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A Social Network Perspective on the Bamboo Ceiling: Ethnic Homophily Explains Why East Asians but Not South Asians Are Underrepresented in Leadership in Multiethnic Environments


Abstract and Figures

In the United States, Asians appear disproportionately underrepresented in leadership roles, a puzzling phenomenon known as the “Bamboo Ceiling” (Hyun, 2005; Lu et al., 2020). We advance a social network explanation for this phenomenon: ethnic homophily. We theorize that East Asians (e.g., ethnic Chinese)—but not South Asians (e.g., ethnic Indians)—are less likely than other ethnicities to emerge as leaders in multiethnic environments partly because East Asians socialize more with ethnic ingroup members (other East Asians). Analyzing a survey of 54,620 Juris Doctor (JD) students from 124 U.S. law schools, Study 1 revealed that East Asians had the highest ethnic homophily of all ethnicities. Studies 2 and 3 examined friendship networks and leadership emergence in 11 class sections of new Master of Business Administration (MBA) students in a U.S. business school, and found that East Asians were the least likely to be nominated and elected as leaders. Social network analysis revealed that, compared to South Asians, Latinos, and Whites, East Asians exhibited higher ethnic homophily, which mediated their lower leadership emergence. These effects occurred for both East Asian internationals and East Asian Americans, and were robust after accounting for variables such as assertiveness (parallel mediator), network centrality, English proficiency, demographics, and personality. By integrating social network analysis into psychology, we identify ethnic homophily as one reason why the Bamboo Ceiling exists for East Asians but not South Asians. Moreover, by uncovering the negative link between ethnic homophily and leadership emergence, our research suggests that bonding with people from different ethnic backgrounds can facilitate individuals’ leadership emergence in multiethnic environments.
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A Social Network Perspective on the Bamboo Ceiling:
Ethnic Homophily Explains Why East Asians but Not South Asians
Are Underrepresented in Leadership in Multiethnic Environments
Jackson G. Lu
Sloan School of Management, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
In the United States, Asians appear disproportionately underrepresented in leadership roles, a puzzling
phenomenon known as the Bamboo Ceiling(Hyun, 2005;Lu et al., 2020). We advance a social network
explanation for this phenomenon: ethnic homophily. We theorize that East Asians (e.g., ethnic Chinese)but
not South Asians (e.g., ethnic Indians)are less likely than other ethnicities to emerge as leaders in
multiethnic environments partly because East Asians socialize more with ethnic ingroup members (other
East Asians). Analyzing a survey of 54,620 Juris Doctor (JD) students from 124 U.S. law schools, Study 1
revealed that East Asians had the highest ethnic homophily of all ethnicities. Studies 2 and 3 examined
friendship networks and leadership emergence in 11 class sections of new Master of Business Administration
(MBA) students in a U.S. businessschool, and found that EastAsians were the least likely tobe nominated and
elected as leaders. Social network analysis revealed that, compared to South Asians, Latinos, and Whites, East
Asians exhibited higher ethnic homophily, which mediated their lower leadership emergence. These effects
occurred for both East Asian internationals and East Asian Americans, and were robust after accounting for
variables suchas assertiveness (parallel mediator), network centrality, English prociency, demographics, and
personality. By integrating social network analysis into psychology, we identify ethnic homophily as one
reason why the Bamboo Ceiling exists for East Asians but not South Asians. Moreover, by uncovering the
negative link between ethnic homophily and leadership emergence, our research suggests that bonding with
people from different ethnic backgrounds can facilitate individualsleadership emergence in multiethnic
Keywords: culture, Bamboo Ceiling, leadership, social network, homophily
Well-educated and prosperous, Asians are called the model
minorityin the United States. On average, Asians have the highest
educational attainment (Hsin & Xie, 2014;Lee & Zhou, 2015;
Ryan & Bauman, 2016), lowest unemployment rate (United States
Department of Labor, 2019), and highest median income of all
ethnic groups (Sakamoto et al., 2009;U.S. Census Bureau, 2018).
However, Asians appear disproportionately underrepresented in
leadership roles in the United States (Chin, 2020;Gee & Peck,
2018;Sy et al., 2017). This puzzling phenomenon has been termed
the Bamboo Ceiling(Hyun, 2005;Lu et al., 2020), in reference
to the fact that bamboo plays an important economic and cultural
role across Asia, with the worlds largest bamboo areas in South
Asia and East Asia(Lu et al., 2020, p. 4590).
To better understand this Bamboo Ceiling phenomenon, we move
beyond existing research to offer a social network explanation:
ethnic homophily (McPherson et al., 2001). We propose that East
Asians (EAs; e.g., ethnic Chinese, Japanese)but not South Asians
(SAs; e.g., ethnic Indians, Pakistanis)are less likely than other
ethnicities to emerge as leaders in multiethnic environments partly
because EAs socialize more with ethnic ingroup members (i.e.,
other EAs).
Our proposition is supported by a survey study of
This document is copyrighted by the American Psychological Association or one of its allied publishers.
This article is intended solely for the personal use of the individual user and is not to be disseminated broadly.
Jackson G. Lu
I thank MITs B-Lab, Shih-Chun Chien, Chad Christensen, Roberto
Fernandez, Adam Galinsky, Peter Jin, Shinobu Kitayama, Tucker Kuman,
Jung Won Lee, Goodwin Liu, Priya Mehla, Michael Morris, Jacquelyn
Petzold, Ray Reagans, Basima Tewk, Changlan Wang, David Min-heng
Wang, Nate Wilmers, Xian Yang, Jingjing Yao, JoAnne Yates, Siyu Yu,
and Ezra Zuckerman for their helpful feedback or assistance. An earlier
version of this article was selected as a nalist for the Phillips and Nadkarni
Award for Outstanding Paper on Diversity and Cognition (Academy of
Management) and nominated for the Carolyn Dexter Award for the Best
International Paper (Academy of Management). Data from the Law School
Survey of Student Engagement (LSSSE) were used with permission from
the Indiana University Center for Postsecondary Research (CPR). The
opinions and conclusions contained in this article are those of the author
and do not necessarily reect the position or policy of LSSSE, participat-
ing schools, or CPR.
Correspondence concerning this article should be addressed to Jackson G.
Lu, Sloan School of Management, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 100
Main St, Cambridge, MA 02142, United States. Email:
Because other Asian subgroups, including Southeast Asians (e.g., ethnic
Indonesians, Singaporeans, Vietnamese) and Central Asians (e.g., ethnic
Kazakhs, Uzbeks), have much smaller populations in the United States, our
studies did not have sufcient samples to analyze these groups.
Journal of Personality and Social Psychology:
Attitudes and Social Cognition
© 2021 American Psychological Association
ISSN: 0022-3514
Template Version: 11 October 2021 6:01 pm IST PSP-A-2020-1216_format_nal 8 November 2021 3:53 pm IST
54,620 Juris Doctor (JD) students from 124 U.S. law schools and
two social network studies of Master of Business Administration
(MBA) students in a U.S. business school.
The theory section is structured as follows. First, we review the
existing literature on the Bamboo Ceiling phenomenon. Next, we
review the concept of ethnic homophily and theorize why it may
hinder individualsleadership emergence in multiethnic environ-
ments. Finally, we offer a cultural psychological perspective on why
ethnic EAs tend to be high on ethnic homophily and thus less likely
to emerge as leaders in multiethnic environments.
The Bamboo Ceiling
In the United States, Asians appear disproportionately underrep-
resented in leadership roles across different industries (Gee & Peck,
2018;Hyun, 2005;Lu et al., 2020;Thatchenkery & Sugiyama,
2011). On Wall Street, although Asians are well represented at the
employee level, they are underrepresented at the executive level. For
example, according to a 2017 report, whereas 20.6% of employees
at JPMorgan Chase were Asian, only about 6.8% of its executives
were Asian (Bloomberg, 2017). Similarly, in U.S. law rms, only
3% of partners were Asian despite 11% of associates being Asian
(Chung et al., 2017). Even in the technology industry, where 30% of
the workforce is Asian, less than 15% of senior leaders are Asian
(Gee & Peck, 2018;The Economist, 2015).
In light of these striking descriptive statistics, researchers have
begun to examine the scope and mechanisms of this Bamboo
Ceiling phenomenon (Lu et al., 2020;Sy et al., 2010;Yu, 2020).
In terms of scope, most organizational and government statistics
lump all Asian subgroups together despite their cultural differences.
Recently, Lu et al. (2020) observed that in contrast to the paucity of
EA CEOs in the United States, plenty of SA CEOs have led well-
known companies such as Citigroup, Google, MasterCard, Micro-
soft, and PepsiCo. Across nine studies using mixed methods, these
researchers consistently found that ethnic EAsbut not ethnic
SAsare underrepresented in leadership roles.
In terms of mechanisms behind the Bamboo Ceiling phenome-
non, Lu et al. (2020) tested three potential mechanisms
motivation, prejudice, and assertivenesswhile controlling for a
broad set of personality and demographic variables (e.g., birth
country, English prociency, education, socioeconomic status
[SES]). Analyses found that EAs were as motivated as SAs and
Whites to become leaders, and EAs actually faced less prejudice
than SAs. However, EAs were lower than SAs and Whites in
assertiveness, which partly mediated EAsdisadvantage in leader-
ship emergence (Lu et al., 2020). The assertiveness mechanism is
consistent with leadership categorization theory (Lord & Maher,
1991;Shondrick et al., 2010), which posits that individuals are less
likely to emerge as leaders if their characteristics are incongruent
with the leader prototype in a given culture. EAslow assertiveness
is incongruent with the American leadership prototype, as actively
asserting oneself signals condence and conviction in mainstream
American culture (Lu et al., 2020).
Besides assertiveness, the stereotypes of EAs as competent but
cold and foreign may also contribute to the Bamboo Ceiling
(Berdahl & Min, 2012;Cheryan & Monin, 2005;Lin et al.,
2005;Zou & Cheryan, 2017). Such stereotypes can result in
othersenvy and hostility, impeding EAsleadership emergence
(Johnson & Sy, 2016). In addition, the underrepresentation of EA
leaders can self-perpetuate: Because there are numerically few EA
leaders in the United States, EAs are typically not associated with
the image of leader(Rosette et al., 2008;Sy et al., 2010). As a
result, EAs are less likely to be selected as leaders, which in turn
reinforces their non-leaderimage; this can produce a vicious cycle
that exacerbates the underrepresentation of EA leaders.
While the above perspectives have provided insights into the Bamboo
Ceiling, our understanding of this phenomenon is far from complete.
In particular, while these perspectives have examined characteristics
(e.g., assertiveness) and stereotypes of Asian individuals, they have not
yet accounted for social relational dynamicseven though leadership
emergence is inherently a social and relational process (Balkundi &
Kilduff, 2005;Carter et al., 2015). To ll this knowledge gap, we
break new ground by advancing a social network explanation for
the Bamboo Ceiling phenomenon: ethnic homophily.
Ethnic Homophily
Homophilythe sociological principle that birds of a feather
ock together”—has been studied across a wide range of settings,
attributes, and relationships (Fernandez et al., 2000;Gibbons &
Olk, 2003;Ibarra, 1992,1993;Lawrence & Shah, 2020;McPherson
et al., 2001;Melamed et al., 2020;Mollica et al., 2003;Reagans,
2005). More specically, ethnic homophily is dened as the
preference for interacting with individuals of the same ethnicity
(Leszczensky & Pink, 2019;Smith et al., 2016). In their inuential
review, McPherson et al. (2001) noted that ethnic homophily tends
to be more salient than other types of homophily (e.g., age homo-
phily, gender homophily) in social environments.
