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Abstract and Figures

Water is a precious resource for the survival of mankind, but we are losing it every day. We can replenish our ground water by treated wastewater recharge. The conventional methods to treat the wastewater are not meeting the recent discharge standards. Membrane bioreactor is the efficient way of treating wastewater by the combination of biological process and membrane technology eliminating the process of sedimentation. Three membrane bioreactors (MBR) were installed at bench scale and the performance parameters were investigated to access the efficiency of MBR technology and to evaluate the quality of treated wastewater for reuse purposes. The activated sludge from I-9 Sewage Treatment Plant, Islamabad was acclimatized with synthetic wastewater for a period of 30 days in MBR along with plastic (Kaldnes) media. Medium strength wastewater was prepared synthetically in the laboratory having a chemical oxygen demand (COD) of 500mg/L and COD:N:P of 100:10:2. The degradation of synthetic wastewater at a hydraulic retention time (HRT) of 8 hours was studied in three separate reactors which included 1) Conventional MBR (C-MBR), 2) Moving Biofilm MBR (MB-MBR) and 3) Anoxic-oxic Growth MBR (A/O-MBR). The aeration provided to SG-MBR and AG-MBR was 5-6 mg/L while 1-2 mg/L was provided in anoxic compartment and 5-6 mg/L in aerobic portion of the A/O-MBR. A pH of 7 to 8 was maintained by using Sodium Bicarbonate (NaHCO 3). Sludge retention time (SRT) was maintained at 30 days which resulted in mixed liquor suspended solids (MLSS) concentration between 6000 and 8000 mg/L. The COD removal efficiency above 97% was obtained in all the three MBRs. The Total Nitrogen (TN) removal efficiencies of C-MBR, MB-MBR and A/O-MBR were obtained as 59.81%, 68.82% and 83.18% respectively. Total phosphorous (TP) removal efficiencies of C-MBR, MB-MBR and A/O-MBR were recorded as 46.48%, 59.46% and 69.74%, respectively. Based on these results the performance of A/O-MBR was found efficient in terms of nutrients removal over the other two MBRs due to the production of heterogenic bacteria which are responsible for nitrification, de-nitrification as well as phosphorous removal.
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Paper No. 731
Aman Ahmad, Babar Abbas, Rasikh Habib, Humayun Khan, Sher Jamal Khan
442 Aman Ahmad, Babar Abbas, Rasikh Habib, Humayun Khan, Sher Jamal Khan
Centenary Celebration (1912 2012) 443
Aman Ahmad1, Babar Abbas1, Rasikh Habib1, Humayun Khan1, Sher Jamal Khan1
Water is a precious resource for the survival of mankind, but we are losing it every day. We can
replenish our ground water by treated wastewater recharge. The conventional methods to treat
the wastewater are not meeting the recent discharge standards. Membrane bioreactor is the
efficient way of treating wastewater by the combination of biological process and membrane
technology eliminating the process of sedimentation. Three membrane bioreactors (MBR) were
installed at bench scale and the performance parameters were investigated to access the
efficiency of MBR technology and to evaluate the quality of treated wastewater for reuse
purposes. The activated sludge from I-9 Sewage Treatment Plant, Islamabad was acclimatized
with synthetic wastewater for a period of 30 days in MBR along with plastic (Kaldnes) media.
