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All content in this area was uploaded by Oluwaseun Ariyo on Oct 15, 2021
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Content uploaded by Oluwaseun Ariyo
Author content
All content in this area was uploaded by Oluwaseun Ariyo on Oct 15, 2021
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Background: Information on glycemic index of staple foods are required to develop appropriate nutrition
education materials to promote informed food choices.
Objective: This study was designed to determine the glycemic index of four Nigerian staple foods, namely
pineapple, banana, jollof rice and wheat flour dough.
Method: The study was descriptive cross-sectional in design. Ten apparently healthy postgraduate
students (4 males and 6 females, 25.8±2.0 years; BMI: 22.68±2.69 kg/m ; fasting blood sugar:
92.1±3.38 mg/dl) randomly consumed 50 g available carbohydrate portions of test foods and glucose
over a five-day period. Blood samples were collected in the fasting state and half-hourly over a 2-h period
post-ingestion of test and reference foods to determine plasma glucose concentrations, incremental area
under the glucose curve, glycemic index and glycemic load.
Results: A 50 g available carbohydrate is equivalent to 176 g of banana, 199 g of jollof rice, 229 g of
wheat dough and 322 g of pineapple. The Incremental Area Under the Curve for jollof rice, wheat dough
and pineapple showed no significant difference when compared with glucose, while of banana was
significant at P<0.05 when compared with glucose. The glycemic index was 94.88%, 97.37%, 98.9% and
99.3% and the corresponding glycemic load was 47.43%, 48.69%, 50.47% and 50.67%, for pineapple,
wheat flour, jollof rice and banana, respectively.
Conclusion: Banana, jollof rice, wheat flour dough and pineapple have high glycemic index values and
post-prandial glucose response is similar for jollof rice, wheat flour and pineapple. Efforts should be
intensified on promoting portion size control for improved glycemic response.
1 Department of Environmental Health, Faculty of Public Health, University of Ibadan, Ibadan, Nigeria;; ;
2Department of Human Nutrition and Dietetics, Faculty of Public Health, University of Ibadan, Ibadan,
Corresponding author's email address:
Keywords: Glycemic load, Glycemic index, Plasma glucose response, Fruits, Staple foods
Glycemic Indices Of Pineapple, Banana, Jollof Rice And
Wheat Flour Dough
1 2*
Okareh, Oladapo Titus, Ariyo Oluwaseun,
1Loto-Charles Ayomikun Rebecca
The rising prevalence and projected increase in
the global burden of diabetes mellitus have
resuscitated interest in the glycemic index of
foods and further strengthen the need to promote
healthy food choices (1). Dietary intake is a
central determinant of blood glucose levels, and
thus, in order to achieve normal glucose levels, it
is imperative to make food choices that induce
norm al post prandial (after-m eal ) gly cemic
responses (2).
Glycemic index refers to the incremental area
under the glucose response curve of a 50g
Nigerian Journal of Nutritional Sciences Vol. 42 No. 2
carbohydrate portion of a test food expressed as a
percent of the response to the same amount of
carbohydrate from a standard food consumed by
the same subject (3). It is a scale used to classify
the quality of carbohydrate consumed and also
rank carbohydrate-containing foods according to
their potential to increase blood glucose levels.
Ca r b o h y d r a t e - co n t aining f o o d s wi t h lo w
glycemic index are digested and absorbed slowly,
while those with high glycemic index are digested
and absorbed rapidly (4). Glycemic Response
(GR) is the effect a food has on blood sugar after
consumption. The glycemic response to a food
depends on the glycemic index and the total
amount of carbohydrates ingested. Glycemic
Load (GL) is a property of the quantity of total
carbohydrate in a food and it accounts for the
amount of carbohydrate in a food and how each
gram of carbohydrate in the food raises blood
glucose levels. The GL is classied as follows: low
(< 10), intermediate (11-19) and high (> 20),
and is a metric used as a basis for weight loss, or
diabetes control (5).
Available evidence has shown that reductions in
daily glycemic load may reduce the risk of non-
communicable diseases particularly type 2
diabetes, cancers and coronary heart disease (1).
In Nigeria, 2.7 million adults are diabetics and
many people are ignorant of their diabetes status
(6). Projection has shown that about 8 million
Nigerians aged 20-79 years have glucose
intolerance and this may hit about 18 million by
2045 (7).