Past research suggests that ethnic homophily is a double-edged
sword. On the one hand, same-ethnicity relationships can provide
social support for ethnic minorities (Friedman et al., 1998;James,
2000), because sharing the same ethnic background increases ease
of communication, improves predictability of behavior, and fosters
relationships of trust and reciprocity(Ibarra, 1993, p. 61). For
example, Friedman et al. (1998) found that Black network groups
had a positive effect on Black managerscareer optimism. More-
over, ethnic homophily can accelerate the diffusion of ideas and
practices among ethnic ingroups because of higher trust and ease of
communication (Rogers, 2003). On the other hand, ethnic homo-
phily also has downsides. First, it restrains ethnic minoritiesaccess
to diverse information and resources outside their ethnic networks
(Ertug et al., 2018;Mollica et al., 2003;Xie & Gough, 2011).
Second, ethnic homophily can result in the marginalization of ethnic
minorities in a social environment (Mehra et al., 1998), which
exacerbates ethnic inequality (Lynam & Cowley, 2007). Third,
ethnic homophily precludes the potential benets of interethnic
friendships, such as increased creativity (Lu et al., 2017;Maddux
et al., 2021), reduced prejudice (Pettigrew & Tropp, 2006), and
enhanced well-being (Mendoza-Denton & Page-Gould, 2008).
Despite these ndings, little research has examined the effect of
ethnic homophily on leadership emergence in multiethnic environ-
ments. This is a notable knowledge gap because societies and
organizations are increasingly multiethnic (Pew Research Center,
2018); it is thus important to understand how individuals can emerge
as leaders in multiethnic environments. To ll this knowledge gap,
we next theorize why ethnic homophily can hinder individuals
leadership emergence in multiethnic environments.
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Ethnic Homophily Hinders Leadership
Emergence in Multiethnic Environments
Leadership emergence is inherently a social and relational
process (Judge et al., 2002). People are more likely to perceive
and select a person as their leader if they believe that the person has
suitable characteristics (Edwards, 2008) and can represent their
values and interests (Platow & Van Knippenberg, 2001;Reicher
et al., 2018). Drawing on two theoretical perspectives that high-
light such relational processes, we propose that ethnic homophily
can hinder individualsleadership emergence in multiethnic
First, the personenvironment t perspective (Edwards, 2008;
Kristof-Brown et al., 2005;Lu et al., in press) suggests that
individuals are more likely to emerge as leaders when there is a
t between personal characteristics and environmental character-
istics. A multiethnic environment calls for leaders who can bond
with members of different ethnic groups. Compared to ethnically
homophilous leaders, ethnically heterophilous leaders are a better
t for multiethnic environments because they can serve as brokers
that bridge different ethnic groups. For example, in a multiethnic
MBA class, if a person only socializes with ethnic ingroup class-
mates, it signals low openness to ethnic diversity and a lack of
interest in interacting with ethnic outgroup members (Lisak & Erez,
2015). Conversely, if a person socializes with classmates of differ-
ent ethnicities, it signals his/her potential as an inclusive leader who
can bring together people from diverse ethnic backgrounds. This is
a reason why political candidates strive to connect with different
ethnic groups in their campaigns. As a revealing example, multiple
candidates in the 2020 U.S. presidential debates deliberately spoke
in Spanish to connect with Latino voters (TIME, 2019). Similarly,
many non-Chinese political candidates in San Francisco adopted
Chinese names to appeal to the large Chinese population there
(Green, 2016).
Second, the uncertainty reduction hypothesis posits that people
have an epistemic need to reduce uncertainty (Hogg, 2000). If I am
part of an ethnic outgroup (vs. ingroup) in the eyes of others, they
may feel uncertain whether I share their values and interests. As a
result, they may hesitate to trust me as a leader. However, if I am
ethnically heterophilous and socialize with their ethnic ingroup
member(s), then they may feel more certain that I share their values
and interests, even though we are not direct friends. As a result,
they are more likely to endorse me as a leader. Indeed, research
shows that as an individual has more indirect contact with outgroup
members via ingroup members, he/she is more likely to have future
direct contact with outgroup members because of reduced inter-
group anxiety (Wölfer et al., 2019). Relatedly, the principle of
transitivity means that if an ethnic outgroup member is not yet
my friend but is already friends with my ethnic ingroup member(s),
I may presume that this person is likely to become my friend in
the future (Flynn et al., 2010) and thus trust this person as a
leader (Hogg, 2001). This view is echoed in Simmels theory of
triadic closure (Simmel, 1908)andHeiders balance theory
(Heider, 1946).
In light of these theoretical perspectives, we hypothesize that
more ethnically homophilous individuals are less likely to emerge as
leaders in multiethnic environments. That is, we hypothesize that an
individuals ethnic homophily negatively predicts his/her leadership
emergence in multiethnic environments (Hypothesis 1).
Why Ethnic East Asians Are High on
Ethnic Homophily
Having theoretically established the negative link between ethnic
homophily and leadership emergence in multiethnic environments,
we next theorize why ethnic EAs are high on ethnic homophily and
thus less likely to emerge as leaders in multiethnic environments.
Although several studies have examined ethnic differences in
friendship homophily (Ibarra, 1995;Mehra et al., 1998;Mollica
et al., 2003;Quillian & Campbell, 2003;Zeng & Xie, 2008), due to
limited sample sizes most of them only contrasted Whites versus
non-Whites, let alone comparing among Asian subgroups. For
example, Mollica et al. (2003) examined the friendship networks
of three sections of rst-year MBA students (about 20 participants in
each section) and found that ethnic minorities exhibited higher
homophily than Whites. However, because of their small sample
of ethnic minority participants, the researchers could not compare
ethnic homophily among the different ethnic minorities (Mollica
et al., 2003). Similarly, Quillian and Campbell (2003) analyzed the
U.S. National Longitudinal Study of Adolescent Health to examine
ethnic differences in homophily, but this survey lumped all Asian
subgroups together. This is a notable limitation because, as dis-
cussed below, EA cultures differ from other cultures (including SA
cultures) in ways related to ethnic homophily.
We draw on cultural psychology research to hypothesize why
EAs tend to be more ethnically homophilous than other ethnic
groups. Specically, we discuss cultural differences in (a) commu-
nication style, (b) ethnic heterogeneity, and (c) relational mobility.
Because our social network studies only had sufcient sample sizes
for EAs, SAs, Latinos, and Whites, our theorization focuses on
cultural differences among these four groups.
Cultural Differences in Communication Style
A wealth of research suggests that EA cultures differ from
mainstream American culture on many dimensions, including
self-enhancement (Heine & Hamamura, 2007;Kitayama et al.,
1997), construction of agency (Markus et al., 2006), emotions
(Kitayama et al., 2006), and humor (Lu et al., 2019). Of particular
relevance to leadership are cultural differences in communication
style (Adair et al., 2016;Gudykunst et al., 1996). Whereas main-
stream American culture encourages assertiveness and emotional
expressivity, EA cultures emphasize humility and harmony (Lu
et al., 2020;Markus & Kitayama, 1991;Tsai et al., 2006). EA
cultures are deeply inuenced by Confucianism, whereas both SA
cultures and Latino cultures have been inuenced by Western
colonization (Jeffrey, 2018;Tatum, 2013). EAs tend to communi-
cate indirectly, implicitly, and nonassertively, whereas SAs tend to
communicate directly, explicitly, and assertively (Lu et al., 2020;
Nishimura et al., 2008;Sanchez-Burks et al., 2003). For example,
Nishimura et al. (2008) found that Japanese tend to be quiet, use
little body language, and think in silence, whereas Indians tend to be
lively, use overt body language, and think aloud. Compared to EA
cultures, Latino cultures emphasize expressive displays of personal
charm, graciousness, and hospitalityin interpersonal communica-
tion (Sanchez-Burks et al., 2000, p. 175). For example, Graham
(1985) found that Brazilian negotiators said nomore frequently
and had fewer silent periods than Japanese negotiators.
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Notably, Lu et al. (2020) found that both EA internationals and
EA Americans were less assertive than their SA and White counter-
parts. This nding suggests that EAslow assertiveness is not just an
issue tied to English prociency but rather has deep cultural roots:
Although EA Americans are native English speakers, their family
upbringings (e.g., dinner conversations with their EA parents) can
still imprint the Confucian values of humility and harmony
(Hofstede & Bond, 1988;Kitayama & Cohen, 2010;Markus &
Kitayama, 1991;Menon et al., 2010).
Due to such cultural differences in communication style, ethnic
EAs may be less at ease than other ethnicities with the social scene in
mainstream American culture, and thus socialize more within their
cultural comfort zone (i.e., with other EAs).
Cultural Differences in Ethnic Heterogeneity
Second, EA cultureslow ethnic heterogeneity may also contribute
to EAshigh ethnic homophily. Individuals from ethnically homo-
geneous cultures may have fewer scripts about interethnic interactions
(Smith et al., 2020). Their cognitive networks may be less ethnically
diverse, and as a result, they prefer socializing with ethnic ingroup
members in social environments. Moreover, research shows that
individuals from ethnically heterogeneous cultures mentally represent
ethnic groups as more similar to each other, because these individuals
are more likely to realize latent and deep commonalities across
groups(Bai et al., 2020, p. 12747). By contrast, individuals from
ethnically homogeneous cultures perceive ethnic groups as more
different from each other (Bai et al., 2020). Such perceived differ-
ences can create psychological barriers for socializing with ethnic
outgroup members (Turner & Cameron, 2016).
Unlike multiethnic cultures like the United States, EA cultures are
largely monoethnic. According to Fearons (2003) widely-used
Ethnic Diversity Index (0 =least diverse, 1 =most diverse), the
United States has a score of 0.491, whereas South Korea is 0.004,
Japan is 0.012, and China is 0.154. Indeed, EA countries are ranked
among the least ethnically diverse countries in the world (Fearon,
2003). Ethnic minorities comprise only about 1% of the population
in both Japan and South Korea (The World Factbook: Japan, 2021;
The World Factbook: South Korea, 2021). Similarly, as many as
91.6% of the Chinese population are Han Chinese (The World
Factbook: China, 2021). In contrast to EA cultures, SA cultures are
highly multiethnic (Ethnic Diversity Index: India =0.811, Pakistan =
0.532, Sri Lanka =0.428; Fearon, 2003). For example, India is
home to numerous ethnic and religious groups, including Hindus,
Muslims, Christians, Sikhs, Buddhists, Jains, Jews, Parsees, and
Bahais (Sen, 2005). As Frey and Roysircar (2006) summarized,
because diverse languages, religions, and cultural groups exist
within most South Asian countries, South Asians have learned to
accept the presence of cultural differences(p. 218). Similarly, Roy
(2018) noted that [South Asians] natural experience of managing
diversity from their own very diverse ancestral country helps them to
quickly adapt in different circumstances and ride on the ladder of
success through wider acceptability from other communities
(p. 203). Like SA cultures, Latino cultures are highly multiethnic
(Alesina et al., 2003). Latino cultures are characterized by a history
of mestizajethe ethnic and cultural mixing of Latin American
indigenous peoples, Europeans, and Africans (Miller, 2009). For
example, the Ethnic Diversity Index scores for Brazil and Mexico,
the two most represented Latino cultures in our studies, are as high
as 0.549 and 0.542, respectively (Fearon, 2003).
