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Drivers of Flight Performance of California Condors ( Gymnogyps californianus )


Abstract and Figures

Flight behavior of soaring birds depends on a complex array of physiological, social, demographic, and environmental factors. California Condors (Gymnogyps californianus) rely on thermal and orographic updrafts to subsidize extended bouts of soaring flight, and their soaring flight performance is expected to vary in response to environmental variation and, potentially, with experience. We collected 6298 flight tracks described by high-frequency GPS telemetry data from five birds ranging in age from 1 to 19 yr old and followed over 32 d in summer 2016. Using these data, we tested the hypothesis that climb rate, an indicator of flight performance, would be related to the topographic and meteorological variables the bird experienced, and also to its age. Climb rate was greater when condors were flying in faster winds and during environmental conditions that were conducive to updraft development. However, we found no effect of age on climb rate. Although many of these relationships were expected based on flight theory, the lack of an effect of age was unexpected. Our work expands understanding of the relationship condors have with the environment, and it also suggests the potential for as-yet unexplored complexity to this relationship. As such, this study provides insight into avian flight behavior and, because flight performance influences bird behavior and exposure to anthropogenic risk, it has potential consequences for development of conservation management plans.
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J. Raptor Res. 56(1):17–27
Ó2022 The Raptor Research Foundation, Inc.
Department of Geography, University of Texas at Austin, Austin, TX 78712 USA
Department of Biological Sciences, REU Site in Raptor Research, and Raptor Research Center, Boise State University,
Boise, ID 83706 USA
US Geological Survey, Forest and Rangeland Ecosystem Science Center, Boise, ID 83706 USA
US Fish and Wildlife Service, Hopper Mountain National Wildlife Refuge Complex, 2493 Portola Road, Ventura,
CA 93003 USA
Department of Biological Sciences, REU Site in Raptor Research, and Raptor Research Center, Boise State University,
Boise, ID 83706 USA
US Geological Survey, Forest and Rangeland Ecosystem Science Center, Boise, ID 83706 USA
ABSTRACT.—Flight behavior of soaring birds depends on a complex array of physiological, social,
demographic, and environmental factors. California Condors (Gymnogyps californianus) rely on thermal
and orographic updrafts to subsidize extended bouts of soaring flight, and their soaring flight performance
is expected to vary in response to environmental variation and, potentially, with experience. We collected
6298 flight tracks described by high-frequency GPS telemetry data from five birds ranging in age from 1 to 19
yr old and followed over 32 d in summer 2016. Using these data, we tested the hypothesis that climb rate, an
indicator of flight performance, would be related to the topographic and meteorological variables the bird
experienced, and also to its age. Climb rate was greater when condors were flying in faster winds and during
environmental conditions that were conducive to updraft development. However, we found no effect of age
on climb rate. Although many of these relationships were expected based on flight theory, the lack of an
effect of age was unexpected. Our work expands understanding of the relationship condors have with the
environment, and it also suggests the potential for as-yet unexplored complexity tothis relationship. As such,
this study provides insight into avian flight behavior and, because flight performance influences bird
behavior and exposure to anthropogenic risk, it has potential consequences for development of
conservation management plans.
KEY WORDS:California Condor; Gymnogyps californianus; climb rate;experience;GPS-GSM telemetry;meteorology;
RESUMEN.—El comportamiento de vuelo de las aves que planean depende de una compleja serie de factores
fisiolo´gicos, sociales, demogra´ficos y ambientales. El co´ndor Gymnogyps californianus depende de las
corrientes ascendentes te´rmicas y orogra´ ficas para sustentar los episodios prolongados de planeo, por lo que
Present address: Colorado State University, Department of Forest and Rangeland Stewardship, Fort Collins, CO
80523 USA; email address:
es de esperar que su desempe˜
no en vuelo var´
ıe en respuesta a la variacio´ n del ambiente y, potencialmente, a
la experiencia. Recopilamos 6298 trayectorias de vuelo registradas con telemetr´ıa GPS de alta frecuencia
provenientes de cinco aves con edades comprendidas entre 1 y 19 a ˜
nos, seguidas durante 32 d´ıas en el verano
de 2016. Con estos datos, evaluamos la hipo´tesis de que la tasa de ascenso, un indicador de desempe˜
no del
vuelo, estar´ıa relacionada con las variables topogra´ ficas y meteorolo´gicas que experimento´ el ave y tambie´n
con su edad. La tasa de ascenso fue mayor cuando los co´ ndores volaron con vientos ma´s ra´pidos y durante
condiciones ambientales propicias para el desarrollo de corrientes ascendentes. Sin embargo, no
encontramos ning´
un efecto de la edad sobre la tasa de ascenso. Aunque muchas de estas relaciones se
esperaban a partir de la teor´ıa del vuelo, la falta del efecto de la edad fue inesperado. Nuestro trabajo ampl´ıa
la comprensio´n de la relacio´ n que los co´ ndores tienen con el medio ambiente, y tambie´n sugiere una
complejidad potencial de esta relacio´n a´
un inexplorada. Como tal, este estudio proporciona informacio´n
sobre el comportamiento de vuelo de las aves y, dado que el rendimiento de vuelo influye en el
comportamiento de las aves y en la exposicio´n al riesgo antropoge´nico, tiene consecuencias potenciales para
el desarrollo de planes de manejo de conservacio´n.
[Traduccio´n del equipo editorial]
Movements of animals are affected by internal and
external factors (Dodge et al. 2013, Martin et al.
2013). Characteristics such as age, experience, sex,
reproductive or social status (internal), and weather,
topography, land cover, and predators (external),
can alter the efficiency and energetic cost of
movement (Nathan et al. 2008). These factors
together can inhibit or enhance the speed of
movement of an animal across a landscape (Shepard
et al. 2013). They also can influence the path taken,
time in motion, the number of interruptions in
movement, and even the demographic consequenc-
es of movements (Nathan et al. 2008).
