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Abstract and Figures

This study examines the relationship between gratitude, resilience, and academic performance among students of a public university in Malaysia. One hundred and forty-six samples were obtained through a simple random technique (N=235). The survey employed GQ6 (Gratitude Questionnaire), Brief Resilience Scale (BRS), and self-reported grade-point average (GPA) as its measurement tools. Correlation analysis shows that gratitude has a high positive relationship with resilience and academic performance. Findings from the study support those of previous studies about the importance of gratitude in improving student’s psychological resilience and academic performances. The study suggests that adopting a sense of gratefulness and appreciation helps students overcome challenges in their educational journey at university.
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Journal of Cognitive Sciences and Human Development. Vol.7(2), September 2021
Gratitude and Its Relationship to Resilience and Academic
Performance among University Students
Nailah Najwa Zainoodin1, Ida Juliana Hutasuhut2*, Mohamad Azhari Abu Bakar3 &
Nurul Wardhani ⁴
1,2,3Faculty of Cognitive Sciences and Human Development, Universiti Malaysia Sarawak,
Sarawak, Malaysia.
4Faculty of Psychology, University of Padjadjaran, Bandung, Indonesia.
This study examines the relationship between gratitude, resilience, and academic performance among
students of a public university in Malaysia. One hundred and forty-six samples were obtained through a
simple random technique (N=235). The survey employed GQ6 (Gratitude Questionnaire), Brief Resilience
Scale (BRS), and self-reported grade-point average (GPA) as its measurement tools. Correlation analysis
shows that gratitude has a high positive relationship with resilience and academic performance. Findings
from the study support those of previous studies about the importance of gratitude in improving student’s
psychological resilience and academic performances. The study suggests that adopting a sense of
gratefulness and appreciation helps students overcome challenges in their educational journey at university.
Keywords: gratitude, resilience, academic performance, positive emotion
Email (Ida Juliana Hutasuhut)
*Corresponding author
e-ISSN: 2550-1623
Manuscript received: 15 August 2021; Accepted: 13 September 2021; Date of publication: 25 September 2021
Copyright: This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the CC-BY-NC-SA (Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0
International License), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, for non-commercial purposes, provided the original work of the
author(s) is properly cited.
Journal of Cognitive Sciences and Human Development. Vol.7(2), September 2021
In the current volatile, uncertain, complex, and ambiguous (VUCA) environment, organisations,
including universities as higher educational institutions, continuously need to anticipate, react, and
respond accurately to remain competitive (Hutasuhut, Adruce & Jonathan, 2021). Exacerbated by
the Coronavirus pandemic in 2019 (COVID-19), the challenges faced by university students are
getting tougher. They face escalated challenges in managing their assignments while demanding
good grades in examinations and dealing with tight deadlines (Hashem et al., 2014). The prolonged
movement limitations triggered by the COVID-19 pandemic has added uncertainty to various
aspects of life, including the rapid change from face-to-face classes to online classes (Kuhfeld,
2020; Son, Hegde, Smith, Wang, & Sasangohar, 2020). Therefore, scholars are increasingly aware
that students need to be skilful in controlling their cognition in dealing with their learning
challenges, maintaining focus, and reducing stress (Duckworth & Allred, 2012; Wilson, 2016).
A growing number of studies have found that there is a link between gratitude and human well-
being (Duckworth, Steen, & Seligman, 2005; Lazarus & Lazarus, 1994; Emmons & McCullough,
2003; Watkins, Cruz, Holben & Kolts, 2008; Wilson, 2016; Wood, Joseph, & Maltby, 2009).
Gratitude is defined as an ability to identify and appreciate the benefits gained from others and a
yearning to respond with positive actions. Gratitude guides students to have an elevated level of
life satisfaction, which further increases the learners' academic performance (Clarkson, 2020;
Diener & Emmons, 1984) and helps maintain a positive mindset when facing various challenges
(Listiyandini, 2018). Students who practise gratitude tend to use positive coping strategies to
handle academic stressors rather than avoiding them (Wood et al., 2007). The present study
examines the correlation between gratitude and resilience among university students since
gratitude practice can help increase their psychological resilience (Listiyandini, 2018) and the
correlation between gratitude and academic performance (Carter et al., 2012). This study
hypothesises a correlation between gratitude and resilience, and a correlation between gratitude
and academic performance.
2.1 Gratitude
The word gratitude is derived from the Latin root "gratia", meaning grace, graciousness, or
gratefulness (Emmons & McCullough, 2003). A growing number of studies have found that there
is a link between gratitude and human well-being (Duckworth, Steen, & Seligman, 2005; Emmons,
Lazarus & Lazarus, 1994; McCullough & Tsang, 2003; Watkins, Cruz, Holben & Kolts, 2008;
Wilson, 2016; Wood, Joseph, & Maltby, 2009). These studies have inspired considerable interest
among scholars to focus their studies on this topic. Some scholars agree that gratitude typically
creates a positive emotional valence (Weiner, 1985). Gratitude has been conceptualised as a
character strength that shows an ability to identify and appreciate the benefits gained from others
and the urge to respond with positive action (Emmons & McCullough, 2003). Overwalle,
Mervielde, & Schuyter (1995) explained gratitude as a pleasurable state related to positive
emotions such as happiness, pride, and hope due to other people's actions or the goodness of
Journal of Cognitive Sciences and Human Development. Vol.7(2), September 2021
objects or situations. These pleasurable states are not caused by oneself. Moreover, research has
also shown that gratitude improves life satisfaction (McCullough, Emmons, & Tsang, 2002),
reduces aggression (DeWall, Lambert, Pond, Kashdan, & Fincham, 2012), and motivates prosocial
behaviour (Bartlett & DeSteno, 2006; Tsang, 2006).