Due to EA culturesethnic homogeneity, EAs may be less
accustomed to interacting with people from different ethnic back-
grounds and thus socialize more with other EAs in multiethnic
Cultural Differences in Relational Mobility
Third, EA cultureslow relational mobility may also contribute to
EAshigh ethnic homophily. Relational mobility refers to how
much freedom and opportunity a society affords individuals to select
and replace interpersonal relationships based on their personal
preferences(Yuki & Schug, 2020, p. 129). In cultures with high
relational mobility, a persons relationships tend to be guided by
personal choices and preferences rather than concern for the ethnic
group to which one belongs (De et al., 2015;Yuki & Schug, 2012).
Indeed, research suggests that ethnocentrism increases as mobility
decreases, because ethnocentrism is adaptive in low mobility socie-
ties, which favor group-entitative behaviors (De et al., 2015). In a
recent cross-cultural study, Thomson et al. (2018) found that rela-
tional mobility (range: 0.414 to 0.414) was high in the U.S. (0.182)
and Latino cultures (e.g., Brazil =0.203, Mexico =0.359, Puerto
Rico =0.308, Venezuela =0.226), but low in EA cultures
(e.g., Hong Kong =0.338, Japan =0.414, Taiwan =0.294).
Importantly, cultural differences in relational mobility can exist
within the same country (Falk et al., 2009;Zhang & Li, 2014). For
example, Falk et al. (2009) found that European Canadians reported
higher relational mobility than not only the Japanese in Japan but
also EA Canadians.
Whereas mainstream American culture encourages individuals to
socialize with whoever they click with,EAs may be more apt to
befriend another EA just because that person is an ethnic ingroup
member (Kim & Markus, 1999;Oishi et al., 2015). EAs who
primarily socialize with ethnic outgroups are sometimes frowned
upon by other EAs. For example, pejorative terms like bananaand
Twinkie(EA on the outside, White on the inside) are used to
disparage EAs who primarily socialize with Whites (Trieu, 2019).
Indeed, EA culturesprioritization of ingroup relationships is
sometimes accomplished at the expense of outgroup exclusion
(Yum, 1988). In the United States, many EA entrepreneurs and
professionals reside in ethnic enclaves in urban areas (Paik et al.,
2017). In contrast to the many Chinatowns, Japantowns, and Korea-
towns, the Indian population in the United States by and large does
not live isolated in Indiatowns’” (Oldenburg, 1988, p. 227).
In light of the aforementioned cultural differences in communi-
cation style, ethnic heterogeneity, and relational mobility, EAs may
prefer to socialize with ethnic ingroup members in multiethnic
environments. That is, we hypothesize that EAs tend to exhibit
high ethnic homophily in multiethnic environments (Hypothesis 2).
Hypotheses and Overview of Studies
Taken together, if EAs are high on ethnic homophily (Hypothesis 2)
and ethnic homophily negatively predicts leadership emergence in
multiethnic environments (Hypothesis 1), then EAs may be less
This document is copyrighted by the American Psychological Association or one of its allied publishers.
This article is intended solely for the personal use of the individual user and is not to be disseminated broadly.
Thomson et al. (2018) did not present data on the relational mobility of
SA cultures.
Template Version: 11 October 2021 6:01 pm IST PSP-A-2020-1216_format_nal 8 November 2021 3:53 pm IST
likely to emerge as leaders in multiethnic environments. In other
words, we hypothesize that EAs are less likely to emerge as leaders
in multiethnic environments (Hypothesis 3) partly because of their
high ethnic homophily (Hypothesis 4).
To test these hypotheses, we conducted three studies. In
Study 1, we analyzed a large survey of 54,620 JD students
from 124 U.S. law schools to test whether EAs had higher ethnic
homophily than non-EAs (Hypothesis 2). Next, Studies 2 and 3
tested our entire theoretical perspective (Hypotheses 14) via
social network analysis. Specically, we examined friendship
networks and leadership emergence in 11 class sections of new
MBA students in a U.S. business school. Given the recent nding
that assertiveness is an important mechanism for EAslower
leadership emergence (Lu et al., 2020), both Studies 2 and 3
accounted for and tested assertiveness as a parallel mediator. That
is, we tested whether ethnic homophily would explain EAslow
leadership emergence above and beyond assertiveness. Our con-
ceptual model is displayed in Figure 1.
The present research offers signicant theoretical contributions
and practical implications. First, we extend the burgeoning literature
on the Bamboo Ceiling, a puzzling phenomenon that remains
understudied. Our research contributes to this literature by providing
insights into both the scope and mechanisms of the Bamboo Ceiling.
In terms of scope, we demonstrate that ethnic EAsbut not ethnic
SAsare less likely than other ethnicities to emerge as leaders in
multiethnic environments. This nding contributes to cultural psy-
chology by highlighting the importance of understanding cultural
differences within the Asian ethnic umbrella. In terms of mechan-
isms, whereas past research has focused on EAslow assertiveness
as a mechanism for their low leadership attainment (Lu et al., 2020),
we identify ethnic homophily as a social network mechanism.
Moreover, we shed light on an important question: How can
individuals emerge as leaders in multiethnic environments? By
uncovering the negative link between ethnic homophily and lead-
ership emergence, our studies suggest that bonding with people
from different ethnic backgrounds is conducive to leadership emer-
gence in multiethnic environments.
Study 1
As an initial test of our theoretical perspective, Study 1 analyzed a
large survey of JD students (N=54,620) from 124 U.S. law
schools. We tested whether EAs are higher on ethnic homophily
than non-EAs (Hypothesis 2).
We obtained privileged data access to the Law School Survey of
Student Engagement (LSSSE), one of the largest surveys for law
school students. Each year, LSSSE collaborates with U.S. law
schools to invite their students to participate in the survey. Partici-
pation is voluntary and anonymous. We analyzed 4 consecutive
years of LSSSE data, which involved 124 U.S. law schools in total.
To ensure data quality, we applied two exclusion criteria, which
excluded about 2% of participants before data analysis. First, we
excluded students who self-reported being younger than 21 years
old (0.2%), because they were likely to be unrepresentative of the JD
student population or might have misreported age. Second, because
JD programs in U.S. law schools typically last 3 years, we excluded
students who self-reported being in their fourth year of JD (1.8%).
All results were robust without excluding this 2% of participants.
These exclusion criteria yielded a data set of 54,620 JD students
(56% female; M
=27.50, SD =6.29). Thirty-nine percent of the
students were in their rst year of law school, 32% second year, and
29% third year. One methodological strength of the LSSSE is its
distinction between EAs and SAs. Of these students, 1,514 were EA,
895 SA, 40,388 White, 5,331 Black, 5,277 Latino, 467 Middle
Eastern/Arab, 244 Native American, and the rest belonged to other
categories. Thanks to its large sample size, the study enabled us to
compare the ethnic homophily of these seven ethnic groups in the
United States.
Ethnic Homophily
The LSSSE survey measured ethnic heterophily with an item
from the Interactional Diversity Scale (Hu & Kuh, 2003;Loes et al.,
2012;Pascarella et al., 2012). Specically, each participant was
asked how often he/she had serious conversations with students of a
different ethnicity than his/her own (1 =never, 2 =sometimes,
3=often, 4 =very often). We reverse coded the measure, such that
higher scores indicate higher ethnic homophily. While this measure
of ethnic heterophily has face validity, it is a single-item measure,
so we were cautious in interpreting results.
Control Variables
To account for academic aptitude, we controlled for each students
score on the Law School Admission Test (LSAT), which is a
prerequisite for U.S. law schools (LSAT score range: 120180).
Based on law school records, LSSSE provided LSAT scores in the
following ordinal scale: 1 =120145; 2 =146150; 3 =151155;
4=156160; 5 =161165; 6 =166170; 7 =171180.
Second, we controlled for whether a student was international or
American. Notably, 96% of the students were American, so English
prociency was unlikely to be a confounding variable for any
observed differences in ethnic homophily. Indeed, all results
were robust when we limited the analyses to Americans only.
Moreover, we controlled for student age, gender, and class year
(rst, second, or third year). Finally, we controlled for school-
level characteristics: (a) whether a law school was public (N=53)
or private (N=71) and (b) school enrollment size (small =fewer
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Figure 1
Conceptual Model
Note. Ethnic homophily =focal mediator; Assertiveness =parallel mediator.
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than 500 students, medium =500900 students, large =more
than 900 students).
Descriptive statistics and Pearson correlations are displayed in
Table 1. Because students were nested within 124 U.S. law schools,
we conducted multilevel analyses to account for within-school
statistical dependence.
Consistent with Hypothesis 2, EAs were the most ethnically homo-
philous of the seven ethnicities. As detailed in Table 2 Model 1, EAs
(M=2.36) were signicantly more homophilous than SAs
(M=1.78, B=.57, SE =.04, p<.001), Blacks (M=2.06, B=
.28, SE =.03, p<.001), Latinos (M=2.00, B=.33, SE =.03,
p<.001), Middle Easterners (M=1.78, B=.54, SE =.05,
p<.001), Native Americans (M=2.00, B=.42, SE =.07,
p<.001), and Whites (M=2.17, B=.24, SE =.03, p<.001).
All results were robust after we accounted for the control variables
(all ps<.001; Table 2 Models 2 and 3).
Robustness Checks
Thanks to the large sample size, we repeated the analyses (with
controls) on different subsets of the data: EAs had signicantly
higher ethnic homophily than non-EAs when we examined (a) only
rst-year students, only second-year students, or only third-year
students; (b) only the 53 public schools or only the 71 private
schools; (c) only the 48 small-sized schools, only the 54 medium-
sized schools, or only the 22 large-sized schools (all ps<.05).
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Table 1
Study 1: Descriptive Statistics and Pearson Correlations
Variable MSD12345678
1. East Asian (vs. South Asian) 0.63 0.48
2. Ethnic homophily 2.14 0.94 .28
3. LSAT score (1 =120145, 7 =171180) 3.23 1.40 .16 .01
4. Age 27.50 6.29 .12 .01 .12
5. Gender (1 =male, 0 =female) 0.44 0.50 .06 .00 .10 .07
6. International (1 =yes, 0 =no) 0.04 0.20 .29 .03 .00 .03 .02
7. First-year student (1 =yes, 0 =no) 0.39 0.49 .02 .01 .01 .10 .02 .00
8. School type (1 =public, 0 =private) 0.39 0.49 .06 .01 .23 .03 .03 .02 .01
9. Small-sized school (1 =yes, 0 =no) 0.43 0.50 .10 .05 .13 .02 .03 .05 .00 .08
Note. LSAT =Law School Admission Test.
