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Understanding early horse transport in eastern Eurasia through analysis of equine dentition


Abstract and Figures

Across Eurasia, horse transport transformed ancient societies. Although evidence for chariotry is well dated, the origins of horse riding are less clear. Techniques to distinguish chariotry from riding in archaeological samples rely on elements not typically recovered from many steppe contexts. Here, the authors examine horse remains of Mongolia's Deer Stone-Khirigsuur (DSK) Complex, comparing them with ancient and modern East Asian horses used for both types of transport. DSK horses demonstrate unique dentition damage that could result from steppe chariotry, but may also indicate riding with a shallow rein angle at a fast gait. A key role for chariots in Late Bronze Age Mongolia helps explain the trajectory of horse use in early East Asia.
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Research Article
Understanding early horse transport in eastern Eurasia
through analysis of equine dentition
William T.T. Taylor1,
, Jinping Cao2, Wenquan Fan3, Xiaolin Ma4, Yanfeng Hou3,
Juan Wang5, Yue Li6, Chengrui Zhang7, Helena Miton8, Igor Chechushkov9,
Jamsranjav Bayarsaikhan10, Robert Cook11, Emily L. Jones12 ,
Enkhbayar Mijiddorj13, Tserendorj Odbaatar14, Chinbold Bayandelger14,
Barbara Morrison15 & Bryan Miller16
University of Colorado Boulder Museum of Natural History, USA
Center for the Study of Ancient Civilization, Henan University, P.R. China
Henan Provincial Institute of Cultural Heritage and Archaeology, P.R. China
Henan Museum, P.R. China
Department for the History of Science and Scientic Archaeology, University of Science and Technology of China, P.R. China
School of Cultural Heritage & Ministry of Education Key Laboratory of Cultural Heritage Studies and Conservation,
Northwest University, P.R. China
Department of Anthropology, Harvard University, USA
Santa Fe Institute, USA
South Ural State University (National Research University), Chelyabinsk, Russia
National Museum of Mongolia, Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia
Tufts University, USA
Department of Anthropology, University of New Mexico, USA
Ulaanbaatar University, Mongolia
National Museum of Mongolia, Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia
Morrison Designs, Missoula, USA
History of Art Department & Museum of Anthropological Archaeology, University of Michigan, USA
* Author for correspondence
Across Eurasia, horse transport transformed ancient
societies. Although evidence for chariotry is well
dated, the origins of horse riding are less clear. Tech-
niques to distinguish chariotry from riding in arch-
aeological samples rely on elements not typically
recovered from many steppe contexts. Here, the
authors examine horse remains of Mongolias Deer
Stone-Khirigsuur (DSK) Complex, comparing them
with ancient and modern East Asian horses used for
both types of transport. DSK horses demonstrate
unique dentition damage that could result from
steppe chariotry, but may also indicate riding with a
shallow rein angle at a fast gait. A key role for chariots
in Late Bronze Age Mongolia helps explain the trajec-
tory of horse use in early East Asia.
Received: 24 November 2020; Revised: 21 January 2021; Accepted: 9 February 2021
© The Author(s), 2021. Published by Cambridge University Press on behalf of Antiquity Publications Ltd.. This is an
Open Access article, distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution licence (https://creativecommons.
org/licenses/by/4.0/), which permits unrestricted re-use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the
original work is properly cited.
Antiquity 2021 page 1 of 17
Keywords: Eurasian Steppe, Mongolia, Bronze Age, horse domestication, chariots, horseback riding
Domestic horses (Equus caballus) facilitated the emergence of highly mobile pastoral lifeways and
the transcontinental equestrian empires of the steppes of Mongolia and eastern Eurasia. Although
historical documents trace horse riding in East Asia only as far back as the mid-rst millennium
BC (Cooke 2000), widespread archaeological evidence in the region dates back centuries earlier,
to the late second millennium BC (Fitzhugh 2009). This was a period of major horse-related
transformations in East Asia, including greater mobility of pastoral herders, the exploitation of
horses for meat and milk and the dispersal of domestic horses into Central China (Yuan &
Flad 2006;Tayloret al.2020;Wilkinet al.2020). The available data make it difcult to assess
whether these developments were linked to the innovation or adoption of mounted horseback
riding, or to the initial dispersal of domestic horses into the region (Taylor et al.2017).
We present unique damage patterns in early domestic horse remains from Mongolia, and
suggest that early horse transport in the Eastern Steppe entailed fast gaits and shallow rein
angles, along with a high frequency of bit-graspingthat would have hampered control by
riders. Our ndings imply that late second-millennium BC ridingif practisedprobably
entailed high risk to the rider. This may explain the preference for chariot transport and the
apparent absence of mounted riding beyond the steppe in China and other parts of East Asia
until the mid-rst millennium, when advances in horse tack improved rider control.
The cart before the horse?
Recent arguments for the origins of horse domestication have centred on Botai sites in nor-
thern Kazakhstan dated to c. 3500 BC. These sites have yielded overwhelming quantities of
equid remains, with some Equus przewalskii specimens exhibiting apparent damage to the
dentition linked to the use of a bridle mouthpiece, or bit(Outram et al.2009; Gaunitz
et al.2018). The earliest denitively domestic horses, however, are associated with the south-
ern Trans-Uralian Sintashta Culture, dated to c. 2000 BC (Fages et al.2019). Sintashta
horses are found in paired burials and are sometimes accompanied by chariot wheel remains
and bridle components (Chechushkov & Epimakhov 2018). Historical records and archaeo-
logical nds from the late second millennium BC reveal the proliferation of chariots across
much of western Eurasia and North Africa, with only sparse reference to horse riding (Lit-
tauer & Crouwel 1979). Ridden horses only appear in western Eurasian historical records
in the early rst millennium BC (Littauer & Crouwel 1979). Nonetheless, many scholars
(e.g. Littauer et al.2002; Olsen 2006a; Anthony 2007) believe that mounted horseback rid-
ing must have occurred long before this time in the steppes, where historical records are rare or
absent and horse equipment is scarce.
