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Studies intheBasidiodendron caesiocinereum complex (Auriculariales,
ViacheslavSpirin1 · VeraMalysheva2· NathanSchoutteten3· IlyaViner1· OttoMiettinen1· JenniNordén4·
LeifRyvarden5· HeikkiKotiranta6· AnnemiekeVerbeken3· MichaelWeiß7· Karl‑HenrikLarsson8,9
Received: 28 April 2021 / Revised: 22 June 2021 / Accepted: 23 June 2021
© The Author(s) 2021
Taxonomy of Basidiodendron caesiocinereum complex is revised based on morphological and molecular methods (with the
use of nc LSU rDNA, ITS and TEF1 regions). The basidiospore ornamentation is justified as a key morphological character
for the species recognition in the group. As redefined here, B. caesiocinereum is an angiosperm-dwelling species with smooth
basidiospores. Bourdotia cinerella and B. cinerella var. trachyspora are proved to represent separate species with warted
basidiospores; they are reintroduced as Basidiodendron cinerellum and B. trachysporum. Additionally, eight new species
related to B. caesiocinereum are described based on material from Eurasia, North America and Africa, and identity of B.
spinosum from Oceania is discussed.
Keywords Basidiospores· Heterobasidiomycetes· Phylogeny· Taxonomy
For almost two centuries, the basidiospore features, e.g.
their shape, size, colour and ornamentation, have remained
among the main features for morphological recognition of
the basidiomycetous taxa. Almost all members of the Auric-
ulariales (Basidiomycota) have small or medium-sized, col-
ourless (hyaline), smooth basidiospores and three species
with ornamented (warted or spiny) basidiospores have been
so far detected in the genus Basidiodendron Rick (Wojewoda
1981). Two of them, Basidiodendron asperum (L.S. Olive)
Wojewoda and B. spinosum (L.S. Olive) Wojewoda, are
known from their type localities in Tahiti, while the third
one, B. caesiocinereum (Höhn. & Litsch.) Luck-Allen, was
reported from different geographic areas of the world (Wells
and Raitviir 1975).
As re-defined by Luck-Allen (1963), the genus Basidi-
odendron Rick embraces effused wood-inhabiting fungi with
smooth or minutely warted hymenophore, prominent gloe-
ocystidia and longitudinally septate, predominantly four-
celled basidia. It differs from the morphologically similar
genus Bourdotia (Bres.) Bres. & Torrend in having waxy or
arid, non-hygroscopic basidiocarps and on average shorter
basidia devoid of a basal stalk (Luck-Allen 1963, Wells and
Raitviir 1975). Recent phylogenetic studies confirmed that
Basidiodendron and Bourdotia should be treated as separate
Section Editor: Yu-Cheng Dai
* Viacheslav Spirin
1 Finnish Museum ofNatural History, University ofHelsinki,
PO Box7, FI-00014Helsinki, Finland
2 Komarov Botanical Institute RAS, 2 Prof. Popov str.,
St.Petersburg197376, Russia
3 Department ofBiology, Ghent University,
K.L. Ledeganckstraat 35, B-9000Gent, Belgium
4 Norwegian Institute forNature Research, Gaustadalléen 21,
0349Oslo, Norway
5 Department ofBiosciences, University ofOslo, Blindern,
P.O. Box1066, 0316Oslo, Norway
6 Finnish Environment Institute, Latokartanonkaari 11,
00790Helsinki, Finland
7 Steinbeis-Innovationszentrum, Organismische Mykologie
und Mikrobiologie, Vor dem Kreuzberg 17, 72070Tübingen,
8 Natural History Museum, University ofOslo, Blindern,
P.O. Box1172, 0318Oslo, Norway
9 Gothenburg Global Biodiversity Centre, Post Box461,
40530Gothenburg, Sweden
Mycological Progress (2021) 20:1275–1296
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genera (Weiß and Oberwinkler 2001, Spirin etal. 2020).
While re-describing B. caesiocinereum, Wells (1959) and
Luck-Allen (1963) noted it may have smooth or ornamented
basidiospores. McNabb (1969) and Gilbertson (1974) found
this feature taxonomically insignificant. On the contrary,
Oberwinkler (1963) designated warted-spored collections
as Bourdotia caesiocinerea (Höhn. & Litsch.) Bourdot &
Galzin var. trachyspora and clearly separated them from
the smooth-spored B. caesiocinerea s. str. Based on nrLSU
sequences, Weiß and Oberwinkler (2001) showed these
taxa are not conspecific and they belong to Basidiodendron,
although no explicit taxonomic conclusions were proposed.
Finally, Roberts (2001) subsumed the warted-spored speci-
mens of B. caesiocinereum under B. spinosum. To investi-
gate this problem more closely, we examined type specimens
of Corticium caesiocinereum Höhn. & Litsch. (= Basidi-
odendron caesiocinereum) and Sebacina spinosa L.S. Olive
(= B. spinosum), as well as authentic material of Bourdotia
cinerella Bourdot & Galzin (incl. var. trachyspora) (to date,
a synonym of B. caesiocinereum) and a number of B. caesio-
cinereum s. lato specimens from boreal – temperate Eurasia,
North America (USA and Mexico) and Africa (Malawi).
Additionally, a DNA study based on three markers (nc LSU
rDNA, ITS and TEF1) was conducted. Results of this study
are presented below.
Material andmethods
Morphological study
Type specimens and collections from herbaria H, O, GENT,
LE, FH, PC, NY, TAAM, TU, CWU were studied. Her-
barium acronyms are given according to Thiers (2020).
Microscopic routine and terminology follow Spirin etal.
(2020). All measurements were made from microscopic
slides mounted in Cotton Blue, using phase contrast and oil
immersion lens (Leitz Diaplan microscope, ×1250 magnifi-
cation). At least 20 basidia, 10–20 gloeocystidia and 20–30
basidiospores were measured for each specimen studied. The
following abbreviations are used in the taxonomic section: L,
mean basidiospore length; W, mean basidiospore width; Q’,
L/W ratio; Q, mean L/W ratio; and n, number of measure-
ments per specimens measured. Advances of phase contrast
illumination versus bright-field microscopy are explained
in Stein (1969). For microscopic study, we subjectively
determined an accuracy of measurements as 0.1µm. These
measurements (including those for the basidiospore orna-
mentation elements, i.e. warts or spines) were subsequently
calibrated with the scanning electronic microscope (SEM).
For preparing SEM photos, basidiocarps were coated with
a 25-mm layer of gold-palladium using an Eiko IB-3 sput-
ter coater. Micrographs were taken using JSM-6380LA
microscope at the Moscow State University (Russia) and
JEOL JSM-7100FLV field emission microscope at Botanical
Garden Meise (Belgium).
DNA study
In total, 80 specimens were selected for molecular sampling
(Table1). We performed PCR directly from small fragments
of dried basidiocarps (without prior DNA extraction) using
Phire Plant Direct PCR Kit (Thermo Scientific) according
to the manufacturer’s instructions. DNA extraction of Bel-
gian and Dutch collections was done using the DNeasy Plant
Mini kit (Qiagen).
The following primers were used for both amplifica-
tion and sequencing: the primers ITS1F (Gardes and Bruns
1993) and ITS4 (White etal. 1990) for the nrITS1-5.8S-
ITS2 region, primers EF1-983F and EF1-1567R (Rehner
and Buckley 2005) for a part of the TEF1 region and primers
JS1 (Landvik 1996) and LR5 (Vilgalys and Hester 1990)
for D1-D3 domains of nc LSU rDNA region. PCR prod-
ucts were purified applying the GeneJET Gel Extraction and
DNA Cleanup Micro Kit (Thermo Scientific). Sequencing
was performed with an ABI model 3500 Genetic Analyzer
(Applied Biosystems). Raw data were edited and assem-
bled in MEGA 7 (Kumar etal. 2018). Molecular studies
were mostly carried out at the centre for collective use of
scientific equipment “Cellular and molecular technology of
studying plants and fungi” (Komarov Botanical Institute,
Russian Academy of Sciences, St. Petersburg, Russia) and
the centre for molecular phylogeny and evolution (CeMoFe)
(Ghent University, Belgium).
For this study, 76 ITS, 30 TEF1 and 35 nc LSU rDNA
sequences were generated (Table1). Additionally, 71 ITS
and 61 nc LSU rDNA sequences, including the outgroup,
were retrieved from GenBank and UNITE (www. ncbi.
nlm. nih. gov/ genba nk/; https:// unite. ut. ee/). Sequences
were aligned with the MAFFT version 7 web tool (http://
mafft. cbrc. jp/ align ment/ server/) with subsequent manual
Three datasets were prepared for the present study: (1)
ITS + nc LSU rDNA dataset (1647 characters including
gaps) used to reconstruct a general topology of the Auricu-
lariales, with special focus on Basidiodendron spp.; (2) ITS
+ nc LSU rDNA + TEF1 (1884 characters including gaps);
and (3) ITS only (628 characters including gaps) datasets for
the B. caesiocinereum complex.
Phylogenetic reconstructions were performed with maxi-
mum likelihood (ML) and Bayesian (BI) analyses. Before
the analyses, the best-fit substitution model for the alignment
was estimated based on the Akaike Information Criterion
(AIC) using FindModel web server (http:// www. hiv. lanl.
gov/ conte nt/ seque nce/ findm odel/ findm odel. html). “K80
plus Gamma” model was chosen for ITS dataset, and “GTR
Mycological Progress (2021) 20:1275–1296
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Table 1 DNA sequences generated for the present study
Species Specimen/herbarium Country (ISO code) Host GenBank /UNITE sequence numbers
caesiocinereum NS 18-172(GENT) BE Fagus sylvatica MW139272 - -
B. caesiocinereum NS 18-226(GENT) BE F. sylvatica MW139267 - -
B. caesiocinereum NS 18-625(GENT) BE F. sylvatica MW139268 - -
B. caesiocinereum NS 18-902 (GENT) BE F. sylvatica MW139269 - -
B. caesiocinereum NS 18-925 (GENT) BE F. sylvatica MW139270 - -
B. caesiocinereum NS 18-1050 (GENT) BE F. sylvatica MW139266 - -
B. caesiocinereum NS 18-1051 (GENT) BE F. sylvatica MW139271 - -
B. caesiocinereum OM 10608(H) CN Populus sp. (?) MW136071 - -
B. caesiocinereum VS 13663 (H) IT Corylus avellana MW136105 MW136140 MW187110
B. caesiocinereum VS 11764(O) NO Ulmus glabra MW136082 - -
B. caesiocinereum VS 11776 (O) NO Betula pubescens MW136101 MW136136 MW187106
B. caesiocinereum VS 12536 (O) NO Tilia cordata MW136069 - MW187084
B. caesiocinereum VS 12500 (O) NO C. avellana MW136061 - -
B. caesiocinereum VS 12502 (O) NO U. glabra MW136084 - MW187095
B. caesiocinereum VS 12504 (O) NO U. glabra MW136065 - MW187082
B. caesiocinereum VS 12511 (O) NO U. glabra MW136083 - MW187094
B. caesiocinereum VS 12515 (O) NO U. glabra MW136100 MW136135 MW187105
B. caesiocinereum VS 12465 (O) NO U. glabra MW136102 MW136137 MW187107
B. caesiocinereum VS 11115 (O) NO Alnus incana MW136103 MW136138 MW187108
B. caesiocinereum SS 901 (O) NO Picea abies MW259231 - -
B. caesiocinereum HK 26428 (H) RU-KRA Alnus hirsuta MW136072 - MW187085
B. cinerellum VS 13485 (H) BE Pinus sylvestris MW136088 MW136125 MW187097
B. cinerellum VS 12337 (TU) EE P. sylvestris UDB0754270 - -
B. cinerellum VS 12350 (TU) EE C. avellana UDB0754279 - -
B. cinerellum VS 13681 (H) IT P. abies MW136086 MW136123 MW187096
B. cinerellum VS 11188 (O) NO A. incana MW136104 MW136139 MW187109
B. cinerellum VS 12449 (O) NO U. glabra MW136064 - MW187081
B. cinerellum VS 13317 (H) SI Pinus mugo MW136097 MW136131 MW187102
B. cinerellum VS 13275 (H) SI P. mugo MW136093 MW136130 MW187101
B. eyrei ENZ 13-100 (GENT) NL P. abies MW139273 - -
B. eyrei ENZ 18-101 (GENT) NL decayed wood MW139274 - -
B. eyrei ENZ 18-103 (GENT) NL decayed wood MW139275 - -
B. eyrei NS 19-411 (GENT) NL decayed wood MW139277 - -
B. glaucum VS 11750 (O) NO A. incana MW136085 - -
B. glaucum JN 9815 (O) NO Picea abies MW259227 - -
B. glaucum JN 9920 (O) NO P. abies MW259234 - -
B. glaucum JN 9858 (O) NO P. abies MW259226 - -
B. glaucum SS 370 (O) NO P. abies MW136079 MW136120 MW187091
B. glaucum JN 9683 (O) NO P. abies MW259233 - -
B. glaucum JN 9079 (O) NO P. abies MW259232 - -
B. glaucum JN 9080 (O) NO P. abies MW259228 - -
B. glaucum SS 11 (O) NO P. abies MW259229 - -
B. glaucum SS 140 (O) NO P. abies MW259235 - -
B. glaucum SS 144 (O) NO P. abies MW136070 - -
B. glaucum SS 863 (O) NO P. abies MW136078 MW136119 MW187090
B. glaucum VS 7890 (H) RU-KHA Picea ajanensis MW136063 - -
B. groningae GVA 20-040 (GENT) BE rotten wood MW139280 - -
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plus Gamma” model was chosen for nrITS + nc LSU rDNA
+ TEF1 and ITS + nc LSU rDNA datasets.
