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Abstract and Figures

In this study, Indigofera wenholdiae , a new species of Fabaceae from the Agulhas Plain Region of the Western Cape Province, South Africa, is described. A composite photographic plate is included along with a distribution map, description of habitat and ecology and proposed IUCN conservation status. Indigofera wenholdiae is unique in the I. brachystachya group by having digitately compound (vs. pinnately compound) leaves, white and unscented flowers (vs. pink and sweetly scented flowers) and grows on sandstone hillsides (vs. coastal limestone plains and outcrops).
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Indigofera wenholdiae (Indigofereae, Fabaceae), a new
species from the Western Cape Province, South Africa
Brian du Preez1,2, Leanne L. Dreyer2, Charles H. Stirton1,
A. Muthama Muasya1, Brian D. Schrire3
1Bolus Herbarium, Department of Biological Sciences, University of Cape Town, Private Bag X3, Rondebosch,
7701, South Africa 2Department of Botany and Zoology, Stellenbosch University, Private Bag X1, Matieland,
7602, South Africa 3 Comparative Plant and Fungal Biology Department, Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew,
Richmond, Surrey, TW9 3AE, UK
Corresponding author: Brian du Preez (
Academic editor: Patrick Herendeen|Received 26 July 2021|Accepted 20 August 2021|Published 1 October 2021
Citation: du Preez B, Dreyer LL, Stirton CH, Muasya AM, Schrire BD (2021) Indigofera wenholdiae (Indigofereae,
Fabaceae), a new species from the Western Cape Province, South Africa. PhytoKeys 182: 107–112. https://doi.
In this study, Indigofera wenholdiae, a new species of Fabaceae from the Agulhas Plain Region of the West-
ern Cape Province, South Africa, is described. A composite photographic plate is included along with a
distribution map, description of habitat and ecology and proposed IUCN conservation status. Indigofera
wenholdiae is unique in the I. brachystachya group by having digitately compound (vs. pinnately com-
pound) leaves, white and unscented owers (vs. pink and sweetly scented owers) and grows on sandstone
hillsides (vs. coastal limestone plains and outcrops).
Indigofera, Leguminosae, Greater Cape Floristic Region, fynbos, taxonomy
Fabaceae represents the second largest plant family in the Cape Floristic Core Cape
Region (CCR), approaching 800 species (Manning and Goldblatt 2012). e genus
Indigofera L. with about 90 species in the region, is second only to Aspalathus L.
Copyright Brian du Preez et al. This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (CC
BY 4.0), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.
PhytoKeys 182: 107–112 (2021)
doi: 10.3897/phytokeys.182.72170
Launched to accelerate biodiversity research
A peer-reviewed open-access journal
Brian du Preez et al. / PhytoKeys 182: 107–112 (2021)
(270+ species) in size (Dahlgren 1988; Schrire in Manning and Goldblatt 2012).
Indigofera species in the CCR are largely part of a monophyletic clade referred to as
the Cape Clade by Schrire et al. (2009). Unlike the three main tropical clades that
have members dispersed across multiple continents, the Cape Clade is endemic to
South Africa and especially within the winter-rainfall area (Schrire et al. 2009; Schrire
in Manning and Goldblatt 2012). A large group within the Cape Clade, Section
Brachypodae Schrire, is prolic in Fynbos vegetation and has many localised species,
often associated with preferences for specic microhabitats. Diverse geological forma-
tions, as seen in the Agulhas Plain region (waites and Cowling 1988), have resulted
in localised radiations in many plant groups (Cowling and Holmes 1992; Manning
and Goldblatt 2012). For example, over 20 new legume species have been recent-
ly described from various genera, including Aspalathus L., Otholobium C.H.Stirt.,
Polhillia C.H.Stirt., Psoralea L. and Rhynchosia Lour. (Curtis et al. 2013; Moteetee et
al. 2014; Stirton and Muasya 2016, 2017; Bello et al. 2017; Du Preez et al. 2021).
Members of Indigofera Section Brachypodae, particularly the I. brachystachya group
(I. brachystachya (DC.) E.Mey. and I. hamulosa Schltr.), are especially diverse in this
region, with several putative undescribed taxa related to I. brachystachya, noted from
recent eld studies (Schrire and du Preez, unpublished data). While further, more
detailed, analyses are required to resolve this species complex, we here describe a new,
distinctive species from the I. brachystachya group rst found in the Grootbos Nature
Reserve in 2020.
