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Math. Log. Quart. 67, No. 3, 321–328 (2021) / DOI 10.1002/malq.202000060
Strongly NIP almost real closed elds
Lothar Sebastian Krapp1,∗, Salma Kuhlmann1,∗∗,and Gabriel Lehéricy1, 2,∗∗∗
1Fachbereich Mathematik und Statistik, Universität Konstanz, 78457 Konstanz, Germany
2École supérieure d’ingénieurs Léonard-de-Vinci, Pôle Universitaire Léonard de Vinci, 92 916 Paris La
Défense Cedex, France
Received 13 August 2020, revised 22 December 2020, accepted 25 January 2021
Published online 28 September 2021
The following conjecture is due to Shelah–Hasson: Any innite strongly NIP eld is either real closed, alge-
braically closed, or admits a non-trivial denable henselian valuation, in the language of rings. We specialise
this conjecture to ordered elds in the language of ordered rings, which leads towards a systematic study of the
class of strongly NIP almost real closed elds. As a result, we obtain a complete characterisation of this class.
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1 Introduction
The study of tame ordered algebraic structures has received a considerable amount of attention since the notion
of o-minimality was introduced in [23]. Frequently, the goal is to give a complete characterisation of such model-
theoretically well-behaved structures in terms of their algebraic properties. For instance, a (totally) ordered group
is o-minimal if and only if it is abelian and divisible (cf. [23, Proposition 1.4, Theorem 2.1]) and an ordered eld
is o-minimal if and only if it is real closed (cf. [23, Proposition 1.4, Theorem 2.3]). In fact, these characterisations
hold true under the more general tameness condition of weak o-minimality (cf. [4, p. 117] and [21, Theorem 5.1,
Theorem 5.3]). While o-minimality and weak o-minimality are comparatively strong tameness conditions, the
property NIP (‘not the independence property’), introduced in [26], is at the other end of the spectrum; indeed,
any o-minimal structure is also NIP (cf. [23, Corollary 3.10] and [24]).
A strategy to examine the class of NIP ordered algebraic structures is to rst consider renements of the property
NIP. In this regard, we are mainly concerned with dp-minimal as well as strongly NIP1ordered groups and elds.
Since any weakly o-minimal theory is dp-minimal (cf. [5, Corollary 4.3]), we obtain the following hierarchy:
o-minimal →weakly o-minimal →dp-minimal →strongly NIP →NIP.
In particular, any divisible ordered abelian group and any real closed eld are strongly NIP. A full algebraic
characterisation of dp-minimal ordered elds follows from [13, Theorem 6.2] (cf. Proposition 4.4), but so far
there has not been a systematic study of the strongly NIP ordered eld case.
With this paper, we contribute to the analysis of strongly NIP ordered elds, in light of a conjecture suggested by
Shelah in [28, Conjecture 5.34(c)]. This conjecture was veried by Johnson for dp-minimal elds in [15, Theorem
1.6] and more recently for dp-nite2elds in [16, Theorem 1.2]. Shelah’s conjecture was reformulated as follows
in [7, p. 820], [10, p. 2214], [11, p. 720] and [12, p. 183].
Shelah–Hasson Conjecture. Let K be an innite strongly NIP eld. Then K is either real closed, or alge-
braically closed, or admits a non-trivial Lr-denable3henselian valuation.
The Shelah–Hasson Conjecture specialised to ordered elds reads as follows.
∗Corresponding author; e-mail: sebastian.krapp@uni-konstanz.de
∗∗ E-mail: salma.kuhlmann@uni-konstanz.de
∗∗∗ E-mail: gabriel.lehericy@uni-konstanz.de
1A strongly NIP theory is usually said to be strongly dependent.
2Dp-niteness can be classed between dp-minimality and strong NIP in the picture above.
3Throughout this work ‘denable’ always means ‘denable with parameters’.
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322 L. S. Krapp, S. Kuhlmann, and G. Lehéricy: Strongly NIP almost real closed elds
Conjecture 1.1 Let (K,<)be a strongly NIP ordered eld. Then K is either real closed or admits a non-trivial
Lor-denable henselian valuation.