Maximum likelihood analysis was run on RAxML serv-
ers, v.0.9.0 (Kozlov etal. 2019) with 1000 rapid bootstrap
replicates. Bayesian analyses was performed with MrBayes
3.2.5 software (Ronquist etal. 2012), for two independent
runs, each with 5 million generations (for ITS + nc LSU
rDNA + TEF1 dataset) and 10 million generations (for ITS
and ITS + nc LSU rDNA datasets), under described mod-
els and four chains with sampling every 100 generations.
To check for convergence of MCMC analyses and to get
estimates of the posterior distribution of parameter values
Tracer v1.6 was used (Rambaut etal. 2014). We accepted the
result where the ESS (effective sample size) was above 200
and the PSRF (potential scale reduction factor) was close
to 1.
The outgroup choice for the order-level phylogeny (Sis-
totrema brinkmannii (Bres.) J. Erikss., Cantharellales) was
guided by the current JGI Basidiomycota tree ((https://
mycoc osm. jgi. doe. gov/ mycoc osm/ speci es- tree/ tree;_
FJDxL? organ ism= basid iomyc ota) where Cantharellales
were recovered close to Auriculariales and Sebacinales. ITS,
nc LSU rDNA and TEF1 sequences of Bourdotia, the sister
genus of Basidiodendron, were selected as outgroups for the
species-level analyses of the B. caesiocinereum complex.
Newly generated sequences have been deposited in Gen-
Bank with corresponding accession numbers (Table1).
Alignments have been deposited in TreeBASE (S27231).
Table 1 (continued)
Species Specimen/herbarium Country (ISO code) Host GenBank /UNITE sequence numbers
B. groningae ENZ 18-001 (GENT) NL conifer MW139278 MW136483 -
B. groningae ENZ 19-073 (GENT) NL conifer MW139276 MW136482 -
B. groningae NS 18-1325 (GENT) NL Hippophae rhamnoides MW139265 - -
B. inconspicuum VS 8171 (H) US-WA Thuja plicata MW136098 MW136132 MW187103
B. mexicanum LR 23131 (O) MX Pinus patula MW136068 - -
B. robenae OM 16910.2 (H) US-NY hardwood MW270998 MW271001 -
B. robenae OM 19650 (H) US-NY hardwood MW270997 MW271000 -
B. spiculosum LR 23324 (O) MX Cyathea sp. MW136076 MW136117 MW187088
B. trachysporum TU 112986 EE decayed wood UDB016299 - -
B. trachysporum OM 22962.2 (H) FI P. abies MW136096 - -
B. trachysporum ENZ 20-005 (GENT) NL P. sylvestris MW139281 - -
B. trachysporum VS 11111 (O) NO P. abies MW136089 MW136126 -
B. trachysporum VS 12528 (O) NO P. abies MW136067 MW136113 MW187083
B. trachysporum VS 11801 (O) NO P. abies MW136091 MW136129 MW187100
B. trachysporum VS 11803 (O) NO P. abies MW136090 MW136127 MW187098
B. trachysporum VS 12508 (O) NO P. abies MW136081 MW136122 MW187093
B. trachysporum JN 9601 (O) NO P. abies MW259230 MW136134 -
B. trachysporum SS 608 (O) NO P. abies MW136062 MW136111 -
B. trachysporum HK 26387 (H) RU-KRA Pinus sibirica MW136087 MW136124 -
B. trachysporum VS 11886 (H) RU-LEN P. abies MW152419 MW136128 MW187099
B. trachysporum VS 9188a (H) RU-NIZ P. sylvestris MW136080 MW136121 MW187092
B. trachysporum VS 9481 (H) RU-NIZ P. sylvestris MW136074 MW136115 MW187086
B. trachysporum VS 9483 (H) RU-NIZ U. glabra MW136077 MW136118 MW187089
B. trachysporum HK 29616 (H) RU-ZAB conifer MW270996 MW270999 -
B. trachysporum VS 12548 (H) SI Larix decidua MW136099 MW136133 MW187104
B. trachysporum VS 12623 (H) SI P. abies MW136095 - -
B. trachysporum VS 13147 (H) SI P. abies MW136092 - -
B. trachysporum AS 72(CWU) UA Quercus robur MW136094 - -
B. trachysporum VS 8262 (H) US-WA Pseudotsuga menziesii MW136060 - -
B. trachysporum VS 8740 (H) US-WA Abies lasiocarpa MW136075 MW136116 MW187087
B. walleynii WR 3081 (GENT) BE Q. robur MW139279 - -
B. walleynii VS 9697 (H) RU-NIZ Q. robur MW136066 MW136112 -
B. widdringtoniae LR 11307a (O) MW Widdringtonia whytei MW136073 MW136114 -
Mycological Progress (2021) 20:1275–1296
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ITS + nc LSU rDNA dataset
The overall topologies of the ML and BI trees were nearly
identical (Fig.1). They uncovered all B. caesiocinereum
s. lato specimens involved in the analyses in one strongly
supported clade (bs =100, pp =1) with B. luteogriseum
Rick (the generic type of Basidiodendron) and members
of the B. eyrei complex (as defined by Spirin etal. 2020).
Therefore, we interpreted all these taxa as belonging to
one genus, Basidiodendron. In turn, the Basidiodendron
clade was split into four strongly supported subclades.
Two of them covered the Basidiodendron eyrei complex
and contained fourteen species with smooth, ellipsoid or
globose, usually small basidiospores. They all were dealt
with in our previous publication (Spirin etal. 2020). Two
remaining subclades encompassed the B. caesiocinereum
complex. The larger subclade (designated in Fig.1 as B.
caesiocinereum group) contained sequences of specimens
morphologically identical to the type material of B. cae-
siocinereum (smooth-spored) and B. caesiocinereum var.
trachysporum (warted-spored). According to our results,
these taxa should be accepted as two separate species; as
a consequence, B. caesiocinereum var. trachysporum is
raised to the species level. Additionally, five more lineages
were detected in the B. caesiocinereum group. These are
introduced as new species below. Two of them (B. glau-
cum and B. robenae) are smooth-spored, two species (B.
inconspicuum and B. walleynii) have warted basidiospores,
and in one species (B. widdringtoniae) the spore wall bears
spines. The smaller subclade (labelled as Basidiodendron
cinerellum group, Fig.1) contained sequences of specimens
identical to a lectotype of Bourdotia cinerella; the latter
species is redescribed and combined in Basidiodendron
below. Alongside B. cinerellum with warted spores, three
new species (introduced as B. groningae, B. mexicanum and
B. spinulosum) with spiny basidiospores were uncovered
in the B. cinerellum group. Rather high variability of ITS
sequences of some species (in particular, B. caesiocinereum
s. str. and B. trachysporum) prompted us to investigate their
identity with the use of an additional marker.
ITS + nc LSU rDNA + TEF1 dataset
The final alignment contained 1884 characters (including
gaps). The overall topologies of the ML and BI trees were
nearly identical and in a good correspondence with the ITS +
LSU phylogeny (Fig.2). Both B. caesiocinereum s. str. and B.
trachysporum lineages are strongly supported and therefore
interpreted by us as representing single species each.
ITS dataset
Twenty additional environmental ITS sequences related to B.
caesiocinereum complex were retrieved from GenBank and
UNITE and used in the phylogenetic analyses (Supplement).
Seven of them belonged to B. trachysporum and confirmed
this species is widespread in temperate—boreal forests
of Eurasia and North America. Basidiodendron caesioci-
nereum, B. cinerellum and B. walleynii were represented by
three, two and one environmental sequences, respectively.
Seven remaining sequences potentially represent four more
species in the B. caesiocinereum complex: two from Canada
(British Columbia) (KP889384, KP889562), one from tem-
perate Europe (Austria) (JF519252, JF519305) and possi-
bly one more represented by sequences from UK, Estonia
and Alaska (AF504871, KF297103, UDB0141409). How-
ever, we could not connect these sequences with available
herbarium material, and therefore their identity remains
The morphology-based species identification in the B.
caesiocinereum complex mainly relies on the presence and
character of basidiospore ornamentation. As stated under
“Material and methods,” phase contrast illumination and
Cotton Blue as a mountant are compulsory for this investi-
gation. Of twelve species treated below, three species have
completely smooth basidiospores and in nine species they
are ornamented (Figs.3, 4). Among the latter ones, four
species possess warted and five have spiny outgrowths on
the spore wall. Other morphological traits should also be
considered for a correct species recognition. In particular,
three species with warted basidiospores occurring in Europe
(B. cinerellum, B. trachysporum and B. walleynii) are distin-
guishable due to differently looking basidiocarps and gloeo-
cystidia, as well as specific arrangement of hymenial cells.
Differentiating characters of B. caesiocinereum and related
species are summarized in Table2. Sequenced collections
are marked by asterisk.
Basidiodendron caesiocinereum (Höhn. & Litsch.) Luck-
Allen, Canadian J. Bot. 41: 1036, 1963. – Figs.3, 4, 5 and 6
≡ Corticium caesiocinereum Höhn. & Litsch., Sitzungsb.
Kaiserl. Akad. Wissenschaften, Math.-Naturw. Klasse Abt.
1, 117: 1116, 1908. Holotype. Germany. Nordrhein-West-
falen: Steinfurt, Lengerich, rotten hardwood, 1908 Brink-
mann (FH 00304795, studied).
