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Motivation of UK Graduate Students in Education: Self-Compassion Moderates Pathway from Extrinsic Motivation to Intrinsic Motivation


Abstract and Figures

Academic motivation is recognised as a key factor for academic success and wellbeing. Highly motivated students actively engage with academic activities and maintain higher levels of wellbeing. Despite the importance of motivation in education, its relationship with engagement and wellbeing remains to be evaluated. Accordingly, this study explored the relationships between motivation, engagement, self-criticism and self-compassion among UK education postgraduate students. Of 120 postgraduate students approached, 109 completed three self-report scales regarding those constructs. Correlation, regression and moderation analyses were performed. Intrinsic and extrinsic motivation were positively associated with engagement, whereas amotivation was
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Current Psychology (2023) 42:10163–10176
Motivation ofUK graduate students ineducation: self-compassion
moderates pathway fromextrinsic motivation tointrinsic motivation
YasuhiroKotera1 · ElainaTaylor1 · DeanFido1 · DanWilliams2 · FreyaTsuda‑McCaie1
Accepted: 8 September 2021 / Published online: 22 September 2021
© The Author(s) 2021
Academic motivation is recognised as a key factor for academic success and wellbeing. Highly motivated students actively
engage with academic activities and maintain good wellbeing. Despite the importance of motivation in education, its
relationship with engagement and wellbeing remains to be evaluated. Accordingly, this study explored the relationships
between motivation, engagement, self-criticism and self-compassion among UK education postgraduate students. Of 120
postgraduate students approached, 109 completed three self-report scales regarding those constructs. Correlation, regression
and moderation analyses were performed. Intrinsic and extrinsic motivation were positively associated with engagement,
whereas amotivation was negatively associated with it. Engagement positively predicted intrinsic motivation. Self-criticism
and self-compassion moderated the pathway from extrinsic motivation to intrinsic motivation: higher self-criticism weak-
ened the pathway, while higher self-compassion strengthened it. Findings suggest the importance of engagement in relation
to cultivating intrinsic motivation of education students. Moreover, enhancing self-compassion and reducing self-criticism
can help transfer extrinsic to intrinsic motivation.
Keywords Academic motivation· Intrinsic motivation· Academic· Engagement· Self-compassion· Self-criticism
Poor mental health is well-documented in higher educa-
tion students (Castillo & Schwartz, 2013; Conley etal.,
2015; Hunt & Eisenberg, 2010; Sharp & Theiler, 2018).
Students experience high levels of anxiety, depression, and
stress across a wide range of disciplines and levels of stud-
ies (Larcombe etal., 2016), which leads to diverse negative
outcomes such as lower achievement and retention (Dekker
etal., 2020; Eisenberg etal., 2009). This trend has become
intensified more recently. The mental health of students has
been highlighted as a pressing concern due to the effects of
the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) and the associ-
ated impact this has had on the attainment and educational
requirements of students (Sahu, 2020). Poor mental health
in students needs to be addressed urgently.
Research indicates that students’ mental health is associ-
ated with academic engagement (Liébana-Presa etal., 2014;
Rogers etal., 2017; Suárez-Colorado etal., 2019; Turner
etal., 2017) that refers to the extent to which a student is
driven to make an effort in their studies (Newman & Schwa-
ger, 1992). Students with higher scores on measures of
mental wellbeing tended to have higher levels of academic
engagement (Datu & King, 2018; King etal., 2015). When
examining 338 Philippine university students, mental well-
being longitudinally predicted higher engagement and lower
disengagement, indicating potential for developing future
interventions aimed at improving engagement (King etal.,
2015). Although several studies have examined the relation-
ship between mental health and engagement internationally,
less research has been conducted with UK students, indicat-
ing a need for evaluation.
Students with greater wellbeing also evidence greater
academic motivation (Datu, 2018; Isen & Reeve, 2005;
Kotera, Green, & Sheffield, 2019a; Lewis etal., 2009). Datu
(2018) outlined that low-arousal positive emotions such as
feelings of harmony and peacefulness were related to more
helpful, autonomous types of learning. Academic motivation
(a cognitive and behavioural drive to meet academic goals;
* Yasuhiro Kotera
1 College ofHealth, Psychology andSocial Care, University
ofDerby, Derby, UK
2 College ofArts, Humanities andEducation, University
ofDerby, Derby, UK
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10164 Current Psychology (2023) 42:10163–10176
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Kovach, 2018) is associated with a range of academic meas-
ures of success, and can be understood within the context of
Self-Determination Theory (SDT).
Overview ofStudent Motivation Conceptualised
bySelf‑Determination Theory
The SDT conceptualises motivation as intrinsic (motivated
by satisfaction or pleasure), extrinsic (motivated by external
or instrumental factors) or amotivation (lack of motivation)
(Deci & Ryan, 1985; Ryan & Deci, 2017). These concepts
are based on a self-determination continuum, wherein intrin-
sic motivation relates to more autonomous, volitional forms
of motivation. Intrinsically motivated individuals complete
tasks based on the satisfaction of the task itself, without
additional reward or associated consequence (Kotera etal.,
2021a, b; Ryan & Deci, 2000). Intrinsically motivated stu-
dents find academic activities meaningful, and actively
seek learning opportunities beyond mandatory learning and
assessments. Conversely, extrinsically motivated individuals
are prompted to complete tasks based on external factors,
and satisfaction comes from extrinsic consequences (i.e.,
receiving rewards or to avoid punishment), rather than the
task itself (Deci & Ryan, 2002). Therefore, extrinsically
motivated students may be prompted to complete tasks
based on upcoming deadlines or to avoid poor grades. It
is equally important to note that intrinsic motivation and
extrinsic motivation are not in an either-or relationship: one
student can have both types of motivation high or low (Deci
& Flaste, 1996; Derfler-Rozin & Pitesa, 2021).
Deci and Ryan (2002) also outlined a third motivational
concept, in which individuals are neither extrinsically nor
intrinsically motivated—amotivated individuals. People
with this type of motivation cannot perceive the link between
their own behaviour and behavioural outcomes (Deci &
Ryan, 1985; Ryan & Deci, 2017), and experience feelings
of lack of control likened to learned helplessness (Legault
etal., 2006). Amotivated students may have little interest,
place low value on learning activities and show minimal
Relationship betweenMotivational Styles
andStudent‑Related Outcomes
In students, these three forms of motivation are differentially
associated with academic success. Students who are intrinsi-
cally motivated flourish across academic settings (Goldman
etal., 2017). Intrinsic motivation is associated with better
academic performance (Lepper etal., 2005), higher retention
rates (Vallerand, 1997) and greater wellbeing (Ryan & Deci,
2000; ten Cate etal., 2011). Conversely, extrinsic motiva-
tion is associated with poorer academic outcomes such as
lower learning effectiveness (Lepper etal., 2005; Zaccone
& Pedrini, 2019). Similarly amotivation also leads to poorer
education-related outcomes such as lower productivity and
wellbeing (Legault etal., 2006).
Previously, extrinsic motivation was seen to directly
contrast with intrinsic motivation, but more recent research
indicates that both forms of motivation should be seen as
complementary. Organismic Integration Theory (OIT), a
sub-theory of SDT, explains that extrinsic motivation can
support the development of intrinsic motivation (Gopalan
etal., 2017; Ryan & Deci, 2017). For example, individu-
als who are extrinsically motivated to attend mandatory
classes, may develop greater interest and intrinsic motiva-
tion as learning progresses. Helping extrinsically motivated
students to develop intrinsic motivation, has been identified
as an important area for educational research, highlighting
the complementary nature of motivation (Ommering & Dek-
ker, 2017).
These findings facilitated researchers and educators to
develop means to augment students’ intrinsic motivation.