The valuation and model theory of almost real closed elds (cf. [3] and also Denition 3.1) is well-understood.
A main achievement of our paper is to show that Conjecture 1.1 is equivalent to the following.
Conjecture 1.2 Any strongly NIP ordered eld (K,<)is almost real closed.
We highlight this result in the following theorem.4
Theorem 1.3 Conjecture 1.1 and Conjecture 1.2 are equivalent.
Dp-minimal and more generally strongly NIP ordered abelian groups have already been fully classied (cf. [13,
Proposition 5.1] and [11, Theorem 1]). Moreover, Conjecture 1.1 has already been veried for dp-minimal ordered
elds in [13, Corollary 6.6]. By a careful analysis of the results of [13], we deduce in Proposition 4.4 that also
Conjecture 1.2 holds for dp-minimal ordered elds. Actually, we prove that an ordered eld is dp-minimal if and
only if it is almost real closed with respect to some dp-minimal ordered abelian group G. This latter result raises
the question whether the analogous classication holds for strongly NIP ordered elds. We therefore address the
Question 1.4 Is it true that an ordered eld (K,<) is strongly NIP if and only if it is almost real closed with
respect to some strongly NIP ordered abelian group G?
In § 4, we prove our other main result:5
Theorem 1.5 Let (K,<)be an almost real closed eld with respect to some ordered abelian group G. Then
(K,<)is strongly NIP if and only if G is strongly NIP.
This answers positively the backward direction of Question 1.4 about the classication of strongly NIP ordered
elds. Thus, only the following question remains open.
Question 1.6 Is every strongly NIP ordered eld (K,<) almost real closed with respect to some strongly NIP
ordered abelian group G?
Finally, we note that a positive answer to Question 1.6 would verify Conjecture 1.2. Conversely, if Conjec-
ture 1.2 is veried, then by Theorem 1.5 the answer to Question 1.6 is positive.
We conclude in § 6 by stating some further open questions motivated by this work.6
2 General preliminaries
The set of natural numbers with 0 is denoted by N0, the set of natural numbers without 0 by N.LetLr=
{+,−,·,0,1}be the language of rings, Lor =Lr∪{<}the language of ordered rings and Log ={+,0,<}the
language of ordered groups. Throughout this work, we abbreviate the Lr-structure of a eld (K,+,−,·,0,1) sim-
ply by K,theLor -structure of an ordered eld (K,+,−,·,0,1,<)by(K,<) and the Log -structure of an ordered
group (G,+,0,<)byG.
All notions on valued elds can be found in [8, 20]. Let Kbe a eld and va valuation on K. We denote the
valuation ring of vin Kby Ov,thevaluation ideal, i.e., the maximal ideal of Ov,byMv,theordered value group
by vKand the residue eld Ov/Mvby Kv.Fora∈Ovwe also denote a+Mvby a. For an ordered eld (K,<)
a valuation is called convex (in (K,<)) if the valuation ring Ovis a convex subset of K. In this case, the relation
a<b:⇐⇒ a= b∧a<bdenes an order relation on Kvmaking it an ordered eld. Note that in ordered elds,
henselian valuations are always convex:
Fact 2.1 ([17, Lemma 2.1]) Let (K,<)be an ordered eld and let vbe a henselian valuation on K. Then vis
convex on (K,<).
4This will be restated as Theorem 5.4.
5This will be restated as Theorem 4.12.
6A preliminary version of this work is contained in our arXiv preprint [18], which contains also a systematic study of Lor-denable
henselian valuations in ordered elds as well as of the class of ordered elds which are dense in their real closure. This systematic study, of
independent interest, will be the subject of a separate publication [19].
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Let Lvf =Lr∪{Ov}be the language of valued elds, where Ovstands for a unary predicate. Let (K,Ov)be
a valued eld. An atomic formula of the form v(t1)≥v(t2), where t1and t2are Lr-terms, stands for the Lvf-
formula t1=t2=0∨(t2= 0∧Ov(t1/t2)). Thus, by abuse of notation, we also denote the Lvf-structure (K,Ov)
by (K,v). Similarly, we also call (K,<,v) an ordered valued eld. We say that a valuation vis L-denable for
some language L∈{Lr,Lor }if its valuation ring is an L-denable subset of K.