Material and methods
e description of morphological characters is based on freshly collected material and
herbarium voucher specimens. e conservation assessment was done using the Cat-
egories and Criteria of the IUCN (2012). e Extent of Occurrence (EOO) and Area
of Occurrence (AOO) were calculated using GeoCAT ( e dis-
tribution map was made using QGIS 3.18 software (
Species treatment
Indigofera wenholdiae du Preez & Schrire, sp. nov.
Diagnosis. Similar to I. brachystachya, but diers in its digitately compound, 5–7 foliol-
ate leaves (versus pinnately compound, 7–9 foliolate leaves), leaets 4–6 mm long (ver-
sus leaets 9–15 mm long), racemes up to 7 mm long, owers ± 4–5 per raceme (versus
racemes > 10 mm long, owers > 8 per raceme), owers creamy white, unscented (versus
owers pale pink, scented), branching divaricate (versus branching random), popula-
tions restricted to sandstone fynbos (versus populations restricted to limestone fynbos).
Indigofera wenholdae (Indigofereae, Fabaceae) 109
Type. S A, Western Cape Province, track to Beacon Peak in Grootbos
Nature Reserve, Gansbaai District, elevation 257 m, 34°31'32.84"S, 19°30'19.08"E,
7 May 2020, owering, B. du Preez 836 (Holotype: BOL!; Isotypes: K!, NBG!, PRE!).
Description. Erect perennial shrub 0.4–0.8 m tall, robust, sparsely branching,
divaricate; obligate reseeder. Branches up to 10 mm thick, terete to ribbed on fresh
growth, densely strigose with sessile whitish biramous hairs, glabrescent later, reddish-
brown, woody. Stipules 0.8–1.2 mm long, ± 1 mm wide at base, broadly triangular,
asymmetric, navicular-cucullate, attenuate, apex aristate, adpressed to branch, adnate to
base of petiole, densely strigose, ± soft-textured and thickened, pale green, pearl bodies
present along margin. Leaves alternate, digitately 5–7 foliolate, petiole ± 1 mm long,
sub-terete, attened adaxially; rachis ± 0.5 mm long, terete, stipels absent; petiolules ±
0.5 mm long; terminal leaet 4–6 mm × 1.5–2.5 mm, narrowly oblanceolate, apex api-
culate, hooked, base cuneate, upper surface sparsely strigose, bright green, paler below;
lower surface densely strigose; mid-vein sunken adaxially, prominent abaxially; margins
not thickened, strongly revolute; lateral leaets similar, opposite. Racemes axillary, up
to 7mm long, erect, parallel with branch, roughly equalling the leaf length, including a
peduncle 2–3 mm long, ribbed, soft-textured; ± 4–5 owered; bracts± 1.5 mm long,
lanceolate, cucullate, apex apiculate, adpressed to petiole, persistent until after ower-
ing, pearl bodies present along margin. Bracteoles absent. Pedicels 1–1.5 mm long.
Figure 1. Indigofera wenholdiae du Preez & Schrire A single inorescence B ower lateral view
C leaf abaxial view D multiple inorescences on branches E whole plant. Photographs by Brian du Preez.
Voucher B. du Preez 836 (BOL).
Brian du Preez et al. / PhytoKeys 182: 107–112 (2021)
Flowers8–9 mm long, unscented. Corolla creamy-white, petals persistent after anthe-
sis. Calyx 3.5–4.2mm long, pale green, lobes lanceolate, distinctly navicular-cucullate,
2.5–3 mm long, ± three times tube length, moderately strigose, pearl bodies present
along margin. Standard petal 8.7–9.3 mm × 3.3–3.7 mm, broadly oblong, tapering
gradually to a short claw at the base; blade concave, nectar guide plain white; apex acute-
obtuse; back of standard strigose, no visible colouration patterns. Wing petals 7.5–8 ×
1.5–2 mm, shortly clawed at base, unguiculate portion ± half total petal length, blade
asymmetrically navicular, apex rounded; blade moderately strigose. Keel petals 7.5–8
× 1.8–2.3 mm, valvately connate distally, lateral spurs up to 1 mm long, blade asym-
metrically lanceolate, dorsal margin curving slightly downwards to an acute-obtuse apex,
densely strigose; claws 2.5–3 mm long. Stamens 5–5.5 mm long, exceeding calyx by 1.5–
2 mm, staminal tube pale creamy-green; hair clusters present below anthers. Gynoecium
4–4.5 mm long, strigillose on distal half; style ± 2 mm long, erect to±1mm high dis-
tally; stigma capitate. Fruit 13–16 × 2–2.2 mm, oblong, woody, reddish-brown, densely
strigillose, 4–5 seeded, dehiscent, ripe fruit not seen. Seeds not seen.