Much research on fostering intrinsic motivation in students
has focussed on factors external to the student, such as learn-
ing environment or the role of teachers (Bolkan & Good-
boy, 2015; Guay etal., 2008; Niemiec & Ryan, 2009; Orsini
etal., 2015; Serin, 2018). In comparison, less research has
examined students’ internal factors or traits, such as self-
compassion, which may encourage intrinsic motivation
through greater internalisation of tasks, and better self-
regulation. A flexible, self-regulated approach to learning
is crucial (Neely etal., 2009) particularly for long-term
goals, such as completion of an undergraduate degree (Kar-
len etal., 2019). This may include understanding when to
pursue challenging tasks, or when to engage in more self-
compassionate learning strategies.
Self‑Compassion andMotivation inStudents
Self-compassion is defined as self-acceptance, achieved
through 1) treating oneself kindly during times of perceived
self-inadequacy, 2) recognition of common humanity and a
connection with others despite perceived isolation, and 3)
managing negative inward-facing thoughts such as self-pity
(Neff, 2003).
Previous research has indicated that self-compassion
is associated with greater motivation to learn (Neff etal.,
2005). For instance, students with higher self-compassion
more flexibly engage in working towards goals (Neely etal.,
2009), had less negative reactions to feedback (Adams &
Leary 2007; Neff etal., 2005) and show greater mastery
orientation (motivation through curiosity and self-devel-
opment) compared to individuals with lower self-compas-
sion (Neff etal., 2005). More specifically, individuals with
greater self-compassion are more likely to be intrinsically
motivated (Kotera & Ting, 2019). This may be because
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10165Current Psychology (2023) 42:10163–10176
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self-compassionate individuals are less likely to be affected
by external markers of success (engaging less in external
performance evaluations) and instead, focus on maximis-
ing their potential, wellbeing, and being kind to the self in
instances of failure (Kotera, 2021; Neff etal., 2005).
Interventional studies have indicated that self-compas-
sion can be fostered in students (Dundas etal., 2017; Neff
etal., 2007; Shapiro etal., 2005) to improve motivational
outcomes: A two-week clinical psychologist-led interven-
tion, consisting of three 90-min sessions and daily audio-
guides, significantly increased self-compassion in univer-
sity students, with sustained high levels of self-compassion
at six-month follow-up (Dundas etal., 2017). Increases in
self-compassion were associated with greater motivation
to learn, greater personal growth self-efficacy and healthy
impulse control (Dundas etal., 2017). This study indicates
the potential for intrinsic motivation to be cultivated through
self-compassion interventions. However further research
examining the relationship of extrinsic and intrinsic motiva-
tion to self-compassion must be explored to provide insight
into the development of educational interventions promoting
engagement and motivational outcomes.
Self‑Compassion andWellbeing inStudents
Additionally, self-compassion is important to examine in
student populations because it is consistently associated with
student wellbeing (Dundas etal., 2017; Kotera etal., 2020a,
b; Kotera, Conway, & Van Gordon, 2019; Leary etal., 2007;
Neely etal., 2009). Students with greater self-compassion
may be able to more effectively manage negative emo-
tions (e.g., in the face of academic adversity) and engage in
self-soothing by deactivating neurological ‘defence threat
systems’ (Gilbert, 2010; Kelly etal., 2009). Self-compas-
sion was a strong positive correlate of and explained large
variance in wellbeing (Neely etal., 2009). Furthermore,
individuals with greater self-compassion had greater goal
re-engagement (flexibility to engage in meaningful, attain-
able goals) (Neely etal., 2009). Exploring the relationship
between self-compassion and engagement-focussing spe-
cifically on academic engagement, rather than general goal
engagement, can provide beneficial findings for academic
Self-compassion can be better understood to be dis-
cussed with self-criticism; a construct commonly regarded
as a counterpart of self-compassion. According to Gilbert
(2014) self-criticism may activate the ‘threat system’. Self-
criticism consists of two forms; 1) inadequate-self, which
examines individuals’ perceptions of personal inadequacy
(such as being disappointed with themselves) and 2) hated-
self, examining the desire to hurt or punish the self (such as
stopping engaging in self-care). Previous studies have found
that both components of self-criticism are associated with
depression, anxiety and stress in social work, occupational
therapy and psychotherapy students (Kotera, Green, & Shef-
field, 2019a, 2019b): a highly relevant construct to student
mental health.
Examining Self‑Determination Theory inEducation
The SDT has been supported in a range of educational con-
texts (Deci & Ryan, 2008) including school-level (Owen
etal., 2014; Taylor etal., 2014), further education (Goldman
etal., 2017), and higher education (Beachboard etal., 2011;
Jeno, 2015) students, with particular focus on healthcare
students (Orsini etal., 2015) and physical education students
(Standage etal., 2005; Vasconcellos etal., 2020).
Comparably, less research has focussed on education stu-
dents. Examining motivational style in education students is
important as research may inform how best to support their
learning to improve performance, retention and wellbeing
throughout their teacher training and future teaching careers.
For example, intrinsic motivation in teachers has been asso-
ciated with a greater sense of wellbeing and job satisfaction
(Pelletier etal., 2002). Supporting more helpful motiva-
tional patterns is particularly important due to high levels of
stress in student teachers (Caires etal., 2012; Gardner, 2010;
Gustems-Carnicer etal., 2019; Leung etal., 2000; Umbach
& Wawrzynski, 2005), and high early-career teacher attrition
(Borman & Dowling, 2008; Hwang etal., 2017). Improving
retention in teaching is vital, as attrition is partially responsi-
ble for a critical shortage of teachers in certain subject areas
(O’Doherty & Harford,2018). Additionally, motivational
style of teachers impacts student-related outcomes (Hein,
2012; Reeve, 2009). For instance, intrinsically motivated
teachers fostered greater interest in learning in their students
and endorsed adaptive classroom management styles, com-
pared to extrinsically motivated teachers (Reeve etal., 1999;
Berger & Girardet, 2020).
Taken together, exploring factors predicting intrinsic and
extrinsic motivation may help guide the development of
interventions in universities aimed at improving positive
outcomes such as student wellbeing, achievement, and reten-
tion. Few studies have clarified the relationship between
engagement and motivation in UK students. Furthermore,
modifiable factors such as self-compassion and its rela-
tionship to intrinsic and extrinsic motivation should also
be examined: how self-compassion and self-criticism may
strengthen or weaken the pathway from extrinsic to intrinsic
motivation, illustrated by OIT, can inform educational inter-
ventions. Finally, previous research has examined the impor-
tance of intrinsic motivation in academic settings, however
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10166 Current Psychology (2023) 42:10163–10176
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less research specifically relates to education/teacher train-
ing students whose motivational style may not only impact
their own learning, but the future learning of their pupils.
Therefore, this study aimed to explore relationships among
motivation, engagement, self-criticism, and self-compassion
in UK education students. Three research questions were
RQ1. How is each type of motivation associated with
engagement, self-criticism and self-compassion?
RQ2. How is each type of motivation predicted by engage-
RQ3. Does self-criticism/compassion moderate the rela-
tionship between extrinsic motivation and intrinsic moti-
All participants were 18years of age or older, and studying
in an education programme at a UK university at the time
of the study; students taking an authorised break from study
were excluded on the basis that their current experiences
were likely to be different from their colleagues. Participants
were recruited via convenience sampling using a paper-
based anonymous survey distributed by programme tutors
(instead of the researchers) as a means of avoiding response
biases. Of the 120 part-time graduate students who were
introduced to the study, 109 (91%; 70 females, 39 males;
Age 27.39 ± 7.94years old, range 21–55years old; 104 Brit-
ish, 2 other Europeans and 1 Asian) completed three scales
regarding motivation, engagement and self-criticism/−com-
passion (see “Instrument” section below), satisfying the
required sample size calculated by power analysis (84: two
tails, p H1 = 0.30, α = 0.05, Power = 0.80, p H0 = 0; (Faul
etal., 2009)). Additionally, demographic questions were
asked: age, gender, nationality, teaching age, and weekly
self-study hours. Thirty-eight students (35%) were trained
to teach younger students (11–15years old), and 71 students
(65%) were trained to teach older students (16years and
older). On average, they studied 9.90h (SD = 6.98h) outside
of the classroom per week. For one student who reported
visual impairments, coloured paper was provided to aid
their participation. Paper data were digitised by a research
assistant, who we thank for their support with this research
study. Compared with the general population of UK edu-
cation students (78%; Higher Education Statistics Agency,
2018), our sample recruited slightly less females (64%). No
compensation was awarded for completing the survey. In line
with the study ethics (obtained from the University Research
Ethics Committee prior to data collection), explanations for
the withdrawal of 11 participants were not sought.