Table 2
Study 1: Multilevel Linear Regressions Predicting Ethnic Homophily
Model 1 Model 2 Model 3
East Asian (reference category)
South Asian 0.568*** (0.039) 0.533*** (0.040) 0.534*** (0.040)
Black 0.280*** (0.028) 0.242*** (0.031) 0.242*** (0.031)
Latino 0.329*** (0.028) 0.289*** (0.030) 0.289*** (0.030)
Middle Eastern 0.543*** (0.049) 0.491*** (0.051) 0.491*** (0.051)
Native American 0.419*** (0.066) 0.394*** (0.072) 0.394*** (0.072)
White 0.241*** (0.025) 0.182*** (0.027) 0.182*** (0.027)
LSAT score (1 =120145, 7 =171180) 0.017*** (0.004) 0.017*** (0.004)
Age (years) 0.001 (0.001) 0.001 (0.001)
Gender (1 =male, 0 =female) 0.005 (0.009) 0.005 (0.009)
International (1 =yes, 0 =no) 0.130*** (0.025) 0.131*** (0.025)
Class year: First (reference category)
Class year: Second 0.0003 (0.010) 0.0002 (0.010)
Class year: Third 0.039*** (0.011) 0.038*** (0.011)
School type: Public (vs. private) 0.033 (0.029)
Enrollment size: <500 students
(reference category)
Enrollment size: 500900 students 0.045*(0.023)
Enrollment size: >900 students 0.038 (0.034)
AIC 139,308 124,682 124,699
BIC 139,388 124,813 124,856
Log likelihood 69,645 62,326 62,331
Note. Unstandardized regression coefcients are displayed, with standard errors in parentheses. LSAT =Law School Admission Test; AIC =Akaike
information criterion; BIC =Bayesian information criterion.
p<.10. *p<.05. ** p<.01. *** p<.001.
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These converging results highlight the robustness of EAshigh
ethnic homophily.
Analyzing a survey of 54,620 students from 124 U.S. law schools,
Study 1 provided initial evidence for EAshigh ethnic homophily.
The large sample size and the robustness checks underscored this
ndings reliability.
Study 2
Study 2 extended Study 1 in three ways. First, whereas Study 1
analyzed a large-scale survey, Study 2 used social network analysis
as a complementary methodology. Whereas Study 1 used a survey
measure of ethnic homophily, Study 2 used a well-established social
network measure of ethnic homophily (point correlation coef-
cient). Second, Study 2 tested the generalizability of our theoretical
perspective by examining another context: MBA students in a U.S.
business school. Third, whereas Study 1 provided evidence for EAs
high ethnic homophily (Hypothesis 2), Study 2 tested our whole
theoretical perspective: EAs are less likely than other ethnicities to
emerge as leaders in a multiethnic environment because of higher
ethnic homophily (Hypotheses 14).
The research design of Study 2 had notable methodological
strengths. First, MBA students were assigned to different class
sections by school; that is, they did not self-select into their class
sections based on certain criteria (e.g., career interests). Second, all
class sections started without designated leaders, which precluded
the possibility of reverse causality, where being a leader subse-
quently inuences ones friendship ties. Third, because the students
just entered the MBA program, most of them did not have pre-
existing friendship ties with classmates. This setting enabled us to
examine the natural processes of friendship formation and leader-
ship emergence in a new multiethnic environment (i.e., high eco-
logical validity). Fourth, all students participated in all surveys as a
part of required MBA assignments, which precluded potential self-
selection bias in survey participation. Fifth, our focal variables were
assessed with different data sources at different time points (see
Table 3), which both mitigated common source bias and established
temporal precedence. In particular, as detailed in the Method section
below, we followed the literature (Mollica et al., 2003) and
computed ethnic homophily based on outward friend nominations
(i.e., an individuals nominations of others as friends), while we
operationalized leadership attainment as the number of inward
leader nominations (i.e., othersnominations of the individual as
leader); this methodological approach mitigates common source
bias. Sixth, we measured assertiveness with peer ratings instead of
self-ratings, precluding the possibility that EAs might rate them-
selves lower on assertiveness due to modesty. Finally, to rule out
alternative explanations, we considered a host of potential con-
founds, including network centrality, English prociency, interna-
tional/American status, SES, personality, and demographics.
Study 2 was conducted at a top U.S. business school. Each year,
the school has two entering cohorts: One cohort enters in August and
graduates after four semesters, whereas the other cohort enters in
January and graduates after three semesters. The two cohorts are
similar, though the January-entry cohort is smaller and more
Participants (N=202) were a complete January-entry cohort of
full-time MBA students (35.6% female; M
at matriculation =
28.20, SD =2.85; 60.4% international). Upon entering the MBA
program, the students were divided into three class sections. Each
section had about 70 students (M=67.33, SD =.58), who took all
core courses together.
Based on self-reported ethnicities, 15% of the students were EA,
10% SA, 47% White, 15% Latino, 2% Black, 4% Middle Eastern/
Arab, and 7% multiethnic/other. Our analyses focused on EAs,
SAs, Latinos, and Whites, because sample sizes of the other ethnic
categories were too small (e.g., some class sections had only one
Black student, so ethnic homophily could not be calculated for
Leader Nominations (Outcome)
After an intensive 1-week MBA orientation, all students com-
pleted a condential survey as part of a required core class. Each
student was asked to nominate one to ve classmates whom he/she
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Table 3
Study 2: Research Design
Variable Measurement Source When
Ethnicity Self-reported Required core-class survey 1 week after MBA started
Ethnic homophily Computed based on outward nominations Required core-class survey 1 week after MBA started
Assertiveness Other-rated Required peer evaluation 5 weeks after MBA started
Leader nominations Other-nominated Required core-class survey 1 week after MBA started
Eigenvector centrality Computed Required core-class survey 1 week after MBA started
Big Five personality Self-rated Required self-evaluation 2 weeks after MBA started
Age, gender, international/American status,
socioeconomic status, marital status,
child status
Self-reported Required core-class survey 1 week after MBA started
Whether MBA was sponsored School recorded Career Management Center Pre-MBA
Post-MBA employment country School recorded Career Management Center 4 months after graduation
Note. MBA =Master of Business Administration.
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viewed as leaders in his/her class section (of about 70 students). By
the time of the survey, the students were already well acquainted
with classmates in their section. To facilitate leader nominations, we
displayed the class section roster alphabetically along with each
students prole photo. We tallied the number of times a student was
nominated as a leader.
Friendship Network
Each student also responded to the following question: Please
indicate 1 to 10 individuals in your class section that you would say
you are friends with at this time. List your closest friend rst,
followed by your next closest friend, etc. It is OK to list fewer than
10 people.Students selected their friends from 10 identical drop-
down rosters (i.e., Choice #1, Choice #2, ::: Choice #10). These
questions enabled us to construct the entire friendship network of
each class section. Figure 2 visualizes the friendship network of one
class section.
Ethnic Homophily (Focal Mediator)
Following past studies (Ibarra, 1992;Mehra et al., 1998;Mollica
et al., 2003), we calculated each persons ethnic homophily based
on which classmates the person nominated as his/her friends
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Figure 2
The Friendship Network of an MBA Class Section
Note.EA=East Asian; SA=South Asian; ME=Middle Easterner; MBA =Master of Business Administration. See the online article
for the color version of this gure.
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(i.e., outward friend nominations). The point correlation coef-
cient (Ibarra, 1992;Krackhardt, 1990;Lawrence & Shah, 2020;
Mehra et al., 1998;Mollica et al., 2003), also known as the phi
coefcient (Gaol et al., 2019), is a well-established measure of
ad bc
where ais the number of same-ethnicity friends the person nomi-
nated, bis the number of cross-ethnicity friends the person nominated,
cis the number of same-ethnicity friends the person could have
nominated but did not, and dis the number of cross-ethnicity friends
the person could have nominated but did not (Mollica et al., 2003,
p. 128). Homophily scores range from 1to+1, with positive values
indicating homophily, negative values indicating heterophily, and
zero indicating perfect neutrality (Lawrence & Shah, 2020).
Importantly, this formula indicates the proportion of homophily
that is beyond what would be expected if individuals were randomly
paired in a given setting(Mollica et al., 2003, p. 128). In other
words, the formula accounts for the availability of ethnic ingroup
and outgroup peers in a given class section. This is important
because Whites were the majority, so there were naturally more
Whites available to become friends with.
Assertiveness (Parallel Mediator)
About 5 weeks after the MBA program started, each student was
rated anonymously by at least four classmates as part of a required
peer evaluation. To measure assertiveness, we used the 3-item scale
from Wallen et al. (2017):X speaks up and shares his/her views
when it is appropriate;X is willing to engage in constructive
interpersonal confrontations;X is able to stand his/her ground in a
heated conict(1 =strongly disagree,7=strongly agree;α=
.84). We computed each students assertiveness by averaging across
his/her classmatesratings.
Control Variables
We collected a broad set of control variables to rule out alternative
Network Centrality. One alternative explanation is that EAs
low leadership emergence is actually driven by their low network
centrality rather than by their high ethnic homophily. Indeed, prior
research has found that individuals with higher centrality in a
network are more likely to attain leadership (Neubert & Taggar,
2004). Whereas ethnic homophily captures an individuals prefer-
ence for socializing with individuals of the same ethnicity, centrality
captures an individualsgeneral popularity (regardless of ethnicity).
To rule out general popularity as an alternative explanation, we
computed eigenvector centrality, which captures the extent to which
an individual has many friends who themselves have many friends
(Bonacich, 2007).
Eigenvector centrality scores range from 0 to 1, with higher scores
indicating higher centrality. To compute eigenvector centrality for
each student, we used function eigen_centralityin R package
igraph. For each person, we computed three versions of eigenvector
centrality based on (a) inward friend nominations, (b) outward friend
nominations, and (c) reciprocal friend nominations, respectively.
Following past studies on eigenvector centrality (Ballinger et al.,
2016;Webster et al., 2016), we present analyses based on inward
friend nominations; results were robust when we used outward or
reciprocal friend nominations instead.
Number of Friend Nominations. We controlled for the num-
ber of friends one nominated because it could be a confounding
variable associated with ethnicity or ethnic homophily (Gibbons &
Olk, 2003). For example, individuals who selected fewer friends
might be more ethnically homophilous. A one-way analysis of
variance (ANOVA) found no signicant ethnic difference in the
mean number of friend nominations (F=.76, p=.52).
English Prociency. We controlled for English prociency to
rule out the possibility that EAshigh ethnic homophily and low
leadership emergence are driven by low English prociency. We
procured scores of the Verbal section of the required MBA admission
exams: the Graduate Management Admission Test (GMAT) and the
Graduate Record Examinations (GRE).
About 90% of students took
the GMAT and about 10% took the GRE. To standardize across the
two exams in different years, we followed the ofcial GMAT and
GRE websites to convert all scores to percentiles.
Post-MBA Employment Country. It is possible that EAs
were more inclined to work outside the United States (e.g., in
EA countries) after completing their MBA and thus more moti-
vated to develop friendships with other EAs (rather than ethnic
outgroup classmates). To rule out this possibility, we procured
post-MBA employment information from the business schools
Career Management Center. Following the guidelines of the
MBA Career Services & Employer Alliance (www.mbacsea
.org), the business school records the rst post-MBA employment
of each student 4 months after graduation. Analyses found that
EAs and non-EAs did not differ signicantly in their likelihood to
work in the United States after earning their MBA (χ
p=.76); this result suggests that post-MBA employment country
was unlikely a confounding variable.
