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The New Dad: The Career-Caregiving Conundrum


Abstract and Figures

This chapter draws mainly from “The New Dad” studies, a decade long research series done by the Boston College Center for Work & Family which studied the changing role of primarily college-educated, white-collar fathers working in large US-based corporate settings. The series explored the experiences of these fathers on a wide range of issues including their transition to fatherhood, work roles, definitions of success, attitudes on paternity leave and caregiving, and work-family issues.
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The New Dad: The Career-Caregiving
Brad Harrington
1 Introduction and Research Overview
Over the last decade, the Boston College Center for Work & Family has completed a
series of research studies on the changing face of fatherhood in the United States of
America. We began our series in 2009 to ll the gap we observed in high quality,
in-depth research that existed on American fathers. We saw that this dearth of
research had led to many unfortunate misconceptions, including:
Outdated workplace assumptions about the caregiving roles that fathers play
Employer work-family programs targeted, explicitly or implicitly, at women,
making men reluctant to take advantage of these offerings
Increased work-family conict for fathers that is not widely recognized or
Inaccurate portrayals of fathers in the media
Perhaps the most troubling problem was that fathersvoices were often absent
from, or even seen as irrelevant to, work-family conversations. In an effort to address
this, we began our journey with a relatively small sample, a qualitative study of
fathers of very young children to better understand their experiences transitioning to
fatherhood. We titled our rst report The New Dad for the obvious reason that the
men in the sample were all new dads. But we did this also because we were trying to
explore whether the role of fathers was, in fact, changing and a new model was
emerging. This report became the rst step in a 10-year journey, with a new
B. Harrington (*)
Boston College Center for Work and Family (CWF), Carroll School of Management, Boston
College, Chestnut Hill, MA, USA
©The Author(s) 2022
M. Grau Grau et al. (eds.), Engaged Fatherhood for Men, Families and Gender
Equality, Contributions to Management Science,
publication each year, exploring different perspectives of the role todays father play
at work and in the home.
Not surprisingly, we have observed that fathersroles are indeed in a state of
transition in the U.S. Also, not surprisingly, this period of change brings with it
accompanying dilemmas. The most fundamental dilemma the dads we have studied
face is nding the sweet spot between a focus on their careers vs. their caregiving
responsibilities. The results of all our studies show that a very signicant percent of
todays fathers struggle with this conundrum and knowing where they should be on
the career vs caregiver spectrum in order to do the right thing for their partners and
themselves. This chapter will highlight results from our studies, and some other
noted scholars, that bring to light fatherscaregiving dilemma.
Our research samples over this time have focused almost exclusively on U.S.,
college educated, white-collar fathers who work in large corporations. As such, we
do not assert that the results are generalizable to all fathers.
We have been gratied that The New Dad series has contributed to a growing
body of knowledge about the experiences and expectations of todays fathers. We
feel that it has also catalyzed a signicant increase in our national dialogue on this
important subject.
2 Comparing Dadsand MomsCaregiving Responsibilities
The historic, often stereotypical, division of labor in which men go off to work and
women take care of children and the home is no longer the common model of todays
American family. Signicantly, more families are dual-career, with both mothers
and fathers working. There are even more single-parent headed households in the
U.S. than the historical model of the traditional American family.As a result, there
is increasing pressure on men to do a greater share of childcare and housework than
was the case in previous generations. Mothersincreased labor force participation
demands this. According to a 2015 EY global workforce study, Millennials are
almost twice as likely to have a spouse/partner working full-time than Baby
Boomers were (78% for Millennials vs. 47% of Baby Boomers). The Bureau of
Labor Statistics (2014) reports that in 2013 both parents were employed in 59.1% of
all married couples with a child under 18 years old.
Time use data indicate that men have nearly tripled their time spent providing
primary childcare, (i.e., the amount of time when childcare is their primary activity)
over the last few decades (Wang and Bianchi 2009). Although women continue to
spend more hours providing childcare than men do, fathers spent about 2.5 h in
primary childcare activities per week from 1965 to 1985, and that number had grown
to nearly 7 h per week by 2000 and to 7.5 h by 2015. In 2013, the Pew Research
Center identied a similar increase in fathersinvolvement in the home (Pew 2013a).
Pew reported that when one combines child care, housework, and paid work time,
fathers dedicate approximately the same number of total hours to the family as
198 B. Harrington
mothers do, but mothers still spend approximately two times as many hours on
childcare and housework as their male partners (in heterosexual couples).
It is also interesting to examine whether mens participation in caregiving is
different for men whose wives are in the paid labor force versus those whose wives
are not. Wang and Bianchi (2009) found that:
Fathers whose spouses worked for pay spent signicantly more time in solo care
activities (i.e., without their spouse present) than men whose wives were at-home
full time.
Fathers with spouses in the paid workforce were more involved in childcare,
particularly when their children were infants and toddlers, than fathers whose
wives did not work.
A 2015 study by Ohio State University researchers using time diary data from
182 couples who participated in the New Parents Project found that 95% of both
men and women who were about to have their rst child agreed that mothers and
fathers should equally share the childcare responsibilities (Yavorsky et al. 2015). In
the same vein, Knight and Brinton (2017) found that 93% of Europeans agree that
men should take as much responsibility as women for home and childrenand 78%
agree, fathers are as well-suited to look after their children as mothers.According
to the Ohio State study however, after the arrival of their child, men did about 10 h a
week of physical childcare the less fun worksuch as changing diapers and
bathing the baby while women spent 15 h per week engaged in those activities.
Men spent about 4 h and women about 6 h per week in the more funpart of
parenting, which included activities such as reading to the baby and playing.
(Yavorsky et al. 2015).
Is the division of labor also problematic for same-sex couples? A Families and
Work Institute study of both same-sex and different-sex couples indicated that men
in same-sex couples have signicantly higher satisfaction with the division of
household and childcare responsibilities. As these tasks cannot be divided solely
based on traditional gender roles, more conversations occur about how the respon-
sibilities are fullled. In both same-sex and different-sex couples, those who have
conversations about the divisions of household responsibilities have a higher satis-
faction with the division of labor than those who do not explicitly address such
concerns (Matos 2015).