Medium strength wastewater was prepared synthetically in the laboratory having a chemical
oxygen demand (COD) of 500mg/L and COD:N:P of 100:10:2. The degradation of synthetic
wastewater at a hydraulic retention time (HRT) of 8 hours was studied in three separate
reactors which included 1) Conventional MBR (C-MBR), 2) Moving Biofilm MBR (MB-MBR) and
3) Anoxic-oxic Growth MBR (A/O-MBR). The aeration provided to SG-MBR and AG-MBR was
5-6 mg/L while 1-2 mg/L was provided in anoxic compartment and 5-6 mg/L in aerobic portion of
the A/O-MBR. A pH of 7 to 8 was maintained by using Sodium Bicarbonate (NaHCO3). Sludge
retention time (SRT) was maintained at 30 days which resulted in mixed liquor suspended solids
(MLSS) concentration between 6000 and 8000 mg/L. The COD removal efficiency above 97%
was obtained in all the three MBRs. The Total Nitrogen (TN) removal efficiencies of C-MBR,
MB-MBR and A/O-MBR were obtained as 59.81%, 68.82% and 83.18% respectively. Total
phosphorous (TP) removal efficiencies of C-MBR, MB-MBR and A/O-MBR were recorded as
46.48%, 59.46% and 69.74%, respectively. Based on these results the performance of A/O-
MBR was found efficient in terms of nutrients removal over the other two MBRs due to the
production of heterogenic bacteria which are responsible for nitrification, de-nitrification as well
as phosphorous removal.
Keywords: Membrane bioreactor (MBR), Kaldnes media, Nutrients removal, Nitrification, De-
nitrification, Heterogenic bacteria.
Water is vitally important and precious commodity for the survival of mankind. Every living thing
needs it to live and it is a key component in determining the quality of our lives. The increasing
demand of water usage has resulted in water scarcity in Pakistan. Population growth,
associated water-related pollution and public health problems are major areas of concern. The
critical subject is whether the developing world should follow the advance wastewater treatment
technology or there is an alternative “Sustainable Sanitation” (Harleman and Murcott, 2001)
Pakistan’s urban areas have a need to develop water reuse applications from the existing
wastewater sources to overcome the increasing water scarcity and degradation of water
sources. Meanwhile water demand is exponentially increasing in urban development and
1 Institute of Environmental Sciences and Engineering, School of Civil and Environmental Engineering, National
University of Science and Technology Islamabad, Pakistan
444 Aman Ahmad, Babar Abbas, Rasikh Habib, Humayun Khan, Sher Jamal Khan
becoming dependent upon availability of high quality water. It is estimated within the next 15 to
25 years a number of cities will face limited fresh water to meet increasing demand for
horticulture (Hastuti et al., 2011). We can replenish this precious resource by treating our
wastewaters efficiently. The principal objective of wastewater treatment is generally to allow
municipal and industrial effluents to be disposed off without danger to human health or
unacceptable damage to the natural environment. Irrigation with treated wastewater is both
disposal as well as effective form of utilization.
In present era the conventional wastewater treatment technologies are not meeting the effluent
discharge standards. The design of wastewater treatment plants is usually based on the need to
reduce organic and inorganic loadings to limit pollution of the environment. Pathogen removal
has very rarely been considered an objective but, for reuse of effluents in agriculture, this must
now be of primary concern and processes should be selected and designed accordingly
(Hillman, 1988). Treatment to completely remove wastewater constituents is technically
possible, but is not economically feasible. However significant progress has been made in
developing sound technical and viable economical approaches to produce high quality and
reliable water sources from reclaimed wastewater.
The Membrane bioreactors are composed of two primary parts, the biological unit responsible
for the biodegradation of the waste compounds and the membrane module for the physical
separation of the treated water from mixed liquor. The membrane component of the MBR
eliminates the need for a clarifier and is performed using low pressure membranes i.e.
Microfiltration (MF) or Ultrafiltration (UF). This technology is suitable for urban area which has
limited space for wastewater treatment and ability to remove pathogens, nutrients, and
suspended solids (Hastuti et al., 2011). MBR technology is advancing rapidly around the world
both in research and commercial applications (Meng et al., 2009). Despite the increasing
number of studies and full-scale applications of MBR systems, directions and trends in
academic research as well as commercial developments require further investigation (Yang et
al., 2006). The MBR with a submerged membrane module can be an attractive choice for the
upcoming generations of biological wastewater treatment plants providing two clear advantages,
comparatively improved and excellent effluent quality and smaller footprints with minimal
aesthetic nuisance. The core application area so far has been to improve the industrial
wastewater treatment (Sombatsompop, 2007). Moreover MBRs may actively be employed in
domestic wastewater treatment as well because MBRs are operated at high mixed liquor
suspended solids (MLSS) concentrations and inhibit the excessive sludge production, resulting
in high removal efficiency of chemical oxygen demand (COD), nutrients (NH3-N, NO2-1, NO3-1
and PO4-2) removal and bacterial disinfection (Su et al., 2007). Another useful application of
MBRs is to treat the landfill leachate (Yang et al., 2012).