MBA Sponsorship. It is possible that EAs were more likely to
be sponsored by organizations for their MBA degree and thus less
motivated to network with ethnic outgroup classmates. To rule out
this possibility, we procured MBA sponsorship data from the Career
Management Center. EAs and non-EAs did not differ signicantly
in MBA sponsorship (χ
=.38, p=.54), suggesting that it was
unlikely a confounding variable.
Marital Status and Child Status. It is possible that EAs were
more likely to have spouses or children and thus spend less time
socializing with ethnic outgroup classmates. Of the 202 students,
6.4% had children. About 25.2% were married, 23.3% were in
committed relationships, and 51.5% were single. EAs and non-
EAs did not differ signicantly in child status (χ
=.01, p=.93)
or marital status (χ
=.25, p=.62), suggesting that they were
unlikely confounding variables.
Socioeconomic Status. We controlled for SES because it could
be a confounding variable associated with ethnicity, ethnic homo-
phily, or leadership emergence (Lu et al., 2020). At the end of the
social network survey, we measured SES with the widely used
ladder question(Adler et al., 2000), which featured a drawing of a
10-rung ladder representing all of the people in the United States and
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Research found that for non-native English speakers who took both GRE
Verbal and Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL), the two scores
were highly correlated at r=.82 (Pesta et al., 2019).
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asked students to place themselves on the ladder in terms of SES
(1 =lowest, 10 =highest).
Personality. We controlled for the Big Five personality traits
(openness to experience, conscientiousness, extraversion, agreeable-
ness, and emotional stability) because they could be confounding
variables associated with ethnicity, ethnic homophily, or leadership
emergence (Bendersky & Shah, 2013;Feiler & Kleinbaum, 2015;
Judge et al., 2002). To assess the Big Five, we adopted the widely
used Ten-Item Personality Inventory (Gosling et al., 2003; Lu, Liu,
Liao, & Wang, 2020), which the students completed as part of a
required self-evaluation (1 =strongly disagree,7=strongly agree)
2 weeks after the MBA program started.
Other Demographics. Finally, we controlled for age, gender,
and whether a student was international.
Descriptive statistics and Pearson correlations are displayed in
Table 4. Because students were nested within class sections, we
conducted multilevel regressions to account for within-section
statistical dependence.
East Asians Higher Ethnic Homophily
(Focal Mediator)
Consistent with prior research (McPherson et al., 2001), mean
ethnic homophily was positive for all the four ethnicities (M=.12).
This result indicates that each ethnicity exhibited homophily to
some extent.
As detailed in Table 5 Model 1, consistent with Hypothesis 2,
EAs (M=.24) were more homophilous than SAs (M=.11,
B=.13, SE =.05, p=.006), Latinos (M=.15, B=.09,
SE =.04, p=.030), and Whites (M=.07, B=.17, SE =.03,
p<.001). By contrast, SAs did not differ signicantly from
Latinos (B=.03, SE =.05, p=.48) or Whites (B=.04,
SE =.04, p=.24). These results were substantively similar after
we accounted for the control variables in multilevel linear regres-
sions (Table 5 Models 24). As explained in the Method section,
the measure of ethnic homophily (point correlation coefcient)
already accounted for the ethnic groupsdifferential sizes in a
given class section.
East Asians Lower Assertiveness
(Parallel Mediator)
Consistent with prior research (Lu et al., 2020), EAs (M=5.18)
were signicantly less assertive than SAs (M=5.62, B=.44,
SE =.15, p=.003), Latinos (M=5.72, B=.54, SE =.14,
p<.001), and Whites (M=5.77, B=.59, SE =.11, p<.001).
By contrast, SAs did not differ signicantly from Latinos (B=.10,
SE =.12, p=.42) or Whites (B=.15, SE =.13, p=.26). These
results were robust after we accounted for the control variables.
East Asians Lower Leadership Emergence
For the outcome variable of leader nominations, we conducted
multilevel Poisson regressions because leader nomination was a
positively skewed, count variable that took only nonnegative integer
values. Consistent with Hypothesis 3, EAs (M=.39) were
signicantly less likely to be nominated as leaders than SAs
(M=2.81, B=1.97, SE =.32, p<.001), Latinos (M=3.30,
B=2.14, SE =.31, p<.001), and Whites (M=4.46,
B=2.45, SE =.29, p<.001). These results were robust after
we accounted for the control variables.
Ethnic Homophily Lower Leadership Emergence
Consistent with Hypothesis 1, ethnic homophily negatively pre-
dicted leader nominations in a multilevel Poisson regression
(Table 6 Model 1: B=2.50, SE =.26, p<.001). This effect
was robust (Table 6 Model 2: B=2.32, SE =.27, p<.001) after
we controlled for assertiveness, while assertiveness positively pre-
dicted leader nominations (Table 6 Model 2: B=.98, SE =.09,
p<.001). The effects of ethnic homophily and assertiveness were
both robust after we further accounted for the control variables,
including eigenvector centrality, English prociency, demographics,
and personality (Table 6 Models 3 and 4).
Mediation Analyses
Consistent with Hypothesis 4, ethnic homophily signicantly
mediated the effect of ethnicity (1 =EA, 0 =SA/Latino/White)
on leader nominations, indirect effect =.82, bias-corrected boot-
strapped 95% CI [1.05, .47]. Consistent with prior research
(Lu et al., 2020), assertiveness also signicantlymediatedthe
effect of ethnicity (1 =EA, 0 =SA/Latino/White) on leader
nominations, indirect effect =1.29, bias-corrected bootstrapped
95% CI [2.59, .86].
Next, we conducted simultaneous mediation analysis with ethnic
homophily and assertiveness as parallel mediators (Preacher &
Hayes, 2008). Both ethnic homophily (indirect effect =.80,
bias-corrected bootstrapped 95% CI [2.73, .04]) and assertive-
ness (indirect effect =1.24, bias-corrected bootstrapped 95% CI
[2.65, .47]) were signicant mediators. These results suggest that
ethnic homophily explained EAslower leadership emergence
above and beyond assertiveness (Figure 3).
By conducting social network analysis on three complete class
sections of new MBA students, Study 2 supported our theoretical
perspective. First, while all four ethnicities exhibited ethnic
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One potential limitation is that the Ten-Item Personality Inventory (TIPI)
uses only two items to measure each of the Big Five personality traits.
Unfortunately, we were unable to use a longer personality scale because of
survey length limit. Nevertheless, the TIPI had satisfactory psychometric
properties in both Studies 2 and 3. Consider the case of extraversion. First, its
two items (extraverted, enthusiastic;reserved, quiet) were highly corre-
lated (r=.70, p<.001). Second, extraversion was positively correlated
with assertiveness and leadership emergence, which is consistent with the
literature (Bendersky & Shah, 2013;Judge et al., 2002). Third, extraversion
was positively correlated with openness to experience, but not signicantly
correlated with agreeableness, conscientiousness, or emotional stability;
meanwhile, conscientiousness was positively and signicantly correlated
with agreeableness and emotional stability. These results are consistent with
the well-established Big Twopattern in the personality literature, where
agreeableness, conscientiousness, and emotional stability represent a higher-
order factor Alpha,and extraversion and openness represent a higher-order
factor Beta(DeYoung, 2006;Digman, 1997;Wei et al., 2017).
10 LU
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Table 4
Study 2: Descriptive Statistics and Pearson Correlations
Variable MSD 12345678910111213141516171819
1. East Asian (vs. non-East Asian) 0.18 0.38
2. Leader nominations received 3.43 6.73 .21**
3. Ethnic homophily 0.12 0.18 .32** .20**
4. Assertiveness 5.63 0.58 .37** .23** .15*
5. Eigenvector centrality 0.67 0.24 .07 .08 .15 .06
6. Age 28.20 2.85 .21** .12 .17*.12 .02
7. Gender (1 =male, 0 =female) 0.64 0.48 .19*.12 .05 .23** .09 .07
8. International (1 =yes, 0 =no) 0.60 0.49 .17*.22** .23** .07 .01 .02 .05
9. GMAT/GRE Verbal percentile 87.27 10.55 .14 .10 .03 .19** .04 .08 .26** .14*
10. Socioeconomic status 8.11 1.34 .17*.05 .00 .20** .02 .06 .13 .01 .22**
11. Number of friend nominations 8.00 2.60 .03 .08 .14 .06 .92** .07 .13 .03 .06 .00
12. Married (1 =yes, 0 =no) 0.25 0.44 .04 .12 .06 .00 .03 .36** .03 .04 .07 .06 .03
13. Has children (1 =yes, 0 =no) 0.06 0.25 .01 .01 .09 .02 .10 .34** .02 .01 .02 .01 .08 .40**
14. MBA sponsored (1 =yes, 0 =no) 0.24 0.43 .05 .01 .07 .19** .06 .10 .09 .30** .07 .05 .05 .09 .01
15. Post-MBA job in U.S. (1 =yes, 0 =no) 0.58 0.50 .02 .10 .17*.08 .04 .11 .00 .62** .07 .00 .01 .07 .06 .48**
16. Openness to experience 5.29 1.07 .12 .19** .21** .15*.13 .05 .05 .06 .04 .11 .12 .12 .05 .04 .02
17. Conscientiousness 5.43 1.26 .03 .02 .03 .17*.03 .15*.13 .15*.07 .05 .06 .12 .09 .10 .09 .07
18. Extraversion 4.62 1.62 .16*.40** .14 .36** .19** .02 .15*.05 .01 .02 .16*.03 .02 .21** .03 .30** .06
19. Agreeableness 5.14 1.13 .03 .09 .04 .16*.06 .04 .13 .08 .01 .00 .03 .07 .05 .11 .07 .04 .20** .01
20. Emotional stability 5.09 1.23 .05 .01 .06 .09 .07 .02 .12 .08 .02 .02 .07 .15*.05 .05 .10 .09 .26** .06 .13
Note.non-East Asian=South Asian, Latino, and White. GMAT =Graduate Management Admission Test; GRE =Graduate Record Examinations; MBA =Master of Business Administration.
*p<.05. ** p<.01.
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homophily, EAs were signicantly more ethnically homophilous
than SAs, Latinos, and Whites; this effect was robust to a host
of control variables (e.g., network centrality, English pro-
ciency, SES, personality). Second, consistent with recent research
(Lu et al., 2020), EAs were signicantly less assertive than SAs,
Latinos, and Whites. Third, ethnic homophily partly explained why
EAs (but not SAs) were less likely to be nominated as leadersabove
and beyond the mechanism of assertiveness. Together, these
This document is copyrighted by the American Psychological Association or one of its allied publishers.
This article is intended solely for the personal use of the individual user and is not to be disseminated broadly.