In Nigeria, there are limited information on the
glycemic index of local staples and these are
required to dev elop a ppropri ate diab etes
education materials and help consumers to make
informed food choices. Pineapple, banana, jollof
rice and wheat our dough constitute popular
foods that are widely consumed across all the
agroecological zones of Nigeria. Pineapple and
banana are popular and widely consumed
tropical fruits and serve as good sources of dietary
bre and selected vitamins, minerals and sugar
(8, 9). Wheat our is used for the production of
several pastries, bread and dough meals while
jollof rice is a popular mixed dish among various
age groups. The aim of this study was to
determine the glycemic index of four Nigerian
staple foods, namely pineapple, banana, jollof
rice and wheat our dough.
Study design
The study was descriptive cross-sectional.
Study Area
This study was carried out at the Departments of
Environmental Health Sciences and Human
Nutrition and Dietetics Laboratory, Faculty of
Public Health, College of Medicine, University
College Hospital, along Mokola-Roundabout
road, Ibadan, the capital of Oyo State, South West
Nigeria. Ibadan North is a Local Government
Area in Oyo State, Nigeria. Its headquarters is at
Agodi in Ibadan and has an area of 27km .
Study population
This study involved postgraduate students in
Faculty of Public Health, College of Medicine,
University of Ibadan, who agreed to participate in
the study and gave informed consent. Fifteen
participants volunteered for this study and 10
participants (4 males and 6 females) agreed to
participate after reading the protocol and gave
informed consent. Participants were considered
eligible if he/she was a registered postgraduate
student in the Faculty of Public Health, University
of Ibadan, aged 24-30 years, had no history of
metabolic disease and consented to participate in
the study.
Test foods for the study
The test foods were jollof rice, wheat our,
pineapple and banana. Rice grain (Oryzae
sativa), honey well whole wheat our (Triticum
aestivum), banana (Musa paradisiaca) and
pineapple (Ananas cosmosus) samples were all
purchased from Oje market, Ibadan, Oyo State,
Nigeria. The rice was washed with water and
parboiled for 10 minutes. The parboiled rice was
washed with clean water. A sauce containing
blended pepper, tomato and onion was fried in
groundnut oil and seasonings were added. The
parboiled rice is added to the sauce and cooked
for 30 minutes. The wheat our was cooked in
boiling water and stirred continuously for ve
minutes to create a stiff paste. The pineapple and
banana were peeled to remove the peel and cut
into smaller sizes. The test foods were analysed
for proximate composition (moisture, ash, crude
ber, crude pro tein, crude fat a nd cru de
carbohydrates) using the Association of Ofcial
An alyt ical Chemi st (AOAC) metho ds. The
portioning of the test foods containing 50g
available carbohydrate was calculated using the
results of proximate analysis, and an analytical
balance. The reference food consumed was 50g
of Munroe Glucose D dissolved in 200ml of water.
The water used was Eva water produced by the
Nigerian Bottling Company (NBC).
Nigerian Journal of Nutritional Sciences Vol. 42 No. 2 181
Data Collection Procedure
A semi-structured questionnaire was designed to
collect infor mat ion on socio-demogr aphic
characteristics, pregnancy status, medications
(current and past), health status, smoking status
and food allergy. Anthropometric assessment of
participants was conducted using standard
procedure after a 12-hour (8pm-8am) fast.
Weights (kg) and heights (m ) were assessed
using a standard body weighing scale and a
height meter xed to the wall, respectively. The
Body Mass Index (BMI) of the participants were
calculated as the weight in kilograms divided by
the square of the height in meters (kg/m ).
Determination of glycemic index
Glycemic index was determined by the method of
Wolever et al. (10). Measured portion of each of
the reference food and four test foods containing
50g available carbohydrate were served to 10
participants at 8:00am, breakfast time. Capillary
blood samples were obtained by nger prick
using the Accu-chek glucometer. Blood samples
were collected at intervals of 30 minutes for 2
hours (0, 30, 60, 90 and 120 minutes) after the
consumption of the test food. The blood glucose
co n c e ntration s we r e d e t ermined using a
glucometer (Accu-chek) with a glucose test strip.
The protocol followed was the consumption of
reference food on day 1, jollof rice on day 2,
wheat dough and vegetable soup on day 3,
pineapple on day 4 and banana on day 5. The
glycemic index and glycemic load of the tested
foods and fruits were calculated using the
formulas below:
calculated from the curve. Inferential statistics
(paired student t-test) was used to compare the
mean of the Incremental Area Under the glucose
Curve (IAUC) of the standard / reference food
with each of the test foods. Statistical signicance
was set at p<0.05. The study was conducted
according to the guidelines in the Declaration of
Helsinki. The s tudy was approved by the
University of Ibadan/University College Hospital,
Ib ad a n E t hi cs C om m it te e (U I/U CH E C
Registration Number NHREC 105/01/2008a)-
Characteristics of the participants
This study engaged 10 apparently healthy young
adults with mean age of 25.8±2.0 years, mean
height of 1.67±0.15 m, weight of 63.2±8.7 kg,
body mass index of 22.68±2.69 kg/m , and
fasting blood sugar 92.1±3.38 mg/dl (Table 1).
