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Fruits-360 dataset: new research directions

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Fruits-360 is a database containing images of fruits, vegetables, nuts, and seeds. Here, an improved version of it is introduced. The improvements are focused on the following directions: (1) adding new information about objects, (2) adding new objects with new characteristics (like having diseases and in various stages of growth), and (3) enhancing the background removal algorithm. Also, now, the images are stored at their original captured size instead of being resized down to 100x100 pixels as in the previous versions. New problems and research directions related to this dataset are proposed and discussed.
Fruits 360 dataset: new research directions
Mihai Oltean
September 30, 2021
Fruits 360 is a database containing images of fruits, vegetables, nuts,
and seeds. Here, an improved version of it is introduced. The improve-
ments are focused on the following directions: (1) adding new information
about objects, (2) adding new objects with new characteristics (like hav-
ing diseases and in various stages of growth etc), and (3) enhancing the
background removal algorithm. Also, now, the images are stored at their
original captured size instead of being resized down to 100x100 pixels as
in the previous versions. New problems and research directions related to
this dataset are proposed and discussed.
1 Introduction
Fruits 360 is a dataset with images of fruits, vegetables, and other plants. The
first video of a fruit was shot in 2017 and, since then, more than one hundred
more fruits were filmed and processed. Vegetables, nuts, and seeds were added
Usually, each movie contained about 200-300 frames which were semi-automatically
processed to remove the background. Initially, the images were resized to
100x100 pixels format. The purpose was to establish a uniform standard for
easier comparison between trainers. However, this has lead to the loss of in-
formation (like skin texture and other artifacts). Also, some researchers have
requested access to the original size because their training algorithms are better
suited for other image sizes than 100x100.
This is why, here, the Fruits 360 dataset is improved and, several dozens, of
new challenges and problems, are proposed and discussed. In a previous paper
[1] we have discussed only about a single problem: how to recognize fruits based
on their image? Here we make several steps forward and we want to know if we
can infer more information (about fruits) only by looking at their images. For
instance, can we know how much water is inside it? Or fructose? Or, can we
make distinction between fruits, vegetables and nuts only by looking at their
pictures? Is the fruit mature enough? All these questions and many others are
new problems proposed and discussed in this paper.
Note that the dataset is constantly updated with new images of either ex-
isting fruits or of new fruits and new the addition of new properties of them.
Currently, there is no training algorithm for solving these new classification
problems. For the initial problem of recognizing fruits based on 100x100 images,
please have a look at the TensorFlow [5] example described in detail in [1].
The paper is organized as follows: Improvements are listed in section 2.
Versioning information is included in section 3. The structure of the archive,
folders, and files is described in section 4. Metadata file format is described in
section 5. The download addresses for both dataset and metadata are given
in section 6. New problems are introduced and discussed in section 7. Future
potential developments are discussed in section 8.
2 What is new?
The following aspects are improved here:
Better image extraction algorithm from videos.
Better removal of the motor shaft from images.
The following new things are introduced here:
new problems and research directions related to the dataset.
Images are now stored at their original captured size. This is in con-
trast with the 100x100 version where images were stored as 100x100 pixel
images of fruits and vegetables with defects (bugs or diseases)
images of fruits and vegetables in various stages of growth (not ripen or
new images of new fruits, vegetables, seeds, etc, and more images of the
existing objects.
3 Versioning
The dataset uses a simple format for each version: Year.Month.Date.Release.
Usually, Release is 0, unless multiple versions are released on the same day.
Please clearly specify the version number when experimenting with the
Also, apart from version number, please specify the image size that you work
with. This is very import now, since the images can have different sizes even
for the same fruit.
4 Folders and files
For each fruit there are multiple files stored in various folders. The folder’s
name, belonging to a fruit, has the format:
fruit name *,
where * is the index of the fruit. The first index for a fruit is 1. If there
are multiple fruits with the same name, they have different indexes (apple 1,
apple 2,apple 3 etc).
The images for a fruit have been divided into 3 subsets: Training,Validation
and Test.Training contains about 50% of images. Validation and Test each
contains about 25% of images.
Folder Meta contains information about the objects in the dataset. This
aspect is discussed in section 7 for each particular attribute.
Inside Training,Validation and Test there is a folder for each object in the
dataset. For each object there are multiple images stored in jpg format. The
file name starts has the following format:
r? image index.jpg,
where ? is an number representing the rotation index (and starts from 0)
and image index starts from 0.