Understanding early horse transport in East Asia
The chronology of chariotry and mounted riding is crucial to understanding pastoral prehis-
tory in Mongolia, where horses historically underpinned highly mobile herding economies
William T.T. Taylor et al.
© The Author(s), 2021. Published by Cambridge University Press on behalf of Antiquity Publications Ltd.
and one of the worlds oldest horse cultures. Recent research suggests that the tending of
pastoral livestock and dairy production using sheep, cattle and goats dates as far back as c.
3000 BC in the Eastern Steppes (Kovalev & Erdenebaatar 2009; Wilkin et al.2020). The
earliest domestic horses so far identied in Mongolia, however, belong to the Bronze Age
Deer Stone-Khirigsuur Complex (DSK), which emerged towards the end of the second mil-
lennium BC. This culture is named for its ritual standing stones (deer stones) and burial
mounds (khirigsuurs) that are often surrounded by multiple horse burial features (Fitzhugh
2009). DSK sites have yielded evidence for the ritual sacrice and dietary exploitation of
horses (Fitzhugh 2009), while skeletal changes indicate that DSK horses were bridled and
heavily exerted, and received sophisticated veterinary care (Taylor et al.2015,2018). The
co-occurrence of the rst DSK horses with the appearance of domestic horses at late
Shang Dynasty sites in China suggests that these two processes were linked (Honeychurch
The role of horseback riding in DSK culture is less clear. Although we have previously
hypothesised that mounted horseback riding may have stimulated the spread of DSK culture
(Taylor & Tuvshinjargal 2018), only chariots, not riders, are depicted on Mongolian deer
stone carvings (Figure 1). Images of DSK horse-drawn vehicles depict a light, two-horse cha-
riot with a platform situated overa central axle, with two animals under yoke (Figure 1: right)
and, in one case, additional animals along the outside (Figure 1: middle). Archaeological dis-
coveries from adjoining regions, such as trousers and horse burials from Xinjiang and horse
skeletons exhibiting transport-related pathologies from Arzhan (to the north, in Tuva) (Ben-
ecke 2007; Wagner et al.2011), suggest the emergence of horseback riding in the Altai region
by the early rst millennium BC. To date, however, the earliest unequivocal evidence for
horseback riding in Mongolia comes from Pazyryk Culture burials in the western Altai
Mountains (c. 400 BC), which have yielded horses equipped with pad saddles and elaborate
regalia (Rudenko 1970). Based on the current evidence, it is unclear how DSK horses were
used for transport. Beyond the head, neck and hoof bones of sacriced horses found at DSK
sites, no other datasets are available to assess the use of horses in early East Asia.
Horse transport and the equine skeleton
As our knowledge of the equine skeleton and its responses to human activity has expanded,
new tools and approaches have emerged to reconstruct the use of horses in the past. Pioneer-
ing work by Clutton-Brock (1974) and Anthony et al. (1991) revealed that bridle mouth-
pieces can cause recognisable damage to horse dentition in the form of uneven wear to the
occlusal surface of the mandibular second premolarotherwise known as bit-wear.
Although bit-wear became a favoured tool to argue for early horse domestication, Olsen
(2003) demonstrated that natural occlusion problems can also produce bevelling of the
tooth surface in wild equids. Intentional modication of horse teeth through dentistry can
also induce premolar bevelling (Cross 2018). Thus, individual teeth must be considered
alongside opposing dentition when seeking to identify anthropogenic tooth modications.
Several scholars (e.g. Bendrey 2007; Cook 2011; Taylor & Tuvshinjargal 2018)have
identied a suite of other changes to the dentition caused by bridle mouthpieces, including
erosion of the anterior surface of the lower second premolar, bone spur development or bone
Understanding early horse transport in eastern Eurasia through analysis of equine dentition
© The Author(s), 2021. Published by Cambridge University Press on behalf of Antiquity Publications Ltd.
Figure 1. Chariot images on central Mongolian Deer Stone-Khirigsuur Complex (DSK) monuments, including a two-horse (right) and a four-horse vehicle (middle); left) a
typical DSK ritual head, neck and hoof burial (chariot drawings by W.T.T. Taylor modied after Volkov (2002 [1981]: 93 & 218) and Nyambat and Odbaatar (2010: 64)).
William T.T. Taylor et al.
© The Author(s), 2021. Published by Cambridge University Press on behalf of Antiquity Publications Ltd.
loss along the diastema, chipping of the enamel and remodelling of the bone at the alveolar
margin of the premolar, and even damage to the bones of the palate. These forms of damage
are inuenced by the type of bit and bridle used, the behaviour and technique of the horse
and of the rider, the type and duration of activity performed, the shape of the horses head
and mouth and the age and sex of the horse (Bennett 2005; Manfredi et al.2005; Bendrey
2007; Cook 2011). This variability enables archaeologists to reconstruct important details
about how horses were used, even in the absence of tack or other direct evidence.
Both riding and cart traction typically employ a bridle and bit. Hence, the presence of bit-
wear alone cannot distinguish ridden horses from those used to pull carts (Dietz 2003),
although other skeletal criteria can help differentiate these activities. Before the invention
of the frame saddle in the rst millennium BC, mounted horseback riding caused character-
istic changes to the horses lower back, which are typically more extensive/severe on the ani-
mals left side (Levine et al. 2005;Liet al.2020). In contrast, a sample of chariot horses from
ancient China (Levine 2005), along with early donkey/onager hybrids used in cart traction in
the ancient Near East (Weber 2008), shows higher pathological frequencies affecting the
front shoulders and lower limbs, and less damage to the vertebrae. Schrader et al.(2018)
also report osseous changes, linked to chariotry, in the nal cervical and rst thoracic verte-
brae, situated where the strain of a yoke is borne. Unfortunately, horse remains from DSK
sites and many others from across the Eurasian Steppes comprise so-called head and hoof
features, either lacking neck vertebrae entirely or containing only the cervical vertebrae
(Allard et al.2007; Outram 2011).