For any ordered abelian groups G1and G2, we denote the lexicographic sum of G1and G2by G1⊕G2.This
is the abelian group G1×G2with the lexicographic ordering (a,b)<(c,d)ifa<c,ora=cand b<d.
Let Kbe a eld and let vand wbe valuations on K. We write v≤wif and only if Ov⊇Ow. In this case we say
that wis ner than vand vis coarser than v. Note that ≤denes an order relation on the set of convex valuations
of an ordered eld. We call two elements a,b∈K archimedean equivalent (in symbols a∼b) if there is some
n∈Nsuch that |a|<n|b|and |b|<n|a|.LetG={[a]|a∈K×}, the set of archimedean equivalence classes of
K×. Equipped with addition [a]+[b]=[ab] and the ordering [a]<[b] dened by a∼ b∧|b|<|a|,thesetG
becomes an ordered abelian group. Then K×→G,a→ [a] denes a convex valuation on K. This is called the
natural valuation on Kand denoted by vnat.7
Let (k,<) be an ordered eld and let Gbe an ordered abelian group. We denote the Hahn eld with coefcients
in kand exponents in Gby k(( G)). The underlying set of k(( G)) consists of all elements in the group product g∈Gk
with well-ordered support, where the support of an element sis given by supps={g∈G|s(g)= 0}. We denote
an element s∈k(( G)) by s=g∈Gsgtg, where sg=s(g) and tgis the characteristic function on Gmapping gto
1 and everything else to 0. The ordering on k(( G)) i s give n b y s>0:⇐⇒ s(min supps)>0. Let vmin be the
valuation on k(( G)) g ive n b y vmin (s)=min suppsfor s= 0. Note that vmin is convex and henselian. Note further
that if kis archimedean, then vmin coincides with vnat.
We repeatedly use the Ax–Kochen–Ershov Principle for ordered elds. This follows from [9, Corollary 4.2(iii)],
where all appearing levels in the premise equal 1 (cf. [9, p. 916]).
Fact 2.2 (Ax–Kochen–Ershov Principle) Let (K,<,v)and (L,<,w)be two ordered henselian valued elds.
Then (Kv,<)≡(Lw,<)and vK≡wL if and only if (K,<,v)≡(L,<,w).
Since we do not use explicitly the denitions of the independence property (IP), ‘not the independence prop-
erty’ (NIP), strong NIP and dp-minimality, we refer the reader to [29] for all denitions in this regard. For a
structure N, we say that Nis NIP (respectively, strongly NIP and dp-minimal) if its complete theory Th(N)is
NIP (respectively, strongly NIP and dp-minimal). A well-known example of an IP theory is the complete theory of
the Lr-structure (Z,+,−,·,0,1) (cf. [29, Example 2.4]). Since Zis parameter-free denable in the Lr-structure Q
(cf. [25, Theorem 3.1]), also the complete Lr-theory of Qhas IP. Any reduct of a strongly NIP structure is strongly
NIP (cf. [27, Claim 3.14 (3)]) and any reduct of a dp-minimal structure is dp-minimal (cf. [22, Observation 3.7]).
3 Almost real closed elds
Algebraic and model theoretic properties of the class of almost real closed elds in the language Lrhave been stud-
ied in [3]; in particular, [3, Theorem 4.4] gives a complete characterisation of Lr-denable henselian valuations.
In the following, we prove some useful properties of almost real closed elds in the language Lor.
Denition 3.1 Let (K,<) be an ordered eld, Gan ordered abelian group and va henselian valuation on K.
We call Kan almost real closed eld (with respect to vand G)ifKvis real closed and vK=G.
Depending on the context, we may simply say that (K,<) is an almost real closed eld without specifying the
henselian valuation vor the ordered abelian group G=vK.
Remark 3.2 In [3], almost real closed elds are dened as pure elds which admit a henselian valuation with
real closed residue eld. However, any such eld admits an ordering, which is due to the Baer–Krull Representation
Theorem (cf. [8, p. 37f.]). We consider almost real closed elds as ordered elds with a xed order.