Table 5
Study 2: Multilevel Linear Regressions Predicting Ethnic Homophily
Model 1 Model 2 Model 3 Model 4
East Asian (reference category)
South Asian 0.128** (0.046) 0.132** (0.047) 0.143** (0.051) 0.111*(0.051)
Latino 0.091*(0.042) 0.088*(0.042) 0.085
(0.045) 0.074
White 0.174*** (0.034) 0.150*** (0.038) 0.160*** (0.040) 0.137*** (0.039)
Assertiveness 0.012 (0.023) 0.014 (0.025) 0.008 (0.026)
Age (years) 0.005 (0.004) 0.004 (0.005) 0.005 (0.005)
Gender (1 =male, 0 =female) 0.001 (0.027) 0.007 (0.028) 0.036 (0.029)
International (1 =yes, 0 =no) 0.054*(0.026) 0.017 (0.034) 0.016 (0.034)
GMAT/GRE Verbal percentile 0.001 (0.001) 0.001 (0.001) 0.001 (0.001)
Socioeconomic status 0.009 (0.010) 0.008 (0.010) 0.001 (0.010)
Number of friend nominations 0.012*(0.005) 0.013*(0.005) 0.017** (0.005)
Married (1 =yes, 0 =no) 0.015 (0.034) 0.002 (0.034)
Has children (1 =yes, 0 =no) 0.006 (0.056) 0.005 (0.055)
MBA sponsored (1 =yes, 0 =no) 0.026 (0.036) 0.033 (0.035)
Post-MBA job in U.S. (1 =yes, 0 =no) 0.027 (0.036) 0.030 (0.035)
Openness to experience 0.027*(0.012)
Conscientiousness 0.002 (0.011)
Extraversion 0.016
Agreeableness 0.017 (0.012)
Emotional stability 0.014 (0.011)
AIC 121 119 102 104
BIC 102 78 49 36
Log likelihood 66 73 68 74
Note. Unstandardized regression coefcients are displayed, with standard errors in parentheses. GMAT =Graduate Management Admission Test; GRE =
Graduate Record Examinations; MBA =Master of Business Administration; AIC =Akaike information criterion; BIC =Bayesian information criterion.
p<.10. *p<.05. ** p<.01. *** p<.001.
Table 6
Study 2: Multilevel Poisson Regressions Predicting Leader Nominations Received
Model 1 Model 2 Model 3 Model 4
Ethnic homophily 2.499*** (0.264) 2.318*** (0.275) 2.206*** (0.279) 0.807** (0.291)
Assertiveness 0.984*** (0.088) 0.842*** (0.094) 0.406*** (0.100)
Eigenvector centrality 1.164*** (0.232) 0.403
Age (years) 0.104*** (0.013) 0.071*** (0.014)
Gender (1 =male, 0 =female) 0.381*** (0.113) 0.716*** (0.118)
International (1 =yes, 0 =no) 0.601*** (0.088) 0.852*** (0.093)
GMAT/GRE Verbal percentile 0.014** (0.005) 0.008 (0.006)
Socioeconomic status 0.001 (0.038) 0.106*(0.044)
Openness to experience 0.305*** (0.053)
Conscientiousness 0.197*** (0.042)
Extraversion 0.559*** (0.038)
Agreeableness 0.156*** (0.047)
Emotional stability 0.045 (0.040)
AIC 1,583 1,446 1,265 916
BIC 1,592 1,458 1,296 964
Log likelihood 788 719 622 443
Note. Unstandardized regression coefcients are displayed, with standard errors in parentheses. GMAT =Graduate Management Admission Test; GRE =
Graduate Record Examinations; AIC =Akaike information criterion; BIC =Bayesian information criterion.
p<.10. *p<.05. ** p<.01. *** p<.001.
12 LU
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ndings suggest that high ethnic homophily and low assertiveness
both account for EAsdisadvantage in leadership emergence.
Study 3
Study 3 extended Study 2 in three ways. First, Study 3 examined a
sample twice as large to ascertain the replicability of Study 2s
ndings. Second, whereas Study 2 measured leader nominations,
Study 3 also measured whether a person was actually elected as a
class-section leader. This is a consequential outcome because many
MBAs list their leadership positions on résumés and LinkedIn
proles, as many employers favor students with such leadership
experiences. Third, the leader election outcome was measured 1 year
after we measured ethnic homophily; this time-lagged design
established temporal precedence.
Participants (N=560) were a complete August-entry cohort of
full-time MBA students of the same business school (40.0% female;
at matriculation =27.97, SD =2.48; 41.3% international). As
in Study 2, the students were divided into class sections of about 70
students (M=70.00, SD =1.60) upon entering the MBA program.
Whereas Study 2 involved three class sections, Study 3 involved
eight class sections.
Based on self-reported ethnicities, 21% of the students were EA,
7% SA, 51% White, 9% Latino, 4% Black, 3% Middle Eastern/
Arab, and 5% multiethnic/other. As in Study 2, our analyses focused
on EAs, SAs, Latinos, and Whites, because sample sizes of the other
ethnic categories were too small.
Leader Nominations
As in Study 2, after an intensive 1-week MBA orientation, all
students completed a condential survey as part of a required core
class. Each student was asked to nominate one to ve classmates
whom he/she viewed as leaders. To facilitate leader nominations, we
displayed the class section roster alphabetically along with each
students prole photo.
Leader Election (1 Year Later)
In addition to leader nominations, we also obtained data from
the Ofce of Student Affairs on whether a student was elected as a
class-section leader 1 year later (1 =yes, 0 =no). At the beginning
of Year 2 of the MBA program, each class section held a competitive
election for its leadership positions (e.g., class-section chair, social
chair, academic chair, career chair). The MBA program values
student governance, so these leaders are responsible for class-
section activities. The elected leaders facilitate class-section unity,
manage class-section funds ($4,000), act as liaisons to the adminis-
tration and faculty, and serve as leaders during graduation events, in
addition to handling other responsibilities. Because class-section
leaders have a large impact on peers who vote for them, these
elections carry high stakes.
Mediators and Control Variables
Ethnic homophily (focal mediator), assertiveness (parallel medi-
ator), and control variables (eigenvector centrality, number of friend
nominations, English prociency, post-MBA employment country,
MBA sponsorship, marital status, child status, SES, the Big Five
personality traits, international/American status, age, gender) were
measured in the same way as in Study 2. As detailed in Table 7,
these variables were assessed with different data sources at different
time points, which mitigated common source bias and established
temporal precedence.
Descriptive statistics and Pearson correlations are displayed in
Table 8. Because MBA students were nested within class sections,
we conducted multilevel regressions to account for within-section
statistical dependence.
East Asians Higher Ethnic Homophily
(Focal Mediator)
As detailed in Table 9 Model 1, consistent with Hypothesis 2 and
Study 2, EAs (M=.20) were signicantly more ethnically homo-
philous than SAs (M=.12, B=.08, SE =.03, p=.005), Latinos
(M=.14, B=.06, SE =.03, p=.018), and Whites (M=.06,
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Figure 3
Study 2: Simultaneous Mediation Analysis for Leader Nominations
Template Version: 11 October 2021 6:01 pm IST PSP-A-2020-1216_format_nal 8 November 2021 3:53 pm IST
B=.14, SE =.02, p<.001). These results were robust after we
accounted for the control variables in multilevel linear regressions
(Table 9 Models 24).
East Asians Lower Assertiveness (Parallel Mediator)
Consistent with Study 2, EAs (M=5.33) were signicantly less
assertive than SAs (M=5.62, B=.29, SE =.10, p=.003),
Latinos (M=5.79, B=.45, SE =.09, p<.001), and Whites
(M=5.72, B=.39, SE =.06, p<.001). These results were
robust after we accounted for the control variables.
East Asians Lower Leadership Emergence
For the outcome variable of leader nominations, we conducted
multilevel Poisson regressions because leader nomination was a
positively skewed, count variable that took only nonnegative integer
values. Consistent with Hypothesis 3 and Study 2, EAs (M=.85)
were signicantly less likely to be nominated as leaders than SAs
(M=4.87, B=1.74, SE =.12, p<.001), Latinos (M=3.39,
B=1.39, SE =.13, p<.001), and Whites (M=4.09, B=
1.60, SE =.10, p<.001). These results were robust after we
accounted for the control variables.
In further support of Hypothesis 3, EAs (8.5%) were less likely
than SAs (25.6%; χ
=7.65, p=.006), Latinos (20.4%; χ
p=.032), and Whites (16.7%; χ
=4.52, p=.033) to be elected as
class-section leaders. These results were substantively similar in
multilevel logistic regressions that accounted for the control variables.
Ethnic Homophily Lower Leadership Emergence
Consistent with Hypothesis 1 and Study 2, ethnic homophily
negatively predicted leader nominations in a multilevel Poisson
regression (Table 10 Model 1: B=2.21, SE =.16, p<.001).
This effect was robust (Table 10 Model 2: B=2.15, SE =.17,
p<.001) after we controlled for assertiveness, while assertiveness
positively predicted leader nominations (Table 10 Model 2:
B=1.00, SE =.06, p<.001). The effects of ethnic homophily
and assertiveness were both robust after we further accounted for the
control variables, including eigenvector centrality, English pro-
ciency, demographics, and personality (Table 10 Models 3 and 4).
In further support of Hypothesis 1, ethnic homophily negatively
predicted leader election in a multilevel logistic regression (Table 11
Model 1: B=2.77, SE =.83, Wald z =3.34, p<.001). This
effect was robust (Table 11 Model 2: B=2.63, SE =.86, Wald
z=3.07, p=.002) after we controlled for assertiveness, while
assertiveness positively predicted leader election (Table 11 Model 2:
B=.71, SE =.26, Wald z =2.70, p=.007). The effects of ethnic
homophily and assertiveness were robust after we further accounted
for the control variables (Table 11 Models 3 and 4).
Mediation Analyses
Consistent with Hypothesis 4 and Study 2, ethnic homophily
signicantly mediated the effect of ethnicity (1 =EA, 0 =SA/
Latino/White) on leader nominations, indirect effect =.54, bias-
corrected bootstrapped 95% CI [.98, .19]. Consistent with Study
2, assertiveness also signicantly mediated the effect of ethnicity
(1 =EA, 0 =SA/Latino/White) on leader nominations, indirect
effect =.77, bias-corrected bootstrapped 95% CI [1.14, .39].
Next, we conducted simultaneous mediation analysis with ethnic
homophily and assertiveness as parallel mediators (Preacher & Hayes,
2008). Consistent with Study 2, both ethnic homophily (indirect
effect =.54, bias-corrected bootstrapped 95% CI [1.04, .20])
and assertiveness (indirect effect =.77, bias-corrected boot-
strapped 95% CI [1.29, .43]) were signicant mediators
(Figure 4).
In further support of Hypothesis 4, ethnic homophily signicantly
mediated the effect of ethnicity (1 =EA, 0 =SA/Latino/White) on
leader election, indirect effect =.04, bias-corrected bootstrapped
95% CI [.05, .02]. Assertiveness also signicantly mediated the
effect of ethnicity (1 =EA, 0 =SA/Latino/White) on leader elec-
tion, indirect effect =.03, bias-corrected bootstrapped 95% CI
[.04, .02].
Next, we conducted simultaneous mediation analysis with ethnic
homophily and assertiveness as parallel mediators (Preacher & Hayes,
2008). Both ethnic homophily (indirect effect =.03, bias-corrected
bootstrapped 95% CI [.06, .01]) and assertiveness (indirect
effect =.03, bias-corrected bootstrapped 95% CI [.05, .01])
were signicant mediators (Figure 5).
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Table 7
Study 3: Research Design
Variable Measurement Source When
Ethnicity Self-reported Required core-class survey 1 week after MBA started
Ethnic homophily Computed based on outward nominations Required core-class survey 1 week after MBA started
Assertiveness Other-rated Required peer evaluation 5 weeks after MBA started
Leader nominations Other-nominated Required core-class survey 1 week after MBA started
Whether elected as leader School recorded Ofce of Student Affairs 1 year after MBA started
Eigenvector centrality Computed Required core-class survey 1 week after MBA started
Big Five personality Self-rated Required self-evaluation 2 weeks after MBA started
Age, gender, international/American status,
socioeconomic status, marital status,
child status
Self-reported Required core-class survey 1 week after MBA started
Whether MBA was sponsored School recorded Career Management Center Pre-MBA
Post-MBA employment country School recorded Career Management Center 4 months after graduation
Note. MBA =Master of Business Administration.