3 How Do Fathers See their Roles?
Historically, most people assumed that a fathers role was clear he was the
breadwinner, providing his family with the much-needed economic means to make
other family objectives possible from the basic necessities of food and shelter, to
the longer term, more strategic investments in funding childrens college educations
and mom and dads retirement. But times have changed.
The New Dad: The Career-Caregiving Conundrum 199
In 2013, the Pew Research Center released a report (2013b) stating that in the U.
S., women now made up 40% of primary household earners. In response to this, in
June of the same year, the New York Times published a Room for Debateeditorial
titled What are Fathers For?The title suggested that as mens role as the family
breadwinner was diminishing, it raised a question of how much and in what ways do
fathers contribute to contemporary families (New York Times 2013). On closer
examination, the most important detail from the Pew study behind the headline was
glossed over that in 5 out of 8 of the households where the mother was the primary
breadwinner, she was also the only adult present (i.e., it was a single mother-led
household). In homes where an unmarried woman was the sole breadwinner, the
familys average income was only $23,000 a year. More than half of the children in
such homes live in poverty. By contrast, female breadwinners who were living with
and earning more than their husbands were in an entirely different income bracket;
their median salary was $80,000. And for the remaining 60% of U.S. families where
the woman is not the primary breadwinner, fathers are still the main nancial
So how do fathers today see their role as breadwinners vs. caregivers? In our 2011
study The New Dad: Caring, Committed and Conicted (Harrington et al. 2011),
which surveyed 963 fathers employed in one of four Fortune 100 organizations,
fathers were asked to identify where they fell on the continuum between providing
for their familiesnancial needs (the breadwinning role) and caring for their
familiesemotional and physical needs (the caregiving role). The result was surpris-
ing. More than 2/3 of the fathers believed the two were equally weighted they did
not see themselves solely or even primarily as nancial providers as one might
010 20 30 40 50 60 70 80
Earning money to meet
my child’s financial needs.
Mostly earning money to meet
my child’s financial needs, but also
providing some physical/emotional
care for him/her.
Both caring for my child
and earning money to meet
his/her financial needs.
Mostly caring for my child,
but also earning some money
to meet his/her financial needs.
caring for my child.
Fig. 1 How fathers see their role: Caregiving vs. breadwinning. Source: Boston College Center for
Work & Family. The New Dad: Caring, Conicted and Committed. 2011
200 B. Harrington
expect. In fact, as can be seen in Fig. 1below, less than 5% of the fathers reported
that they saw their role as being a nancial provider alone.
How does this more balanced view manifest itself in action? Do organizations
and society as a whole support fathers as caregivers? Are fathers more sensitive to
organizational culture norms that their female counterparts? Are fathers still more
ambitious and career focused than mothers? Are fathers likely to be, or even consider
being, stay at home fathers than was the case in the past? How do mens actions align
with their expressed desire to be more fully engaged caregivers? These are the topics
that much of our research set out to explore.
In our 2016 study on Millennial fathers (Harrington et al. 2016), we explored the
issue of how sensitive Millennial dads were to cues transmitted by their corporate
culture regarding the so-called ideal worker.This model would suggest that the
ideal worker is one who goes to any length to be sure work is completed, is available
beyond standard hours to focus on work projects, and will compromise time with
ones family and personal life to meet their employers expectations (Williams
2001). We compared their feelings with those of Millennials mothers.
As the Millennial dads strive to reach their professional goals, they seem to be
keenly aware of and inuenced by their workplace culture. In our study, the young
fathers indicated greater awareness and sensitivity to the demands of their employers
and to the vision of the ideal worker than their female counterparts. Men were more
likely to characterize their work environments as requiring a great deal in terms of
time, energy, and focus.
As can be seen in Fig. 2, the fathers were more likely than mothers to characterize
their work environments as requiring work to be primary. Constant availability was
seen as the expectation for one-third of fathers (vs. 20% of mothers), and nearly half
of fathers saw 50 h as the baseline commitment expected in order to get ahead.
0% Work should be
the primary
priority in life
If highly
committed to
personal lives
can’t be
cmmitted to
The way to
advance is to
keep personal life
out of work
The ideal
employee is
available 24/7
Is expected to
work 50+ hrs to
get ahead
Refusing promo/
transfer will
seriously hurt
Mothers Fathers
“%agree / strongly agree
Perceptions of Work Culture
Fig. 2 How Millennial mothers and fathers respond to cues from their corporate culture. Source:
Boston College Center for Work & Family. The New Millennial Dad: Understanding the Paradox
of Todays Fathers. 2016
The New Dad: The Career-Caregiving Conundrum 201
Slightly more Millennial dads than moms believed keeping their personal life out of
the workplace was important for advancement. Relative to their female peers,
Millennial fathers were more likely to believe that turning down a promotion or
transfer would seriously hurt their careers, and they were more inclined to believe
that their employer felt work should be primary in ones life.
Despite the high hurdles for career success, fathers indicated a greater willingness
to do what was necessary to succeed professionally and to make tradeoffs affecting
their personal and family lives. Nearly 87% of men with children were willing to put
in a great deal of effort at work beyond what was normally required (compared to
77% of mothers). Fathers characterized themselves as highly engaged with their
work and expressed a deep sense of professional responsibility. Four-out-of-ve
described themselves as being very involved personally with their jobs and over half
experienced their organizations problems as their own. Importantly, dads were
twice as likely as mothers to want to advance even if it meant less time with their
children (although that number was still quite small at 16%) and nearly twice as
likely to be willing to relocate for career advancement.
The heightened sensitivity of fathers to organizational norms might be explained
by the reality that men reap greater professional rewards with regards to opportu-
nities and compensation than mothers. Research has shown, for example, that
while women experience a motherhood penaltyin terms of diminished earning
after becoming a parent, men receive a fatherhood bonus(Hodges and Budig
2010; Budig 2014). This sensitivity may also come from understanding the costs that
can be associated with more conspicuous family focus as we explain in the next
section. While fathers portrayed the terms of engagement for professional growth as
very demanding, and with attendant costs, they were more willing to meet those
terms in their pursuit of career success. This can leave fathers with less time and
energy for active involvement as caregivers and equal partners at home, thwarting
their efforts to get closer to the egalitarian ideal of truly shared caregiving.