In the case of soaring animals, environmental
conditions conducive to the formation of atmo-
spheric updrafts are important influences on move-
ment (Shamoun-Baranes et al. 2006, Scacco et al.
2019). Soaring birds rely on thermal or orographic
updrafts to ascend and to move through the airspace
(Kerlinger 1989, Alerstam and Hedenstro¨m 1998,
Diehl 2013, Williams et al. 2020). Thermal updrafts
develop from uneven heating of the Earth’s surface
that produces vertical air movements, whereas
orographic updrafts form from wind deflecting
upward off topographic features (Kerlinger 1989,
Sage et al. 2019). The strength of updrafts is
influenced by multiple external meteorological
and topographic factors, all of which may affect
flight performance of soaring animals. Likewise,
flight performance is also influenced by experience
and age, often over many years (Mueller et al. 2013,
Sergio et al. 2014, Harel et al. 2016, Williams et al.
To better understand how environmental condi-
tions affect the movement of soaring animals, we
investigated flight performance, measured by climb
rate, of California Condors (Gymnogyps californianus;
hereafter condors). Condors are a large, obligate-
scavenging and -soaring species in western North
America. They are a suitable species for study of this
topic because of their conservation status, their
almost exclusive use of soaring during flight, and the
previous lack of knowledge of their flight perfor-
mance. The conservation status and consequent
intensive management focused on the species have
resulted in long-term monitoring and substantial
GPS tracking data that can be used to study flight
behavior. Also, as especially long-lived and large
flying animals, condors are expected to be influ-
enced by external factors in their environment, and
to learn and adjust their response over time. Given
these expectations, we used GPS data to test
predictions that, during soaring flight, (1) condors
would climb faster in conditions conducive to
thermal (i.e., strong solar generation and low wind
speed) and to orographic (i.e., rougher terrain and
high wind speed) updrafts, and (2) older, more
experienced condors would climb faster than
younger, less experienced condors.
Study Area. We studied condors in Los Angeles,
Ventura, and Kern Counties in southern California,
USA (Fig. 1). Elevations in the region extend from
sea level to 3000 m above sea level (ASL). Land cover
ranges from shrub and scrub at low elevations to
barren rock at high elevations, and topography is
generally rugged. For more details on the study site,
see Poessel et al. (2018a, 2018b).
Trapping, Tagging, and Telemetry. Biologists
from the California Condor Recovery Program at
18 VOL. 56, NO.1
the US Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS) trapped,
tagged, and released condors at Bitter Creek
National Wildlife Refuge (NWR) in Kern County
and at Hopper Mountain NWR in Ventura County.
Condors were outfitted with solar-powered Global
Positioning System-Global System for Mobile Com-
munications (GPS-GSM) patagial telemetry units
manufactured by Cellular Tracking Technologies,
LLC (Rio Grande, NJ, USA). These devices collected
GPS locations at intervals ranging from 1 hr to ,10
sec and sent them via the mobile phone network to a
server from which they were downloaded. The GPS
data included information on location (latitude and
longitude), date, time, altitude (altitude ASL, in m),
Figure 1. Map of GPS-recorded flight locations (gray dots) of five California Condors tracked in southern California,
2016, with names of counties and locations of the Bitter Creek and Hopper Mountain National Wildlife Refuges.
MARCH 2022 19
ground speed (knots), horizontal and vertical
dilution of precision (HDOP and VDOP, respective-
ly), and fix quality (2D or 3D). Exact age of all
condors was known because they all either hatched
in captivity or in the wild at monitored nests. For
additional details on trapping, tagging, and telem-
etry, see Poessel et al. (2018b).
Data Management. GPS telemetry data were
imported into a customized database and filtered
to remove locations for which diagnostic or altitudi-
nal data indicated errors (Poessel et al. 2018b). We
also excluded GPS data that were collected at night
(between 2000 H and 0430 H PST) or with fix
intervals .10 s.
We used a two-step process to identify segments of
the remaining data when birds were in continuous
upward flight (i.e., flight tracks). First, we defined a
flight track as a series of locations where the bird was
ascending (defined here as a change in altitude
between successive locations of .2 m, or for which
cumulative change in altitude over the track was .0
m). By defining continuous upward flight in this
way, we allowed an ascent phase to be interrupted by
short-term drops in altitude. Subsequently, we
removed short flight tracks with a duration ,30
sec as these may not be representative of general
flight performance. For each remaining flight track,
we then calculated the climb rate as the total change
in altitude divided by the total flight time, and we
report and analyze values in m/sec.
Data Associations. We used the Environmental-
Data Automated Track Annotation system (Env-
DATA; Dodge et al. 2013) in Movebank (http://; Kranstauber et al. 2011, Wikel-
ski and Kays 2016) to link each GPS location in a
flight track to the values of four meteorological
variables we believed were likely to influence updraft
strength and condor flight performance. Downward
shortwave radiation (DSR, W/m
), pressure at the
surface (Pa), and turbulent kinetic energy (TKE, J/
kg) all influence thermal updraft in a landscape
(Shamoun-Baranes et al. 2003, Chevallier et al. 2010,
Sapir et al. 2011). Wind speed (m/sec) positively
influences the strength of orographic updrafts and
negatively influences the strength of thermal up-
drafts (Pennycuick 1989, Chevallier et al. 2010). We
calculated wind speed from u-wind and v-wind
vectors that we downloaded from Movebank (Poes-
sel et al. 2018b). The spatial resolution of these
weather variables was 32 km
granularity was 3 hr, and data were linearly
interpolated to the location, time, and, in the case
of wind speed, the altitude of the bird.