More commonly recovered from steppe archaeological contexts, horse crania may also
yield useful osteological differences between chariotry and riding. The use of a bridle nose-
band often causes deformation of the nasal bones, which, in contemporary Mongolian
horses, is biased towards the left side due to the predominance of left-handed reining (Taylor
& Tuvshinjargal 2018). Ossication of the nuchal ligament attachment site at the rear of the
skull occurs in both ridden and driven animalsa feature that apparently reaches greater
levels of ossication in ridden than in draught animals (Bendrey 2008), and is generally
absent in wild animals (Taylor et al.2015). The degree of discrimination provided by
these features in distinguishing transport types, however, remains unclear.
In summary, while chariotry and riding produce differential impacts on the equine skel-
etonparticularly the vertebral columnthe most useful diagnostic differences often occur
on skeletal elements not typically recovered from early domestic horse burials in Mongolia or
elsewhere. To date, these approaches have therefore made little headway in clarifying the early
trajectory of horse transport in prehistoric Central Asia. Here, we assess the possibility that
damage patterns to the dentition, which frequently survive in the archaeological record,
may help distinguish between prehistoric equine transport strategies.
Bit-wear, riding and chariotry
To assess whether meaningful osteological differences in dental wear may be found between
chariot and riding horses, we analysed a sample of modern and ancient Chinese and Mon-
golian horses used for both types of transport. For each horse, we assigned a categorical score
of 04 based on observed wear to the anterior and occlusal portions of both the upper and
Understanding early horse transport in eastern Eurasia through analysis of equine dentition
© The Author(s), 2021. Published by Cambridge University Press on behalf of Antiquity Publications Ltd.
lower second premolars. A score of 0 represents no visible wear; 1 represents cementum abra-
sion but no enamel exposure; 2 corresponds to enamel exposure; 3 indicates visible erosion of
exposed enamel; and 4 represents visible erosion of anterior enamel, paired with occlusal bev-
elling (see Anthony & Brown 1998). As we know that Bronze and Early Iron Age Mongolian
horses were controlled using an organic (e.g. wood, leather, bre, or bone) bit (Taylor et al.
2016), we did not attempt to distinguish naturalwear from bitwear a priori based on the
morphology of anterior enamel exposure (c.f. Bendrey 2007). Examples of teeth in each of
the four categories are provided in online supplementary material (OSM) 1.
Our results show that in East Asia, mounted riding differentially impacts the lower den-
tition compared with the upper. In a sample of 23 analysed riding horse specimens, more
than half exhibit exposed enamel on the lower premolars, with 4 being the most commonly
assigned score for lower dentition. In contrast, more than half of the same analysed group
showed limited or no damage to the upper dentition, with the most common score in this
group being 0. Among those riding specimens that display damage to the upper dentition,
this is always paired with more severe damage or erosion to the lower premolars (Figure 2:
In contrast, our sample of chariot horses from rst-millennium BC Chinese archaeological
contexts lacks the clear patterning of damage seen in the modern and archaeological riding
assemblage, suggesting that chariotry could produce more evenly-spread bit damage across
both the upper and lower dentition. A large number of chariot horses have been recovered
from Eastern Zhou Dynasty (770256 BC) sites in Xinzheng City, near modern Zhengzhou
(see OSM1). All of these horses were adult males, and archaeological research indicates that,
as with our modern/archaeological riding assemblage, horses of this period were typically
controlled using a jointed bronze/iron snafe bit (Figure 3) in tandem with rein-rings
(Wu 2013: 81). Most of the 42 Xinzheng horses, however, exhibit scores of 2 or less, and
few show any signs of occlusal bevelling. The Xinzheng chariot horses, however, exhibit
Figure 2. Bit-wear to the upper and lower premolars in two riding horses from Turkic (fth to eighth centuries AD;
NMM 011) (left) and Pazyryk (fourth century BC; NMM 013) (right). Images show the pairing of upper premolar
wear with severe lower premolar wear (gure by W.T.T. Taylor).
William T.T. Taylor et al.
© The Author(s), 2021. Published by Cambridge University Press on behalf of Antiquity Publications Ltd.
meaningful levels of enamel erosion in neither their upper nor lower dentition. This could
imply that the horsesrole as property of the social elite did not entail intense activity. Age
may also have had a minor effect on these patterns; in both samples, horses over 10 years
of age have a higher average wear score (3.2 and 2.2 in the riding and chariot groups,
respectively) than those younger than 10 years (2.3 and 1.5, respectively). Our sample of
riding horses exhibits a slightly higher average estimated age (10.4 years) than that of the
Chinese chariot sample (8.1 years). Together, these osteological comparisons of East
Asian riding and chariot horses suggest that mounted riding may produce more damage to
the lower jaw, although limited pathology in the Chinese sample and age differences between
sample groups limit our condence in this assertion.
Comparative data in hand, we carefully reanalysed all adult DSK horses at the National
Museum of Mongolia that retain complete (upper and lower) dentition (n = 19) for evidence
of incongruous wear to the upper premolars that, upon retting with the opposing jaw, could
not be explained by natural malocclusion. Although a previous study (Taylor et al.2016)
found no evidence of bit-wear on the lower premolars, our reanalysis shows that eight of
19 specimens display bevelling of the upper second premolars (Table S1), most of which
exhibit uneven wearing of the enamel and cementuma feature sometimes referred to as
the Greaves effectand taken as a sign of natural wear (Olsen 2006b). Two specimens in
the sample, however, have worn upper second premolars with even wear of the enamel
and cementum, which contrasts with the wear seen elsewhere in the dentition (Figure 4).
This implies that a material of similar hardness to tooth enamel, such as a bone bit, was
responsible for the wear. In one case, wear on the upper second premolar is so severe that
it also affects the upper third premolar (Figure 4: lower left).
Five of the 19 DSK specimens also display an unusual type of wear, rst noticed by Bar-
tosiewicz and Gal (2013: 134) in early medieval horses from Hungary, wherein the intercus-
pid space between the rst and second cusp of the second or third lower premolar develops a
rounded, scooped shape that is attributed to rm grasping of the bit between the teeth
(Figure 5). On these ve specimens, the location of this intercuspid, lower premolar wearcor-
responds with wear observed on the upper premolars. In the horse from the site of Morin
Figure 3. Left) bit damage to both lower and upper premolars caused by the use of a metal bit while pulling a chariot,
from the Eastern Zhou Dynastysite of Cuiyuanxiaoqu (photograph by J. Cao); right) bronze bit from tomb 62, Xincun
site (modied by W.T.T. Taylor after Guo (1998: 61)).