Students’ academic motivation was measured using the
Academic Motivation Scale (AMS). The AMS meas-
ures seven types of motivation: amotivation, three types
of extrinsic motivation (external, introjected and identi-
fied regulation) and three types of intrinsic motivation
(knowing, accomplishing and experiencing stimulation).
AMS comprises 28 items, and each type of motivation is
assessed using four items on a seven-point Likert scale
(1=‘Does not correspond at all’ to 7 = ‘Corresponds
exactly’). There is no interpretive threshold. All seven
subscales have adequate to high reliability (α = .62–.91;
Vallerand etal., 1992). For the purposes of this study,
the three levels of extrinsic motivation subscales were
combined as ‘extrinsic motivation’, and so were ‘intrinsic
motivation’ (Vallerand etal., 1992).
Utrecht Work Engagement Scale for Students (UWES-
S) was used to measure students’ engagement (Schaufeli &
Bakker, 2004). Seventeen items in UWES-S are categorised
into three subscales: vigour (six items; e.g., ‘I can continue
studying for very long periods at a time’), dedication (five
items; e.g., ‘I am proud of my studies’) and absorption (six
items; e.g., ‘I am immersed in my studies.’). Vigour indi-
cates high levels of energy to make an effort in one’s aca-
demic work; dedication refers to deep involvement in one’s
academic work; and absorption means positive engrossment
with high concentration in one’s academic work (Schaufeli
etal., 2002). All items are responded to on a seven-point
Likert scale, 0 = ‘Never’ to 6 = Always (everyday)’ with
no interpretive threshold. Reliability for each subscale was
adequate to high (α = .63–.81) (Schaufeli & Bakker, 2004).
Lastly, self-criticism and self-compassion were appraised
using the Forms of the Self-Criticising/Attacking & Self-
Reassuring Scale, a 22-item scale on a five-point Likert
scale, 0 = ‘Not at all like me’ to 4 = ‘Extremely like me’
(Gilbert etal., 2004). The 22 items were categorised into
three subscales: ‘inadequate-self’ and ‘hated-self’ compris-
ing self-criticism, and ‘reassured-self’ corresponding to self-
compassion. Inadequate-self refers to feelings of inadequacy
(e.g., ‘There is a part of me that puts me down.’), hated-self
to a desire to hurt or torture the self (e.g., ‘I have a sense of
disgust with myself.’), and reassured-self to compassion for
the self (e.g., ‘I can still feel lovable and acceptable.’). There
is no interpretive threshold. Reliability for each subscale was
high: α = .90 for inadequate-self, .86 for hated-self, and .86
for reassured-self (Gilbert etal., 2004).
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10167Current Psychology (2023) 42:10163–10176
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Statistical Analyses
First the collected data were screened for outliers and
the assumptions of parametric tests. Second, correlations
between their motivation, engagement, self-criticism and
self-compassion were evaluated (RQ1). Third, multiple
regression analyses were performed to identify significant
predictors for each type of motivation (RQ2). Finally, mod-
eration analyses were done to assess whether self-criticism
and self-compassion would moderate the pathway from
extrinsic motivation to intrinsic motivation (RQ3).
Analyses were conducted using IBM SPSS version 26.0
and Process Macro (Hayes, 2013). No outliers were iden-
tified. All variables demonstrated good internal reliability
(α = .76–.92; Table1).
Relationships amongMotivation, Engagement,
andSelf‑Criticism/‑Compassion (RQ1)
As dedication and amotivation were not normally distrib-
uted (Shapiro-Wilk’s test, p < .05), data were square-root-
transformed to satisfy the assumption of normality (Field,
2017). Pearson’s correlation was calculated (Table2).
Intrinsic motivation was positively associated with the
age of students, self-study time, extrinsic motivation, vig-
our, dedication, absorption, and negatively associated with
amotivation. Extrinsic motivation was positively associ-
ated with vigour, dedication, absorption and inadequate-
self. Lastly amotivation was positively associated with
inadequate-self and hated-self, and negatively associated
with intrinsic motivation, vigour, dedication, absorption
and reassured-self. The coefficients with engagement sub-
scales (vigour, dedication, and absorption) were the high-
est in intrinsic motivation of the three types of motivation.
Table 1 Descriptive statistics:
Motivation, engagement, self-
criticism, and self-compassion
in UK graduate students in
education (n = 109)
Scale Constructs (Range) M SD α
Academic Motivation Scale Intrinsic Motivation (4–28) 18.31 4.51 .92
Extrinsic Motivation (4–28) 20.66 4.13 .85
Amotivation (4–28) 6.18 3.31 .76
Utrecht Work Engagement Scale-Student Vigour (0–6) 4.11 1.07 .82
Dedication (0–6) 4.77 1.13 .87
Absorption (0–6) 3.49 1.40 .88
Forms of Self-criticising/Attacking & Self-
Reassuring Scale
Inadequate-Self (0–36) 20.30 8.76 .89
Hated-Self (0–32) 4.97 4.82 .84
Reassured-Self (0–20) 19.66 7.23 .91
Table 2 Correlations among motivation, engagement, self-criticism, and self-compassion in UK graduate students in education (n = 109)
Note. Age of Students (0 = 11–15years old, 1 = 16years old or older). * p < .05, ** p < .01
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14
1Gender (0 = M, 1 = F)
2Age .06
3 Programme Level .18 −.01
4 Age of Students −.08 −.01 −.01
5 Self-Study Time .17 .19* .12 −.05
6 Intrinsic Motivation .13 .18 −.02 .20* .26**
7 Extrinsic Motivation .05 −.03 .07 −.02 .13 .44**
8 Amotivation −.07 .12 −.10 .03 .04 −.19* .04
9 Vigour .05 .05 .09 .21* .19* .45** .24* −.38**
10 Dedication −.01 −.09 .08 .22* .20* .47** .28** −.32** .63**
11 Absorption .15 .23* .10 .15 .38** .53** .19* −.20* .61** .52**
12 Inadequate-Self .03 −.02 −.12 −.001 .08 .01 .20* .31** −.33** −.09 −.04
13 Hated-Self −.04 .09 −.13 .11 .07 .04 .07 .24* −.28** −.02 .05 .66**
14 Reassured-Self −.09 −.09 .08 −.04 −.24* .02 .01 −.21* .28** .11 .01 −.66** −.64**
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10168 Current Psychology (2023) 42:10163–10176
1 3
Predictors ofMotivation (RQ2)
Multiple regression analyses were conducted to explore the
relative contribution of vigour, dedication, and absorption
to each type of motivation (Table3). Gender and age were
entered to adjust for their effects (step one), and then vigour,
dedication, and absorption were entered (step two). Adjusted
coefficient of determination (Adj. R2) were reported to iden-
tify the degree of variance in the population. Multicollinear-
ity was of no concern (VIF < 10).
