
Data-Based Approach to Support the Implementation of New Product Variants in Digital Assembly Assistance Systems

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Since assembly processes are continuously increasing in complexity due to the growing number of product variants, the importance of digital assistance systems for handling complexity is growing to support human work in a suitable manner. However, the configuration of the assistance system for the increasing number of product variants can be particularly complex and time consuming. This paper therefore presents a concept to support the implementation of new product variants in existing digital assistance systems in a data-based approach by facilitating the process. Thus, an approach for possible support options depending on the individual data management of companies is identified and presented. The developed approach is examined on a conceptual level which is generally applicable. Finally, to identify the most suitable support within the presented approach, a benefit-oriented evaluation is derived as an outlook.

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The diversification of products results in more challenging jobs for employees working within the production processes. Digital assistance is expected to increase the performance and flexibility of employees. This paper presents a framework to analyse the influence of digital assistance systems on essential target variables in a production system. For this purpose, functions of the digital assistance system, effects on the employee and key performance indicators are defined. From this, hypotheses are derived to describe the effect of digital assistance systems on employee performance. Subsequently, a concept for the verification of the framework and the hypotheses is presented. The approach allows to quantify the benefits of digital support in production. This supports acceptance and enables decision-makers to integrate digital technologies more benefit-oriented.
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Constantly changing assembly tasks and reduced production cycles increase the risk of cognitive stress of operators. A large number of digital assistance systems implemented in assembly lines contribute to operator’s stress reduction. However, small and medium sized companies confront major challenges in implementing digital assistance solutions due to high investment costs and high customization effort. In addition, technological risks are mainly summarized as i) choosing the right assistance system, ii) realizing suitable interfaces within the in-house IT landscape for machine-to-machine and machine-to-human communication and iii) creating assembly instructions and configuring data systems in terms of supplying specific and adaptable information. Considering the aforementioned challenges and related technological risks, this paper presents a concept for automated data-driven reconfiguration of digital assistance systems. We discuss its impact on certain use cases defined in the TU Wien Pilot Factory Industry 4.0. Finally, we outline learning design principles for students and industrial stakeholders to implement automated reconfigurable digital assistance systems. Keywords: Cyber Physical Assembly Systems; Digital Assistance; System Independent Data-Driven Reconfiguration; Flexiblity
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A designer is mainly supported by two essential factors in design decisions. These two factors are intelligence and experience aiding the designer by predicting the interconnection between the required design parameters. Through classification of product data and similarity recognition between new and existing designs, it is partially possible to replace the required experience for an inexperienced designer. Given this context, the current paper addresses a framework for recognition and flexible retrieval of similar models in product design. The idea is to establish an infrastructure for transferring design as well as the required PLM (Product Lifecycle Management) know-how to the design phase of product development in order to reduce the design time. Furthermore, such a method can be applied as a brainstorming method for a new and creative product development as well. The proposed framework has been tested and benchmarked while showing promising results. Highlights Developing a knowledge-based framework to assist the designer in design decisions. Opitz feature recognition and code generation from STEP for data standardization. An efficient similarity recognition algorithm to retrieve models from database.
Conference Paper
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A product Bill of Materials (BOM) is a structured tree which represents its components and their hierarchal relationships. The BOMs are traditionally used for Material Requirement Planning (MRP). However, they do have other useful applications in product modeling and variety management. Recent research used graph difference operations, linear algebra and integer programming to match trees of BOM and find pairwise similarity measures for applications such as clustering product variants into families and retrieval of design and manufacturing data. Matching phylogenetic trees has been utilized in biological science for decades and is referred to as “tree reconciliation”. A new application of this approach in manufacturing to match pairs of BOM trees and retrieve the most similar design is presented. This novel method can help speeding-up other downstream planning activities such as process planning, hence, improving productivity and shortening time to market. Assembly of chemical processing centrifugal pumps is used as a case study for demonstration. This novel matching of Bills of Materials uses linear time algorithms, compared to state-of- the-art algorithms which use integer programming and matrix approximation, hence, leading to more computational efficiency.
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In variant design, the proliferation of bills of materials makes it difficult for designers to find previous designs that would aid in completing a new design task. This research presents a novel, data mining approach to forming generic bills of materials (GBOMs), entities that represent the different variants in a product family and facilitate the search for similar designs and configuration of new variants. The technical difficulties include: i) developing families or categories for products, assemblies, and component parts; ii) generalizing purchased parts and quantifying their similarity; iii) performing tree union; and iv) establishing design constraints. These challenges are met through data mining methods such as text and tree mining, a new tree union procedure, and embodying the GBOM and design constraints in constrained XML. The paper concludes with a case study, using data from a manufacturer of nurse call devices, and identifies a new research direction for data mining motivated by the domains of engineering design and information.
