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This introductory contribution examines the ‘Global South’ as a meta category in the study of world politics. Against the backdrop of a steep rise in references to the ‘Global South’ across academic publications, we ask whether and how the North–South binary in general, and the ‘(Global) South’ in particular, can be put to use analytically. Building on meta categories as tools for the classification of global space, we discuss the increasing prominence of the ‘Global South’ and then outline different understandings attached to it, notably socio-economic marginality, multilateral alliance-building and resistance against global hegemonic power. Following an overview of individual contributions to this volume, we reflect on the analytical implications for using the ‘Global South’ category in academic research. Insights from China, the Caribbean, international negotiations or academic knowledge production itself not only point to patterns of shared experiences but also highlight the heterogeneity of ‘Southern’ realities and increasing levels of complexity that cut across the North–South divide. Overall, we argue for an issue-based and field-specific use of the ‘Global South’ as part of a broader commitment to a more deliberate, explicit and differentiated engagement with taken-for-granted categories.
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The ‘Global South’ in the study of world politics:
examining a meta category
Sebastian Haug, Jacqueline Braveboy-Wagner & Günther Maihold
To cite this article: Sebastian Haug, Jacqueline Braveboy-Wagner & Günther Maihold (2021) The
‘Global South’ in the study of world politics: examining a meta category, Third World Quarterly,
42:9, 1923-1944, DOI: 10.1080/01436597.2021.1948831
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Published online: 06 Sep 2021.
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2021, VOL. 42, NO. 9, 1923–1944
The Global South’ in the study of world politics: examining
a meta category
Sebastian Hauga,b, Jacqueline Braveboy-Wagnerc and Günther Maiholdd,e
aGerman Development Institute/Deutsches Institut für Entwicklungspolitik (DIE), Bonn, Germany; bChrist’s
College, University of Cambridge, Cambridge, UK; cPolitical Science Department, The Graduate School and
University Center and the Colin Powell School, the City College of the City University of New York (CUNY), New
York, NY, USA; dG erman Institute for International and Security Affairs/Stiftung Wissenschaft und Politik (SWP),
Berlin, Germany; eFreie Universität, Berlin, Germany
This introductory contribution examines the ‘Global South’ as a meta
category in the study of world politics. Against the backdrop of a steep
rise in references to the ‘Global South’ across academic publications,
we ask whether and how the North–South binary in general, and the
‘(Global) South’ in particular, can be put to use analytically. Building on
meta categories as tools for the classification of global space, we discuss
the increasing prominence of the ‘Global South’ and then outline dif-
ferent understandings attached to it, notably socio-economic margin-
ality, multilateral alliance-building and resistance against global
hegemonic power. Following an overview of individual contributions
to this volume, we reflect on the analytical implications for using the
‘Global South’ category in academic research. Insights from China, the
Caribbean, international negotiations or academic knowledge produc-
tion itself not only point to patterns of shared experiences but also
highlight the heterogeneity of ‘Southern’ realities and increasing
levels of complexity that cut across the North–South divide. Overall, we
argue for an issue-based and field-specific use of the ‘Global South’ as
part of a broader commitment to a more deliberate, explicit and differ-
entiated engagement with taken-for-granted categories.
The ‘Global South’ has been on the rise – at least in academic scholarship. According to the
abstract and citation database Scopus, references to the ‘Global South’ in publications across
disciplines have grown almost exponentially since the 1990s, with a particularly steep
increase over the last 15 years.1 Relative to this expanding popularity, however, there has
only been a limited engagement with explicit definitions and de facto understandings.2 By
and large, ‘South’-related terminology has been used as a shorthand for Africa, Latin America
and the Caribbean, and parts of Asia and Oceania, with contours often remaining blurred.3
Most publications framing research as focussing on the ‘Global South also have surprisingly
Received 19 April 2021
Accepted 22 June 2021
Global South
North–South divide
world politics
meta category
United Nations
© 2021 The Author(s). Published by Informa UK Limited, trading as Taylor & Francis Group.
CONTACT Sebastian Haug
This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (
licenses/by/4.0/), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
1924 S. HAUG ETAL.
little to say about the analytical value of this meta category for making sense of empirical
Although there are a number of contributions discussing concepts and dynam-
ics behind the notion of the ‘(Global) South’ across the humanities and social sciences,5
detailed discussions have not reached the mainstream of academic engagement.
This volume builds on different disciplinary strands in order to investigate the analytical
value of the ‘Global South’ category for research on world politics. We understand the study
of world politics as a key subject of political science and international relations that is also
covered by other social science disciplines, such as sociology, economics, geography and
anthropology, when they focus on questions of governance and institutional power at
regional and global levels. While this approach includes a wide range of actors and structures,
the study of world politics has traditionally focussed on nation states and international
organisations, with subnational and transnational dynamics added to the mix in accord with
changes in the international system. All along, meta categories inspired by cardinal points
have been popular frames for (the analysis of) international and transnational affairs.
References to ‘East’ and ‘West’, in particular, build on a trajectory as socio-cultural categories
leading back to a period well before they came to signify ideological division during the
Cold War.6 Whereas ‘North’ and ‘South’ framings were popularised with decolonisation pro-
cesses across Africa and Asia, the steep rise in references to the ‘Global South’ in the analysis
of world politics is a rather recent phenomenon and warrants a more detailed look at empir-
ical foundations and conceptual implications.
As a whole, this volume focuses on the extent to which the ‘Global South is a helpful
conceptual tool for studying world politics, and how it can be put to use analytically.
Individual contributions employ the ‘Global South’ category from the perspective of different
sub-fields of inquiry, from global governance to transnational sociology and urban studies.
In what follows, we elaborate on the increasing prominence of the ‘Global South’ as a meta
category and discuss different understandings of what the ‘Global South’ has come to stand
for. Building on an overview of individual contributions, we then reflect on the implications
of their findings for using the ‘Global South’ in academic research. A central motivation
behind this collection is to connect detailed empirical work with broader conceptual reflec-
tions. Beyond the diversity of evidence discussed across its pages, the volume aims at con-
tributing to a more deliberate, explicit and differentiated engagement with taken-for-granted
meta categories.
The ‘Global South’: a booming meta category
Across disciplines and academic outlets, the notion of the ‘Global South has become a pop-
ular device for framing research. While the use of ‘South’-related terminology has expanded
across the board, Elsevier’s Scopus database provides a helpful proxy for mapping the evo-
lution of this trend in peer-reviewed Anglophone publications over the last decades.7 It
suggests that references to the ‘Global South in titles, abstracts and keywords have partic-
ularly expanded over the last few years, with one registered publication mentioning the
term in 1994, 30 in 2005 and more than 1600 in 2020 (Figure 1). The increase is no less
substantial when put in relation to the overall rise of registered publications, meaning that
there has been both an absolute and a relative growth in research centring around ‘Global
South’ framings.8 This ‘boom’9 has been a general one across thematic areas and disciplines,
and it has – not unexpectedly – been closely connected to publishing outlets that focus on
the ‘developing world’, notably Third World Quarterly.10
This substantial upsurge in usage, however, has not contributed to an overall more sys-
tematic engagement with the notion of the ‘Global South’. Rather to the contrary: A cursory
look at recently published articles suggests that most publications containing references to
the ‘Global South’ take the category as a given, without explicitly defining what the ‘Global
South’ stands for, or – perhaps even more importantly – to what extent a ‘Global South
framing actually adds to their analytical discussion.11 There has been a tendency to frame
all kinds of research on empirical phenomena within vast sets of spaces otherwise, or simul-
taneously, referred to as Third World’, ‘developing world’ or ‘non-Western’12 as ‘research on
the Global South’,13 while a systematic engagement with actual links across sites and the
category itself is often missing.14
Figure 1. The rise of the ‘Global South’ in academic publications: Number of publications in Scopus
mentioning the term “Global South” in their title, abstract and/or keywords (1994-2020).
Source: Authors’ own elaboration based on data in Scopus, ‘Keyword Search’.
1926 S. HAUG ETAL.
Categories, broadly defined, are classes of phenomena regarded as sharing a specific set
of characteristics. In order to make the ‘metageographies15 of world politics comprehensible,
meta categories – as contingent and/or ill conceived as they might turn out to be – are tools
for classifying global space.16 In a way, meta categories help to categorise categories: They
offer a framework for making the world at large palpable, and thus provide a reference for
other attempts to classify and categorise.17 For centuries, politico-geographical meta cate-
gories have shaped imaginaries of global space. Many of these categories have centred around
binaries such as East/West, Orient/Occident or primitive/advanced, connected to the funda-
mental distinction between Self and Other.18 The North–South dyad builds on this trajectory
of attempts at ordering the world via the ‘allegorical application19 of binary frames; and the
‘(Global) South’, in particular, has entered the basic vocabulary for meaning-making across
academic and policy circles.20
The use of the ‘Global South’ as a shorthand for various phenomena unfolding outside
the ‘Western-Northern’ world is thus a rather recent phenomenon, but academic practices
suggest that it has already become a staple for research on world politics. Not only the
number of publications that frame their research with reference to the ‘Global South’ has
risen exponentially, but there has also been a marked increase in university institutes, projects
or professorships – notably across ‘Northern-Western academia21 – that carry the ‘Global
South’ in their title.22 On the one hand, this increase in references to the ‘Global South can
be qualified as an important step towards including empirical phenomena that had long
been excluded from the mainstream study of world politics.23 Borrowing a term from Manuela
Boatcă’s contribution to this volume, this development carries the potential of adding a
‘Southern’ to the so far dominant – and often implicit – ‘Northern’ lens of academic inquiry.