4 Is there a Career Penalty for Being a Committed Dad?
As we will explore later in this chapter, most fathers who participated in our research
seek to be equal caregivers with their spouse. But does such caregiving inevitably
mean career penalties for dads? Women have faced negative career consequences for
many years as the result of their caregiving responsibilities. When women become
parents, there is often an assumption that they will make compromises at work due to
their family responsibilities, whether or not that is in fact the case. It is well
documented that women pay a price for becoming mothers from pay losses (Budig
and England 2001) to being viewed as less committed, less promotable, and even
less competent in the workplace (Correll et al. 2007).
While research indicates the motherhood penalty is steep, the penalty for highly
involved fathers may be even steeper. (Williams 2010; Berdahl and Moon 2013).
For fathers who are the sole or primary breadwinners, the risks of prioritizing family
202 B. Harrington
at the cost of their focus on work, may simply seem too high. As women have
historically struggled with these unfair suppositions, there has, at least, been an
expectation that mothers are faced with difcult trade-offs due to the dual demands
of work and family. There is little such expectation when it comes to men.
This could be due to gender stereotypes and the very short duration of mens
parental leave patterns. For example, 16% of fathers in our 2011 study (Harrington
et al. 2011) took no time off following the birth of their most recent child and 96%
took 2 weeks or less. 96% of fathers reported that their supervisor expects no change
to occur to their working patterns as the result of their becoming parents. While as
mentioned, many fathers may experience a fatherhood bonus in terms of compen-
sation, by contrast, those who take time off to be active caregivers often suffer lower
long-term earnings.
In a 2013 study, Berdahl and Moon researched how workers of both genders were
treated as the result of being conspicuous caregivers.They found that while both
women and men both faced stigma, men who were too conspicuous in their
involvement in family were seen not just as lesser workers, but also lesser men
(by contrast, women who did so were viewed as lesser workers but better women).
This is because these men did not adhere to the breadwinning model of fatherhood,
one where men are regarded as employees rst who have little to no responsibilities
outside of work. In spite of increased societal expectations around paternal involve-
ment and the desire of many men to participate more fully in family life, Berdahl and
Moons research suggests that fathers who are heavily involved in caregiving, or
take time off for to care for their families, can be subject to informal and formal
professional sanctions.
The authors also found that fathers who were highly involved in childcare
reported the greatest levels of harassment compared to other men in the sample, in
particular fathers who provided minimal childcare. In a second study in the same
article, fathers who were responsible for more domestic work at home experienced
greater workplace mistreatment than non-fathers and fathers who participated less in
housework (Berdahl and Moon 2013).
Similarly, Coltrane et al. (2013) found that men who took time off to care for
family members had signicantly lower long-term earnings than men who had not
done so. The authors found that regardless of gender, leaving work for family
reasons was associated with lower long-term earnings, indicating that both men
and women who take time off to care for family members suffer nancial conse-
quences as a result.
5 Are Fathers Interested in Taking Paternity Leave?
Perhaps no work-life topic has garnered more attention in the U.S. recently than
paternity leave. As some major employers began to offer paid paternity leave, a
debate ensued about the validity of giving fathers time to provide caregiving to their
new children. But as time has progressed it has become increasingly clear that more
The New Dad: The Career-Caregiving Conundrum 203
and more fathers want and need paid time off following the birth or adoption of a
new child, and the issue of paternity leave has gained public support.
Research we conducted in 2014 (Harrington et al. 2014) looked at a sample of
more than 1000 fathers from 286 different organizations in the U.S. and found that
paternity leave is important to them: a full 89% of dads surveyed believed it is
important that an employer provide paid paternity leave. Our research found that
virtually all of the men who participated in the study felt employers should offer paid
paternity leave. It also revealed that the vast majority of fathers, 86% of respondents,
would not make use of paid paternity leave unless it covered at least 70% of their
salaries, and most fathers were looking for 100% pay during this leave period.
A recent study of U.S. fathers (Petts et al. 2019) found that as little as 2 weeks or
more of paternal leave-taking is positively associated with childrens perception of
fathersinvolvement, father child closeness, and father-child communication. The
results suggest that increased attention to improving opportunities for parental leave
in the U.S. may help strengthen families by nurturing higher quality father-child
Unfortunately, in the U.S. only about 13% of private-sector workers are covered
by formal paid leave policies (U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics 2017). Most fathers
would need to combine vacation time, holiday time, and personal days to take any
time off following the birth of their children. There has, however, been a urry of
progress regarding paid paternity leave at many major U.S. corporations. Employers
such as American Express, EY, Intel, IBM, KPMG, and Johnson & Johnson have
increased their fully paid, gender-neutral parental leave policies to allow for bonding
time for both mothers and fathers with durations ranging from 8 to 20 weeks.
In order for parents to truly be equal partners in caregiving, we believe it is
essential that fathers be actively involved in hands-on care from the time their child
arrives. Research in countries where paid parental leave is readily available for
fathers have found that men who take more time off with their new children develop
better parenting skills and are better prepared to accept the responsibilities that
facilitate shared-parenting. When a pattern of dad at workand mom at home
is set in place following the birth of a child, it is difcult to reverse this pattern, so it
is important for dads to establish themselves as involved caregivers from the very
6 Are More Fathers Today Considering Being
an at-Home Dad?
According to the U.S. Census Bureau, the percentage of at-home dads has risen from
1.6% of families with an at-home parent in 2001 to 3.8% in 2018 (U.S. Census
Bureau 2019), a substantial increase albeit from a very small base. So while at-home
dads continue to be more the exception than the rule, it is clear from our research that
fathersattitudes about caregiving, including full-time caregiving, are changing. In
204 B. Harrington
our 2011 study of working fathers, a surprisingly high percentage of fathers (53%)
agreedor strongly agreedwhen asked, If your spouse earned enough money to
support your familys needs, would you consider being a stay-at-home dad?