Understanding early horse transport in eastern Eurasia through analysis of equine dentition
© The Author(s), 2021. Published by Cambridge University Press on behalf of Antiquity Publications Ltd.
Mort that exhibits wear extending deep into the third premolar, intercuspid wear is also
found on the lower second premolar (Figure 5). These patterns suggest a bit being lifted
over the lower teeth and ground upwards into the upper premolars. One horse even exhibits
polishing around the intercuspid space, and nowhere else, which appears to have been caused
by the bit (Figure 5: top left). Three of the ve DSK horse specimens with mandibular inter-
cuspid wear also exhibit deformations of the alveolar margin, where it appears that down-
wards pressure in gripping the bit has caused the tooth to bow laterally outwards
(Figure 5: lower right; see OSM2).
Our analysis of DSK horses reveals a high frequency of damage to the upper premolars,
paired with an absence of classic forms of lower premolar damage, along with an unusual
Figure 4. Abnormal wear to the upper premolars in Deer Stone-Khirigsuur horses: top) 1415-year-old female (NMM
002); lower left) >16 year-old female (NMM 095); lower right) >16-year-old of indeterminate sex (NMM 001) (gure
by W.T.T. Taylor).
William T.T. Taylor et al.
© The Author(s), 2021. Published by Cambridge University Press on behalf of Antiquity Publications Ltd.
form of intercuspid wear of the second premolar and deformation of the alveolar margins of
the lower premolar row. These patterns appear to have resulted from chronic gripping of a
bridle mouthpiece or bit, which was ground against the upper premolars by the lower jaw
as the horse took the bit between the teeth. The uneven nature of wear caused by DSK
bits across enamel and cementum (e.g. Figure 4: lower left) suggests that soft organic materi-
alsperhaps bre or leatherwere often used for mouthpiece construction. Other instances
of upper premolar wear to both enamel and cementum in our analysed sample imply the use
of a hard bit ( perhaps bone, antler or even metal), similar to equipment recovered from later
rst-millennium BC contexts in Mongolia (Chan 2018: 87).
Rein angle
While comparison of modern and archaeological riding and chariot horse dentition suggests
that concentrated damage to the lower premolars might be an archaeological correlate of
mounted horseback riding, the patterns identied in our DSK samplewith damage
focused on the upper dentitionare more difcult to interpret. This pattern has no correlates
in our comparative assemblage, and implies a shallow, near-horizontal angle between the
reins and the horses head.
Figure 5. Intercuspid wear of the lower jaw in Deer Stone-Khirigsuur horses: top left) polishing of the occlusal surface of
a lower right second premolar (67-year-old male; NMM 008); top right) wear to the lower third premolar
(>16-year-old female; NMM 095). Several instances of bulging deformation of the mandibular margin of the
lateral alveolar exterior surface near the affected teeth (>20-year-old of indeterminate sex (NMM 051, lower left)
and male, 67 years (NMM 008, lower right)) (gure by W.T.T. Taylor).
Understanding early horse transport in eastern Eurasia through analysis of equine dentition
© The Author(s), 2021. Published by Cambridge University Press on behalf of Antiquity Publications Ltd.
To aid in understanding the relationship between rein angle and transport activity, we
compiled a database of 227 side-on prole images of horses engaged in various forms of trans-
port using a search of publicly available images. We selected images of modern Mongolian
horseback riding (n = 96), English-style horseback riding (n = 21), jockey horse racing
(n = 30), harness racing (n = 30), agricultural ploughing (n = 11), pulling carriages (n =
22) and reconstructed ancient chariots produced by Spruytte (1983; n = 17). We excluded
any images depicting the use of a curb or leverage bit, along with any image in which the
horse was stationary or not receiving guidance via the reins. For each category, we noted
the gait/speed of the horse (stop, walk, trot or canter/gallop). Using the open-source software
ImageJ, we measured rein angle as the angle formed by the reins and the bridles cheek strap
(which runs from the poll to the bit; see OSM3).
Our results indicate that rein angles differ meaningfully across types of transport. Traction
animals (chariots, carriages and ploughs) yield a relatively consistent set of rein angles
between 54 and 58 degrees. Reconstructions of ancient chariots (Spruytte 1983) average a
rein angle of 54 degrees (Figure 6). In contrast, some styles of mounted horseback riding,
such as English riding, entail consistently high rein angles of around 90 degrees. Others,
including contemporary Mongolian horse riding or jockey racing, in which the rider often
stands in the saddle or holds the reins high, employ very shallow rein angles, with average
values below 40 degrees (Figure 6). This variation implies that rider position is a key factor
inuencing rein angle.
Consideration of horses at different gaits shows that rein angle also varies considerably
according to speed. In Mongolian riding, which uses a simple bridle similar to those used
in antiquity across East and Central Asia, rein angle becomes increasingly shallow with
Figure 6. Rein angle by transport category for modern horses (and reconstruction of ancient chariots shown in Spruytte
(1983)) (analysed by W.T.T. Taylor using ImageJ).
William T.T. Taylor et al.
© The Author(s), 2021. Published by Cambridge University Press on behalf of Antiquity Publications Ltd.
speed, as the horse achieves a greater degree of neck extension (Figure 7). There is a less clear
relationship between speed and rein angle in traction horses, although the use of rein guides,
which maintain a relatively consistent angle, could counteract the effect in our comparative
Bit type
Another potential contributor to the discrepancy between our DSK samples and comparative
samples of riding and chariot horses is technological. In comparison to the jointed snafe,
which functions through pressure on the corners of the mouth, the straight-bar bit is
more easily lifted between the teeth during riding (Manfredi et al.2009).