Basidiocarps effused, smooth, first waxy, pruinose or
somewhat gelatinized, semitranslucent, greyish, then com-
pact, greyish-bluish, older basidiocarps with a faint ochra-
ceous-brownish tint, 0.02–0.03 (0.05) mm thick, up 3 cm in
widest dimension, margin gradually thinning-out. Hyphal
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structure monomitic, hyphae clamped; subicular hyphae
thin- or slightly thick-walled, subparallel, (2) 3–4 (5.5) μm
diam, subhymenial hyphae thin-walled, easily collapsing,
ascending or interwoven, 2–3 (3.5) μm diam. Gloeocystidia
rather abundant to rare, tapering, slightly projecting, hyaline
to yellowish, (13) 14–40 (41) × (4) 4.2–9.4 (10.0) μm (n
= 86/11). Basidia four-celled, ovoid to suburniform, (11.8)
12.2–24.2 (26.8) × (7.0) 7.2–11.4 (12.3) μm (n = 339/20),
occasionally with a distinct stalk-like base up to 10 × 3–5
μm, sterigmata gradually tapering, up to 15 × 2.5–3 μm;
involucres poorly developed. Basidiospores smooth, thin-
walled, compressed-subglobose or globose, (5.0) 5.1–7.8
(8.3) × (5.2) 5.3–8.1 (8.8) μm (n = 780/26), L = 5.57–6.93,
W = 5.97–7.28, Q’ = (0.8) 0.9–1.0, Q = 0.93–1.00, apiculus
prominent, regular, sometimes slightly asymmetric, up to 2
× 2 μm.
Distribution and ecology. Europe (Belgium, Estonia, Fin-
land, Germany, Italy, Norway), Asia (China, Russia – Sibe-
ria); almost exclusively on rotten wood of deciduous trees,
as a rule in excessively humid habitats.
Remarks. Höhnel and Litschauer (1908) described C.
caesiocinereum based on a single collection from Ger-
many. They overlooked inner septation of basidia as well
as the presence of cystidia, and this was a reason for them
to assign the new species to the genus Corticium s. lato.
Bourdot and Galzin (1927) restudied the type material of C.
caesiocinereum and found that it has gloeocystidia and four-
celled basidia. They concluded that C. caesiocinereum is an
older name for Bourdotia cinerella Bourdot & Galzin. This
viewpoint has persisted in the literature until the present
day. However, we argue below that B. cinerella represents a
warted-spored taxon, while the type specimen of C. caesioc-
inereum has smooth basidiospores. Therefore, the synonymy
of C. caesiocinereum and B. cinerella should be abandoned.
As redefined here, B. caesiocinereum is most similar to B.
glaucum. The two species are best separated by their ecolog-
ical preferences. Basidiodendron glaucum is a northern spe-
cies almost exclusively restricted to coniferous wood, while
B. caesiocinereum is connected to angiosperm hosts, mainly
in inundated habitats. However, B. glaucum may acciden-
tally occur on deciduous trees, and one sequenced collection
of B. caesiocinereum came from spruce. In these cases, B.
caesiocinereum can be distinguished from B. glaucum due
to longer basidia occasionally provided with a long stalk-like
base. Basidiospores of B. caesiocinereum are on average
larger than in B. glaucum, although their variation ranges
are strongly overlapping. The distribution areas of both B.
caesiocinereum and B. glaucum stretch along the northern
part of Eurasia. No verified records of these species exist
from North America. See B. robenae for further comments.
Specimens examined. Belgium. Vlaams-Brabant:
Hoeilaart, Zoniënwoud, Kersselaerspleyn, Fagus sylvatica,
X.2018 Schoutteten 18-172*, 18-226*, 18-625*, 18-902*,
18-925*, 18-1050*, 18-1051* (GENT). China. Jilin:
Antu Co., Huang Song Pu, Populus sp. (?), 28.VIII.2005
Miettinen 10608* (H). Finland. Varsinaissuomi: Bromarv,
Rilax, deciduous wood, 13.X.2000 Saarenoksa 12100 (H).
Uusimaa: Helsinki, Myllypuro – Puotinharju, Betula sp.,
3.IX.1989 Saarenoksa 18789 (H), Vanhakaupunki, Alnus
incana, 10.IX.1989 Saarenoksa 22889 (H), hardwood,
18.IX.1998 Saarenoksa 17598 (H), Veräjämäki, Salix caprea
(?), 19–21.X.2011 Miettinen 14910.1, 14934.2 (H), Betula
sp., 25.X.2019 Miettinen 22920.1 (H); Porvoo, Stensböle,
S. caprea, 1.XI.1990 Kotiranta 9337 (H); Sipoo, Lilla
Kummelberget Nat. Res., Populus tremula, 29.IX.2010
Kotiranta 22735 (H). Enontekiön Lappi: Enontekiö,
Kilpisjärvi, Betula pubescens spp. tortuosa, 2.IX.1983
Kotiranta 4745a (H). Germany. Bavaria: Bad Hindelang,
Hinterstein, strongly decayed deciduous wood, 20.IX.1995
Weiß 1995-320* (M.W.). Italy. Lombardy: Varese, Valganna,
San Gemolo, Corylus avellana, 14.X.2019 Spirin 13663*
(H). Norway. Vest-Agder: Lyngdal, Skoland, Ulmus glabra,
1.XI.2017 Spirin 11764* (O, H), rotten wood, 1.XI.2017
Larsson 17730, 17733, 17735, 17737, 17751 (O); Mandal,
Uføra, Betula pubescens, 2.XI.2017 Spirin 11776* (O),
C. avellana, 2.XI.2017 Spirin 11780 (O). Aust-Agder:
Grimstad, Sæveli, C. avellana, 2.XI.2017 Spirin 11788
(O). Vestfold: Larvik, Jordstøyp i Kvelde, Tilia cordata,
30.IX.2018 Spirin 12536* (O), U. glabra, 30.IX.2018 Spirin
12538, 12539, 12542 (O), Vemannsås, U. glabra, 30.IX.2018
Spirin 12523 (O). Telemark: Bamble, Rognsheia, A. incana,
3.XI.2017 Spirin 11799 (O); Nome, Mørkvasslia, A. incana,
25.X.2016 Spirin 11187 (O), Picea abies, 16.X.2011
Svantesson 901* (O F253623). Buskerud: Lier, Asdøljuvet,
A. incana, 29.IX.2018 Spirin 12515* (O), C. avellana,
29.IX.2018 Spirin 12500* (O), U. glabra, 29.IX.2018 Spirin
12502*, 12504*, 12511* (O). Akershus: Asker, Esvika,
Acer platanoides, 28.IX.2018 Spirin 12462 (O), U. glabra,
28.IX.2018 Spirin 12465* (O); Baerum, Kjaglidalen, A.
incana, 16.IX.2016 Spirin 11115*, 11121 (O), C. avellana,
16.IX.2016 Spirin 11123, 11126 (O), S. caprea, 16.IX.2016
Spirin 11129 (O). Oppland: Nord-Fron, Liadalane, A. incana,
12.IX.2016 Spirin 11044 (O), 29.IX.2017 Spirin 11636,
11649 (O), rotten wood, 29.IX.2017 Larsson 17631 (O);
Sel, Sagåa, S. caprea, 13.IX.2016 Spirin 11069 (O). Møre og
Romsdal: Nesset, Eikesdalen, A. incana, 27.IX.2017 Spirin
11610 (O), rotten wood, 27–28.IX.2017 Larsson 17548,
17558 (O). Russia. Krasnoyarsk Reg.: Turukhansk Dist.,
Lebed’, Alnus hirsuta, 23.VIII.2013 Kotiranta 26428* (H).
Fig. 1 Combined phylogenetic ITS + nc LSU rDNA topology from
Bayesian analysis showing main lineages within the Auriculariales.
Sequences generated for this study are indicated in bold. GenBank/
UNITE or collection numbers (for newly generated sequences) are
given for all sequences. Support values (BS/PP) are given above the
branches. Scale bar shows expected changes per site
Mycological Progress (2021) 20:1275–1296 1281
1 3
Basidiodendron cinerellum (Bourdot & Galzin) Spirin
& V. Malysheva, comb. nov. – Figs.3, 4, 5 and 7
MB 838719
≡ Bourdotia cinerella Bourdot & Galzin, Bull. Soc.
Mycol. France 36: 71, 1920. Lectotype (selected here,
MBT395945). France. Aveyron: Causse Noir, Pinus sp.,
20.XI.1913 Galzin 14526 (herb. Bourdot 12419) (PC
Basidiocarps effused, smooth, first waxy, pruinose-
reticulate, greyish, then gelatinized, continuous, dirty-grey
to pale ochraceous or brownish, occasionally tuberculate,
often with irregularly scattered craters, 0.01–0.05 mm thick,
covering a few cm, margin gradually thinning-out. Hyphal
structure monomitic, hyphae clamped, glued together;
subicular hyphae thin-walled, subparallel, 2.5–4 μm diam,
subhymenial hyphae thin-walled, ascending or interwoven,
occasionally twisted, 1.5–3 μm diam, basidia-bearing
hyphae distinct in older parts of hymenium, slightly thick-
walled, up to 12 × 2–3.5 μm. Gloeocystidia abundant,
more or less clearly tapering, slightly projecting, hyaline
or yellowish to brownish, (13.5) 14–34 (35) × (3.4) 3.7–8.0
(9.0) μm (n = 75/8), solitary or in groups of 2–5. Basidia
four-celled, ovoid to broadly suburniform, (8.8) 8.9–16.0
(17.0) × (6.3) 7.0–10.2 (10.3) μm (n = 70/7), sterigmata
gradually tapering, up to 10 × 1.5–2 μm; involucres well-
developed, often totally covering basidial cells (except
sterigmata); basidia in mature specimens embedded in
gelatinous matrix and glued together in large groups.
Basidiospores warted, thin- or slightly thick-walled (wall
up to 0.2 μm thick), compressed-subglobose or globose,
(4.8–) 4.9–7.2 (–7.6) × (5.1–) 5.2–7.7 (–7.8) μm (n =
330/11), L = 5.48–6.43, W = 5.85–6.77, Q’ = 0.9–1.0, Q =
0.94–0.97, apiculus prominent, regular, sometimes slightly
asymmetric, up to 1.5 × 1.2 μm.
Fig. 2 Combined phyloge-
netic ITS + nc LSU rDNA +
TEF1 topology from Bayesian
analysis showing phylogenetic
relationships of the Basidioden-
dron caesiocinereum complex.
GenBank/UNITE or collection
numbers (for newly generated
sequences) are given for all
sequences. Support values (BS/
PP) are given on the branches.
Scale bar shows expected
changes per site
Mycological Progress (2021) 20:1275–1296
1 3
Distribution and ecology. Europe (Belgium, Estonia, Fin-
land, France, Germany, Italy, Norway, North-West Russia,
Slovenia, Sweden); on tough, often still corticated branches
and fallen logs in various stages of decay, predominantly of
Remarks. Bourdot and Maire (1920) introduced B.
cinerella from a large set of specimens collected in the
southern part of France. They described it as having smooth
spherical basidiospores and later considered it a synonym
of C. caesiocinereum. However, B. cinerella has remained
untypified, and therefore its actual relation to C. caesioci-
nereum was obscure. We studied all (in total 29) specimens
stored in Bourdot’s herbarium (PC), which were labelled by
him as ‘Sebacina (Bourdotia) cinerella’. Of them, two col-
lections (Bourdot 40882 and 9047) belong to B. cinereum
(Bres.) Luck-Allen s. lato, a species with cylindrical-ellip-
soid spores; they do not fit to the protologue and cannot be
used for typification. The rest of the specimens have globose
spores, in good accordance with the original description, but
they are warted, not smooth. Among them, two specimens
represent Bourdotia cinerella var. trachyspora described
seven years later (Bourdot and Galzin 1927) and considered
here as a separate species. They certainly were not the main
source for the B. cinerella description. Twelve remaining
specimens were collected from coniferous (Pinus) and thir-
teen were from angiosperm hosts. However, both decidu-
ous trees and conifers were mentioned as substrates in the
protologue of B. cinerella, and therefore the host indication
alone is insufficient for understanding the original idea of the
species. Fortunately, Bourdot and Galzin provided a good
description of macroscopic traits of B. cinerella: basidio-
carps were described as ‘whitish, whitish-grey, often glanc-
ing, pale ochraceous and crustaceous when old’ (‘blanchâ-
tre, blanc-gris souvent brillant, subocracé et crustacé sur le
vieux’ – Bourdot and Galzin 1920: 71). These indications fit
the pine-dwelling specimens and preclude collections from
Fig. 3 Microscopic struc-
tures of Basidiodendron spp.
as seen in scanning electron
microscope. a, b: B. caesioci-
nereum (holotype of Corticium
caesiocinereum), basidium and
basidiospores; c: B. cinerel-
lum (lectotype of Bourdotia
cinerella), basidiospores;
d: B. groningae (holotype),
basidiospores; e: B. spiculosum
(holotype), basidiospores; f: B.
spinosum (holotype of Sebacina
spinosa), basidiospores
Mycological Progress (2021) 20:1275–1296 1283
1 3
angiosperm hosts with arid, opaque basidiocarps. We assign
the latter ones to a new species B. walleynii and select the
best-developed specimen from Pinus (Galzin 14526, herb.