Proximate composition of the test foods
The proximate composition of the test foods is
presented in Table 2. The moisture content
ranged from 66.67% in jollof rice to 83.52% in
pineapple. Protein content was low and ranged
from 0.67% in pineapple to 5.4% in wheat our.
Jollof rice had the highest fat (3.7%), ber (0.9%)
and ash content (1.32%). The carbohydrate
contents were 28.36%, 24.17%, 21.88% and
15.51% for banana, jollof rice, wheat our and
pineapple, respectively.
Portion sizes, incremental area under the
curve, glycemic index and glycemic load.
The portion sizes of various test foods yielding 50
g available carbohydrate, glycemic index and
glycemic load of the test foods is presented in
Table 3 and the capillary blood glucose responses
to reference and test foods are summarized in
Figure 1. A 50 g available carbohydrate was
obtained from each of 176 g of banana, 199 g of
jollof rice, 229 g of wheat our and 322 g of
There was an increase in blood glucose for
standard food (glucose), jollof rice, wheat our,
and pineapple which decreases after 30 minutes,
while the glucose level for banana remain steady
after 30 minutes and decreased after 60 minutes.
At 2 hours, the blood glucose for standard food,
pineapple, and wheat our increases, while those
of jollof rice and banana decreased (Figure 1).
The blood sugar concentration (mg/dl) was
9 0 ±3 .1 0, 10 9 . 6 ±7 . 6 5 , 1 0 6 . 2 ± 4 . 0 9 ,
Statistical analysis
All data were entered into Graphpad Prism 7.0.
Descriptive statistics (means, standard Deviation
and standard error of mean) were used to
summarize q u a n t it a t i v e data. I AUC w a s
calculated using the trapezoidal rule ignoring the
area beneath the base line concentration. The
glycemic indices of the foods and fruits were
Nigerian Journal of Nutritional Sciences Vol. 42 No. 2
104.0±3.61, and 97.7±2.39 at 0, 30, 60, 90 and
120 minutes, respectively. The corresponding
value s for whe at ou r doug h (92. 7±3. 9,
11 1.5± 3 .63, 98.9±5 .32, 93.4±4 .81 and
95.4±3.51), pineapple (93.2±8.43, 107.8±6.6,
92.4±4.68, 84.8±4.71, and 99.3±5.2), banana
(1 0 1 . 1 ± 4 . 9 7 , 10 5 . 2 ± 6 . 9 2 , 10 5 . 8 ± 6 . 9 2 ,
100.6±7.32, and 97.3±5.13) and glucose
( 9 0 .9 ± 3 . 4 , 1 1 4 .3 ± 3 . 9 , 1 0 2 .1 ± 5 . 2 8 ,
97.5±3.88, and 98.4±2.39) for 0, 30, 60, 90
and 120 minutes, respectively (Figure 1). The
Incremental Area Under the Curve (IAUC) for the
test foods (jollof rice and wheat) and the test fruits
(pineapple) showed no signicant difference
when compared with the IAUC of the reference
food (glucose). The incremental increase in blood
glucose at 0 min was signicantly different
between the IAUC of banana and glucose.
The glycemic index of the test foods was 94.88%,
97.37%, 98.8% and 99.3% for pineapple, wheat
our dough, jollof rice and banana, respectively
and the corresponding glycemic load was
47.43%, 48.69%, 50.47% and 50.67%, for
pineapple, wheat our, jollof rice and banana,
respectively. The GI and the GL values obtained
ranged from 94.88.74 to 99.3 and 47.43 to
50.67 respectively, which classied them as high-
GI and high- GL foods (Table 3).