We used ArcGIS v.10.6 (Esri, Redlands, CA, USA)
to link each GPS location in a flight track to three
topographic variables (US Geological Survey 2015):
terrain ruggedness index (TRI, calculated as the
square root of the sum of the squared differences
between the elevation in a cell and the elevation of
its neighboring cells; Riley et al. 1999), slope (in
percent), and aspect (Pierce et al. 2005, Piedallu and
Ge´gout 2013). Each of these variables influences
formation of updrafts and thus, a condor’s flight
performance (Reichmann 1978, Shamoun-Baranes
et al. 2003, Bohrer et al. 2012, Poessel et al. 2018a,
2018b, Duerr et al. 2019). Because aspect has a
circular distribution, we converted it into two linear
components: northness (cosine of aspect; ranging
from 1 [south] to 1 [north]) and eastness (sine of
aspect; ranging from 1 [west] to 1 [east]).
Finally, we linked each GPS location to flight
altitude above ground level (altitude AGL, in m)
because altitude can influence flight performance of
soaring birds (Poessel et al. 2018a). We obtained
altitude AGL by subtracting the ground elevation
below a condor’s flight location (determined using a
30-m resolution digital elevation model; US Geolog-
ical Survey 2015) from the altitude ASL of the
condor (as measured by the GPS). For each
meteorological, topographic, and flight altitude
variable, we averaged all values within a flight track
for analysis. Additionally, for each of the three
topographic variables, we calculated the standard
deviation of all values within a flight track to account
for variation within the flight track.
The coarse spatial and temporal resolutions of the
meteorological variables limit how accurately weath-
er data reflect microscale conditions that condors
may actually experience. Furthermore, additional
uncertainty occurs because Movebank linearly inter-
polates environmental variables to condor locations
and because the topographic data are averaged over
area, meaning that any drastic elevation
changes within that area may have been lost. Finally,
our dataset was limited in the number and age of
condors, which may have affected our analysis of the
effect of age on condor flight performance. In our
study, we attempted to interpret our outputs in the
context of these biases, as well as those induced by
spatial mismatch between datasets and by measure-
ment errors (Katzner and Arlettaz 2020, Pe´ron et al.
20 VOL. 56, NO.1
Statistical Analysis. To test the effects of our
predictors on flight performance, we evaluated
multivariate relationships within the data with linear
mixed-effects models (LMMs) using the lme4 pack-
age (Bates et al. 2015) in R (R Core Team 2018).
First, we evaluated the potential for multicollinearity
among covariates by examining pairwise Pearson
correlations between weather, topographic, and
flight altitude variables. When two variables were
highly correlated (r0.60), we removed one
member of the pair. Mean slope, mean TRI, and
the standard deviation of TRI were all highly
correlated (Supplemental Material Table S1). The
standard deviation of TRI was also highly correlated
with the standard deviation of slope (Table S1).
Thus, we removed from consideration the mean
slope and the standard deviation of TRI. To meet
distributional assumptions of statistical tests, we
square-root-transformed the response variable
(climb rate of a flight track), and we rescaled
predictor variables by subtracting the mean of the
data and dividing by two standard deviations (Gel-
man 2008).
Next, we evaluated a global LMM that included
transformed climb rate as the response variable and
condor identification (ID) as a random effect.
Topographic predictors in the model included
means for northness, eastness, and TRI, and
standard deviations for northness, eastness, and
slope as fixed effects. Meteorological predictors
included DSR, TKE, wind speed, and pressure at
the surface as fixed effects. We also included
continuous predictors for age and altitude AGL as
fixed effects. We then used the dredge function
(MuMIn package in R; Barton 2015) to evaluate
performance of models based on all possible
combinations of variables (Doherty et al. 2012). We
used Akaike’s Information Criterion corrected for
small sample size (AIC
) to rank the models, and we
averaged the top-ranked sub-models (model weight
.0.01; Burnham and Anderson 2002). We used the
highest-ranked model to construct plots (effects
package in R; Fox 2003) illustrating the effects on
climb rate of each predictor variable. When plotted,
both climb rate and each predictor variable were
back-transformed to their original scales.
Condor Telemetry. Data were collected at 10-sec
intervals during the day only during the period
between 11 August 2016 and 11 September 2016
(Table 1). After filtering and conducting quality
control on the data, we retained 92,804 GPS
locations from five condors aged 1, 7, 8, 19, and 19
yr. These locations defined 6298 flight tracks, of
which there was a range of 1120–1484 per condor,
with a mean of 14.6 locations per track (range ¼
5107 locations per track) and a mean flight
duration of 88.9 sec per track (range: 30–669 sec
per track; Table 1). Average climb rates for each
Table 1. Summary statistics (post-filtering) describing data for five California Condors of different ages and their tracks of
ascending flight used in an analysis of flight performance in southern California, 2016. AGL is altitude above ground level,
DSR is downward shortwave radiation, TKE is turbulent kinetic energy, and TRI is terrain ruggedness index.