Distribution, habitat and ecology. Indigofera wenholdiae is restricted to a few sand-
stone hills from the Grootbos Nature Reserve to Pearly Beach on the Agulhas Plain of the
Western Cape Province (Figure 2). e species is occasional in Overberg Sandstone Fyn-
bos (FFs12, Mucina and Rutherford 2006), favouring south-facing slopes and hilltops.
Phenology. Flowering takes place from April to July.
Etymology. e specic epithet “wenholdiae” is assigned in honour of Mrs Han-
nerie Wenhold who has funded large-scale conservation eorts in this area, including
Figure 2. Distribution map of Indigofera wenholdiae.
Indigofera wenholdae (Indigofereae, Fabaceae) 111
the funding of the botanist post at Grootbos Nature Reserve of Miss Rebecca Dames
who brought this species to our attention in April 2020.
Conservation status. Indigofera wenholdiae is a range-restricted species, with an
EOO of 30 km2 and AOO of 24 km2. A total of six subpopulations across four locations
have been discovered, with the number of mature individuals estimated to be less than
10 000. Most subpopulations occur within protected areas or on farms earmarked for
conservation. Alien vegetation is prominent in the region, although only one location
is currently threatened by invasive species, while alien eradication projects at other loca-
tions have largely controlled or eradicated invasive species. e Red List category VU
D2 is thus recommended, based on the IUCN Categories and Criteria (IUCN 2012).
Related species. Indigofera wenholdiae is part of Section Brachypodae, a large group
(± 30 species) of Indigofera species almost exclusively found in Fynbos vegetation and
characterised by having ve or more foliolate leaves with short petioles. e I. brachys-
tachya group resolves within this section and includes I. brachystachya, I. hamulosa and
several putative undescribed taxa related to the former. All of these species are character-
ised by a corolla morphology unique in the genus, with elongate and concave standard
petals and, in general, robust rather than delicate petals. All species in this group are
coastally distributed and most often occur on limestone substrate. Apart from the distin-
guishing features noted above, I. wenholdiae is an erect to less than 1 m tall, divaricately
branching shrub with deep green leaves and white owers, in contrast with the bushier
growth of I. brachystachya, with its typically dull grey leaves and pale pink owers.
Additional specimens examined. Grootbos Nature Reserve, (3419DA), 12 Sep-
tember 2020, B. du Preez 879 (BOL, NBG).
e permit for the collection of herbarium specimens was obtained from the Western
Cape Nature Conservation Board (Permit: AAA 008-00222-0028). We wish to thank
Miss Rebecca Dames for bringing this species to our attention and who, along with
Mr Sean Privett, searched for and located further populations in the area. We wish to
also thank Mr Michael Lutzeyer for allowing us access to Grootbos Nature Reserve to
study this species. Running costs for research, including eldwork, were covered by an
NRF – FBIP grant awarded to Prof. A.M. Muasya (FBIP180529337017) and personal
bursaries awarded by the NRF – FBIP (FBIP 128327) and the Science Faculty PhD
Fellowship from the University of Cape Town.
Bello A, Stirton CH, Chimphango SBM, Muasya AM (2017) Taxonomic revision of Afri-
can Psoralea pinnata species complex (Psoraleeae, Leguminosae). South African Journal of
Botany 112: 128–179.
Brian du Preez et al. / PhytoKeys 182: 107–112 (2021)
Cowling RM, Holmes PM (1992) Endemism and speciation in a lowland ora from the Cape
Floristic Region. Biological Journal of the Linnean Society. Linnean Society of London
47(4): 367–383.
Curtis OE, Stirton CH, Muasya AM (2013) A conservation and oristic assessment of poorly
known species rich quartz-silcrete outcrops within Rûens Shale Renosterveld (Overberg,
Western Cape), with taxonomic descriptions of ve new species. South African Journal of
Botany 87: 99–111.