14 LU
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Table 8
Study 3: Descriptive Statistics and Pearson Correlations
Variable MSD 1234567891011121314151617181920
1. East Asian (vs. non-East Asian) 0.24 0.43
2. Leader nominations received 3.65 7.90 .19**
3. Elected as leader (1 =yes, 0 =no) 0.16 0.36 .11*.29**
4. Ethnic homophily 0.10 0.17 .32** .15** .15**
5. Assertiveness 5.63 0.56 .30** .21** .16** .13**
6. Eigenvector centrality 0.65 0.25 .04 .12** .12** .05 .05
7. Age 27.97 2.48 .14** .05 .00 .11*.05 .03
8. Gender (1 =male, 0 =female) 0.60 0.49 .10*.02 .01 .04 .05 .13** .17**
9. International (1 =yes, 0 =no) 0.41 0.49 .29** .15** .07 .22** .12** .05 .12** .05
10. GMAT/GRE Verbal percentile 90.56 8.80 .18** .02 .01 .14** .04 .01 .16** .05 .22**
11. Socioeconomic status 8.23 1.40 .18** .08 .00 .03 .08 .00 .14** .12** .13** .17**
12. Number of friend nominations 8.17 2.64 .03 .11** .13** .02 .02 .89** .00 .14** .01 .02 .01
13. Married (1 =yes, 0 =no) 0.21 0.41 .08 .06 .04 .06 .02 .01 .31** .11*.13** .13** .03 .03
14. Has children (1 =yes, 0 =no) 0.04 0.19 .08 .05 .02 .01 .06 .01 .27** .08 .07 .01 .13** .01 .35**
15. MBA sponsored (1 =yes, 0 =no) 0.07 0.25 .03 .03 .08 .09 .03 .01 .05 .09*.16** .03 .06 .00 .02 .06
16. Post-MBA job in U.S. (1 =yes, 0 =no) 0.80 0.40 .26** .07 .01 .11*.10*.04 .10*.05 .52** .14** .04 .03 .02 .08 .24**
17. Openness to experience 5.21 1.12 .13** .09*.02 .13** .05 .02 .05 .07 .07 .08 .04 .02 .06 .04 .01 .02
18. Conscientiousness 5.65 1.08 .10*.01 .00 .02 .05 .04 .01 .14** .01 .05 .09*.06 .06 .03 .03 .11** .08
19. Extraversion 4.64 1.59 .17** .31** .18** .09 .26** .23** .01 .04 .01 .08 .02 .20** .03 .04 .00 .09*.27** .02
20. Agreeableness 5.03 1.16 .06 .08 .05 .10*.22** .12** .05 .24** .07 .07 .04 .10*.01 .03 .04 .06 .14** .12** .06
21. Emotional stability 5.03 1.28 .03 .02 .04 .02 .03 .05 .04 .20** .01 .07 .03 .05 .09*.03 .08 .09*.12** .13** .02 .13**
Note.non-East Asian=South Asian, Latino, and White. GMAT =Graduate Management Admission Test; GRE =Graduate Record Examinations; MBA =Master of Business Administration.
*p<.05. ** p<.01.
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Supporting our theoretical perspective, Study 3 replicated and
extended Study 2sndings by examining another eight class
sections of MBA students. EAs were less likely than SAs, Latinos,
and Whites to be (a) nominated as leaders and (b) elected as leaders.
EAshigh ethnic homophily partly explained EAslow leadership
emergenceabove and beyond the mechanism of assertiveness.
This document is copyrighted by the American Psychological Association or one of its allied publishers.
This article is intended solely for the personal use of the individual user and is not to be disseminated broadly.
Table 9
Study 3: Multilevel Linear Regressions Predicting Ethnic Homophily
Model 1 Model 2 Model 3 Model 4
East Asian (reference category)
South Asian 0.084** (0.030) 0.068*(0.030) 0.076*(0.030) 0.061*(0.030)
Latino 0.065*(0.027) 0.070*(0.028) 0.073*(0.029) 0.073*(0.029)
White 0.145*** (0.018) 0.125*** (0.020) 0.127*** (0.020) 0.125*** (0.021)
Assertiveness 0.013 (0.014) 0.012 (0.014) 0.019 (0.014)
Age (years) 0.003 (0.003) 0.002 (0.004) 0.003 (0.004)
Gender (1 =male, 0 =female) 0.022 (0.016) 0.026(0.016) 0.014 (0.017)
International (1 =yes, 0 =no) 0.023 (0.017) 0.032 (0.019) 0.032 (0.019)
GMAT/GRE Verbal percentile 0.002(0.001) 0.002(0.001) 0.002*(0.001)
Socioeconomic status 0.007 (0.006) 0.006 (0.006) 0.008 (0.006)
Number of friend nominations 0.002 (0.003) 0.002 (0.003) 0.002 (0.003)
Married (1 =yes, 0 =no) 0.009 (0.020) 0.009 (0.020)
Has children (1 =yes, 0 =no) 0.031 (0.045) 0.038 (0.044)
MBA sponsored (1 =yes, 0 =no) 0.058(0.031) 0.054(0.030)
Post-MBA job in U.S. (1 =yes, 0 =no) 0.016 (0.022) 0.019 (0.022)
Openness to experience 0.016*(0.007)
Conscientiousness 0.003 (0.007)
Extraversion 0.001 (0.005)
Agreeableness 0.017*(0.007)
Emotional stability 0.001 (0.006)
AIC 385 373 368 371
BIC 359 319 297 279
Log likelihood 198 200 201 207
Note. Unstandardized regression coefcients are displayed, with standard errors in parentheses. GMAT =Graduate Management Admission Test; GRE =
Graduate Record Examinations; MBA =Master of Business Administration; AIC =Akaike information criterion; BIC =Bayesian information criterion.
p<.10. *p<.05. ** p<.01. *** p<.001.
Table 10
Study 3: Multilevel Poisson Regressions Predicting Leader Nominations Received
Model 1 Model 2 Model 3 Model 4
Ethnic homophily 2.210*** (0.164) 2.147*** (0.172) 2.031*** (0.181) 1.749*** (0.185)
Assertiveness 0.998*** (0.057) 1.059*** (0.061) 0.884*** (0.063)
Eigenvector centrality 0.935*** (0.135) 0.309*(0.135)
Age (years) 0.077*** (0.011) 0.064*** (0.012)
Gender (1 =male, 0 =female) 0.234*** (0.055) 0.028 (0.060)
International (1 =yes, 0 =no) 0.438*** (0.059) 0.425*** (0.061)
GMAT/GRE Verbal percentile 0.001 (0.004) 0.006 (0.004)
Socioeconomic status 0.080*** (0.019) 0.065** (0.021)
Openness to experience 0.013 (0.026)
Conscientiousness 0.138*** (0.027)
Extraversion 0.464*** (0.022)
Agreeableness 0.179*** (0.025)
Emotional stability 0.011 (0.022)
AIC 4,859 4,472 4,059 3,375
BIC 4,872 4,489 4,101 3,438
Log likelihood 2,427 2,232 2020 1,673
Note. Unstandardized regression coefcients are displayed, with standard errors in parentheses. GMAT =Graduate Management Admission Test; GRE =
Graduate Record Examinations; AIC =Akaike information criterion; BIC =Bayesian information criterion.
p<.10. *p<.05. ** p<.01. *** p<.001.
16 LU
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Further Evidence for the Ethnic Homophily
Perspective on the Bamboo Ceiling
The Hypothesized Effects Exist for Both
Internationals and Americans
We conducted further analyses to examine whether the hypothe-
sized effects existed for both (a) international students and (b)
American students. To maximize statistical power, we combined
samples from Studies 2 and 3.
In support of Hypothesis 2, EA internationals were signicantly
higher on ethnic homophily than SA, Latino, and White interna-
tionals (without controls: B=.15, SE =.02, p<.001; with con-
trols: B=.13, SE =.02, p<.001). In support of Hypothesis 3,
EA internationals were signicantly less likely to be nominated
as leaders than non-EA internationals (without controls: B=1.73,
SE =.14, p<.001; with controls: B=1.36, SE =.15, p<
.001). In support of Hypothesis 4, ethnic homophily signicantly
mediated the effect of ethnicity (1 =EA international, 0 =SA/
Latino/White international) on leader nominations, indirect effect =
.62, bias-corrected bootstrapped 95% CI [1.26, .18].
In support of Hypothesis 2, EA Americans were signicantly
higher on ethnic homophily than SA, Latino, and White Americans
(without controls: B=.06, SE =.02, p=.013; with controls:
B=.05, SE =.02, p=.041). In support of Hypothesis 3, EA
Americans were signicantly less likely to be nominated as leaders
than non-EA Americans (without controls: B=1.37, SE =.14,
p<.001; with controls: B=.71, SE =.15, p<.001). In support
of Hypothesis 4, ethnic homophily signicantly mediated the effect
of ethnicity (1 =EA American, 0 =SA/Latino/White American)
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Table 11
Study 3: Multilevel Logistic Regressions Predicting Whether a Student Was Elected as a Class-Section Leader
Model 1 Model 2 Model 3 Model 4
Ethnic homophily 2.769*** (0.830) 2.627** (0.856) 2.549** (0.881) 2.432** (0.906)
Assertiveness 0.707** (0.262) 0.683*(0.270) 0.624*(0.292)
Eigenvector centrality 1.366*(0.625) 1.142
Age (years) 0.095
(0.058) 0.106
Gender (1 =male, 0 =female) 0.291 (0.275) 0.243 (0.299)
International (1 =yes, 0 =no) 0.040 (0.282) 0.022 (0.289)
GMAT/GRE Verbal percentile 0.022 (0.020) 0.027 (0.020)
Socioeconomic status 0.032 (0.100) 0.024 (0.107)
Openness to experience 0.104 (0.129)
Conscientiousness 0.058 (0.128)
Extraversion 0.251** (0.097)
Agreeableness 0.178 (0.125)
Emotional stability 0.115 (0.110)
AIC 421 413 411 409
BIC 433 430 453 472
Log likelihood 207 203 196 190
Note. Unstandardized regression coefcients are displayed, with standard errors in parentheses. GMAT =Graduate Management Admission Test; GRE =
Graduate Record Examinations; AIC =Akaike information criterion; BIC =Bayesian information criterion.
p<.10. *p<.05. ** p<.01. *** p<.001.
Figure 4
Study 3: Simultaneous Mediation Analysis for Leader Nominations
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on leader nominations, indirect effect =.25, bias-corrected boot-
strapped 95% CI [.77, .03].
Together, these results suggest that our theoretical perspective
applies to both EA internationals and EA Americans: Both were
more homophilous than their non-EA counterparts and thus less
likely to emerge as leaders in multiethnic environments.