Inside Meta folder there is also a folder for each object in the dataset. Inside
that folder we have a file named data.txt which contains the attributes of each
5 Metadata file structure
The data.txt file contains a list of attributes (see section 7 for the meaning of
each attribute).
Each attribute is specified as:
Name[Num classes ]=Value,
Name is the name of the attribute,
Num classes are the number of possible values for that attribute in the
entire dataset,
Value is a numerical encoding of the value of that attribute. For instance,
if the possible values for an attribute are LOW, MEDIUM and HIGH,
then, Num classes is 3 and Value can be 0 (for LOW), 1 (for MEDIUM)
or 2 (for HIGH).
The first attribute is VERSION which specifies when this file was last up-
dated. This should not be used as a classification problem.
5.1 Example
An example of metadata file for an apple is given below:
6 How to download it
The official repository is currently stored at Kaggle:
The metadata is inside the dataset archive too (see folder Meta), but they
are maintained with a versioning system at:
7 Metadata and new problems
So far [1] only one problem has been addressed: recognize the fruit based on its
picture. But, we can ask more. For instance, can you tell how much water is
inside a fruit only by looking at its picture? Or how much fat or fructose? Or
if it grows underground or above ground? Or, if it has defects or diseases?
Thus, new binary or multi-class classification problems can be devised, by
adding extra information (also called attributes or metadata) about the objects
in the dataset. Another, very simple example, is to decide the type of object
(fruit, vegetable, nut, or seed) based on its image.
A list of attributes is discussed here in detail. Note that some of them are
not included in the dataset due to difficulties in quantification or due to big
differences caused by the maturity stage.
Most of the data is collected from personal experience (it is easy to find how
much water or sugar is inside a fruit) or from various source like [6, 7, 8, 9, 3, 10]
and from several internet websites (a list will be added soon).
For each attribute the following details are given in this document:
Problem type - can be Binary or Multi-class (more than 2 classes),
Number of classes,
Possible values,
Included in the current dataset? -No or Yes. If it is No, then is not
included in the data.txt from Meta folder.
When the absolute value for an attribute was not actually measure, a range
is provided. For instance, the water content can be LOW,MEDIUM or HIGH.
For most of the attributes there are 3 ranges (LOW,MEDIUM and HIGH )
or 5 ranges (LOW,low-MEDIUM,MEDIUM,MEDIUM-HIGH and HIGH ). A
value of NULL can also be specified in the information is not known.
Attributes in this document are sorted lexicographically except for the first
one (Type). But, inside the dataset archive, all attributes are listed in lexico-
graphic order.
7.1 Type
Problem type Multi-class
Number of classes 5
Possible values FRUIT (0), VEGETABLE (1), NUT (2),
SEED (3), OTHER (4)
Included in the current dataset? Yes
Comments: Is the object fruit, vegetable, nut, seed, or something else? At
the moment, the OTHER class should be very rare.
Examples: Apple is a fruit. The potato is a vegetable. Walnut is a nut.
Seeds are inside other fruits or vegetables.
7.2 Acidity
Problem type Multi-class
Number of classes 3
Possible values LOW (0), MEDIUM (1), HIGH (2)
Included in the current dataset? No
Comments: Acidity can depend on the state of ripeness.
Examples: Lemons have a low pH level. Mushrooms have a high pH level.
7.3 Clusters
Problem type Binary
Number of classes 2
Possible values NO (0), YES (1)
Included in the current dataset? Yes
Comments: Do, usually, grow in groups?
Examples: Grapes and bananas grow in clusters. Pears do not.
7.4 Crops per year
Problem type Multi-class
Number of classes 3
Possible values MULTI-YEAR (0), ONE (1), MORE (2),
Included in the current dataset? No
Comments: How many crops per year? MULTI-YEAR means that the fruits
are not produced yearly or require more than one year to mature (like onions).
MORE means that multiple distinct crops are produced, CONTINUOUSLY
means that the production never stops
7.5 Defects / diseases
Problem type Binary
Number of classes 2
Possible values ALMOST NO DEFECTS (0), WITH OB-
Included in the current dataset? Yes
Comments: Has diseases, bugs, or defects? All 3 aspects have been included
in a single attribute.
