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Open Access Journal of Pharmaceutical Research
ISSN: 2574-7797
Commied to Create Value for researchers
Highlights on the Wood Blue-Leg Mushroom Clitocybe Nuda and Blue-Milk Mushroom Lactarius
Indigo Ecology and Biological Activities
Pharm Res
Highlights on the Wood Blue-Leg Mushroom Clitocybe Nuda and
Blue-Milk Mushroom Lactarius Indigo Ecology and Biological
Elkhateeb WA* and Daba GM
Chemistry of Natural and Microbial Products Department, Pharmaceutical Industries
Researches Division, National Research Centre, Egypt
*Corresponding author: Waill A Elkhateeb, Chemistry of Natural and Microbial Products
Department, Pharmaceutical Industries Researches Division, National Research Centre, El
Buhouth St., Dokki, 12311, Giza, Egypt, Email:
Review Article
Volume 5 Issue 3
Received Date: August 09, 2021
Published Date: September 06, 2021
DOI: 10.23880/oajpr-16000249
The need to improve the life quality together with the increase in the frequency of treating diseases attracted the attention
of many researches to view food as a source of nutritional and therapeutical agents. Since earliest times, several mushrooms
have been reported as a nutritious food with valuable medicinal properties. The genus Clitocybe and Lactarius belonging to
Basidiomycota fungi, is a potential group of edible mushrooms that are distributed in Europe, North America, Asia, Australia
and Mexico. The studies on Clitocybe nuda and Lactarius indigo species have revealed high nutritional and medicinal potentials.
This review aims to present Clitocybe and Lactarius genus importance as both food and medicine, and which will offer a new
vision to researchers to develop new drugs from natural sources.
Keywords: Medicinal Mushrooms; Clitocybe nuda; Lactarius Indigo; Biological Activities
Mushrooms (Phylum Basidiomycota and Ascomycota)
naturally produce numerous substances with
bioactive properties such as antitumoral, antidiabetic,
immunomodulatory, antioxidant, trypanocide,
[1-10]. The research on new substances have biological
activities especially as antimicrobial is highly necessary,
due to the emergence of resistant bacterial strains and
new opportunistic species. Mushrooms produce a variety
of bioactive compounds that are known to have a potential
source of biological activities. Natural antioxidants can
protect against free radicals without any side effects. For
millennia, mushrooms have been valued by humankind as an
edible and medical resource. The Basidiomycetes mushrooms
are famous for their use as sources of therapeutic bioactive
compounds, such as Geastrum fimbriatum and Hydnellum
peckii which exhibit promising anticoagulant activity.
Handkea utriformis, Hericium erinaceus, Sparassis crispa,
Agaricus blazei and Ganoderma oregonense have wound-
healing capabilities, Trametes versicolor and Dictyophora
indusiata show promising antioxidant, antimicrobial,
antihyperlipidemia, antitumor and immunity enhancement
effects, Fomes fomentarius and Polyporus squamosus have
Many mushroom genera are famous for their promising
therapeutic capabilities and one of the mushrooms attracting
attention is Ganoderma lucidum (Reishi), Lentinus edodes
Open Access Journal of Pharmaceutical Research
Elkhateeb WA and Daba GM. Analytical Method Development and Validation of Tramadol
Hydrochloride by Pharmaceutical Dosage Form by Ultraviolet Spectroscopy. Pharm Res 2021, 5(3):
Copyright© Elkhateeb WA and Daba GM.
(Shiitake), Inonotus obliquus (Chaga) and many others have
been collected and used for hundreds of years in Korea, China,
Japan, and eastern Russia. Those practices still form the basis
All these vital activities have been reported from extracts of
fruit bodies of these mushrooms or their biologically active
isolated compounds [18-28]. Polysaccharides are the best
known and most potent mushroom derived substances with
antitumor and immunomodulating properties. Biologically
active polysaccharides are widespread among higher
Basidiomycetes mushrooms, and most of them have unique
structures in different species. Moreover, different strains
of one Basidiomycetes or Ascomycetes species can produce
polysaccharides with different properties [29-39]. This
review describes pharmacologically active compounds from
Clitocybe Nuda
Clitocybe nuda also known as Lepista nuda, and
sometimes given the common name “blewit or blue-Leg
mushroom. Clitocybe nuda belonging to; Basidiomycota;
Class: Agaricomycetes; Order: Agaricales; Family
Tricholomataceae. Clitocybe nuda is fairly easily recognized
when fresh and young, but older specimens can be confused
with many potential look-alikes. Gorgeous shades of lilac
and lavender on the cap, gills, and stem fade quickly; the cap
becomes brownish, and the gills and stem fade to buff. But
this color transformation is one of the mushroom›s unique
features, along with its pale pinkish spore print, its lack of
a partial veil, and its tendency to grow in plenty on organic
remains. Clitocybe nuda may look innocent enough, from a
human perspective, Clitocybe nuda sends out tiny hyphae
that penetrate bacteria colonies and kill them, sucking up
their nutrients.