It is compelling that gratitude closely correlates with human well-being, particularly positive
emotion, attitude, habit, and tendency to prosocial behaviour. Research from Diener (2000) and
Schimmack (2003) have claimed that well-being involves cognitive and affective components,
evaluating one's life positively and experiencing more positive than negative emotions. Gratitude
enhances positive feelings for self and maintains a positive mindset when facing various challenges
that improve appreciation of self (Listiyandini, 2018). People with grateful feelings also widen
their social connections with others (Fredrickson, 2004).
Gratitude will not arise naturally to some. However, it can be developed with practice and a certain
level of reflection (Froh, Miller, & Snyder, 2007; Wilson, 2016). Past research has focused on
gratitude practices that increase individual ability to be more thankful, such as gratitude journals
(Emmons & McCullough, 2003) and gratitude conversation (Listiyandini, 2018). A study from
Emmons & McCullough (2003), Seligman (2012), and Duckworth et al. (2005) stated that
gratitude journaling would become more effective if the person emphasis on gratitude for people
instead of things, take time to appreciate the blessings, and stay open to surprises in their lives.
2.2 Gratitude and its Relationship to Resilience in Learning
The American Psychological Association (APA) defines resilience as the process of adjusting
when facing difficulty or stress. Masten et al. (1990) defined resilience as the process and
consequence of successful adaptation regardless of challenging situations. Further, Masten (2001)
stated that resilience had been defined as good outcomes despite severe threats to transformation
or development. Gratitude will enhance positive emotions and a pleasant state (Emmons &
McCullough, 2003; Walker & Pitts, 1998). In the educational context, resilience is the skill to
succeed academically despite tricky situations (Surtherland, 2005; Windle, 2011).
Moreover, from a longitudinal perspective, resilience is well-defined as the ability to bounce back
from hardship and go on with life (Netuveli et al., 2008). Resilient individuals will have the
capacity to respond flexibly and effectively when facing a difficult situation (Reivich & Shatte,
2002). In sum, resilience is a skill to overcome any difficulties or challenging problems that create
stress, as the person can bounce back and continue in their lives and grow.
Listiyandini (2018) claimed that resilience lets students cope with various stresses and problems
ahead of study life and eventually avoid the psychological distress that may affect their mental and
physical health in negative ways. It is further supported by a recent study conducted at Georgia
Southern University, demonstrating that gratitude enhances psychological resilience, the ability to
thrive under challenging situations (Teh, 2019). Individuals practising gratitude perceive their
hardship as a steppingstone toward their goal. Thus, it will lead them to a positive direction as
gratitude can improve their coping skills with a growth mindset of resilience (Duckworth et al.,
Journal of Cognitive Sciences and Human Development. Vol.7(2), September 2021
2007). To enhance resilience among students who come from various backgrounds, it is essential
to understand their backgrounds, such as families, organisations, communities, and cultures
(Southwick et al., 2014). Southwick et al. (2014) even claimed that one of the essential things that
can be done to enhance resilience is promoting healthy family and community environments,
which will allow the individuals to have natural defence systems to build and operate effectively
and correctly. A healthy family and community environment is a supportive family and community
that provides emotional support, economic well-being and increases overall health (Southwick et
al., 2014).
2.3 Gratitude and its Relationship with Academic Performance
Clarkson (2020) states that gratitude, as a positive emotion, plays a vital role in academics. Besides
that, many more studies link the positive impact of gratitude on cognitive, emotional, and social
aspects to support student academic performance. Ashby and Isen (1999) found that gratitude can
increase dopamine levels in the brain, which affects the expansion of cognitive space and further
increases the accessibility of positive information in memory. This finding aligns with research
conducted by Fredrickson (2004), which claims that gratitude will stimulate more creative thinking
and encourage student involvement in learning. Furthermore, Wood et al. (2010) explained that
gratitude has a relationship with academic competence that can affect students' self-efficacy and
satisfaction with their performance in school. In addition, Zhen et al. (2021) stated that gratitude
would lead students to get more positive information to complete learning tasks and even increase
the level of academic self-efficacy. Gratitude has a significant and positive role in intellectual
engagement (Zhen et al., 2021). Therefore, there is a relationship between gratitude and academic
engagement, leading to successful academic performance (Caraway et al., 2003).
It is interesting to note that Froh et al. (2011) and Wood et al. (2010) argued that with gratitude,
students could deal with social relationships at school, become more competitive in academics,
and maintain their mental health. Other studies also supported the claim that gratitude is positively
related to seeking social support (Faeq, 2016). Qin et al. (2015) highlighted how students would
use their social support to sustain themselves and seek help when facing difficulties. Qin et al.