Within an academic landscape that has been dominated by researchers and funding bodies
based in Europe and North America, the ‘Global South’ framing can serve the purpose of
acknowledging actors and spaces that have long been neglected by mainstream social
science research.24
On the other hand, however, a closer look at how North–South meta categories have
been used reveals a curious and telling one-sidedness. If we assume that the ‘Global South’
needs to have meaning as a category juxtaposed to the ‘Global North’, it is noteworthy that
although references to the former have risen exponentially, those to the latter have remained
considerably less prominent (Figure 2). Whereas hardly anyone would think about framing
studies on, say, US politics, French bureaucracy or Brexit negotiations as ‘Global North’
research, an increasing body of work on phenomena within and across Asia, Africa and Latin
America is indeed labelled as ‘research on the Global South’, often without a consideration
of what this framing implies. This asks for a more detailed examination of how the ‘Global
South’ is used, and what it is taken to stand for. As a meta category in the analysis of world
politics, it suggests a certain level of homogeneity, or at least a common denominator among
‘Southern’ countries and regions. More often than not, however, this – usually implicit –
assumption is not substantiated. The central characteristics that arguably define actors and
spaces as belonging to the ‘Global South’ are not explicitly addressed, and the ‘Global South
is instead used as a trope for research done in or on what is otherwise referred to as ‘devel-
oping countries’.25 Beyond a relatively small set of publications that explicitly focus on and
problematise ‘South’ or ‘South–South’ assignations, the ‘Global South has largely become a
taken-for-granted category:26 Most use the term without further explanation and assume
that others know what is meant by it.
Who, what and/or where is the ‘Global South’ thought to be?
What does the category ‘Global South’ stand for? Where is the ‘Global South thought to be,
and who is seen as embodying and/or speaking for it? In social science literature, ‘South’-
related terminology has mostly been used not simply as a reference to the strictly defined
hemispheric south – landmasses and waters south of the equator – but as a general rubric
for the decolonised nations located roughly, but not exclusively, south of the old colonial
centres of power.27 The geographic imaginary evoked by the ‘(Global) South’ and related
questions of agency have been connected with, and enhanced through, a reference to global
relationality, focussing on people, institutions and spaces outside the ‘Northern–Western’
core of political and economic interactions within the international system. More or less
Figure 2. ‘Global South’ and ‘Global North’ in academic publications: Number of publications in Scopus
mentioning the term “Global South” and/or “Global North” in their title, abstract and/or keywords
Source: Authors’ own elaboration based on data in Scopus, ‘Keyword Search’.
1928 S. HAUG ETAL.
explicitly, the ‘Global South has been used to discuss not only systemic inequalities stemming
from the colonial encounter’ and the continuing reverberations of (mostly) European colo-
nialism and imperialism28 but also the potential of alternative sources of power and
While ‘developing/underdeveloped world’ and ‘Third World’ (designating places beyond
the two superpowers of the Cold War) had become dominant frames in debates about
international inequalities and multilateral dynamics during the first few decades following
the Second World War, ‘South’-related terminology was initially far less prominent.30
According to Nour Dados and Raewyn Connell, the notion of the ‘South’ being connected
to patterns of politico-economic difference goes back to Antonio Gramsci’s reflections on
how southern Italy had been colonised by northern Italy, and it later merged with debates
about core–periphery dynamics in international trade and development.
Throughout the
1970s and 1980s, and particularly with the end of the Cold War, the ‘South’ became, as
Jacqueline Braveboy-Wagner has argued, ‘an acceptable overarching term for referencing
former Third World countries and identifying the uniqueness of the many socioeconomic
and environmental issues affecting them’.32
In this context, the qualifier ‘Global’ as an add-on to the ‘South’ has carried at least two broad
connotations.33 First, it has served as a means to underline the increasing interconnectedness
of social relations that place questions about ‘North’ and ‘South, rich and poor, colonisers and
colonised, developed and developing in a global(ised) context.34 Second, it has been used to
adapt the North–South terminology of the 1970s in order to highlight the expanding clout of
Southern players that now enjoy a reach well beyond Asia, Africa and Latin America.35 Debates
about ‘emerging markets’ and ‘rising powers shaping the contours of what is described as an
increasingly multipolar world36 have been closely connected to the ‘rise of the South 37 as an
inherently ‘Global South’, marking ‘a shift from a central focus on development or cultural dif-
ference toward an emphasis on geopolitical relations of power’.38
While many complementary – and sometimes conflicting – meanings have been attached
to the ‘Global South’ category, we briefly point to three understandings that have been
particularly prevalent in the analysis of world politics.39 First, the ‘Global South has been
taken to refer to poor and/or socio-economically marginalised parts of the world, usually
from a country-based perspective.40 Country classifications, such as the one by the World
Bank focussing on income per capita, have been popular devices attempting to map
socio-economic development at aggregate levels, and to compare countries or regions over
time.41 The Human Development Index, issued by the United Nations (UN) Development
Programme, has been another important proxy listing countries according to quantifiable
data, with reference to life expectancy, education and, again, income.
Although most mul-
tilateral organisations do not rely on North–South language when presenting their classifi-
cations, many across both academic and policy circles in fact follow the logic of their indices
when assuming that the ‘Global South’ comprises all countries outside the ‘high-income’,
‘advanced economies’ or ‘very high human development’ strata.43 The ensuing global map-
pings are reminiscent of the so-called Brandt Line, which, in the 1980 report of the
Independent Commission on International Development Issues, suggested that North/South
was vaguely synonymous with international divisions of rich/poor or developed/develop-
ing.44 Labels that stem from this logic have become an integral part of international classi-
fications, such as the notion of least developed countries at the UN or the list of countries
eligible for official development assistance, as defined by the Organisation for Economic
Co-operation and Development.
Narrow sets of material dynamics have stood at the centre
of this understanding, with the ‘Global South’ often taken as a shorthand for spaces socio-eco
nomically less advantaged than those at the core of the world economy.46
Second – and often with implicit or explicit references to the first understanding – the
‘Global South’ has stood for different sets of cross-regional and multilateral alliances: a tri-
continental policy space that, since the first few decades following the setting-up of the UN
in 1945, has provided a framework and reference point for the development of ideas about,
and concrete steps towards, platforms and cooperation practices beyond those dominated
by former colonial powers and their allies.47 Building on the 1955 Bandung Conference, the
Non-Aligned Movement and the idea of ‘Southern’ solidarity, this understanding of the
‘Global South’ has been closely associated with formerly colonised countries, or, more gen-
erally, countries that have evolved in the peripheries of the international system.48 For rep-
resentatives of countries referred to (or self-referring) as developing’, notably members of
the Group of 77 (G77) at the UN, North–South language has remained an important reference
in multilateral negotiations.49 Repeatedly challenging the structural privilege of ‘Northern’
states, G77 countries have been key players in the empirical processes informing the bur-
geoning debate about South–South cooperation across academic and policy circles.50
Despite increasing levels of heterogeneity among its 134 members, the G77 continues to
co-shape debates about North–South issues in multilateral affairs, notably with regard to
international cooperation and development finance.51
Third, the ‘Global South’ has been presented as a space of resistance against not only
‘Northern’ dominance in multilateral settings but also neoliberal capitalism and other forms
of global hegemonic power more generally. From the tricontinental movement to the
Zapatista revolt and the World Social Forum, this understanding has been closely connected
to post-colonial – and increasingly also decolonial – projects focussing on the persistence
of racial inequalities and systemic domination across the globe.52 In line with this, both
activists and academics have suggested that the ‘Global South’ can be potentially anywhere
but, as an alternative space, is always also connected to both specific local contexts and
global power structures.53 This understanding has made an explicit move beyond state-
based understandings by highlighting that domination, and resistance to it, do not unfold
only along national borders, and that a fruitful take on the notion of the ‘Global South thus
consists in reframing the category as a marker for concrete instances of anti-hegemonic
engagement, also and particularly through transnational social spaces.54 Whereas, in line
with the first two understandings outlined above, the ‘Global North’ is usually taken to refer
to concrete sets of states such as ‘traditional donors’ or ‘industrialised economies’, here it
is not limited to specific countries. Instead, the ‘Global North’ appears as a general reference
to hegemonic forces that dominate global social structures through economic flows, pow-
erful forms of meaning-making and/or explicit coercive measures.
While there are many potential ways of filling the ‘Global South’ with meaning, most
accounts implicitly or explicitly make reference to one or several of the three understandings
outlined here.55 Some, such as in Vijay Prashad’s work, also combine all three, making the
case for a transnational movement building on the multilateral trajectory of post-colonial
and/or developing countries to formulate alternatives to the capitalist status quo.56 Given
the variety of meanings attached to ‘South’ and ‘North’, and potentially significant shifts over
time,57 questions about the contours and whereabouts of the ‘Global South can arguably
only be answered with reference to the subject matter, policy field and context in which
1930 S. HAUG ETAL.
they are asked. Contributions to the study of world politics that frame their research via the
‘Global South’ have tended – with or without explicit definitions – to rely on a state-centred
combination of socio-economic marginality, on the one hand, and multilateral alliances at
least partly stemming from these rather marginal international positionalities, on the other.