Due to Fact 2.1 and the following fact, we do not need to make a distinction between convex and henselian
valuations in almost real closed elds.
7Note that the ordered residue eld (Kvnat,<) is always archimedean. Note further that vnat is trivial if and only if (K,<) is archimedean.
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Fact 3.3 ([3, Proposition 2.9]) Let (K,<)be an almost real closed eld. Then any convex valuation on (K,<)
is henselian.
[3, Proposition 2.8] implies that the class of almost real closed elds in the language Lris closed under ele-
mentary equivalence. We can easily deduce that this also holds in the language Lor.
Proposition 3.4 Let (K,<)be an almost real closed eld and let (L,<)≡(K,<). Then (L,<)is an almost
real closed eld.
Proof. SinceL≡K, we obtain by [3, Proposition 2.8] that Ladmits a henselian valuation vsuch that Lvis
real closed. Hence, (L,<) is almost real closed.
Corollary 3.5 Let (K,<)be an ordered eld. Then (K,<)is almost real closed if and only if (K,<)≡
(R(( G)),<)for some ordered abelian group G.
P r o o f . The forward direction follows from Fact 2.2. The backward direction is a consequence of Proposi-
tion 3.4.
Corollary 3.6 Let (K,<)be an almost real closed eld and let G be an ordered abelian group. Then (K(( G)),<)
is almost real closed.
Proof. Letvbe a henselian valuation on Ksuch that Kis almost real closed with respect to v. Since vmin
is henselian on K(( G)), we can compose the two henselian valuations vmin and vin order to obtain a henselian
valuation on K(( G)) with real closed residue eld (cf. [8, Corollary 4.1.4]).
4 Strongly NIP ordered elds
In this section we study the class of strongly NIP ordered elds in light of Conjectures 1.1 & 1.2. A special class
of strongly NIP ordered elds are dp-minimal ordered elds. These are fully classied in [13]. In Proposition 4.4
below we show that our query (cf. Question 1.4) holds for dp-minimal ordered elds. An ordered group Gis called
non-singular if G/pG is nite for all prime numbers p.
Fact 4.1 ([13, Proposition 5.1]) An ordered abelian group G is dp-minimal if and only if it is non-singular.8
Fact 4.2 ([13, Theorem 6.2]) An ordered eld (K,<)is dp-minimal if and only if there exists a non-singular
ordered abelian group G such that (K,<)≡(R(( G)),<).
Lemma 4.3 Let (K,<)be a dp-minimal almost real closed eld with respect to some henselian valuation v.
Then vK is dp-minimal.
Proof. SinceKvis real closed, it is not separably closed. Thus, by [14, Theorem A], vis denable in the
Shelah expansion (K,<)Sh (cf. [14, § 2]) of (K,<). By [22, Observation 3.8], also (K,<)Sh is dp-minimal, whence
the reduct (K,v) is dp-minimal. By [28, Observation 1.4(2)]9, any structure which is rst-order interpretable in
(K,v) is dp-minimal (cf. also [2, 13]). Hence, also vKis dp-minimal.
Proposition 4.4 Let (K,<)be an ordered eld. Then (K,<)is dp-minimal if and only if it is almost real closed
with respect to a dp-minimal ordered abelian group.
P r o o f . Suppose that (K,<) is almost real closed with respect to a dp-minimal ordered abelian group G.By
Fact 4.1, Gis non-singular. By Fact 2.2, we have (K,<)≡(R(( G)),<), which is dp-minimal by Fact 4.2. Hence,
(K,<) is dp-minimal.
Conversely, suppose that (K,<) is dp-minimal. By Fact 4.2, we have (K,<)≡(R(( G)),<) for some non-
singular ordered abelian group G. Since (R(( G)) ,<) is almost real closed, by Proposition 3.4 also (K,<)isalmost
real closed with respect to some henselian valuation v. By Lemma 4.3, also vKis dp-minimal, as required.
As a result, we obtain a characterisation of dp-minimal archimedean ordered elds.