Bourdot 12419) as a lectotype of B. cinerella.
Basidiodendron cinerellum is one of three species with
warted basidiospores distributed in Europe. The most strik-
ing microscopic feature, differentiating B. cinerellum from
two other species (i.e., B. trachysporum and B. walleynii),
is the presence of a cyanophilous gelatinous matter covering
basidial cells. In juvenile specimens, this matter is visible
at least in some basidia as an essential (1–2μm) thickening
of the basidial wall. In mature, and especially in senescent
basidiocarps, the gelatinous matrix covers basidia up to the
very top and glues them together in large, easily detectable
groups. Moreover, basidiocarps of B. cinerellum often have
dirty-greyish or ochraceous-brownish tints and, at least in
some parts, they are more or less clearly gelatinized. In con-
trast, basidiocarps of B. walleynii remain arid and normally
pale, while in B. trachysporum they are usually very thin,
constantly whitish-greyish and occasionally gelatinized only
when old. No signs of hymenial gelatinous matter so charac-
teristic for B. cinerellum were detected in B. trachysporum
or B. walleynii.
Basidiodendron cinerellum and B. trachysporum inhabit
mostly coniferous hosts and sometimes occur in the same
habitats. Our data suggest, however, that they may have
quite different ecological specialization. Basidiodendron
cinerellum seemingly prefers tough, often still corticated
wood—mainly thick, still hanging or just fallen branches or
small- to medium-sized logs. In turn, Basidiodendron tra-
chysporum mostly occurs on well-decomposed wood, often
on rotten logs lying on the ground or inside old stumps,
Fig. 4 Basidiospores of Basidiodendron spp. a: B. caesiocinereum
(holotype of C. caesiocinereum); b: B. cinerellum (lectotype of Bour-
dotia cinerella); c: B. glaucum (holotype); d: B. groningae (holo-
type); e: B. incospicuum (holotype); f: B. mexicanum (holotype); g: B.
robenae (holotype); h: B. spiculosum (holotype); i: B. trachysporum
(Spirin 12548); j: B. walleynii (holotype); k: B. widdringtoniae (holo-
type). Scale bar = 10 µm
Mycological Progress (2021) 20:1275–1296
1 3
although several records were made from small corticated
coniferous branches.
Specimens examined. Belgium. Namur: Philippeville,
Viroinval, Fondry des Chiens, Pinus sylvestris, 11.X.2019
Spirin 13485*, 13494 (H). Estonia. Viljandimaa: Tipu,
Kikepera, P. sylvestris, 16.IX.2018 Spirin 12337* (H,
TU114809), Lemmjõe, C. avellana, 17.IX.2018 Spirin
12350* (H, TU114820). Finland. Varsinaissuomi: Lohja,
Lohjansaari, P. abies, 28.VIII.2003 Kotiranta 19980 (H);
Tammisaari, Tenhola, P. abies, 1.IX.2004 Kotiranta 20450
(H). Uusimaa: Helsinki, Kumpula, P. abies, 16.IX.2001
Saarenoksa 04201 (H), Mölylä, P. abies, 4.XI.2017 Miettinen
21459 (H), Veräjämäki, P. abies, 30.X.2019 Viner 2019-
195 (H), P. sylvestris, 3.VI.2019 Spirin 12543 (H); Sipoo:
Rörstrand, P. abies, 22.IX.2009 Miettinen 14005 (H); Vantaa,
Vestra, dead Fomitopsis pinicola on P. abies, 10.V.2014 Spirin
6850 (H). Etelä-Häme: Hämeenlinna, Ahvenaistenjärvi, P.
abies, 22.IX.2016 Miettinen 20402 (H), Kotinen, P. abies,
25.IX.2014 Spirin 8099 (H). Etelä-Karjala: Virolahti, Klamila,
decorticated board (old house), 5.VI.2010 Kotiranta 22704a
(H). Inarin Lappi: Utsjoki, Kevo, Juniperus communis,
20.IX.2009 Kotiranta 23123 (H). France. Aveyron: Causse
Noir, Pinus sp., 3.XI.1911 Galzin 10147 (herb. Bourdot
9059) (PC 0706674), Galzin 10190 (herb. Bourdot 9061)
(PC 0084210), 20.XI.1913 Galzin 14514 (herb. Bourdot
13962) (PC 0706665), Galzin 14520 (herb. Bourdot 13963)
(PC 0706676), Galzin 14537 (herb. Bourdot 13964) (PC
0706673), 30.XI.1913 Galzin 14775 (herb. Bourdot 13966)
(PC 0706675), 17.V.1915 Galzin 17703 (herb. Bourdot 20187)
(PC 0706678), 5.XII.1915 Galzin 18879 (herb. Bourdot
15695) (PC 0706666), Galzin 18906 (herb. Bourdot 18566)
(PC 0706660), Galzin 18919 (herb. Bourdot 15733) (PC
0706681), 16.V.1919 Galzin 24592 (herb. Bourdot 26851) (PC
0706682). Germany. Bavaria: Wertach, Jungholz, decayed P.
Table 2 Geographic, ecological and morphological traits in Basidiodendron caesiocinereum complex
Species Geographic distribution Host Basidia Basidiospores
B. caesiocinereum Eurasia, temperate – hemibo-
real Angiosperms 12–24 × 7–11.5 μm, exposed smooth,
5.1–7.8 × 5.3–8.1 μm,
Q = 0.93–1.00
B. cinerellum Europe, temperate – boreal Mostly
gymnosperms 9–16 × 7–10 μm, glued in
groups warted,
4.9–7.2 × 5.2–7.7 μm,
Q = 0.94–0.97
B. glaucum Eurasia, boreal Gymnosperms (predominantly
Picea)10–14.5 × 7.5–10.5 μm,
exposed smooth,
5.1–6.8 × 5.2–7.0 μm,
Q = 0.96–0.98
B. groningae Europe, temperate Gymnosperms and angio-
sperms 13–18 × 9–12 μm, exposed spiny,
6.0–7.9 × 6.2–8.2 μm,
Q = 0.95–0.96
B. inconspicuum North America (North West),
temperate Gymnosperms (Thuja) 10–13 × 7–9 μm, exposed warted,
5.0–6.2 × 5.2–6.5 μm,
Q = 0.95
B. mexicanum North America, temperate Gymnosperms (Pinus) 12–15.5 × 9.5–12 μm, exposed spiny,
5.9–7.3 × 6.1–7.4 μm,
Q = 0.96
B. robenae North America, temperate Angiosperms 12–18 × 7–9 μm, exposed smooth,
5.1–6.4 × 5.2–6.9 μm,
Q = 0.94–0.96
B. spiculosum North America, subtropical Fern remains 15–24 × 10–12 μm, exposed spiny,
6.9–8.2 × 7.1–8.9 μm,
Q = 0.96
B. spinosum Oceania (Tahiti), tropical Rotten wood 9–10 × 6–7.5 μm, exposed spiny,
4.6–5.2 × 4.8–5.8 μm,
Q = 0.96
B. trachysporum Eurasia and North America
(North-West), temperate –
Mostly gymnosperms 8.5–16 × 7–11 μm, exposed warted,
4.8–7.4 × 5.0–7.8 μm,
Q = 0.94–0.98
B. walleynii Europe, temperate Angiosperms (mostly Castanea
and Quercus)11–15.5 × 7–11 μm, exposed warted,
5.1–7.0 × 5.3–7.2 μm,
Q = 0.96–0.98
B. widdringtoniae South Africa, subtropical Gymnosperms (Widdringtonia) 11.5–14 × 8–11 μm, glued in
groups spiny,
5.9–6.8 × 6.1–7.1 μm,
Q = 0.96
Mycological Progress (2021) 20:1275–1296 1285
1 3
Fig. 5 Basidiocarps of Basidi-
odendron spp. a: B. caesioci-
nereum (Spirin 11764); b: B.
cinerellum (Spirin 13317); c: B.
trachysporum (Spirin 11801); d:
B. walleynii (Bourdot 19447).
Scale bar = 1 cm
Fig. 6 Microscopic structures of
smooth-spored Basidiodendron
spp. A: B. caesiocinereum (hol-
otype of C. caesiocinereum),
B: B. glaucum (holotype), C: B.
robenae (holotype); hc – hyme-
nial cells, sh – subicular hyphae.
Scale bar = 10 µm
Mycological Progress (2021) 20:1275–1296
1 3
abies, 8.X.1996 Weiß 1996-393* (M.W.). Italy. Lombardy:
Varese, Bedero Valcuvia, Marteghetta, P. abies, 14.X.2019
Spirin 13681* (H), P. sylvestris, 14.X.2019 Spirin 13692 (H).
Norway. Telemark: Bamble, Rognsheia, P. abies and dead
Phellinus ferrugineofuscus, 3.XI.2017 Larsson 17829 (O);
Nome, Mørkvasslia, A. incana, 25.X.2016 Spirin 11188*
(O). Akershus: Asker, Stokkerelva at Åstaddammen, U.
glabra, 28.IX.2018 Spirin 12449* (O); Baerum, Kjaglidalen,
P. abies, 4.V.2016 Spirin 10019 (O). Oppland: Lunner,
Rinilhaugen Nat. Res., P. abies, 17.IX.2016 Spirin 11144
(O); Sel, Sagåa Nat. Res., P. abies, 13.IX.2016 Spirin 11059
(O). Russia. Leningrad Reg.: Boksitogorsk Dist., Anisimovo,
P. abies, 15.VII.2014 Spirin 7004 (H), Vozhani, P. abies,
2.X.2016 Spirin 11168 (H); Kirishi Dist., Klinkovo, P. abies,
7.VIII.2019 Spirin 12872 (H); Podporozhie Dist., Vazhinka,
P. abies, 16.IX.2017 Spirin 11405 (H). Yamalo-Nenets
Fig. 7 Microscopic structures of European Basidiodendron spp. with
ornamented spores. A: B. cinerellum (Spirin 12337), B: B. gronin-
gae (holotype), C: B. trachysporum (Spirin 11111), D: B. walleynii
(hymenial cells from holotype, gloeocystidia from Walleyn 3081);
ba – basidia embedded in gelatinous matrix, gl – gloeocystidia, hc –
hymenial cells, sh – subicular hyphae. Scale bar = 10 µm
Mycological Progress (2021) 20:1275–1296 1287
1 3
Autonomous Dist.: Priuralsky Dist., Sob’, Picea obovata,
11.VIII.1969 Parmasto (TAAM 053842). Slovenia. Gorenjska:
Kranjska Gora, Vršič, Pinus mugo, 5.VI.2019 Spirin 12576
(H), 27.IX.2019 Spirin 13317*, 13325, 13333, 13338, 13344
(H); Bohinj, Lipanca, L. decidua, 26.IX.2019 Spirin 13290,
13303 (H), 29.VII.2020 Spirin 13945 (H), P. abies, 6.VI.2019
Spirin 12594, 12613, 12626 (H), 26.IX.2019 Spirin 13229,
13237 (H), P. mugo, 26.IX.2019 Spirin 13275*, 13281, 13287,
13293 (H), Mrežce, P. abies, 26.IX.2019 Spirin 13221 (H),
Mrzli Studenec, P. abies, 27.VII.2020 Spirin 13879 (H), Ravne
v Bohinju, Abies alba, 28.VII.2020 Spirin 13888 (H), Studor,
P. abies, 27.VII.2020 Spirin 13852 (H); Mojstrana, Triglavska
Bistrica, P. abies, 28.IX.2019 Spirin 13418, 13422, 13471 (H).