In discussions about international relations, global development or multilateral negoti-
ations, G77 membership has been a prominent proxy for mapping what the ‘Global South’
is often meant to stand for. Some have indeed made an explicit argument in favour of the
analytical relevance of the ‘Global South’ category, arguing that there is still a meaningful
level of commonality among countries from the ‘Global South’ in terms of their roles and
positions in international affairs that warrants the use of the meta category for examining
foreign policies.58 Others, such as Amitav Acharya, have highlighted the growing differen-
tiation among ‘Southern’ countries, suggesting an increasing divide between Poor vs. Power
South, First vs. Second South or the two poles of a ‘two-track South’.
The latter contributions
underline that the ‘rise of the South’ has affected countries and societies differently, and
that the expanding clout of India and China has very little to do with the realities facing a
large number of countries in Southeast Asia and sub-Saharan Africa.60
Contributions to this volume
With reference to the rise of the ‘Global South’ in academic publications, the relative lack of
detailed engagement with it across mainstream accounts, as well as existing attempts to
discuss its potential and limits, this volume asks how, and to what extent, the ‘Global South’
can be a helpful meta category for studying different aspects of world politics. Building on
previous questionings of politico-geographical terminologies,61 the volume offers a con-
temporary analysis set around and engaging with present-day pluralities. It goes back to a
conference hosted in Berlin in 2018 whose purpose was not only to connect academics
based in Germany with global debates about South–North relations but also, and more
specifically, to take a critical look at the increasingly popular category of the ‘Global South
itself. Participants were invited to submit accounts that centre around the ‘Global South’ as
a meta category and examine whether, and to what extent, it is analytically useful, how it
should be studied, and what it has to contribute to the investigation of empirical phenomena.
Contributions that have made it into this volume are not representative of voices on or
disciplinary debates about ‘North and ‘South’;62 they instead offer different approaches
towards an explicit take on the ‘Global South as a phenomenon in its own right, and thus
join a growing body of work on South–North relations, South–South cooperation and, more
generally, frames used to make sense of global social space.63
In line with the strong emphasis on so-called rising powers from the ‘South’ in academic
debates over the last decade, the volume’s main part opens with Andrew Cooper’s piece on
Indian and Chinese engagement in global governance fora.
Cooper examines how the two
powerhouses, respectively, have positioned themselves with reference to their global power
aspirations, on the one hand, and questions of solidarity with (the rest of) the ‘Global South’,
on the other. With reference to the Group of 20 (G20) and the Brazil-Russia-India-China-South
Africa (BRICS) alliance, he shows how the ‘Global South – understood as a multilateral group-
ing of developing countries – offers a helpful reference to locate and compare Chinese and
Indian engagement patterns. Whereas India has often struggled with its ambivalent
standing, Cooper argues, China has been quite successful in manoeuvring both inside and
outside spaces traditionally associated with the multilateral ‘South’.
China’s particularities also take centre stage in the contribution by Paul Kohlenberg and
Nadine Godehardt.65 They show that, in official Chinese sources, the ‘South’ has been increas-
ingly defined not as a fixed or absolute category but through its relationship with China’s
own initiatives. From that perspective, the ‘South’ as a cooperative space is not limited to
Africa, Asia and Latin America but may well reach as far as Central and Eastern Europe. More
generally, Kohlenberg and Godehardt argue, Chinese accounts have assigned less relevance
to the binary divisions between ‘North’ vs. ‘South’ or developed vs. developing countries.
Instead, regional platforms and the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI), in particular, have created
‘China + X’ arrangements that frame global positions primarily with reference to China itself.
The historical force and continuing impact of North–South fault lines, in turn, are at the
heart of Manuela Boatcă’s piece.66 With reference to citizenship, Boatcă examines the inherent
link between ‘Northern’-focussed tales of enlightened emancipation and exclusions from it,
as well as ‘Southern’ attempts to challenge and/or subvert hegemonic forces. Seen through
a ‘Southern lens’, she argues, mainstream accounts that centre around the French and US
revolutions in the late eighteenth century tell a biased story, one that operates through a
‘Northern lens’ and ignores the many ways in which colonial and post-colonial subjects have
remained at the margins of, or have been explicitly excluded from, the promise of citizenship.
Moving from the Haitian revolution all the way to present-day attempts by Caribbean states
to commodify their citizenship rights, Boatcă holds that although ‘Southern’ constituencies
still experience marginality in terms of mobility and passport access, ‘Southern’ agency was
and continues to be a substantial force in altering and subverting ‘Northern’-dominated
citizenship accounts.
Continuing reverberations of relations between colonising forces from the ‘North’ and
colonised spaces in the ‘South’ also stand at the centre of Tobias Berger’s contribution.67 The
unequal entanglements between ‘Northern’ colonisers and ‘Southern’ colonised societies,
Berger argues, have conditioned the development of a particular kind of legal pluralism
characterised by the state being only one among many possible sources of legal reasoning.
With reference to multilateral organisations’ support for village courts in Bangladesh,
he shows that informal elements in ‘Southern’ legal systems, although often depicted as
pre-colonial, can indeed be the co-product of continuing ‘Northern’ influence. While the
representatives of ‘Southern’ societies continue to face the challenges of globally marginal-
ised positionalities, including with regard to their own’ traditions, Berger agrees with Boatcă
in arguing that ‘Southern’ players indeed have a meaningful – if often unacknowledged –
level of agency in co-shaping and/or subverting the outcome of North–South encounters.
The very contours of the ‘Global South’ take centre stage in Sebastian Haug’s contribu-
tion.68 With reference to Mexico and Turkey, he suggests to explicitly focus on the empirical
boundaries between North–South designations in order to better grasp the complexities
inherent in the ‘Global South’ category. Building on Edward Soja’s trialectics of Firstspace,
Secondspace and Thirdspace, Haug outlines the material, ideational and lived realities con-
nected to the ‘Global South’ and examines each dimension with reference to insights from
Mexico and Turkey. In terms of spatial mappings provided by development indices and
multilateral alliances, he argues that both countries appear as sets of actors and spaces that
can be described as both ‘Southern’ and ‘Northern’, or neither ‘Southern nor ‘Northern’. The
1932 S. HAUG ETAL.
life-worlds of Mexican and Turkish officials, in particular, highlight the complexities stemming
from binary mappings in general and the idea of the ‘Global South’, in particular.
Siddharth Tripathi’s contribution takes this focus on concrete life-worlds as a backdrop
for engaging with the epistemic hierarchies that characterise current patterns of academic
knowledge-production itself.69 With reference to the discipline of international relations,
Tripathi argues that the North–South divide is a visible feature across institutions and outlets
focussing on academic engagement with international studies. Disciplinary debates about
the very concept of the ‘Global South’, he suggests, provide illustrative insights into the
extent to which researchers and students in ‘South’-based institutions have remained at the
margins. Drawing on Paulo Freire’s work and participatory action research methodology,
Tripathi outlines ways to address current biases. Dialogic encounters, he argues, are one tool
for expanding inclusion, requiring a substantial commitment to self-reflexivity on behalf of
all those involved as well as a focus on material factors that limit or enable participation.
Florian Koch translates the general motivation behind this volume into a review of the
tendency in urban studies to employ ‘cities of the Global South terminology.70 Koch argues
that, by and large, urban studies research often fails to address the conceptual implications
of the ‘Global South’ category. With reference to cities’ transnational engagement, Koch
examines basic differences between ‘Southern’ and ‘Northern’ urban spaces when it comes
to acting on climate change and highlights that research on cities as transnational actors
needs to take these structural patterns into account. At the same time, however, his analysis
stresses that North–South dynamics are only one factor among many. While simplistic ‘Global
South’ or ‘Global North’ assignations are necessarily of limited analytical value, Koch con-
cludes, a focus on North–South divergences as one perspective among others is a helpful
tool for understanding current urban realities.
Adriana Abdenur takes up both Koch’s focus on climate change and a differentiated use
of North–South framings in her viewpoint discussion of the Climate and Security agenda at
the UN.71 She shows that the diversification of interests among G77 member states has
rendered the ‘Global South’ category a rather unproductive tool for analysing multilateral
positions on the climate–security nexus. At the same time, however, she argues that refer-
ences to ‘North’ and ‘South’ that acknowledge heterogeneity still help to highlight under-
lying historical-structural features that condition the engagement of both state and non-state
actors with UN agenda-setting processes, notably with regard to the availability of financial
and human resources for producing knowledge and shaping multilateral deliberations.
In the final contribution to this volume, Laura Trajber Waisbich, Supriya Roychoudhury and
Sebastian Haug take inspiration from Chimamanda Ngozie Adichie’s caveat against single
stories.72 Focussing on questions of agency and positionality, they discuss some of the unease
connected to using North–South framings as well as the plurality of evolving understandings
of what the ‘Global South’ stands for, and who belongs to it. With reference to the notion of
polyphony, they argue for combining a focus on specific meanings and their implications
with a broader and more self-reflexive take on the inherent complexities of meta categories.
The ‘Global South as a meta category for studying world politics
The considerable array of empirical dynamics and conceptual issues discussed in this
volume provide a rich set of insights into the potentials and limits of North–South
dichotomies for the analysis of world politics. Individual contributions highlight the extent
to which attributions such as ‘Southern powers’ contain a simplistic classification that
often falls short of not only accounting for the complexities that all empirical evidence
necessarily contains but also contributing a meaningful analytical perspective. More gen-
erally, they suggest that cursory applications of politico-geographical meta categories,
notably when transformed into singular labels, are inherently limited and often hide more
than they reveal.