Although MBRs are very efficient in treating wastewater but at the same time we need to
develop more suitable set ups for achieving further technological improvements in the system.
In this paper the performance evaluation of bench scale MBRs has been evaluated where the
treatment performance of MB-MBR using Kaldnes media A/O-MBR was compared with C-MBR.
Experimental set-up
Three bench scale acrylic made MBRs were set up at IESE wastewater laboratory. MBRs were
categorized based on their design and operating conditions as:
1. Conventional MBR (C-MBR)
2. Moving Biofilm MBR (MB-MBR)
Centenary Celebration (1912 2012) 445
3. Oxic-Anoxic MBR (A/O-MBR)
The effective volume of each tank of C-MBR and MB-MBR was 12 L for the study. Perforated
plates divided the reactor into three compartments, membrane being installed in the middle one.
Perforated plates helped in mixing of the sludge in the reactor as well as maintaining proper
aeration in each compartment of the reactor. Hollow fiber (HF) membrane (Mitsubishi Rayon,
Japan) was immersed in middle compartments of both reactors having a nominal pore size of
0.1 µm and surface area of 0.2 m2. The plastic (kaldnes) media was used as moving biofilm
carrier media and it circulates within all the three compartments of MB-MBR having a dry
volume of 20%. The schematic diagram of C-MBR is shown in Figure 1.
Figure 1: Schematic diagram of C-MBR
A third laboratory scale acrylic made MBR was set up, having a 15 L volume tank for the study.
Perforated plate divided the reactor into two Compartments, with a ratio of 1:2 of the total
volume. Membrane was installed in the smaller compartment as shown in Figure 2. The plastic
(Kaldnes) media with 20% effective volume was introduced in both compartments. A
mechanical mixer (Cole-Parmer, Model 50007-25, USA) was installed in the larger compartment
to make anoxic condition as well as to keep media in suspension. The mechanical mixer was
operated in cyclic mode as 2 minutes OFF and 10 minutes ON.
Figure 2:Schematic diagram of A/O-MBR
Air Diffusers
Feed Tank
Solenoid Valve
Relay Unit
Level Sensor
Control Tank
Water Trap
Peristaltic Pump
Air Diffusers
Feed Tank
Solenoid Valve
Relay Unit
Level Sensor
Control Tank
Water Trap
Digital manometer
Peristaltic Pump
Mechanical Mixer
446 Aman Ahmad, Babar Abbas, Rasikh Habib, Humayun Khan, Sher Jamal Khan
Acclimatization of sludge and media with synthetic wastewater
Wastewater was prepared synthetically in the laboratory having a COD of 500 mg/L and
COD:N:P of 100:10:2. To maintain a pH of 7-8, NaHCO3 was used as pH buffer. The activated
sludge from I-9 Sewage Treatment Plant, Islamabad was acclimatized with synthetic
wastewater for a period of 30 days in MBR along with Kaldnes media.
Table 1: Chemical Composition of Synthetic waste water
Chemicals Formula Quantity (mg/L)
Hydrated Glucose C6H12O6.H2O 500
Ammonium Chloride NH4Cl 191
Potassium Di-Hydrogen Phosphate KH2PO4 54.85
Calcium Chloride
Magnesium Sulphate
Ferric Chloride
Manganese Chloride
pH buffer NaHCO3 142.5
The specific properties of the Kaldnes media used during the research study are as listed in
Table 2.