#156 #161 #480 #507 #791
Age 19 19 8 7 1
Number of tracks 1239 1195 1484 1260 1120
AGL (m; ¯
x6SE) 320.5 67.43 269.2 67.29 284.6 66.33 330.9 66.03 271.8 68.59
Wind speed (m/sec; ¯
x6SE) 5.1 60.05 5.1 60.06 4.3 60.05 4.3 60.05 4.3 60.07
Pressure (Pa; ¯
x6SE) 89,973.2 622.60 90,270.9 624.35 90,191.7 622.45 90,261 622.45 91,112.3 649.07
DSR (W/m
x6SE) 820.4 64.72 823.9 64.98 830.6 64.93 827.8 64.12 788.5 65.43
TKE (J/kg; ¯
x6SE) 2.2 60.04 2.3 60.04 2.0 60.35 2.2 60.03 1.6 60.04
Northness (¯
x6SE) 0.11 60.02 0.10 60.02 0.03 60.02 0.07 60.01 0.09 60.02
Eastness (¯
x6SE) 0.01 60.02 0.04 60.02 0.02 60.02 0.02 60.01 0.09 60.02
TRI (¯
x6SE) 314.7 67.39 337.1 67.38 299.2 66.76 297.9 66.12 375.9 69.94
Slope (%; ¯
x6SE) 18.2 60.25 19.4 60.23 18.1 60.23 17.9 60.21 19.6 60.29
Climb rate (m/sec; ¯
x6SE) 1.1 60.02 1.1 60.02 1.3 60.02 1.1 60.02 1.1 60.02
Track duration (s; ¯
x6SE) 88.2 61.90 83.0 61.73 93.9 61.85 85.5 61.68 94.6 62.19
Days of flights 29 14 18 19 19
Time period 14 Aug–11 Sept 11–24 Aug 14–31 Aug 11–29 Aug 11–29 Aug
MARCH 2022 21
condor ranged from 1.1 60.02 to 1.3 60.02 m/sec
x6SE; Table 1).
Factors Affecting Climb Rate. Our top ranked
model, which had 77% of model weights, included
terms for mean altitude AGL, DSR, pressure, TKE,
deviations of eastness, northness, and slope (Table
2). The second-ranked model (19% of weights) was
similar to the top model, except it did not include a
term for TKE. Age was not included until the fourth-
ranked model.
Climb rate of condors was positively influenced
most heavily by altitude AGL and DSR (i.e., z-values
were high, confidence interval bands were narrow,
and both variables were included in each of the top
five sub-models; Tables 2, 3; Fig. 2a, 2b). Other
influential predictors with positive effects included
mean TRI (Table 3; Fig. 2c), the standard deviation
of eastness, the standard deviation of slope, wind
speed, and the standard deviation of northness
(Table 3; Fig. 3a–d). Climb rate was negatively
associated with mean northward aspects and increas-
ing pressure at the surface (Table 3; Fig. 3e, 3f). We
Table 2. Summary of selection process for the model set describing climb rate of California Condors as a function of age
and environmental effects. We used linear mixed effects models ranked by DAIC
(Akaike’s Information Criterion
corrected for small sample size), and we show the top five models, plus the model with all explanatory variables (8th-ranked
model). Explanatory variables in models included age, the means of altitude above ground level (AGL), downward
shortwave radiation (DSR), pressure at the surface (Pressure), turbulent kinetic energy (TKE), wind speed (WS), eastness
(East), northness (North), and terrain ruggedness index (TRI), and the standard deviations of northness (North SD),
eastness (East SD), and slope (Slope SD). Krefers to the number of parameters (including intercept and error terms) in a
model, adjusted R
is the percentage of explained deviance, and w
is the model weight.
AGL þDSR þPressure þTKE þWS þNorth þTRI þEast SD þNorth SD þSlope SD 13 0.00 0.551 0.77
AGL þDSR þPressure þWS þNorth þTRI þEast SD þNorth SD þSlope SD 12 2.81 0.549 0.19
AGL þDSR þPressure þTKE þWS þEast þNorth þTRI þEast SD þNorth SD þ
Slope SD
14 6.19 0.552 0.03
AGL þDSR þPressure þTKE þWS þNorth þTRI þEast SD þNorth SD þSlope
SD þAge
14 9.47 0.552 0.01
AGL þDSR þPressure þWS þEast þNorth þTRI þEast SD þNorth SD þSlope SD 13 11.43 0.549 0.00
AGL þDSR þPressure þTKE þWS þEast þNorth þTRI þEast SD þNorth SD þ
Slope SD þAge
15 15.59 0.553 0.00
Table 3. Model-averaged coefficients, standard errors, z-values, and 95% confidence intervals (CI) from the three best-
performing linear mixed models (with standardized predictor variables) explaining the environmental factors influencing
the climb rate (square-root transformed) of California Condors in southern California, 2016. SD is the standard deviation
of a variable.
Intercept 1.00 0.01 75.57 0.98 1.03
Altitude above ground level (AGL) 0.26 0.01 27.34 0.24 0.28
Downward shortwave radiation (DSR) 0.14 0.01 16.69 0.12 0.15
Terrain ruggedness index (TRI) 0.09 0.01 9.87 0.07 0.10
Eastness SD 0.09 0.01 9.19 0.07 0.11
Slope SD 0.09 0.01 9.05 0.07 0.11
Northness 0.06 0.01 7.52 0.08 0.05
Wind speed 0.07 0.01 7.19 0.05 0.09
Pressure at the surface 0.06 0.01 6.84 0.08 0.05
Northness SD 0.05 0.01 4.91 0.03 0.07
Turbulent kinetic energy (TKE) 0.02 0.01 1.73 0.00 0.05
Eastness 0.00 0.00 0.17 0.01 0.01
22 VOL. 56, NO.1
did not find a strong effect of TKE or mean eastward
aspects on climb rate (i.e., the confidence intervals
for the averaged effect estimates of these variables
overlapped 0; Table 3).
Flight performance of the condors we monitored
was influenced by meteorological and topographic
factors, but not by age of the bird. Although based
on a small sample size, these observations are
consistent with our expectation that the vertical
climb rate of condors would be faster in conditions
conducive to thermal and orographic updraft
generation. That said, the lack of relevance of age-
related variation in flight performance was unex-
Condors rely on thermal and orographic updrafts
to achieve energy-efficient soaring flight (Poessel et
al. 2018b). Data from this study provide the first
descriptions of flight performance of condors and,
despite the small number of birds, they give insight
into the general trends underpinning drivers of
condor flight behavior. Thermal formation is linked
to both solar radiation and atmospheric instability,
the latter of which is higher when low pressure
systems are present (Hertenstein 2005). One way
condors use these updrafts is to rapidly gain altitude.