The grand potential of meta categories, in turn, consists not only of making the world at
large palpable – as part of a necessary reduction of complexity – but also of pointing to
empirical patterns that require more detailed attention. The analysis of continuing reverber
ations of colonial and imperial domination, long-standing socio-economic cleavages or
evolving practices of multilateral negotiations requires meta categories to make sense of
complex entanglements and link broad dynamics to concrete experiences. This is where the
‘Global South’, in Berger’s words, can be helpful as ‘a relational category that sensitises us
for the historically grown marginalisations within international hierarchies and their episte-
mological implications’. As Koch highlights, questions about ‘North and ‘South’ are necessarily
one among many potential perspectives on empirical phenomena in the study of world
politics. The question is thus how North–South categories fit into the specific research focus
at hand, and to what extent they help to embed or sharpen the analysis.
As this volume argues for a more explicit and nuanced – issue-based and field-specific –
use of the ‘Global South’ category, the deliberate engagement with definitions is a first step.
Depending on the issue under investigation, ‘Global South’ terminology can mean different
things to different people, and different subfields of academic inquiry or research commu-
nities might have different implicit understandings of what the ‘Global South’ is supposed
to stand for. Individual contributions illustrate this diversity by touching upon all three under-
standings of the ‘Global South’ outlined above, with reference to socio-economic marginality
being closely related to (post-)colonial dynamics (eg Tripathi), multilateral alliances (eg
Abdenur) and/or counter-hegemonic agency (eg Boatcă). Attempts at devising a widely
accepted and clear-cut definition of the ‘Global South’ would not only fail in light of the
existing proliferation of understandings but also neglect the potential fruitfulness of
acknowledging the evolving and heterogeneous nature of an increasingly popular meta
category. Instead, we suggest that taking the ‘Global South seriously, as a category in its
own right, would improve the ways in which scholars make sense of world politics. In addition
to making definitions or assumptions explicit, this also entails a deliberate reflection on what
the category helps to discuss, understand, explain or uncover, and to acknowledge where
it ceases to be a helpful device for inquiry. Here, the question of scale is only one among
many: The ‘Global South as a meta category can potentially be as helpful for investigating
multilateral power structures as for the analysis of organisational processes within ministerial
bureaucracies or individual life-worlds, as long as the link to the meaning(s) ascribed to the
‘Global South’ remains an integral part of the analysis.73
With regard to empirical complexities, this volume shows that the ‘Global South’ can be
used to produce a range of rather different – if complementary – accounts about phenomena
that connect concrete experiences to global macro dynamics. Beyond often abstract insti-
tutional processes, this is also, and importantly, about peoples everyday practices. Haug’s
use of Soja’s Thirdspace heuristic offers a framework for a systematic assessment of meta
categories that moves from material to ideational phenomena and finally centres around
1934 S. HAUG ETAL.
the lived experiences of individuals and groups in how meaning-making unfolds, within and
across country borders. Here, concrete life-worlds appear as the foremost spaces where
otherwise rather abstract categories take on palpable – if shifting – contours. Tripathi directs
this focus on individual experiences at those who think, write and speak about world politics
as part of their professional endeavours. With Freire’s participatory action research, he offers
a concrete suggestion for how to broaden ‘Global South’-related discussions, include the
voices of individuals who often remain excluded from intra-disciplinary debates and engage
more explicitly with the dialogical potential between different positions and viewpoints.74
By and large, contributions to this volume agree that a focus on relationality is key for making
sense of the ‘Global South’ as part of a duality that always carries at least implicit references
to (individuals and institutions in) the ‘Global North’ as its Other. Whether the ‘Global South
is a site of marginalisation, an agent of emancipation, both, or something different altogether
depends on the issue under investigation; and it is individual people who embody the con-
crete contours of what is then subsumed to belong to the study of world politics.
This points to another key issue when studying the ‘Global South’: the choice of empirical
material for investigating and reflecting on ‘South’-related phenomena. Since the first decade
of the 2000s, a strong focus has been placed on the role of so-called rising or emerging
powers from the ‘Global South.75 The related expansion of references to South–South coop-
eration across policy and academic circles has taken a somewhat broader approach, but a
strong focus has always been directed at Brazil, China and India as the ‘locomotives of the
South’.76 In this volume, all contributions engaging with states often grouped as G20 ‘rising
powers’ highlight the evolving ambiguities of North–South assignations.77 The ambivalence
of Brazil’s and Indias evolving positioning vis-à-vis ‘South’ framings alluded to by Waisbich,
Roychoudhury and Haug as well as Abdenur resonates with China’s idiosyncratic approach
discussed by Kohlenberg and Godehardt and Haug’s discussion of Mexico and Turkey as
players at the margin of the ‘Global South. Cooper’s focus on the ambivalent oscillation
between or proactive attempts to combine ‘Southern’ solidarity and an expanding global
clout captures dynamics set to condition the future development of multilateral and mini-
lateral global governance fora. Beyond a focus on economic and political powerhouses,
Berger’s engagement with Bangladesh and Boatcăs emphasis on the relevance of the
Caribbean highlight that a detailed understanding of ongoing relations between ‘Global
South’ and ‘Global North’ requires an engagement with spaces that – like Haiti – often fall
off the radar as agents of change but have played, and often still play, key roles in the rela-
tionally connected processes of world politics.
The most far-reaching reverberations in terms of the empirical processes under investi-
gation in this volume, however, might well affect the positional framings of all countries, big
and small, in rather unprecedented ways. According to Kohlenberg and Godehardt’s analysis,
China’s growing clout in world politics seriously undermines the very relevance of ‘South
and ‘North’ as meta categories. If, as they argue, China’s expanding engagement is in the
process of reorganising positionalities so as to replace traditional binaries with relationality
towards China itself, North–South assignations – with the baggage of related binaries – might
soon lose (some of) their purchase. Attempts at accounting for ‘intra-South’ heterogeneity
in terminological terms are unlikely to hold in the face of a global meta geography co-shaped
by an increasingly dominant China. Future sets of categories for world ordering – such as
positionings vis-à-vis BRI, for instance – are likely to incrementally replace and/or fuse with
references to ‘North’ and ‘South’.
The increasing prominence of the ‘Global South as a meta category in the study of world
politics – combined with the general vagueness of, and multiple understandings attached
to, ‘South’-related terminology – has provided the starting point for this volume. While empir-
ical realities have always been considerably more complex than binary frames suggest, indi
vidual contributions demonstrate that North–South heuristics can be put to analytical use
in a variety of ways to investigate macro dynamics that continue to shape (the perception
of) different segments of world politics. They also highlight that, although recent shifts in
power and wealth – also but not only related to China – undoubtedly pose an additional
challenge to the persuasiveness of North–South framings,78 these shifts by no means fore-
close the necessity to critically engage with classifications and analytical tools. To the con-
trary, the focus on the ‘Global South highlights the enduring need to reflect on, and make
sense of, meta categories, including ‘South and ‘North’, ‘West’ and ‘East’ or, say, the division
between BRI and non-BRI countries.
Overall, this volume contributes to the discussion of why it matters to focus on meta
categories whose meaning is often taken for granted, and it offers insights into approaches
and conceptual instruments – such as polyphonies, Freire’s dialogic encounters, Soja’s
Thirdspace or the distinction between Southern and Northern lenses – that can help to
unpack them. Across academic traditions and disciplines, the explicit definitions and
implicit meanings of meta categories shape the ways in which the world is examined and
written about. The deliberate engagement with the ‘Global South’ that individual contri-
butions in this collection argue for reflects a broader and more conscious approach towards
the terms we use to frame research questions and position ourselves in a rapidly evolving
landscape of scholarly inquiry. This volume thus aims to provide not only insights into the
benefits and limits of using the ‘Global South’ as an analytical tool but also a space for
reflection on, and inspiration for, how to engage with meta categories in academic inquiry.
We would like to express our gratitude to all Special Issue contributors as well as those who were
part of the initial steps of this project, including Élodie Brun, Éric Degila, Harald Fuhr, Christine
Hackenesch, Ottilia Anna Maunganidze, Melanie Müller, Ruhee Neog, Philipp Schönrock, Matthew
Stephen, Christina Stolte, Hannes Warnecke-Berger, Annette Weber, Silke Weinlich and Claudia Zilla.
The Fritz Thyssen Foundation provided financial resources, and the German Institute for International
and Security Affairs/SWP provided in-kind and administrative support. We are also grateful to Heike
Großer and Lara Hammersen for their research assistance; the team at Third World Quarterly – par-
ticularly Madeleine Hatfield, Siri Nylund, Emma Smith and Jeremy Brown – for their logistical and
editorial support; and Max-Otto Baumann, Manuela Boatcă, Élodie Brun, Aline Burni, Johanna
Chovanec, Christine Hackenesch, Heiner Janus, Cynthia Kamwengo, Laura Trajber Waisbich and
Claudia Zilla for feedback on earlier versions of this paper. Finally, we are also indebted to our
reviewers as well as more than 40 colleagues from five continents who supported the extensive
Special Issue peer-review process.
Disclosure statement
No potential conflict of interest was reported by the authors.