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Many enterprise areas, such as marketing, variant design, group technology, and cellular manufacturing, require their wide variety of products to be organized into families, which are clusters of similar products. In this paper, we propose a similarity metric for finding the distance between existing products based on bills of materials (BOMs), a class of unordered trees. We show that existing editing operations for unordered trees are not consistent for BOMs, and present a similarity metric based on the symmetric difference. We also provide an polynomial time algorithm for finding the minimum weighted symmetric difference between a pair of unordered trees. The results of the pairwise comparisons are used as a distance metric for a clustering algorithm that groups the BOM trees into product families.
Dieses Buch ist eine Gemeinschaftsarbeit des AutomationML-Konsortiums. Es gibt erstmalig einen umfassenden Überblick über AutomationML und seine Integration von CAEX, COLLADA und PLCopen XML. AutomationML versteht sich als wegweisender Beitrag zur Förderung der Interoperabilität zwischen digitalen Werkzeugen für alle Teilschritte des Engineering-Prozesses in der Anlagenplanung. Das Datenformat wurde im Frühjahr 2008 auf der Hannovermesse der Öffentlichkeit vorgestellt und hat bei Anwendern und Toolherstellern deutliches Aufsehen erregt. AutomationML ist das erste kostenfrei zugängliche, offene und XML-basierte Format, das übergreifend eine Vielzahl von Planungsaspekten kombiniert. Das Buch ist als Kompendium für die Technologie „AutomationML“ und gleichzeitig als Entscheidungshilfe konzipiert. Es ist an Verantwortungsträger, Hersteller, Anbieter und Anwender von Planungswerkzeugen sowie an Entwicklungsingenieure und Systemintegratoren gerichtet. Für Studenten und Forscher in Hochschulen und Universitäten stellt dieses Buch eine Fundgrube dar, da AutomationML zur Anwendung und Entwicklung neuer Methoden und Ansätze anregt, die mit heutigen Werkzeugen (noch) nicht realisierbar sind. „Allen, die wissen wollen, wie sie an dieser Entwicklung partizipieren können, sei dieses Buch sehr empfohlen." Prof. Dr.-Ing. Alexander Fay, Helmut Schmidt Universität Hamburg „Das vorliegende Buch bietet sowohl Managern, Entwicklern als auch Anwendern einen Einblick in die Möglichkeiten und den Nutzen von AutomationML." Anton Hirzle, Daimler AG
Es ist immer wieder erstaunlich, wie selten die Verfahren und Methoden des Projektmanagements konsequent eingesetzt werden. Viele problembehaftete Projekte sprechen hier eine eindeutige Sprache. Kenntnisse des Projektmanagements und seine Anwendungsmöglichkeiten sind für IT-Manager und IT-Entwickler unentbehrlich. In diesem Buch werden die wichtigsten Verfahren und Methoden des Projektmanagements vorgestellt. Der Praxisbezug wird durch die umfangreichen praktischen Kenntnisse der Autoren in der Führung von IT-Projekten hergestellt und resultiert in konkreten Handlungsempfehlungen für den Einsatz des Projektmanagement-Instrumentariums. Die Weiterentwicklung des Buches wurde auch in der vierten Auflage konsequent fortgesetzt. Eingefügt wurde eine Beschreibung der aktuellen Konzepte des Agilen Projektmanagements einschließlich einer dezidierten Abhandlung möglicher Planungsszenarien. Der Einsatz von Vorgehensmodellen im agilen Kontext wird näher erläutert.
Conference Paper
This paper contributes to the fields of variant management and product family design. The focus lies on analysing historically grown product portfolios in order to reduce unnecessary inner variety. Such inner variety adds no value to the customer, yet it induces complexity costs within the whole company. Increasing transparency in documented product variants is key when applying standardisation or modularisation methods as part of variant management. Studies of literature and industrial practice at a major German truck manufacturer show that analysing product structure information from BOM data yields the potential to point out promising candidates in companies’ portfolios for effective standardization or modularisation. For modelling and analysing highly variant and complex product structures, we employ graph-based modelling of BOM data in combination with a state-of-the-art tree matching algorithm for similarity calculations. Actual product data of a truck manufacturer serves as a case study. Thereby, we propose a generally applicable approach that enables intuitive handling of large amounts of product family data and that effectively supports variety reduction efforts.
