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Retail coffee business analysis and industry development research based on Starbucks business model


Abstract and Figures

As retailing is the customer-based business and easy to observe, standing in this area will be a good view to see the wisdom of business management to change the world. After choosing retail coffee industry as topic, by which Starbucks represented, we will have two major contents to see the knowledge and the insight of business management and industry development research based on Starbucks business model. They are project selection and analysis of Starbucks involving industry development. The Starbucks business model analysis involves product management, customer relationship management, culture and brand management, and ethical marketing and corporate social responsibility. There are still some risks imbedded in the business model. Risks should be estimated and evaluated in advance, whilst project managers need to follow risk mitigation strategies.
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Retail coffee business analysis and industry development
research based on Starbucks business model
Jidi Cao1, Rui Qiu1,*
1Business School, Sichuan University, Chengdu, 610064, P. R. China
Abstract. As retailing is the customer-based business and easy to observe, standing in this area will be a
good view to see the wisdom of business management to change the world. After choosing retail coffee
industry as topic, by which Starbucks represented, we will have two major contents to see the knowledge and
the insight of business management and industry development research based on Starbucks business model.
They are project selection and analysis of Starbucks involving industry development. The Starbucks business
model analysis involves product management, customer relationship management, culture and brand
management, and ethical marketing and corporate social responsibility. There are still some risks imbedded
in the business model. Risks should be estimated and evaluated in advance, whilst project managers need to
follow risk mitigation strategies.
1 Introduction
All on-premises, off-premises, and online sales of hot,
iced, and instant coffee, as well as sales of coffee beans
and ground coffee, are included in the retail coffee
business [1,2]. Sales from all main retail channels,
including specialised stores, general merchandisers, and
online merchants, are included in this market [3,4]. Global
coffee consumption was estimated at USD 150.11 billion
in 2018 and is expected to reach USD 203.85 billion by
2024. As of the end of 2019, the worldwide coffee market
is expected to expand at a 5.5% compound annual growth
rate over the following five years. As one of the world's
most popular drinks and a significant source of caffeine,
coffee remains an integral part of society's daily routine
The European market is one of the main destinations
for speciality coffee [7,8]. Commercially, coffee is a
commodity, but many European businesses are promoting
it as an artisanal product [9]. The port-covered ports of
Antwerp, Bremen, Hamburg, Genoa, Le Havre, and
Trieste contribute to Europe's coffee supply [10].
European supermarkets are the primary distribution centre
for coffee, whether in the form of capsules or single-origin
variations [11,12]. It has enabled them to remain
sustainable and provide the customers what they want.
Notably, even traditional roasters have jumped into the
retail coffee industry, with offerings that are even more
particularised for their customers [13]. Also, this tendency
has contributed to pricing disparities and has proven
difficult for exporters because of the market segmentation.
2 Project selection
There are four aspects need to measure and evaluate when
select the project to make sure we find the right direction.
Firstly, risk, the unpredictability of firm is low for
retail coffee. The quality and safety of beverage like
coffee is guaranteed within mature production supply
chain and production process. The technical issues cannot
be a major problem since not many customers chase
extraordinary taste when come to retail stores, otherwise,
the focus should be customer experience beyond coffee
The second screening criteria is market potential.
Although coffee is much more popular in Europe and
America than in Asia-Pacific areas, the potential demand
needs to be found and customers need to be educated in
new continents across the sea. The project will dig into
customer behaviour to know how to turn customer
demand into tangible outcomes and intangible interests.
Indeed, there is large space to develop the business in
emerging market like China, India, and other developing
The third standard is internal operating. Because the
business model in retail coffee is close in different areas,
which is supported by similar supply chain from different
vendors. And the process basically includes: Purchase of
coffee pods, machine and other materials; Operating for
different kinds of products as handmade or automated;
Shipping to supermarket, coffee stores and other sale
channel; Packing, shipping, or serving buyers to fulfil
Brand effect is the fourth consideration. From a long
history, a success in one country can be duplicated in
another land, especially in current globalization, where
E3S Web of Conferences 29 2, 03030 (2021)
NETID 2021
© The Authors, published by EDP Sciences. This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative
Commons Attribution License 4.0
customers’ reliance and dependence play a greater role
than ever before. With the help of information share and
IT transforming, prestige and brand can be powerful
weapon to expand the new market and lead customer
behaviour in retailing.