1936 S. HAUG ETAL.
We gratefully acknowledge a conference grant provided by the Fritz Thyssen Foundation. Sebastian
Haug also acknowledges funding from the UK’s Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC Award
1645105) as well as financial support provided by the Cambridge Trust, Christ’s College, the Kurt Hahn
Trust and the Skilliter Centre for Ottoman Studies at the University of Cambridge as well as the German
Academic Exchange Service (DAAD).
Notes on contributors
Sebastian Haug is Post-Doctoral Researcher at the German Development Institute/Deutsches
Institut für Entwicklungspolitik (DIE), where he focuses on the United Nations, South–North rela-
tions and the ‘in-between’. He has published on international cooperation and multilateral politics
in Global Governance, Third World Quarterly and Rising Powers Quarterly. Sebastian used to work for
the United Nations in China and Mexico and has been a visiting scholar at New York University, El
Colegio de México and the Istanbul Policy Center. He holds a Master of Science from the University
of Oxford and a PhD from the University of Cambridge, where he is an associate researcher. In
2021/2022, Sebastian is also an Ernst Mach Fellow at the Institute for Human Sciences (IWM)
in Vienna.
Jacqueline Braveboy-Wagner is Professor of political science in the Graduate School of the City University
of New York as well as in the Colin Powell School of Civic and Global Leadership at the City College of
New York. She is a specialist in foreign policy, diplomacy and global development, particularly with
respect to small states (and specifically Caribbean states) as well as the nations of the Global South in
general. Jacqueline has authored or edited 11 books, including Diplomatic Strategies of Leading Nations
in the Global South (Palgrave Macmillan, 2016); Institutions of the Global South (Routledge, 2009/2010);
and The Foreign Policies of the Global South: Rethinking Conceptual Frameworks (Lynne Rienner Publishers,
2003). She is the founder of the Global South Caucus of the International Studies Association.
Günther Maihold has been Deputy Director of the German Institute for International and Security
Affairs/Stiftung Wissenschaft und Politik (SWP) and a Professor of political science at Freie Universität
Berlin since 2004. His current research focuses on governance in international relations, organised
crime and sustainability in global supply chains. From 2011 to 2015 he was on leave to assume the
Wilhelm and Alexander von Humboldt Chair at El Colegio de México and Universidad Nacional
Autónoma de México in Mexico City. Günther serves as Principal Investigator of the Graduate School
for East Asian Studies at Freie Universität Berlin and studied sociology and political science at the
University of Regensburg, where he also received his PhD.
1. Most relevant publications come from the social sciences: see Scopus, “Keyword Search”; see
also Pagel et al., “Use of the Concept ‘Global South’”; Kleinschmidt, “Differentiation Theory and
the Global South. For recent examples, see Barrowclough, Gallagher, and Kozul-Wright,
Southern-led Development Finance; Bieler and Nowak, “Labour Conflicts in the Global South.
2. See below for a discussion of this lack of engagement. For contributions related to the analysis
of world politics that do include explicit discussions of the ‘(Global) South’ and/or South–South
cooperation, see Alden, Morphet, and Vieira, The South in World Politics; Prashad, Poorer Nations;
Tickner, “Core, Periphery and (Neo)Imperialist International Relations”; Brun, Dumont, and
Forite, “Relations Sud–Sud”; Wolvers et al., Concepts of the Global South; Braveboy-Wagner,
Diplomatic Strategies of Nations in the Global South; Wagner, Moral Mappings of South and North;
Kleinschmidt, “Differentiation Theory and the Global South”; Fiddian-Qasmiyeh and Daley,
Routledge Handbook of South–South Relations; Horner and Carmody, “Global North/South”;
Mawdsley, “South–South Cooperation 3.0”; Mawdsley, Fourie, and Nauta, Researching South–
South Development Cooperation; Tickner and Smith, International Relations from the Global South.
3. See Dados and Connell, “Global South. This general vagueness is not necessarily problematic,
but the lack of explicit engagement arguably undermines meaningful exchange (see below).
4. Academic debates have had a tendency to focus on actors framed as ‘Southern’ rather than the
analytical value of the ‘Global South’ as such.
5. See Santos, Conocer desde el Sur; Connell, Southern Theory; Levander and Mignolo,
“Introduction: The Global South and World Dis/Order”; for a helpful overview, see Mahler,
“Global South.
6. Said, Orientalism; Dirlik, “Chinese History and the Question of Orientalism”; Ferguson,
Civilisation: The West and the Rest; Mahbubani, Has the West Lost It?; Zarakol, Before the West.
7. On the expansion of references to the ‘Global South in Spanish, Portuguese and German, see
Kleinschmidt, “Differentiation Theory and the Global South”; on the ‘South’ in Chinese policy
discussions see Kohlenberg and Godehardt, “Locating the ‘South’ in China’s Connectivity
Politics”; see also Pagel et al., “Use of the Concept ‘Global South. As the Scopus database relies
primarily on Anglophone sources, further research should engage more systematically with
the use of ‘South’-related terminology across linguistic communities.
8. The analysis of the absolute and relative increase in references to the ‘Global South’ is based on
calculations with data in Scopus, “Keyword Search.
9. On ‘booms of literature originating in different parts of the ‘Global South’, see Kantor, “Booms
in Literatures of the Global South.
10. According to Scopus, Third World Quarterly has been the foremost platform for academic de-
bates related to the ‘Global South’: The first publications in the database mentioning the term
in the 1990s (see eg Korany, “End of History”) and the majority of articles making references to
the ‘Global South’ today have been published by TWQ.
11. For examples, see Nawyn et al., “Human Trafficking and Migration Management”; Kshetri, “Will
Blockchain Emerge as a Tool”; Schia, “Cyber Frontier and Digital Pitfalls”; Singh and Ovadia,
“Theory and Practice of Building Developmental States. On comparative work that uses the
‘Global South’ as a broad reference, see Ramanzini Júnior and Luciano, “Regionalism in the
Global South”; Offutt, “Evangelicals and Governance in the Global South.
12. Although the use of ‘Third World’ has somewhat decreased, it still features prominently across
publications; and the term ‘developing world’ continues to be employed far more often than
both ‘Third World’ and ‘Global South’; see Scopus, “Keyword Search.” On the ‘non-West’, see
Shilliam, International Relations and Non-Western Thought.
13. Ryan, “To Do Better Research.
14. For an example regarding the gap between title and content, see Woertz, Reconfiguration of the
Global South. Overall, the rise of references to the ‘Global South is thus arguably more a reflec-
tion of shifts in framing than an indication of the emergence of a separate research paradigm.
15. Lewis and Wigen, Myth of Continents.
16. See Kleinschmidt, “Differentiation Theory and the Global South.
17. On classification, see Bailey, “Typologies and Taxonomies in Social Science.
18. See Said, Orientalism; Dirlik, “Chinese History and the Question of Orientalism”; Dados and
Connell, “Global South”; Wagner, Moral Mappings of South and North.
19. Dados and Connell, “Global South,” 13; see Wagner, Moral Mappings of South and North.
20. For policy-related discussions, see UNDP, Rise of the South; OECD, “Beyond Shifting Wealth”;
UNCTAD, Forging a Path beyond Borders; Tricontinental, About Tricontinental”; see also Haug,
“Mainstreaming South–South and Triangular Cooperation.
21. A comprehensive cross-regional and cross-lingual database would provide more substan-
tial insights into whether North–South framings are indeed mostly employed by Northern
academia. In the Scopus database, with its bias towards English-language sources, three
South African universities rank among the most prolific institutions regarding research out-
puts framed via the ‘Global South’; see Scopus, “Keyword Search.” For a brief discussion of
usage, agency and related motivations, see Waisbich, Roychoudhury, and Haug, “Beyond
the Single Story.
22. For examples, see units, projects and/or professorships at Freie Universität Berlin, the London
School of Economics and Political Science, Lund University, the University of Cambridge, the
1938 S. HAUG ETAL.
University of Cologne or the University of Virginia. For a journal that, primarily embedded in
literary and culture studies, explicitly centres around the notion of the ‘Global South’, see Duck,
Global South.
23. See Braveboy-Wagner, “Idea of the Global South.
24. On the importance of often-neglected ‘non-Western sources for research on world politics, see
Shilliam, International Relations and Non-Western Thought.
25. For examples see note 11. This trend across academic and policy circles has also been corrobo-
rated by interviews conducted with United Nations officials and scholars working on world
politics between 2016 and 2018; see Haug, “Thirding North/South.”
26. On background ideas, see Kornprobst and Senn, “Introduction: Background Ideas.
27. Note the ambiguous positionalities of the United States and Canada in that regard.
28. See Quijano, “Coloniality and Modernity/Rationality”; Grovogui, “Revolution Nonetheless.
29. See seminal contributions by Santos, Conocer desde el Sur; Connell, Southern Theory; Comaroff
and Comaroff, “Theory from the South.
30. On the ‘Third World’ as well as notions of ‘underdeveloped’ and ‘developing, see Escobar,
Encountering Development. On initial references to the ‘South’ in multilateral debates, particu-
larly at the United Nations, see Haug, “Mainstreaming South–South and Triangular Cooperation.
31. See Dados and Connell, “Global South.” On core–periphery dynamics, see Wallerstein, World-
Systems Analysis; Rama and Hall, “Raúl Prebisch.