Dahlgren R (1988) Aspalathus (3,6). In: Leistner OA (Ed.) Flora of Southern Africa, 16,
Botanical Research Institute, Pretoria.
Du Preez B, Dreyer LL, Stirton CH, Muasya AM (2021) A monograph of the genus Polhillia
(Genisteae: Fabaceae). South African Journal of Botany 138: 156–183. https://doi.
IUCN (2012) IUCN Red List Categories and Criteria, Second ed. IUCN, Gland, Switzerland
and Cambridge, UK.
Manning J, Goldblatt P [Eds] (2012) Plants of the Greater Cape Floristic Region. 1: the core
Cape ora. South African National Biodiversity Institute, Pretoria, 853 pp.
Moteetee AN, Boatwright JS, Jaca TP (2014) A review of Rhynchosia Section Polytropia (Phase-
oleae, Fabaceae) and a new species from the Western Cape Province, South Africa. System-
atic Botany 39(4): 1127–1131.
Mucina L, Rutherford MC [Eds] (2006) e vegetation of South Africa, Lesotho and Swazi-
land. Strelitzia 19. South African National Biodiversity Institute, Pretoria, 801 pp.
Schrire BD, Lavin M, Barker NP, Forest F (2009) Phylogeny of the tribe Indigofereae (Legu-
minosae-Papilionoideae): Geographically structured more in succulent-rich and temperate
settings than in grass-rich environments. American Journal of Botany 96(4): 816–852.
Stirton CH, Muasya AM (2016) Seven new species and notes on the genus Aspalathus (Crota-
larieae, Fabaceae). South African Journal of Botany 104: 35–46.
Stirton CH, Muasya AM (2017) Ten new species and a new record for the genus Otholobium
(Psoraleeae, Leguminosae) from South Africa. Kew Bulletin 72(50): 1–27. https://doi.
waites RN, Cowling RM (1988) Soil-vegetation relationships on the Agulhas
Plain, South Africa. Catena 15(3–4): 333–345.
ResearchGate has not been able to resolve any citations for this publication.
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Quartz fields are islands of distinct vegetation in southern Africa. Such habitats differ from surrounding shale substrate in geomorphological and climatic attributes, and are dominated by a predominantly succulent flora with between 14% and 91% endemism. Previous studies have identified and surveyed quartz fields within the Succulent Karoo biome, but little is known about the Overberg quartz–silcrete fields located in the Renosterveld vegetation (Fynbos biome). This study maps the occurrence of quartz–silcrete fields in the Overberg (Eastern and Central Rûens Shale Renosterveld) and investigates if such fields support distinct vegetation compared with surrounding shales. Forty-seven plant species were recorded, 19 of which are endemic to the quartz–silcrete patches, including several newly discovered species in vascular plant families Cyperaceae (Ficinia), Iridaceae (Hesperantha) and Fabaceae (Aspalathus, Otholobium, Polhillia, Xiphotheca). Five species among these are described in this paper: Aspalathus quartzicola C.H.Stirt. & Muasya, Aspalathus microlithica C.H.Stirt. & Muasya, Ficinia overbergensis Muasya & C.H.Stirt., Otholobium curtisiae C.H.Stirt. & Muasya, and Polhillia curtisiae C.H.Stirt. & Muasya. Detailed floristic composition of 25 quartz fields is surveyed, together with their conservation status. The Overberg Quartzveld is a critically endangered vegetation type that is the sole locality for 18 Red Listed plant species; which include seven new taxa. It is a distinct vegetation unit embedded within Rûens Shale Renosterveld in the eastern Overberg region of South Africa. These quartz patches have been overlooked in the past and we emphasize the need for further research and conservation attention of these habitats.
