in stress related disorders, neuronal disorders and cancers. Key words: Withania somnifera, rejuvenator, adaptogen / anti-stress, anti-tumor, neuroregenerative, anti-arthritic. doi: 10.4314/ajtcam.v8i5S.9
Major depressive disorder is a devastating mental illness leading to a lifetime prevalence of higher than 16% on individuals. The treatment delay and inevitable adverse effects are major limitations of current depression interventions. Emerging evidence indicates that curcumin produced significant antidepressant properties in depression in both rodents and humans without adverse effects. Therefore, it is necessary to further clarify the antidepressant actions of curcumin and the underlying mechanism in depressed patients. A total of 108 male adults aged between 31 and 59 years were systematically recruited in Tianjin Anding Hospital. Subjects were administered the Chinese version of 17-item Hamilton Depression Rating Scale and Montgomery-Asberg Depression Rating Scale that measures different scores of depressive symptoms. The subjects were asked to take 2 capsules containing either 1000 mg of curcumin or placebo soybean powder daily for 6 weeks on the basis of their current antidepressant medications. The plasma levels of interleukin 1β, tumor necrosis factor α, brain-derived neurotrophic factor, and salivary cortisol were measured by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay before and after curcumin or placebo treatment during the 6-week procedure. Chronic supplementation with curcumin produced significant antidepressant behavioral response in depressed patients by reduction of 17-item Hamilton Depression Rating Scale and Montgomery-Asberg Depression Rating Scale scores. Furthermore, curcumin decreases inflammatory cytokines interleukin 1β and tumor necrosis factor α level, increases plasma brain-derived neurotrophic factor levels, and decreases salivary cortisol concentrations compared with placebo group. These findings indicate the potential benefits of further implications of supplementary administration of curcumin to reverse the development of depression and enhance the outcome of antidepressants treatment in major depressive disorder.
The concept of using phytochemicals has ushered in a new revolution in pharmaceuticals. Naturally occurring polyphenols (like curcumin, morin, resveratrol, etc.) have gained importance because of their minimal side effects, low cost and abundance. Curcumin (diferuloylmethane) is a component of turmeric isolated from the rhizome of Curcuma longa. Research for more than two decades has revealed the pleiotropic nature of the biological effects of this molecule. More than 7000 published articles have shed light on the various aspects of curcumin including its antioxidant, hypoglycemic, anti-inflammatory and anti-cancer activities. Apart from these well-known activities, this natural polyphenolic compound also exerts its beneficial effects by modulating different signalling molecules including transcription factors, chemokines, cytokines, tumour suppressor genes, adhesion molecules, microRNAs, etc. Oxidative stress and inflammation play a pivotal role in various diseases like diabetes, cancer, arthritis, Alzheimer's disease and cardiovascular diseases. Curcumin, therefore, could be a therapeutic option for the treatment of these diseases, provided limitations in its oral bioavailability can be overcome. The current review provides an updated overview of the metabolism and mechanism of action of curcumin in various organ pathophysiologies. The review also discusses the potential for multifunctional therapeutic application of curcumin and its recent progress in clinical biology. Copyright © 2015. Published by Elsevier Ltd.