Table 2: Specific Properties of Plastic (Kaldness) Media
Properties Description
Dimensions 1 cm dia.
Dry Volume 20 %
Wet Volume 8 %
Material K3 Type Plastic
Membrane characteristics
The main features of the membrane modules used in the MBRs are presented in Table 3.
Centenary Celebration (1912 2012) 447
Table 3: Hollow-fiber (HF) membrane characteristics
Item Characteristic
Manufacturer Mitsubishi Rayon Engineering Co. Ltd., Japan
material Polyethylene
Pore size 0.1 μm
Filtration area 0.2 m
MLSS 5,000-12,000 mg/L recommended (3,000 - 15,000
Filtration flow rate Constant
Suction pressure 5-30 kPa
suction Operating time ≤ 13 min; relaxing time ≥ 2 min
Temperature 15-35oC
MBR operational conditions
Peristaltic Pump (Master Flex, Cole-Parmer, USA) was used to periodically draw
permeate at a cycle of 10 min filtration, 2 min relaxation, maintaining HRT of 8 hrs.
Sludge retention time (SRT) was set to 30 days and nitrogen loading rate (NLR) of 0.15
Kg/m3/d organic loading rate (OLR) was kept at 1.5 Kg/m3/d.
Air pumps provided sufficient air flow rate to keep the media in suspension, scour the
membrane fibers along with maintaining dissolved oxygen (DO) concentration of 5-6
mg/L except the anoxic zone of A/O-MBR where DO concentration was maintained at 2
Diffused aeration was provided in the reactor by the help of air diffusers.
Flow meter was used to monitor the aeration rate at 7 L/min. (3 L/min in the membrane
compartment and 4 L/min in the side compartments in C-MBR and MB-MBR). Similarly 3
L/min aeration rate was maintained in the membrane compartment of A/O-MBR.
Trans-membrane pressure (TMP) was recorded using Data logging manometer (Sper-
Scientific 840099, Taiwan) as indicator of membrane fouling tendency. The membranes
were operated till the TMP reached to a limit of 30 KPa.
The MBR set up was operated for 140 days under the following conditions:
448 Aman Ahmad, Babar Abbas, Rasikh Habib, Humayun Khan, Sher Jamal Khan
Table 4: Operating conditions
Parameter Condition
SRT 30 days
HRT 8 hours
OLR 1.5 Kg/m3/d
NLR 0.15 Kg/m3/d
F/M 0.2
pH 6-7
MLSS 6-8 g/L
Analytical Methods
The parameters that were investigated, the technique adopted to determine each parameter
and the equipment/material used are reported in Table 5
Parameter Method Equipment/Material Reference
MLVSS Filtration-
Evaporation 1.2 μm (GF/C, Whatman); 105oC oven
(MLSS); 550oC Muffle Furnace (MLVSS) APHA , 2005
COD Close reflex COD tube/vial; 150oC oven APHA , 2005
Hach Reagents
Spectrophotometer (DR 2010, Hach) APHA , 2005
PO-4-P Molybdovanadate Spectrophotometer (DR 2010, Hach) APHA , 2005
Table 5: Analytical Parameters, Methods and Equipment
The previous studies (Jamal et al., 2011) and (Jamal et al., 2012) have already evaluated the
performance of MBRs. These studies proved MBR technology’s capability to treat the
wastewater for reuse purposes. Previously, the studies by Jamal et al. (2011) were carried out
with sponge media as biofilm carrier having 20% dry volume of the reactor. In the present study,
the sponge media was replaced by plastic (Kaldnes) media and A/O-MBR was introduced.