Meeting criteria, detailed project management of
Starbucks will give us a picture how it takes over the
market and change the world in the next section.
3 Analysis of Starbucks business model
A project is a temporary undertaking aimed at creating a
unique product, service, or outcome. Some characteristics
can be found: projects are one-time procedures that are
difficult to manage; the only thing that stands between
projects is money, time, and resources; a project is created
to achieve a certain objective or set of objectives. When it
comes to projects, they are customer focused.
The project of coffee store contains diverse resource,
which is political, economic, social, and technological,
such as fixed investment, human resource, marketing, etc.
Demand for certified coffee goods, growing use of single-
serve coffee brewing devices, and continuous innovation
among the leaders in the coffee industry are three
important variables that influence the market.
According to the statistics from International Coffee
Organization [14], the global coffee consumption
increased by 6.12% from 2016 to 2018. However, the
strict epidemic prevention policy in 2019 leads to the
suspension of coffee shops, where the global coffee
consumption decreased from 168.49 million bags in 2018
to 164.53 million bags in 2019, and coffee consumption is
expected to go up at 166.63 million bags in 2020, as
shown in Fig. 1.
Figure 1. Global coffee consumption
Since its establishment in 1971 in Seattle, Washington,
Starbucks has completed the expansion of its 10000 stores
in 2006 and 30,000 stores in 2019 respectively, as shown
in Fig. 2 [15]. There are some reasons for Starbucks'
success. Firstly, Starbucks creates brand effect with high-
quality products, and widely use Starbucks logo in
packaging; Secondly, stores location with high flow and
high exposure were selected to effectively enhance brand
awareness; Thirdly, it created a stable and fashionable
decoration style, and the strong brand effect he lps with the
rapid expansion.
Figure 2. Store expansion of Starbucks
The business model of Starbucks is designed to get
more market share and shareholders return, in which
limited by time, cost, performance and customer
acceptance, so we called quadruple constraint of project
Since goals of project include ensuring client
satisfaction and meeting financial objectives within a
specified budget, this article will focus on marketing
management of Starbucks, which includes product
management, customer relationship management, culture
and brand management and ethical marketing and
corporate social responsibility.
3.1 Product management
Essential to build client loyalty is providing a firm with
stability, regularity of demand, and resistance to
competition within a market.
For different groups, Starbucks has targeting and
flexible strategy. 18-to-40-year-old demographic
provided the chance for various tactics; the shop offers
high-quality coffee for hard-to-consume customers while
maintaining a premium brand image. Following the trend
of people’s lifestyle is also an important product strategy.
As the development of artificial meat, Starbucks launched
meatless breakfast to compete with other retail restaurants
like McDonald’s. Starbucks is trying to boost night-time
sales because most people don't purchase coffee before
bed, like beer or wine. Refer to Figure 3, which depicts
the strategic move that may be classified as product
development or even diversification.
Figure 3. Ansoff Matrix.
The sales from beverage are still the major source,
which accounts for more than 60% total sales in the past
eight years, as shown in Fig. 4 [16]. The average annually
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growth of sales is close to 10% from 2013 when Starbucks
take the spearhead in the retail coffee industry, indicating
the robust expansion and potential sustainability of the
company. Besides, the structure of sales segmentation is
comparably stable even under the pressure of COVID-19,
which implicate the diversification may happen within
beverage areas, not in the whole product matrix.
Figure 4. Sales segmentation of Starbucks
Starbucks always promote their concepts of third-
party space, to which provide comfortable space for
people with social needs and workplace requirement, and
this could be a personalized experience since the Internet
distances us from real social activity when marking us
closer online. People go to Starbucks aim to acquire
private time and space to settle down for chats or work
outside workplace and home, escaping from repeated life
routine between family and work.
Additionally, the business prioritises thoroughness.
for instance, consumers know the sources of their coffee
or tea because of fair-trade groups that do regular audits
on the coffee production process at Starbucks When it
comes to environmental sustainability, designs are the
most powerful component. Customers have written their
name on the coffee cup, which indicates that the coffee
shop values and supports its customers.
3.2 Customer relationship management
From analysis of customer behaviour, maintaining the
relationship and adapting trend with customers are the key
to carry sustainable business and gain long-run profit.
The Starbucks mobile application which enabled
consumers to pay at Starbucks processed almost 20
million transactions in total over the course of a year.
Social media is a component of Starbucks' customer
relationship management, since they use websites such as
Twitter and Facebook to socially interact with its users.