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This analysis goes beyond many phylogenies in exploring how phylogenetic structure imposed by morphology, ecology, and geography reveals useful evolutionary data. A comprehensive range of such diversity is evaluated within tribe Indigofereae and outgroups from sister tribes. A combined data set of 321 taxa (over one-third of the tribe) by 80 morphological characters, 833 aligned nuclear ribosomal ITS/5.8S sites, and an indel data set of 33 characters was subjected to parsimony analysis. Notable results include the Madagascan dry forest Disynstemon resolved as sister to tribe Indigofereae, and all species of the large genus Indigofera comprise just four main clades, each diagnosable by morphological synapomorphies and ecological and geographical predilections. These results suggest niche conservation (ecology) and dispersal limitation (geography) are important processes rendering signature shapes to the Indigofereae phylogeny in different biomes. Clades confined to temperate and succulent-rich biomes are more dispersal limited and have more geographical phylogenetic structure than those inhabiting tropical grass-rich vegetation. The African arid corridor, particularly the Namib center of endemism, harbors many of the oldest Indigofera lineages. A rates analysis of nucleotide substitutions confirms that the ages of the oldest crown clades are mostly younger than 16 Ma, implicating dispersal in explaining the worldwide distribution of the tribe.
Polhillia is a small, but poorly known genus of legumes endemic to the Greater Cape Floristic Region (GCFR) of South Africa. The genus was described three decades ago to accommodate species erroneously placed in Argyrolobium and other Cape legume genera. Polhillia is the third most threatened plant genus in South Africa, hence priority for taxonomic study and current knowledge on distribution patterns are essential for conservation interventions. Eight species were known at the start of this study, all of which are threatened with extinction. Species boundaries were, however, unclear and many Renosterveld fragments, in particular in the Overberg, required further exploration in pursuit of the various Polhillia species. The phylogenetic relationships among species and monophyly of the genus, especially regarding the position of the morphological aberrant P. involucrata, had not been tested. This study was built upon a foundation of widespread field sampling and analysis of herbarium specimens. Having considered morphological, anatomical, palynological and molecular data, we present an updated taxonomy of the genus Polhillia. Morphological characters between species were often obscure and unique characters were uncommon, as such species are recognized based on unique combinations of characters. Pollen and leaf anatomical studies did not provide substantial taxonomically informative characters, although some interspecific differences were noted. Molecular phylogenetic reconstructions confirm Polhillia to be monophyletic and sister to Argyrolobium, and that Argyrolobium may not be monophyletic. The morphologically distinct species, P. involucrata, is strongly supported as sister to the rest of the genus. Internal phylogenetic resolution in Polhillia is weak in many clades, due to the low variability among DNA markers studied, and several polytomies are still present. Based on the morphological and molecular evidence, we place P. involucrata in the new monotypic subgenus Roseopolhillia. Four new species are described (P. fortunata B.du Preez, P. groenewaldii B.du Preez, P. stirtoniana B.du Preez, P. xairuensis B.du Preez), and a previously recognized species (P. canescens C.H.Stirt.) is placed in synonymy under P. connata (Harv.) C.H.Stirt. Red data list assessments are provided for all species to highlight their conservation importance. Maps and compound colour plates are provided for each species.
Ten new species of Otholobium from South Africa are described: O. accrescens C. H. Stirt. & Muasya, O. dreweae C. H. Stirt. & Muasya, O. lanceolatum C. H. Stirt. & Muasya, O. lucens C. H. Stirt. & Muasya, O. nitens C. H. Stirt. & Muasya, O. piliferum C. H. Stirt. & Muasya, O. prodiens C. H. Stirt. & Muasya, O. sabulosum C. H. Stirt. & Muasya, O. saxosum C. H. Stirt. & Muasya and O. spissum C. H. Stirt. & Muasya. One new record for South Africa is confirmed: O. foliosum (Oliv.) C. H. Stirt. subsp. gazense (Baker f.) Verdc. We provide conservation status assessments under the IUCN criteria and also adopt a scheme capturing various levels of rarity (Rabinowitz rarity code). © 2017, The Board of Trustees of the Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew.
Ambiguous species delimitations and nomenclature are a major impediment for users of biodiversity information. This is more pronounced in plant lineages that have experienced recent and rapid diversification or where there is a tendency to lump many species under a general name. The papilionoid genus Psoralea L. is a young lineage (Pliocene, ca. 75 species) which has diversified rapidly within the South African fynbos biome and adjacent habitats. All species bearing 5–19 foliolate leaves were previously often lumped within the polymorphic species Psoralea pinnata, resulting in an unwieldy complex of at least 28 taxa, of which only eleven species are formally named. In this study we analyzed live specimens and populations in the field and herbarium collections, capturing their morphological and geographic diversity, for species delimitation. The results support the recognition of 25 distinct species, of which 14 are described here as new: P. azuroides; P. brilliantissima; P. elegans; P. floccosa; P. imminens; P. intonsa; P. ivumba; P.kougaensis; P. montana; P. muirii; P. rhizotoma; P. semota; P. sordida; and P. suaveolens. The taxon P. pinnata var. latifolia Harv. is raised to species rank, as P. latifolia comb. nov. The name P. pinnata sensu stricto is restricted here to a taxon with 5–9-leaflets extending from the Cape Peninsula to the Kogelberg mountains. We provide a key for the identification of all 25 species along with full descriptions, distribution maps and notes on their conservation status.