This is difficult to quantify. Some fruits can have only a small bug hole, some
others can be quite messy. Over-ripe in later stages can lead to putrefaction
and is considered as a defect. This attribute should be expanded into multiple
7.6 Edible
Problem type Binary
Number of classes 2
Possible values NO (0), YES (1)
Included in the current dataset? No
Comments: The majority of them are edible, so this attribute will not be
included in the dataset currently, because the problem will be very unbalanced
(too much data in one class).
7.7 Eaten processed
Problem type Multi-class
Number of classes 4
Possible values NOT APPLY (0), NO (1), YES (2), NO
Included in the current dataset? No
Comments: How this fruit is usually eaten? Is it usually cooked before
eaten? NOT APPLY means that the object is not eaten. ”NO AND YES”
means that the fruit is eaten either processed or in crude form equally.
Examples: Potatoes are usually cooked (fried or boiled) before eating. Ap-
ples are usually eaten in crude state (but they are also boiled or fried for cookies).
7.8 Fat
Problem type Multi-class
Number of classes 3
Possible values LOW (0), MEDIUM (1), HIGH (2)
Included in the current dataset? Yes
Comments: Fat or oil content.
Examples: Apples have LOW fat content. Seeds have HUGE fat content.
7.9 Fertilized
Problem type Binary
Number of classes 2
Possible values NO (0), YES (1)
Included in the current dataset? No
Comments: Was the soil artificially fertilized? This is important because it
can affect the quality of the vegetable and also its size. It is difficult to provide
an answer to this question for the purchased objects. Fruits and vegetables from
my own garden (see section 7.21) are not artificially fertilized.
7.10 Fructose
Problem type Multi-class
Number of classes 3
Possible values LOW (0), MEDIUM (1), HIGH (2)
Included in the current dataset? Yes
Comments: Fructose levels.
Examples: Nuts have LOW fructose content. Bananas have HUGE fructose
7.11 Glycemic index
Problem type Multi-class
Number of classes 3
Possible values LOW (0), MEDIUM (1), HIGH (2)
Included in the current dataset? No
Comments: Glycemic index.
7.12 Greenhouses
Problem type Binary
Number of classes 2
Possible values NO (0), YES (1)
Included in the current dataset? No
Comments: Are the objects grown in a greenhouse? It is difficult to provide
an answer to this question for the purchased objects. Fruits and vegetables from
my own garden (see section 7.21) are not grown into a greenhouse.
7.13 Growth location
Problem type Multi-class
Number of classes 3
Possible values UNDERGROUND (0), GROUND
Included in the current dataset? Yes
Comments: Where it grows related to the soil level? If it is a side growing
inside a vegetable, the growth location is equal to the growth location of its
Examples: Potatoes grow UNDERGROUND. Watermelon grows at GROUND
LEVEL. Tomatoes grow ABOVE GROUND.
7.14 Hardness
Problem type Multi-class
Number of classes 3
Possible values SOFT (0), MEDIUM (1) , HARD(2)
Included in the current dataset? Yes
Comments: How do you feel when you eat them? Shell hardness is not taken
into account here.
Examples: Grapes are SOFT. Apples are MEDIUM. Nuts are HARD.
7.15 Maturity stage
Problem type Multi-class
Number of classes 3
Possible values UNRIPE (0), RIPEN (1) or OVERRIPE
Included in the current dataset? Yes
Comments Most of them are in ripen stage because, in this state, they are
readily available for purchase.
7.16 Minerals
Problem type Multi-class
Number of classes 3
Possible values LOW (0), MEDIUM (1), HIGH (2)
Included in the current dataset? No
Comments: Minerals content.
7.17 Number of seeds
Problem type Multi-class
Number of classes 4
Possible values NONE (0), ONE (1), FEW (2), MANY
Included in the current dataset? Yes
Comments: How many seeds are inside the fruit?
Examples: Seeds have 0 seeds inside. Nuts have 1 seed. Apples have few
seeds. Watermelons have many seeds.
7.18 Parent of the seed or nut
Problem type Multi-class
Number of classes 4
Possible values NOT APPLY (0), TREE (1), FRUIT (2),
Included in the current dataset? No
Comments: It is known that ”Nuts are actually the seeds of plants.” [3]. So,
where the seed or nut is developed? Inside a fruit, vegetable, or directly on a
tree? This applies to seeds and nuts only- all others belong to the NOT APPLY
Examples: For all nuts, the parent is a tree. Some seeds grow inside/on
fruits or inside/on fruits.