Notably, there was also a signicant interaction between EA/non-
EA and international/American status on ethnic homophily, such
that EA internationals were especially homophilous (without con-
trols: B=.09, SE =.03, p=.004; with controls: B=.09, SE =
.03, p=.009). This result points to the acculturation of EA Amer-
icans but also indicates that acculturation may not be sufciently
strong. Although EA Americans are native English speakers raised
in the United States, their cultural upbringings can still predispose
them to high ethnic homophily and thus disadvantage them in
leadership emergence.
Ethnic Homophily Negatively Predicts Leader
Nominations for Each Ethnic Group
We also tested whether ethnic homophily negatively predicted
leadership emergence for each of the four ethnicities. To maximize
statistical power, we combined samples from Studies 2 and 3.
In further support of Hypothesis 1, ethnic homophily negatively
predicted leader nominations for each of the four ethnicities (with
controls): EAs (B=3.36, SE =.83, p<.001), SAs (B=3.24,
SE =.75, p<.001), Latinos (B=5.10, SE =.66, p<.001), and
Whites (B=.57, SE =.21, p=.008). That is, among EAs, the
more ethnically heterophilous EAs were more likely to emerge as
leaders. Even among Whites (ethnic majority), the more ethnically
heterophilous Whites were more likely to emerge as leaders.
Together, these results further demonstrate that, regardless of
ones ethnicity, bonding with individuals from other ethnic back-
grounds is conducive to leadership emergence in multiethnic
General Discussion
The three studies supported our ethnic homophily perspective on
the Bamboo Ceiling phenomenon. Analyzing a large survey of
54,620 JD students from 124 U.S. law schools, Study 1 found that
EAs displayed higher ethnic homophily than all other ethnicities
(SAs, Whites, Blacks, Latinos, Middle Easterners, and Native
Americans). Using social network analysis, Studies 2 and 3 again
found that, compared to SAs, Latinos, and Whites, EAs exhibited
higher ethnic homophily, which mediated EAslower leadership
emergence in a U.S. business school. Consistent with recent
research (Lu et al., 2020), EAs were also lower on assertiveness,
which independently mediated their low leadership emergence.
Simultaneous mediation analyses found that high ethnic homo-
phily and low assertiveness both accounted for EAsdisadvan-
tage in leadership emergence. These ndings were reliable (a) for
both EA internationals and EA Americans, (b) across both
survey and network measures of ethnic homophily, (c) whether
we assessed leadership emergence with leader nominations or
leader election, and (d) after we accounted for a host of control
variables (e.g., network centrality, English prociency, person-
ality, demographics).
Theoretical Contributions
The present research offers three major theoretical contributions.
First, we contribute to cultural psychology by advancing the nascent
literature on the Bamboo Ceiling phenomenon. Whereas a wealth of
research has examined the Glass Ceiling phenomenon for women
(Morrison et al., 1987), limited research has examined the Bamboo
Ceiling phenomenon. Our research extends this literature by pro-
viding insights into both the scope and mechanisms of the Bamboo
Ceiling phenomenon. In terms of scope, we found that ethnic EAs
but not ethnic SAswere less likely than other ethnicities to emerge
as leaders in multiethnic environments. This nding suggests that
the Bamboo Ceiling is not an issue for all Asians, but a cultural issue
unique to EAs. By culturally distinguishing between EAs and SAs,
the current research moves beyond the predominant West-vs-East
paradigm (Gelfand & Denison, 2020;San Martin et al., 2018)
and highlights the importance of examining differences within
the Asian ethnic umbrella. Future research should theoretically
and empirically distinguish among Asian subgroups where possible
(e.g., when collecting demographic information and conducting
analyses). In terms of mechanisms, we revealed a theoretically
novel explanation for the Bamboo Ceiling phenomenon. Whereas
past research has focused on EAslow assertiveness as a mechanism
for their disadvantage in leadership emergence (Lu et al., 2020), we
uncovered ethnic homophily as another mechanism above and
beyond assertiveness. That is, EAs are less likely to emerge as
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This article is intended solely for the personal use of the individual user and is not to be disseminated broadly.
Figure 5
Study 3: Simultaneous Mediation Analysis for Leader Election
18 LU
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leaders partly because their ethnic homophily is culturally incon-
gruent with the ethnically heterophilous leader suited to multiethnic
environments. Importantly, the Bamboo Ceiling occurred for both
EA internationals and EA Americans: Both were more homophilous
than their non-EA counterparts and thus less likely to emerge as
leaders in multiethnic environments.
Second, we contribute to the leadership literature by advancing a
social network perspective on leadership emergence in multiethnic
environments. Whereas much research has examined how social
network inuences leadership effectiveness, less research has exam-
ined how social network inuences leadership emergence (Lu,
2018), especially in multiethnic environments (see Carter et al.,
2015, for a review). Our network studies consistently found a
negative link between ethnic homophily and leadership emergence
for each of the ethnicitiesthat is, not only for EAs, but also for
SAs, Latinos, and Whites. Regardless of ethnicity, ethnically het-
erophilous individuals were more likely to emerge as leaders in
multiethnic environments. These results suggest that bonding with
people from different ethnic backgrounds is conducive to leadership
emergence in multiethnic environments, which are increasingly
common in the contemporary society.
Third, we contribute to the literature on ethnic homophily.
Whereas past studies have mostly compared the ethnic homophily
of Whites versus non-Whites (Mollica et al., 2003), we provided a
more comprehensive and nuanced comparison among different
ethnic groups. By contrasting the ethnic homophily of EAs and
other ethnicities, we highlight the role of culture in shaping social
network dynamics. Drawing on cultural differences in communica-
tion style, ethnic heterogeneity, and relational mobility, we theo-
rized why EAs may be more ethnically homophilous than other
ethnicities. We not only revealed cultural differences in ethnic
homophily but also demonstrated how they translate into differences
in leadership attainmentan important consequence. In doing so,
we extend the literature on the double-edged nature of ethnic
homophily: While same-ethnicity ties can provide social support
(Ibarra, 1993;James, 2000), they can also impede individuals
leadership emergence in multiethnic environments. By examining
the sociological construct of homophily, we respond to the call to
integrate social network analysis into psychology (Burt et al., 2013;
Kilduff & Lee, 2020;Kitayama, 2017;Oishi et al., 2009).
Practical Implications
The present research has actionable practical implications for
society, organizations, and individuals in an increasingly multieth-
nic world. Society should be alert to EAsunderrepresentation in
leadership rolesrather than assuming that Asians are the model
minority doing just ne(Lu et al., 2020). To help EAs break
through the Bamboo Ceiling, organizations could create opportu-
nities for interethnic interactions, such as interethnic lunches or
mentorships. Indeed, research suggests that social contact is a
prerequisite for meaningful relationships (Festinger et al., 1950;
Reagans, 2011). For EA individuals themselves, it is important to be
cognizant that high ethnic homophily can contribute to their under-
representation in leadership roles. EAs may benet from a conscious
effort to diversify their social networks (e.g., sports with individuals
from other ethnic backgrounds).
More broadly, our research provides insights into an important
question: How can individuals emerge as leaders in multiethnic
environments? Consistent with the literature (McPherson et al.,
2001), we found that all ethnicities exhibited ethnic homophily
to some extent. To emerge as leaders in multiethnic environments,
individuals need to step out of their cultural comfort zone and bond
with others from different ethnic backgrounds.
Limitations and Future Directions
The current research has several limitations which provide op-
portunities for future research. First, although Study 3 leveraged a
time-lagged design to examine the effect of ethnic homophily on
objective leadership emergence 1 year later, strict causal inference
could not be established. Future research could examine whether
experimental interventions that help EAs develop friendships with
ethnic outgroups can increase their leadership emergence (Gino
et al., 2020). For example, acculturation research suggests that
individuals who integrate the host culture into their ethnic identity
tend to exhibit lower ethnic homophily in friendship networks
(Mok et al., 2007;Repke & Benet-Martínez, 2017).
Second, although our law school study surveyed a large sample of
JD students and our MBA studies enabled us to examine the natural
processes of friendship formation and leadership emergence in a
new multiethnic environment (i.e., high ecological validity), future
research should ascertain the generalizability of our ndings in other
settings. For example, researchers could examine whether EA
employees are higher on ethnic homophily than non-EA employees,
and are thus less likely to emerge as leaders in the workplace.
Third, while our theory section discussed cultural differences in
(a) communication style, (b) ethnic heterogeneity, and (c) relational
mobility as potential explanations for EAshigh ethnic homophily,
our studies did not test these explanations. Additionally, while EAs
may prefer to socialize with other EAs, non-EAsbiases can also
contribute to EAsethnic homophily (Lin et al., 2005;Mehra et al.,
Future research is needed to pinpoint what mediates the link
between our predictor (EA vs. non-EA) and mediator (ethnic
homophily). Similarly, future research is needed to pinpoint what
mediates the negative link between our mediator (ethnic homophily)
and outcome (leadership emergence).
Fourth, it is noteworthy that our study contexts are multiethnic
environments, where socializing with people from different ethnic
backgrounds is conducive to leadership emergence. We speculate
that ethnic homophily is less likely to impede leadership emergence
in mostly monoethnic environments, as monoethnic environments
do not require a leader to bond with ethnic outgroups. For example,
in monoethnic cultures like Japan, it is essential for a Japanese
individual to bond with other Japanese in order to attain leadership.
This document is copyrighted by the American Psychological Association or one of its allied publishers.
This article is intended solely for the personal use of the individual user and is not to be disseminated broadly.
Notably, Lu et al. (2020) tested prejudice as a potential mechanism for
EAsunderrepresentation in leadership. They operationalized prejudice as
affective social distance, or antipathy toward close interactions with
members of a group(p. 4597). The researchers measured prejudice with
items such as How comfortable would you be if a [Chinese/Japanese/
Korean/Bangladeshi/Indian/Pakistani] American dated your sibling/shared
an ofce cubicle with you/became your next-door neighbor ::: ?(1 =very
uncomfortable,6=very comfortable). Lu et al. (2020) consistently found
that EAs faced less prejudice than SAs on average, possibly because of SAs
darker skin tone and physical resemblance to certain Middle Easterners.
For instance, SAs experienced considerable ethnic hostility in the aftermath
of 9/11(p. 4591). If EAs similarly faced less prejudice than SAs in our
studies, then anti-EA prejudice would be unlikely to be the main driver of
EAshigh ethnic homophily.
Template Version: 11 October 2021 6:01 pm IST PSP-A-2020-1216_format_nal 8 November 2021 3:53 pm IST
Finally, it is noteworthy that the multiethnic contexts in our
studies are nonpolitical. While ethnic homophily may negatively
predict individualsleadership emergence in non-political contexts,
ethnic homophily may produce cohesiveness that enables bloc
voting for ethnic minority candidates in political contexts
(Wolnger, 1965).
The present research advanced a social network explanation for
the Bamboo Ceiling phenomenon: ethnic homophily. We analyzed
a large-scale survey of JD students from 124 U.S. law schools and
conducted social network analysis on 11 complete class sections of
new MBA students in a U.S. business school. Our studies revealed
that ethnic East Asiansbut not ethnic South Asianswere less
likely than other ethnicities to emerge as leaders, partly because
EAs socialize more with ethnic ingroup members (i.e., other EAs).
The Bamboo Ceiling phenomenon arises partly from the cultural
mismatch between EAshigh ethnic homophily and the ethnic
heterophily needed for leadership emergence in multiethnic
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