(2015) also said that students would develop positive coping strategies and do their best to solve
problems instead of dwelling on problems and falling into depression. Grateful students endured
stressful events well by seeing things on the bright side and getting along well with others,
contributing to their mental well-being (Qin et al., 2015). Gratitude helps students deal with
problems with positive coping skills, which enable students to blend into the school environment
academically, interpersonally, and mentally, which is beneficial for their adjustment to the school
setting and increases their sense of belonging to the school (Swanson, Valiente, Lemery-Chalfant,
& O'Brien, 2011; Qin et al., 2015).
2.4 The Broaden-and-Build Theory
The broaden-and-build theory proposed by Barbara Fredrickson explains that positive emotions
such as joy, contentment, pride, and love, extend people's momentary thought-action repertoires,
which helps them create enduring functional physical, intellectual, social, and psychological
Journal of Cognitive Sciences and Human Development. Vol.7(2), September 2021
resources (Celestine, 2021; Fredrickson, 2001, 2004). Positive emotions can increase awareness
and responses to events, along with helping to strengthen psychological resilience and coping
abilities (Cuncic, 2021). Fredrickson (2004) mentioned that gratitude is one of the positive feelings
that can expand one's momentary thought-action repertoires, allowing one to produce personal
resources and improve well-being. Gratitude creates long-term resources, such as expressing
appreciation and social bonds useful in challenging times (Fredrickson, 2004). When a person is
dealt with a tough time limiting the range of possible behaviours and thoughts, gratitude might
help them cope with negative emotions and regain cognitive flexibility (Fredrickson & Levenson,
1998). People tend to be more cheerful and energetic, and their positive emotions facilitate upward
cycles that help them cope with hardship (Fredrickson, 2004). Moreover, research conducted by
Reschly et al. (2008) claimed that the broaden-and-build theory of positive emotions led students
to participate in academic activities and led to broadening student formation of thoughts and
actions (Fredrickson, 2004). Therefore, it has been proven that keeping a positive attitude and
having pleasant emotions during times of stress protects one's well-being (Folkman, 1997), which
usually refer as resilience.
The study was conducted using a quantitative study approach. A survey was created on Google
Form because it was deemed the best option to reach the target population due to the pandemic
restrictions. Furthermore, most students have been studying online since March 2020.
The population of this study was full-time enrolled students (N=235) from one faculty in a public
university in Malaysia. One hundred and forty-six samples were obtained through simple random
technique, ranging from those in Year 1 until Year 4. The survey consisted of the Gratitude
Questionnaire (GQ-6) to measure levels of gratitude, the Brief Resilience Scale (BRS) to measure
levels of resilience, and the self-reported grade-point average (GPA) as the measurement tools for
academic performance. The GQ-6 questionnaire consisted of six items, and each was scored on a
7-point scale (1 symbolises "strongly disagree" and seven indicates "strongly agree") (Zhen et al.,
2021). A study from McCullough et al. (2002) shows that the GQ-6 has alpha scores between .82
and .87 which proposes that the questionnaire has good internal reliability. The Brief Resilience
Scale (BRS) consists of 6 items, and each was scored on a 5-point scale (1 represents “strongly
disagree” and 5 indicates “strongly agree”) (Smith et al., 2008). BRS is seen as a reliable and valid
scale for measuring resilience among students in Malaysia, as the alpha score was .93, indicating
that the scale has good reliability (Amat, Subhan, Jaafar, & Johari, 2014). Self-reported Grade
Point Average (GPA) was categorised into a seven-point scale, where the participants asked about
their GPA over the last semester. Pearson Correlation was used to measure the relationships
between gratitude and resilience and gratitude and academic performance.
Journal of Cognitive Sciences and Human Development. Vol.7(2), September 2021
4.1 Sampling and Population
A total of 146 respondents from one faculty of a public university in Malaysia was involved in the
survey. Section A is about the demographic of the respondents with the detail shown in Table 1.
Table 1 shows the highest frequency of gender, which is 121 out of 146 respondents or 82.88%
representing females, while 25 out of 146 respondents or 17.12% is male. Table 1 also shows that
89 respondents (60.96%) are Malay, 18 respondents (12.23%) are Chinese, 18 respondents
(5.48%) are Indian, and 31 respondents (21.23%) are from other races. As for their year of study,
table 1 shows that the highest frequency of the respondents is year 2 with 55 respondents (37.67%),
followed by year 1 with 36 respondents (24.66%), year 3 with 29 respondents (19.86%) and 11 of
the respondents (17.81%) are from year 4.
Table 1. Demography of the samples
Percentage (%)
Year of study
Year 1
Year 2
Year 3
Year 4
The current study results revealed that gratitude has a significant relationship with resilience
among the respondents. The findings show that there exists an elevated level of gratitude that
reflects an elevated level of resilience.
Journal of Cognitive Sciences and Human Development. Vol.7(2), September 2021
Table 2. Correlation between Gratitude and Resilience.