8The saturation condition in [13] can be dropped, as non-singularity of groups transfers via elementary equivalence.
9We thank Yatir Halevi for pointing out this reference to us.
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Corollary 4.5 Let (K,<)be a dp-minimal archimedean ordered eld. Then K is real closed.
P r o o f . The only archimedean almost real closed elds are the archimedean real closed elds. This is due
to the fact that any henselian valuation won an archimedean eld Lis convex and thus trivial, whence the residue
eld of Lwis equal to L. Thus, by Proposition 4.4, any archimedean dp-minimal ordered eld is real closed.
We now turn to strongly NIP almost real closed elds, aiming for a characterisation of these (cf. Theorem 4.12).
We have seen in Proposition 4.4 that every almost real closed eld with respect to a dp-minimal ordered abelian
group is dp-minimal. We obtain a similar result for almost real closed elds with respect to a strongly NIP ordered
abelian group. The following two results will be exploited.
Fact 4.6 ([11, Theorem 1]) Let G be an ordered abelian group. Then the following are equivalent:
(1) G is strongly NIP.
(2) G is elementarily equivalent to a lexicographic sum of ordered abelian groups i∈IGi, where for every
prime p, we have |{i∈I|pGi= Gi}| <∞, and for any i ∈I, we have |{pprime |[Gi:pGi]=∞}|<∞.
Details on angular component maps are given in [6, § 5.4f.]. Recall from § 2 that any henselian valuation
on an ordered eld is convex (cf. Fact 2.1) and thus naturally induces an ordering on the residue eld given by
a<b:⇐⇒ a= b∧a<b.
Observation 4.7 Let (K,<,v)be an ordered henselian valued eld and let ac : K×→Kv×be an angular
component map. Suppose that the induced ordering of K on Kvis Lr-denable. Then the ordering <is denable
in (K,v,ac).
Proof. Letϕ(x)beanLr-formula such that for any a∈Kvwe have a≥0 if and only if Kv|= ϕ(a). Then
the formula x= 0→ϕ(ac(x)) denes the positive cone of the ordering <on K.
Lemma 4.8 Let G be a strongly NIP ordered abelian group. Then the ordered Hahn eld (R(( G)) ,<)is
strongly NIP.
Proof. IfK=R((G)) is real closed, then we are done.
Otherwise let v=vmin. Then (K,v) is ac-valued with angular component map ac : K→Rgiven by ac(s)=
s(v(s)) for s= 0 and ac(0) =0. Following a similar argument as [12, p. 188], we obtain that (K,v,ac) is a strongly
NIP ac-valued eld; more precisely, (K,v,ac) eliminates eld quantiers in the generalised Denef–Pas language
(cf. [6, § 5.6], noting that both Kand Kvhave characteristic 0), whence by [12, Fact 3.5] we obtain that (K,v,ac)
is strongly NIP. Since Ris closed under square roots for positive elements, for any a∈Kwe have a≥0 if and
only if the following holds in K:
(cf. Observation 4.7). Hence, the order relation <is denable in (K,v,ac). We obtain that (K,<) is strongly
Proposition 4.9 Let (K,<)be an almost real closed eld with respect to a strongly NIP ordered abelian group
and let G be a strongly NIP ordered abelian group. Then (K(( G)) ,<)is a strongly NIP ordered eld.
Proof. LetHbe a strongly NIP ordered abelian group such that (K,<) is almost real closed with respect
to Hand let wbe a henselian valution on Kwith wK=H. As in the proof of Corollary 3.6, we can compose the
valuation vmin on K(( G)) with won Kto obtain a henselian valuation on K(( G)) with real closed residue eld and
value group isomorphic to G⊕H. Hence, (K(( G)) ,<)≡(R(( G⊕H)) ,<). Since Gand Hare strongly NIP, also
G⊕His strongly NIP by Fact 4.6. Hence, by Lemma 4.8, also (K(( G)),<) is strongly NIP.
Corollary 4.10 Let (K,<)be an almost real closed with respect to a henselian valuation vsuch that vKis
strongly NIP. Then (K,<)is strongly NIP.
P r o o f . This follows immediately from Proposition 4.9 by setting G={0}and H=vK.