Archaeological evidence from Yanghai cemetery in Xinjiang indicates that leather, bone or
antler bar bits were used for riding throughout much of the rst millennium BC (Turfan City
Bureau of Cultural Relics et al.2019), and organic bar or rope bits appear to have been used
to control most early steppe chariot horses. These bits, which function by placing pressure on
the tongue, may cause comparatively less damage to the lower dentition. The high frequency
of upper dentition damage in the DSK assemblage indicates that the bits were often taken
between the teeth, with the neck fully extendeda dangerous scenario for mounted riders
that often results in a loss of navigational control at high speeds (Cook 1999). With the
Figure 7. Rein angles across different gaits, in Mongolian riding horses (gure by W.T.T. Taylor).
Understanding early horse transport in eastern Eurasia through analysis of equine dentition
© The Author(s), 2021. Published by Cambridge University Press on behalf of Antiquity Publications Ltd.
additional structure provided by a harness and a cart, the consequences of such bit-grasping
would probably be less dire for a chariot team.
With no rein guides, the small stature of ancient Mongolian horses (often 1.30m at the
withers) could have contributed to a particularly shallow rein angle between chariot horses
and standing drivers (Figure 8), while additional forces generated by rein leverage provide
a potential mechanism for the severe tooth erosion seen in some DSK upper premolars. Alter-
natively, among horses that were clenching a bar bit between their teeth and receiving no
downwards inuence from the reinsa situation more likely in chariots than for mounted
ridersthe natural undulations of the body caused by running and breathing may have
caused the mouthpiece to impact the upper dentition, resulting in preferential wear to the
upper tooth row.
Riding or chariots?
Our results indicate that DSK horses were controlled at a rein angle sufciently shallow to
permit the bit to be regularly lifted onto the lower second premolarslikely at a consistently
fast gaitand with backward rein tension or other forces signicant enough to cause regular
erosion of the upper second premolar. Our comparison with modern horses shows that both
chariotry and riding at a fast gait are capable of producing shallow rein angles. Archaeological
comparisons of East Asian riding and chariot assemblages show that neither provides a good
match for the patterns observed in the DSK sample, perhaps due to the confounding inu-
ence of different equipment types (e.g. jointed metal snafevs organic bar bits) on the equine
mouth. A pair of horses from the Petrovka Culture site of Novoilinovskiy 2 in southern Rus-
sia, dated to c. 1800 BC, however, exhibit nearly identical erosion of the upper premolars to
that seen in the DSK sample (Chechushkov et al.2020:gs 56). Future work could assess
the osteological correlates of ancient riding and chariot horses controlled with an organic bar
Figure 8. Schematic showing how shallow rein angles, used in tandem with a bar bit, might produce concentrated
damage to the upper dentition (gure by W.T.T. Taylor and B.L. Morrison).
William T.T. Taylor et al.
© The Author(s), 2021. Published by Cambridge University Press on behalf of Antiquity Publications Ltd.
or bar-like bit, such as those from Yanghai and Sintashta. Another useful consideration is that
DSK horses could have performed unique activities not considered in our comparative data-
sets, such as the transport of the large stones for DSK monuments that generated
as-yet-unknown dental pathologies.
The DSK period is linked with the rst appearance of the domestic horse in Mongolia and a
variety of key social and economic changes, including the expanded use of dry, intermontane
zones, increased dietary exploitation of horses and the emergence of horse rituals (Taylor et al.
2017). Our study suggests that, whether for driving, riding, or both, DSK horses were regu-
larly driven at fast gaits, providing these early pastoralists with the speed and mobility that
stimulated these key cultural changes.
Although we excluded juvenile specimens from our analysis, we also found upper premolar
erosion and lower premolar intercuspid wear in horses as young as 22.5 years in the DSK sam-
ple, indicating that relatively young animals were used in transport. One such young horse from
the site of Uguumur in Central Mongolia (Figure B1) was previously recognised as having
undergone surgical modication of its incorrectly erupted deciduous incisorsthe oldest
known evidence for veterinary dentistry (Taylor et al.2018). Our results suggest that use of
horses in transport may have been a driving force behind this innovative veterinary care.
Available archaeological data support the notion that chariots were a practical part of sub-
sistence and pastoral life in the Bronze Age Eastern Steppe. Chariots are typically depicted in
petroglyphs as engaged in big-game hunting and other domestic scenes (Jacobson-Tepfer
2015). One petroglyph from Mongolia shows a chariot chasinga herd of horses (Littauer
et al.2002: 113). Given the high frequency of tooth damage caused by bit-grasping in the
DSK assemblageimplying a regular loss of control for mounted ridersperhaps the add-
itional structure provided by a yoke and harness, along with the calming presence of a second
animal (Dietz 2003), gave paired cart transport key advantages over mounted riding.
The importance of chariot horses in DSK sites is clear in funerary architecture. DSK
horses with transport-related osteological features are often recovered from rows of burial
mounds (groups of four) along the east side of standing stones and burial mounds (Figure 9;
Taylor 2017). Many khirigsuurs are surrounded by a stone fence, with a small stone circle at
each corner (Figure 9: right). At large khirigsuurs, the heads of buried horses are oriented as if
pulling the deceased towards the rising sun (Lepetz et al.2019). If the special row of transport
horses were intended to represent a team of driving horses, the khirigsuur plan-view resem-
bles a ger tereg or wheeled yurt cart (Figure 9). Mobile residences of this type were popular for
leaders on campaign during the thirteenth to fourteenth century AD Mongol Empire
(Andrews 1999), but have also been identied in rock art and other carvings dating back
to the late rst millennium BC (e.g. Miller 2012).
A model for the early DSK period in which either early horseback riding employed high-
risk fast gaits and/or in which chariotry was the preferred form of transport would help
explain why DSK sites appear concurrently with horses in Central China (Taylor et al.
2017). Horse riding was not widely adopted south of the Mongolian Steppe until the second
half of the rst millennium BC (Cooke 2000). By the time riding was adopted in China in
Understanding early horse transport in eastern Eurasia through analysis of equine dentition
© The Author(s), 2021. Published by Cambridge University Press on behalf of Antiquity Publications Ltd.
the fourth century BC, the widespread availability of the jointed metal snafe-bit may have
given riders improved safety and control (Li et al. 2020).