Engagement accounted for 30% (large effect size; Cohen,
1988) of the variance in intrinsic motivation, 6% (small
effect size; Cohen, 1988) in extrinsic motivation, and 13%
(medium effect size; Cohen, 1988) in amotivation. Dedica-
tion (p = .01, β = .27) and absorption (p = .009, β = .29) were
significant positive predictors for intrinsic motivation, and
vigour (p = .01, β = −.31) was a significant negative predic-
tor for amotivation. No predictor was identified for extrinsic
Moderation ofSelf‑Criticism/Compassion
onExtrinsic Motivation‑Intrinsic Motivation (RQ3)
Lastly, to appraise whether self-criticism and self-com-
passion would moderate the relationship between extrinsic
motivation and intrinsic motivation, three sets of moderation
analyses were conducted, using the Model 1 in the Process
macro (Hayes, 2013). The predictor variables were centred
before regression analyses, to avoid multicollinearity issues.
The interaction effects of extrinsic motivation and inade-
quate-self as predictors of intrinsic motivation were not sig-
nificant (p = .051), indicating that inadequate-self did not
moderate the pathway from extrinsic motivation to intrinsic
motivation (Fig.1).
The interaction effects of extrinsic motivation and hated-
self as predictors of intrinsic motivation were significant
(p = .004), indicating that hated-self moderated the pathway
from extrinsic motivation to intrinsic motivation (Panel B in
Fig.2). Three simple regression equations were calculated
(Aiken & West, 1996) at different levels of hated-self: (i) one
standard deviation below the mean hated-self score, (ii) the
mean hated-self score, and (iii) one standard deviation above
the mean hated-self score. The equations demonstrated a
positive weakening effect of hated-self: as hated-self scores
increase, the positive relationship between extrinsic moti-
vation and intrinsic motivation becomes weaker (Fig.3).
Simple slopes analyses demonstrated that the relationship
between extrinsic motivation and intrinsic motivation was
significant at low and mean levels of hated-self: (i) low
hated-self (b = .70, t = 5.98, p < .001) and (ii) mean hated-
self (b = .43, t = 4.19, p < .001). At a high level of hated-self,
it was not significant (b = .15, t = .94, p = .35). Johnson-Ney-
man significance region for hated-self was below 66.97%
(73 students).
The interaction effects of extrinsic motivation and reas-
sured-self as predictors of intrinsic motivation were sig-
nificant (p < .001), indicating that reassured-self moder-
ated the pathway from extrinsic motivation to intrinsic
motivation (Panel B in Fig.4). Three simple regression
equations (Aiken & West, 1991) demonstrated a positive
enhancing effect of reassured-self: as reassured-self scores
Table 3 Multiple regression:
Engagement to motivation
among education students
(n = 109)
β = standardised regression coefficient. *p < .05; **p < .01.
Intrinsic Motivation Extrinsic Motivation Amotivation
95% CI 95% CI 95% CI
β Lower Upper β Lower Upper β Lower Upper
Step 1
Gender (0 = M, 1 = F) .12 −.08 .36 .06 −.14 .25 −.08 −.35 .15
Age .17 <.001 .03 −.04 −.01 .01 .12 −.01 .02
Step 2
Gender (0 = M, 1 = F) .09 −.09 .28 .05 −.14 .24 −.08 −.32 .14
Age .13 <.001 .02 −.03 −.01 .01 .13 −.01 .02
Vigour .09 −.26 .61 .10 −.29 .61 −.31* −1.26 −.16
Dedication .27* .11 .94 .20 −.10 .76 .02 −.80 .25
Absorption .29** .10 .65 .03 −.25 .32 .04 −.28 .41
Adj. R2 Δ 30% 6% 13%
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10169Current Psychology (2023) 42:10163–10176
1 3
Fig. 1 Moderation of inade-
quate-self on the pathway from
extrinsic motivation to intrinsic
motivation: conceptual diagram
(panel A) and statistical dia-
gram (panel B)
Fig. 2 Moderation of hated-self
on the pathway from extrinsic
motivation to intrinsic motiva-
tion: conceptual diagram (panel
A) and statistical diagram
(panel B)
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10170 Current Psychology (2023) 42:10163–10176
1 3
increase, the positive relationship between extrinsic moti-
vation and intrinsic motivation becomes stronger (Fig.5).
Simple slopes analyses demonstrated that the relationship
between extrinsic motivation and intrinsic motivation
was significant at high and mean levels of reassured-self:
(i) high reassured-self (b = .80, t = 6.38, p < .001) and
(ii) mean reassured-self (b = .42, t = 4.23, p < .001). At a
low level of reassured-self, it was not significant (b = .04,
t = .25, p = .81). Johnson-Neyman significance region for
reassured-self was above 74.31% (81 students).
Fig. 3 Moderating effect of
hated-self on the pathway from
extrinsic motivation to intrinsic
motivation in education students
(n = 109)
Fig. 4 Moderation of reassured-
self on the pathway from
extrinsic motivation to intrinsic
motivation: conceptual diagram
(panel A) and statistical dia-
gram (panel B)
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10171Current Psychology (2023) 42:10163–10176
1 3
This study explored relationships between motivation, engage-
ment, self-criticism, and self-compassion in UK higher educa-
tion students, and sought to delineate whether self-criticism and/
or -reassurance moderated the relationship between extrinsic
motivation and intrinsic motivation. After controlling for age
and gender, intrinsic motivation was predicted by engagement in
the form of dedication and absorption, and amotivation was pre-
dicted by engagement in the form of vigour. No manifestation of
engagement significantly predicted extrinsic motivation. Moreo-
ver, the relationship between extrinsic and intrinsic motivation
was moderated by hated-self and reassured-self scores, but not
variation in inadequate-self. Such moderations and regression
analyses are further discussed below.
This manuscript was centred around SDT, whereby motiva-
tion was conceptualised as spanning intrinsic (e.g., satisfaction,
pleasure), extrinsic (e.g., external, instrumental factors), or amo-
tivation (e.g., a lack of motivation and an inability to associate
their own behaviour with behavioural outcomes) manifestations
(Ryan & Deci, 2017). In line with the sub-theory, OIT (Gopalan
etal., 2017; Ryan & Deci, 2017), extrinsic and intrinsic motiva-
tion are considered complementary, with extrinsic motivation
thought to play a role in the development of intrinsic motiva-
tion. Given the importance of intrinsic motivation in educational
settings (Deci & Ryan, 2008), developing our understanding
of mechanisms by which to translate extrinsic motivation into
intrinsic motivation can benefit student wellbeing and attain-
ment. This study sought to establish whether the predictive
relationship between extrinsic and intrinsic motivation could
be motivated by variation in self-compassion.
Moderation Analyses Via Self‑Compassion
As predicted, there was a strong and positive relationship
between self-reported extrinsic and intrinsic motivation at
baseline. This relationship was moderated by variation in scores
on hated-self and reassured-self, but not inadequate-self com-
ponents of self-compassion. Specifically, as hated-self scores
increased, the extrinsic/intrinsic motivation relationship became
weaker; conversely, as the reassured-self scores increased, the
extrinsic/intrinsic motivation relationship became stronger.
Self-compassion is conceptualised as self-acceptance, includ-
ing allowing kind self-treatment in times of perceived self-
inadequacy and managing adverse thoughts, such as self-pity
(Kotera etal., 2021a, b; Neff, 2003). In educational settings,
self-compassion manifests in greater motivation to learn (Neff
etal., 2005), greater meaning and enthusiasm in studies (Kotera,
2018), better focus on and understanding of what is required to
plan and overcome long-term challenges (Karlen etal., 2019),
and the ability to learn from and navigate feedback (Leary etal.,
2007; Neff etal., 2005). Thus Neely etal. (2009) argue self-com-
passion is vital to effective and successful education, because
it facilitates a flexible and self-regulated approach to learning.