Cognitive loyalty is challenging to adopt, and
therefore Starbucks usually rewards consumers with their
loyalty cards in order to boost customer loyalty. The gold
member reward package is also available.
By collecting data on what items customers purchase,
and which locations they visit, Starbucks gains new
insights about its customers. These offers will be used for
a proposition: consumers will get personalised offers with
their favourite goods, which will make them feel as
though they are saving money.
3.3 Culture and brand management
Culture affects company success through driving values,
conventions, traditions, and behavioural expectations
within the workplace environment. Starbucks' principles
have stayed constant since the company's inception in
1971. Their goal statement is as follows: "To inspire and
nurture the human spirit - one person, one cup, and one
neighbourhood at a time." At Starbucks, the company
culture penetrates all parts of the business, including
franchisees and licensees. The atmosphere within
company-owned Starbucks locations is particularly
visible for employees. Coffee workers' practises and their
interactions with customers are indications of the
company's corporate culture. Cultural distinctiveness,
which includes Dunkin' Donuts and McDonald's, is part
of the coffee shop company's unique and welcoming
atmosphere. Despite economic changes and industry-
specific developments, Starbucks has an organisational
culture that connects to brand development and
worldwide expansion of the franchise and licencing
3.4 Ethical marketing and corporate social
A successful project team should possess a strong sense
of purpose, productive interdependence, cohesion, trust,
excitement, and a results-oriented mindset. Employees are
referred to as "partners," which fosters a feeling of
belonging to a community in which management
relationships are more open than in a traditional employee
Consumers now days look for ethical behaviour, and
customers are ready to pay more for additional service
even if it is possible to get same quality for less. An
individual's belonging in a group is one of Maslow's
hierarchy of needs, since when people feel as if they
belong, they gain happiness.
Overall, in 2014 Starbucks was included as a prize for
its local farmer assistance programme, coffees ethical
supplies, and the environmentally friendly shops and
materials utilised in 2014 "World's Most Ethical
Companies." Starbucks aspires to have all of its coffee
(95% in 2013) sourced ethically by 2015, and they aim to
use this mission to influence global standards and improve
farmer livelihoods. The shops are constructed entirely of
recycled materials, and the cups used to serve drinks are
likewise 100 percent recyclable. Clearly, the pleasant
atmosphere, along with the development of strong ethical
ideals, has boosted Starbucks sales.
All in all, Starbucks improve the performance and
brand equity through this ethical approach which focuses
on social effect, rather than through tremendous
investment in advertising and publicity. Words of mouth
is self-evident advertisement, gaining more credit and
positive image, and it is also a lesson that modern
enterprises are taught in era of instant information.
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4 Conclusions
Starbucks is a successful project because looking at the
results of project, the company has outstanding financial
performance and operating output. We can learn more
than strategy and theory form the business model to
enhance our future projects. Then we view Starbucks
through analysis of marketing management and industry
In product management, Starbucks has agile strategy
targets at different consumer groups with respective
demand, even new product like wine and beer is launched
as product development. More than coffee, the company
focuses on customer in-store experience, which makes its
position in retail coffee untouchable. The service includes
the friendly environment, personalized detail, visible
hand-made process, etc. The comprehensive experience in
Starbucks is unforgettable and cannot easily replaced by
other peers, providing additional brand equity and
business image. Reviewing customer relationship
management, the company used fidelity card, social
media, and mobile app to get involved in customers’ daily
life and to promote products. This maintains a healthy
connection with customers and increase the stickiness of
service. From culture and brand management, Starbucks
seek for methods to keep a positive image in front of
public and make people think about high quality product,
delicate service, and medium-top class behaviour,
triggering the humanity desire for sense of belonging.
Ethical management and corporate social responsibility
are innovative ways to help Starbucks become the leader.
Invisible advertising connected with CSR is the approach
that touches people’s mind and feelings, which is more
effective and economical than conventional advertising.
This can be informative template for entrepreneurs and
project managers to rethink about marketing and publicity
in the execution phase of the whole project life cycle.
However, there is still some risks imbedded in the
business model. Some boycott in the last five years
happened as the price of Starbucks is much higher than
competitors, and it also involved in tax evasion in U.K. in
early years that push the stock price at the brink. Risks
should be estimated and evaluated in advance, whilst
project managers need to follow risk mitigation strategies,
to accept, minimize, share, and transfer the uncertainty or
loss whenever it happens.