Kurzfassung Die Standardisierung von Montagesystemen stellt eine Möglichkeit dar, die Wettbewerbsfähigkeit produzierender Unternehmen zu sichern. Durch die Wiederverwendung bekannter Systemelemente wird zum einen die Planungszeit verkürzt, zum anderen die Qualität des Ergebnisses gesteigert. Damit die Standards in globalen Planungsnetzwerken angewendet werden können, ist die Unterstützung durch digitale Werkzeuge erforderlich. In diesem Beitrag wird ein Referenzdatenmodell für die digitale Abbildung eines standardisierten Montagesystems sowie die Umsetzung in einem PLM-System beschrieben.
Das Lehrbuch definiert die Ziele der Investitions- und Finanzpolitik in Unternehmen und erklärt einfach und verständlich die Grundlagen und Methoden der Investitionsrechnung, Finanzierung und Finanzderivate. Systematisch werden klassische und neue Instrumente vorgestellt, analysiert und bewertet. Beispiele und Aufgaben mit Lösungsvorschlägen ergänzen die Ausführungen. Neu in der siebten Auflage sind vor allem die Kapitel über Basel III und Crowdfunding. Darüber hinaus ist ein ausführliches Fallbeispiel für eine Firmenübernahme eingefügt worden. Der Inhalt • Ziele der betrieblichen Investitions- und Finanzpolitik • Methoden der Investitionsrechnung und Unternehmensbewertung • Außenfinanzierung, Innenfinanzierung und Finanzderivate • Beispiele, Aufgaben und Lösungen Der Autor Prof. Dr. Hans Paul Becker lehrt Betriebswirtschaftslehre mit den Schwerpunkten Bankbetriebslehre und Unternehmensfinanzierung an der Hochschule Mainz.
The machine tool data model of STEP-NC (ISO 14649) was conceived as a necessary extension to the original STEP-NCset of standards to make efficient control possible. The intention of this paper is to describe the background to the datamodel as well as related research work building on a higher level of information than can currently be found in the controlinformation. The development of STEP-NC controllers promises improved manufacturing and resource use. However, evenwith legacy controllers there are advantages in using STEP-NC as an intermediate representation. This paper describes howthe data model for describing machine capability was developed and what can be delivered by using this standard datamodel for machine tool. A machine tool selection algorithm is developed in order to validate the data model. Technicalissues were derived from developing a system for process planning based on STEP-NC. Machine tools are selectedautomatically by the comparison with machine capability, work space and tolerance with the proposed data model. Thisfunction can contribute reconfigurable manufacturing systems and distributed and multi-controller-based manufacturingenvironment
Formation of product families is of great importance for manufacturing systems which rely on commonality and similarity between products for improving efficiency and productivity. Existing techniques for product family formation are based on similarity measures such as components commonality but none of them consider similarity of the product structure which directly affects the assembly system configuration and the sequence of assembly operations. A novel Bill-of-Materials (BOM) trees matching integer programming model is introduced to address commonality of components as well as their hierarchical assembly structure. A product Bill-of-Materials is a structured tree representing its components and their assembly relationships. BOMs are traditionally used for Material Requirement Planning (MRP); however, they have other useful applications in product modeling and variety management. A product BOM trees matching model, inspired by well-established techniques used in the field of biology for comparing phylogenetic trees, has been developed. Hierarchical clustering is applied to form groups of product families based on the pair-wise similarities obtained by matching BOM trees. The proposed method is applied to a case study of six centrifugal pumps for demonstration and analysis. The benefit of considering structural similarity in family formation for assembly products, in terms of having a better utilized assembly process when compared to the grouping based on plain component commonality, is highlighted.
The ability to enable a fast modification and system-change, in order to fulfil quickly changing market needs, is one of the essential requirements of future production systems. Against this background, the central objective of this paper is the discussion of a new concept to simplify the application of task-oriented programming for assembly systems. For this purpose, a generic and comprehensible concept is used for the modeling of resources, processes and products. The core aspect is a method for the definition of multi-vendor skills in assembly systems. The implementation of the concepts in the engineering standard AutomationML and the integration into a programming system complete this contribution.
In geometry, two configurations are called similar if they can be brought to a complete match by rigid motions and dilations. In the simplest case, product designs X and Y have the same dimensionality and same number of points which can be brought into a one to one correspondence by substantive considerations. Under orthogonal transformations, product design Y can only be rotated and reflected in order to approximate product design X. As for the “as close as possible” or “relatively close” criterion, a reasonable definition would be to measure the distances between corresponding points, square these values, and add them to obtain the sum-of-squares criterion L. In this paper, a product structure (BOM)-based product similarity measures using orthogonal procrustes approach is proposed. A structural product is first transformed into bill of materials (BOM), the structural similarity measurement between a product query and target product is calculated and evaluated using orthogonal procrustes approach. The results show that the proposed product structure similarity measure method can help companies find desired product information based on BOM feature.
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