While much remains unclear about the early history of horse transport, newly identied
osteological patterns from archaeological contexts in Mongolia suggest that the earliest
domestic horses identied in the regionthose of the Late Bronze Age DSKwere con-
trolled in a way that produced unique damage patterns to their upper dentition, probably
resulting from a shallow rein angle and fast gait. Although both chariotry and riding using
an organic bar bit could have contributed to these patterns, it is clear that DSK horses com-
monly took the bit between the teeth, which would have resulted in temporary lack of con-
trol for mounted riders. These ndings imply an element of danger to mounted riding during
the late second millennium BC that may help to explain the absence of equestrianism from
early Chinese archaeological contexts, and could indicate an expanded practical role for char-
iots in early pastoral lifeways of the eastern Eurasian Steppe.
The authors would like to thank the National Museum of Mongolia, the Henan Provincial
Institute of Cultural Heritage and Archaeology and our anonymous reviewers for helping to
improve this manuscript.
Funding statement
The research was partially conducted with the nancial support of the University of Colorado, and
the Government of the Russian Federation (Igor Chechushkov) (project FENU-2020-0021).
Figure 9. Site plan of a Deer Stone-Khirigsuur burial at the site of Shatar Chuluu in Bayankhongor province, Central
Mongolia (right), and its similarity to a wheeled ger teregled by a special row of horses (left) (gure by J. Bayarsaikhan
and B.L. Morrison).
William T.T. Taylor et al.
© The Author(s), 2021. Published by Cambridge University Press on behalf of Antiquity Publications Ltd.
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Understanding early horse transport in eastern Eurasia through analysis of equine dentition
© The Author(s), 2021. Published by Cambridge University Press on behalf of Antiquity Publications Ltd.
... These markers include changes in the dentine and vertebrae (Anthony et al. 2006;Brown and Anthony 1998;Cook 2011;Makowiecki et al. 2022;Taylor 2018), the distribution of abnormalities along the spine You et al. 2020), and the frequency of pathologies in the front shoulders and lower forelimbs (Weber 2008;Zhang et al. 2023). In addition, left/right asymmetry in cranial and spinal pathology can also be a useful marker to indicate the use of horse transport (Taylor 2018;Taylor et al. 2021;Zhang et al. 2023). ...
... One of the most distinctive markers of the use of a bit is the bevel of the grinding surface anterior ≥ 3 mm (Brown and Anthony 1998) and enamel/dentine exposure on the lower second premolar anterior corners (Bendrey 2007a). Therefore, we analyzed the remodelling of the second premolars following the procedures described by Anthony et al. (2006) and Taylor et al. (2021), and we measured the enamel exposure on the lower second premolars using the procedure described by Bendrey (2007a), and we scored the degree of the new bone formation or the loss of diastemata, which is also related to the bit use (Bendrey 2007a). ...
Full-text available
Domestic horses had a profound impact on the economy, warfare, and social organization of the late Shang Dynasty (c.1300 − 1046 BC, Bronze Age). However, as horses from archaeological contexts of this period are almost exclusively associated with the elites, data on horsepower exploitation strategies from the rural, non-elite sites are still lacking. In this study, we present the results of pathological examinations on six horses from the late Shang period discovered at the Bronze Age village site of Qingqiu, Shandong, China. Our results suggest that horses were used for traction as early as the late Shang period in the rural site in the lower Yellow River valley. They were probably harnessed individually for draught work, unlike Yinxu, the Shang capital, where paired horses were harnessed to pull one chariot in the elite cemeteries. Additionally, taking into account evidence of frequent interregional resource exchange during the late Shang period, we propose that horse traction played a vital role in the transportation of important resources by the late second millennium BC.
... The approximate date of 1200 BCE is of particular interest given that it concurs with the arrival of the first horses accompanied by chariots, charioteers, and sophisticated paraphernalia in the Late Shang Dynasty capital of Yinxu (Anyang), far to the southeast of the Mongolian steppe (Judi, 2019;Yuan et al., 2008;Taylor, 2024; Fig. 1). Taylor views these events as directly connected such that a combination of horse transport capabilities and new exchange networks likely linked together the two processes of burgeoning horse cultures in Late Bronze Age Mongolia and the Shang Dynasty (Taylor et al., , 2021a. While there is no question that the Shang elite at Yinxu received horses and equid technologies from peoples of the steppe region, there remain significant questions about the extent of indigenous experience with horses on the part of Late Bronze Age steppe communities prior to these interregional transfers. ...
... While chariot/horse cart transport is hypothesized to have been practiced in western Mongolia based on the rock art record (Honeychurch, 2015:193-194), the lack of any indication of chariots or carts in the east raises questions about possible methods of horse transfers over longer distances. Early experimentation with horseback riding might be one hypothesis, but to date there is little evidence for riding anywhere in Mongolia prior to 1100/1000 BCE, although progress on this question is certainly being made (e.g., Taylor et al., 2021a). ...
The timing, geographical pathways, and earliest uses for horses (Equus caballus) in East Asia have long been a scientific puzzle vigorously debated by scholars with different backgrounds across diverse disciplinary fields. Over the past two decades, a wide range of high-resolution evidence has been presented documenting the multi-regional dispersion of domesticated horses, but questions still abound, especially in the eastern regions of Eurasia. This study provides a rigorous critique of this body of evidence and advances hypotheses as to when and where domesticated horses first arrived in Mongolia and China. We present the earliest ancient DNA evidence for the DOM2 genetic lineage of modern domesticated horses in Mongolia and evaluate a comprehensive dataset of radiocarbon dates for East Asian domesticated horses using a Bayesian statistical approach that is powerful but seldom utilized by archaeologists. Our genetic and chronological evidence demonstrates that horses far to the east in Mongolia, interred in monumental prone burial contexts, were domesticated and contemporaneous with the earliest horses documented in western regions of Mongolia and Xinjiang. These results both complicate and clarify major questions related to the occurrence of domesticated horses within the greater region and help to explain the development of horse culture(s) and knowledge on the eastern steppe and at the Late Shang capital of Yinxu.