Such findings support interventional studies, which indicate
the potential for self-compassion to be fostered in students to
improve motivational outcomes (Dundas etal., 2017; Neff etal.,
2007; Shapiro etal., 2005). For example, a targeted intervention
successfully increased self-compassion in university students,
which in turn was associated with greater motivation to learn
and perceived personal growth (intrinsic motivation) (Dundas
etal., 2017). As such, the development of educational inter-
ventions, which focus on self-compassion, may be important to
promote intrinsic motivation.
Fig. 5 Moderating effect of
reassured-self on the pathway
from extrinsic motivation to
intrinsic motivation in education
students (n = 109)
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10172 Current Psychology (2023) 42:10163–10176
1 3
Correlates ofMotivation
This research suggests that in addition to age and self-study
time, intrinsic and extrinsic motivation were positively
associated with vigour, dedication, and absorption, which
were negatively correlated with amotivation. Of the three
types of motivation, intrinsic motivation was most strongly
associated with engagement. Intrinsic motivation in students
has been associated with greater academic performance
(e.g., Goldman etal., 2017; Lepper etal., 2005; Zaccone &
Pedrini, 2019), as well as higher retention rates (Vallerand,
1997), and better student outcomes relative to extrinsically
motivated students (Hein, 2012; Reeve, 2009). Increasing
academic engagement via fostering intrinsic motivation
also has wider implications for the benefit of student mental
health and wellbeing (Datu, 2018; King etal., 2015; Lié-
bana-Presa etal., 2014; Rogers etal., 2017; Turner etal.,
2017; Suárez-Colorado etal., 2019). Thus, helping extrinsi-
cally motivated students to develop intrinsic motivation is of
great importance, and enhancing students’ engagement may
be effective for that purpose (Ommering & Dekker, 2017;
Pelletier etal., 2002). At the same time, it is also important
that educators are aware of the motivation purity bias, where
extrinsic motivation is expressed, educators assume the stu-
dent’s intrinsic motivation is low (Derfler-Rozin & Pitesa,
2021). Educators’ understanding of motivation is essential
to gauge students’ motivation.
Application ofResults
Results of this investigation highlight the potential to
increase intrinsic motivation in students, by fostering self-
compassion. Fostering self-compassion may help students
modify their goal orientation practices from performance to
mastery orientated goals, thereby encouraging the transla-
tion of extrinsic motivation to intrinsic motivation. Perfor-
mance-orientated goals are motivated by social comparison
and a desire to demonstrate superiority on a task. Contrast-
ingly, mastery-orientated goals are motivated by a desire
to develop skills or understanding (Ames & Archer,1988;
Dweck, 1986). Mastery-oriented goals are associated with
intrinsic motivation (Cerasoli etal., 2014; Spinath & Stein-
mayr 2012), and self-compassion is associated with mas-
tery goal orientation (Babenko & Oswald 2019; Neff etal.,
2005). Interventions aimed at developing self-compassion
in conjunction with support for students in setting mastery-
orientated goals may support intrinsic motivation.
Furthermore, fostering self-compassion may support a
growth mindset, which is associated with intrinsic motiva-
tion (Dweck & Yeager 2019). A growth mindset is the under-
standing of intelligence as modifiable through effort rather
than a fixed attribute of an individual (Dweck & Yeager
2019). Growth mindset is associated with mastery orien-
tated goals, positive engagement with challenges, including
perceived failures, and intrinsic motivation (Ng, 2018). Self-
compassion, with its emphasis on self-kindness in reaction
to perceived failures, may help individuals positively engage
with such failures, which characterises a growth mindset.
Interventions fostering self-compassion combined with psy-
choeducation about and teaching approaches that incorpo-
rate growth mindset may support intrinsic motivation.
Encouraging self-compassion and intrinsic motivation
through feedback style may be important for postgraduate
education students nurturing a growth mindset (Dweck,
2008). The development of reflective practice, including fos-
tering self-evaluative and critically reflective teachers, is one
aim of teacher training and early-career mentoring (Harrison
etal., 2005). In encouraging self-reflective processes in stu-
dent teachers, it may be important for mentors and educators
to encourage compassionate feedback, thus preventing self-
reflection from being conflated with self-criticism—which
is associated with depression and poor wellbeing (Gilbert
& Woodyatt, 2017). Additionally, the form of feedback pro-
vided by university teachers may be important for foster-
ing intrinsic motivation. Providing elaborate (as opposed
to simple) feedback is associated with increased motivation
(Bangert-Drowns etal., 1991; Serge etal., 2013), while posi-
tive feedback strengthens motivation and learning (Hender-
long & Lepper, 2002). Taken together, educators should use
compassionate, elaborate and positive feedback to support
students’ self-compassion and intrinsic motivation.
Results of this investigation are discussed in light of four
core limitations, each of which should be considered when
implementing observed results and conceptualising future
research. First, said results are correlational and as such one
cannot fully infer the effect of heightened self-compassion
on the development and maintenance of intrinsic motiva-
tion. However, the results observed here map well onto
both existing theory and previous peer-reviewed publica-
tions in the area, supporting their validity. Second, although
the recorded sample size exceeded a-priori power analyses
(n = 109), the sample, consisting of postgraduate education
students, is largely heterogeneous–coming from a limited
number of teaching modules at a single UK-based univer-
sity. However, SDT has been reported across multiple edu-
cational contexts (Owen etal., 2014; Taylor etal., 2014;
Goldman etal., 2017; Beachboard etal., 2011; Jeno, 2015),
and areas of study (Orsini etal., 2015; Standage etal., 2005;
Vasconcellos etal., 2020), while noting that development of
intrinsic motivation may differ by culture (Liu etal., 2020).
Indeed, the size of a person’s smile was associated with a
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10173Current Psychology (2023) 42:10163–10176
1 3
level of their intrinsic motivation in cross-cultural samples
(Cheng etal., 2020), however perception of facial expres-
sions also differs cross-culturally (Jack etal., 2012). More
diverse samples need to be evaluated. Third, self-report
measures were used, hence the response biases might have
been present (Kotera, Van Laethem, & Ohshima, 2020c).
Relatedly, a ceiling effect might have been present for reas-
sured-self (M = 19.66 of 20.00). Finally, this research was
undertaken during a novel time, the COVID-19 pandemic,
which has been associated with atypical variation in health
and behaviour (Harper etal., 2020; Kotera etal., 2021a,
b). As such, although this might represent a unique con-
text, similar observations have been reported historically,
suggesting validity in these results extending beyond this
current context.
Intrinsic motivation in academic settings is associated with
important attainment and wellbeing outcomes, includ-
ing engagement, academic success, retention, and mental
wellbeing. However, it remains unknown whether modifi-
able factors, such as self-compassion, might help to shift
one’s motivation style away from extrinsic to intrinsic moti-
vation. Intrinsic motivation predicted engagement in the
form of dedication and absorption after controlling for age
and gender, and of importance, the relationship between
extrinsic and intrinsic motivation was moderated by both
hated-self (negatively) and reassured-self scores (positively).
Results not only develop our understanding of the feasibil-
ity of developing and implementing interventions aimed at
improving self-compassion in educational settings, but in
doing so, suggest a potential benefit of such for increasing
intrinsic motivation, which in turn might yield additional
benefits in academic success and wellbeing.
Availability of Data and Material The datasets generated during and/or
analysed during the current study are available from the corresponding
author on reasonable request.
Code Availability Not applicable.
Funding This research received no specific grant from any funding
agency in the public, commercial, or not-for-profit sectors.
Conflicts of Interest/Competing Interests Authors report no conflict of
Ethics Approval Granted by the university research ethics committee,
stated in the methods section of the manuscript.
Consent to Participate All participants consented to participate in
Consent for Publication All participants consented for publication.