The current study results have shown that gratitude has a significant relationship with resilience
among psychology students, meaning that an elevated level of gratitude reflects an elevated level
of resilience. Resilience is the skill to succeed academically despite inconvenient situations
(Surtherland, 2005; Windle, 2011). It is the ability to bounce back from hardship and go on with
life (Netuveli et al., 2008). Therefore, resilience is a skill to overcome any difficulties or
challenging situations that create stress. Students with an elevated level of gratitude can encounter
a problem and see it positively as their minds and hearts are filled with positive emotion. When
they feel grateful, their body tends to become more open to new experiences, allowing them to
face the risk without running away from it (Bakali, 2019). As a result, they can overcome the
problems with a positive coping strategy without overstressing their minds and bodies. Resilient
students could cope with various stresses and problems and their study life and eventually avoid
the psychological distress that may negatively affect their mental and physical health (Listiyandini,
2018). The resilient individual will have the capacity to respond flexibly and effectively when
facing a difficult situation (Reivich & Shatte, 2002).
The study has also evidenced that gratitude has a significant relationship with academic
performance among university students, meaning that an elevated level of gratitude reflects an
elevated level of academic performance.
Mean gratitude
Mean resilience
Mean gratitude
Pearson Correlation
Sig. (2-tailed)
Mean resilience
Pearson Correlation
Sig. (2-tailed)
**. Correlation is significant at the 0.01 level (2-tailed).
Journal of Cognitive Sciences and Human Development. Vol.7(2), September 2021
Table 3. Correlation between Gratitude and Grade-Point-Average (GPA).
Gratitude as a positive emotion plays a vital role in academics (Clarkson, 2020; Zhen et al., 2021).
This study also supports the stated hypothesis that gratitude is positively related to students'
academic performance. It shows that students who imply gratitude in their life will be more
engaged in an educational setting, such as academic self-efficacy and academic emotions
(Clarkson, 2020; Zhen et al., 2021). Social factors, such as teacher-student relationships, could
also foster learning motivation in student engagement (Hughes et al. 2008; Roorda et al. 2011;
Zhen et al. 2021). Gratitude helps students in academic performance (Caraway et al. 2003; Carter
et al. 2012; Linnenbrink-Garcia & Pekrun (2011).
In terms of physiological and cognitive impact, Ashby and Isen (1999) found that gratitude can
increase dopamine levels in the brain, which affects the expansion of cognitive space, and further
increases the accessibility of positive information in memory. This finding aligns with research
conducted by Fredrickson (2004), which claims that gratitude will stimulate more creative thinking
and encourage student involvement in learning. These previous researches are aligned with the
current study in that they are synonymous in claiming that gratitude plays a vital role in academic
performance. Gratitude has a significant and positive role in academic engagement (Clarkson,
2020; Zhen et al., 2021).
While the world is fighting the COVID-19 pandemic, the students, whether they are ready, are
being forced to adapt quickly to online learning with uncertainty into significant aspects of life.
Hence, the multiple stressors could increase students' stress, anxiety, and even depressive thoughts.
These recent changes require them to be resilient to survive in their academic life. Gratitude helps
students to see and accept reality in a more positive way and go through the situation.
The broaden-and-build theory of positive emotions is truly relevant in explaining gratitude and its
relationship to resilience and academic performance. This study support KARDAŞ and Yalcin's
Mean gratitude
Mean gratitude
Pearson Correlation
Sig. (2-tailed)
Pearson Correlation
Sig. (2-tailed)
**. Correlation is significant at the 0.01 level (2-tailed).
Journal of Cognitive Sciences and Human Development. Vol.7(2), September 2021
(2020) findings that positive emotions improve resilience by allowing people to stay strong and
resourceful while facing challenges. They are likely able to think more creatively and flexibly to
handle challenges. Gratitude as positive emotions extends people's momentary thought-action
repertoires, which helps them create enduring functional physical, intellectual, social, and
psychological resources. Positive emotions significantly increase resilience (Cohn, Fredrickson,
Brown, Mikels & Conway, 2009). Gratitude as a positive emotion becomes an essential precursor
of academic engagement (Zhen et al., 2021). Therefore, the broaden-and-build theory by
Fredrickson (2004) can explain the phenomenon that gratitude will lead to broad student formation
of thoughts and actions.
The study strengthens previous findings, which claimed students who practise gratitude in their
lives would have a broader cognitive lens to see a situation from a positive perspective. Gratitude
helps students face reality, deal with various challenges, and cope with the problem that further
makes them successful in their academic performances. Practising gratitude throughout university
life, particularly during a crisis like COVID-19, will enhance their cognitive function, enabling
better memory, more creativity, and building resilience. Therefore, based on the benefits of
practising gratitude found in this study, developing an intervention program toward cultivating
gratitude among university students is recommended. The university management can cultivate
gratitude daily by practising a gratitude journal and embedding it into the curriculum. Course
instructors may also consider implanting gratitude practices in classes to enhance students' focus
and resilience in learning. These gratitude practices can be done by providing activities such as
writing a gratitude journal on good things that occur daily. By cultivating this practice and
becoming a habit, students will realise that they have valuable items that make them feel grateful
and appreciate more, even a minor thing that happens in their lives. They can see something that
previously they may often take for granted. Lastly, for the recommendation on future research, it
is recommended to conduct further research into the variables and the mediating factors between
gratitude and resilience and gratitude and academic performances. Study in the broader population
is also strongly encouraged.