Results revealed that the nutrients (TN and TP) removal was more efficient in A/O-MBR due to
the production of nitrifying and denitrifying bacteria in anoxic zone of A/O-MBR. The anoxic
zone may have also facilitated the growth of phosphorous accumulating microorganisms
Centenary Celebration (1912 2012) 449
COD Removal
All the three MBRs gave almost more than 95% COD removal for entire period. There is the
slight difference in COD removal of all three MBRs however A/O-MBR shows relatively better
COD removal among the three MBRs as shown in the following figure.
Figure 3: Influent and effluent COD
Nutrients removal
NH4-N removal
The C-MBR was able to remove 90% NH4-N from influent synthetic wastewater. The MB-MBR
gave 95% NH4-N removal due to nitrification by the biofilm developed on the plastic media. A/O-
MBR exhibits relatively high quality effluent, almost 96% removal due to nitrification followed by
de-nitrification in the anoxic zone. Nitrification converts NH4-N into NO2-1and NO3-1 i.e. low
concentration of NH4-N in A/O-MBR and MB-MBR’s effluents. Figure shows the influent and
effluent trend in all MBRs.
450 Aman Ahmad, Babar Abbas, Rasikh Habib, Humayun Khan, Sher Jamal Khan
Figure 4: Influent & effluent NH4-N of C-MBR, MB-MBR & A/O-MBR.
NO2-1 Removal
A/O-MBR gave maximum NO2-1 removal than the other two MBRs due to enhanced nitrification
process in anoxic conditions.
Figure 5: NO2-1 in effluents of all MBRs
Centenary Celebration (1912 2012) 451
NO3-1 Removal
AO-MBR was most efficient in terms of NO3-1 removal due to nitrification and de-nitrification in
anoxic zone. AO-MBR gave 5 mg/L of NO3-1 in effluent on average. While C-MBR and MB-MBR
effluents were found to be 12 mg/L and 10 mg/L, repectively.
Figure 6: NO3-1 in effluents of all MBRs
TN Removal
It was found that the maximum TN removal (83.2 %) was in A/O-MBR followed by 69 % TN
removal in MB-MBR while 60 % in C-MBR. Better TN removal in A/O-MBR was due to the
appropriate production of nitrifying and denitrifying bacteria.
Figure 7: TN removal in all three MBRs
452 Aman Ahmad, Babar Abbas, Rasikh Habib, Humayun Khan, Sher Jamal Khan
PO4-3 P Removal
The PO4-3-P removal is very important parameter in wastewater treatment as it can cause
eutrophication along with NO2-1 and NO3-1.The effluent quality with least concentration of PO4-3
was found in the A/O-MBR. Phosphorous removal efficiencies of C-MBR, MB-MBR and A/O-
MBR were as 46.48%, 59.46% and 69.74% respectively on average basis. C-MBR showed
least removal efficiency because it had no anoxic zone and moving biofilm carriers in it.
Figure 8: Influent & effluent PO4-3 in all three MBR
This study revealed the following specific conclusions:
1. COD removal efficiency above 95% was achieved in all the three MBR systems namely
2. NH4-N removal was found to be maximum in A/O-MBR due to effective nitrification
process in anoxic zone and biofilm carriers.
3. A/O-MBR was efficient in the removal of NO31- due to abundance of de-nitrifying bacteria
as compared to the other MBRs.
4. PO4 P removal was highest in A/O-MBR due to anoxic zone attained by optimum
mechanical mixing and biofilm carriers. It was also better in MB-MBR due to biofilm
formation on moving biofilm carriers.
Centenary Celebration (1912 2012) 453
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454 Aman Ahmad, Babar Abbas, Rasikh Habib, Humayun Khan, Sher Jamal Khan
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Full-text available
The performance of laboratory-scale attached growth (AG) and suspended growth (SG) membrane bioreactors (MBRs) was evaluated in treating synthetic wastewater simulating high strength domestic wastewater. This study investigated the influence of sponge suspended carriers in AG-MBR system, occupying 15% reactor volume, on the removal of chemical oxygen demand (COD), total nitrogen (TN) and total phosphorus (TP), and compared it to that of SG-MBR. Results showed that the removal efficiencies of COD, TN and TP in AG-MBR were 98%, 89% and 58%, respectively as compared to 98%, 74% and 38%, respectively in SG-MBR. Improved TN removal in AG-MBR systems was primarily based on simultaneous nitrification and denitrification (SND) process. These results infer that the presence of small bio-particles having higher microbial activity and the growth of complex biomass captured within the suspended sponge carriers resulted in improved TN and TP removal in AG-MBR.