This research was supported by the National Natural
Science Foundation of China under Grant No.71901157,
the China Postdoctoral Science Foundation under Grant
No. 2019M660244, and the Soft Science Program of
Sichuan Province under Grant No. 2020JDR0099.
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E3S Web of Conferences 29 2, 03030 (2021)
NETID 2021
... The store environment, service experience and exquisite products left a good impression of high quality on customers. In addition, Starbucks had also entered customers' daily lives through fidelity cards, social media and mobile apps [1]. Although it was a successful business model, some risks still existed. ...
... Although it was a successful business model, some risks still existed. Since Starbucks' prices were much higher than those of its competitors, and it also had tax evasion in the U.K. in the early years that push the stock of the company to collapse [1]. Thus, the author suggested that Starbucks should have an evaluation and estimation of risks in advance. ...
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This paper mainly analyzed the business model and strategy transformation made by Starbucks in two key years, namely the financial crisis in 2008 and the sudden outbreak of the epidemic in 2020. The main objective of this paper was to understand and analyze the decisions made by Starbucks in terms of financial performance, strategy and business model during these two special years, to bring better inspiration and corresponding strategies to other multinational enterprises. This paper first investigated and analyzed past articles in related fields, and then conducted a financial ratio analysis on their financial statements between 2007 and 2021. Finally, it concluded that based on the analysis of Starbucks, other multinational enterprises should learn from its strengths and avoid risks. First of all, other multinational companies could actively expand their market shares, but not blindly. Secondly, relative services should be provided according to the demands of customer groups. Thirdly, we should analyze the current economic development in time to choose between long-term and short-term debt. In addition, employee benefits and incentives were also one key factor for Starbucks to become a successful multinational enterprise.
... The authors found that Starbucks is a successful project because of its outstanding financial performance and operational output. However,due to Starbucks' higher prices, there are also some risks in its business [1]. Chen and Liang studied the current situation of Starbucks' supply chain through case analysis, summarize and comment on relevant articles, and 3A(Agility, Alignment, Adaptation),3S(Substitution effect, Scale effect, Structural effect)model. ...
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With the rapid growth of the Chinese economy, the improvement of peoples living and consumption standards, and the popularization of coffee culture, many new coffee shops have emerged in China, forming a huge potential consumption market for coffee in China. And with the popularity of coffee drinks, coffee has made significant development in China. This article will study the current situation and future development of the Chinese coffee market, and provide suggestions on how to better build coffee brands in the future. The research results indicate that the coffee market is thriving in major cities in China. But in the sinking market of China, coffee is still a new type of beverage. Coffee brands should have strong product research capabilities to attract more consumers. In the future, businesses should focus on in store design, service customization, brand image, and marketing to create better coffee brands.
... Approximately one-third of studies analyze popular business models of large companies like Nestle (Nescafe, Nespresso), Starbucks, or Illy [15,[34][35][36][37][38], highlighting the lack of BMI research on coffee SMEs [39]. Three of the studies focus on smallholders proposing the inclusive business model involving the entire stakeholders as market actors as the way forward [40,41], whereas others promote the Relationship Coffee Model (RCM), where coffee quality is at the core of the relationship between growers and global buyers [42]. ...
Conference Paper
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The world is changing. The coffee industry is facing major challenges, largely shaped by climate change, changing consumer habits, sustainability and digitalisation. Scientists and experts from all over the world and all fields will present the latest findings on climate change, sustainable cultivation, consumption and digitalisation and show solutions and applicable concepts. The International Coffee Convention is aimed at all decision-makers in the coffee industry, farmers, roasters and the trade. Together with experts and colleagues, we want to highlight challenges and offer solutions. It is time for real, science-based solutions that answer the challenges of the coffee industry.
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With the rise of high-end technologies such as artificial intelligence and big data, many new consumption patterns are constantly emerging, from offline retail to online e-commerce and then to a New Retail mode combining online e-commerce, offline and logistics. The New Retail mode not only brings a strong impact to the traditional retail industry, but also provides many enterprises with new operation and marketing ideas. The research object selected by the author is Luckin coffee, a representative enterprise of the New Retail mode, by analyzing the operation mode of “online APP+ offline store + logistics” used by Luckin coffee and the marketing method implemented under this mode, the innovation of Luckin coffee’s marketing method is concluded, including Viral social fission marketing, Innovation of service process, Big data differentiated marketing, Novel scene positioning, Omni-channel retail, which can provide some ideas such as Social fission, Big data prediction, differentiated marketing, Fully integrated channels and so on for other traditional retail enterprises to reform and new Retail enterprises to formulate marketing strategies.