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... In addition, the parentchild relationship is an antecedent variable of psychological capital and significantly and positively impacts the individual psychological capital (Kwok et al., 2015;Chen et al., 2017;Nolzen, 2018;Carmona-Halty et al., 2020;Choi, 2021). Recent studies have reported that gratitude and psychological capital allow students to cope positively with their study and life; these are critical for college students (Du and Chen, 2021;Maykrantz et al., 2021;Wang et al., 2021;Zainoodin et al., 2021). Individuals with high gratitude and psychological capital levels have better academic performance (Sevari and Farzadi, 2018;Carmona-Halty et al., 2019;Martínez et al., 2019;Clarkson, 2020;Slåtten et al., 2021;Zainoodin et al., 2021). ...
... Recent studies have reported that gratitude and psychological capital allow students to cope positively with their study and life; these are critical for college students (Du and Chen, 2021;Maykrantz et al., 2021;Wang et al., 2021;Zainoodin et al., 2021). Individuals with high gratitude and psychological capital levels have better academic performance (Sevari and Farzadi, 2018;Carmona-Halty et al., 2019;Martínez et al., 2019;Clarkson, 2020;Slåtten et al., 2021;Zainoodin et al., 2021). Furthermore, previous studies have frequently explored gratitude and psychological capital as important mediating variables (Yang, 2018;Carmona-Halty et al., 2020;Ling et al., 2020;Li et al., 2021). ...
... The concept of gratitude states that it is not only a positive life orientation but also tends to promote individuals' motivation and behavior to generate feedback (Wood et al., 2010;Obeldobel and Kerns, 2021). Research has reported gratitude as an essential personal factor in assisting college students to cope with study and life more positively (Zainoodin et al., 2021). Gratitude motivates individuals to continuously improve themselves and make progress (Armenta et al., 2017). ...
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This study used the Social Cognitive Theory and Broaden-and-Build Theory to propose and validate a chain mediation model. In total, 417 Chinese college students were studied to explore the effects of parent–child relationships on their academic performance. In addition, we investigated the chain-mediating roles of gratitude and psychological capital. The results showed that (1) the parent–child relationship significantly and positively affected the academic performance of college students; (2) gratitude partially mediated the parent–child relationship and the academic performance of college students; (3) psychological capital partially mediated the parent-child relationship and the academic performance of college students; and (4) gratitude and psychological capital exerted a chain-mediating effect between parent–child relationships and the academic performance of college students. Based on the results of the study, we conclude that the parent–child relationship not only directly affects the academic performance of college students but also indirectly affects it through the chain mediation of gratitude and psychological capital. Moreover, we proposed reasonable suggestions on how colleges and universities can guide students to deal with parent-child relationships, strengthen gratitude education, and improve psychological capital.
... Se realizó una medición auto-reportada (Kuncel et al., 2005;López-Angulo et al., 2020;Zainoodin et al., 2021), para lo cual se solicitó que los participantes indiquen, de modo aproximado, su cali#cación promedio considerando todas las asignaturas que han cursado en su proceso formativo hasta el momento de responder la encuesta. Puesto que en el sistema de educación superior ecuatoriano la escala de evaluación puede variar entre establecimientos universitarios, todas las respuestas se estandarizaron y ajustaron a una escala que va desde 0 hasta 100 puntos. ...
... La validez de esta propuesta de acción se respalda también en estudios, localizados fuera de América Latina, que con#rman los bene#cios de ejercitar la resiliencia académica estudiantil como estrategia para mejorar los indicadores de éxito y retención universitaria (Annalakshmi, 2011;Sood et al., 2011;Zamirinejad et al., 2014). En este sentido, la incorporación del entrenamiento de resiliencia en los servicios universitarios puede responder tanto a #nes Con respecto a la medición de las variables dependientes, cabe mencionar que las medidas de auto-reporte para el rendimiento académico constituyen una alternativa válida y frecuentemente utilizada en la literatura, lo que se evidencia tanto en la investigación educativa reciente (López-Angulo et al., 2020;Zainoodin et al., 2021) como a nivel meta-analítico (Kuncel et al., 2005). No obstante, como precisamente revela el meta-análisis de Kuncel et al. (2005), esta estrategia de medición puede presentar sesgos, razón por la que se recomienda precaución al interpretar los resultados de este trabajo, requiriéndose que futuras investigaciones los con#rmen a partir de mediciones más objetivas del rendimiento estudiantil. ...
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(analítico)La resiliencia académica es la capacidad para responder adaptativamente a las adversidades del proceso educativo y superarlas exitosamente. Este estudio explora los efectos de la resiliencia académica en una muestra de estudiantes de psicología (N=550) de Quito, Ecuador. Los resultados de los análisis de regresión evidencian que la resiliencia se relaciona positivamente con el rendimiento académico y negativamente con la intención de abandonar los estudios universitarios. Respecto a las dimensiones de resiliencia académica (perseverancia, reflexión y búsqueda adaptativa de ayuda, así como afecto negativo y respuesta emocional), estas presentan un patrón de influencia diferenciado sobre el rendimiento y la intención de abandono. Asimismo, los efectos favorables de la resiliencia son mayores para los estudiantes que cursan niveles iniciales de carrera y se reducen en los estudiantes de niveles superiores. Palabras clave: Resiliencia; rendimiento académico; deserción; universidad; resiliencia académica; intención de abandono; Ecuador.