Open Access This article is licensed under a Creative Commons Attri-
bution 4.0 International License, which permits use, sharing, adapta-
tion, distribution and reproduction in any medium or format, as long
as you give appropriate credit to the original author(s) and the source,
provide a link to the Creative Commons licence, and indicate if changes
were made. The images or other third party material in this article are
included in the article's Creative Commons licence, unless indicated
otherwise in a credit line to the material. If material is not included in
the article's Creative Commons licence and your intended use is not
permitted by statutory regulation or exceeds the permitted use, you will
need to obtain permission directly from the copyright holder. To view a
copy of this licence, visit http:// creat iveco mmons. org/ licen ses/ by/4. 0/.
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... Meskipun demikian, diinginkan agar motivasi intrinsik dapat tumbuh, karena jenis motivasi ini dianggap lebih tulus dan berakar dari dalam diri peserta didik. Namun, penting untuk dicatat bahwa munculnya motivasi intrinsik tidaklah mudah dan tidak selalu terjadi secara otomatis (Kotera et al., 2023). ...
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Learning activities are now centered not only on teachers but also on students who actively participate in the process. Learning motivation needs to be developed in students to achieve high learning outcomes. There are several learning models that teachers can use in the teaching process, one of which is project-based learning. This learning model is a model that guides students to engage in a project collaboratively and provides them with opportunities to develop themselves based on their real experiences. This study aims to analyze the implementation of the project-based learning model on student motivation and learning achievement in the environment of one of the Vocational High Schools in the Lembang area. The research method used in this study is a qualitative approach using the interview method. The results of the study show that this learning model increases student participation in learning so that students are encouraged to have motivation and achieve in getting good project results. Abstrak Kegiatan pembelajaran kini tidak hanya terpusat kepada guru, namun peserta didik turut serta aktif dalam prosesnya. Motivasi belajar perlu untuk dikembangkan dalam diri peserta didik agar bisa mendapatkan hasil belajar yang prestatif. Terdapat beberapa model pembelajaran yang dapat digunakan oleh guru dalam proses mengajar, salah satunya adalah pembelajaran berbasis proyek atau Project-Based Learning. Model pembelajaran ini merupakan model yang membimbing peserta didik untuk terlibat dalam sebuah proyek secara kolaboratif dan memberikan kesempatan bagi mereka untuk mengembangkan diri berdasarkan pengalaman yang dimilikinya secara nyata. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis implementasi model pembelajaran berbasis proyek pada motivasi dan prestasi belajar peserta didik yang ada di lingkungan salah satu Sekolah Menengah Kejuruan (SMK) di daerah Lembang. Metode penelitian yang digunakan pada penelitian ini adalah pendekatan kualitatif dengan menggunakan metode wawancara. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa model pembelajaran ini meningkatkan partisipasi peserta didik yang tinggi dalam pembelajaran sehingga peserta didik terdorong untuk memiliki motivasi dan berprestasi dalam mendapatkan hasil proyek yang baik. Kata Kunci: motivasi; pembelajaran berbasis proyek; prestasi belajar
... According to (Kotera et al., 2023), a balanced approach that integrates both extrinsic and intrinsic motivation may contribute to sustaining longterm commitment and achievement. ...
... Intrinsic motivation indicates motivation to participate in an activity because it is satisfying and enjoyable to do so, and the intrinsic motivation stimulates behavior through expectation to realize a certain purpose (Kotera et al., 2021). Intrinsic motivation is one of the important predictors of creativity, which has always been the focus of researchers. ...
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Exploring the influence mechanism of user creativity in online learning community is beneficial for improving learning efficiency and increasing stickiness and loyalty of users to online learning community. But the current research on collaborative creation mainly focuses on the effectiveness and innovation of online learning, and lacks the research focusing on the impact of environmental factors like learning group members on online users’ creativity enthusiasm and even creativity. This paper addresses this research gap by exploring the influence of learning team factors like social presence and observational learning on creativity by using self-efficacy and intrinsic motivation as mediators. The theoretical model was validated with data collected from 242 online learning community users. This paper finds that social presence and observational learning have a positive impact on motivational factors, such as self-efficacy and intrinsic motivation, which, in turn, enhance user creativity. Their influences are moderated by challenging research discipline, level of team members and incentive.
... These findings underscore fostering graduate students' innate desire to master their subject matter and cultivate a genuine interest in long-term achievement rather than concentrating solely on immediate performance outcomes. Meanwhile, the effects of extrinsic motivation remain unclear [4,24]. ...
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Managing learning efforts and self-regulation skills are crucial for academic performance. Graduate students are considered more mature and utilize more sophisticated learning strategies than undergraduates. However, during the COVID-19 pandemic, they may have struggled with challenging academic tasks, transition to online course modality, and additional family responsibilities. This study examines how graduate students’ adjustment, mental health, and motivation impact their use of self-regulated learning (SRL) strategies. An anonymous online survey was distributed via Qualtrics between November and December 2021. The survey incorporated a demographic questionnaire, College Adjustment Test (CAT), Depression, Anxiety, and Stress Scale (DASS-21), and selected subscales from the Motivated Strategies for Learning Questionnaire (MSLQ). The study gathered responses from 301 graduate students enrolled at a large southeastern university in the United States. Data were analyzed using Structural Equation Modeling. The final model suggests that mental health and motivation factors may significantly and directly impact SRL strategies. Within the model, mental health factors, such as stress, seem to positively affect SRL strategies, while depression suggests a negative impact. Intrinsic motivation and self-efficacy in motivation had a positive influence on SRL strategies based on the model. Additionally, graduate students’ adjustment could influence their use of learning strategies via the mediation of these mental health and motivation factors. The opposite effects of positive and negative adjustment, as mediated by stress, depression, intrinsic motivation, and self-efficacy were also discussed.
Purpose This research aims to explore the mechanisms and conditions that motivate diners to engage in foodstagramming. It focuses on intrinsic versus extrinsic motivations, and the role of the dining environment in facilitating social connection and social commerce intention. Design/methodology/approach Two scenario-based experiments were conducted among Chinese participants. Experiment 1 ( n = 219) used a one-factor between-subjects design to test the effect of foodstagramming incentives (intrinsic vs extrinsic) on social commerce intention. Experiment 2 ( n = 529) used a 2 (foodstagramming incentive: extrinsic vs intrinsic) × 2 (environmental attractiveness: low vs high) between-subjects design to examine the mediation of social connection and the moderation of environmental attractiveness. Findings Intrinsic incentives more effectively enhance tourists’ social commerce intention than extrinsic incentives. The attractiveness of the dining environment moderates this relationship. Extrinsic incentives significantly boost social commerce intention and social connection in low-attractiveness environments, but not in high-attractiveness environments. Social connection serves as a conditional mediator. Practical implications Restaurant managers should prioritize superior service and culinary offerings, and invest in appealing dining environments to encourage tourists to share their dining experiences, leveraging word-of-mouth promotions. In less attractive settings, external incentives like coupons or discounts can promote food selfie-taking and sharing, driving social commerce intention. Originality/value This study offers new insights into foodstagramming motivations, highlighting the effectiveness of economic incentives and the role of the service environment in influencing social commerce behaviors. It expands the literature on service environments by explaining their effect on tourists’ sharing, commenting, liking and repurchasing behaviors.
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It has long been researched on the differences in motivation profiles between English learners in urban and rural schools to promote educational equity. However, important stakeholders such as students in developing cities and rural-urban-migrant students have been overlooked. Additionally, the moderating roles of regional variables between motivation and behaviors are understudied. To address these gaps, we investigated 503 high school students from four cities in China through questionnaires. Drawing on self-determination theory, we explored the differences in English learning motivational factors, motivation, and behaviors between students in developed and underdeveloped cities, and between rural-urban-migrant students and local students within the same urban school. Furthermore, we examined the moderating roles of regional variables between motivation and behaviors. Independent-samples t-tests revealed that students in the underdeveloped city had significantly lower levels of emotion-related factors and English learning behaviors. Among students attending the same urban school, it was found that rural-urban-migrant students reported higher levels of negativity across all dimensions surveyed. Moreover, moderation analysis suggested the positive impact of motivation on English learning behaviors was weaker among rural-urban-migrant students. We discussed potential reasons for these results and provided implications for teachers, parents, and policymakers.