Figure 2. Plots of the back-transformed, model-fitted values of climb rate and (a) altitude above ground level, (b)
downward shortwave radiation, and (c) mean terrain ruggedness index for five California Condors tracked in southern
California in 2016. Gray bands represent 95% confidence intervals. Black rug plots on the x-axis show the distribution of
MARCH 2022 23
Figure 3. Plots of the back-transformed, model-fitted values of climb rate and (a) standard deviation of eastness, (b)
standard deviation of slope, (c) wind speed, (d) standard deviation of northness, (e) mean northness, and (f) pressure at
the surface for five California Condors tracked in southern California in 2016. Gray bands represent 95% confidence
intervals. Black rug plots on the x-axis show the distribution of data.
24 VOL. 56, NO.1
Furthermore, thermals bring birds high in the air
where air density and resistance are lower, reducing
the amount of effort it takes to soar (Buffo et al.
1972, Williams et al. 2020). Thus, it is not surprising
that altitude AGL was a significant predictor of climb
rate. In contrast, thermals tend to be broken down
by the higher winds that create orographic updrafts
(Murgatroyd et al. 2018). As such, wind speed has
opposing effects on the two updraft types. The
strong positive effect of this variable that we
observed indicates that faster winds during oro-
graphic updrafts have a stronger influence on climb
rate than do slower winds during thermal updrafts.
These factors combined illustrate the complex ways
that both thermal and orographic updrafts are used
by condors to enhance flight performance.
Flight behavior of soaring birds also is strongly
linked to topography (Katzner et al. 2012, Poessel et
al. 2018a, Scacco et al. 2019, Sur et al. 2019). In the
northern hemisphere, south-facing slopes generally
receive higher solar radiation, and thus are more
conducive to thermal generation, than north-facing
slopes (Buffo et al. 1972). In fact, the climb rates we
measured were positively associated with TRI and
southward aspects, and with variation in slope and
aspect. Although classifying behavioral modes was
not a research objective, these data indicate that
condors were likely using orographic updrafts when
flying over rougher terrain with varying slopes. This
supposition is further supported because our data
collection occurred at a time of the year when winds
in southern California blow perpendicular to east-
facing slopes (e.g., the east-west Santa Ana winds).
Contrary to expectations, we did not detect an
effect of age on flight performance. Improvement in
flight performance may be greatest in the first year
of life but can extend well beyond that (e.g., Mueller
et al. 2013), sometimes into a bird’s second decade
of life (Sergio et al. 2014). These patterns suggest
that from the perspective of learning and flight
performance, if we had used the usual system of
breaking age into two categories (juvenile and
adult), it likely would have been simplistic, as some
birds learn continuously over time. The fact that we
did not detect an age effect in this study may be a
result of our small sample size or of the importance
of rapid learning of flight by condors. Future studies
of this topic may wish to focus especially on
comparisons between birds of multiple age classes,
including those ,1 yr old, when flight skills are still
developing and wing shape is most different.
The limited temporal scope of our study simplified
our analysis by allowing us to ignore seasonal
variation in weather. However, despite this advan-
tage, there are also costs to this limited scope. In
particular, the data we considered were all collected
during a time period with high thermal strength and
a relatively constant solar declination angle. Data
collected in winter, when the sun is lower in the sky
and weather patterns are different, may tell a
different story about the relationship of flight
performance and environmental variation.
Understanding flight performance of obligate-
soaring birds under different demographic and
environmental conditions has important implica-
tions for understanding individual fitness, ecology,
and behavior. Movement behavior also interacts with
risk to condors and other soaring birds from wind
turbines (e.g., Miller et al. 2014, Reid et al. 2015,
Poessel et al. 2018a), and wind energy generation is
rapidly expanding within California (US Energy
Information Administration 2020). Flight perfor-
mance of condors may influence this risk because
some of the factors that influence flight perfor-
mance (e.g., altitude AGL, landscapes, DSR, and
wind speed) may also be associated with higher or
lower risk. Our work here expands understanding of
the relationship condors have with the environment
and it also suggests the potential for as-yet unex-
plored complexity to this relationship.
SUPPLEMENTAL MATERIAL (available online). Table
S1: Pearson correlation (r) matrix for meteorolog-
ical, topographic, and flight altitude variables
associated with California Condor soaring flight in
southern California, 2016.
Funding was provided by the National Science Founda-
tion REU Site Award (DBI: 1852133 to JRB), Boise State
University Raptor Research Center, College of Arts and
Sciences, Department of Biological Sciences, and Boise
State University Division of Research and Economic
Development. Field research on condors was supported
by the California Department of Fish and Wildlife (CDFW
agreements P1182024 and P148006), the Bureau of Land
Management (US BLM contract L11PX02237), the Na-
tional Fish and Wildlife Foundation, and the authors’
institutions. This study was carried out in strict accordance
with the recommendations in the Guidelines to the Use of
Wild Birds in Research of the Ornithological Council. No
animal care committee reviews research conducted under
endangered species recovery permits; therefore, condor
field program permits were reviewed and approved by the
US Fish and Wildlife Service Permit Coordinator, the US
Fish and Wildlife Service California Condor Coordinator,
and the US Fish and Wildlife Service Region 8 Endangered
MARCH 2022 25
Species Division. The use of GPS transmitters was autho-
rized as a recovery action under section 10(a)(1)(A) of the
Endangered Species Act with a permit issued to the Hopper
Mountain NWR Complex (#TE-108507 HMNWR-0). This
work also was authorized by the state of California under a
Memorandum of Understanding between managers of the
Hopper Mountain NWR Complex and the California
Department of Fish and Wildlife under sections 650 and
670.7, Title 14, California Code of Regulations. We thank
the many people at the US Fish and Wildlife Service who
assisted with condor monitoring, trapping, and telemetry.