(Harrington et al. 2011.) In our 2016 study of Millennial parents, 51% of Millennial
fathers agreed with the same statement vs. 44% of Millennial moms (Harrington
et al. 2017).
Through our study of at-home dads (Harrington et al. 2012) we learned that these
fathers were comfortable in their role and generally assessed themselves as doing a
good or very good job at caregiving and domestic tasks. The fathers reported that
being an at-home parent initially took adjustment, and they stated they were faced
with a number of challenges including:
The loss of a social network. This is loss is felt most acutely by at-home fathers
since their numbers continue to be low.
Feelings of being stigmatized due to the continuing sense that the at-home parent
role is still not appropriate for a man.
The fear that their future employment opportunities would be jeopardized by the
fact that they had taken on this nontraditional role.
In spite of these obstacles, we found evidence that the at-home dads we studied
were very good parents and this assessment was strongly conrmed by their spouses
survey responses. They reported that the at-home fathers were devoted to their
children and were highly active, involved parents. Much like our image of the
competent and caring at-home mom, these fathers were committed to their children,
supportive of their spouses and their careers, and doing the myriad of daily tasks
needed to maintain their households, even if in some cases their assessment of a
clean house fell slightly short of their wivesstandards.
7 Are Fathers Living up to their Own Caregiving
Over the course of our fatherhood studies, we have asked fathers about how their
expectations of caregiving compare to their reality. We have done this by asking two
How do you believe caregiving should be divided between you and your spouse/
How is caregiving divided between you are your spouse/partner?
In our studies, we have seen a consistent pattern in the answer to these two
questions. While more than two-thirds of men respond that caregiving should be
divided 5050, less than one-third of men say this is, in fact, the case. In all of those
cases where there was a shortfall in shared caregiving, it was the fathers themselves
who admitted they were coming up short and the wives/partners who were fullling
The New Dad: The Career-Caregiving Conundrum 205
the majority of caregiving responsibilities. Therefore, it would be fair to suggest that
for more than one-third of fathers in our sample, there is a very signicant gap
between their espoused caregiving goals and their current reality.
In order to better understand the impact this caregiving gap has on the fathers
career and life satisfaction, we broke fathers into three groups (Harrington et al.
2017). The rst group of fathers responded that caregiving at home should be
divided equally and that indeed it was. We labeled this group the egalitarian fathers
and they comprised 30% of the study participants. A second group of fathers
responded that their spouse should provide more caregiving at homeand they
were doing so. We labeled this group traditional fathers to reect their more
traditionally gendered views on parental roles and caregiving. They comprised
approximately 32% of the sample. The third group responded that caregiving should
be divided 50/50 but admitted that their spouse provided more care than they did.
This group was labeled as conicted fathers due to the dissonance between their
caregiving aspirations (SHOULD be) and their reality (IS). Conicted fathers com-
prised 38% of the sample (Fig. 3).
As researchers, we discovered that these categories presented a highly useful way
to conceptualize the work-life experiences of todays fathers. When we broke our
sample into the three fatherhood types, some interesting similarities and differences
were evident.
Income levels of the three fatherhood types: The traditional fathersincome
was the highest and Egalitariansincome is the lowest. More than one-third
(34.4%) of the Egalitarians earned less than $75,000 as compared to only 12% of
the Traditionals and 22% of the Conicteds. On the upper end of the earnings
scale, nearly 3 out of 5 traditional fathers earned more than 100 K compared to
44% of conicted fathers and 32% of egalitarian fathers.
Father sole
Father provides
more care
Both provides
equal amounts
Partner provides
more care
Partner sole
Should be Is
29 32
Fig. 3 How Fathers believe caregiving should bedivided compared to their current division.
Source: Boston College Center for Work & Family. The New Dad: Career vs. Caregiving
Conict. 2017
206 B. Harrington
Education levels of three father types: Since our research was conducted with
mainly white-collarprofessionals, the vast majority of the fathers in the sample
attended college with most holding at least a bachelors degree and/or a graduate
degree (90% of the Traditionals, 77% of Egalitarians and 80% of the Con-
icteds). Less than 1% possessed only a high school diploma. In general, the
more educated a father is, the more likely he belongs to the Traditional fatherhood
Partnerswork patterns of three father types: Not surprisingly, there is a
marked difference in the employment status of the partners of the three of
fatherhood types. Slightly more than 90% of the Egalitarianspartners were
employed, compared to 73% of Conicteds and only 44% of Traditionals
partners. When we review partnerswork hours (including those who did not
work outside the home), the differences between spouses working hours by
fatherhood type are signicant. Egalitariansspouses worked an average of
28 h per week, Conictedsspouses worked 20 h per week, and Traditionals
spouses worked just 9.
When we compared the responses to subsequent questions indicating, for exam-
ple, the fathersoverall satisfaction on a number of work and life indicators, a clear
pattern emerged. We discovered that overall, Egalitarian and Traditional fathers
expressed higher levels of satisfaction in their jobs and their careers. For example:
Job Satisfaction & Commitment: On job satisfaction, a clear pattern that
emerges. Traditionals and Egalitarians are consistently more satised than Con-
icted fathers are. While all three fatherhood types showed high levels of satisfaction
with their jobs (positive responses are consistently between 7090%, which speaks
highly of the employers whose organizations participated in the study), overall
Conicted fathers are the least satised in their jobs.
The Feeling of Belonging to a Group: When asked if they really felt a part of
their workgroup, once again the Conicted group reported the lowest levels of
satisfaction. Egalitarians showed the highest levels of satisfaction.
Job Withdrawal Intentions: On items that explored discontent, Conicted
fathers showed the highest level of job withdrawal intentions. This included their
intention to look for other jobs as well as their thoughts about quitting their present
jobs outright. In general, Conicted fathers were about 10% more likely than the
other two fatherhood types to think about quitting their jobs and are 79% more
likely to report looking for another job.
Career Satisfaction: Career satisfaction measures we used looked less at the
fatherssatisfaction in their present role and more at their satisfaction with their
career progression over time (e.g., satised with advancement, satised with their
earnings growth, etc.). Conicted fathers once again had the lowest levels of
satisfaction on these career satisfaction items. In the area of career satisfaction, the
Traditionals reported the highest levels of satisfaction on three items: progress
toward career goals, income, and advancement.