Clitocybe nuda ecology: Saprobic; growing alone,
scattered, or in clusters in organic debris in woods or in
urban locations; late summer and fall; widely distributed
in North America. Cap: 4-20 cm; convex with an enrolled
or with an uplifted, wavy margin in age; surface smooth,
the center; usually dull purple, or purplish with brown
lighter. Gills: Attached to the stem sometimes by a notch or
beginning to run down it; close or crowded; pale lavender
to lilac, fading to buff, pinkish buff, or brownish. Stem: 3-10
cm long; 1-3 cm thick at apex; equal, or enlarged at the base;
or colored like the gills; becoming brownish in age; base
often covered with lilac to buff mycelium. Flesh: Thick; soft;
purplish to lilac-buff or whitish. Odor and Taste: Taste not
distinctive, pleasant, or slightly bitter; odor fragrant. Spore
Print: Pinkish. Microscopic Details: Spores 5.5-8 x 3.5-5
µ; ellipsoid; roughened or sometimes smooth; in amyloid.
Cystidia absent Pileipellis a cutis of hyphae 1-4 µ wide. Clamp
connections present (Figures 1, 2) [40-43].
Figure 1: Clitocybe nuda, (Photo was taken by: Damon
Tighe. Locality: United States, California, Knowland Park,
Oakland (Cited in:
Figure 2: Clitocybe nuda, (Photo was taken by Evan Casey.
Locality: United States, California, San Bernardino, Yucaipa
(Cited in:
Clitocybe nuda biological activities
Clitocybe nuda (Fr.) (Lepista nuda, commonly known
as wood blewit or blue stalk mushroom) is an edible
woodland mushroom found in Europe, North America, Asia,
and Australia [44]. Due to its special cologne and delicate
texture, it has been cultivated in France, Holland, Britain, and
Taiwan. Several bioactive extracts from Clitocybe nuda have
been found to exhibit antioxidant and antimicrobial
properties [45]. Furthermore to its edible properties, many
researchers have conducted biological activity studies on
Clitocybe nuda. Many studies have shown that Clitocybe
nuda mushroom has, antimicrobial, cytotoxic, enzymatic,
antiviral and antiproliferative activities [46]. As a result,
Clitocybe nuda, which is an edible mushroom, has important
medicinal properties in addition to its nutritional properties
[47]. Clitocybe nuda is reported to exhibit many biological
Open Access Journal of Pharmaceutical Research
Elkhateeb WA and Daba GM. Analytical Method Development and Validation of Tramadol
Hydrochloride by Pharmaceutical Dosage Form by Ultraviolet Spectroscopy. Pharm Res 2021, 5(3):
Copyright© Elkhateeb WA and Daba GM.
activities. Clitocybe nuda extract was studied its action on
HL60 (leukemia) and MCF7 (breast cancer) cancer cell lines
with drugs protocatechuic acid, paclitaxel and doxorubicin
against HL-60 cell line with regard to both proliferation and
apoptotic effects (>%75).
Clitocybe nuda was extracted, with 95% ethanol and
the extract showed good antibacterial activity against four
pathogenic foodborne bacteria: Listeria monocytogenes,
Salmonella typhimurium, Escherichia coli and Staphylococcus
aureus [49,50]. Secondary metabolites of Clitocybe nuda
displayed antimicrobial activity against Phytophthora capsici.
Clitocybe nuda was extracted with
ethanol and chromatographically separated on a Sephadex
LH-20 column and fractionated on a silica gel column to give
eight fractions. These fractions were tested for the ability to
inhibit zoospore germination of Phytophthora capsici. The
chromatography to yield three compounds: 2-methoxy-
5-methyl-6-methoxymethyl-p-benzoquinone, 6-hydroxy-
2H-pyran-3-carbaldehyde, and indole-3-carbaldehyde.
At a concentration of 500 mg/L, indole-3-carbaldehyde
showed complete inhibition of zoospore germination, while
and 6-hydroxy-2H-pyran-3-carbaldehyde, showed inhibition
rates of 97 and 86%, respectively.
Clitocybe nuda was studied by
Chen and Huang, and reported that Clitocybe nuda culture
of Colletotrichum higginsianum
Clitocybe nuda contained substances that had the capacity
to completely inhibit spore germination of Alternaria
brassicicola. Clitocybe nuda
suppression of spore germination of Phytophthora capsici
and moderately inhibited spore germination of Fusarium
oxysporum Clitocybe nuda and
Coprinus comatus effectively reduced the disease severity
of Phytophthora blight of pepper caused by Phytophthora
capsici. All these results suggest that substances from
edible mushrooms have the potential to be developed into
biocontrol agents for the control of plant diseases [51].