For the proof of Theorem 4.12, we need one further result on general strongly NIP ordered elds, which will
also be used for the proof of Theorem 5.4.
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Proposition 4.11 Let (K,<)be a strongly NIP ordered eld and let vbe a henselian valuation on K. Then
also (Kv,<)and vK are strongly NIP.
P r o o f . Arguing as in the proof of Lemma 4.3, we obtain that vis denable in (K,<)Sh.Now(K,<)Sh is
also strongly NIP (cf. [22, Observation 3.8]), whence (K,<,v) is strongly NIP. By [28, Observation 1.4(2)], both
(Kv,<) and vKare strongly NIP, as they are rst-order interpretable in (K,<,v).
We obtain from Corollary 4.10 and Proposition 4.11 the following characterisation of strongly NIP almost real
closed elds.
Theorem 4.12 Let (K,<)be an almost real closed eld with respect to some ordered abelian group G. Then
(K,<)is strongly NIP if and only if G is strongly NIP.
Remark 4.13 Fact 4.6 and Theorem 4.12 give us the following complete characterisation of strongly NIP al-
most real closed elds: An almost real closed eld (K,<) is strongly NIP if and only if it is elementarily equivalent
to some ordered Hahn eld (R(( G)) ,<) where Gis a lexicographic sum as in Fact 4.6(2).
5 Equivalence of conjectures
Recall our two main conjectures.
Conjecture 1.1 Let (K,<)be a strongly NIP ordered eld. Then K is either real closed or admits a non-trivial
Lor-denable henselian valuation.
Conjecture 1.2 Any strongly NIP ordered eld is almost real closed.
In this section, we show that Conjectures 1.1 & 1.2 are equivalent (cf. Theorem 5.4).
Remark 5.1 (1) An ordered eld is real closed if and only if it is o-minimal (cf. [23, Proposition 1.4, The-
orem 2.3]). Hence, for any real closed eld K,ifO⊆Kis a denable convex ring, its endpoints must lie in
K∪{±∞}. This implies that any denable convex valuation ring must already contain K, i.e., is trivial. Thus, the
two cases in the consequence of Conjecture 1.1 are exclusive.
(2) Recall from § 2 that the eld Qis not NIP. By [1], the henselian valuation vmin is Lr-denable in Q(( Z)).
Hence, Proposition 4.11 yields that (Q(( Z)) ,<) is an example of an ordered eld which is not real closed, admits
a non-trivial Lor-denable henselian valuation but is not strongly NIP.
Lemmas 5.2 & 5.3 below are used in the proof of Theorem 5.4. For the rst result, we adapt the proof of [12,
Lemma 3.7] to the context of ordered elds.
Lemma 5.2 Assume that any strongly NIP ordered eld is either real closed or admits a non-trivial henselian
valuation10. Let (K,<)be a strongly NIP ordered eld. Then (K,<)is almost real closed with respect to the
canonical valuation, i.e., the nest henselian valuation on K.
Proof. Let(K,<) be a strongly NIP ordered eld. If Kis real closed, then we can take the natural valuation.
Otherwise, by assumption, the set of non-trivial henselian valuations on Kis non-empty. Let vbe the canonical
valuation on K. By Proposition 4.11, we have that (Kv,<) is strongly NIP. Note that Kvcannot admit a non-trivial
henselian valuation, as otherwise this would induce a non-trivial henselian valuation on Kner than v. Hence, by
assumption, Kvmust be real closed.
The next result is obtained from an application of [11, Proposition 5.5].
Lemma 5.3 Let (K,<)be a strongly NIP ordered eld which is not real closed but is almost real closed with
respect to a henselian valuation v. Then there exists a non-trivial Lr-denable henselian coarsening of v.
P r o o f . By Proposition 4.11, we have that vK=Gis strongly NIP. Since Kis not real closed, Gis non-
divisible (cf. [8, Theorem 4.3.7]). By [11, Proposition 5.5], any henselian valuation with non-divisible value
group on a strongly NIP eld has a non-trivial Lr-denable henselian coarsening. Hence, there is a non-trivial
Lr-denable henselian coarsening uof v.