The New Dad: The Career-Caregiving Conundrum 207
8 What Impact Does Generational Cohort Play
in Fatherhood Types?
In our years of researching the changing role of fathers from a work and family
perspective, perhaps no question has emerged more frequently from the media and
corporate groups than, Isnt this all a generational thing?The implication is that
Millennials have grown up in a time of greater gender equality and that this had led
younger fathers to seek these greater levels of engagement and parity with their
spouses in caregiving.
While there is some evidence to support a generational shift, our research does not
demonstrate dramatic differences between the fatherhood cohorts by generation.
While there are a higher percentage of Egalitarian fathers in the Millennial gener-
ation than in the Baby Boomer generation (31% vs. 27%), there were slightly fewer
Egalitarians in the Millennial sample vs. Generation X (31% vs. 32%). The number
of Conicted fathers in our samples was also 4% higher among Baby Boomers when
compared to Generation X and Millennials (i.e., 40% of Baby Boomer
fathers vs. 36% of Generation X and Millennials (Fig. 4).
When we analyze the career satisfaction of fathers, another interesting pattern
emerges for Egalitarian fathers. When one reviews the scores by generations, there
is a trend toward higher satisfaction for the younger Egalitarian fathers versus older
ones, (i.e., Millennials are the most satised, followed by Generation X, followed by
Baby Boomers).
For questions regarding involvement in caregiving, the three fatherhood types
showed signicant differences in their responses. When asked to choose one of the
following statements I would like to spend more time with my children,”“Iam
satised with the amount of time I currently spend with my children,or I would
like to spend less time with my children,a clear pattern emerged that was consistent
across all three generations. Conicted fathers were the most likely to agree with the
Millennials Gen X Baby-boomers
Egalitarian Conflicted Traditional
33 32
Fig. 4 Fatherhood typesBy generation. Source: Boston College Center for Work & Family. The
New Dad: Career vs. Caregiving Conict. 2017
208 B. Harrington
statement that they would like to spend more time with their children. Overall, nearly
85% of Conicteds responded they wanted more time, compared with 75% of
Traditionals and 69% of Egalitarians. This suggests the relatively lower level of
comfort Conicted fathers feel towards the current state of their work-family balance
when compared with the other two fatherhood types (Fig. 5).
9 Summary and Recommendations
As was stated in the introduction, the lack of focus on the experiences of fathers over
the years has often led to a misunderstanding of the important role they play in
American family life. From the absence of attention in research, to inaccurate
portrayals in the media, to the outdated workplace assumptions about the caregiving
roles that fathers play, men have continued to be seen as minor players in the family.
While some progress is being made to better understand the roles fathers play today,
much more research and greater insight is needed.
How can employers help fathers be more engaged caregivers? Here are a few
Consider having a fathersemployee network that provides dads the opportunity
to discuss their concerns and needs regarding caregiving and balancing their
work-family demands.
Make parental leave policies gender neutral and offer the same amounts of paid
leave for fathers that mothers currently receive (beyond the time birth mothers are
given for delivery and recovery). This will demonstrate that the fathersrole in
parenting is given the same weight as the mothersrole.
Gen X
0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100%
alitarian Conflicted Traditional
Fig. 5 Preference for more time with children by fatherhood type and generation. Source: Boston
College Center for Work & Family. The New Dad: Career vs. Caregiving Conict. 2017
The New Dad: The Career-Caregiving Conundrum 209
Cultivate a exible work environment at your organization. Offering exible
work options can support dads as they strive to meet both their professional and
personal responsibilities.
Consider establishing a voluntary mentoring program for fathers interested in not
just career-related dialogue, but which also includes conversations regarding the
work-family dilemmas and challenges men face.
Conduct a survey with fathers in your organization to assess whether they feel the
climate is as accepting of fathersengagement in caregiving as it is for mothers.
There are also things that fathers themselves can do to enhance their caregiving role:
Talk to other fathers formally or informally to share common struggles and
brainstorm potential solutions. If a fathers employee resource group does not
exist in your organization, explore the possibility of establishing one. Dads
groups are also growing in many local communities (see, e.g., City Dads
Group: for social connections and support.
If your organization offers paternity leave, strongly consider taking this time off
to bond with your child and to gain experience in hands-on parenting.This will
increase your condence and competence in your parenting skills. It will also help
you establish very early on your role as a co-caregiver with your partner.
Have frequent conversations with your partner about your roles at home and at
work and your goals for your family. Our research has demonstrated that couples
who hold these discussions more frequently have higher life satisfaction
(Harrington et al. 2015).
Support other fathers at your workplace who are caregivers. Changing organiza-
tional culture requires more than changes in policies or even statements of support
from senior leaders. Men who support colleagues in their effort to be engaged
parents will help to shift the organizational culture to one that is more equitable
and encouraging of men as caregivers. This will in turn, also promote the
advancement of women in the organization.
We believe that it is time to do a hard reset”–at home, in the workplace, and in
society. Its time to ask ourselves why, as weve redened the role of women in the
workplace over the past 25 years, we have been much less able to do the same for
men on the home front. No doubt, a major contributor to this situation is men
themselves. For far too long, fathersvoices have been silent and nearly absent
from work-family conversations. This has had a detrimental effect on fathersability
to redene their role in contemporary families. Its time to see more clearly what
dads are doing in the family and ask how we can help them do it better. We have
begun to see positive early results of men speaking out, particularly by men in
at-home dadsnetworks. The change in how dads are being portrayed in the media is
a good example of how change can come from research, media attention, and the
voices of dads themselves. We are convinced that gender equity will never be
attained until workplaces and society see men and fathers from a whole person
perspective. When we achieve that aim, we will have enhanced workplaces, created
210 B. Harrington
a more equitable society, and strengthened the most important building block to
ensure our countrys prosperity the American family.
Acknowledgments The author would like to acknowledge Jennifer Sabatini Fraone, Professor
Jegoo Lee, Fred Van Deusen and the staff at the Boston College Center for Work & Family for their
many contributions over the last decade to The New Dadresearch series.