Lactarius indigo
Lactarius indigo belonging to; Basidiomycota; Class:
Agaricomycetes; Order: Russulales; Family Russulaceae.
Lactarius indigo it is a truly beautiful, blue species that
exudes dark blue milk when damaged with a knife point.
Only Lactarius indigo, Lactarius chelidonium and Lactarius
paradoxus come close in appearance and they only do so when
very young, before they have begun to develop their brown
and yellow shades (they also have yellowish and brown milk,
respectively). Lactarius indigo description; small cap (3-5
cm across), flesh that turns green within a few minutes of
exposure, and a pure white spore print. Lactarius indigo was
found in many diverse ecosystems from oak-hickory forests
to ponderosa pine zones in the southwestern United States to
cloud forests in Mexico. Ecology: Mycorrhizal with oaks and
with pines; growing alone, scattered, or grouped; summer
and fall; fairly widely distributed in North America from
the northeast to the southwestern United States, Texas, and
when fresh; grayish or silvery blue when faded; sometimes
developing brownish areas when old; with concentric zones
of color, or sometimes evenly colored; sticky or slimy when
fresh; bruising and discoloring deep green, especially with
age. Gills: Attached to the stem or beginning to run down
it; close; colored like the cap or a little paler; becoming
nearly yellowish at maturity; staining green. Stem: 2-8 cm
long; 1-2.5 cm thick; equal or tapering to base; sometimes a
usually with potholes on the surface. Flesh: Whitish, turning
indigo blue when cut; staining slowly greenish. Milk: Deep
indigo blue; becoming dark green on exposure. Odor and
Taste: Odor not distinctive; taste mild to (sometimes) slowly,
slightly acrid. Spore Print: Cream. Microscopic Features:
Spores 7-10 x 5.5-7.5 µ; broadly ellipsoid to subglobose;
ornamentation about 0.5 µ high, as amyloid warts and
connecting lines that sometimes form partial reticula.
Pleuromacrocystidia cylindric-ventricose; inconspicuous;
to about 60 x 8 µ. Cheilocystidia inconspicuous; clavate to
subcylindric; to about 30 x 6 µ. Pileipellis an ixocutis (Figures
3, 4) [54, 55].
Figure 3: Lactarius indigo, (Photo was taken by: Patricia R.
Miller. Locality: USA, Mississippi, Grenada, Grenada Dam,
(Cited in:
Open Access Journal of Pharmaceutical Research
Elkhateeb WA and Daba GM. Analytical Method Development and Validation of Tramadol
Hydrochloride by Pharmaceutical Dosage Form by Ultraviolet Spectroscopy. Pharm Res 2021, 5(3):
Copyright© Elkhateeb WA and Daba GM.
Figure 4: Lactarius indigo, (Photo was taken by Patricia
R. Miller. Locality: USA, Mississippi, Lafayette, Oxford,
Washington Ave. (Cited in:
Lactarius indigo biological activities
The major role of Lactarius indigo in the world is in
cooking. It is known for its fascinating color and the cultural
significance it has in countries such as Mexico [56]. However,
research has indicated the mushroom has antibacterial
and cytotoxic properties [57]. Bioassays and cytotoxic
assays were created to compare the inhibition of strains
with only hexane and methanol versus with the Lactarius
indigo. When tested against different bacteria, such as
diarrheagenic Escherichia coli strains, the Lactarius indigo
inhibited proliferation of certain pathogenic bacteria, the
inhibitory effect depended on the bacteria it was tested
against and the dosage of Lactarius indigo. Overall, the study
indicated possible medicinal properties in L. indigo [57]. Both
aqueous and organic extracts of Lactarius indigo basidiocarp
have pharmacological activity, Ochoa-Zarzosa, et al., show
that the basidiocarp of the edible Lactarius indigo is a source
of pharmacological substances having varied therapeutic
applications, which makes it necessary to perform further
studies in that regard by isolating and characterizing the
molecules responsible for the observed activities [58].
Basidiomycetous mushrooms represented by Clitocybe
nuda and Lactarius indigo have a rich history of use as a food
source and well-claimed medicinal properties. This review
summarises a number of sources with details of nutritional
to antitumor, health-promoting nutrients and others). Despite
these advances, there is much we have yet to understand and
these hypogeal fruiting Basidiomycetes prove to be a fruitful
source of novel medicinal compounds.
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Open Access Journal of Pharmaceutical Research
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Hydrochloride by Pharmaceutical Dosage Form by Ultraviolet Spectroscopy. Pharm Res 2021, 5(3):
Copyright© Elkhateeb WA and Daba GM.
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