Sweden. Kalmar: Vimmerby, Norra Kvill, P. abies, 27.X.2010
J. Nordén 7879 (O). Örebro: Lekeberg, Ugglehöjden, P. abies,
13.X.2010 J. Nordén 7561 (O).
Basidiodendron glaucum Spirin & K.H. Larss., sp.
nov. – Figs.4 and 6
MB 838720
Holotype. Norway. Nord-Trøndelag: Snåsa, Blåella,
64.2939N 13.029E, Picea abies (decorticated log),
28.IX.2011 J. Nordén 9683* (O F-248006, isotype – H).
Etymology: Glaucus (Lat., adj.) – bluish-grey, in refer-
ence to the basidiocarp’s colour.
Basidiocarps effused, smooth, first waxy, pruinose, then
continuous, arid, greyish, 0.02–0.06 (0.1) mm thick, up 6
cm in widest dimension, margin gradually thinning-out.
Hyphal structure monomitic, hyphae clamped; subicular
hyphae thin-walled, subparallel, 2–3 μm diam, subhymenial
hyphae thin-walled, easily collapsing, ascending or interwo-
ven, 1.5–2 (2.5) μm diam. Gloeocystidia rather rare, taper-
ing, slightly projecting, hyaline to yellowish, (14) 14.5–34.0
(38.0) × (3.7) 4.0–8.2 (9.0) μm (n = 30/3). Basidia four-
celled, ovoid to broadly suburniform, (10.1) 10.2–14.3
(14.8) × (7.0) 7.7–10.3 (11.0) μm (n = 62/6), sterigmata
gradually tapering, up to 13 × 2.5–3 μm; involucres poorly
developed. Basidiospores smooth, thin-walled, compressed-
subglobose or globose, (5.0) 5.1–6.8 (7.0) × (5.0) 5.2–7.0
(7.2) μm (n = 270/9), L = 5.53–6.24, W = 5.67–6.37, Q’ =
0.9–1.0 (1.1), Q = 0.96–0.98, apiculus prominent, usually
slightly asymmetric, up to 2 × 1.8 μm.
Distribution and ecology. Europe (France, Norway,
North-West Russia, Sweden), Asia (Russian Far East);
almost exclusively on rotten wood of conifers.
Remarks. Basidiodendron glaucum is distributed in boreal-
subalpine coniferous forests of Eurasia. It seems to occur
mostly in old-growth communities with abundant wood rem-
nants. Basidiodendron globisporum Spirin & V. Malysheva
has the same ecological preferences. It can be distinguished
from B. glaucum by the smaller basidia (9–12 × 7–9 μm) and
basidiospores (4.6–5.8 × 4.8–5.9 μm, L = 4.95–5.15, W =
5.10–5.33) with a less prominent apiculus (Spirin etal. 2020).
Differences between B. glaucum and the look-alike B. caesio-
cinereum are listed above. Basidiodendron robenae is mor-
phologically almost indistinguishable from B. glaucum but
it was detected only on angiosperm hosts in North America.
Specimens examined (paratypes). France. Vosges: Saint-
Dié-des-Vosges, Plainfaing, Col du Bonhomme, A. alba,
12.X.2019 Spirin 13539 (H). Norway. Vest-Agder: Lyngdal,
Fladstad, A. incana, 1.XI.2017 Spirin 11750* (O). Akershus:
Nannestad, Rudskampen, P. abies, 10.X.2011 J. Nordén 9815*
(O F-248007). Telemark: Drangedal, P. abies, 18.X.2011 J.
Nordén 9920* (O F253676); Nome, Mørkvasslia, P. abies,
16.X.2011 J. Nordén 9858* (O F253666); Sandalslia, P.
abies, 13.X.2011 Svantesson 863* (O). Akershus: Nannestad,
8.X.2011 J. Nordén 9760 (O). Sør-Trøndelag: Selbu, Råndalen,
P. abies, 19–20.IX.2011 J. Nordén 9313, 9326, 9339 (O),
Svantesson 351 (O); Tydal, Hilmo, P. abies, 22.IX.2011
Svantesson 370* (O), 23.IX.2011 J. Nordén 9573 (O). Nord-
Trøndelag: Snåsa, Blåella, P. abies, 27.IX.2011 J. Nordén
9605 (O), 28.IX.2011 J. Nordén 9678, 9680 (O). Nordland:
Hattelldal, Nordlia, P. abies, 9.IX.2011 J. Nordén 9079* (O
F253604), J. Nordén 9080* (O F253638); Grane, Litltuva,
P. abies, 5–6.IX.2011 Svantesson 10 (O), Svantesson 11* (O
F253609), Svantesson 52 (O), Svantesson 140* (O F253677),
Svantesson 141, 144* (O). Russia. Khabarovsk Reg.:
Verkhnebureinskii Dist., Dublikan Nat. Res., Picea ajanensis,
23.VIII.2014 Spirin 7890* (H 7028622). Leningrad Reg.:
Kirishi Dist., Shariya, P. abies, 10.VIII.2019 Spirin 12922
(H). Sweden. Västra Götaland: Strömstad, Hästeskede, P.
abies, 31.X.2011 J. Nordén 10037 (O). Västerbotten: Lycksele,
Altarliden, P. abies, 29.IX.2010 J. Nordén 7152 (O).
Basidiodendron groningae Schoutteten & Spirin, sp.
nov. – Figs.3, 4 and 7
MB 838721
Holotype. Netherlands. Groningen: Lauwersoog, Ballast-
plaatbos, 53.402N 6.213E, Hippophae rhamnoides (dry cor-
ticated branch), 10.XI.2018 Schoutteten 18-1325* (GENT,
isotype – H).
Etymology: Groninga (Lat., noun) – a Latin name of Gro-
ningen, the type locality.
Basidiocarps effused, smooth, first waxy, pruinose-
reticulate, greyish, then continuous, greyish to pale
ochraceous, 0.02–0.04 mm thick, covering a few mm, in some
portions slightly gelatinized, margin gradually thinning-out.
Hyphal structure monomitic, hyphae clamped; subicular
hyphae thin- or slightly thick-walled, interwoven, 2–3 μm
diam, subhymenial hyphae thin- to slightly thick-walled,
ascending or interwoven, 1.5–2 μm diam. Gloeocystidia
abundant, distinctly tapering, slightly projecting, hyaline to
yellowish, (14) 18–34 (41) × (4.0) 4.1–7.0 (7.5) μm (n =
20/1), solitary or in groups of 2–7. Hyphidia not observed.
Mycological Progress (2021) 20:1275–1296
1 3
Basidia normally four-celled, ovoid to broadly suburniform,
(12.8) 12.9–17.8 (18.2) × (8.4) 9.0–12.0 (12.2) μm (n =
30/2), sterigmata gradually tapering, up to 14 × 2.5–3
μm; some basidia obliquely or even transversally septate,
1–2-sterigmatic, occasionally pleural; involucres indistinct.
Basidiospores spiny (spines up to 0.3–0.6 μm long), thin-
walled or with slightly thickened (up to 0.3 μm) walls,
compressed-subglobose or globose, (5.9) 6–7.9 (9.1) × (6.1)
6.2–8.2 (9.4) μm (n = 90/3), L = 6.35–7.14, W = 6.68–7.40,
Q’ = 0.9–1.0, Q = 0.95–0.96, apiculus prominent, regular or
eccentric, sometimes slightly asymmetric, up to 3 × 1.8 μm.
Distribution and ecology. Europe (Belgium, Netherlands);
dead wood of unidentified conifers and deciduous trees (Hip-
pophae rhamnoides).
Remarks. Basidiodendron groningae is the only species
with spiny basidiospores so far detected in Europe. It was
collected three times around Groningen in the Netherlands and
once in Belgium, but its actual distribution is unknown. Four
other species with spiny spores dealt with in this paper were
found in North America (B. mexicanum, B. spiculosum), Africa
(B. widdringtoniae) and Oceania (B. spinosum). In the type
specimen of B. groningae, basidia occasionally bear oblique
or even transversal septa, and then only one or two apical cells
produce sterigmata. This feature illustrates morphological
flexibility of basidial cells most likely caused by environmental
conditions and seems to have no taxonomic importance.
Specimens examined (paratypes). Belgium. Antwerpen:
Boeckhout, Den Turck, rotten wood, 6.II.2020 Van Autgaerden
20-040* (GENT). Netherlands. Groningen: Lauwersoogbos,
fallen corticated coniferous branch, 11.XI.2018 Enzlin
18-001* (GENT); Oude Pekela, Pekelderbos, fallen corticated
coniferous branch, 24.X.2019 Enzlin 19-073* (GENT).
Basidiodendron inconspicuum Spirin & V. Malysheva,
sp. nov. – Figs.4 and 8
MB 838722
Holotype. USA. Washington: Clallam Co., Willoughby
Creek, 47.8218N 124.1983W, Thuja plicata (very rotten
decorticated log), 7.X.2014 Spirin 8171* (H, isotype – LE).
Etymology: Inconspicuus (Lat., adj.) – inconspicuous,
in reference to the hardly detectable basidiocarps of the
Basidiocarps effused, smooth, waxy, pruinose-reticulate,
whitish or greyish, 0.01–0.02 mm thick, covering a few
mm, hardly detectable. Hyphal structure monomitic, hyphae
clamped; subicular hyphae slightly thick-walled, subparallel,
2–3 μm diam, subhymenial hyphae thin- or slightly thick-
walled, ascending or interwoven, 1.5–3 μm diam. Gloeocystidia
abundant, tapering, slightly projecting, hyaline to yellowish,
(12) 13–27 (37) × (3.6) 3.8–7.8 (8.3) μm (n = 20/1), solitary.
Basidia four-celled, ovoid to broadly suburniform, (9.8)
10.2–13.2 (13.7) × (6.8) 7.0–8.8 (9.2) μm (n = 20/1), sterigmata
gradually tapering, up to 8 × 1.5 μm; involucres normally
poorly developed, well-visible in senescent hymenium only.
Basidiospores minutely warted, thin-walled, compressed-
subglobose or globose, (4.8) 5.0–6.2 × (5.1) 5.2–6.5 (6.7) μm (n
= 30/1), L = 5.49, W = 5.76, Q’ = 0.9–1.0, Q = 0.95, apiculus
regular, sometimes slightly asymmetric, up to 1.2 × 1.5 μm.
Distribution and ecology. So far known from the type
locality; strongly decayed wood of conifers (Thuja plicata).
Remarks. Basidiodendron inconspicuum produces very
thin, hardly detectable basidiocarps consisting of two–three
subparallel basal hyphae and sparse subhymenial hyphae
bearing hymenial cells. Morphologically, it is most simi-
lar to B. trachysporum. The latter species has on average
larger basidiospores with more pronounced (up to 0.2–0.3
μm long) warts. In turn, the basidiospore ornamentation of
B. inconspicuum is seen only under phase contrast as tiny
(0.1–0.2μm long) warts regularly arranged on the spore
surface. Phylogenetically, B. inconspicuum is more closely
related to the smooth-spored B. caesiocinereum than to B.
Basidiodendron mexicanum Spirin & V. Malysheva,
sp. nov. – Figs.4 and 8
MB 838723
Holotype. Mexico. Vera Cruz: Cofre de Perote, Mpio
de Xico, El Revolcadera, 19.473N 97.154W, Pinus patula
(rotten decorticated log), 18.IX.1985 Ryvarden 23131* (O,
isotypes – H, LE).