7.19 Pesticide
Problem type Binary
Number of classes 2
Possible values NO (0), YES (1)
Included in the current dataset? No
Comments: Was the fruit or the soil treated with pesticides? This includes
herbicides, bactericide, fungicide, etc. It is difficult to provide an answer to this
question for the purchased objects. Fruits and vegetables from my own garden
(see section 7.21) are not treated with pesticides.
7.20 Processed
Problem type Binary
Number of classes 2
Possible values NO (0), YES (1)
Included in the current dataset? Yes
Comments: Was the fruit processed or not? YES can mean boiling, frying,
drying, fermentation, refrigeration, pickling, or other types of processing [8].
Fruits treated for fungus, bugs, bacteria are not considered as being processed.
Currently, this feature is not included, because not many fruits in this dataset
are processed.
Examples: Some cucumbers were fermented, some apples were fried, some
figs were dried and some potatoes were boiled.
7.21 Purchased
Problem type Binary
Number of classes 2
Possible values NO (0), YES (1)
Included in the current dataset? Yes
Comments: Was it purchased or from my own/friends’ garden? This is
important because, in our garden, we do not use insecticides and most of our
fruits have holes (from bugs) and spots or lesions on the skin.
7.22 Shell (skin) is edible?
Problem type Binary
Number of classes 2
Possible values NO (0), YES (1)
Included in the current dataset? No
Comments: Is the skin edible or not? This is difficult to specify. In my
country, the potato skin is not eaten, even if it is edible and contains many
Examples: Coconut shell is not edible.
7.23 Shell (skin) hardness
Problem type Multi-class
Number of classes 3
Possible values SOFT (0), MEDIUM (1), HARD (2)
Included in the current dataset? Yes
Comments: Hardness can also depend on whether the fruit has been pro-
cessed or not.
Examples: Apples have soft skin. Nuts have a hard shell.
7.24 Shell (skin) roughness
Problem type Multi-class
Number of classes 3
Possible values SOFT (0), MEDIUM (1), ROUGH (2)
Included in the current dataset? Yes
Comments: How the shell feels when touched?
Examples: Apples are SOFT. Cucumbers are MEDIUM. Walnuts are ROUGH.
7.25 Size
Problem type Multi-class
Number of classes 5
Possible values
HUGE (4)
Included in the current dataset? Yes
Comments: The regular size of the object. This can be very subjective in
some cases. For instance, a regular carrot is usually of medium size at most,
but, in highly fertilized crops, it can become huge.
Examples: Seeds are small. Nuts are SMALL-MEDIUM. Apples are MEDIUM.
Watermelon is HUGE.
7.26 Sugar level
Problem type Multi-class
Number of classes 3
Possible values LOW (0), MEDIUM (1), HIGH (2)
Included in the current dataset? No
Comments: Can depend on the level of ripeness. During ripening the starch
is transformed to sugar [4].
7.27 Vitamins
Problem type Multi-class
Number of classes 3
Possible values LOW (0), MEDIUM (1), HIGH (2)
Included in the current dataset? No
Comments: Vitamins content.
7.28 Yearly tree
Problem type Binary
Number of classes 2
Possible values ANNUALLY (0), MULTI-YEAR (1)
Included in the current dataset? Yes
Comments: Does the tree having the fruit grows multiyear or starts from
seeds every year?
7.29 Water
Problem type Multi-class
Number of classes 3
Possible values LOW (0), MEDIUM (1), HIGH (2)
Included in the current dataset? Yes
Comments: Water content.
Examples: Seeds have lower water content. Watermelons have huge water
7.30 Weight
Problem type Multi-class
Number of classes 5
Possible values
HUGE (4)
Included in the current dataset? No
Comments: The weight of the object. This can be different from size because
some vegetables can have huge holes inside (for instance melons and zucchini).