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Open Access This chapter is licensed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0
International License (, which permits use, sharing,
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212 B. Harrington
... Studies have shown that fathers reinvent their parenting role by making conventional masculinity a less salient part of their identity after becoming the primary caregiver to their children (Doucet and Merla, 2007;Latshaw, 2015;Snitker, 2018). Primary caregiving fathers appear to value their role in similar ways to mothers (Solomon, 2017;Deutsch and Gaunt, 2020), and tend to embrace and feel secure in their caregiver identity (Rochlen et al, 2008;Gill et al, 2021;Harrington, 2022). They also seem to value less their paid work or breadwinner identity compared with breadwinning fathers (Solomon, 2014;Deutsch and Gaunt, 2020;Pinho et al, 2021), and some primary caregiving fathers reject or do not identify at all with the breadwinner role (Merla, 2008;Snitker, 2018). ...
... They also seem to value less their paid work or breadwinner identity compared with breadwinning fathers (Solomon, 2014;Deutsch and Gaunt, 2020;Pinho et al, 2021), and some primary caregiving fathers reject or do not identify at all with the breadwinner role (Merla, 2008;Snitker, 2018). Therefore, caregiving fathers' identities are not immersed in their career success or income (Deutsch and Gaunt, 2020;Pinho et al, 2021;Harrington, 2022) and they intentionally make changes in their professional careers to allow them to expand their identities as parents, becoming highly involved in caring for their children (Deutsch, 1999;Pinho et al, 2021;Harrington, 2022). ...
... They also seem to value less their paid work or breadwinner identity compared with breadwinning fathers (Solomon, 2014;Deutsch and Gaunt, 2020;Pinho et al, 2021), and some primary caregiving fathers reject or do not identify at all with the breadwinner role (Merla, 2008;Snitker, 2018). Therefore, caregiving fathers' identities are not immersed in their career success or income (Deutsch and Gaunt, 2020;Pinho et al, 2021;Harrington, 2022) and they intentionally make changes in their professional careers to allow them to expand their identities as parents, becoming highly involved in caring for their children (Deutsch, 1999;Pinho et al, 2021;Harrington, 2022). ...
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This study draws on identity theory to explore parental and work-related identities by comparing primary caregivers and breadwinners. It examined how the salience and centrality of identities vary by gender and family role, and the relationships between identities and individuals’ involvement in paid work and childcare. A sample of 236 parents with young children completed extensive questionnaires. As hypothesised, primary breadwinners had more salient and central work identities than primary caregivers. However, there was no difference in parental identities, and within each role category, women had more salient and central work identities than men. Finally, the salience and centrality of parents’ work-related identities were positively related to time investment in paid work and negatively related to hours of childcare. These findings shed light on the complex relationships between family roles, gender and identities and emphasise the importance of distinguishing between identity salience and centrality as two components of self-structure.
... In these experiences of the men with women superiors, the proposition that women leaders are more other-oriented and communal than agentic (Eagly & Karau, 2002), and more transformational than transactional (Eagly, Johannesen-Schmidt, & van Engen, 2003) is confirmed. Another aspect that emerges is that creating or maintaining a workfamily balance comes at a cost for the men too (Harrington, 2022). These narratives broaden the analysis in that they give a picture of common shared experiences and reinforce the notion of the 'labyrinth' that both genders traverse on their ascent to leadership, with the path being tougher for the women (Eagly & Carli, 2007). ...
... The men in the sample did not experience many hindrances at the organisational level, except for a few instances, as shared above. The males also shared personal events in their lives that may have hindered their progress, leading to stress on account of a shortfall in 'resources' (Hobfoll, 1989;Harrington, 2022). ...
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This study explores the individual and organisational factors that enable or hinder the progression of women organisational leaders in India. Despite global recognition of the benefits of gender diversity in leadership, Indian women continue to face significant challenges in their ascent to leadership positions. Through a narrative analysis of interviews with 15 women leaders and 3 male leaders across various industries, the study identifies key enabling factors such as parental and spousal support, self-belief, and supportive organisational environments. Conversely, hindering factors include gendered biases, discriminatory organisational cultures, and societal expectations that disproportionately burden women with domestic responsibilities. The findings highlight the importance of both individual resilience and supportive structures in facilitating women's leadership journeys. The study concludes with recommendations for policymakers and organizations to foster an environment that supports the growth of women leaders, emphasising the role of family, organisational culture, and societal change in this process.
... Alongside these changes, there has been a corresponding shift in cultural norms and expectations surrounding motherhood and fatherhood (Adams et al., 2011;Pedersen, 2016;Scheibling, 2020). Whereas traditional gendered norms have centered fathering around breadwinning and mothering around caregiving, growing evidence suggests that a large majority of parents view their role as combining both breadwinning and caregiving and believe childcare should be shared equally (Harrington, 2022;Knight & Brinton, 2017;McGill, 2014). Drawing on identity theory (Stryker & Burke, 2000), the present study aims to explore the centrality and meanings of men's and women's parental and work-related identities. ...
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This mixed-methods study explored the centrality and meanings of men’s and women’s parental and work-related identities by comparing semi-traditional, equal-sharing, and role-reversed couples. Quantitative analysis involved 2,813 British parents (1,380 men, 1,433 women) who were primary caregivers, primary breadwinners, or equal sharers with at least one child aged 11 or under. Qualitative analysis drew on 60 in-depth interviews with 10 couples from each of the three groups. Results indicated that the centrality of parental and work identities varied by role rather than gender, as both male and female caregivers reported less central work identities and more central parental identities compared to breadwinners and equal-sharers. Equal-sharers and role-reversers were characterized by women’s central work identity and men’s low centrality of work identity. In these couples, a `half and half` parenting ideology underlined the construction of mothering and fathering as equivalent interchangeable identities, each forming only one half of a child’s parenting. Intertwining their maternal identity with an equivalent construction of their partners’ identity allowed women to reconcile a good mother ideal with central work identities, by redefining mothering as a responsibility for only half of the caregiving.