Etymology: Mexicanus (Lat., adj.) – after Mexico, where
the species was collected.
Basidiocarps effused, smooth, first waxy, pruinose, whit-
ish or greyish, then continuous, greyish to pale ochraceous,
arid, 0.02–0.03 mm thick, covering a few cm, occasionally
gelatinized and semitranslucent, margin gradually thinning-
out. Hyphal structure monomitic, hyphae clamped; subicular
hyphae slightly thick-walled, subparallel, 2–3.5 μm diam,
subhymenial hyphae slightly thick-walled, ascending or
interwoven, frequently anastomosing, 2–3.5 μm diam. Gloe-
ocystidia abundant, distinctly tapering, slightly projecting,
hyaline to yellowish or rarely brownish, (11) 17–34 (35) ×
(4.2) 4.3–6.2 (7.0) μm (n = 20/1), solitary or in groups of
2–3. Hyphidia occasionally present, mostly simple, 1–1.5
μm in diam. (apical part), projecting up to 15 μm. Basidia
four-celled, ovoid to broadly suburniform, (11.5) 11.8–15.7
(16.0) × (9.2) 9.7–12.2 (12.3) μm (n = 20/1), sterigmata
gradually tapering, up to 15 × 2–2.5 μm; involucres well-
developed, often totally covering basidial cells (except
sterigmata). Basidiospores spiny (spines up to 0.3–0.4 μm
long), thin-walled, compressed-subglobose or globose, (5.8)
5.9–7.3 (7.6) × 6.1–7.4 (7.8) μm (n = 30/1), L = 6.45, W =
6.69, Q’ = 0.9–1.0, Q = 0.96, apiculus prominent, regular,
sometimes slightly asymmetric, up to 2 × 1.8 μm.
Mycological Progress (2021) 20:1275–1296 1289
1 3
Distribution and ecology. So far known from the type local-
ity; decorticated coniferous wood in a highland forest.
Remarks. Basidiodendron mexicanum is one of the spe-
cies with spiny basidiospores introduced here. It differs from
B. spiculosum, also found in Mexico, in having thinner basidi-
ocarps, shorter gloeocystidia and smaller basidiospores, as well
as by the presence of hyphidia. Phylogenetically, B. mexicanum
is closely related to B. groningae so far detected only in Europe
(Figs.1, 2). The latter species possesses basidiospores with more
pronounced spines than in B. mexicanum, and it lacks hyphidia.
ITS sequences of these species show 2.7–3.9% distance (the
infraspecific differences within B. groningae are under 1.6%).
Morphologically, B. mexicanum is most similar to B. widdring-
toniae (see remarks under the latter species). Basidiodendron
widdringtoniae is so far known from Malawi only and phylo-
genetically closer to B. walleynii than to B. mexicanum or B.
Basidiodendron robenae Spirin & Miettinen, sp. nov.
– Figs.4 and 6
MB 838725
Holotype: USA, New York, Essex Co., Arbutus Lake,
43.9836N 74.2354W, fallen angiosperm tree, 16.IX.2013 Miet-
tinen 16910.2* (H).
Etymology: After Robena Luck-Allen, the first monographer
of the genus Basidiodendron.
Basidiocarps effused, smooth, waxy, continuous, pale ochra-
ceous to greyish, 0.02–0.05 mm thick, covering a few cm in wid-
est dimension, margin gradually thinning-out. Hyphal structure
monomitic, hyphae clamped; subicular hyphae slightly thick-
walled, subparallel, occasionally glued together, 2–3.5 μm
diam, subhymenial hyphae thin- to slightly thick-walled, glued
together, ascending or interwoven, 2–3 μm diam, basidia-bear-
ing hyphae distinct in older parts of hymenium, slightly thick-
walled, up to 10 × 2.5–3 μm. Gloeocystidia abundant, slightly or
Fig. 8 Microscopic structures of extra-European Basidiodendron spp.
with ornamented spores. A: B. inconspicuum (holotype), B: B. mexi-
canum (holotype), C: B. spiculosum (holotype), D: B. widdringtoniae
(holotype); ba – basidia embedded in gelatinous matrix, gl – gloeo-
cystidia, hc – hymenial cells, sh – subicular hyphae. Scale bar = 10
Mycological Progress (2021) 20:1275–1296
1 3
distinctly tapering, projecting, hyaline to yellowish, (15) 16–32
(33) × (5.2) 5.6–8.8 (9.3) μm (n = 36/2). Basidia four-celled,
ovoid to suburniform, (11.0) 12.2–18.2 (18.8) × (7.0) 7.1–9.2
(10.4) μm (n = 40/2), sterigmata gradually tapering, up to 10 ×
1.5–2.5 μm; involucres occurring in senescent hymenium, cov-
ering basidia up to the very top. Basidiospores smooth, thin- or
slightly thick-walled, compressed-subglobose or globose, (5.0)
5.1–6.4 × (5.1) 5.2–6.9 (7.2) μm (n = 90/3), L = 5.69–5.72, W
= 5.95–6.03, Q’ = 0.9–1.0, Q = 0.94–0.96, apiculus prominent,
usually regular, up to 1.2 × 1.8 μm.
Distribution and ecology. North America (Canada – Ontario,
USA – New York, Tennessee); rotten wood of deciduous trees.
Remarks. Basidiodendron robenae is a smooth-spored spe-
cies distributed in the north-eastern part of North America. It
is morphologically almost indistinguishable from the Eurasian
species B. glaucum. In addition to separated distribution areas,
these species have different substrate preferences: B. robenae
has been detected on angiosperm hosts while B. glaucum occurs
almost exclusively on coniferous wood, mainly on Picea spp.
Specimens examined (paratypes). Canada. Ontario: York
Co., Nashville, Fagus grandifolia, 22.X.1955 Cain (H ex TRTC
31661). USA. Tennessee: Cocke Co., Cosby Creek, fallen
angiosperm tree, 2.X.2015 Miettinen 19650* (H), Betula sp.,
2.X.2015 Miettinen 19655 (H), Sevier Co., Ramsey Cascade
Trail, Quercus sp., 30.IX.2015 Miettinen 19562 (H).
Basidiodendron spiculosum Spirin & Ryvarden, sp. nov.
– Figs.3, 4 and 8
MB 838726
Holotype. Mexico. Vera Cruz: Xalapa, Botanical Gar-
den, 19.514N 96.947W, Cyathea sp. (dry stem), 22.IX.1985
Ryvarden 23324* (O, isotypes – H, LE).
Etymology: Spiculosus (Lat., adj.) – spiculate, in reference
to the basidiospore ornamentation.
Basidiocarps effused, smooth, waxy, pruinose-reticulate,
whitish or cream-coloured, then pale ochraceous, 0.02–0.04 mm
thick, covering a few cm, margin gradually thinning-out. Hyphal
structure monomitic, hyphae clamped; subicular hyphae slightly
thick-walled, subparallel, 2–3 μm diam, subhymenial hyphae
thin- or slightly thick-walled, interwoven, 1.5–2.5 μm diam,
quickly collapsing. Gloeocystidia abundant, tapering or tubular-
clavate, slightly projecting, hyaline to yellowish or brownish, (27)
28–51 (55) × (6.3) 6.8–10.0 (11.3) μm (n = 20/1), solitary of in
groups of 2–3. Basidia four-celled, ovoid to broadly suburniform,
(14.2) 14.8–24.2 (25.0) × (9.6) 9.8–12.0 (12.8) μm (n = 24/1),
sterigmata gradually tapering, up to 10 × 2–2.5 μm; involucres
well-developed, often covering basidial cells up to the middle
part. Basidiospores spiny (spines up to 0.3–0.4 μm long), thin-
or slightly thick-walled (wall up to 0.3 μm thick), compressed-
subglobose or globose, (6.8) 6.9–8.2 (8.8) × (7.0) 7.1–8.9 (9.0)
μm (n = 30/1), L = 7.62, W = 7.95, Q’ = 0.9–1.0, Q = 0.96,
apiculus prominent, regular, sometimes slightly asymmetric, up
to 2 × 2 μm.
Distribution and ecology. So far known from the type local-
ity; dry stem of a tree fern.
Remarks. Of the species dealt with herein, B. spiculosum
is most similar to B. mexicanum; their differences are listed
under the latter species. It seems the diversity of the spinose-
spored Basidiodendron spp. in North America is not exhausted
by two species only. Kisimova-Horovitz etal. (1997) reported
B. spinosum from Costa Rica, and their description indicates
the presence of one more, still unnamed species with spinose
Basidiodendron spinosum (L.S. Olive) Wojewoda, Mala
Flora Grzybów 2: 91, 1981. – Fig.3
≡ Sebacina spinosa L.S. Olive, Bull. Torrey Bot. Club 85: 27,
1958. Holotype. French Polynesia. Tahiti: Fautaua Valley, very
rotten wood, 3.VII.1956 Olive T398 (NY 01293275, studied).
Basidiocarps effused, smooth, waxy, pruinose-reticulate,
whitish or greyish, 0.03–0.05 mm thick, covering a few cm,
margin gradually thinning-out. Hyphal structure monomitic,
hyphae clamped, densely arranged; subicular hyphae thin- to
slightly thick-walled, subparallel, 1.5–2.5 μm diam, subhymenial
hyphae thin- to slightly thick-walled, ascending or interwoven,
1.5–2.5 μm diam. Gloeocystidia tapering or clavate, slightly
projecting, hyaline or yellowish, 22–25 ×5.5–10 μm. Basidia
four-celled, ovoid to broadly suburniform, widely collapsed, ca.
9–10 × 6–7.5 μm, sterigmata gradually tapering, up to 9 × 2–2.5
μm; involucres indistinct. Basidiospores spiny (spines up to 0.6
μm long), thick-walled (wall up to 0.7 μm thick), compressed-
subglobose or globose, 4.6–5.2 × 4.8–5.8 μm (n = 30/1), L =
5.00, W = 5.22, Q’ = 0.9–1.0, Q = 0.96, apiculus prominent,
regular, sometimes somewhat asymmetric, up to 1.2 × 0.8 μm.
Distribution and ecology. So far known from the type local-
ity; rotten wood of an unidentified tree.
Remarks. The only available material of this species is repre-
sented by the type specimen from Tahiti. Basidiodendron spino-
sum differs from other species of the B. caesiocinereum complex
in having very prominent and densely arranged spines on the
spore surface and clearly thick-walled basidiospores. Newly
collected and sequenced specimens from the type locality are
needed for clarifying phylogenetic relationships of B. spinosum
with other representatives of the genus.
Basidiodendron trachysporum (Bourdot & Galzin) Spirin,
M. Weiß & Miettinen, comb. nov. – Figs.4, 5 and 7
MB 838727
≡ Bourdotia cinerella var. trachyspora Bourdot & Galzin,
Hyménomycètes de France: 50, 1927. Lectotype (selected
here, MBT395946). France. Aveyron: Causse Noir, Pinus sp.,
8.V.1911 Galzin 9106 (herb. Bourdot 9073) (PC).
Mycological Progress (2021) 20:1275–1296 1291
1 3
Basidiocarps effused, smooth or indistinctly tuberculate,
first waxy, pruinose, whitish or greyish, then continuous,
greyish to pale ochraceous, arid, 0.01–0.03 mm thick,
covering a few cm, occasionally gelatinized, semitranslucent
and then almost invisible by a naked eye, margin gradually
thinning-out. Hyphal structure monomitic, hyphae clamped;
subicular hyphae thin- or slightly thick-walled, subparallel,
(1.5) 2–3.5 μm diam, subhymenial hyphae thin- or slightly
thick-walled, ascending or interwoven, 1.5–2.5 (–3) μm diam,
basidia-bearing hyphae distinct in older parts of hymenium,
slightly thick-walled, up to 15 × 2.5–3 μm. Gloeocystidia
abundant, tapering, slightly projecting, hyaline to yellowish,
(12) 13–45 (60) × (2.8) 3.0–7.8 (8) μm (n = 129/15), solitary
or in groups of 2–6. Basidia four-celled, ovoid to broadly
suburniform, (8.2) 8.3–15.8 (16.0) × (6.7) 6.9–11.0 (11.2)
μm (n = 198/17), sterigmata gradually tapering, up to 10 ×
1.5–2.5 μm; involucres normally poorly developed, well-
visible in senescent basidiocarps only. Basidiospores warted,
thin-walled, compressed-subglobose or globose, 4.8–7.4 (7.8)
× (4.9) 5.0–7.8 (7.9) μm (n = 590/20), L = 5.26–6.58, W =
5.46–6.79, Q’ = 0.9–1.0, Q = 0.94–0.98, apiculus prominent,
regular, sometimes slightly asymmetric, up to 2 × 1.8 μm.