10 Note that this valuation does not necessarily have to be Lor-denable.
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Theorem 5.4 Conjecture 1.1 and Conjecture 1.2 are equivalent.
P r o o f . Assume Conjecture 1.2, and let (K,<) be a strongly NIP ordered eld which is not real closed.
Then (K,<) admits a non-trivial henselian valuation v. By Lemma 5.3, it also admits a non-trivial Lr-denable
henselian valuation. Now assume Conjecture 1.1. Let (K,<) be a strongly NIP ordered eld. By Lemma 5.2, we
obtain that Kis almost real closed with respect to the canonical valuation v.
As a nal observation, we give twofurther equivalent formulations of Conjecture 1.2 which follow from results
throughout this work.
Observation 5.5 The following are equivalent:
(1) Any strongly NIP ordered eld (K,<)is almost real closed.
(2) For any strongly NIP ordered eld (K,<), the natural valuation vnat on K is henselian.
(3) For any strongly NIP ordered valued eld (K,<,v), whenever vis convex, it is already henselian.
P r o o f . (1) implies (3) by Fact 3.3. Suppose that (3) holds and let (K,<) be strongly NIP. Now vnat is
denable in the Shelah expansion (K,<)Sh, as it is the convex closure of Zin K. Hence, (K,<,vnat) is a strongly
NIP ordered valued eld. By assumption, vnat is henselian on K, which implies (2). Finally, suppose that (2) holds.
Let (K,<) be a strongly NIP ordered eld and (K1,<)anℵ1-saturated elementary extension of (K,<). Then
K1vnat =R, as any Dedekind cut on the rational numbers in K1is realised in K1.
More precisely, let a∈Rand set L={q∈Q|q<a}and R={q∈Q|a<q}. Then any nite subset of the
1-type p(x)={q<x|q∈L}∪{x<q|q∈R}is realised in Qand thus also in K1.Asp(x) is countable, the
ℵ1-saturation of K1implies that p(x) is realised in K1by some α∈K1. Since K1vnat is archimedean, it embeds
as an ordered eld into R, i.e., (Q,<)⊆(K1vnat,<)⊆(R,<). Finally, by application of the residue map, for
any q1,q2∈Qwith q1<a<q2we obtain q1≤α≤q2. Hence, α=a. Since awas chosen arbitrary, we obtain
K1vnat =R.
By assumption, vnat is henselian on K1, whence (K1,<) is almost real closed. By Proposition 3.4, also (K,<)
is almost real closed.
6 Open questions
We conclude with open questions connected to results throughout this work. Conjecture 1.2 for archimedean elds
states that any strongly NIP archimedean ordered eld is real closed, as the only archimedean almost real closed
elds are the real closed ones. Corollary 4.5 shows that any dp-minimal archimedean ordered eld is real closed.
We can ask whether the same holds for all strongly NIP ordered elds.
Question 6.1 Let (K,<) be a strongly NIP archimedean ordered eld. Is Knecessarily real closed?
It is shown in [19] that any almost real closed eld which is not real closed cannot be dense in its real closure.
Thus, any dp-minimal ordered eld which is dense in its real closure is real closed. Moreover, if Conjecture 1.2
is true, then, in particular, a strongly NIP ordered eld which is not real closed cannot be dense in its real closure.
Question 6.2 Let (K,<) be a strongly NIP ordered eld which is dense in its real closure. Is (K,<) real closed?
Note that Question 6.2 is more general than Question 6.1, as a positive answer to Question 6.2 would automat-
ically tell us that any archimedean ordered eld is real closed (since every archimedean eld is dense in its real
Acknowledgement We started this research at the Model Theory, Combinatorics and Valued elds Trimester at the Institut
Henri Poincaré in March 2018. All three authors wish to thank the IHP for its hospitality.
The rst author was supported by a doctoral scholarship of Studienstiftung des deutschen Volkes as well as of Carl-Zeiss-
Stiftung, and by Werner und Erika Messmer-Stiftung.
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328 L. S. Krapp, S. Kuhlmann, and G. Lehéricy: Strongly NIP almost real closed elds
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