... The existing literature suggests the role of academic adjustment and gratitude in various facets of college students' mental health (Nawa and Yamagishi, 2021, 2;Zainoodin et al., 2021). Our study tries to analyze the mechanism which explains whether academic adjustment leads to the development of gratitude or vice-versa. ...
... We tried to unlock the potential of developing the virtue of gratitude and academic adjustment to see how they influence each other. Contrary to previous studies (Nawa and Yamagishi, 2021,12;Zainoodin et al., 2021), our study couldn't find any significant relationship between gratitude and academic adjustment with the existing sampling frame. Since we are continuing and extending this working paper, it is important to expand the sample and increase the diversity of our sample in the Indian context. ...
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Gratitude is defined as a sense of abundance, the appreciation of little things in life, and the appreciation of what others have done for us. Studies related to gratitude are predominantly related to well-being, happiness, and life satisfaction. A sense of gratitude is helpful for college students in multiple ways, particularly in their academic life, through appreciation from their teachers and friends. However, the mechanism which explains whether academic adjustment leads to the development of gratitude or vice-versa is empirically undiscovered. We attempt to unlock the potential of developing the virtue of gratitude and academic adjustment to see how they influence each other. With the help of the Gratitude Questionnaire-6 (GQ-6) and College Adjustment Scale, we collected data from various college students (N = 83). Results utilizing a correlational research design highlight that gratitude helps in academic adjustment or that attaining academic adjustment leads to the development of gratitude among college students. Implications from this research can help implement meaningful interventions that can potentially enhance academic achievement, gratitude, or both depending upon their operational dynamics.
... Emotions and emotional states can influence cognitive processes and performance (Frazier, et al., 2019;Zainoodin, et al., 2021) as well as individuals' self-efficacy judgments (Bandura, 2010). For example, students could strengthen their ASE by reducing negative emotional states (Bandura,1994). ...
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University students experience new academic demands during their transition from school to college. This study explored variables that positively or negatively influence first-year university students' levels of academic self-efficacy, providing insights into teachers' practices and Higher Education Institutions. Data were collected at two points over the course of 6 months from a convenient sample of 311 students, and regression-based path analysis was undertaken using mediation and moderation analysis. The findings showed that positive emotions, negative emotional states, motivational processes, and internal states affect students' academic performance, beliefs, and judgments of their academic self-efficacy. More specifically, the results revealed that students' emotions, such as gratitude, negative emotional states, intrinsic motivation, perceptions of academic control, and motivational processes named obsessive and harmonious passion undermine or facilitate students' academic self-efficacy levels. Limitations and recommendations for future research, as well as practical implications for counselors and teachers, leaders and administrators, and students, are discussed.
... [40][41][42][43] In addition, gratitude is an important personal factor that helps college students cope more positively with study and life. 44 Individuals with a high level of gratitude have a higher sense of reward and a clearer goal in life. Learning motivates them to pursue their academic goals with a heart of gratitude and persevere to achieve outstanding academic achievement. ...
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Purpose This paper reveals the mechanism of the influence of belief in a just world on college students’ learning satisfaction, and provides reference for further improving the quality of talent training in higher education. Methods By convenient sampling method, 131,894 college students from 348 undergraduate universities in China were investigated on the belief in a just world scale, gratitude scale, learning engagement scale and learning satisfaction scale. Then, SPSS, AMOS and other software were used to analyze the data. Results 1) Belief in a just world, gratitude, learning engagement and learning satisfaction are positively correlated. 2) Belief in a just world can not only directly and positively predict college students’ learning satisfaction, but also indirectly and positively predict college students’ learning satisfaction through gratitude and learning engagement respectively. 3) Gratitude and learning engagement play a chain mediating role between belief in a just world and learning satisfaction. Conclusion Belief in a just world positively predicts college students’ learning satisfaction through gratitude and learning engagement, suggesting that colleges and universities should create a fair learning environment and enhance college students’ sense of gratitude, so as to improve college students’ belief in a fair world and gratitude level, thus promoting their learning engagement and finally improving their learning satisfaction.
... The regression analysis reveals that cognitive resilience influenced exam performance, and cognitive flexibility moderated the interaction between resilience and performance. There is a paucity of studies examining the influence of cognitive resilience on academic performance, though resilience, in general, seems to have been positively linked during a pandemic [41]. It is possible that resilience acts as a protective factor against adversity during the pandemic, as evidenced by the fact that academic performance remained unaffected. ...