... The approximate date of 1200 BCE is of particular interest given that it concurs with the arrival of the first horses accompanied by chariots, charioteers, and sophisticated paraphernalia in the Late Shang Dynasty capital of Yinxu (Anyang), far to the southeast of the Mongolian steppe (Judi, 2019;Yuan et al., 2008;Taylor, 2024; Fig. 1). Taylor views these events as directly connected such that a combination of horse transport capabilities and new exchange networks likely linked together the two processes of burgeoning horse cultures in Late Bronze Age Mongolia and the Shang Dynasty (Taylor et al., , 2021a. While there is no question that the Shang elite at Yinxu received horses and equid technologies from peoples of the steppe region, there remain significant questions about the extent of indigenous experience with horses on the part of Late Bronze Age steppe communities prior to these interregional transfers. ...
... While chariot/horse cart transport is hypothesized to have been practiced in western Mongolia based on the rock art record (Honeychurch, 2015:193-194), the lack of any indication of chariots or carts in the east raises questions about possible methods of horse transfers over longer distances. Early experimentation with horseback riding might be one hypothesis, but to date there is little evidence for riding anywhere in Mongolia prior to 1100/1000 BCE, although progress on this question is certainly being made (e.g., Taylor et al., 2021a). ...
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The timing, geographical pathways, and earliest uses for horses (Equus caballus) in East Asia have long been a scientific puzzle vigorously debated by scholars with different backgrounds across diverse disciplinary fields. Over the past two decades, a wide range of high-resolution evidence has been presented documenting the multi-regional dispersion of domesticated horses, but questions still abound, especially in the eastern regions of Eurasia. This study provides a rigorous critique of this body of evidence and advances hypotheses as to when and where domesticated horses first arrived in Mongolia and China. We present the earliest ancient DNA evidence for the DOM2 genetic lineage of modern domesticated horses in Mongolia and evaluate a comprehensive dataset of radiocarbon dates for East Asian domesticated horses using a Bayesian statistical approach that is powerful but seldom utilized by archaeologists. Our genetic and chronological evidence demonstrates that horses far to the east in Mongolia, interred in monumental prone burial contexts, were domesticated and contemporaneous with the earliest horses documented in western regions of Mongolia and Xinjiang. These results both complicate and clarify major questions related to the occurrence of domesticated horses within the greater region and help to explain the development of horse culture(s) and knowledge on the eastern steppe and at the Late Shang capital of Yinxu.
... Archaeologists now recognize that particular kinds of horse equipment affect the skeleton in different ways. Control systems like lip rings (22), leverage and curb bits (23), and organic mouthpieces (24,25) each leave different and often recognizable osteological traces. Successful identification of horse riding in the archaeozoological record, and distinguishing it from other modes of ancient transport, is no longer a question of presence or absence; it requires careful consideration of each of these lines of evidence among well-preserved horse remains (26). ...
Among the most widely used methods for understanding human-horse relationships in the archaeological record is the identification of human skeletal pathologies associated with mounted horseback riding. In particular, archaeologists encountering specific bony changes to the hip, femur, and lower back often assert a causal link between these features and prolonged periods of mounted horseback riding. The identification of these features have recently been used to assert the early practice of mounted horseback riding among the Yamnaya culture of western Eurasia during the third and fourth millennium BCE. Here, we summarize the methodological hurdles and analytical risks of using this approach in the absence of valid comparative datasets and outline best practices for using human osteological data in the study of ancient animal transport.
... This is evidenced by quite a number of works on lesions in horses used in Europe both in prehistoric times, in the Middle Ages and in modern times [9][10][11][12][13]. Pathologies, which have generally been described in these animals since domestication, were most often the result of different uses, including as mounts and for pulling chariots and wagons [13][14][15][16][17]. ...
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Simple Summary The work is the first comprehensive analysis of equine pathological changes from the Polish territory. The research material was collected from 20 archaeological sites, mainly early medieval settlements, such as strongholds, settlements, towns and horse graves. In the material examined, 186 cases of lesions were found. Of these, 26.9% were lesions of the spine, 39.8% lesions of the limb skeleton and 31.7% lesions of the head including dental pathologies. Abstract The work is the first comprehensive analysis of equine pathological changes from the Polish territory. The research material was collected from 20 archaeological sites, mainly early medieval settlements, such as strongholds, settlements, towns and horse graves. In the material examined, 186 cases of lesions were found. Of these, 26.9% were lesions of the spine, 39.8% lesions of the limb skeleton and 31.7% lesions of the head including dental pathologies. Most of the lesions in the limbs involved their distal segments. The vast majority of pathological cases can be linked to animal use. It was found that horses in which pathological lesions were observed were used under cover. In one case, the observed cranial trauma was the cause of death associated with injury to the nasal auricles and large vessels and consequent blood loss and possible shock. It was found that, in some of the cases, the horses started to be used early which affected their organs of motion and spine.
... The cheekpiece with lateral segment broke at some point but was repaired and remained in use, an indication that it was indispensable or perhaps even prized by its owner. More investigations of the skeleton and dentition of horses discovered in contexts with Monteoru pottery (such as those carried out by Brown and Anthony 1998;Li et al. 2020;Taylor et al. 2021) could provide important clues about the use of horses in this area in the first half of the 2nd millennium BC, both as harnessed animals for wheeled vehicles and for riding. ...
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Studded disc-shaped cheekpieces were elements of the bridle used to control chariot horses in the Pokrovsk-Abashevo and Sintashta-Petrovka cultures (late 3rd and early 2nd millennium BC) of the Pontic-Caspian steppe and forest-steppe area. A few such items were also found in the Carpathian-Danube region. The present paper presents the results of the investigations focused on three studded disc-shaped cheekpieces from the Bronze Age settlement at Sărata Monteoru (Romania). Computed tomography and digital microscopy were used to identify the raw material, as well as the technological processes and traces of use-wear. These studies indicated that the cheekpieces from Sărata Monteoru were made of elk antler, as were most of the disc-shaped items from the region between the Don and the southern Trans-Urals and made by a similar technique. The use-wear traces on our artefacts indicate by their manner of attachment to the bridle that they were used to control horses harnessed to chariots, the same as the disc-shaped cheekpieces of the Pokrovsk-Abashevo and Sintashta-Petrovka cultures. The results of this investigation suggest that the three cheekpieces from Sărata Monteoru are of Eastern origin, and they arrived in the Carpathian-Danube area very probably along with the horses who wore the bridle.