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The purpose of this research is to find out the opportunity to move from a coffee brand to another coffee brand in a certain period of time and then, make a prediction of the chances of further coffee transfer until the steady state condition is obtained. This research is motivated by the phenomenon of selling three brands of coffee in one of the stalls in the Garut area. The method that used in this research was “Markov Theory” in which the time span used was the number of sales of each brand of coffee within two months. From the results of observations, there are three coffee brands that are most in demand by consumers, namely “ABC” Coffee, “Luwak White” Coffee and “Kapal Api Mix” Coffee. From the results of the analysis, the steady state conditions of the sales of the three coffee brands were obtained at the sixth month with the sales probability value for ABC coffee, Luwak White Coffee coffee, and Kapal Api Mix coffee, each of which was 31.28%, 21.66%, and 47.06%. When viewed from the results of research that has been obtained, it can be concluded that the probability of selling the three coffee brands is quite even and this can be a consideration for sellers to be able to provide the three coffee brands more than the other brands so that the sales of the three coffee brands will increase.
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Purpose The purpose of this paper is to present a method to find a generally accepted employee engagement scale, particularly in the presence of various alternatives and objectives. Design/methodology/approach To find the measurement scales, seminal works encapsulating organizational engagement, job engagement and work engagement in Cinhal, PsycINFO and ABI/INFORM database have been reviewed. For finding the optimal choice from available scales, multi-criteria decision-making (MCDM) method was used. Findings An agreed-upon measurement scale is achievable through the knowledge of alternatives and consequences, as well as consistent preference ordering and a decision rule. However, choice of the most effective scale varies according to the preference of decision makers. Practical implications This study proposes MCDM method as an intervention for practitioners who aim to assess the level of employee engagement in their organizations. It also provides a decision-making method to scholars to surmount conflicting objectives in their measurement. Originality/value While previous studies have developed manifold measurement scales, there is no study to indicate which scale best measures employee engagement. This paper attempts to define how to choose one scale among the various existing gauges of engagement.
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Since their entry to Japan in the latter half of the 19th century, coffee and coffee shops have been closely linked to the economic, political, and socio-cultural change undergone by the Japanese society. The cafés themselves have gone through numerous transformations in order to address the various social needs of their patrons. Today, coffee shops occupy a significant niche in the Japanese urban lifestyle. However, the cultural ‘baggage' of coffee as a foreign commodity still plays a central role in generating its consumer appeal. Coffee is a global commodity whose value on the world market is surpassed only by oil. Moreover, due to its peculiar historical background, it became a beverage charged with a wide range of cultural meanings; tracing these meanings in different contexts can shed light on the way cultural commodities ‘behave' in the globalized world. In order to examine the niche that coffee occupies in the Japanese consumption scene, I will analyze the manner in which representations of coffee are constructed and translated into a consumer experience. Through the case of coffee in Japan I will try to demonstrate the process of ‘movement of culture', whereby the relevance of a foreign commodity in the local context is determined by the complex interplay between two culturally engineered binary entities of ‘global' and ‘local', ‘foreign' and ‘native'.
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Nearly all retailers use price scanning systems to process transactions quickly, and presumably, accurately. Inaccuracies in scanned prices have important implications for retailers in that undercharges may impact retail profitability while overcharges could result in negative consumer perceptions of retailers and continued legal action. Here, we investigate the overall State of accuracy of scanned prices and develop certain empirical generalizations. To do so, we begin with a review of what is known regarding the accuracy of scanned prices and conduct a reanalysis of FTC data and compare the results with those from more recent cross-sectional data from the State of Washington. We then conduct a thorough analysis of a large longitudinal price scanner data set, with 231,760 products screened over a 15-year period. We investigate accuracy across different retailer characteristics, merchandise locations, and promotional activities. Implications of these results for retailers are discussed.