... When a man becomes a 'new father' in caring for a child, there is an awareness of the father's role in childcare and an understanding of the importance of father involvement in child development (Harrington, 2022). There is a new experience of mastering knowledge and skills related to caring for children, such as infant care, nurturing, and understanding child development. ...
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Emotional development in early childhood plays a vital role in forming the basis of psychological well-being. Father involvement is one of the main factors in the family to manage children emotions. This study aims to determine the central role of fathers in managing early childhood emotions. The research method used in the study was a qualitative case study design. The research subjects involved four fathers who have early childhood. Data was collected through interviews and observation. The results show that the father's involvement is not only limited to the physical aspect but also has a solid contribution to the emotional aspect of the child. It can be concluded that emotional management in early childhood requires holistic attention from fathers. The four fathers had different views and strategies. Some values often emerged as the main focus, including open communication, empathy, combining skills with emotional gentleness, and providing emotional support. The implications can serve as a foundation for fathers' parenting in early childhood and can be enriched to include understanding and emphasizing fathers' involvement in early childhood emotional development. It can guide ECE educators to integrate fathers in learning activities, opening insights on strategies for managing early childhood emotions and the values fathers apply in managing children's emotions.
... However, many scholars have posited a shift in ideology among Western fathers toward more ''caring'' or ''nurturing'' masculinities that emphasize caregiving, father-child relationship quality, positive emotions, and gender equality rather than male dominance (Cherry & Gerstein, 2021;Elliott, 2016;Pleck, 2010a). Attempts to fulfill both traditional and contemporary father roles that encompass both provisioning and caregiving responsibilities has resulted in increased work-family conflict Galinsky et al., 2011;Harrington, 2022;Lewington et al., 2021;Machin, 2015;T. Miller, 2010), another commonly endorsed theme in our study. ...
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Fathers contribute to healthy child development, but there are limited data that provide an in-depth understanding of fathers’ perceptions of the challenges and rewards of fatherhood. We recruited 122 fathers from three different ethnic groups living in Atlanta, Georgia to conduct a mixed-methods research study on fathers’ perceptions of the challenges and rewards of fatherhood. Challenges included financial responsibilities (56%), sleep-deprivation (47%), work-family conflict (44%), negative changes in their relationship with their partner (43%), and children crying and whining (23%). Ninety seven percent of fathers agreed that having children added meaning to their life when asked. Many indicated that having children infused their life with an invaluable sense of meaning and purpose, and inspired them to become better people. The most common spontaneously mentioned rewards included witnessing developmental milestones (38%), experiencing the child as an extension of oneself (26%), witnessing children’s accomplishments (26%), and feeling loved by children (20%). In quantitative analyses, higher self-reported quality of family life was associated with living with children full-time, having fewer children, getting more sleep, having planned the first child, and minimal work-family conflict and financial stress. Finally, fathers reported increases in positive affect and decreases in negative affect over the course of the interviews, suggesting that they benefited psychologically from reflecting on and sharing their experience as fathers.
... In this case, many parents decided to give up their career pathways as they had to take care of their children who could not go to school during the COVID-19 pandemic. In line with another recent study [29] it was further echoed that fathers and fathers-to-be needed to balance their financial income (i.e., low salary from the teaching position) and family expenses during the COVID-19 pandemic. With the reflection using the social cognitive career and motivation theory [14][15][16], many decided to take their trained skills from their previous experiences (i.e., from their teaching experiences) and transfer them to other industries. ...
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A shortage of qualified teachers has been a long-term problem in many school districts and education systems internationally. During the COVID-19 pandemic, the current human resource gap in teaching significantly impacted the quality of teaching services and the experience of all school parties. Based on social cognitive career and motivation theory, two research questions guided this study: (1) Why did kindergarten teachers decide to leave their teaching positions and education professions permanently during the COVID-19 pandemic? (2) Did stress, burnout, and technology-related issues influence their career decision? 60 kindergarten teachers shared their insights through interviews and focus group activities. The results indicated that personal considerations of their family and trained skills, surrounding environment and individuals, and financial considerations played important roles in their career decisions and sources of stress. The study provides recommendations to government heads, school leaders, human resource planners, and headteachers to replan and reform current human resource and workforce planning for the ongoing teachers’ shortages during and after the COVID-19 pandemic.
... First, only three studies included fathers as participants, which suggests, consistent with prior research, that parental engagement and advocacy remains strongly gendered (Blum, 2007;Sousa, 2011). Recent research findings indicated that fathers are increasingly supporting their families in a non-traditional caregiving role (Harrington, 2022). It, therefore, seems pertinent to ascertain insights into the role fathers play in relation to their dyslexic child. ...
This review proposes a new concept, the ‘Paternal body’, to illuminate the corporeal impact, on employed men, of new fatherhood. It explores literatures on fatherhood, employment and health to reveal how fathers experience pregnancy, birth and infant‐care (infancy defined, here, as up to age two). In contrast to well‐established notions regarding Maternal (pregnant and post‐birth) bodies, there exists within management studies no similar concept to facilitate understanding of recent fatherhood, the body and employment. The proposed concept ‘Paternal body’ addresses this lack, offering a strategic platform for theorizing how fatherhood impacts men's lived, bodily experience of balancing paternity with paid work. Drawing upon interdisciplinary perspectives from sociology and health literatures, the paper reviews research on paternal corporeality in the context of employment in neo‐liberal (market‐oriented) economies (typified by the USA and UK). It identifies related and important health symptoms (such as sleep deprivation) that pose risks to paternal health and employment. Yet the review shows how expectant/recent fathers are pressured, at work, to live up to a mythical image of hegemonic masculinity that requires them to display strong work‐orientation, denying ill‐health and working long hours away from home. The paper coins the term: ‘Absent warrior’ to represent this illusion of a ‘manly’ father (warrior) who is absent from infant‐care and from his home, but bodily present at work: a father who is supposed to deny the materiality of inhabiting a Paternal body. Recommendations are made for further exploration of fathers’ embodied health needs through the concept of the lived ‘Paternal body’.