We also thank A. Punzalan for her review of the manuscript.
SRB, SAP, TEK, and JRB designed the study; JCB and MTA
handled and telemetered condors; SRB performed the
analysis with supervision from SAP and TEK; SRB, SAP, and
TEK led the writing; and all authors contributed to revising
and improving the manuscript. The findings and conclu-
sions in this article are those of the authors and do not
necessarily represent the views of the US Fish and Wildlife
Service. Any use of trade, product, or firm names is for
descriptive purposes only and does not imply endorsement
by the US Government.
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Received 31 July 2020; accepted 17 May 2021
Associate Editor: Pascual Lo´pez-Lo´ pez
MARCH 2022 27
Department of Geography, University of Texas at Austin, Austin, TX 78712 USA
Department of Biological Sciences, REU Site in Raptor Research, and Raptor Research Center,
Boise State University, Boise, ID 83706 USA
US Geological Survey, Forest and Rangeland Ecosystem Science Center, Boise, ID 83706 USA
US Fish and Wildlife Service, Hopper Mountain National Wildlife Refuge Complex, 2493
Portola Road, Ventura, CA 93003 USA
Department of Biological Sciences, REU Site in Raptor Research, and Raptor Research Center,
Boise State University, Boise, ID 83706 USA
US Geological Survey, Forest and Rangeland Ecosystem Science Center, Boise, ID 83706 USA
Table S1. Pearson correlation (r) matrix for meteorological, topographic, and flight altitude variables associated with California
Condor soaring flight in southern California, 2016. Bold values indicate variables with a correlation >0.60. Meteorological variables
are wind speed at flight altitude (WS), downward shortwave radiation (DSR), turbulent kinetic energy (TKE), and pressure at the
surface (Pressure). Topographic variables are slope, terrain ruggedness index (TRI), and northness (North) and eastness (East) of the
slope. Flight altitude is altitude above ground level (AGL). Standard deviation for topographic variables is represented by the suffix
Slope SD
North SD
... Our IBM did not directly incorporate meteorological variables and their influence on flight behavior and decision-making (see Poessel et al. 2018a;Bonner et al. 2021). While our landscape conductance map made use of information on updraft potential, those variables were incorporated as annualized means instead of dynamic maps across the annual cycle. ...
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Context Existing demographic models of California condors have not simultaneously considered individual condor movement paths, the distribution and juxtaposition of release sites, habitat components, or the spatial distribution of threats. Objectives Our objectives were to develop a dynamic spatially explicit and individual-based model (IBM) of California condor demography and to evaluate its ability to replicate empirical data on demography and distribution from California (1995–2019). Methods We built a female-only spatially explicit California condor IBM in HexSim, using a daily timestep that allowed us to simulate the foraging behavior of condors, changes in food distribution and availability, and the ephemeral threat of lead in decaying food resources. Results Simulated population size was highly correlated with annual population census data once the population became established with > 50 females ( r ² = 0.99). Mean simulated fecundity and mortality estimates were not significantly different from empirical trends ( p > 0.05), although empirical data had higher interannual variability. The geographic distribution of modeled condors was similar to the empirical distribution with an overall accuracy of 79%, a commission error of 27%, and an omission error of 9%. Simulated movement density corresponded moderately well to the density of observed GPS locations (weighted kappa = 0.44). Conclusions We developed a spatially explicit California condor IBM that is well-calibrated to empirical data from California. Given its mechanistic underpinnings and flexibility to incorporate a variety of spatial and demographic inputs, we expect our model to be useful for assessing the relative risks and benefits of future condor reintroduction and management scenarios.
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Significance Flapping flight is extremely costly for large birds, yet little is known about the conditions that force them to flap. We attached custom-made “flight recorders” to Andean condors, the world’s heaviest soaring birds, documenting every single wingbeat and when and how individuals gained altitude. Remarkably, condors flapped for only 1% of their flight time, specifically during takeoff and when close to the ground. This is particularly striking as the birds were immature. Thus, our results demonstrate that even inexperienced birds can cover vast distances over land without flapping. Overall, this can help explain how extinct birds with twice the wingspan of condors could have flown.
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Background Global positioning systems (GPS) and altimeters are increasingly used to monitor vertical space use by aerial species, a key aspect of their ecological niche, that we need to know to manage our own use of the airspace, and to protect those species. However, there are various sources of error in flight height data (“height” above ground, as opposed to “altitude” above a reference like the sea level). First the altitude is measured with a vertical error from the devices themselves. Then there is error in the ground elevation below the tracked animals, which translates into error in flight height computed as the difference between altitude and ground elevation. Finally, there is error in the horizontal position of the animals, which translates into error in the predicted ground elevation below the animals. We used controlled field trials, simulations, and the reanalysis of raptor case studies with state-space models to illustrate the effect of improper error management. Results Errors of a magnitude of 20 m appear in benign conditions for barometric altimeters and GPS vertical positioning (expected to be larger in more challenging context). These errors distort the shape of the distribution of flight heights, inflate the variance in flight height, bias behavioural state assignments, correlations with environmental covariates, and airspace management recommendations. Improper data filters such as removing all negative flight height records introduce several biases in the remaining dataset, and preclude the opportunity to leverage unambiguous errors to help with model fitting. Analyses that ignore the variance around the mean flight height, e.g., those based on linear models of flight height, and those that ignore the variance inflation caused by telemetry errors, lead to incorrect inferences. Conclusion The state-space modelling framework, now in widespread use by ecologists and increasingly often automatically implemented within on-board GPS data processing algorithms, makes it possible to fit flight models directly to the output of GPS devices, with minimal data pre-selection, and to analyse the full distribution of flight heights, not just the mean. In addition to basic research about aerial niches, behaviour quantification, and environmental interactions, we highlight the applied relevance of our recommendations for airspace management and the conservation of aerial wildlife.