32. Braveboy-Wagner, “Idea of the Global South.
33. The ‘South’ without the qualifier global’ has enjoyed more popularity in seminal contributions
on North–South dynamics outside the study of world politics; see Connell, Southern Theory;
Comaroff and Comaroff, Theory from the South.”
34. See Rigg, Everyday Geography of the Global South.
35. See Gray and Gills, “South–South Cooperation and the Rise”; see also UNDP, Rise of the South;
UNCTAD, Forging a Path beyond Borders.
36. On multipolarity and the multiplex order, see Acharya, “IR for the Global South”; Cooper and
Flemes, “Foreign Policy Strategies of Emerging Powers”; see also Maihold, “Mexico: Leader in
Search of Like-Minded Peers.
37. UNDP, Rise of the South.
38. Dados and Connell, “Global South,” 12.
39. These understandings are not mutually exclusive but capture dominant strands of how the
‘Global South’ has been used. For an alternative presentation of definitions and meanings,
primarily but not only with reference to literary and cultural studies, see Mahler, “Global South,
and Mahler, “What/Where Is the Global South?”
40. See Dados and Connell, “Global South”; this often, but not necessarily, includes cursory refer-
ences to (post)colonial trajectories.
41. See Serajuddin and Hamadeh, “New World Bank Country Classifications.
42. UNDP, Human Development Index.
43. For a recent example, see Hickel, Sullivan, and Zoomkawala, “Plunder in the Post-Colonial Era.
See also Fuhr, “Rise of the ‘South.’”
44. ICIDI, North–South, a Programme for Survival.
45. UN, “Least Developed Countries”; OECD, “DAC List of ODA Recipients”; see also Schwarz, “Global
South … before I Learned.
46. On current North–South cleavages regarding income and asset ownership, see Horner and
Carmody, “Global North/South.”
47. On ‘Southern institutions, see Braveboy-Wagner, Institutions of the Global South; on tricontinen-
tal dynamics see Prashad, Poorer Nations; Mahler, From the Tricontinental to the Global South.
48. Including, for instance, Thailand and Turkey; see Zarakol, “Revisiting Second Image Reversed.
On Turkey’s complex relationship with the ‘Global South, see Haug, “A Thirdspace Approach
to the ‘Global South’”; Haug, “Thirding North/South.
49. Weiss, “Moving beyond North–South Theatre”; Baumann, “Forever North–South?” On the G77,
see Toye, Assessing the G77”; on North–South language, see Haug, “Mainstreaming South–
South and Triangular Cooperation.
50. See UNDP, Rise of the South; Gosovic, “Resurgence of South–South Cooperation”; UNCTAD,
Forging a Path beyond Borders; Mawdsley, “South–South Cooperation 3.0.
51. Toye, Assessing the G77”; Muchhala, “From New York to Addis Ababa”; Baumann, “Forever
52. See Mahler, From the Tricontinental to the Global South; PACHA, About the Journal”;
Tricontinental, About Tricontinental.” See also Sparke, “Everywhere but Always Somewhere”;
Dados and Connell, “Global South. For tensions between post-colonial research and “Global
South” approaches, see Mahler, “Global South, see Mahler, “Global South.
53. Sparke, “Everywhere but Always Somewhere.
54. For the ‘Global South as a reference for an alternative global alliance’ among academics and
activists, or activist-academics, see Dirlik, “Global South: Predicament and Promise.” For Global
South Studies as a critical academic approach, see Mahler, “What/Where Is the Global South?”
55. This includes those who see the ‘South’ as a potential source for alternative forms of knowl-
edge. For a detailed overview of different dimensions of ‘Global South’-related research and
intellectual approaches, see Mahler, “Global South.
56. Prashad, Poorer Nations; see Tricontinental, “About Tricontinental. Although the ‘Global
South’ has been particularly prominent among forces framed as ‘leftist’ or ‘progressive, it
has also been used in other contexts and for other purposes; see Kleinschmidt, “Differentiation
Theory and the Global South, 73; Mahler, “Global South in the Belly of the Beast.
57. Such as with reference to multilateral alliances and, particularly, socio-economic proxies; see
Dirlik, “Global South: Predicament and Promise.
58. See Braveboy-Wagner, Diplomatic Strategies of Nations in the Global South; Braveboy-Wagner,
“Idea of the Global South.
59. See, respectively, Acharya, “Global International Relations (IR) and Regional Worlds”; Eyben and
Savage, “Emerging and Submerging Powers”; and Alden, Morphet, and Vieira, The South in
World Politics.
60. On the unease and potential controversies centring around ‘Global South’ designations, see
Waisbich, Roychoudhury, and Haug, “Beyond the Single Story.
61. See, for example, Harris, “End of the ‘Third World’?”
62. Although attempts were made to broaden participation throughout the duration of the project,
a range of factors – including job insecurity, caring responsibilities and the effects of the
COVID-19 pandemic – have meant that a number of conference participants were unable to
submit and/or finalise manuscripts. This is unfortunate, particularly because it has dispropor-
tionately affected female scholars and participants from outside Germany.
63. On the main threads that connect individual contributions, as well as our take on the diversity
of approaches and understandings, see the next section. See also Waisbich, Roychoudhury,
and Haug, “Beyond the Single Story.
64. Cooper, “China, India and the Pattern.
65. Kohlenberg and Godehardt, “Locating the ‘South’ in China’s Connectivity Politics.
66. Boatcă, “Unequal Institutions in the Longue Durée.
67. Berger, “‘Global South as a Relational Category.
68. Haug, “A Thirdspace Approach to the ‘Global South. Turkey, in particular, has had a complex
position with regard to North–South framings; see Donelli and Gonzalez Levaggi, “Becoming
Global Actor”; Haug, “Flamingo’s Neck.
69. Tripathi, “International Relations and the ‘Global South.’”
70. Koch, “Cities as Transnational Climate Change Actors.
71. Abdenur, “Climate and Security.
72. Waisbich, Roychoudhury, and Haug, “Beyond the Single Story.
73. On transnational economies, see Warnecke-Berger, “Dynamics of Global Asymmetries.
74. For recent volumes that explicitly address (challenges connected to) the representation of
voices from outside ‘Northern–Western’ academia in ‘Global South’-related research, see
Salahub, Gottsbacher, and de Boer, Social Theories of Urban Violence; Mawdsley, Fourie, and
Nauta, Researching South–South Development Cooperation; see also Salazar, “Transfers at a
Crossroads. Contributions in Braveboy-Wagner’s Diplomatic Strategies of Nations in the Global
1940 S. HAUG ETAL.
South are devoted to bringing ‘Southern’ voices to the mainstream, and the Global South
Caucus of the International Studies Association was set up to provide a forum for dialogue on
these issues.
75. See Gray and Gills, “South–South Cooperation and the Rise.” For contributions that explicitly
engage with (sub)regional leading states in the ‘Global South’, see Braveboy-Wagner,
Diplomatic Strategies of Nations in the Global South.
76. Prashad, Poorer Nations; and South Commission, Challenge to the South; see Gray and Gills,
“South–South Cooperation and the Rise”; Mawdsley, “South–South Cooperation 3.0”; Fiddian-
Qasmiyeh and Daley, Routledge Handbook of South–South Relations; Haug, “Mainstreaming
South–South and Triangular Cooperation.
77. On G20 rising powers, see Cooper, “G20 and Rising Powers.
78. For a discussion with reference to recent shifts in international development, see Horner,
“Towards a New Paradigm of Global Development.
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... It indicates a binary, constitutes a geographical figurative utterance, and seems reminiscent of the world's division into "East" and "West" (Eckl & Weber, 2007, p. 4). Existing research has also challenged the accuracy and relevance of the term "North-South divide" and its other iterations on numerous grounds (Eckl & Weber, 2007;Wagner, 2017;Haug et al., 2021;Abdenur, 2021). However, despite these problems, the Global South and the Global North have been used by policy makes, analysts and scholars as constructs for analytical purposes, and the references to the Global South have increased significantly in the last 15 years in International Relations and other social science disciplines (Haug et al., 2021). ...
... Existing research has also challenged the accuracy and relevance of the term "North-South divide" and its other iterations on numerous grounds (Eckl & Weber, 2007;Wagner, 2017;Haug et al., 2021;Abdenur, 2021). However, despite these problems, the Global South and the Global North have been used by policy makes, analysts and scholars as constructs for analytical purposes, and the references to the Global South have increased significantly in the last 15 years in International Relations and other social science disciplines (Haug et al., 2021). In line with Abdenur (2021), this contribution treats the Global South and related terminology "not as an essentialist concept but rather as a malleable phenomenon: a linguistic construct that is mobilized, instrumentalized and negotiated by policy elites" (p. ...
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This contribution introduces a special forum on the Global South’s sovereignty paradox in the context of the Russia-Ukraine war. It argues that it is paradoxical that countries which developed the equal sovereignty norm are unwilling to publicly criticize Russia for infringing on Ukraine’s sovereignty and territorial integrity. It further highlights the Global South’s duplicity because this group of countries has been extremely critical of the West for violating the United Nations Charter, international law and compromising on the sovereignty and territorial integrity of countries in the Global South. The forum exames nine countries from the Global South. It illustrates that “cherry picking” is the norm that states have adopted in employing the concept of sovereignty and this is likely to continue in the future.