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The COVID-19 pandemic has dramatically disrupted education worldwide, impacting 1.6 billion learners across more than 200 countries and forcing institutions to adapt rapidly to flexible learning methods. In the Philippines, Online Distance Learning (ODL) and Modular Distance Learning (MDL) became essential, with ODL particularly favored for maintaining valuable student-teacher interactions. Yet, this transition posed significant challenges, particularly for first-year college students adapting to this new educational landscape. This study delves into the complex relationship between motivation and social support within the context of online learning among first-year college students, framed by Self-Determination Theory (SDT) and House’s Social Support Theory. It investigates both intrinsic and extrinsic motivators, along with the four dimensions of social support: emotional, informational, instrumental, and affirmational. Employing a descriptive-correlational study design, data from 181 students revealed that while extrinsic factors prominently fueled high motivation levels, the role of informational support was crucial in sustaining engagement. A moderate positive correlation between motivation and social support emphasized their interconnected influence on academic success. The findings highlight the urgent need for holistic learning environments that nurture not only academic achievement but also emotional and social well-being. Recommendations include developing curricula that incorporate social support mechanisms, providing tailored guidance to enhance student experiences, equipping instructors with strategies for effective online teaching, and engaging parents to support their children’s educational journeys. This research underscores that addressing both motivational and support needs is vital for improving student engagement and ensuring equitable access to quality online education. Keywords: COVID-19 pandemic, online distance learning, student motivation, social support, intrinsic motivation, extrinsic motivation, emotional well-being, educational equity, first-year college students, Self-Determination Theory.
Purpose This study aims to examine the effects on student motivation and perception of technological interventions within undergraduate mechanical engineering and product design and manufacture programs at a Sino-foreign international university. The authors use an augmented reality game application within a class on Design for Manufacturing and Assembly (DfMA) that was developed using the approaches of microlearning and digital game-based learning (DGBL). Design/methodology/approach Structured as design-based research, the study reports on developing innovative educational interventions and provides an empirical investigation of their effectiveness. Data were collected using a mixed methods approach, using pre- and post-tests and questionnaires, together with researcher observations and participant interviews. Findings Through two rounds of playtests, the game positively affected intrinsic motivation and encouraged higher-order cognitive learning, critical thinking, communication and collaboration. Collaborative learning plays a significant role, DGBL is preferred over traditional methods and microlearning reduces information density and cognitive overload. Originality/value The study contributes to our understanding of digital game-based interventions on students’ intrinsic motivation and provides insights into effective ways to design instructional materials in similar teaching and learning settings.
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The main aim of this study was to examine the internal structure of a self-developed instrument “the adolescents’ school motivation measuring tool” instrument for use of adolescent school. Exploratory quantitative research approach, and its design was grounded within the exploratory type. A total of 489 school-going adolescents completed the questionnaire. A principal component factor analysis with varimax rotation confirmed the four-factor structure of the adolescents’ school motivation measurement tool, while confirmatory factor analysis was performed to establish the appropriateness of the instrument. The findings established that each of the factors, had good internal reliability values 0.88%, 0.87%, 0.87%, and 0.81% respectively. The SEM model of school motivation confirmed that the factor structure was a good model as the RMSEA (p = 0.066) was significant at a high level. Further, it was also affirmed that inter-correlations existed among each of the components: cognitive and success motivation (r = 0.95); cognitive and social motivation (r = 0.73); and success and social motivation (r = 0.73). Low correlation existed between the components of social and failure avoidance motivation (r = 0.03). This study concluded that the four factors are appropriate measures of adolescents’ school motivation tool for the use of school-going adolescents.
The article compares the views of participants in the educational process regarding the learning motivation in higher education before and during in complicated conditions (pandemic Covid-19, martial law in Ukraine). The author included 3881 respondents in the anonymous online survey carried out through Google Forms during 2019-2023, including: survey of 2019 – 788 Bachelor and Master students, 49 PhD students; survey of 2020-2023 – 2897 Bachelor and Master students, 147 PhD students; used IBM SPSS Statistics 23 for statistical analyses. The survey (2019-2020) shows that intrinsic motivation has the highest indicators (main values on a five-point scale, percentages): students (4,08-4,11; 45,11-49,86%), PhD students (4,12-4,39; 61,22-65,31%). It is shown that there are no statistically significant differences (t-test; p≤0,05) regarding motivation indicators before and at the beginning of complicated conditions between independent samples of higher education students and PhD students in most cases; however, PhD students have slightly higher motivation scores compared to students. The analysis shows the maximum values of intrinsic motivation (the main value of the motivation indicators for 2020-2023 and the interval of the minimum and maximum main value) for student survey in dynamics of 2020-2023 by various characteristics (educational level, gender, specialty, form of study, year of the survey): external negative motivation (M=2,50; 2,33-2,64) → external positive motivation (M=3,60; 3,45-3,70) → intrinsic motivation (М=3,96; 3,78-4,05). Students show a trend of decreasing motivation in dynamics (we mean values on a five-point scale and the year of the survey): external positive motivation – 3,82 (2019) → 3,78 (2020) → 3,71 (2021) → 3,59 (2022) → 3,19 (2023); intrinsic motivation – 4,11 (2019) → 4,08 (2020) → 3,98 (2021) → 3,93 (2022) → 3,76 (2023). Female students show statistically better (t-test; p≤0,05) indicators of intrinsic and external motivation compared to male representatives. It was found out that students with a high level of academic achievement have better indicators of learning motivation.
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To protect wellbeing of healthcare and caregiving workers during COVID-19, the University of Derby has initiated to offer a webinar focusing on self-care. This one-hour webinar has been well-taken by many healthcare and caregiving workers, and has been requested to be offered at various organisations such as the National Health Service trusts, the British Association of Social Workers, and the Derbyshire Voluntary Action. This commentary reports the outline of the webinar including how the participated healthcare and caregiving workers perceived self-care, and suggests that the current situation may help de-stigmatise self-care among these crucial workforces.
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The current pandemic of the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) has negatively impacted medical workers’ mental health in many countries including Japan. Although research identified poor mental health of medical workers in COVID-19, protective factors for their mental health remain to be appraised. Accordingly, this study aimed to investigate relationships between mental health problems, loneliness, hope and self-compassion among Japanese medical workers, and compare with the general population. Online self-report measures regarding those four constructs were completed by 142 medical workers and 138 individuals in the general population. T-tests and multiple regression analysis were performed. Medical workers had higher levels of mental health problems and loneliness, and lower levels of hope and self-compassion than the general population. Loneliness was the strongest predictor of mental health problems in the medical workers. Findings suggest that Japanese medical workplaces may benefit from targeting workplace loneliness to prevent mental health problems among the medical staff.
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Self-compassion, being kind towards oneself, has been identified as a key protective factor of mental health. This is consistent with students’ experiences in the study of nursing, which attracts a large number of students in the United Kingdom. Despite the importance of self-compassion, knowledge in how to enhance self-compassion is under-researched. Self-compassion interventions are commonly related to meditative exercises. In order to suggest alternative approaches, relationships between self-compassion and more established constructs need to be appraised. Accordingly, this study evaluated predictors of self-compassion, examining its relationships with more established constructs examined in other healthcare student populations: resilience, engagement, motivation and mental wellbeing. An opportunity sample of 182 UK nursing students at a university in East Midlands completed self-report measures about these constructs. Correlation and regression analyses were conducted. Self-compassion was positively related to resilience, engagement, intrinsic motivation and mental wellbeing, while negatively related to amotivation. Resilience and mental wellbeing were identified as significant predictors of self-compassion. As resilience and mental wellbeing are relatively familiar to many nursing lecturers and students, educators can incorporate a self-compassion component into the existing resilience training and/or mental wellbeing practices.