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The use of animal-born sensors for location-based tracking and bio-logging in terrestrial systems has expanded dramatically in the past 10 years. This rapid expansion has generated new data on how animals interact with and respond to variation in their environment, resulting in important ecological, physiological, and evolutionary insights. Although understanding the finer details of animal locations has important management relevance, applied studies are not prominent in the movement ecology literature. This is despite the long history of applied studies of animal movement and the urgent and growing need for evidence-based conservation guidance, especially in the challenging field of human-wildlife interactions. The goal of this review is to evaluate the realized contribution of tracking-based animal movement ecology to solving specific conservation problems, and to identify barriers that may hinder expansion of that contribution. To do this, we (a) briefly review the history and technologies used in animal tracking and bio-logging, (b) use a series of literature searches to evaluate the frequency with which movement ecology studies are designed to solve specific conservation problems, and (c) use this information to identify challenges that may limit the applied relevance of the field of movement ecology, and to propose pathways to expand that applied relevance. Our literature review quantifies the limited extent to which research in the field of movement ecology is designed to solve specific conservation problems, but also the fact that such studies are slowly becoming more prevalent. We discuss how barriers that limit application of these principles are likely due to constraints imposed by the types of data used commonly in the field. Problems of scale mismatch, error compounding, and data paucity all create challenges that are relevant to the field of movement ecology but may be especially pertinent in applied situations. Finding solutions to these problems will create new opportunity for movement ecologists to contribute to conservation science.
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An animal's movement is expected to be governed by an interplay between goals determined by its internal state and energetic costs associated with navigating through the external environment. Understanding this ecological process is challenging when an animal moves in two dimensions and even more difficult for birds that move in a third dimension. To understand the dynamic interaction between the internal state of an animal and the variable external environment, we evaluated hypotheses explaining association of different covariates of movement and the trade‐offs birds face as they make behavioral decisions in a fluctuating landscape. We used ~ 870,000 GPS telemetry data points collected from 68 Golden Eagles Aquila chrysaetos to test demographic, diel, topographic, and meteorological hypotheses to determine (a) the probability these birds would be in motion; and (b) once in motion, their flight speed. A complex and sometimes interacting set of potential internal and external factors determined movement behavior. There was good evidence that reproductive state, manifested as age, sex and seasonal effects, had a significant influence on the probability of being in motion and, to a lesser extent, on speed of motion. Likewise, movement responses to the external environment were often unexpectedly strong. These responses, to northness of slope, strength of orographic updraft, and intensity of solar radiation, were regionally and temporally variable. In contrast to previous work showing the role of a single environmental factor in determining movement decisions, our analyses support the hypothesis that multiple factors simultaneously interact to influence animal movement. In particular they highlighted how movement is influenced by the interaction between the individual's internal reproductive state and the external environment, and that, of the environmental factors, topographic influences are often more relevant than meteorological influences in determining patterns of flight behavior. Further disentangling of how these internal and externals states jointly affect movement will provide additional insights into energetic costs of movement and benefits associated with achieving process‐driven goals. This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved.
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Interactions between landscape and atmosphere result in a dynamic flight habitat which birds may use opportunistically to save energy during flight. However, their ability to utilise these dynamic landscapes and its influence on shaping movement paths is not well understood. We investigate the degree to which gulls utilise fine scale orographic lift created by wind deflected upwards over landscape features in a virtually flat landscape. Using accelerometer measurements and GPS tracking, soaring flight is identified and analysed with respect to orographic lift, modelled using high-resolution digital elevation models and wind measurements. The relationship between orographic lift and flight routes suggests gulls have advanced knowledge of their aerial surroundings and the benefits to be gained from them, even regarding small features such as tree lines. We show that in a landscape constantly influenced by anthropogenic change, the structure of our landscape has an aerial impact on flight route connectivity and costs.
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Soaring flight is a remarkable adaptation to reduce movement costs by taking advantage of atmospheric uplifts. The movement pattern of soaring birds is shaped by the spatial and temporal availability and intensity of uplifts, which result from an interaction of local weather conditions with the underlying landscape structure. We used soaring flight locations and vertical speeds of an obligate soaring species, the white stork (Ciconia ciconia), as proxies for uplift availability and intensity. We then tested if static landscape features such as topography and land cover, instead of the commonly used weather information, could predict and map the occurrence and intensity of uplifts across Europe. We found that storks encountering fewer uplifts along their routes, as determined by static landscape features, suffered higher energy expenditures, approximated by their overall body dynamic acceleration. This result validates the use of static features as uplift predictors and suggests the existence of a direct link between energy expenditure and static landscape structure, thus far largely unquantified for flying animals. Our uplift availability map represents a computationally efficient proxy of the distribution of movement costs for soaring birds across the world's landscapes. It thus provides a base to explore the effects of changes in the landscape structure on the energy expenditure of soaring birds, identify low-cost movement corridors and ultimately inform the planning of anthropogenic developments.
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Unlike smaller raptors, which can readily use flapping flight, large raptors are mainly restricted to soaring flight due to energetic constraints. Soaring comprises of two main strategies: thermal and orographic soaring. These soaring strategies are driven by discrete uplift sources determined by the underlying topography and meteorological conditions in an area. High‐resolution GPS tracking of raptor flight allows the identification of these flight strategies and interpretation of the spatiotemporal occurrence of thermal and orographic soaring. In this study, we develop methods to identify soaring flight behaviors from high‐resolution GPS tracking data of Verreaux’s eagle Aquila verreauxii and analyze these data to understand the conditions that promote the use of thermal and orographic soaring. We use these findings to predict the use of soaring flight both spatially (across the landscape) and temporally (throughout the year) in two topographically contrasting regions in South Africa. We found that topography is important in determining the occurrence of soaring flight and that thermal soaring occurs in relatively flat areas which are likely to have good thermal uplift availability. The predicted use of orographic soaring was predominately determined by terrain slope. Contrary to our expectations, the topography and meteorology of eagle territories in the Sandveld promoted the use of soaring flight to a greater extent than in territories in the more mountainous Cederberg region. Spatiotemporal mapping of predicted flight behaviors can broaden our understanding of how large raptors like the Verreaux’s eagle use their habitat and how that links to energetics (as the preferential use of areas that maximize net energy gain is expected), reproductive success, and ultimately population dynamics. Understanding the fine‐scale landscape use and environmental drivers of raptor flight can also help to predict and mitigate potential detrimental effects of anthropogenic developments, such as mortality via collision with wind turbines.