Eating disorders are complex mental health conditions exacerbated by high mortality rates. International and national guidelines recommend family involvement in the treatment process, recognising the family as an important source of support to young people. Research suggests fathers engage less in the process compared to mothers. In studies exploring parental perspectives, most samples consisted of mothers, with fathers minimally represented. Few studies explore family involvement from the perspective of fathers. This study aimed to explore the experiences of fathers regarding their involvement in the treatment process. Qualitative descriptive methods were used, involving focus group interviews of seven fathers. Interviews were assisted by a semi‐structured interview guide. A qualitative content analysis approach was used to analyse the data regarding paternal experiences of engagement in the treatment process. Fathers understood the importance of the whole family working together but viewed mothers as taking a more central role in the treatment process, with fathers more at the periphery. Gender emerged as an influencing factor in paternal involvement, with mothers primarily taking on responsibility for the child with the eating disorder and fathers providing secondary support. Healthcare providers need to be aware of the contribution of gendered roles within the family system and consider this when working with families within the treatment process. Consequently, mental health nurses have an important role in encouraging fathers to become actively involved in the treatment process.
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Paternity leave-taking is believed to benefit children by encouraging father-child bonding after a birth and enabling commitments to fathers’ engagement. Yet, no known U.S. studies have directly focused on the associations between paternity leave-taking and children’s reports of father-child relationships. Understanding the potential consequences of paternity leave-taking in the United States is particularly important given the lack of a national paid parental leave policy. The present study uses five waves of data on 1319 families, largely socioeconomically disadvantaged, from the Fragile Families and Child Wellbeing Study to analyze the associations between paternity leave-taking and 9-year-old children’s reports of their father-child relationships. We also assess the extent to which these associations are mediated by fathers’ engagement, co-parenting quality, parental relationship satisfaction, and fathers’ identities. Results indicate that leave-taking, and particularly 2 weeks or more of leave, is positively associated with children’s perceptions of fathers’ involvement, father-child closeness, and father-child communication. The associations are explained, at least in part, by fathers’ engagement, parental relationship satisfaction, and father identities. Overall, results highlight the linked lives of fathers and their children, and they suggest that increased attention on improving opportunities for parental leave in the United States may help to strengthen families by nurturing higher quality father-child relationships.
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Research suggests that women, but not men suffer negative professional consequences if they have children. These unequal consequences can be attributed to stereotypes about women's and men's roles as caregivers and breadwinners for their families, respectively. Two field studies of workplace mistreatment among middle-class employees examined whether fathers who violate these gender stereotypes by actively caregiving for their families suffer negative consequences at work. Study 1 (N = 232) examined not man enough harassment (being derogated as insufficiently masculine) and Study 2 (N = 451) examined general forms of mistreatment. Results showed that caregiving fathers experience more harassment and mistreatment than traditional fathers and than men without children. Women without children experience more harassment and mistreatment than mothers, and mothers who spend less time on caregiving experience more harassment and mistreatment than mothers who spend more time on caregiving. We discuss implications for theory and practice.
This article challenges the implicit assumption of many cross-national studies that gender-role attitudes fall alongasinglecontinuumbetween traditional and egalitarian. The authors argue that this approach obscures theoretically important distinctions in attitudes and renders analyses of change over time incomplete. Using latent class analysis, they investigate the multidimensional nature of gender-role attitudes in 17 postindustrial European countries. They identify three distinct varieties of egalitarianism that they designate as liberal egalitarianism, egalitarian familism, and flexible egalitarianism. They show that while traditional gender-role attitudes have precipitously and uniformly declined in accordance with the “rising tide” narrative toward greater egalitarianism, the relative prevalence of different egalitarianisms varies markedly across countries. Furthermore, they find that European nations are not converging toward one dominant egalitarian model but rather, remain differentiated by varieties of egalitarianism.
Using longitudinal time diary and survey data from a community sample of dual-earner couples across the transition to parenthood, the authors examined change in divisions of paid and unpaid work and assessed the accuracy of survey data for time use measurement. Mothers, according to the time diaries, shouldered the majority of child care and did not decrease their paid work hours. Furthermore, the gender gap was not present prebirth but emerged postbirth with women doing more than 2 hours of additional work per day compared to an additional 40 minutes for men. Moreover, the birth of a child magnified parents' overestimations of work in the survey data, and had the authors relied only on survey data, gender work inequalities would not have been apparent. The findings have important implications for (a) the state of the gender revolution among couples well positioned to obtain balanced workloads and (b) the utility of survey data to measure parents' division of labor.
Women face an earnings penalty associated with motherhood but researchers have paid scant attention to how fatherhood might influence men's long-term earnings. Using multiple waves of the National Longitudinal Survey of Youth and employing ordinary least squares regression and fixed effects models we investigate what happens to men who modify their employment for family reasons. Previous research shows that men work longer hours and earn more after becoming fathers, but if men are unemployed or reduce work hours for family reasons, they could experience a “flexibility stigma” depressing earnings and limiting future career opportunities. We find strong support for the flexibility stigma hypothesis. Controlling for the effects of age, race, education, intelligence, occupation, job tenure, work hours, health limitations, marital status, and number of children, we find that men who ever quit work or are unemployed for family reasons earn significantly less than others in the future. Theoretical reasons for observed findings are discussed.
Motherhood is associated with lower hourly pay, but the causes of this are not well understood. Mothers may earn less than other women because having children causes them to (1) lose job experience, (2) be less productive at work, (3) trade off higher wages for motherfriendly jobs, or (4) be discriminated against by employers. Or the relationship may be spurious rather than causal; women with lower earning potential may have children at higher rates. Using 1982-1993 NLSY data, we examine the motherhood penalty with fixed-effects models chosen to avoid spuriousness. We find penalties of 7 percent per child. Penalties are larger for married women. We show that women with (more) children have less job experience; after controlling for this, a penalty of 5 percent per child remains. We examine whether potentially "mother-friendly" characteristics of the jobs held by mothers explain any of the penalty, but find little evidence of this beyond the tendency of more mothers to work part-time. The portion of the motherhood penalty we cannot explain probably results from effects of motherhood on productivity and/or from employers' discrimination against mothers. While the benefits of mothering diffuse widely, to the employers, neighbors, friends, spouses, and children of the adult who previously received the mothering, the costs are borne disproportionately by mothers.