Seven species of Aspalathus from South Africa are described as new. Two of the species are from the KwaZulu-Natal Province (Aspalathus dahlgrenii C.H.Stirt. & Muasya; A. spinifera C.H.Stirt. & Muasya), two are from the Eastern Cape Province (A. modesta C.H.Stirt. & Muasya; A. usnoides C.H.Stirt. & Muasya), and the other three from the Western Cape Province (A. eriocephaloides C.H.Stirt. & Muasya; A. eustonbrownii C.H.Stirt. & Muasya; A. nickhelmei C.H.Stirt. & Muasya). An identification key is provided to all of the species found in KwaZulu-Natal Province. New distribution records are added for, and conservation statuses re-assessed of the rare and little known species, Aspalathus macrocarpa Eckl. & Zeyh. and A. barbigera R. Dahlgren.
Abstract— Rhynchosia sect. Polytropia is restricted to South Africa and comprises two closely related species (R. ferulaefolia and R. pinnata), which are characterized by pinnately or bipinnately plurijugate, or decompound leaves. The identity of the latter species is, however, uncertain. Several specimens, mostly from the Caledon and neighbouring areas in the Western Cape Province of South Africa, were erroneously assigned to R. pinnata. These specimens belong to a hitherto undescribed species, here named Rhynchosia smithiana . Although this species lacks the distinctive compound leaves typical of section Polytropia, it resembles R. pinnata and R. ferulaefolia in having a spreading, non-twining habit and congested multi-flowered inflorescences. Diagnostic features of the constituent species of section Polytropia, including the newly described species, are reported. A key to the species of this group is also presented, as well as morphological illustrations and distribution maps.
Taxonomic, edaphic and biological aspects of endemism were studied in a phanerogamous flora from the Agulhas Plain, a coastal lowland area of the Cape Floristic Region. Of the 1751 species in the flora, 23.6% were regional endemics and 5.7% were local endemics. Families which were over-represented in terms of endemics included the Ericaceae, Rutaceae, Proteaceae and Polygalaceae. Under-represented families included the Poaceae, Cyperaceae, Scrophulariaceae and Orchidaceae. Highest levels of local endemism were recorded on limestone and colluvial acid sand. Sixty-nine percent of regional endemics and 85% of local endemics were confined to a single substratum. An analysis of the frequency of biological traits associated with species with different categories of endemism enabled the establishment of a biological profile of a local endemic: a dwarf to low, non-sprouting shrub with soil stored seeds which are ant-dispersed and/or form a symbiotic relationship with microbes. It is argued that lineages with these characteristics are vulnerable to severe population reduction or even local extinction. An effect of this would be the promotion of rapid, edaphic speciation as a result of catastrophic selection. Thus, certain traits (e.g. non-sprouting) prevail or even predominate in the flora not because of any adaptive advantage but because high speciation rates of lineages which possess them, overwhelm low survival rates.
Broad correlations can be drawn between soil-based land systems and an independently derived vegetation classification in the Agulhas Plain at the extreme southern tip of Africa. The Agulhas Plain is an area of low climatic and topographic diversity where Cenozoic geomorphic processes have produced a diversity of erosional and depositional landscapes, mantled largely by soils of low fertility.A multivariate analysis of soil pit data from 20 sites indicates three major soil groups (alkaline-neutral sands, acid sands, acid loams) in the area, each supporting distinct groups of vegetation types. Within land systems site variation, which is distinguished by changes in soil type and variable slope processes along toposequences, is associated with abrupt changes in plant composition. This results in high beta diversity (compositional turnover) of the vegetational component.It is suggested that the high gamma diversity (species richness) of the area's flora (ca. 1700 species) results from site specialization both on a local scale within land systems and on a regional scale between land systems. Variation in soil nutrient status appears to be more influential than soil moisture at the regional level owing to the variety of lithospheric material.