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Aims: To explore relationships between mental health problems, mental health shame, self- compassion and average length of sleep in UK nursing students. The increasing mental health problems in nursing students may be related to a strong sense of shame they experience for having a mental health problem. Self-compassion has been identified as a protective factor for mental health and shame in other student populations. Further, studies highlight the importance of sleep relating to mental health. Design: A cross‐sectional design. Methods: A convenient sampling of 182 nursing students at a university in the East Midlands completed a paper-based questionnaire regarding these four constructs, from February to April 2019. Correlation, regression and mediation analyses were conducted. Results: Mental health problems were positively related to shame, and negatively related to self- compassion and sleep. Mental health shame positively predicted, and self-compassion negatively predicted mental health problems: sleep was not a significant predictor of mental health problems. Lastly, self-compassion completely mediated the impacts of sleep on mental health problems (negative relationship between mental health problems and sleep was fully explained by self-compassion). Conclusion: The importance of self-compassion was highlighted as it can reduce mental health problems and shame. Self-compassion can protect nursing students from mental distress when they are sleep-deprived. Impact: Nurses and nursing students are required to work irregular hours (e.g., COVID-19), and mental distress can cause serious consequences in clinical practice. Our findings suggest that nurturing self-compassion can protect their mental health, and the negative impacts of sleep deprivation on mental health.
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Purpose: The primary purpose of this descriptive study was to compare the levels of, and relationships among mental health problems, mental health shame, self-compassion, work engagement, and work motivation between workers in Japan (collectivistic and success-driven culture) and the Netherlands (individualistic and quality-oriented culture). Design/methodology/approach: A cross-sectional design, where convenience samples of 165 Japanese and 160 Dutch workers completed self-report measures about mental health problems, shame, self-compassion, engagement and motivation, was used. Welch t-tests, correlation and regression analyses were conducted to compare i) the levels of these variables, ii) relationships among these variables, and iii) predictors of mental health problems, between the two groups. Findings: Dutch workers had higher levels of mental health problems, work engagement and intrinsic motivation, and lower levels of shame and amotivation than Japanese workers. Mental health problems were associated with shame in both samples. Mental health problems were negatively predicted by self-compassion in Japanese, and by work engagement in Dutch employees. Originality/value: The novelty of this study relates to exploring differences in work mental health between those two culturally contrasting countries. Our findings highlight potential cultural differences such as survey responding (Japanese acquiescent responding vs Dutch self-enhancement) and cultural emphases (Japanese shame vs Dutch quality of life). Job crafting, mindfulness and enhancing ikigai (meaningfulness in life) may be helpful to protect mental health in these workers, relating to self-compassion and work engagement. Findings from this study would be particularly useful to employers, managers, and staff in human resources who work with cross-cultural workforce. Keywords: cross-culture, Japanese workers, Dutch workers, work mental health, self-compassion, work engagement
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One in three university students experiences mental health problems during their study. A similar percentage leaves higher education without obtaining the degree for which they enrolled. Research suggests that both mental health problems and academic underperformance could be caused by students lacking control and purpose while they are adjusting to tertiary education. Currently, universities are not designed to cater to all the personal needs and mental health problems of large numbers of students at the start of their studies. Within the literature aimed at preventing mental health problems among students (e.g., anxiety or depression), digital forms of therapy recently have been suggested as potentially scalable solutions to address these problems. Integrative psychological artificial intelligence (AI) in the form of a chatbot, for example, shows great potential as an evidence-based solution. At the same time, within the literature aimed at improving academic performance, the online life-crafting intervention in which students write about values and passions, goals, and goal-attainment plans has shown to improve the academic performance and retention rates of students. Because the life-crafting intervention is delivered through the curriculum and doesn’t bear the stigma that is associated with therapy, it can reach larger populations of students. But life-crafting lacks the means for follow-up or the interactiveness that online AI-guided therapy can offer. In this narrative review, we propose to integrate the current literature on chatbot interventions aimed at the mental health of students with research about a life-crafting intervention that uses an inclusive curriculum-wide approach. When a chatbot asks students to prioritize both academic as well as social and health-related goals and provides personalized follow-up coaching, this can prevent -often interrelated- academic and mental health problems. Right on-time delivery, and personalized follow-up questions enhance the effects of both -originally separated- intervention types. Research on this new combination of interventions should use design principles that increase user-friendliness and monitor the technology acceptance of its participants.
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This study aimed to examine the links between motivation to become a teacher, sense of responsibility, and classroom management style. An adapted version of the Factors Influencing Teaching (FIT)-Choice scale, a translated version of the Teacher Responsibility scale, and a vignette instrument inspired by the Problems in School Questionnaire were administered to 154 in-service vocational teachers. Consistent with prior research, path analysis of the data indicated that social utility value for teaching was the most consistent predictor of teachers’ sense of responsibility. However, the key motivation predicting responsibility for teaching was intrinsic value, which in turn predicted teachers’ endorsement of classroom management styles. The more vocational teachers felt responsible for the quality of their teaching, the more they tended to endorse adaptive or beneficial classroom management styles (autonomy support and structure). Implications for research and teaching are discussed.
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In the current context of the global pandemic of coronavirus disease-2019 (COVID-19), health professionals are working with social scientists to inform government policy on how to slow the spread of the virus. An increasing amount of social scientific research has looked at the role of public message framing, for instance, but few studies have thus far examined the role of individual differences in emotional and personality-based variables in predicting virus-mitigating behaviors. In this study, we recruited a large international community sample (N = 324) to complete measures of self-perceived risk of contracting COVID-19, fear of the virus, moral foundations, political orientation, and behavior change in response to the pandemic. Consistently, the only predictor of positive behavior change (e.g., social distancing, improved hand hygiene) was fear of COVID-19, with no effect of politically relevant variables. We discuss these data in relation to the potentially functional nature of fear in global health crises.
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Poor mental health of university students is becoming a serious issue in many countries. Malaysia - a leading country for Asia-Pacific education - is one of them. Despite the government’s effort to raise awareness, Malaysian students’ mental health remains challenging, exacerbated by the students’ negative attitudes towards mental health (mental health attitudes). Relatedly, self-compassion and resilience have been reported to improve mental health and mental health attitudes. Malaysian students (n=153) responded to paper-based measures about mental health problems, negative mental health attitudes, self-compassion and resilience. Scores were compared with 105 UK students, who also suffered from poor mental health and negative mental health attitudes, to make a cross-cultural comparison, to contextualise Malaysian students’ mental health status, using t-tests (Aim 1). Correlation, path, and moderation analyses were conducted, to evaluate the relationships among these mental health constructs (Aim 2). Malaysian students scored higher on mental health problems and negative mental health attitudes, and lower on self-compassion and resilience than UK students. Mental health problems were positively associated with negative mental health attitudes, and negatively associated with self-compassion and resilience. While self-compassion mediated the relationship between negative mental health attitudes and mental health problems (high self-compassion weakened the impacts of negative mental health attitudes on mental health problems), resilience did not moderate the same relationship (the level of resilience did not influence the impact of negative mental health attitudes on mental health problems). Self-compassion training was suggested to counter the challenging mental health in Malaysian university students.
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The novel coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19), originated in Wuhan city of China, has spread rapidly around the world, sending billions of people into lockdown. The World Health Organization (WHO) declared the coronavirus epidemic a pandemic. In light of rising concern about the current COVID-19 pandemic, a growing number of universities across the world have either postponed or canceled all campus events such as workshops, conferences, sports, and other activities. Universities are taking intensive measures to prevent and protect all students and staff members from the highly infectious disease. Faculty members are already in the process of transitioning to online teaching platforms. In this review, the author will highlight the potential impact of the terrible COVID-19 outbreak on the education and mental health of students and academic staff.