Introduction Cognitive flexibility and resilience may influence academic achievement. These cognitive functions may be affected during the Covid 19 pandemic. Few studies have been conducted to examine these relationships. Objective This study examined college students' cognitive flexibility and resilience and their relationships with academic achievement during the Covid 19 pandemic. Methods In this cross-sectional study, 303 students were assessed using sociodemographic and academic proforma, the Cognitive Flexibility Scale, and the Cognitive Resilience Scale. The data were analyzed using descriptive statistics, contingency table analysis, the Kruskal–Wallis H test, the Mann–Whitney U test, and linear regression analysis (with moderation). Results Cognitive flexibility was significantly greater in those who were success-oriented, had a backlog, and studied a health science subject, whereas resilience was greater in those who had lower course competency and had encountered psychological issues. Exam scores were positively linked with students' economic status and negatively linked with students' perceptions of course competency. Cognitive resilience predicted exam performance positively, which was moderated by cognitive flexibility. Conclusion Cognitive resilience positively affects academic performance and is moderated by cognitive flexibility.
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The present study investigates the efficacy of the guided learning approach in promoting self-directedness among first-year, first-semester university students in Malaysia. Based on a sample of 37 participants, this study employs the SECI (Socialization, Externalization, Combination, and Internalization) Model as a theoretical framework to examine the transfer of knowledge between the lecturer and students, as well as among students. Using an SDL (Self-Directed Learning) Questionnaire, the study assesses the students' level of self-directed learning in the early stages of the semester and then again following the implementation of the guided learning approach throughout the remainder of the semester. The results of this study reveal that the guided learning approach has a substantial positive impact on students' self-directedness, with 94.59% of the participants exhibiting an increase in their SDL level by the end of the semester. These findings reinforce the notion that a guided learning approach is crucial in fostering self-directedness among first-year, first-semester university students in Malaysia and, more broadly, highlight the importance of fostering self-directed learning in higher education.
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The purpose of this study is to explore the causal relationship among athlete gratitude, athlete engagement, athlete burnout by cross-lag analysis of longitudinal associations. Two questionnaire surveys were conducted on 352 Chinese athletes with an interval of 1 year using gratitude questionnaire, athlete engagement questionnaire and athlete burnout questionnaire. The analysis yielded four main findings. (1) The overall level of athlete gratitude and athlete engagement was high in China. Chinese athletes at master level had higher levels of gratitude and athlete engagement than athletes at I and II grades. (2) Athlete gratitude is a significant negative predictor of athlete burnout, and also a significant positive predictor of athlete engagement. (3) Athlete engagement and athlete burnout are mutually causal and can be mutually predicted. (4) Athlete gratitude indirectly affects athlete burnout through athlete engagement, and also indirectly affects athlete engagement through athlete burnout. The results of the current study demonstrated the important value of gratitude in the growth process of athletes, and clarified the mechanism of gratitude affecting athlete engagement and athlete burnout. These findings have important implications for athlete development by raising athlete gratitude, motivating athlete engagement levels and relieve athlete burnout.
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The use of the positive psychology approach is increasing and this approach emerges as one of the sources that can effectively be used for the field of counseling. One of the main works of the positive psychology approach is the issue of positive emotions, development process of these emotions and benefits of positive emotions. The aim of the study was to test a hypothetical model developed to explain the effect mechanism of positive feelings on individuals' well-being and resilience. The sample consisted of 471 college students from three universities in Turkey. For data collection, Gratitude Scale, Life Orientation Test, Two-Dimensional Self-Esteem Scale, Multidimensional Perceived Social Support Scale, Balanced Measure of Psychological Needs Resilience Scale and Risk Factor Determining List were used. It was found that all the variables discussed in the model have significant positive relationships with each other. It was found that the proposed model was confirmed and the fit indices were found as at good level. Accordingly, gratitude as a positive emotion and a general life orientation, was found to contribute to the psychological needs satisfaction through the perceived social support and self esteem and need satisfaction enhances the individual's well-being and resilience levels. The research revealed that main proposals of Positive Activity Model and Broaden-and-Build Theory of Positive Emotions were validated. This validated model may be implemented with experimental researches. Besides, the proposed model may be tested among different samples.
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Background: Student mental health in higher education has been a rising concern. The COVID-19 pandemic situation has brought this vulnerable population into renewed focus. Objective: Our study aims to conduct a timely assessment of the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic on the mental health of college students. Methods: We conducted survey-interviews with 195 students at a large public university in the United States, to understand the effects of the pandemic on their mental health and wellbeing. The data were analyzed through quantitative and qualitative methods. Results: Multiple stressors were identified that contribute to the increased levels of stress, anxiety and depressive thoughts among students. These include fear and worry about their own health and of their loved ones, difficulty of concentrating, disruptions to sleeping patterns, decreased social interactions due to physical distancing, and increased concerns on academic performance. To cope with stress and anxiety, participants have sought support from others and helped themselves by adopting either negative or positive coping mechanisms. Conclusions: Due to the long-lasting pandemic situation and onerous measures such as lockdown and stay-at-home orders, the COVID-19 pandemic brings negative impacts on higher education. The findings of our study highlight the urgent need to develop interventions and preventive strategies to address mental health of college students.