This research aims to evaluate application of water reuse technologies, with major emphasis of water reuse for non-potable applications in urban housing area. To study the systems performance, secondary treatment development at pilot scale has been studied to achieve desired water reuse quality. There were two systems applied for water reuse scheme using biofilter or fixed bed biofilm system for treating wastewater from Turangga's flat in Bandung City and membrane bioreactor system for treating wastewater from anaerobic pond of Bojong Soang's Wastewater Treatment Plant, Bandung City, West Java. The systems produce water quality meets water reuse for domestic purposes, such as toilet flushing, washing, garden irrigation, etc. In general, these applications show assessing a treatment process ability to produce water contains turbidity is less than 2 mgL -1 and BOD is less than 5 mgL -1 . This paper concludes that treated wastewater is potential reuse for public/domestic purposes mainly for water scared urban area, which depends on characteristic of wastewater and the methods or degree of treatment required.
Improving biomass properties is a practical approach towards minimizing fouling in membrane bioreactors (MBRs). A possible and promising direction for reaching such purposes is the use of a hybrid growth MBR (HG-MBR) which combines activated sludge and biofilm processes. Four types of MBR of different design principles were examined in the present study: (i) an airlift MBR (A-MBR) equipped with a draft tube but without carriers (as a control); (ii) an HG-MBR containing carries but without a draft tube; (iii) an airlift HG-MBR (AHG-MBR) equipped with a draft tube and carriers, and; (iv) a fixed-bed HG-MBR (FHG-MBR) equipped with a draft tube and carriers, including two meshes around the bottom and top of the draft tube. For each of these configurations, a mixed wastewater consisting of domestic wastewater and chicken manure was treated, using a hollow fiber UF membrane module of ZW-10 under ambient desert conditions. The results demonstrate that generating adequate balance between MLSS and biofilm fractions is important in order to achieve high removal efficiency and low fouling tendency in an HG-MBR. The use of AHG-MBR and FHG-MBR has some limitations. Operation of the HG-MBR under appropriate aeration conditions which allows maintaining carriers’ recirculation and is advantageous.
Should cities of the developing world invest in the dominant municipal wastewater treatment technology of Western Europe and North America --- conventional primary plus activated sludge? Or, are there alternative "sustainable sanitation" approaches? This paper discusses these issues and makes a specific technological proposal --- the adoption of recent innovations in chemically enhanced primary treatment, known as CEPT, as the appropriate first step in urban wastewater management. Why is CEPT a superior choice?  CEPT uses small doses of coagulant salts and flocculant polymers to produce a highly efficient, single stage treatment process that is superior in terms of suspended solids and organic carbon removal to conventional primary treatment alone, but also, in terms of phosphorus removal and energy consumption, to conventional primary plus activated sludge.  CEPT, because of enhanced settling, results in increased treatment capacity and removal efficiency. As has been demonstrated by retrofitting some of California's largest conventional primary plants, CEPT provides a low-cost way of quickly upgrading overloaded plants.  New CEPT plants can take advantage of enhanced settling to increase the surface overflow rate and reduce the number of settling tanks. When Hong Kong's new plant switched from conventional primary to CEPT, in the design stage, the number of settling tanks was reduced to two-thirds. In Mexico City it is estimated that capital and O & M costs for CEPT would be about 55% of the cost of conventional primary and secondary biological treatment, including sludge handling.  CEPT effluent, in contrast to conventional primary effluent, can be effectively disinfected. This is important in controlling public health problems caused by water supply contamination by contact with raw or inadequately treated wastewater.