While few places on earth have been as deeply impacted by the human-horse relationship as the steppes of Mongolia and eastern Eurasia, gaps in the archaeological record have made it strikingly difficult to trace when and how the first domestic horses were integrated into ancient societies in this key region of the world. Recently, organic materials preserved in melting mountain ice have emerged as a key source of archaeological insight into the region’s deep past. Newly-identified artefacts recovered from melting snow and ice in the Altai Mountain range of western Mongolia (including metal artefacts, skeletal remains, and hoof fragments) provide archaeological evidence for the use of horses at high altitudes from the Bronze Age through the 20th century. Direct radiocarbon dating and genomic sequencing demonstrate the presence of Przewalski’s horse in the region during the early second millennium BCE, suggesting that this taxon may have once foraged at high altitudes frequented by human hunters. Importantly, directly-dated remains of horse hoof trimmings provide some of the oldest direct evidence of horse transport in the Eastern Steppe as early as the 14th century BCE, and suggest a role for high-mountain hunting in the innovation of reliable mounted riding.
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Dairy pastoralism is integral to contemporary and past lifeways on the eastern Eurasian steppe, facilitating survival in agriculturally challenging environments. While previous research has indicated that ruminant dairy pastoralism was practiced in the region by circa 1300 bc, the origin, extent and diversity of this custom remain poorly understood. Here, we analyse ancient proteins from human dental calculus recovered from geographically diverse locations across Mongolia and spanning 5,000 years. We present the earliest evidence for dairy consumption on the eastern Eurasian steppe by circa 3000 bc and the later emergence of horse milking at circa 1200 bc, concurrent with the first evidence for horse riding. We argue that ruminant dairying contributed to the demographic success of Bronze Age Mongolian populations and that the origins of traditional horse dairy products in eastern Eurasia are closely tied to the regional emergence of mounted herding societies during the late second millennium bc.
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While classic models for the emergence of pastoral groups in Inner Asia describe mounted, horse-borne herders sweeping across the Eurasian Steppes during the Early or Middle Bronze Age (ca. 3000–1500 BCE), the actual economic basis of many early pastoral societies in the region is poorly characterized. In this paper, we use collagen mass fingerprinting and ancient DNA analysis of some of the first stratified and directly dated archaeofaunal assemblages from Mongolia’s early pastoral cultures to undertake species identifications of this rare and highly fragmented material. Our results provide evidence for livestock-based, herding subsistence in Mongolia during the late 3rd and early 2nd millennia BCE. We observe no evidence for dietary exploitation of horses prior to the late Bronze Age, ca. 1200 BCE – at which point horses come to dominate ritual assemblages, play a key role in pastoral diets, and greatly influence pastoral mobility. In combination with the broader archaeofaunal record of Inner Asia, our analysis supports models for widespread changes in herding ecology linked to the innovation of horseback riding in Central Asia in the final 2nd millennium BCE. Such a framework can explain key broad-scale patterns in the movement of people, ideas, and material culture in Eurasian prehistory.
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Deer stone and khirigsuur complexes are monuments that are characteristic of the Late Bronze Age (1200-700 BC) of the steppes of central and northern Mongolia. The khirigsuurs are made up of a large central mound around which are distributed peripheral structures: mounds and circles of stones. The peripheral mounds cover heads, vertebrae and phalanges of horses. At the centre of the circles of stones, the deposits consist of the burnt bones of caprines. This article discusses the ingredients that will allow us to better understand the gestures performed as part of the activities around the ritual monuments at Tsatsyn Ereg (Mongolia). The presence in certain mounds of a cranium and mandibles belonging to two different individuals reveals that the explanation for the horse deposits is more complicated than a simple action of in situ sacrifice. Analysis of age at death reveals that elderly animals are numerous. Males form a strong majority. The analysis of the almost 12 000 calcined remains recovered from the circles reveals that teeth and feet of caprines are disproportionately represented. The paper links the circles of stones that delimit the fireplaces with the action of purification. For the khirigsuur B10, the analysis of the alignment of the mounds and the stone circles and the orientation of the horses gives the impression of a herd of horses taking or pulling the deceased towards the rising sun. The communal aspect of the activities conducted around these large tombs is evident. We perceive all of the complexity of the deer stone and khirigsuur (DSK) phenomenon, which is simultaneously social and religious.
Significance This study provides insights into the emergence and adoption of equestrian technologies in China. Analysis of ancient horse bones from Shirenzigou and Xigou in eastern Xinjiang demonstrates that pastoralists along China’s northwest frontier practiced horseback riding and mounted archery by the fourth century BCE. This region may have played a key role in the initial spread of equestrian technologies from the Altai region into the heartland of China’s early settled states, where they eventually facilitated the rise of the first united empires in China and triggered extensive social, political, and economic exchanges between China and its neighbors on the Eurasian Steppes.
This paper reports the results of zooarchaeological and archaeological studies of two Late Bronze Age horses from Kurgan 5 of the Novoil’inovskiy 2 Cemetery, Kostanay Region, the Republic of Kazakhstan. The study documents the key period in the development of horse utilization during the Bronze Age and elaborates on the chronology of this process by applying the radiocarbon dating. The conducted analysis ranges from field observations of how bones were situated in the ritual pit to the examination of bone pathologies and the investigation of associated cheekpieces. We conclude that the key horsemanship practices were already fully established during the Bronze Age, as horse remains demonstrate evidence for bridling, which can be linked to the utilization of bridles with cheekpieces and soft bits. If these horses were used for riding, the radiocarbon age of the complex (cal. 1890–1774 BCE) pushes the gradual shift from chariot to horseback riding towards the beginning of the 2nd millennium BCE.