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The current study investigated 745 primary students by using a gratitude scale, a teacher-student relationship scale, an academic self-efficacy scale, an academic anxiety scale, and an academic engagement scale to examine the multiple mediating roles of the teacher-student relationship, academic self-efficacy, and academic anxiety in the relationship between gratitude and academic engagement. Our findings indicated that gratitude had a direct and positive impact on academic engagement. In addition, gratitude could exert a positive effect on academic engagement by boosting the teacher-student relationship. Gratitude could positively affect academic engagement through a two-step path from the teacher-student relationship to academic self-efficacy. The positive effect of gratitude on academic engagement could also be achieved through a three-step path from the teacher-student relationship to academic anxiety via academic self-efficacy. Therefore, parents and educators can foster students’ experience and expression of gratitude in school life to further improve their academic engagement. The research findings and limitations were discussed in detail.
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This study aims to determine the role of gratitude on psychological resilience of adolescents who live in youth social care institutions (orphanages). The study was conducted using a quantitative cross-sectional design. The population of the study was adolescents who lived at youth social care institutions in Jakarta and Bekasi. Two hundred samples were obtained by convenience sampling. The researcher used the Indonesian version of gratitude scale and an adapted resilience scale as measurement tools. Regression analysis found that gratitude explains 13.1 percent variance of adolescences' psychological resilience. The role of gratitude toward psychological resilience is positive, indicating that higher gratitude reflect higher resilience. Therefore, gratitude needs to be considered in the development of resilience program for adolescents living in youth social care institutions.
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In four studies, the authors examined the correlates of the disposition toward gratitude. Study 1 revealed that self-ratings and observer ratings of the grateful disposition are associated with positive affect and well-being prosocial behaviors and traits, and religiousness/spirituality. Study 2 replicated these findings in a large nonstudent sample. Study 3 yielded similar results to Studies 1 and 2 and provided evidence that gratitude is negatively associated with envy and materialistic attitudes. Study 4 yielded evidence that these associations persist after controlling for Extraversion/positive affectivity, Neuroticism/negative affectivity, and Agreeableness. The development of the Gratitude Questionnaire, a unidimensional measure with good psychometric properties, is also described.
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A growing body of groundbreaking research shows that gratitude has the power to heal, energize, and transform lives by enhancing people psychologically, spiritually, physically, and cognitively. This study contributes to the study of gratitude by exploring its impact on focus and resilience in learning. Specifically, this study examines the impact that practicing gratitude has on college students’ ability to focus in class and remain resilient in the face of difficulties while learning.
In Passion and Reason, Lazarus draws on his four decades of pioneering research to bring readers the first book to move beyond both clinical jargon and feel-good’ popular psychology. In plain, accessible language, Lazarus explains how emotions are aroused, how they are managed, and how they critically shape our views of ourselves and the world around us. Dr Lazarus explores the latest findings on the short and long-term causes and effects of various emotions, including the often conflicting research on stress management and links between negative emotions and heart disease, cancer, and other aspects of physical and psychological health.
Purpose This study aims to provide empirical evidence of how the five disciplines of learning organization introduced by Senge (1990) are practiced and how it could cultivate self-directed learning among employees. Design/methodology/approach This qualitative study used a case study approach to get an in-depth understanding of how organizational learning is practiced in an innovative motorcycle-manufacturing company in Indonesia. A total of 30 staff and managers were selected purposively and interviewed by using a semi-structured interview to gain information about their experience in practicing the 5 disciplines in their daily work–life. Among the 30 participants, 11 were at the managerial level and 19 were at the staff level. Data collected were analyzed using a content analysis approach. Findings This study provides empirical evidence of how self-directed learning is cultivated in an organization that applies the five disciplines of learning organization introduced by Senge (1990). This study found that to cultivate self-directed learning, an organization needs to build a working climate where the five disciplines are integrated into daily work–life. Organizations need to ensure that its vision is shared by each of the employee, build synergy for personal mastery and team learning, train their employees to continuously refine their mental models and improve their ability to think using a systems approach. Practical implications The implications and recommendations arising from this study, first, provide insight to managers and human resource (HR) practitioners about the importance of creating a conducive working environment for learning. Moreover, with learning facilities in the era of industrial revolution 4.0, organizations need to shift their attention on how to transfer the responsibility of learning to the hands of the employees and HR practitioners should focus on providing more opportunities for employees to direct their own learning. Second, to support a learning environment that is conducive for cultivating self-directedness in learning requires commitment from top leaders in the organization. Originality/value This study observed that Senge’s approach to organizational learning focuses heavily on the individual’s processes and the interactions between them. Further studies are suggested to integrate knowledge management, particularly on how new knowledge is gained, stored, created, used and disseminated under the five pillars of the learning organization. It is also recommended to look at a broader perspective, such as the role of technology in intensifying learning and the role of strategic leadership in learning.
The effect of a grateful outlook on psychological and physical well-being was examined. In Studies 1 and 2, participants were randomly assigned to 1 of 3 experimental conditions (hassles, gratitude listing, and either neutral life events or social comparison); they then kept weekly (Study 1) or daily (Study 2) records of their moods, coping behaviors, health behaviors, physical symptoms, and overall life appraisals. In a 3rd study, persons with neuromuscular disease were randomly assigned to either the gratitude condition or to a control condition. The gratitude-outlook groups exhibited heightened well-being across several, though not all, of the outcome measures across the 3 studies, relative to the comparison groups. The effect on positive affect appeared to be the most robust finding. Results suggest that a conscious focus on blessings may have emotional and interpersonal benefits.