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Wind power is a fast-growing energy resource, but wind turbines can kill volant wildlife, and the flight behavior of obligate soaring birds can place them at risk of collision with these structures. We analyzed altitudinal data from GPS telemetry of critically endangered California Condors (Gymnogyps californianus) to assess the circumstances under which their flight behavior may place them at risk from collision with wind turbines. Condor flight behavior was strongly influenced by topography and land cover, and birds flew at lower altitudes and closer to the rotor-swept zone of wind turbines when over ridgelines and steep slopes and over forested and grassland cover types. Condor flight behavior was temporally predictable, and birds flew lower and closer to the rotor-swept zone during early morning and evening hours and during the winter months, when thermal updrafts were weakest. Although condors only occasionally flew at altitudes that placed them in the rotor-swept zone of turbines, they regularly flew near or within wind resource areas preferred by energy developers. Practitioners aiming to mitigate collision risk to this and other soaring bird species of conservation concern can consider the manner in which flight behavior varies temporally and in response to areas of high topographic relief and proximity to nocturnal roosting sites. By contrast, collision risk to large soaring birds from turbines should be relatively lower over flatter and less rugged areas and in habitat used during daytime soaring.
Maximum altitudes of soaring migration for White Pelicans (Pelecanus onocrotalus), White Storks (Ciconia ciconia), Lesser Spotted Eagles (Aquila pomarina), and Honey Buzzards (Pernis apivorus) were measured in central west Israel and compared to the upper boundary of thermal convection and thermal intensity as predicted by the convection model ALPTHERM. The model predictions of upper boundary of convection explained at least 20% of the variance in maximum altitudes of migration for each species studied. Each species used thermal convection differently. White Pelicans, with the largest wing loading, used 54% of the thermal boundary layer, as calculated by dividing the maximum flight altitude by the modeled thermal depth. White Storks and Lesser Spotted Eagles used 69% and 65%, respectively; Honey Buzzards, with the lowest wing loading, used 95% of the thermal boundary layer. Mean lift rate of convection had a stronger effect on maximum altitudes of flight or the proportion of the thermal boundary layer used by Lesser Spotted Eagles and Honey Buzzards, than it did on storks and pelicans. Honey Buzzards, which combine flapping with soaring flight, were not confined to the thermal boundary layer. Changes in migration altitudes within a species and differential use of thermal convection between species were related to a combination of upper boundary of thermal convection, average lift rate, migratory behavior, wing loading, topography, and additional local meteorological conditions. Uso Diferencial de la Convección Térmica por Aves que Realizan Vuelos Planeados Elevados Sobre Israel Central Resumen. Se midieron las alturas máximas de planeo elevado durante la migración al oeste de Israel central para Pelecanus onocrotalus, Ciconia ciconia, Aquila pomarina y Pernis apivorus, y se compararon con el límite superior de la convección y la intensidad térmica predicho por el modelo de convección ALPTHERM. Las predicciones del límite superior de convección del modelo explicaron al menos el 20% de la varianza en alturas máximas de migración para cada especie estudiada. Cada especie utilizó la convección térmica de una forma diferente. Pelecanus onocrotalus, la especie con la mayor carga alar, utilizó el 54% de la capa térmica límite, lo que se calculó dividiendo la altura máxima de vuelo por la profundidad térmica modelada. Ciconia ciconia y A. pomarina usaron el 69% y 65% de la capa térmica límite, respectivamente; P. apivorus, la especie con menor carga alar, utilizó el 95%. La tasa promedio de fuerza ascensional de convección tuvo un efecto más marcado en las alturas máximas de vuelo o la proporción de la capa térmica utilizada en A. pomarina y P. apivorus que en P. onocrotalus y C. ciconia. Pernis apivorus, que combina el aleteo con el vuelo planeado, no estuvo confinada a la capa térmica límite. Los cambios en las alturas de migración dentro de una especie y el uso diferencial de la convección térmica entre especies estuvieron relacionados con una combinación del límite superior de la convección térmica, la tasa promedio de fuerza ascensional, el comportamiento migratorio, la carga alar, la topografía y condiciones meteorológicas locales adicionales.
Bird movements vary spatially and temporally, but the primary drivers that explain such variation can be difficult to identify. For example, it is well known that the availability of updraft influences soaring flight and that topography interacts with weather to produce these updrafts. However, the influences of topography on flight are not well understood. We determined how topographic characteristics influenced flight altitude above ground level (AGL) of a large soaring bird, the Golden Eagle (Aquila chrysaetos), over several regions within the State of California, USA. Primary drivers of flight AGL, those to which eagles showed the same response at all spatial scales, were topographic roughness, ground elevation and the east-west component of aspect (eastness). Each of these is related to formation of thermal updrafts. Secondary drivers, those to which eagles showed region-specific patterns, included topographic position, percent slope, and the north-south component of aspect (northness). In contrast to primary drivers, these secondary drivers were related to formation of both thermal and orographic updrafts. Overall, drivers of flight altitudes that were related to thermal updrafts showed different levels of complexity due to spatial and temporal variation of those drivers than did flight altitudes related to orographic updrafts.