Distribution and ecology. Europe (Estonia, Finland, France,
Netherlands, Norway, Russia, Slovenia, Sweden, Ukraine),
Asia (Russia – Siberia and Far East), North America (USA
– Washington); predominantly strongly decayed wood, mostly
of conifers.
Remarks. This species was initially introduced as
a warted-spored variety of B. cinerella (Bourdot and
Galzin 1927), while the latter was erroneously described
as a smooth-spored species (see discussion under B.
cinerellum). The single authentic specimen labelled by
Bourdot as ‘Sebacina (Bourdotia) cinerella f. trachyspora’
is an extensive collection in good condition, and it is
designated here as a lectotype. Morphological differences
of B. trachysporum from B. cinerellum are listed under
the latter species. Another similarly looking European
species, B. walleynii, occurs on deciduous hosts and has
thicker basidiocarps and differently shaped, wider and
clearly projecting cystidia. Basidiodendron trachysporum
is certainly the most common species of the genus in the
middle- and north-boreal forests of North Europe.
The morphological variability of B. trachysporum
deserves a closer look. In particular, one specimen
collected in the North-American North-West (Spirin 8262)
has unusually large basidia, 15–23 × 11.5–14.5 μm, and
basidiospores, (8.6) 9.0–11.2 (11.7) × (9.1) 9.2–11.9 (12.3)
μm (n = 30/1), L = 9.69, W = 10.00, Q’ = 0.9–1.0 (1.1),
Q = 0.97. However, the ITS sequence of this collection
does not show any significant differences versus other ITS
sequences of B. trachysporum, and our attempts to sequence
additional markers were unsuccessful. For now, we treat the
specimen under B. trachysporum.
Specimens examined. Estonia. Valgamaa: Otepää, Kääriku,
decorticated decayed wood, 10.IX.2012 Põldmaa (TU
112986*), Välkjärve, P. tremula, 15.IX.2015 Spirin 9848 (H).
Finland. Ahvenanmaa: Geta, Getabergen, P. abies, 24.X.2001
Kotiranta 19148 (H), Snäkö, small wooden planks, 24.X.2001
Saarenoksa 18601 (H); Lumparland, Skag, J. communis,
23.X.2007 Kotiranta 22098 (H). Varsinaissuomi: Salo, Orjan-
perä, P. sylvestris, 10.V.2010 Kotiranta 22663 (H); Tammisaari,
Tenhola, P. abies, 16.IX.2008 Kotiranta 22418 (H). Uusimaa:
Helsinki, Kumpula, coniferous wood, 13.XI.1999 Saarenoksa
04699 (H), Patola, A. incana, 26.X.2011 Miettinen 14981.3
(H), Veräjämäki, P. abies, 26.IX.2018 Miettinen 21815 (H),
1.XI.2019 Miettinen 22962.2* (H), P. sylvestris, 20.X.2019
Miettinen 22899, 22906 (H), Viikki, P. abies, 1.X.2000 Saare-
noksa 07600 (H), 6.XI.2019 Viner 2019-215 (H); Inkoo, Som-
marö Nat. Res., P. sylvestris (old collapsed house), 22.V.2010
Kotiranta 22695 (H); Kirkkonummi, Sundsberg, P. sylvestris,
17.V.2005 Kotiranta 21261 (H), 20.X.2012 Miettinen 15789.2
(H); Porvoo, Stensböle, P. abies, 1.XI.1990 Kotiranta 9354 (H).
Etelä-Häme: Hämeenlinna, Kotinen, P. abies, 25.IX.2014 Spirin
8102 (H); Luhanka, Lempää, J. communis, 6.X.2010 Kotiranta
22796, 22805 (H); Padasjoki: Koivukannonsuo, P. abies, 6–7.
IX.2003 Miettinen 7508.1 (H). France. Aveyron: L’Hospitalet,
Pinus sp., 26.XI.1916 Galzin 21134 (herb. Bourdot 20188) (PC
0706680); St. Sernin, Cerasus sp. and debris, 3.VI.1909 Gal-
zin 4250 (herb. Bourdot 20185) (PC 0706658). Netherlands.
Groningen: Hoogezand, P. sylvestris, 7.II.2020 Enzlin 20-005*
(GENT). Norway. Vestfold: Larvik, Jordstøyp i Kvelde, P.
abies (old collapsed building), 15.IX.2016 Spirin 11111* (O),
Vemannsås, P. abies, 30.IX.2018 Spirin 12528*, 12530 (O).
Telemark: Bamble, Rognsheia, P. abies, 3.XI.2017 Spirin
11801*, 11803* (O), rotten wood, 3.XI.2017 Larsson 17796
(O); Nome, Mørkvasslia, P. abies, 25.X.2016 Spirin 11196
(O). Akershus: Nannestad, P. abies, 8.X.2011 J. Nordén 9770
(O). Buskerud: Lier, Asdøljuvet, P. abies, 29.IX.2018 Spirin
12508* (O), Stokkerinden, P. abies, 29.IX.2018 Larsson 17910
(O). Hedmark: Åmot, Gravrusttjern, hardwood, 2.IX.1978 Høg-
holen 832/78 (O 165333). Østfold: Aremark, Tjøstøl, P. abies,
24.X.2011 Svantesson 1008 (O). Sør-Trøndelag: Tydal, Hilmo,
P. abies, 22.IX.2011 Svantesson 368 (O). Nord-Trøndelag:
Snåsa, Blåfjella, P. abies, 26.IX.2011 J. Nordén 9601* (O
F-248016), Svantesson 608* (O). Russia. Khabarovsk Reg.: Sol-
nechnyi Dist., Igdomi, Picea ajanensis, 3.IX.2016 Spirin 10856,
10916 (H). Krasnoyarsk Reg.: Turukhansk Dist., Mirnoye, Pinus
sibirica, 20.VIII.2013 Kotiranta 26387* (H). Leningrad Reg.:
Boksitogorsk Dist., Chagoda, P. abies, 9.V.2018 Spirin 11886*
(H), Kolp’, P. abies, 27.VII.2016 Spirin 10376 (H), Vyalgozero,
P. abies, 13.VII.2014 Spirin 6936 (H); Kirishi Dist., Oblutskoye,
dead Trichaptum abietinum on P. abies, 6.VIII.2019 Spirin
12844 (H); Podporozhie Dist., Vazhinka, P. abies, 21.V.2016
Spirin 10101, 10103, 10106, 10108 (H), 5.VI.2016 Spirin 10182
(H). Nizhny Novgorod Reg.: Arzamas Dist., Pustynsky Nat.
Res., P. sylvestris, 12.VIII.2015 Spirin 9188a* (H); Lukoyanov
Mycological Progress (2021) 20:1275–1296
1 3
Dist., Panzelka, P. sylvestris, 17.VIII.2015 Spirin 9481* (H),
Razino, U. glabra, 18.VIII.2015 Spirin 9483* (H); Sharanga
Dist., Kilemary Nat. Res., P. abies, 23.VIII.2019 Spirin 12972
(H), 24.VIII.2019 Spirin 13046 (H). Tyumen Reg.: Yamalo-
Nenets Autonomous Dist., W of Labytnangi, decorticated
coniferous log, 24.VIII.1996 Kotiranta 12721 (H). Zabaikalie:
Duldurga Dist., Alkhanai, Pinus sp., 26.VIII.2010 Kotiranta
29616* (H); Kyra Dist., Verkhnii Bukukun, decorticated conif-
erous log, 9.IX.2010 Kotiranta 29923 (H). Slovenia. Gorenjska:
Kranj, Njivica, P. abies, 25.IX.2019 Spirin 13147* (H); Kran-
jska Gora, Vršič, Larix decidua, 5.VI.2019 Spirin 12548* (H),
Zelenci Spring, P. abies, 25.IX.2019 Spirin 13190 (H); Bohinj,
Lipanca, L. decidua, 26.IX.2019 Spirin 13269 (H), P. abies,
6.VI.2019 Spirin 12623* (H), 26.IX.2019 Spirin 13244 (H), P.
mugo, 6.VI.2019 Spirin 12650 (H), Mrežce, P. abies, together
with Membranomyces delectabilis, 26.IX.2019 Spirin 13204
(H); Mojstrana, Triglavska Bistrica, P. abies, 28.IX.2019 Spirin
13468 (H). Sweden. Västra Götaland: Strömstad, Hästeskede, P.
abies, 31.X.2011 J. Nordén 10035 (O). Ukraine. Kharkov Reg.:
Krasnokutsky Dist., Slobozhansky Nat. Park, Quercus robur,
2.VII.2015 Savchenko 72* (CWU 7558). USA. Washington:
Clallam Co., Hurricane Ridge, Abies lasiocarpa, 19.X.2014
Spirin 8740* (H), La Push, Pseudotsuga menziesii, 8.X.2014
Spirin 8262* (H).
Basidiodendron walleynii Spirin, V. Malysheva &
Schoutteten, sp. nov. – Figs.4, 5 and 7
MB 838731
Holotype. Russia. Nizhny Novgorod Reg.: Lukoyanov
Dist., Sanki, 54.841N 44.235E, Quercus robur (rotten stump),
20.VIII.2015 Spirin 9697* (H, isotype – LE).
Etymology: After Ruben Walleyn, a Flemish mycologist and
collector of the first modern specimen of this species.
Basidiocarps effused, smooth, first waxy, pruinose, whitish
or greyish, then continuous, arid, rather soft, cream-coloured
to pale ochraceous, opaque, 0.02–0.1 mm thick, covering a
few cm, margin gradually thinning-out. Hyphal structure
monomitic, hyphae clamped, easily collapsing, freely spaced;
subicular hyphae thin- or slightly thick-walled, subparallel,
2.5–3 μm diam, subhymenial hyphae thin- or slightly thick-
walled, ascending, 2.5–3 μm diam. Gloeocystidia abundant,
moderately tapering or tubular-clavate, rarely subcapitate,
projecting up to 20 μm, hyaline to very pale yellowish or
brownish, (14.5) 15–38 (39) × (4.6) 5.0–10.7 (11.2) μm (n
= 67/5), often in groups of 3–5. Basidia four-celled, ovoid to
broadly suburniform, (10.0) 10.8–15.7 (17.2) × (7.0) 7.2–11.1
(11.8) μm (n = 70/5), sterigmata gradually tapering, up to 10
× 2.5 μm; involucres indistinct. Basidiospores warted, thin-
walled, compressed-subglobose or globose, (5.0) 5.1–7.0
× (5.2) 5.3–7.2 (7.3) μm (n = 120/4), L = 5.87–6.17, W =
6.07–6.38, Q’ = 0.9–1.0, Q = 0.96–0.98, apiculus prominent,
regular, sometimes slightly asymmetric, up to 2.5 × 2 μm.