Table 1: Basic characteristics of the participants
Table 2: Proximate composition of the tested samples
SEM-Standard Error of Mean
Table 3: Classication of glycemic index (GI) and glycemic load (GL)
*GI - Glycemic Index; GL -Glycemic Load
Nigerian Journal of Nutritional Sciences Vol. 42 No. 2 183
The rising prevalence of diabetes in Nigeria is
worrisome and this could increase health care
burden if it remains unchecked. Lifestyle factors
particularly dietary practice are key contributors
to this trend. In Nigeria, the staple foods are
largely plant-based and carbohydrate-rich, and
these are rarely complemented with adequate
quan t i ti e s of o t he r food gr ou ps . Thes e
carbohydrate foods have varying glycemic values
depending on the chemical structure of the foods,
particle size, degree of processing, storage,
ripening, methods of cooking and presence of fat
and dietary ber and other components, and
portion sizes consumed (11, 12). Evidence has
shown that reducing glycemic index of foods
despite high carbohydrate intake may reduce the
risk of diabetes mellitus (13). Repetition(deleted)
In this study, pineapple fruit has the largest
portion size, lowest glycemic index and produced
the lowest glycemic load while banana, another
fruit has lowest portion size, the highest glycemic
index and produced the highest load. Also, 199g
of rice has a glycemic index of 98.9 and produced
glycemic load of 50.47 while 229 g of wheat our
has a glycemic index of 97.37 and glycemic load
of 48.69. In addition, the ber content of the test
foods did not correspond with the glycemic
response, as jollof rice and banana with higher
ber content than wheat our dough and
pineapple have higher glycemic index. The high
glycemic indexes of jollof rice and banana may be
due to the higher carbohydrate and lower
moisture contents compared to pineapple and
wheat our.
Previous studies have reported similar range of
values for banana despite the higher content of
ber than observed in pineapple (14, 15). The
nding in this study is in agreement with the
submission that the sugar and dietary ber
contents only partly explain the glycemic index of
food (14). The glycemic index of banana and
pineapple is higher than reported by a previous
study (15) and this could be attributed to the
variation in the species and a gronomical
properties of fruits. The glycemic index of
pineapple (94.88%) observed in this study was
higher than 80% reported by Francis (16) and
64.5% reported by Edo et al. (15). The glycemic
index of banana (99.3%) observed in this study
was higher than the 75.1% reported by Edo et al.
(15). The glycemic index of banana in this study is
Figure 1: Graphical representation of the glucose response area for test foods
Nigerian Journal of Nutritional Sciences Vol. 42 No. 2
also higher than 62% and 74% reported in unripe
and over-ripe banana, respectively (17). These
differences may be due to variations in locations,
gr o w ing c onditio n s , d i f f erences in su g ar
composition, time of harvesting, duration and
methods of storage of the fruits (11, 18).
Though jollof rice and wheat our dough are both
cereal-based foods, the variation in the glycemic
indices could be as a result of cooking methods
and the presence of other ingredients in jollof rice
(19). The high glycemic index in wheat may be
attributed to the processing methods such as
g r i n di ng i n t o a p o w d e r ed f o r m ( 2 0 ) .
Nevertheless, wheat our dough had a lower
glycemic index compared with jollof rice, which
may be due to the higher protein and lower
carbohydrate contents in wheat our. The high
glycemic index (97.37%) of wheat in this study is
similar to 95.80% and 95.28% reported for wheat
semovita and wheat semolina in an earlier study
(19). A study in Botswana study also reported a
higher glycemic index for wheat-based foods as
103.1% (21). The differences in the glycemic
index values may be attributed to cooking
methods and ethnicity of the participants. The
glycemic index of jollof rice (98.9%) in this study
was higher than reported in boiled white rice
(56%) (12), brown rice (60.24%) (22) and tuwo
shinkafa (95.30%) (19). These differences may be
attributed to the variety of the rice and the degree
of processing. The presence of fat for example
may alter blood glucose response indirectly by
slowing down gastric emptying, resulting in
slowe r rate of dige stio n with subs eque nt
reduction in glucose absorption (23, 24). Overall,
all the test foods are considered to be high
gl y c e m ic f o o d s a n d th e refore should be
consumed with caution possibly by reducing the
portion size consumed or ensuring consumption
with low glycemic foods.
The four staple foods, banana, jollof rice, wheat
our and pineapple have high glycemic index
values and can be digested and absorbed rapidly,
leading to a prolonged increase in blood glucose
levels. Efforts should be intensied on promoting
portion size control and healthy food choice for
improved glycemic response and reduced risk of
diabetes mellitus.
The authors gratefully acknowledge the support
of the staff and students of the Departments of
Environmental Health Science and Human
Nutrition and Dietetics, University of Ibadan and
the postgraduate students who volunteered to be
part of the study.
Funding statement
This research did not receive any specic grant
from funding agencies in the public, commercial,
or not-for-prot sectors.
Conict of interest
The authors declare no conict of interest.
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