... The distribution of Indo-Pacific humpback dolphins, regardless of morphological type, coincides with some of the greatest densities of human population and, as such, these dolphins are exposed to a high number of anthropogenic threats such as fisheries by-catch, pollution, coastal development, and boat traffic. Because of this, there is concern about the status of humpback dolphins (e.g., IWC, 2003;Jefferson, 2000;Karczmarski, 2000;Karczmarski et al., 1998Karczmarski et al., , 2000aParsons, 1997Parsons, , 1998aParsons, , 1998cParsons, , 1998dParsons, , 1999aParsons, , 1999bParsons & Chan, 1998;Parsons et al., 1999); however, information about the biology, behavior, and ecology of this species is extremely limited and dispersed, although several studies in discrete areas (such as Hong Kong and South Africa) have added considerably to current knowledge. ...