This article aims to examine fouling mechanism in attached and suspended growth membrane bioreactors (MBR) for three different biomass concentrations of 6, 10, and 15 g/L of MLSS. Laboratory scale experiments were conducted with two different sets of submerged MBRs: suspended (without media) and attached growth (with moving media) MBRs. The media used in the attached growth system was cylindrical polypropylene rings having outer and inner diameters of 4 mm and 3 mm, respectively, and a nominal density of 1.001 kg/m3. Synthetic domestic wastewater was fed to the reactors at 2 h HRT and 500 mg/L COD. The biofouling phenomenon in the reactors was monitored by changes in transmembrane pressure (TMP) as a function of operating time. It was found in both reactors that the increase in fouling was associated with increasing MLSS concentration. However, the presence of moving media in the attached growth reactor could reduce the membrane fouling. The fouling mechanism that was proposed in the attached growth reactor was associated with the suspended and colloidal particles combination as a result of the movement of the media in the attached growth reactor. Thus, in biofouling along with EPS formation, particle size distribution plays a predominant role.
Membrane bioreactor (MBR) technology is advancing rapidly around the world both in research and commercial applications. Despite the increasing number of studies and full-scale applications of MBR systems, directions and trends in academic research as well as commercial developments require further analysis. This paper aims to critically characterize and review worldwide academic research efforts in the area of MBRs as well as focus attention to commercial MBR applications in North America. A total of 339 research papers published in peer-reviewed international journals from 1991 to 2004 and a total of 258 full-scale MBR installations in North America were used as the database for the analysis provided in this paper. After a surge of MBR publications in 2002, research appears to have reached a plateau in the last 3 years using both submerged and external MBR units. Although much of the pioneering research occurred in Japan, France and the UK, countries such as South Korea, China and Germany have significantly contributed to the research pool in the last 5 years. The primary research focus has been on water filtration MBRs with limited growth in extractive and gas diffusion MBRs which still hold un-tapped potential. Fundamental aspects studied in academic research predominantly involve issues related to fouling, microbial characterization and optimizing operational performance. Research in North America presents a unique picture as a higher ratio of industrial wastewater treatment and side-stream MBR applications have been studied compared to other parts of the world. For MBR commercial application, the North America installations constitute about 11% of worldwide installations. Zenon occupies the majority of the MBR market in North America, whereas Kubota and Mitsubishi-Rayon have a larger number of installations in other parts of the world. Due to more stringent regulations and water reuse strategies, it is expected that a significant increase in MBR plant capacity and widening of application areas will occur in the future. Potential application areas include nitrate removal in drinking water treatment, removal of endocrine disrupting compounds from water and wastewater streams, enhancing bio-fuels production via membrane assisted fermentation and gas extraction and purification MBRs.
Membrane bioreactors (MBRs) have been actively employed for municipal and industrial wastewater treatments. So far, membrane fouling and the high cost of membranes are main obstacles for wider application of MBRs. Over the past few years, considerable investigations have been performed to understand MBR fouling in detail and to develop high-flux or low-cost membranes. This review attempted to address the recent and current developments in MBRs on the basis of reported literature in order to provide more detailed information about MBRs. In this paper, the fouling behaviour, fouling factors and fouling control strategies were discussed. Recent developments in membrane materials including low-cost filters, membrane modification and dynamic membranes were also reviewed. Lastly, the future trends in membrane fouling research and membrane material development in the coming years were addressed.
Characteristics of membrane fouling in submerged membrane bioreactor under sub-critical flux operation
  • Y C Su
  • C P Huang
  • J R Pan
  • H C Lee
Su, Y.C., Huang, C.P., Pan, J.R. and Lee, H.C. (2007). Characteristics of membrane fouling in submerged membrane bioreactor under sub-critical flux operation, Fourth IWA International Membranes Conference, Harrogate, UK.