Background: Snacking is associated with a higher daily energy intake and dietary guidelines recommend snacks of no more than 200 kcal for adults and 100 kcal for children. The present study examines the energy content, nutritional quality and price of single-serving snack food products sold by major supermarket and coffee shop chains in the UK. Methods: Energy content, nutritional content and price of single-serving snack products were recorded in 2019 via the websites of 14 major chains (seven supermarkets; seven coffee shops). Results: The mean energy content of all eligible snack products (n = 2283) was 186 kcal [95% confidence interval (CI) = 182-190]. The mean energy content of the snack products sold at coffee shops (n = 379; 282 kcal [95% CI = 269-295]) was significantly higher than the energy content of the snack products sold at supermarkets (n = 1904; 167 kcal [95% CI = 164-170]). Seventy nine % of supermarket snacks exceeded energy recommendations for children and 32% for adults. In coffee shops, 91% exceeded recommendations for children and 73% for adults. Forty one % of snacks were high in fat, 42% were high in saturated fat, 39% were high in sugar and 7% were high in salt. Cheaper snack products were more likely to be of lower nutritional quality. Conclusions: The high proportion of snack products that do not meet public health recommendations for energy content may contribute to the association between snacking and increased energy intake. Public health measures to increase the availability and reduce the price of snack products that meet public health energy content recommendations may reduce population-level obesity.
Aim Cakes and muffins are commonly consumed discretionary foods that have increased significantly in portion size over the past decades. The present study aimed to (i) investigate serving sizes and energy per serving of cakes and muffins sold in supermarkets and coffee chains, (ii) compare to standard discretionary serves and (iii) propose feasible and appropriate serving size recommendations. Methods Serving sizes and energy content of cakes and muffins were collected from four major Australian supermarkets (n = 219) and eight coffee chains (n = 248) between March and April 2017 and classified into eight categories and compared using Mann–Whitney tests. Median energy per serving of cakes and muffins from supermarkets and coffee chains were compared to the Australian Dietary Guidelines standard serve of 600 kJ for discretionary food. Results The median serving size of cakes and muffins from supermarkets, 58 g (interquartile range, IQR: 47–83) and their energy content, 915 kJ (IQR: 745–1243) were significantly smaller compared with coffee chain equivalents, 148 g (IQR: 115–171, P < 0.001) and 1805 kJ (IQR: 1436–2004, P < 0.001), respectively. The majority of cakes and muffins exceeded the Australian Dietary Guidelines standard serve (78% from supermarkets and 99% from coffee chains). Conclusions The larger servings of cakes and muffins sold in coffee chains contain nearly double the energy content of smaller servings sold in supermarkets. We recommend reference serving sizes for industry and food retail are set for this category, in combination with consumer education to guide consumers to select appropriate portion sizes.
Purpose The purpose of this paper is to shed light on how big data deployment transforms organizational practices, thereby generating potential benefits, in a specific industry: retail. Design/methodology/approach To achieve the paper’s goal, the authors have conducted several semi-structured interviews with marketing managers of four retailers in Italy, and researched secondary data to get a broader picture of big data deployment in the organizations. Findings Data analysis helped identify specific aspects related to big data deployment, data gathering methods, required competences and data sharing approaches. Originality/value Despite the growing interest in big data in various fields of research, there are still few empirical studies on big data deployment in organizations in the management field, and even fewer on specific sectors. This research provides evidence of specific areas of analysis concerning big data in the retail industry.
Coffee is one of the staple beverages across Europe. The three highest GDP holders in the continent: France, Germany, UK have been compared based on their amount of coffee consumption relative to certain specific demographic variables. Three distinct user types have been identified in terms of heavy, medium and low coffee users. Variables ranging from age groups, household income, household size, gender and others have been utilized to offer an insight into the relationship of the aforesaid variables towards coffee consumption amongst the user groups. Moreover, consumption patterns, country wise and user based similarities and divergences have been investigated. The study provides a basis for future potential penetration into the coffee markets in the regions discussed as well as greater Europe.
Coffee, with its aromatic appeal and distinctive flavor, is the world's favorite beverage. Throughout history, coffee has been known to delight and stimulate the senses, comfort the spirit, and encourage conversation and camaraderie. This review explores the legend, history, economics, and health of this drink from its origin in Ethiopia to its worldwide consumption today and summarizes current knowledge on its beneficial effects and possible risks. Caffeine, the major constituent of coffee, is also found in other popular beverages (cola-containing soft drinks, tea) and nonprescription pharmaceutical preparations; Innumerable studies have been conducted on the major ingredient of coffee-caffeine-and much experimental, clinical, and epidemiological data has been accumulated. This chapter summarizes current knowledge on the health effects of coffee/caffeine on the central nervous and cardiovascular systems and the effect of caffeine on reproduction, bone loss-and cellular division.