... Since the introduction of the term by Carl Oglesby in 1969 to describe the unfair from his perspective international social order 11 and the growing gap between the rich North and poor South, it evolved towards "a shorthand for various phenomena unfolding outside the 'Western-Northern' world in international relations." 12 The number of countries considered as eligible to be a part of this group increased significantly as well. In 2024, the group, referring to itself as the "Global South." ...
... Honsel, Population development as a driver of coastal risk: Current trends and future pathways, Cambridge University Press: 31 January 2023 cambridge-prisms-coastal-futures/article/population-development-as-a-driver-of-coastal-risk-current-trends-andfuture-pathways/8261D3B34F6114EA0999FAA597D5F2E2, access12.09.2024 75 B. J. Nhantumbo, O. A. Dada and F.E.K. Ghomsi, Sea Level Rise and Climate Change-Impacts on African Coastal Systems and Cities in Y. Zhang and Q. Cheng (Editors), Sea Level Rise and Climate Change -Impacts on Coastal Systems and Cities, IntechOpen 2023, p.3, _Sea_Level_Rise_and_Climate_Change_-_Impacts_on_African_Coastal_Systems_and_Cities,access 13.09.2024 ...
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The article's primary purpose is to analyse maritime governance in the Global South. The Global South is responsible for the most significant share of living and non-living resources and the vastest part of the world's seas and oceans. State and non-state actors located in the Southern Hemisphere face similar challenges of unsustainable exploitation of fishery and fossils, growing expansion of the Global North, illicit actions of non-state actors threatening the security of Sea Lines of Communication, and climate change posing existential jeopardy through the rise of sea level. The article tries to answer the research questions of how the Global South countries differ in their maritime governance approaches, the reasons behind those differences, and what common points can be identified in their actions. The comparative study is applied to find differences and similarities in their search for the most effective model of maritime governance. The basis of the comparative study is not three oceans-Indian, Pacific, and Atlantic, but three continents-Africa, Asia, and South America and their institutional frameworks in significant areas of maritime governance-legal, security, and blue economy. The agency of forming maritime governance originates from states constituting these three continents and not the oceans surrounding their shores. The hypothesis argues that even though the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea served as the reference point in maritime governance for the Global South, states introduced different models of maritime governance in their prospective continents. However, there are some similarities among the three continents' approaches, like protecting their waters and searching for strategic autonomy while dealing with extra-regional players putting pressure on them in all areas of maritime governance. The article claims that existing channels of coordination and several ideas proposed by leaders of the Global South within the United Nations and regional trade and political platforms of cooperation in the 21st century could serve as instruments enabling the implementation of ideas of trans-continental cooperation and oceanic corridors within the South-South cooperation. The article starts with an elaboration on concepts and definitions of maritime governance and the Global South. Then, it presents maritime governance institutions and activities in Africa, Asia, and South America, outlining their particular conditions and features of institutional framework. The final section presents similarities and possible opportunities for enhanced cooperation.
... Gleichzeitig wird das internationale System zunehmend als multipolar und fluide beschrieben (Acharya et al., 2023;Scholz, 2022). Die Bedeutung von Ländern des sogenannten Globalen Südens (Haug et al., 2021), die westlichen Ländern im Zuge Russlands Invasion zu großen Teilen die Unterstützung verweigerten, ist auch vor dem Hintergrund der USA-China-Rivalität gewachsen. Dazu belasten multiple Krisen staatliche Systeme, mit potenziell negativen Auswirkungen auf internationale Stabilität (Homer-Dixon et al., 2024;Tooze, 2022). ...
Technical Report
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In der Analyse betrachten Ariadne-Projektpartner der Stiftung Wissenschaft und Politik, der Hertie School, des Ecologic Institute und von Climate Transition Economics die deutsche Klimaaußenpolitik der aktuellen Legislaturperiode. Außer auf den internationalen Kontext richten sie den Blick auf die Organisation innerhalb der deutschen Bundesregierung und der verantwortlichen Ministerien. Denn auch personelle und finanzielle Ressourcen beeinflussen, wie effektiv Klimaschutz außenpolitisch vorangetrieben werden kann. Im Angesicht multipler Krisen verschärfen sich zudem Konfliktpotenziale durch Blockbildungen, die klimapolitische Themen wie Energieversorgungssicherheit und Lieferketten unmittelbar beeinflussen. Klima-(außen-)politik als Querschnittsthema tangiert in dieser Gemengelage verschiedene Politikbereiche und bleibt auch selbst von diesen nicht unberührt. Die Forschenden identifizieren im Rahmen einer Rückschau sowohl Erfolge als auch Fehlstellen der Klimaaußenpolitik und entwerfen Optionen, wie Klimaaußenpolitik sowohl interministeriell wirksam koordiniert werden als auch international effektive Impulse setzen könnte. Denn mitunter mangelt es bei Vorhaben an Koordination zwischen den Ministerien. Die Verfassenden durchdenken daher die Zusammenlegung von Verantwortlichkeiten, beispielsweise durch eine Fusion vom Bundesministerium für wirtschaftliche Zusammenarbeit und Entwicklung (BMZ) und dem Auswärtigen Amt oder der Schaffung eines Klima-Superministeriums, das alle nationalen und internationalen Kompetenzen im Bereich Klimapolitik bündelt. In der Analyse arbeiten sie Chancen und Risiken der verschiedenen Optionen heraus. Die Forschenden halten fest, dass Deutschland mit dem Wechsel der Zuständigkeit für internationale Klimapolitik ins Auswärtige Amt und dem Posten der Sonderbeauftragten für internationale Klimapolitik Akzente setzen konnte. Die Bilanz des deutschen Engagements in bi- und plurilateralen Formaten falle dagegen gemischt aus. Regierungsintern stoße die Klimaaußenpolitik teils auf gegenläufige politische Prioritäten. So bleibe die Herausforderung, Zielkonflikte politischer, inhaltlicher und finanzieller Art systematisch zu navigieren. Ein Konsens über eine solche Vorgehensweise möge zwar in der Praxis ein Idealzustand bleiben, sich dem deutlich anzunähern, halten die Verfassenden aber für möglich.
... China también recupera el concepto "Sur Global", para definir los países que no son las economías occidentales desarrolladas (Haug et al., 2021), siendo la parte del mundo que no es "el norte", entendida como Estados Unidos, Canadá, la Unión Europea, Japón y Australia. El Sur Global es la amplia área geográfica donde se puede interactuar bajo la Iniciativa de la Franja y la Ruta. ...
Las relaciones de China con América del Norte son tanto competitivas como conflictivas, pero predominan los compromisos y acuerdos internacionales. El propósito de este artículo es analizar la emergencia de China en su nuevo rol global en los reequilibrios entre las potencias a través de su creciente influencia económica, comercial política y geopolítica. En 1980, el peso de la economía de China en la generación del Producto Interno Bruto (PIB) Mundial era del 3.4%. En el año 2005, alcanzó el 15%. Según el Fondo Monetario Internacional, en 2022, la economía China representó casi un 19% del PIB mundial, tomando como indicador la paridad de poder adquisitivo (PPA). Gracias a ello, se posiciona después de Estados Unidos como la segunda economía del mundo. Así, se construye una interdependencia entre Estados Unidos y China que es imposible desmantelar sin consecuencias graves para los equilibrios globales de poder en el mundo. Esto ha tenido un impacto directo en las relaciones de Estados Unidos con México y Canadá. Por ejemplo, se volvió a negociar el tratado trilateral TLCAN durante 20107 y 2018. Y en noviembre de 2018 se firmó el Tratado México, Estados Unidos, Canadá (TMEC). Durante los 23 primeros años del siglo XXI, el crecimiento de China ha influido y afectado a todos los bloques económicos y geopolíticos del planeta, pero principalmente a América del Norte. Esto abrió el dilema de la interdependencia entre las superpotencias: son rivales en lo geopolítico, pero incrementan sus relaciones en lo económico, comercial e inversiones. Así, el comercio hace a los países vulnerables al devenir del mercado internacional, fuera de control de los Estados, transformando la relación de poder entre los países.
Scientific and expert knowledge on migration is often disregarded in policy making and plays only a minor role in public debates - despite the massive growth and institutionalization of migration research in recent years. This article interrogates the limited impact of migration research(ers) by examining knowledge practices in both policy making and academia. We first look “outwards” at migration policy making. Revisiting and integrating the hitherto separate scholarship on knowledge use and knowledge production, we identify the main mechanisms that characterize knowledge practices of policy actors, such as individual and institutional self-preservation, issue politicization, or unequal power dynamics. We then mobilize these insights to look “inwards” at our own knowledge practices in migration studies, showing that similar mechanisms shape how migration scholars produce and use knowledge. In particular, we identify a fragmentation of migration studies into ever-more fine-grained sub-fields, each with their own knowledge practices and impact strategies - and with little dialogue across them. In fact, rather than acknowledging their complementarity, these sub-fields tend to delegitimize each other's knowledge and efforts to achieve socio-political change. We argue that such “academic tribalism” creates a self-sabotaging dynamic that undermines the field's wider credibility and impact. Ultimately, we hope that this paper empowers migration researchers to act upon this diagnosis and inspires a collective discussion on how to foster more mutually-reinforcing knowledge practices that strengthen the field's role in political debates and public life.