Distribution and ecology. Europe (Belgium, France,
Russia); decorticated wood of deciduous trees in temperate
Remarks. Basidiodendron walleynii produces rather thick,
opaque, soft basidiocarps reminiscent more of Hyphoderma
or Peniophorella spp. than other Basidiodendron species. It
differs from two other European Basidiodendron species with
warted basidiospores, i.e., B. cinerellum and B. trachysporum,
in having a non-gelatinized hymenium, a well-differentiated
subhymenium consisting of ascending hyphae, and clearly
projecting, variably shaped gloeocystidia. Basidiodendron
walleynii is a temperate species; it occurs on rather tough,
decorticated wood of deciduous trees (Castanea, Erica,
Specimens examined (paratypes). Belgium. Vlaams-Brabant:
Hoeilaart, Zoniënwoud, Kersselaerspleyn, Q. robur, 24.IX.2002
Walleyn 3081* (GENT). France. Aveyron: Boutaran, dead
Inonotus dryadeus, 12.V.1914 Galzin 15320 (herb. Bourdot
13969) (PC 0706667); Forques, Castanea sativa, 20.IV.1912
Galzin 11270 (herb. Bourdot 9068) (PC 0706671), Galzin
11276 (herb. Bourdot 9067) (PC 0706662); Le Rec, C. sativa,
XI.1922 Galzin 27569 (herb. Bourdot 35049) (PC 0706663);
Loubotis, C. sativa, 13.XI.1913 Galzin 14136 (herb. Bourdot
12434) (PC 0706670); Matavalès, C. sativa, 20.IV.1912 Gal-
zin 11329 (herb. Bourdot 9069) (PC 0706664); Mazet Bas, C.
sativa, 16.VII.1912 Galzin 11650 (herb. Bourdot 9070) (PC
0084212), 5.IX.1912 Galzin 11881 (herb. Bourdot 9071) (PC
0084223), 23.X.1915 Galzin 18653 (herb. Bourdot 19447) (PC
0706659), XII.1915 Galzin 19135 (herb. Bourdot 15528) (PC
0706661), 5.XI.1916 Galzin 20597 (herb. Bourdot 19365) (PC
0706668), 24.XII.1916 Galzin 21277 (herb. Bourdot 19356)
(PC 0706669); Travès, Erica arborea, 12.II.1912 Galzin 10712
(herb. Bourdot 9063) (PC 0084224).
Basidiodendron widdringtoniae Spirin, V. Malysheva &
Ryvarden, sp. nov. – Figs.4 and 8
MB 838732
Holotype. Malawi. Southern Prov.: Mulanje, Lichenya Pla-
teau, 15.914S 35.589E, Widdringtonia whytei (rotten decorti-
cated log), 9–10.III.1973 Ryvarden 11307a* (O, isotypes – H,
Etymology: After Widdringtonia, the host tree of the species.
Basidiocarps effused, smooth, waxy, pruinose-reticulate,
whitish or greyish, 0.01–0.02 mm thick, covering a few cm,
margin gradually thinning-out. Hyphal structure monomitic,
hyphae clamped, partly glued together; subicular hyphae
thin- to slightly thick-walled, subparallel, 2.5–3 μm diam,
subhymenial hyphae thin- to slightly thick-walled, ascending
or interwoven, 2–3 μm diam. Gloeocystidia abundant,
clearly tapering, slightly projecting, hyaline or yellowish
to brownish, (12) 13.5–21 (24) × (3.4) 3.9–5.9 (6.0) μm
(n = 14/1). Basidia two – four-celled, ovoid to broadly
Mycological Progress (2021) 20:1275–1296 1293
1 3
suburniform, (10.2) 11.7–14.2 (14.8) × (8.1) 8.2–10.8 (12.0)
μm (n = 20/1), sterigmata gradually tapering, up to 8 ×
2–2.5 μm; involucres well-developed, often totally covering
basidial cells (except sterigmata); basidia in older hymenium
gluedin groups of 3–4and occasionally embedded in
gelatinous matrix. Basidiospores spiny (spines up to 0.3 μm
long), thin-walled, compressed-subglobose or globose, (5.8)
5.9–6.8 × (6.0) 6.1–7.1 (7.2) μm (n = 30/1), L = 6.24, W =
6.48, Q’ = 0.9–1.0, Q = 0.96, apiculus prominent, regular,
sometimes asymmetric, up to 1.5 × 1.5 μm.
Distribution and ecology. So far known from the type local-
ity; rotten wood of conifers (Widdringtonia whytei).
Remarks. Basidiodendron widdringtoniae is morphologi-
cally most similar to B. mexicanum occurring on coniferous
wood in Mexico. It differs from the latter species mainly due
to thinner basidiocarps and shorter gloeocystidia. However,
our material is too scanty to assure these differences are
not age-dependent. Therefore, the two species must for the
time being be separated by different DNA sequences and
distribution areas.
In this study, we present the taxonomy of twelve species of
the B. caesiocinereum complex of which eight are described
as new to science. Our study focused mainly on temperate-
boreal Europe, while sampling from North America and
East Asia was occasional. More data may reveal other
representatives of the B. caesiocinereum group in those
areas, as well as in warm-temperate to Mediterranean regions
of Europe. A few available environmental sequences support
this suggestion. In fact, the species diversity in this complex
could be even higher because B. caesiocinereum and B.
spinosum s. lato were reported from Macaronesia (Roberts
and Spooner 2004), North and Central Africa (Malençon
1954; Roberts 2001), the Caribbean (Roberts 2006, 2008),
Central and South America (Kisimova-Horovitz etal. 1997;
Roberts 2003), and New Zealand (McNabb 1969). This
material awaits proper taxonomic revisions.
Despite rather uniform anatomical traits, members
of the B. caesiocinereum complex are morphologically
distinguishable, although microscopy requires the
use of phase contrast illumination and Cotton Blue as
mounting medium. Only this combination allows the
verification of outgrowths on the basidiospore wall and
an identification of their form (warts or spines). As
stated above, the basidiospore ornamentation is a key
morphological character in this group. Combined with
other morphological features (basidiocarp colour and
consistency, size of basidia and gloeocystidia, arrangement
of hymenial cells), as well as ecological and geographic
data, it facilitates the species recognition.
Key for species currently recognized in the Basidioden-
dron caesiocinereum complex
1. Basidiospores s moo th. ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 2
1*. Basidiospores ornamented .............................................4
2. Basidiospores 5.1–7.8 × 5.3–8.1 μm, basidia
12–24 × 7–11.5 μm, occasionally with a distinct
stalk-like base. Eurasia, almost exclusively on ang
iosperms...................................................B. caesiocinereum
2*. Basidiospores on average smaller, 5.1–6.8 × 5.2–7 μm,
basidia 10–18 × 7–10.5 μm, devoid of stalk-like base ............3
3. Eurasia, almost exclusively on gymnosperms (Abies, Pic
ea).........................................................................B. glaucum
3*. North America, exclusively on a ngi osp erm s.. ... ...
... ... ... .......................................... ... ... .....................B. robenae
4. Basidiospores w art ed. ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... . 5
4*. Basidiospores spiny ........................................................8
5. Basidia glued in groups. Europe, mostly on gymno-
sperms ..............................................................B. cinerellum
5*. Basidia exposed. On various hosts...................................6
6. Basidiocarps arid, opaque. Subhymenial hyphae well-
visible, ascending. Gloeocystidia tapering or tubular-clavate,
15–38 × 5–11 μm. Temperate Europe, exclusively on angio-
sperms (Erica, Castanea, Quercus) .....................B. walleynii
6*. Basidiocarps waxy, hymenium often gelatinized. Subhy-
menium hyphae usually poorly discernible, glued together.
Gloeocystidia tapering, 13–45 × 3–8 μm. Eurasia and North
America, mostly on gymnosperms ........................................ 7
7. Basidiospores distinctly warted, 4.8–7.4 × 5.0–7.8 μm.
Eurasia and North America........................ B. trachysporum
7*. Basidiospores minutely warted, 5.0–6.2 × 5.2–6.5 μm.
North American North-West ...................... B. inconspicuum
8. Basidia glued in groups. South Africa (Malawi), on gym-
nosperms....................................................B. widdringtoniae
8*. Basidia exposed. On various hosts..................................9
9. Basidiospores with spines up to 0.6 μm long..................10
9*. Basidiospores with spines up to 0.4 μm long ...............11
10. Basidia 9–10 × 6–7.5 μm, basidiospores 4.6–5.2 × 4.8–
5.8 μm. Oceania ................................................. B. spinosum
10*. Basidia 13–18 × 9–12 μm, basidiospores 6.0–7.9 ×
6.2–8.2 μm. Europe .......................................... B. groningae
11. Basidia 12–15.5 × 9.5–12 μm, basidiospores
5.9–7.3 × 6.1–7.4 μm. Mexico (highlands), on gym-
nosperms ..............................................B. mexicanum
11*. Basidia 15–24 × 10–12 μm, basidiospores 6.9–8.2 × 7.1–8.9
μm. Mexico (subtropical zone), on ferns (Cyathea)........................
........................................................................................B. spiculosum
Additional specimens examined
Basidiodendron eyrei. Netherlands. Gelderland: Hoge
Veluwe, decayed wood, 16.XI.2019 Schoutteten 19-411*
(GENT); Groningen: Nieuweschans, Houwingaham,
Mycological Progress (2021) 20:1275–1296
1 3
decayed wood, 24.X.2018 Enzlin 18-101* (GENT);
Oude Pekela, Emergobos, decayed wood, 7.X.2018 Enz-
lin 18-103* (GENT); Ter Apel, Roelage Bos, P. abies,
22.X.2013 Enzlin 13-100* (GENT).
Acknowledgements We are very indebted to the curators of herbaria
FH, PC, NY, TU, TAAM and CWU, who sent us valuable specimens
for loan. Myriam de Haan (Meise Botanical Garden, Ghent, Belgium)
kindly provided us with SEM photographs of B. groningae.
Author contribution All authors contributed to the study conception
and design. Material preparation, data collection and analysis were ini-
tially performed by Viacheslav Spirin, Vera Malysheva, Otto Miettinen,
Ilya Viner and Karl-Henrik Larsson. The authors Nathan Schoutteten,
Jenni Nordén, Heikki Kotiranta, Leif Ryvarden, Annemieke Ver-
beken and Michael Weiß provided further important material and/or
sequences. The first draft of the manuscript was written by Viacheslav
Spirin and all authors commented on previous versions of the manu-
script. All authors read and approved the final manuscript.
Funding Open access funding provided by University of Helsinki
including Helsinki University Central Hospital. The research was sup-
ported by Norwegian Biodiversity Information Centre (projects “A sur-
vey of Norwegian jelly fungi”, grant number knr. 44-15, the authors
KHL and VS, “Wood-inhabiting corticioid homo- and hetero-basid-
iomycetes in Norway”, grant number knr. 59-12, and “International
workshop on corticioid heterobasidiomycetes in Northern Europe”,
grant number knr. 28-13, the authors JN, KHL, VS), Academy of Fin-
land research grant (number 315927, the authors VS and OM) Komarov
Botanical Institute, Russian Academy of Sciences (project AAAA-
A19-119020890079-6, the author VM), and Flemish Research Council
(FWO) (Fundamental Research Fellowship, grant number 11E0420N,
the author NS).
Data availability DNA sequences used in the present study are avail-
able in GenBank. Alignments were deposited in TreeBase. Fungal
specimens are stored in public herbaria (as indicated under Specimens
Ethics approval Not applicable
Conflict of interests None.
Open Access This article is licensed under a Creative Commons Attri-
bution 4.0 International License, which permits use, sharing, adapta-
tion, distribution and reproduction in any medium or format, as long
as you give appropriate credit to the original author(s) and the source,
provide a link to the Creative Commons licence, and indicate if changes
were made. The images or other third party material in this article are
included in the article’s Creative Commons licence, unless indicated
otherwise in a credit line to the material. If material is not included in
the article’s Creative Commons licence and your intended use is not
permitted by statutory regulation or exceeds the permitted use, you will
need to obtain permission directly from the copyright holder. To view a
copy of this licence, visit http:// creat iveco mmons. org/ licen ses/ by/4. 0/.
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