8 Future development directions
Future work will be focused on:
adding new fruits and images to the dataset.
adding new attributes.
splitting some attributes into multiple attributes. For instance, the DE-
FECTS should be split into DISEASES, HAS BUGS, HAS FUNGUS,
attribute is of great practical importance and deserve a more detailed
measuring the exact value for some attributes. For instance, the size and
weight can be easily measured. pH also. But, this measurement cannot
be made for the fruits already filmed in the past.
adding medical recommendations for fruits. What can you eat if you have
some disease and what you cannot eat?
adding more details for vitamins and minerals content.
adding details about growth location (country, continent)
adding details about the temperatures, soil composition and other require-
ments for optimal growth.
adding information about production cost and selling price.
adding world records for size.
[1] Mure¸san H., Oltean M., Fruit recognition from images using deep learning,
Acta Universitatis Sapientiae, Informatica, Vol. 10, Issue 1, pp. 26–42 2018.
[2] Mellor C., What’s the difference between nuts and
difference-between-nuts-and- seeds/, last accessed on 2021.09.01
[3] Harvard Health Publishing, Quick-start guide to nuts and
quick-start-guide-to- nuts-and-seeds, last accessed on 2021.09.01
[4] Campbell M., List of Non-Starchy Fruits, SFGate, https:
2008, last accessed on 2021.09.01
[5] Tensorflow website,, last accessed on
[6] Bojnansk´y V., Fargaˇsov´a A., Atlas of Seeds and Fruits of Central and East-
European Flora: The Carpathian Mountains Region, Springer, 2007
[7] Salunkhe D.K., Kadam S.S., Handbook of Fruit Science and Technology:
Production, Composition, Storage, CRC Press, 1995
[8] Barbosa-C´anovas G. V., et al, Handling and Preservation of Fruits and Veg-
etables by Combined Methods for Rural Areas, FAO Agricultural Services
Bulletin 149, 2003.
[9] Prasad S., Kumar U., A Handbook Of Fruit Production, Agrobios, 2010.
[10] Chandra G.R., Engineering for Storage of Fruits and Vegetables: Cold
Storage, Controlled Atmosphere Storage, Modified Atmosphere Storage,
Academic Press, 2015.
Full-text available
In this paper we introduce a new, high-quality, dataset of images containing fruits. We also present the results of some numerical experiment for training a neural network to detect fruits. We discuss the reason why we chose to use fruits in this project by proposing a few applications that could use this kind of neural network.
The Carpathian flora occurs not only in the Carpathian Mountains, but also in large lowlands extending towards the south, north and east and involves introduced and invading flora of more than 7,500 species. Since the morphological characteristics of the seeds are usually constant they are very important for determination of systematic units. The present atlas of seeds with nearly 4,800 seed illustrations is supplemented with detailed seed descriptions, brief plant descriptions, locality and the native source of plants. This publication is unique, both in its extent – with so many plant seeds from such a wide-ranging region - and in the form of its presentation – with such detailed descriptions.
Engineering for Storage of Fruits and Vegetables is a comprehensive reference that provides an understanding of the basic principles of cold storage load estimation, refrigeration capacity calculations for various types of cold storages, and other topics of evaporative cooling, thus demonstrating the important principles for designing low cost precooling chambers. The book is written in an accessible manner to provide a solid understanding of different environments and their considerations to give readers the confidence they need to design suitable packaging materials by understanding parameters, including reaction rates, deteriorative reactions, Arrhenius equations, Q10, K, D, Z parameters, and their influence on reaction rates. Covers a wide variety of related topics, from post-harvest physiology of fruits and vegetables, to the various aspects of controlled atmosphere storages. Explains the application of water activities and enzyme kinetics for predicting shelf life of foods and design of packaging materials. Includes solved problems and exercises which guide students and assist with comprehension.
What's the difference between nuts and seeds?
  • C Mellor
Mellor C., What's the difference between nuts and seeds? difference-between-nuts-and-seeds/, last accessed on 2021.09.01
Handling and Preservation of Fruits and Vegetables by Combined Methods for Rural Areas
  • G V Barbosa-Cánovas
Barbosa-Cánovas G. V., et al, Handling and Preservation of Fruits and Vegetables by Combined Methods for Rural Areas, FAO Agricultural Services Bulletin 149, 2003.
List of Non-Starchy Fruits
  • M Campbell
Campbell M., List of Non-Starchy Fruits, SFGate, https: //, 2008, last accessed on 2021.09.01
A Handbook Of Fruit Production
  • S Prasad
  • U Kumar
Prasad S., Kumar U., A Handbook Of Fruit Production, Agrobios, 2010.