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As a basic premise of this article, it is noted that the concept of the Global South cannot be analyzed solely on the basis of economic considerations. On the contrary, this presents a broad category, which calls into question political, economic, historical, identity and epistemic factors. Therefore, the general aim pursued by this research is to offer a concrete and multidimensional approach to identify and recognize, through three axes (political, economic and cooperative role) the actors of the Global South, taking into consideration the inherent dynamism of the term and highlighting its heuristic relevance as a valid and relevant tool to understand the current configuration of power.
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South-South cooperation has become an increasingly visible part of international development processes. Together with the expansion of triangular cooperation – that is, cooperation among developing countries supported by a traditional donor or multilateral organisation – the growing clout of South-South schemes reflects shifts in power and wealth towards the former developing world. Against this backdrop, United Nations (UN) entities have repeatedly been asked to mainstream their support for South-South and triangular cooperation (SSTC), but there is hardly any systematic comparative evidence on whether and how they have done so. This paper addresses this gap in three steps. First, it traces the rise and evolution of South-South terminology at the UN, showing that the use of North-South frames had its origins in debates about international inequalities in the 1960s and has expanded in the context of globalisation processes since the 1970s, and also that it is developing countries themselves that have taken up and rallied behind notions of South-South. The paper provides an overview of three partly complementary and partly contradictory approaches that understand South-South cooperation to be a set of technical cooperation modalities; a general political narrative; or a shorthand for inter-state cooperation beyond North-South assistance, with the latter being the dominant de facto understanding among UN entities. Second, the analysis focuses on UN efforts over the last two decades aimed at mainstreaming support for SSTC. It centres around a scorecard of 15 UN entities that maps their level of institutional focus on SSTC, based on insights from strategies, annual reports, publications, monitoring frameworks, budgets and organisational structures. Based on the scorecard, UN entities are grouped under the tentative labels of “champions”, “waverers” and “stragglers” for mapping patterns of SSTC mainstreaming. Third, the paper identifies three key factors that, in addition to beliefs in the functional relevance and potential effectiveness of SSTC, have accompanied and conditioned UN mainstreaming efforts. SSTC support has been part of (a) strategic considerations for positioning UN entities in an evolving funding environment; (b) internal bureaucratic dynamics that centre around individuals and shape day-to-day engagement; and (c) geopolitical tensions connected to the increasingly visible fracture between the United States and China. Traditional donors, in particular, tend to approach South-South cooperation as an umbrella for the expansion of China’s clout across the UN development system, leading to an intensification of SSTC-related contestations. Overall, support for South-South and triangular cooperation has had a long, multi-faceted, expanding and increasingly controversial trajectory at the UN. With reference to areas of future research and policy recommendations, the paper suggests that UN entities – in coordination with member states – are well advised to expand their efforts for exploring how to best support cooperation that unfolds outside traditional North-South assistance schemes.
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With reference to Chimamanda Ngozie Adichie’s plea to move beyond the single story, we take the complexities of the ‘Global South’ meta category as a starting point to explore what abandoning the quest for neatness can look like. Building on the main arguments put forward across this volume, our contribution centres around questions of position(alitie)s and self-reflexivity to engage with the persistent ambivalences of the ‘Global South’. We reflect on the unease stemming from explicit and implicit claims connected to the ‘Global South’ category and discuss its fluidity and plurality across space and time. Ultimately, we suggest embracing the notion of polyphony for approaching the ‘Global South’. A focus on polyphonies allows us to connect specific meanings and their implications with a broader take on the inherent complexities of macro categories. Working with and through polyphonies also helps us to recognise and engage with the evolving agency behind different uses of the ‘Global South’. © 2020 The Author(s). Published by Informa UK Limited, trading as Taylor & Francis Group.
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Jointly with the Global North, the rise of the Global South has come at a high cost to the environment. Driven by its high energy intensity and the use of fossil fuels, the South has contributed a significant portion of global emissions during the last 30 years, and is now contributing some 63% of today’s total GHG emissions (including land-use change and forestry). Similar to the Global North, the Global South’s emissions are heavily concentrated: India and China alone account for some 60% and the top 10 countries for some 78% of the group’s emissions, while some 120 countries account for only 22%. Without highlighting such differences, it makes little sense to use the term ‘Global South’. Its members are affected differently, and contribute differently to global climate change. They neither share a common view, nor do they pursue joint interests when it comes to international climate negotiations. Instead, they are organised into more than a dozen subgroups of the global climate regime. There is no single climate strategy for the Global South, and climate action will differ enormously from country to country. Furthermore, just and equitable transitions may be particularly challenging for some countries.
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This paper quantifies drain from the global South through unequal exchange since 1960. According to our primary method, which relies on exchange-rate differentials, we find that in the most recent year of data the global North (‘advanced economies’) appropriated from the South commodities worth 2.2trillioninNorthernpricesenoughtoendextremepoverty15timesover.Overthewholeperiod,drainfromtheSouthtotalled2.2 trillion in Northern prices — enough to end extreme poverty 15 times over. Over the whole period, drain from the South totalled 62 trillion (constant 2011 dollars), or $152 trillion when accounting for lost growth. Appropriation through unequal exchange represents up to 7% of Northern GDP and 9% of Southern GDP. We also test several alternative methods, for comparison: we quantify unequal exchange in terms of wage differentials instead of exchange-rate differentials, and report drain in global average prices as well as Northern prices. Regardless of the method, we find that the intensity of exploitation and the scale of unequal exchange increased significantly during the structural adjustment period of the 1980s and 1990s. This study affirms that drain from the South remains a significant feature of the world economy in the post-colonial era; rich countries continue to rely on imperial forms of appropriation to sustain their high levels of income and consumption.
How would the history of international relations in 'the East' be written if we did not always read the ending – the Rise of the West and the decline of the East – into the past? What if we did not assume that Asia was just a residual category, a variant of 'not-Europe', but saw it as a space of with its own particular history and sociopolitical dynamics, not defined only by encounters with European colonialism? How would our understanding of sovereignty, as well as our theories about the causes of the decline of Great Powers and international orders, change as a result? For the first time, Before the West offers a grand narrative of (Eur)Asia as a space connected by normatively and institutionally overlapping successive world orders originating from the Mongol Empire. It also uses that history to rethink the foundational concepts and debates of international relations, such as order and decline.
At the United Nations (UN), frequent references are made to the ‘North–South’ divide, which presupposes a certain degree of coherence among two broad groups of states: developing countries – often referred to collectively as the ‘Global South’ – and advanced economies, the so-called ‘North’. Whether motivations and preferences among policy elites in UN agenda-setting processes turn out to be homogeneous or coordinated along the lines of this binary divide, however, is an empirical question. This paper hones in on the case of the climate and security agenda to examine the changing interests and positions of so-called ‘Global South’ actors. Drawing on official documents from UN bodies and member states, as well as interviews with diplomats, I argue that, despite a somewhat united front voiced through the Group of 77 when the topic of climate and security first arose at the UN, over the last 15 years a diversification of interests – resulting in part due to differences in experiences with and perceptions of climate change – has rendered ‘North–South’ framings rather unproductive in analysing multilateral positions on climate and security. At the same time, however, references to the ‘Global North’ and the ‘Global South’ that acknowledge this heterogeneity still help to highlight underlying structural features that condition the engagement of both state and non-state actors with UN agenda-setting processes.
This article analyzes North-South relations through the lens of migrant remittances. Scrutinizing remittances, this article argues that remittances need to be understood as a moral claim on the migrant’s propensity to remit. Migrants and their remittance-receiving families are bound together in translocal moral economies. These relations are described as a form of negotiated dependency. Due to the logic of remittances, net remittance-receiving economies within the Global South increasingly merge with the Global North. However, this process is conflict-ridden and reshapes and reproduces global asymmetries, with remittances contributing to the individualization of development. This emerging scenario is characterized by a fundamental micro-macro dilemma: On the micro level, migrants provide for the well-being of their relatives. On the macro level, migrant remittances increase in “value” as currency hierarchies are deepened. In this scenario, protectionist labor market policies that intend to reduce levels of migration within the Global North are likely to incentivize migration and thus reproduce the asymmetric nature of North-South relations.
Asymmetries of power are not only a characteristic feature of today’s world order but also manifest in knowledge production in the discipline of international relations (IR). Even the use of the ‘Global South’ concept, which highlights one set of hierarchies in international politics, sometimes perpetuates them latently, instead of offering solutions to overcome them. From a critical pedagogy perspective, I explore whether engaging in a dialogue on the ‘Global South’ can facilitate an understanding of the structures and processes of knowledge production and the perpetuation of hierarchies in the discipline. The paper argues that such knowledge can be created with reference to Paolo Freire’s concept of dialogic encounters by using research designs deriving from participatory action research. The goal of this article is to contribute to making IR as a discipline more inclusive through the co-production of knowledge that incorporates marginalised voices across the Global North and the Global South.
This article argues that focussing on issues of citizenship highlights the relationality of North/South dynamics and that doing so through a ‘Southern lens’ reveals two complementary and otherwise neglected aspects of North/South relationality: the coloniality of the institution of citizenship, and the lasting impact that (de)colonial contestations and reinterpretations of citizenship rights have had on this institution from its emergence in the context of colonial empires until its most recent global reconfigurations. In order to show how the coloniality of citizenship has played out in a particular region of the Global South, the article focuses on the Caribbean as the region with the longest history of colonial entanglements with Europe and one that captures the very dialectics of modernity/coloniality today.